NEWS FOR THE AFFLICTED. Fnglaud In Egypt. The assistant al taraey general for the General Daniel W. Jones of TJttla I The twenty-ninth annual trades un­ t Rock has been elected Goveroor of Ar­ ion congre«« <»f Great Britain opened its United Btatea poutuffit e »¡»¡arlmenC bus As far bark as 1801 itu English army kansas, and the entire Democratic ec‘> the siiverites. never visited Ashland and is not to be con- principal attraction wae a speech by while an English army occupies her ter­ does not propose to be tricked out of its Ltib.liAAA# XJ<4>4. frank confession that the gold standard is Garret A. Hubart, Republican candi­ fouuded with the party representing him­ dues. ritory, and she has likewise an alleged self to be Dr. Darrin some years ago. equiva’e it to a doubling of all debts in every date for Vice-President, has made pub­ William J. Bryan. A dLpatuh has been received nt Rome governun ut of her own. twenty years. lic his letter of acceptance of the nom­ This far-famed physician (late froru If a farmer wants a berth in a sleep­ At once * Dictionary and an Encyclopaedia. Produced at a coit of over |?50,000 from Kassala, a town on the edge of British influence is, however, para­ Portland) who has acbeive.1 such a great ination by the Republican national con ­ ing car it oosta bun the price of two Chauncy M D«pew, whose pastry-inspir­ the Soudan livid by Italians, annuncing mount. How Jong it will continue so reputation throughout the coast and ed rhetoric has gained him some little rep­ vention at St. Louis. borne loads of wheat, when formerly it ’he death of the Khulifa, the star of The Democratic state central com­ 1 the Mahdist leader of the dervishes, Arthur Silva White gives us indirectly Northwest, has been prevailed upon, only cost the price of two bushels of utation as an after-dinner speaker, has to understand iu a paper in The North mittee, convening at St. Louis, by a presumed to criticise the pure and brilliant 1 against whom the A agio-Egyptian ex­ by urgent requests of many in thia vicini- wheat. according to Mayor Pingree. American Review. In 1874 and suc­ tv, to visit Medford and Ashland, as they eloquence of William J. Bryan. Now if unanimous vote has decided to fuse pedition is now operating. Sleeping cur berlha uid not go dowu in with the Populists. ceeding years much territory was won Herr Most will favor the American people could not afford by their time and bus­ price when wheat did. Practically every department of the It is believed by the Republican lead­ Cambria Iron Works at Johnstown, Pa., for the kliedive iu upper Egypt, still iness to consult him at Ilia offices in Port­ with a criticism of the sermon on tlie mount a parity of gall will have been estab­ ers of New York tar t the Southern has been shut down for an indefinite with the aid of the English. Gordon land. The doctor has at last cosented to lished in the United States without the States will vote for McKinley. period, throwing 2ÜU0 meu out of em­ Pasha, otherwise called Chinese Gor­ visit this citv to accommodate the sick IWH 11101 rUSIHHUl TICIEf. intervention of any other nation. don, was governor general of the Sudan and afflicted, and will have his office at William Jennings Bryan Las given ployment. his letter of acceptance of the Pres­ Mrs. NatC. Goodwin of New York, in 1880. Jan. 28, 1885, he was killed the Hotel Nash Medford Sept. 19th to The Southern Pacific is telling all its out idential nomination of the Chicago con­ who lias been separated from lier hus­ iu the Mahdist rebellion at Khartum. employees that if we get free coinage of vention of tho Democracy. Oct 3rd, and at Ashland, Oct. 4th to 17th - f tf band for five years, and who was re­ After that the Sudan was overrun by at Oregon Hotel. Those wishing to con­ 7 i silver their wages will only buy half as cently sued for divorce, has filed a FOR PRESIDENT, A Bryan and Silver Club has been tho Mahdists or dervishes, the troops sult the doctor will find it to their advan­ much of the farmers’ products as at organized in Grass Valley. Dr. I. W. counter suit for divorce in San Fran­ were withdrawn, and uppej Egypt wus present. How the Southern Pacific doea llays is the president. . 1 * ’ cisco, and will fight tho action brought abandoned to its fate. Recent events tage to consult him while here and dur­ WM. ¿T. BZR,YJA2Sr ing the first part of his stay, as many re­ love the farmer • It is absolutely fright­ against her. OF NEBRASKA. The Democrats of the Eleventh Texas and conditions have induced Englund quire more than one treatment by elec­ ful to contemplate what would take place Congressional District have renominated Jake Gaudaur of Toronto, tlie cham­ if the farmer got double the present Congressman Kleberg on a silver plat­ pion oarsman of America, after a most to enter the Sudan again. The Italians tricity . FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, disappointing race over the four-mile have abandoned Abyssinia. France is lie comes to us laden with testimonials prices for his crops. He could employ form. reaching out along tho Kongo toward from the whole Northwest, and the au­ championship course from Putney to T. E. WATSON labor and buv 6tore bills as he used to. The directors of the American Rail­ tho British central and east African thentic report of some of his cures seem There would be some chance for the way Union have issued an address to Mortlake, England, defeated James II. OF GEORGIA. But all members of the A. R. U. and to all St an bury of Australia, who recently possessions. France has now Russia at nothing short ef miracles. So many merchan and manufacturer, defeated “Wag” Harding for the cham­ her back, and France has not forgotten thousands are already acquainted with strikes and revolution would be post- railway employes iu the United States, pionship of tlie world. The race was that the English drove her out of Egypt Union Presidential Electors: his mode of treatment, it seems unneces­ M. L. OLMSTEAD..................... Populist denouncing the alleged coercion of rail­ for the world’s championship, $2500 a poned indefinitetv. iu 1801. The new British possessiou, way employes to join McKinley sound side and The Sportsman’s cup. sary to state that lie uses little medicine HARRY WATKINS.................. Populist Four Massive Volumes. Weight about 40 Pounds. Uganda, and other British territory in in the majority of cases, and perfects his N. The Railway Age is a weekly published money clubs, aud calling on all wage­ L. BUTLER............ Silver Democrat Over $20,000 in valuable property Africa imperatively demand for their in Chicago , "devoted to the interests of earners to vote for Bryan. E. HOFER ................... Silver Republican cures by the wonderful powers of elec ­ On dollar aecuraa immediate delivery of the entire work; balance to be went up in smoke in Red Bluff recently, railroads.” Its circulation is confined The silver Republicans of Phoenix, the fire being one of the most disastrous safety tho reconquest of the Sudan, os­ tricity. paid at the rete of »1.50 per month for one year. Send your name and addrea ’ tensibly for Egypt, really for Great wholly to the managers and corporation Ariz., have formed aleague, which is to experienced there for years. There are few ills to which the human to Pacific Coaat Newapaper Syndicate, care of the V allky R xcobd , and yo Britain. officials. It has always opposed the be followed by similar organizations in flesh is heir which cannot be relieved The bicycle relay race from San Fran­ will be eupplied with earnple paitea for examination. It is nothing less than tho conquest of all parts of the territory. railway men’s organizations and in every cisco to New York was finished at City tho entire Sudan, according to Mr. and generally permanently cured by Dr The executive committee of the Dem­ li ¡1 Park at 3:29 p. m. Sept. 7th, the way showed itself as the consistent toady Darrin’s electro-magnetic treatment an1’ White, tliut is tho aiui of the British of corporate wealth. It has foamed at ocratic and Populist parties have de­ race taking 13 days 29 minutes and Pneumonia cases that have resisted the efforts of or­ expedition to Dongola. And when the cided to reconvene their county con ­ 4 l-5th seconds. The number of miles the mouth when employee organizations dinary physicians have yielded to his suffocates, Sudan is conquered for Egypt by Brit ­ ventions in Bakersfield on September covered was 33S5. have submitted to the companies’ agree­ power. These cases embrace almost because the 19th to consider fusion on local offices. The William J. Little Mercantile Com­ ish rroope, it will have to bo held for every kind of disease, and, as said be­ ments as to rate of wages, etc. It has The plan is to give the Democrats the Egypt by British troops, and that is an­ s w o 1 1 e n; pany of Hot Springs, Ark., has closed waded iu goreaml bristled with bayonets, superior judge and the Populists the fore, no man, woman or child need de­ its doors. Liabilities, $80,000. Assets other link >n tho chuiu which will hold tubes get and became hysterical when the “awiul assemblyman. spair of relief and cure while Dr, Darrin To buy Summer Underwear, Straw Hats, Etc, exceed that amount._______ England in tho Nilo country apparently employee” has demanded a respectful solid, and offers his invaluable services. The Republican state convention at till judgment day. Your Worst Enemy Writhing The prices are cut to close them out................. bearing, and is a bright, particular star Denver has made the following nomin­ Unlike other physicians who have keep ai r With the rheumatism is an individual iu the firmament of plutocracy. Recent­ ations: Governor, Jared T. Brush of whom,if An English paper thinks tho marriage become eminent in their profession, the you have a Christian spirit, you fro m the ly every employee of railway corporations Weld; lieutenant-governor, Simon would forgive. He is, no matter what his of Wales’ remaining daughter, Princess doctors chargee are extremely moderat6 lungs. Dr. has received from tine paper a bundle of Guggenheim of Pueblo; secretary of delinquencies, punished enough. Nothing) Victoria, to William Waldorf Astor and reasonable, recording to circum­ short af Trophet could enhance his misery, j Acker’s English Remedy “Sound Money”(?) literature; “Straight state, Harry E. Mulnix of Las Animas; MoreoAer, he is in a serious peril. The di- | would not be so Lad. It declares that stances and ability to pay, and he will Talks to Railway Men,” etc., in which state treasurer, George W. Kephart of sease is always prone to attack his heart ¡ many a royal marriage consummated iu not undertake any case which lie cannot reduces the inflammation, Laplata; state auditor, John W. Lowell an»l kill him instanter. As a means of | Mens’ Summer Balbriggan from to 35c. all the horrors of the condition of the so the patient breathes curing this disease. Hostetter’s Stomach tho past few years has been less promis­ cure or benefit. Consultation is free to of Routt. 44 44 44 44 dearly beloved employee under free coin­ Bitters has the highest reputation and the ing than a union between a princess all. Should there be cases that are in­ 25c * 25c. freely, and is soon well. At the Republican state convention most authoritative professional-sanction 44 age of silver is paiuted with tlie pen of a and Boys’ Straw Hats cut 1-2 to close out. at Fort Worth, Tex., a committee was Its use in the preliminary stage of com­ royal ‘ ‘to a man of good physical at­ curable, he will immediately discover Miss R.Ray,354W.MdSt.,N.Y.,! • 4 Dante. The intense love for the em­ appointed with plenary powers to ar­ plaint is the wisest precautionary measure tributes and moral commercial charac- them on consultation, thus saving his says: “When threatened v, th shoes, solid leather, at............................. $1.50. ployee and the awful fear that the rail­ range for fusion with the Populists. rhumatic invalids can possibly abopt. The 1 ter.” “Moral commercial character” is patients any further expenditure of time pneumonia, I took one bottle of Dr. Bitters is also a remedy of the greatest Boys ’ ” Cvrle Congress.................... 1.25. roads would have to pay him only fifty Hun. E. H. R. Acker's English Remedy, and the ‘ Green of - Kauffman -- - or money which they might otherwise utility in malarial and kidnev trouble, dys­ good, very good. The commercial kind pain and cough disappeared.” cents, when it now pays h -u a dollar, is county was elected by acclamation pepsia and liver complaint, constipation is apparently tho morality that counts squander. Mens' Corderoy pants, heavy only 2.25. 3 sizes, 25c.; 50c.; $1. All Dru^tists. beautiful and sublime. Tl s is tlie siren chairman of the state committee for and nervousness. It counteracts tne ef­ with our British brethren. The English Dr. Darrin makes a specialtv of all Straw Hats for Boys ....................... .05. fects of hardship and exposure in damp or A cker M edicinb C o ., 1S-1S Chambers St., N.T. song it singe : “Railway men wliat have two years. inclement weather, and is a capital pro­ paper proceeds further to remark that diseases of the ear, eye, nose and throat, you to gain by getting ycur wages in Tlie Democrats and silver Republi­ moter of appetite and sleep. Give this fine the marriage between Astor and the catarrh and deAfhess, and all nervous, the presistent trial to which all 50-cent dollars? Shall a boy orator cans of Denver, Colo., have united remedy medicines of standard reputation are en­ princess would give the greatest satis­ chronic and private diseases, such as loss ICZ iu« wv.ttformspo^ I rn I LÎO ’t cirrJ, M jan teach you repudiation and shame! Is upon a ticket, the Democrats getting titled. yotteòs tirati ., y , faction to intelligent people in the Eng­ of manhood, blood taints, svphilis, gleet, »uci Msful Treatra^nt conflJentiat. Cures the love of your country at the mercy of [ j the governor, superintendent of public by mall or at Vfice. Terms low. Question Blank and lish speaking w orld. Just so. And the gonorrhoea, stricture, spermatorrhoea, DR WAR1) INSTITUTE,C Professor Bergmann, the eminent meaning between the lines is thut the seminal weakness and loss of desire or Book frw. C»L ur write. 120N.9th the winds I! The Railway Age appeals instruction and one regent. John S. M. St Louis,HO. to your patriotism—plead with those you Shafroth has been indorsed for congress Burgeon, expects tlsit Count von Schou- British people« are taxed so heavily for sexual power in either men or women ana, has, el complaints. These medicines have said, “You tell his excellency that I will whis­ Two % in. common valves. dorse Dr. Castle, the fusion nominee been poisoned. i been in constant use in Iowa for almost Darrin is in Roseburg, practicing. For per that to him later.” One 2 in. plug, drilled for siphon. fur congress, but the motion failed. “Will you accompany me to Buffalo?” gauges. 11 air receiver. Egon von llohcnlohe, a deputy to the I a quarter of a century. The people the benefit of deaf people and the afflicted Two ft. pressure “I am sorry I cannot po farther than Wash of 1 in. pipe. 1 sightfeed lubricator The Democrats and Populists of Ala­ Rcichsrath, is dead. He expired at Ber-I have learned that tbev are articles of in general, I wish to state what he did 110 i tngton.” replied Mr. Th<-c;suu. 100 ft. of 2 in. pipe. 1 2 in. bushing. great worth and mirit, and unequaled bv Li Rung Chang then exhibited a little un­ meda county have agreed on a fusion I in, of heart disease. 100 ft. of % in. pipe.11 reducer 5 to 2% in. any other They are for sale here by for mv husband, who consulted him in 30 easiness and said: ft. of 2^ in. pipe. 1 reducer J • - 2 ■ in slate. The Democrats have been ac­ 2% to Portland seven years ago for deafness Paul J. Mas and Patrick Enwright ' the Ashland Drug Co. “Have accidents occurred cn your road since corded th? Forty-sixth, Forty-eighth 5 2 in. elbows. 2 reducers 2 in to 1 in — HAVE MOVED TO — and ringing noises in his ear». He was 6 1 in. elbows. you have been connected with it?” have gone to Mexico as representatives 6 reducers 1 to % in. “Oh, yes, several, but with little loss < i and Fiftieth Assembly Districts, flie of the Chicago Trades and Labor As­ 6 in. elbows. 2 reducers % __ to % in. so deaf one could hardly talk with him . On il.c ¿i.y cf AnfcUit, 20 yean 2 « s Twenty-seventh Senatorial District and life I” One 2% in. tee. 2 in. unions. “The presidents and vice presidents of the one ftiperior judgeship, while the Pop­ sembly for the purpose of making a tho­ ego, Alxii.l Hi.mill II, “ALdui the Hie hearing came gradually after under­ 3 2 in. tees. 2 1 in. unions. European railroads had no hesitation in tell­ ulists have the Forty-seventh, Forty­ rough investigation of the economic Duu.ucd,” i:s a Lritifh poet calls him, going the Electrical and Medical treat­ 4 1 in. tee4’. % in. hose bibs. ...WITH THEIR.,.. 2 ing mo the salaries which were paid to tlu m, in. piug. plug. 4 % in. tees. L 1 * 2 m. conditions which prevail in Mexico. wls prcclainied sultan ef Turkey. Dis- ment as given by Dr. Darrin. Hie cure 2 2 in. short nipples.>4 1 in. plugs. but they also said they never hud any acci­ ninth and Fifty-first Assembly Districts, dents, as all the accidents occurred in Ameri­ the Fourth Supervisorial District and pat: I ks anucurie that the twentieth was performed in about six months, and 1 2% in. short “ 4 % in. in.'plugs. nlnw ca,” remarked Li, with a laugh. one judgeship. AND DRESS MAKING PARLORS. annivcrsiirj tf his recession to the throne remains permanent to this dav. Refer Address : The silver mine owners of the state of has bu n u i< n < liicusly cbreivcd. A tome by letter or in person, The death of Fiince Lobanoff, Rus­ Colorado have agreed to furnish 0 - Mrs. 8. P. G orrijne . jolly snnivenary it must have been, s ' A shlantl ‘Ladies are fast finding out that sian minister cf ft reign affairs, may ’KM) for the Bryan campaign fund. Looking Glass, Douglas County, Or. truly, with the Cretan rctellion not yet For Infants and Children. make a great difference in the policy c. Utah, Montana, Idaho and Nevada are * * at Clint’s a Spring Hat or Bonnet may g tiat settled, Turkish soldiers still butchering All kinds of razor grinding and repairing the czar’s government toward otlnr na­ »o supply as much more. Ätfto- @ be high grade and still be modest priced. Dricet Machinery Merchants, Armenians cn sight, Lcusis and temples at the Gem barber shop, opposite town llBll. tions. Lobanoff was for incicasiLg the h The Democrats and Po; uli fs in elfutsn iu Constantinople stained with the blcod power of Russia by every means, >ar, county coivcn ion at Vent.irn have ■ of tlie sultuu's subject» and the streets swindling or purchase. It was Russia’s completed fusion on th ■ following lines: full of mobs, murder and rioting, the em- secret backing, under the lend of Loba­ The Democrats named candidates for 1 he ordnance bureau of the army, at noff that enabled the sultan to dare to the assembly, the senate and two mem- Washington, will shortly award con­ lire bankrupt, fcriign soldiirs and ma­ permit tho mussacrcs of the Armenians bci-fl of the board of supvrvis irs. The tracts amounting to 8175,000 in the pur­ rines crowding the city and the powers and to stand out against the wishes of Populists named on? superior judge chase of ordnance material for coast de­ of Europe looking on with lowering If you want one write the civilized world. Russia drove the and one supervisor. H. L. Poplin was fense under the liberal provision made brow s. Would it bo Teally kind to wish to me for catalog! and endorsed as superior judge, W. E. 81»ep- ------ OK LEASE Abdul Hamid II many returns of the Japanese out of Korea and set herself up perd for the state senate, T. O. Toland by the last Congress. prices. J* I know you day? in their place, Sho was pnpaxing to for the assembly, Emet Crane, F. Hart­ The offical nnnoucement is made in will be pleased with practically beccsne tho control!» r of » man and H. G. Sackett for supervisors. I aiih I oii that the parliamentary commit­ Timber Lamí For Sale. both, c1 .4 3 ji jt OPPOSITE CITY HALL t----------------------- China when Lobanoff died. The Japa­ i tee appointed to incesi igate the circum­ Eight hundred acres of timber land ASHLAND. OREGON. Electric power is to bo transmitted stances of the Transvaal raid will not all in To« n«bip40, Range4 East, Willam­ nese are having trouble subduing th» from the summit of the Sierra to the commence its duties until the opening ette Meridian, for sale. For price and Formosans. Russia would have laid her mother lode, and from there to the city further particulars address powerful band cn the island under plea of Stockton, where the mountain forces of Parliament. Mrs. W. P. Parsons, Proprietress. S£:X£r,,B‘ Marysville, Cal. GRIEVE BR08 . Pokegama, Cal. Leopold, King of the Belgians, bus of quelling the insurrection there. Rus­ will be utilized in industrial projects Shake O 0, sent an autograph letter to Emperor Catalogue of Guns, Riñes, Fiahing sia's fleet in the orient is larger than ami for illuminating purposes. OR SALE OR LEASE on Reasonable William defending the administration Terms. Call on or address : Tackle and Sporting Goods Free. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc., always on Hand that of England. "Political hypnotism" Judge Shattuck of Portland, Or., has of the Congo Free State against the at- is the name that Das been given to Rus­ rendered his decision awarding Stephen . tacks of tlie German press. King sian methods of getting her way ameng P. Hart $1000 damages in his suit I Li of.old expri '-es the determination of H. S. Prendergast, other nations. Sbo has done it now for against the Southern Pacific for having pursuing a civilising mission in Africa Pokegama, Cal. maDy a year, always to her own gain been forcibly ejected from a train. j in spite of all obstacles. Major-General James D. Morgan, , Consul Reed has scored a victory for Is essential to and the loss of the others. Can she con­ Mrs. L. Hessig, ■ ■ I tinue the policy nc\y that Lobaneff bus division commander under General American [enterprise in obtaining the health. Every nook Beswick, Cal. been cut eff in the midst of bis plot­ Sherman in the War of the Rebellion acceptance of the tender of the Baldwin and corner of the Bv I and a veteran of the Mexican war, is system is reached by the blood, and on tings? Ilia death may have b» < uthe best dead, aged 86 years, tic was president Locomotive Works at Philadelphia to furnish nil the e igines for the lien-tain its quality the condition of every organ de­ thing that could have happened. of the Army of the Cumberland und and Peking railway. pends. Good blood means strong nerves, treasurer of the Soldiers’ Home. The committee at Omaha having good digestion, robust health. Impure When money is teaico in this coun­ charge of sub&rlptions for the Trans- blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma­ try, interest lates are high, and when I STAT« or OHIO, CITY or T oliko . tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest Lvcrs Corivrv, Medford, Oregon, interest rates are high hire nictiy flows I F rask J. C iiciikt makes oath that he is Mississippi Exposition report that the way to have good blood is to take Hood’s $3*1,000 guarantee required before tlie to us from Eure i < to,take advantage of the «enior partner of the firm of F. J I'nr- congressional appropriation will lx« Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi­ Portland, Oregon, Sept. 19th to Oct. I7fh, 1896 them. That is partly what lias recently Mtr .♦ Co., doing business in the City of effietive has been secured. The sum talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends MANUFACTURE. Toledo. County and State aforesaid. \ *id brought us gold from abroad. that said firm »ill nay the sum of ONE of ? L'l.isa) unconditional suls-criptions the elements of health and strength to HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every have been received and *40,000 condi­ every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates —Í-: '-y»- The Great Rreorcee of the PACIFIC NORTH WEST—Agriculture, Horticulture Li Hung Chang to President Cleve­ case of C atarrh that cannot be cured by tional. a good appetite, gives refreshlug sleep the use of H all ' s C atirrh t’vas. FiabrriM, Mine«, Manufacture«, Machinery, Tr*n«port«t!on, Trade land: “Theivput .it ion of your esteemed FRANK J. CHENEY rite new United States revenue cut-‘ and cures that tired feeling. Bcmember, and Commerce will be Represented more Completely virtues is wiut-ly known throughout the CELLr LOT n LAPEL BUTTONS of th? above em* Sworn to before me and subscribed in my t.r, constructed at tlie Globe Iron Of all Mind« at «bop at Phoenli fo rk'.b colors, (with Mara in gilt), will be aent than ever before. presence, this 5th day of December. A D. It orks in Cleveland, lias 1 h « cu launched. world. ” (»■«tage paid upon lvceipcof theft»'lowing price* : 1188. SMALL SIZE—3NB-7jc. p» r dm • K 30 Call at per hundred; Av> per U h ”> BUTTONS— Miserable by Indigestion. Constipation, Hanna christened her the Walter Q. A. W. GLEASON. .w,r doa.; 50 per hundred; tro no per tboumnd. Diz«’ne^N. Loss of Appetite Yellow fekin? jsealf Orel r t bene but touaat once and distribute them for Gresham. , Notary Publie, Shiloh’“ Vi’a.izer i- a positive cure. For the of tire cause Every word iaa text; (be whole I sale bv T. K Bolton aaenuon—eioqucui and powerful. Grand Baud Concert Every Afternoon and Evening. Lowest Rate« Ev«r 'ihe carpenters *of Los Angeles arc Ha1!'« Catarrh Cure Is taken internally aid organising to demand a raise in wages I OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL Agent« Wanted Evarywhar«. Made on all Transportation Line», acta directly on the blood and * mucnuiH Hampte.oftwodzc.or Buttons, Ir. crate Tom surfaces of the system, ¿end for testimon­ to 83 a dav. AOMIS8ION, - 25 CENTS. | CHILDREN. - 10 CENTS. 11 thr be«t - tn fact tbr On. Tin. Blood Purl Ber. THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC’N, ials, free. Subecribe for the ‘‘Record”—and keep F. J. CHENNKY A CO.. Toledo, O. For exhibit apace, apply to 63 Fifth Avawna, Naw York, N. Y. o:d by Druggists, 70o. potted. » a Ttwin MMVMT) W w u M««r, sawtinwvittt, n WuMjoi *r- w VALLEY RECOUP The Great Encyclopaedic Dictionary. No Air, No Life. NOW IS THE TIME Mens’ silk-finished Balbriggan Underwear reduced from $1.25 to 7-^c. per garment. John McClunie Mining Machinery Furniture RIDDLES. 0R. and everything pretaining to the Furniture Trade / OPERA MOUSE BLOCK MOVED MISS JESSE CLINT & CO. NORTH SIDE ©F PLAZA JNK CASTORIA MILLINERY EMPORIUM J. M. Arthur & Co., Portland, Or. IOUES Hotel For Sale RESTAURANTHBAKERY, BLUE FRONT BUILDING, F. D. GORDON F ^MBALS AT ALL H0ÜRS> •M LUNCHES PUT UP TO ORDER. ••• WEEKS BROS. Oregon Industrial Exposition FURNITURE Hoodè Sarsaparilla i HtKKl’sPilto^M^X^ Furniture Store Special Attractions Every Night