VALLEY RECORD. The winter in !h<- .•-c ?. [•rc.nii^os to be long and severe this season. The recent storm wits general throughout the mountains, a id was the heaviest The People’s Paper. known for years, considering the early season. Washington news says that among AgHLAND, Or...... Thursday, Oct. 1, 1896. the cadets appointed to the United States military academy is Ray G. Kerr of l’ueblo, Col., with Lawrence 8. The estimated coat of mining an ounce Hyde of Pueblo as alternate. of gold at Cripple Creek ia 50 eta. And- A Brussels dispatch in the London yet we bear no cry about the gold min Chronicle says that the authorities of ing barons. They are not robbing the Rotterdam have received anonymous people and government, as it is claimed letters threatening to blow up all public the silver miners are. buildings there unless the Irish prison ers, Kearney and Haines, arc liberated. The generous manner in which for News comes of a serious engagement eign banks are coming to the aid of the in Havana province on a large estate gold reserve must be exceedingly grati near Calabazar. The insurgents loss is estimated one hundred killed and fying to the McGroveiites. It will not wounded. In the retreat they aban only assist in tiding things over until doned their dead. The Government after election, but will be so bandy to losses were twenty-nine volunteers buy bonds with after a while. killed and three wounded, and two cavalrymen killed and two wounded. One Lionel R. Webster is making speeches in the Willamette valley for the The Illinois conference of the Metho dist Episcopal Church voted on the republicans. He bolds that the com constitutional question of the eligibility ments of the Chicago platform on the of the election of women to the annual supreme court for its income tax and conference. The vote stood 202 to 10 government by injunction decisions in favor of the women. are revolutionary. We fear this particu- The w orst storm for ten years occurred lar speaker has a general grievance in Grand Junction, Colorado, a few against comments on courts and judges. days ago. The rain fell forty hours incessently. Bridges were carried away and the main irrigating canal which A writer laments the decline of legis supplies the farmers with water, is lative todies the world over. The de almost destroyed. Thousands of dollars cline is in munneis, literals and state s- worth of repairs will be necessary. It inansliip, bo true is this cf our state is owned by the farmers. The loss will legislatures that ho declares few mea be serious. sures passed by them < riginate among Two ironclads and two cruisiers have On Septemlrer 23d, the reign of Queen been ordered to join the French squa the members themselves. They are sim ply the tools er servants whose vote Victoria of England exceeded that of dron in Levant(Turkey). passes the laws concocted by individu her grandfather, George III., and she , It is understood in St. Petersburg, als on the outside, sometimes in the has, therefore, ruled longer than any Russia, that the United States Capi public interest, but too often in their other British monarch. George III talists are negotiating with the Russian ruled fifty-nine years, three months and own interest and to the detriment of two days. Her Majesty had been on Government for the establishment of a tho public. Well, if this is true the the throne fifty-nine years, three rapid steamship line between San remedy is easy enough. Legislative months and three days on the 23d. All Francisco and Vladivostock. Every department of the Pueblo steel bodies reflect exactly the morality, the puplic doings have been deferred, how manners and the brain power, of the ever, until next July, when the Queen plant of the Colorado Fuel and Iron people who elect them. There are plenty will have actually completed a reign of Company is now in full operation, with a force of 2000 men. of honest men and brainy men even in sixty years. Quite a sensation has been caused in The delegation sent to Mexico by the these times. If the people wanted them us legislators, all the people w ould have railroad circles in Chicago by the with United Labor societies to study the to do would be to elect them. But vot drawal of the Atchison, Topeka and wage question and the cost of living Santa Fe, and the Chicago, Rock Island have arrived in the city of Mexico. ers apparently do not want legislators and Pacific companies from tne Eastern The American, British and French who are better than they themselves Freight Association. The letters of Ministers have arrived in Guayaquil, are. notification to Chairman Midgley are Ecuador, to be present at the meeting very firm and uncompromising, and in Russia’s hypnotic political policy is dicate a very unsatisfactory state of of the national convention, which will seen in Persia no less than in Turkey affairs among the thirty-four lines com assemble early next month. The insurgent leader Ramirez, has and China. In the year 1890 Persia was prising the association. The two lines about to enter on the construction of a mentioned are tired of double dealing, surrendered with his armed followers to the authorities at Matanzas, Cuba. system of railroads. The shah favored and say agreements are all broken. Newfoundland is organizing to cele it. But Russia found it out. Railroads The companies now propose to reduce brate the fourth centenary of Cabot’s through Persia meant a quickening of rates to suit their own convenience. discovery of the island, which occurs Telegraph news from Guayaquil, trade that would help poor, weak Per next year. sia financially and might injure big, Ecuador, says that a fresh invasion The Pawnee Bank of Pawnee, Ill, rich Russia scinewhat, at least until from the Peruvian border bas been re bas assigned. Assets,' $75,000; liabil certain railways cf her own were fin pulsed with heavy loss. The invading ities, $35,000. forces consisted one hundred rebels, of ished. So Russia put the screws to the whom twenty-seven were killed and There has been a serious bank fail shah and forced him to promise that no seventeen made prisoners. All the ure in Minnessota. J. E. and C. H. railroad» should be built in Persia be arms, ammunition and stores of the Brown, proprietors of the Mapleton fore the year 1900, and the agreement rebels were captured. All the political Bank, have made an assignment in stands. prisoners in jail at Guayaquil have been favor of W. H. Whitney, Of Mapleton. released by order of General Alfaro, Their assets amount to $141,000 and liabilities to $100,000, The cause of the As desolate as any portion of this commanding the loyal forces. failure is given out as being the advanc continent are the islands along the New’ The Tyranny of the Desk. ing of large sums to erect a new block England const, spots like Block island We will suppose that your occnpation is and the isles of Shoals. Yet when the sedentary—that you are chained, so to In Mapleton. speak, to the desk in some counting house, A Rome dispatch says that the Pope white men camo to the country all these or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill coast islands were thickly covered with where you are compelled to labor from has granted an audience to Mgr. Chi- morning till night. Sunday is your only contini on electoral and educational woods. Trees and vegetation grew day of relaxation. You return home questions in Canada. abundantly and tho soil was sufficient every evening wearied mentally and A severe earthquake shock was felt to maintain them. Now the islands are bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most effectually recuper in Honolulu, II. I., a few days ago. It mere barren rock and shifting sands. ate your vital energy ? The weight of evi was much heavier on the Island of There is not vegetation enough on some dence points to no other conclusion than Hawaii, in the neighborhood of the Kil that Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is your of them to pasture a sheep. The only safest, most reliable sheet anchor. Use it auea volcano. At the town of Hilo a place where anything will grow at most persisently, and your system will soon re crack several inches wide and a half a places on their surface is where the soil gain its pristine vigor. Every function mile in length was made in the earth, will receive a healtbfnl impulse. There is has been made artificially. The story is I no remedy to equal the Bitters for nervous running to the beach. the old one of Iran’s greed and destruc ness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, con At a banquet given by the Liverpool and biliousness, ’it averts and tion. The beautiful trees were all ent stipation remedies all forms of malarial disease, and Chamber of Commerce in connection down. The winds then had full sweep is a preventive of rheumaiism and neural with the annual meeting of the British Association for the advancement oi ________________ over the ground and covered it with the gia- Science, in Liverpool, United States sands of the sea and swept the soil oil A new tarriff has been presented to Ambassador Bayard was the guest of the rocks. A thousand years of tree the Chamber of Deputies in Chile. the evening. Mr. Bayard is in favor oi planting and soiimakiug could now Under this plan an increase of tweilth national arbitration, as is also Baron scarcely bring buck tho islands to the per cent is levied on articles made in Russel of Killowen, Lord Chief Justice fruitful condition of two centuries ago. Peru similar to those made in Chile. of England. It reduces the tarriff on twenty The failure of Burpee, Ramsay & Co., When a country is new and thinly in articles of raw materiel used in native shoe manufacturers at Lynn, Mass., industries, and exempts from duty all habited, the ncniiKreuse cf its popula has been announced. tion is a discouraging sign. But when products except gold and silver bullion. Andrew J. Poppleton, first general News is received of serious earth a country has people (rough already," solicitor of the Union Pacific Railway, like the most thickly populated portions quake disturbences and floods through died at Omaha a few days ago. of the earth, a stationary number cf in out the notheru provinces of Japan, in volving the destruction of 1,000 houses, The governors of the Bank of England habitants is not at all to be lamented. the loss of several hundred lives and have advanced the minimum rate of Indeed, on the whole, considering the much distress among the survivors. discount J to 3 per cent. This is an ad present financial depression throughout The Government has inaugerated a vance !?f 1 per cent in less than a most portions cf tho civilized world, systematic plan of relief. month. Good authorities in the ex France is rather to be congratulated on change believe that this advance will The twenty-second anual convention the fact that her population increases of the Banker’s Association was held only exert a temporary restraining in very slowly. It is not more men and this year in St. Louis, Mo. The asso fluence on the outflow of gold to the women the world wants at tho entrance ciation’s members includes all the United States and the Continent. io the twentieth century so much as prominent financiers of the country. A serious epidenjic has broken out in better men and women. Bombay, India, eight hundred yiptims The assets of tho Philadelphia and ! Readland Coal and lion Company, having perished already. The plague A Pernicious System. have been sold to J. Pierpont Morgan is identical with the one that ravaged Hongkong, China, last year. After feeling the public pulse the of New York for $4,500,000. speculators and banking syndicates de A Word or Two A dispatch received in London from cide that it will be unwise to urge the to ihose suffering from catarrh or the thou Shanghai, China, savs it is believed sands subject to severe attacks of cold in issue of auother $100,000,000 of gov that the dispatch of a Russian squadron the head, will not be amiss if a sure remedy ernment bonds. So they have resorted to can be offered. Ely’s Cream Balm bas be two expedients—first, to loan tho gov to Shanghai will be the first result of come a favorite in all sections of the an agreement between Li Hung Chang, ernment $20,000,000 of gold; second, United States, because of its effectiveness to form a pool of $25,000,000 to prevent the Chinese Prime Minister, and Russia, Your cold in the head will be quickly re lieved by it, and the severest attack of the further export of gold by selling ex which is viewed with ths greatest catarrh will yield to, and be perfectly cured anxiety and anspielu:; jjj Japan. change “short” That is to say, they by a thorough treatment. Catarrh is not Columbus O., lias been chosen as the a blood disease, but an inflammation of the will secure sufficient credit in Europe to carry bills of exchange issued on this place of meeting of the next national passages of the nose and throat, due to «ide of the Atlantic until sufficient of convention of German Catholic soci climatic phjnges,____________ Hot and cold baths at SJqrey’s barber the new cotton crop has been exported eties. shop. Opposite town ball. to turn the tide of gold in oqr favor. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire A project is on foot in London for a What a humiliating spectacle! To men at Galveston, Tex., selected To maintain the national credit ou a false ronto for the next biennial convention. grand demonstration of patriotism to take place on October 21st, that day basis it has be he bolstered up by p- tty, The Queen Regent of Spain has deco being the anniversery of tho battle of speculative expedients. Under a ration al bimetallic monetary system such rated the Marchioness de Apeztegui, an Trafalgar, »ben Nelson defeated the financial juggling would bo unneces American, with the Order of the Noble combined fleets of France and Spain. There is some opposition on the part sary. But as Henri Ceruusciii remarked Ladies of Maria Luisa. HO years ago, “Pernicious in Europe, The report of the Venezuelan com of the British Admirality, ostensibly pernicious in America, pernicious in mission appointed last January to in becanse it might wound the feelings of Asia, the monometallic scheme has pro vestigate the British-Venezuelan the neighboring friendly nation France. duced and can produce nothing but dis boundary line dispute will probably be Jaiugs J. Corbett surrendered him aster. ”—Cor. New York Journal. made to the president shortly before self at the district attorney’s office in the December session of congreas. It New York a few (jays ago upon an in Another Scare Exploded. was expected that the report would be dictment found by the grand jury Wo are told that the free coinage of ready by November 1st, but complica charging him with misdemeanor in ar «liver would soon flood this country tions in connection with the work in ranging a prize fight with Robert Fitz with the silver of tho whole world, and Holland have caused the delav. simmons, who has also been indicted some people suggest that a tariff should and is out on bail. General llngor, who is at present be placed on silver to avoid this. He Latest advices say that General Wey- second in command of thy army at who suggests that little understands the Washington, wiil soon go on the retired ler, commander of the Spanish forces (question. hst because of his age. The vacancy in Cuba, will be relieved of his com Money is but a tool. No man can af ford to go into business unless he be will result in promotions all along tbe mand, and that he jyill be succeeded by lieves that what he produces will bring liqe, including the appointment of a his predecessor, General Martinez, who money in the end and pay for what he major-general aud a brigadier-general. was practically removed in disgrace be produces. What is to be done with this There are six brigadier-generals eligible cause of his humane treatment of rebels. foreign silver if it is coined? Will it be for advancement. . The reign of terror in Constantinople sent abroad again? If so, why bring it Job printing at Record Office. still coptinqes, and the tension of pub here at all? Did that ever suggest itself to you? If it comes here, the people Beware of Ointments for Catarrh ihat lic apprehension luis become intolerable. The depature of Europeans is taxing Contain Mercury, who bring it will do so with the belief that they can invest it in onr mines and as mercury will surely destroy the sense the facilities of steamships and rail smell and completely derange tbe whole ways and business is completely at a manufactories, and it will go to the la of system when entering it through the standstill. boring people as a tool of trade. It will mucous surfaces. Such articles should be a boon to the men who for the last never be used except on prescriptions from As a result of the gales on the French few years have tramped for work and reputable physicians, as the damage they coast the steamer Magdalena foundered will do is ten fold to the good you can begged for bread.—R. P, Bland. possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh and the crew were drowned. The Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Breton cQastnieu have suffered severely Tbe "Record” is prepared to do all kinds Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is as a result of the gales. • Four yachts taken internally, acting directly upon the of printing—satisfaction assured. blood and mucous surfaces of ¿he system. were driven from their moorings at In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you Mortret and have disappeared. get the genuine. It is taken internaltv, CA.8TOFLIA.. A Baby's Lifo Saved. and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cbenej- A* in Ji Co.. Testimonials free. “My baby had croup and was saved by timili . gyBold by Druggists, price 75c. par ^hilon’a Cqre,” writ»» Mrs. J. B. Mwtln, of WML HanwvUt», Ai» T.K, BWttm. . It General Buckner, the National Demo- catic Candidate for Vice-l’rc.-ident, is inclined to think that the State of Ken tucky will go againt Bryan. When , Been in New York lie was reluctant to ; talk about political affairs, and says ; that he is entirely in tlie hands of the National committee. At Brooklyn, N. Y., the National Democracy met and named a ticket foi state officers and electors for Palieer and Buckner. Daniel D. Griffin o? Watertown was nominated for Gov ernor and Frederick Hinrichs of Kings for Lieutenant-Governor. Utah had three state conventions it one day. The Democratic conventiox met at Provo to name a candidate for representative in congress and three presidential electors. The Republican convention at Mt. Pleasant named three McKinley electors, and the Indepen dent Republican convention at Salt Lake City named a candidate for rep resentative to congress. The gold standard Democrats of Washington held their state convention in Seattle recently for the purpose of nominating presidential electors and choosing a state committee. They call themselves the Democratic party, leav ing out the word “national,” as the silver Democrats had fused under the name of People’s party. Tae Populist state committee meeting at St. Ixuiis has adopted the report of th s t! -committee to arrange the fusion of four Populist and thirteen Demo cratic electors, with one elector-at- large for each party. This gives the Populists four electors, and is the origi nal proposition of the Democrats. NOW IS THE TIME To buy Summer Underwear, Straw Hats, Etc, The prices are cut to close them out............... Mens’ silk-finished Balbriggan Underwear reduced from $1.25 to 75c. per garment. Mens’ Summer Balbriggan from.......... 50c to 35 c. “ “ " ...... :-.25c ' 25 c. and Boys’ Straw Hats cut 1-2 to close out. shoes, solid leather, at $1.50. Boys’ Cvrle Congress 1.25. Mens' Corderoy pants, heavy only 2.25. Straw Hats for Boys...................... .05. YOTT2EÒS John McClunie. s n J. F. Dodge, -YCAb/T SEE THEJ5HQVY.. FOR WOMEN. WHY HE CHANGED. Revolution in the Treatment of All George Fred Williams Tells an Audienoe Female Diseases. The eminent and successful electro magnetic physician. Dr. Darrin, has discovered and perfected a system of treat ment that has caused a revolution in the treatment of female diseases. Wherever this treatment is tested and known it has done away with all dosing with nauseous drugs and surgical operations whereby so many precious lives have been lost. As a discovery it ranks with Harvey’s discovery of the circulation of the blood. It has proven in more than a thousand cases of the worst kind to be a positive cure for the following female diseases : Ovarian tumors, polypus, ulceration and dropsy of the womb, inflammation, con gestion, and falling of the womb, leucor- rboea, painful and suppressed menstru ation, flooding, frequent urination, bear ing down pains, backache, headache, hacking cough, melancholy, absence of ambition or desire to live, or in fact, any complaint having its origin in a dis ordered state of the generative and ac companying organs, whether from con tagious diseases, heredity, accident, tight lacing, miscarriage or other causes ! His method of treatment is harmless, pleasant and mild. It is applied directly to the womb without the use of instru ments ; can be applied by the patients themselves, thus securing correct local treatment at home, and its application is easy and simple. Its curative action on the inflamed, congested and ulcerated parts is immediate. Dr. Darrin refrains from making public the names of hundred of ladies who have been restored to health, with due reverence to the delicacy of their afflictions. Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at Hotel Nash, Medford Sept. 19th to Oct. 3rd and at Ashland Oct. 4th to 17th at Hotel Oregon, Hours, 10 a-m. to 5 p. m., and 7 to 8 in tbe evening. Larson will have a Babie’s day. Bring your baby on October 1st and 2nd and get a photo free. The 'tifficers of the U.nltod’Statea bat» tie ship Indiana have .boon,-presented with a silver service and library, the gfft of the citizens of Indiana. The quarantine officers of the United States, especially those on the South I Atlantic coast, have betpi instructed to be indrUrigid than ever in’their inspec i tion of vessels coming to this country from Cuban ports, owing to the num ber of filibusters said to be homeward bound. This course Is necessary, owing to the danger of the introduction of yellow fever into this country. The transcontinental roads are very much stirred up over the discovery that since the resumption of business on its Sunset route the Southern Pacific has been paying $15 commission on every passenger from New York to Ban Fran cisco ticketed over the Sunset route. Trouble will likely result before the matter is settled. John Bardsley, former city treasurer of Philadelphia, has been pardoned. In his accounts as city treasurer there was a shortage of $553,835.38, exclusive of $925,000 which he deposited with the defunct Keystone National Bank. He was sentenced to fifteen years, but only served five and a few months. His re lease was recommended by the state board of pardons on account of his ill health and that he could not now live long in prison. A fire occurred ip Travers City, Michi gan, on Sept. 20th, Which caused the Joss of about $50,000 to the Oval Wood Dish Co., whose factory is the largest of the kind in the world. The whole plant was covered by $50,000 insurance, a large portion of winch was in part destroyed. Two hundred hands are thrown out of employment tempo rarily. The subject of coast defense is receiv ing a great deal of attention from the scientific departments of the army in Washington. Large contracts, involv ing the expenditure of five or six mil lion dollars, are soon to be awarded for the furnishing of gim forgings, manu facture of a number of rifles under pri» vate contract and the purchase of material with which to begin the prep aration of various sites for batteries determined upon. The allotment of $12,000,000 appropriated by the last congress has been made with a view of protecting larger and more exposed cities from sea attack. The steamer Oriziba, arriving at New York from Havana, brought $300,000 in gold. The total engagements for New York, including arrivals, aggregate $29,885,000. The London Times expresses the be lief that Russia and Japan have agreed to a joint protectorate in Corea, Russia virtually taking the position there that China held before the war. The Times regards this arrangement as a great diplomatic victory for Russia, as she thereby gains a virtual ascendency in Corean affairs, leaving Japan only a nominal share in the control. The failure has been announced of ’ the big wholesale dry goods firm of Wolf & Brothers. The firm was com posed of Isaac and Joseph Wolf, and was the only exclusively wholesale dry goods house in Arkansas. The attach ments amount to about $200,000. The assets are estimated at about half a million dollars. “Record” Office for artistic printing. Timber Land For Sale. Why He Became a Silver Man. TRULY, The price of Manitoba flour has ad vanced 50 per cent a barrel in the last two days, in sympathy with the ad vance of Chicago wheat, and higher prices are being paid for wheat in the Manitoba country markets. Manitoba wheat has advanced 8 to 10 cents since the season opened. The farmers now get 52 to 54 cents for No. 1 hard wheat at country points. , .... Dealer in Furniture The whole world is coming to recog nize that its rescue. depends upon the courage of the American people in this emergency. I think we have it. I think there are -men in this audience who do A nice line of Floor Matting just in—prices low. not agree with our side of this question Trunks and canvas-covered Telescopes; Mirrors, who will have at least as much self re Window Shades, Lamberquin poles and trimmings, spect as I had when I saw that I was Child!” Save wrong and acknowledged my error. Screens, Picture Frames, bedding, Etc., Etc. the cry of I was brought face to face with this White, New Home and Magestic Sewing Machines. many an1 question in a most extraordinary way. Best machine oil, needles and repairs for all kinds I was appointed, when elected to con agonized of Sewing Machines. gress, a member of the committee on mother coinage, weights and measures. I had whose not given much study to the question BftBY QfiERIftGES at less than city prices. before that time, and I immediately little one took up the study of it, not with an writhes in croup or whoop open mind, but as a lawyer would ing cough. In such cases, study it. It was my business on that committee Dr. Acker’s English Rem to represent hostility to the free coinage edy proves a blessing and of silver, and I trained myself to study a godsend. Mrs. M. the arguments of the other side only for the purpose of answering them, not for Burke, of 309 E. 105th St., the purpose of learning anything myself. York, writes: “ Dr. New I went on in that way, trained on one side, as all of you have been, seeing Acker’s English Remedy nothing in the whole press of New cured my baby of bronchi England that coukl come to our eyes tis, and also gave instant except upon one side of the question, — HAVE MOVED TO — until the structure of our national cred relief in a severe case of it and our private business began to tot croup.” ter and topple, until I saw a syndicate 3 sizes, 25c.; 50c.; $1. AU Drurrtsts. A cker M xdicisx C o ., 1S-18 Chambers St., N.T of bankers go to the treasurer of the .., WITH THEIR • • • • United States and with the threat of panic force him to sell $75,000,000 Worth of bonds for $65,000,000, to THEY SELL THEMSELVES I AND DRESS MAKING PARLORS. * wrest out of the hard working people of this country $10,000,000 in a single lyeek because these bankers had their O iS A shland •Ladies are fast finding out that hands on the treasury of the United 0^0 ** at Clint’s a Fall Hat or Bonnet may States. I began to suspect that something was e e e be high grade and still be modest priced. wrong with such a system. And it went on, gold leaving the country by tens of millions every year, bonds being sold, and the debt of our people accumulating every six months until it reached the enormous amount of $262,000,000, money being thereby locked up in the treasury and taken out of circulation. I saw business going down hill. I saw, as I am seeing now in the city of Boston, businem<tuen coming to tne in alarm because their banks are contract OPPOSITE CITY HALL. ASHLAND, OREGON. ing their credit. I see now, as I saW»ix CELLULOID LAPEL BUTTONS of the above em ■months ago, all the indications of finan blem, in rich colora, (with etars In <ilt), will be août postagei paid upon receipt of the fol lowing price« i cial disaster, and I put to myself only' a SMALL SIZE—30c. per do«.: 82.50 per hundred: 824.00 thousand. 1)4 in. BUTTONS—75e. per do«1 *5 50 Mrs. W. P. Parsons, Proprietress. few weeks earlier than you may put it I per per hundred; 850 per thousand. IX In BUTTONS— per do«.; $7.50 per hundred; 870.00 per thousand. to yourselves tfcte question, Do you want $1.25 Order iheaebuttonsatonce and distribute them for such a system to continue, or will you the good of the cause. Every word ia a text; the whole «sermon—eloquent and powerful. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc., always on Hand. honestly investigate the merits of a sys Agents Wanted Everywhere. tem that will give us money enough to Samples of two sizes of Buttons, 15 cents, transact the business of the country and THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC’N, not leave it at the mercy of foreign 63 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. bankers? And I have answered that question to my satisfaction, and all I ask of any man is that he keep his mind open to “FT study the question fairly, without preju dice, and cast his ballot as his intelli gence and his conscience dictate.— Speech of Hon. George Fred Williams. If you want one write and everything pretaining to the Furniture Trade! “ OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. A. MOVED___ MISS JESSE CLINT & CO. N0RTH SIDE 0F PLAZA >❖4 J« MILLINERY EMPORIUM RESTAURANTHBAKERY, BLUE FRONT BUILDING. V-MEALS HOURS^ AT - AL»L» ••• LUNCHES PUT UP TO ORDER. ItYfLES If your children are subject to croup watch for the first symptom of the dis ease—hoarseness. If Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse it will prevent the attack. Even after the croupy cough has appeared the attack can always be prevented by giving this remedy. It is also invaluable for colds and whooping cough. For sale by Ashland Drug Co. Sixteen to One. to me for catalog and prices. I know you will be pleased with both. > > > > > Oregon Industrial Exposition Portland, Oregon, Sept. 19th to Oct. I7fh, 1896. E D. GORDON The Gieat Resorces of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST—Agriculture, Horticulture Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Machinery, Transportation, Trade Marysville, Cat and Commerce will be Represented more Completely Catalogue of Guns, Rifles, Fishing than ever before. A gold dollar contains 23.22 grains Tackle and ^porting Goods Free. and a silver dollar 371.25 grains, which S | B 1 ±uo Wv.-at formi poo- shows that a silver dollar weighs 145 j S Lxa 5 cored. SB yean times as much as a gold dollar, or there sue‘eaafu’/pra< iractice. Tr-jr-tmewt confidential. Cure« Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening. Lowest Rates Ever by mail or at Mice. Terms v. Queaiion Elank ana is 16 times as much silver in a silver Book (ret. Cal* or write. Made on all Transportation Lines, PR WAS) !*STHUTE,4 dollar as there is gold in a gold dollar. 126 >. r* > Ouig. Mo ADMISSION, - 25 CENTS. ‘ 1 | ' CHILDREN, - JO CEJfTS. This ratio or difference between the two For exhibit space, apply to coins is based on the wyrld’s average —LIST QF SECOND HAND— production of tho two metals. The mon H. C. Mas ten. Secretary, Geo. L. Raker, Superintendent, at bailding ey market, or commercial value of any coin, is as it may be fixed by law in any country or by the custom of trade be tween different countries. Special Attractions When We Had Hqnest Money. Every Night. Mining It is a Machinery Bald Headed From 1792 to 1878 all our legal tender coinage was honest—it was free coined. Every free coined dollar, silver ---- AT— or gold, was worth as much in bar as in coin. Since that time a large part of our coinage has been deliberately dis honest, coined intentionally as “gun _A_T JL E7LLLG-JLITT. money,” at the demand of the bankers, to swindle the people. How and why One 12 & 18 J^xl4xl0 Worthington Com are matters of history.*—T. E. Willson. pound Duplex steam pump. Two 30 H. P. portable lire-box boilers. Nerves On Edge. One No. 5 vertical boiler with fixtures I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. and one injector. Karl’s Clover Root Tea has made me well One No. 8 Metropolitan injector and pipe and happy, Mas. E. B. W orden . connections for same. Steam and exhaust pipes for pump. Wood wanted. Inquire at the R ecord One length pipe to nt 10 in. discharge and office. increasing to 15 in. One length pipe reducing from 15 to 11 in. One length pipe reducing from 11 to 9 in One double cylinder single drum 5x10 hoisting engine. One reducing length from 8 in. to 5 in. with one 5 in. coupling on same. One reducing length from 8 in. to 5 in. with one 5 in nipple on same. 23 ft. 12 in. suction pipe with one 12 in. elbow. 10 ft. 6 in. suction pipe. One 2% in foot valve and strainer. Makes you seem “all broken up,” with One piece heavy wire cloth for strainer. One siphon for steam gauge. out life, ambition, energy or appetite. Six 1 in. Jenkins globe valyes. It ia often the forerunner of serious ill Two Ji in. common valves. ness, or the accompaniment of nervous One 2 in. plug, drilled for siphon. troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, Two pressure gauges. 1 ’ air *' receiver. weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is 110 ft. of 1 in. pipe. 1 sight feed lubricator ft. of 2 in. pipe. 1 2 in. bushing. rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im 100 100 ft. of Ji in. pipe. 1 reducer 5 to 2% in. parts life and energy to every nerve, 30 ft. of 2% in. pipe 1 reducer 2% to 2 in 2 reducers 2 in to 1 m organ and tissue of the body. The 5 2 in. elbows. 6 reducers 1 to Ji in. 1 in. elbows. necessity of taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla 6 6 Ji 2 reducers Ji to Ji in. in. elbows. foi that tired feeling is therefore apparent One 2% in. tee. 2 2 in. unions. 2 1 in. unions. to every one, and the good it will do you 3 2 in. tees. 2 Ji m. hose bibs. ’ tees. ]fl equally beyond question. Remember 4 1 ‘ in. 1 2 in. plug. 4 % in. tees. 2 2 in. short nipples. 4 1 in. plugs. 4 Ji in, plugs. in. short 11 1 RIDDLES. 0R. Fact- Turns out the best JOB WORK at the Lowest Rates. That Tired Feeling Hood ’ s J. M. Arthur & Co., Sarsaparilla WEEIfS BROS OR LEASE MANUFACTURE. Pokegama, Cal OR SALE OR LEASE on Reasonable Terras. Call on or address ; F Address : Eight hundred acres of timber land all in Township 40, Range 4 East,Willam ette Meridian, for sale. For price and Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. further particulars address V - ■ ■ ---------------------------- GRIEVE BROS., ’ Shake Ore, » , ■ - ■ - I Hood . Pins H. S. Prendergast, Pokegama, Cal. Machinery Merchants, Mrs. L. Hessig, Be s wick, Cal. Portland, Or. I Medford, Oregon, FURNITURE Of all kinds at «hop at Phoenix Furniture Store OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL