I DESPOTISM OF COURTS. the congroes of tho nation to five men! Ex-rresi<l«nt ffanison is attending TELLER AND HIS LIKE. There is no ground upon which it can the session of the general a.-sembly com ■» Gre.uf, C'rinU Stood Forth A Ft w Pert incut Question.» Aaked of the mittee of the Pre.-»byivri ui Church in It Overturn« th«* Will of iho Pouple und bo defended. 11 congress should (•'.« r go Men W ho 1.» ?» bh I’atiio*a I Not iv« Partisans« tioldbng Prealdentiiil Candh-Mte. Deatroya Popular Government—Corpo extremely wrung, this plank provides New York. Henry M. ’ 'ellee has won for himself In his address to the “liutiiicutio* rate Tyranny Didea Iu the Arm* of the that u referendum may be had to a vote The People’s Paper The result of tho people. The powers of tho su a place iu lii ucry. Iu a great crisis Ho committee’’ Mr. McKinley said: Federal Judiciary. President of premo court are not iu keeping with tho stood forth i.s a patriot. It is no easy “The money of the United States Montt, so far its known, gives 145 elec "Wo view with apprehension tho on- spirit of our government. It is none too mutter to sever the political ties of a ASHLAND. Ur. ..Thu rsdav, Aug. e, 1NJ» and every kind or form of it, whether toral votes for Frederic Erraxurcz and early to seek a just modification of that lifetime; it is no easy matter to stand — HAVE MOVED TO — of paper, silver or gold, must be as 137 for Vincento Reyes. Returns from erouchmeutH of tho federal judiciary power.—Thomae V. Cator iu Sau Frau- beforo a hostile und angry crowd and good as the best in the world. It must three provinces not yet received will not upon the liberties of the people, ux evi- cisco Examiner. preach a gospel which they reject, but deucod by the declaiouH in tho recent con Albert tx Wi lis. United States Minis not only be current at its full face value alter the majority of Errazurez. Senator Toller had the courage to do it. ter to Hawaii, will return to liis post at home, but It must be counted at par The Harland & Wolff and Workman tempt aud income tux oaaea, and are My little boy, when two year» of age, ..'..WITH THEIR.,.. the latter part of thia month. Ho bae in any and every commercial center of & Clarke shipbuilding shops at Belfast 1 therefore in favor of an amendment to was taken very ill with bloody tlux. I Soino shouted “renegade,” some oal led been in this country on leave of absence the globe. The sagacious and farseeing have been almost wiped out by fire. ■ tho nationul constitution prohibiting was advised to use Chamberlain’s Colie, him a “bolter,” ami hundreds hissed for the liut month. At tho time of his policy of tho great men who founded The yards alone were damaged $1,600,« those triluuals or any other courts from Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, anil their venom at him, but tho voice of his luckily procured part of a bottle. I care conscience ro^o above tiio din of tHe arrival he estimated that tl»e probabili our government, the teachings and acts UuO. annulling any congressional uct without fully read tho directions and gavo it ac multitude, drowning out all other ANI> DllESS MAKING FAHLOllS. ties were that he would nut return to of the wisest financiers at every stage iu The island of Crete is again involved tho concurrence of tho people by a refer cordingly. He was very low, but slow sounds, und that conscience culled him Honoluld. It was known that the our history, the steadfast faith and S ® @ Ashland 'Ladies are fast finding out that ly and surely he began to improve, grad “patriot. ” Ho was present at the birth course he took in some matters while in splendid achievements of the great par In a war with Turks and a general me endum vote.' ’ @ @ ** at Clint’s a Spring Hat or Bonnet may The above declaration of the Popnlist ually recovered, and is now us stout and of tho Republican party, he espoused the Hawaii was distasteful to the Dole Gov ty to which we belong and the genius lee is liable to break out at any time. William Henry Smith, for many bta'o convention of California is tho strong as ever. I feel sure it saved his cause for which it stood and brought to ernment, and it wan thought this might and integrity of our people have always @ ® @ be high grade and still be modest priced. life I never can praise the Remedy its support nil tho energy of u strong operate against his return. In addition demanded this and will ever maintain years general manager of tho Associ first, I think, contained iu a political half its worth. 1 am sorry every one in Minister Willis had a chance oi secur it. The dollar paid to the farmer, the ated Press and a writer of national rep platform upon this subject. It has been tlie world does not know how good it is, und vigorous mind, all the zeal of a ing the nomination to Congress from his wage earner and the pensioner must utation, died at Lake Forest, near I criticised iu journals very devoted to as I do.—Mrs, Lina 8. Hinton, Grahams- warm and generous heart. Years ago Southern Oregon district in Kentucky, and it was be continue forever equal in purchasing Chicago. Marion county, Florida. For sale he noted with apprehension the grow vested rights and has been approved in yille, ing influence of the capitalistic classes lieved that he would accept this rather by Ashlan d Drug Co. _______ A wind and ruin storm of unusual STATE to the dollar paid to any govern journals more fuvorable to a harmonious in tho party’s councils, but his love for than go back. Whatever caused him to power severity hit Pittsburg aud three lives progress lor tho musses toward social Tho intense heat on the Colorado and tho party was so deep that his hope over ment creditor. ’ * NORMAL SCHOOL change his mind, tho State Department If under tho “existing gold stand were lost and a large amount of prop justice. It is a subject of the first mag Mojave deserts, aa high an 124 and 128, came his f emu But when tho conven has received information to the effect erty destroyed. The storm was general Ashland, Or. has dried up many springs depended that he will start fur Honolulu within a ard” every dollar, “whether of paper, throughout the Mississippi valley, doing nitude. It can only be dealt with finally upon by the prospectors, hundreds of tion at St. Louis bowed to the will of The onlv Normal School silver or gold, ” is “ the best in the by a constitutional amendment. There Wall street und under the threat of a tew days. damage from Pittsburg to Omaha. south of Monmouth which world,” why was it necessary for this is 110 danger of hasty or careless action. whom are now out. withdrawal of campaign contributions has A FOUR YEAR The Democratic nominee for Gover country to issue $800,000,000 in inter Much damage was done at Cleveland The precise step which will be taken to The corner stone of the Horae of De accepted a platform written by the NORMAL COURSE OF nor of Maine has withdrawn from the est bearing bonds to obtain gold? by a terrific wind storm. At Beulah limit the aggressions of tho supreme pendent exSlaves has been put in place money changers, ho was left no choice, STUDY and grants un ticket because ho will not endorse the limited State Normal If under the ‘‘existing gold standard” Park a large tabernacle was blown court may not be exactly as favored in at St. Joseph, Mo. and abandonment of tho party became a School free silver plank in the national plat Diplomas good for down. the foregoing plank, but no friend of Masked men bound the watchman duty. life. Graduates of this form. Another ; tate convention will be every dollar, “whether of paper, silver Matabele rebels are again menacing liberty can believe it too soon to seri- and set fire to the top buildiuge of the Issues make parties. Tho money ques school are allowed 62 cred called and a .silver platform substituted or gold,” is ‘‘counted at par in any imd Buluwago. ously present the question. Hymera mines at Sullivan, Ind. tion is now the paramount issue, and its by the University of for the gold one pr.-viously adopted, ami every commercial center of the globe,” Oregon and are admitted It is a matter which must make us Mark Twain has arrived in England Several mouths since Jim Carey came voters must make their party associa to the freshman class with a candidate selected who is in harmony why was it necessary for the govern ment to issue $300,000,000 in bonds to from South Africa on his world girdling pause when we consider that a law from Iowa and began living with his tions tic their convictions. The example out examination. Train with the white metal doctrine. obtain gold? lecture tour. He will remain some passed after years of effort by tho repre nncle, W. S. Carey, near Clinton, Mo. of Senator Teller is taken for the sake ing school throughout the The President has issued a proclama If unde r the “existing gold standard” months iu England and publish another sentatives of 70,000,000 of people may During the latter’s absence Mrs. Carey of illustration. Ho is conspicuous be year in charge of members tion, bearing date of July 27tli, again every dollar, “whether of paper, Bilver book. senior class and critic bo declared null and void by a majority eloped with her husband's nephew, tak cause of Lis great ubility und high offi of teacher. Other cour s es : commanding citizens to observe the or gold,” is “equal in debt paying Sir Charles Tupper will succeed Lord I of nine men, who aro not bound to give ing her baby along. A warrant has cial position, and yet all who imitate College Preparatory, Busi neutrality laws in respect to the Cuban power, ” why was it necessary for the ness, Music, Art, Teachers’ any better reason than their own judg insurrection, and giving notice that all government to issue $800,000,000 in Aberdeen as Governor General of Can ment or tho judgment or precedent of been issued, but it is thought tiiey have him aro deserving of like praise. Du review classes. Tuition: bois, Cannon, Hurtman and ull the oth $6.25;hall board $1.75: fam ada. Joseph Chamberlain, it is said, fled to Iowa. violations will be vigorously prosecuted. bonds to obtain gold? urged the claims of Canada’s late Pre some other five men who aro dead. Iu The greater part of the Montreal Ex ers who followed Teller out of tho con ily board $2 50 to $3.00; E. D. Mdv’e, formerly member of If “the dollar paid to the farmer, mier for the position. the progress of our 'national life this odging in dormitory 50c, hibition was burned. The fire vention have practiced the same virtues student the Democratic National Committee, the wage earner and the pensioner” is, furnishing bed court has proved a vast menace and dis started in building and given evidence of the same moral I'hree highwaymen entered a Telu- the power-house of tho Mont clothes. Fine winters, pure water, and good society. The new year opens has called oil a number of sound money under tho ‘ 'existing gold standard, ’ ’ aster. Its decision that legislative char courage. September 11th, 1896. For new catalogue or special information, address* Democrats throughout the state to meet equal in debt paying power to the dollar ride, Col., gambling house at midnight ters were contracts has been expanded real Park and Island Bailway, north of Congressman Towne, who, though W. T. VAN SCOY, President. at Portland at an early date to choose a paid to the foreign creditors of the gov und held up fifteen men and robbed the until tho exemptions of corporate prop the exhibition buildings. The loss is not a delegate, was present and partici about $150,000. ■■ i ■■ '■ i ——— — National Committeeman for delegate to ernment, why was it necessary to issue place. erty from taxation held under tho doc- pated in all their plans, is worthy to In Benton county, Ark., Mrs. Mary trino is an enormous evil. Its decision the meeting to be held in Indianapolis $300,000,000 in bonds in order to ‘ ‘main Tom Carter, a colored pugilist of Tuc stand by the side of Teller. His state August 7lh. tain our credit abroad” by paying our Smith, wife of a farmer, became in tho Died Scott case was tho cause of son, A. T., mot Bob Thompson in a mill conventions, both Democratic and Re alarmed at the absence of her 10-year- a civil war which might have been at Salt Lake City aud in a knock down, Arthur Sewall, the Democratic nomi foreign creditors in gold? publican, declared for gold, und yet his nee for Vice-President, was interviewed Under tho “existing gold standard,” old daughter and started out to search averted by a decision wliich should have fell with such force as to cause concus convictions are so deep that lie is will as to the story that he intended to re which Mr. McKinley’s platform says I for her, leaving her other children, in been based upon tho eternal principles sion of the brain and died in a few min ing to stand by them, even though it sign in favor of Tom Watson. He said: “must be preserved, ” the silver dollar fant twins and a boy 4 years old playing of human justice, which tho spirit of utes. may mean political death to him. “Any man who for a moment entertains which the wage earner, tho farmer and in the yard. During her absence a vic the ago demanded. A speed of 04 miles an honr has been Disintegration has begun, and it can . . Dealer in such an idea is not worthy of an an the pensioner gladly accepts is not equal ious hog attacked tho twins and killed made on the South Jersey railroad, but Its decision on tho first legal tcuder have but one result. Tho west and | swer. I do not know whether or not in debt paying power to the gold dollar | them. The little boy tried to drive the i case would have plunged the nation into the inventor of the engine is not satis south, tho great wealth producing sec Mr. Bryan will retain a place on the when the foreign creditor of the govern- | swine away and was fatally bitten. anarchy by denying the inalienable fied with the speed. He expected to tions of tho country, will dominate the Populist ticket. He will come to Bath ment is to be paid off. Mr. McKinley ‘ The International Socialistic Labor power to issue money, without wliich make 100 miles an hour, goveramc nt and restore equality in leg with Mrs. Bryan directly after the noti knows this to be true and he regards i and Trade Congress adopted the report ! the war could not have been prosecuted. Robert Garrett, ex-president of the islation. —Omaha World-Herald. fication, which will take place in New | very lightly the intelligence of the of the Economic Industrial Commission. [ Iu tho faco of cannon tho party in pow Ba.timore and Ohio Railroad Company York. They will make their headquar- | American people when he imagines reaffirming the resolutions of the Paris | er packed the court with ueW judges, and head of the bunking house of Rob- A ffidavits as to personal character may be necessary to allay suspicion or to attract ters at my house while in Maine. ” that he can make them believe that the congress of 1859. Herr Liebknecht an-1 who rendered a different judgment un ert Garrett & Sons of Baltimore, diod the simple-minded; but what has the man Chairman W. H. Alford of the Cali equality of the American dollar, effec nounced that the congress would meet I to tho salvation of tho country. Since at Deer Park, Md. ufacturer's private character to do with A nice line of Floor Matting just in—prices low. the efficacy of his so-called “cure?” Ely’s fornia Democratic State Central Corn- tually destroyed by the gold standard, in Germany in 1889. The session ended tiio war tho aggressions have been tery The divorce division of the High Trunks and canvas-covered Telescopes; Mirrors, mitee, in compliance with the instruc can be restore by “preserving” this with singing “Auld Lang Syne,” the rapid. It is sufficient to say that cor Court of Justice iu Louden lias granted Cream Bairn depends solely upon its repu tation of years as a successful cure for tions of that body, lias appointed the same gold sta; .aid.—Omaha World- “ Marseilleise,” and the “Carmagnole,r porate despotism everywhere retreats to Mrs. Yarde-Buller a divorce from her catarrh Window Shades, Lamberquin poles and trimmings, in all its stages. It is absolutely and with cheers for the Socialist revo tho cover of tiio federal judicial arm us following advisory committee of twen- 1 Herald. free from mercury or any other drug in Screens, Picture Frames, bedding, Etc., Etc. husband, who had instituted suit lution. ty-five, which, with the State Central ■ its refuge from laws passed by state and against liis wife for divorce. Mrs. jurious to the system. Being applied ALGER’S CONFESSION. to the diseased membrane it anords White, New Home and Magestic Sewing Machines. Committee, will conduct the coming Major Jesse VV. Sparks, United States nation. Tho decision in tho recent in Yarde-Buller was the daughter ut Gen directly instantaneous relief and will effect a per V NT TY campaign: Eugene N. Deuprey, San J Ti^ Man Who Stultified Himself and As- Consul at Piedras Megras, Mexico, died come tax cases lias aroused tho country. eral Kirkham of San Francisco. Best machine oil, needles and repairs for all kinds fect cure of catarrh. Francisco, chairman; William P. Sulli suddenly, The four dissenting judges used lan BwamcB Gives His tiociates ms vnsv Case Away. Awtxy. of Stwing Machines. Dr. Jameson and liis assistants in the At tlie MrtSiHciiusetiK Athletic Asso van Jr., Ban Francisco; Thomas Girard, ■ The price of silver is down no moro than is James Murphy, 85 years old. and guage which plainly declares that the Calaveras; J. J. Nunan, Sau Joaquin; | the price of every product in the country Stephen Garvey, aged 50 years, fought court has turned tho people over to the Transvual raid were found guilty. ciation nicer on the Charles River Park BftBY CARRIAGES at less than city prices. might as well demand that tho country After tho usuql formalities had bean track, Ciimbridgu, Nut and Tom Butler Charles Cass in, Santa Cruz; A. J. Jas- | ; They put up the price of copper, iron or wool as to at Pier 25, North river, New York. sordid despotism of wealth. complied with the Court sentenced Dr. tro, Kern; M. J. Lay manee, Alameda; I put up the price of eilvcr.—General Russell A. During the struggle both men tumbled The New York Post announces that it Jameson to fifteen months imprison broke the word’s record of 2:08 for tht T. F. McMahn, ('entra Costa; Miles Alger. expects the court to reverso tho legal ment, Major John Willoughby to ten unpaced tandem mile, made on tho San into the river and were drowned. Jose track, by doing the mile in 1:52 2-5. Wallace, Madera; W. F. Prisk, Nevada; Here is a plain, unequivocal confes • tender decisions, and tliore is little J. J. Irvine, »San Diego. »Samuel Braun- sion from a man who has more than any The Shakers are a Happy Community doubt that the court has been carefully mouths, Colonel White to seven months A high wind v. as blowing. hart, San Francisco; P. J. Tomalty, other man to do with the stultification ; It is said, but the shaker who shakes bo- selected for many years with a view to aud tho other defendants to three The Spanish Government has deter cause he can’t help it is by no means a months imprisonment each. None of mined to prevent, if possible, filibuster San Francisco; R. M. Fitzgerald, Ala of tho Michigan delegation at the St. ; happy individual. So shakes the person declaring void acts of congress which meda; Raleigh Barcar, Solano; R. A. Louis convention. General Alger admits troubled with chills and lever. The quiver the progress of civilization must enact. the prisoners will be compel ed to do ing expeditions from leaving this Thompson, Sonoma; J. 11. Seawell, that the price of silver has gone down, ing and shuddering sensation is followed by i What shall be done? Let us look at this hard labor during their incarceration. country for Cuba. To further guard Mendocino: A. M. Stevens, Los Angeles; and that the price of every other prod no less a plague, namely, burning fever, ! power. To annul an act of congress by The German third class cruiser litis aguinst filibusters Spain is offering a re which is followed by a "perspiration bath M. R. Plaisted, Riverside; Nicholas uct has gone down accordingly. These that leaves the unhappy sufferer “as weak flvo meu after It has passed a house of was lost in a typhoon July 23d ten ward of $10,000 for information leading Bowden, Santa Clara; Alexander Vogel are facts which no intelligent and hon J as a cat,” a most unfortunate simile, by 857 members and a senate of 00 mem miles northward of the Shan Tung to the capture within Spanish waters oi sang, San Francisco; Thomas J. Clunie, est man will deny. If the prices of : the way, as a cat, for its size, is a particular-, bers and has been signed by the presi promontory, which is about seventy-five filibustering expeditions. San Francisco; M. F. Tarpey, Alameda; 1 wheat, corn, potatoes, wool and cotton ! ly muscular animal. Under the above cir- i dent or passed by two-thirds over his miles southeast of Cheo Foo, China. A Fact Worth Knowing. vital stamina is soon used up,! G. E. Faw, Monterey; William Craig, and silver and all other products liuve cumstances What will recuperate it? Hostetter’s stom veto is such an exercise of power as no Ten of the men were saved. All the Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and San Francisco. Chairman Alford has I depreciated—that is, if you can buy as ach Bitters, which eradicates malarial dis great nation on earth but ours will tol others, including the officers, perished. all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by also appointed the following Senatorial ' much with 50 cents’ worth of silver as ease in every form and repairs its terrible erate. It iB despotism. If five men de The litis was a small cruiser of 480 tons Shiloh’s Cure. For sale by T. K. Bolton. OPPOSITE CITY HALL ASHLAND, OREGON and Legislative committee: Frank H. I you used to with $1 worth—then ravages upon the system. Derangement I clare the act void, then it cannot be displacement, with two 10$ centimeter of the liver always accompanies malarial I Gould, San Joaquin, chairman; Stephen I the price of gold must have appreciated, disorder. She was To the relief of this complaint come law if every member of congress, guns and two light guns. M. White, Los Angelos; W. W. Fcote, j There is no other conclusion that can as well as constipation and dyspepsia, the even if every voter in tiio nation, de launched in 1878, having cost about Alameda; A. Caminetti, Amador; logically be drawn. The price of gokl Bitters is admirably adapted. No less manded it. It is on absolute vatu. This $188,000. The number of men on board Mrs. W. P. Parsons, Proprietress. James G. Maguire, San Francisco; I can be estimated only with respect to efficacious and thorough is it for kidney power was formerly a right of the Brit is unknown. trouble, nervousness, rheumatism and neu Gavin McNab, San Francisco; Jam.-s , its purchasing power, and if the metal ralgia. Eadl Veil, the blacksmith, is agent for A wineglassful three times a day. ish sovereigns, but no sovereign has Buckeye mowers and farmers implements H. Budd, Sacramento. ■ in a gold dollar will buy twice as much Tho Reading Railroad express train dared to interpose it for over 200 years. of all kinds, Corner Main street and 1st The Democrats and Populists of North in the markets of tho world as it would When our supremo court interposes its avAnue. ________ ________ Carolina have agreed on a fusion basis j 20 years ago then that dollar has dou- Which left Philadelphia on July 80th, veto, tho nation can do nothing except Tne rowboat Fox, containing th« crashed into n Pennsylvania excursion Makes you seem “all broken up,” with i bled in value. It is absurd to maintain on the electoral ticket. train near Atlantic City, N. J., «nd go through the tedious process of amend Swedisli sailors, Frank Marbo ano Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc., always on Hand Costa Rica advices say that the Gov I that gold alone of all the products has killed forty-seven people and seriously ing tho constitution, which requires George Samuelson, who started from out life, ambition, energy or appetite. ernment has parsed a law prohibiting remained standard. Such an argument injured as many more. years of time. Cun we get on this way New York on June 6th with the inten It la often the forerunner of serious Ill ness, or the accompaniment of nervous the importation of foreign silver. z\ll is but. the assertion of the doctrinaires much longer? Is it not fraught with The wife and two children, aged 2 awful danger now, as it was in the days tion of rowing to Havre, France, ar troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, now^n the possession of private parties and has no basis in fact. rived at Sicily ¡»lauds on the 1st. Both and 4 years, of W. E. Burt of Austin, 1 must be disposed of within thirty days, 1 General Alger has expressed a fact of the Dred Scott case? Are we not un the occupants of tho small craft were weak, Impure blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im after which time the Government will I which cannot be controverted. He has Texas, were found in a cistern on th der this method chained dangerously iu iu good health. premises lately occupied by the family. | parts life and energy to every nerve, require that it be sent to the mint and admitted tho truth of the basic conten an ago when events move so rapidly ? The t ew opera house at Pomona will Burt has fled and a reward of $500 is 1 tion of the advocates of free silver. Ho organ and tissue of the body. The exchanged fur Costa Rican currency. How camo we to have this court with offered by the Governor of Texas for 1 this power to set aside acts of congress? cost $5500, and the first floor will be necessity of taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla has unintentionally demonstrated the Regarding the rumor that he had ■ used as an armory by Company D, Na his arrest. tor that tired feeling is therefore apparent The court itself is provided for in the tional Guard of California, promised to appoint Governor Altgeld righteousness of their cause, and why, in the name of all the gods, should he Joe Griebler, a Minneapolis cycling constitution, but it is nowhere in that Attorney-General iu event of his elec The Alameda county exposition if to every one, and the good it will do you insist that the only honest dollar which racer, ran into a fence at Lima, Ohio, instrument expressly declared that it open at Oakland. la equally beyond question. Remember tion Bryan said: “In order to answer shall have power to say that an act of once for ail ruino» . in regard to this country can maintain is a dollar that and was killed. The Prescott Board of School Trus is $2? The Michigan delegation went to Advices received from Majunga, congress is void—as being iu conflict places promised, 1 desire to say that 1 tees has engaged Professor D. Ostrom have not directly or indirectly prom the St. Louis convention on a platform Madagascar, report that a caravan of with the constitution. Tho constitution of Riverside, Cal., as principal of the pledged to bimetallism. The members two Frenchmen and three Englishmen places limitations on the powers of con ised any office of any kind to any per- { I’reacott schools for the ensuing yew. son whomsoever, ami shall not during of that delegation, led by General Al have been massacred by the Fahavalo- gress, but it does not say that congress the campanil premise any < ffice of any I ger, disobeyed th© tacit instructions of near Ainbolipiana. itself shall not bo the judgo of whether the convention which nominated them Mayor Josiah Quincy of Boston lias its acts are within thoso limits. Who kind to any person whomsoever. ’’ ! and voted to maintain an appreciated “Cyclone” Davie, the People’s party single standard. They return home, issued an invitation to Li Hung Chang | shall bo the judge? Certainly from the When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Is the best—In tact the One True Blood Purliler. leader, has been nominated for Con and General Alger confesses to the jus to visit that city as its guest while on beginning our congress has always con sidered the point as to whether the acts When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. gress by the Populists of the Fourth tice of the silver cause, but still insists his coining visit to the United .States. cure liver ills, easy to take, llOOCl S WlIlS easy to operate. 25 cents. A wave of fatal heat is on in many 1 before it were constitutional. It has re When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Texas district. that the $2 dollar is the only honest dol Eastern cities and deaths are of daily jected many proposed laws upon the When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. a ne formt po«- The Valley Railroad law won its first lar. This may be good Republican poli occurrence. At Cincinnati fifty-two ground that they were beyond its power. ively cared. Î3 ye»rt tics, but it is not patriotism, and all condemnation suit in gaining right-of- The president also considers this point. prostrations with eight deaths were re- ‘ fient coafidKit'Al. Curet Qacftion Clank and way into Fresno. U is predicted this the glowing rhetoric in the world can ported during one week. Horses fall Why not leave the power iu congress? W.Vl J I- STITUTE.4 • r Mo precedent will make it easy now to get not make it other than a miserable sub dead in the streets and business is prac Are not 857 men in the house and 90 in CERNUSCHI ON FREE COINAGE. into that city without the delay of terfuge.—Detroit News. tically suspended. the senate—many of whom are as able litigation. —LIST OF SECOND HAND The Gamblers' Candidate. The Italian warship Roma wm struck lawyers as any on tho bench—a better What tho Eminent Economist Says About the United State« Acting Alone. Kentucky distillers have agreed to There is a class of people in that great by lightning and set on fire. In order tribunal to judge this point of constitu Henri Cemuschi was the famous suspend m.nuiacturo for eighteen center of commerce, New York, who to prevent an explosion of her powder tional power than five men who are not mouths in order to work off stocks and care nothing for the national honor. Its magazine it was necessary to sink her in contact with the spirit of the age? French writer who won fame as a* ham advance price’. There is certainly far more elasticity, a pion of international bimetallism and population embraces a great number of by firing torpedoes at her. an opponent of independent bimetallism The second shipment of 50C0 boxes of men who live by their wits, who pro The will of Rudolph Georkow, the better opportunity to interpret constitu by any single nation. He has been fre California pens ami a few baxes of duce nothing, who add nothing to the wealthy brewer, was admitted to pro tional limitations according to the ne plums arrived at Loudon in good < rder. general wealth, who ill no respect make bate recently. He bequeathed nearly cessities of human progress, and this is quently quoted by advocates of the gold The consignee gays, so far as he knows, the world better for having lived iu it, $109,000 to employees, and to his act the true line of interpretation. If courts standard in this country in their en ----- AT----- the quality of the fruit is better suite ! who get the best of every person ami ress wife he gave $1000. He lately sued I do not so interpret, they bring disaster. deavor to combat tho arguments of the advocates of “16 to 1.” Therefore the to the market than the last lot recehed. everything they can, not excepting tile her for a divorce. Mrs. Georkow, It is supposed tli st conservatism or vested following, which comprises the closing The San Francisco tax levy for the government of the United States. It is through the aid of the court, took pos rights require this peculiar tribunal, If you want one write year is much lower than it has been for these people, without regard to party, session of the brewery and proposes to but there is no evidence of this. Despot paragraphs of an article written for the -A.T JL ETVKiG-JkllSr. to me for catalog and the past few years, being about flxad al j that Governor McKinley is made to rep make a fight for a division of the estate. ism or plutocracy may need it, but not Paris Economistc, is of interest: The present monetary policy of the true conservatism. Vested wrongs may $1 13. prices. J* I know you resent in his candidacy for president. Her stage name is Helen Edmunds. One 12 <t 18 ^*14x10 Worthington Com United States is consequently very ad require it Lincoln said there could be pound Duplex steam pump. Morris Oltsman, an apprentice in a j There is not a farmer or workingman will be pleased with Six people in Chicago attempted sui vantageous to the interests of England, Two 30 H. P. portable tire-box boilers. tailoring establishment in San Fran in the state of Ohio who can be in prac cide in one day recently, three with car no vested rights against human right. a gold monometallic country, but it is both, j j j j One No. 5 vertical boiler with fixtures Great Britain is a conservative country cisco, was killed by touching a live tical sympathy with the platform on bolic acid. Four succeeded iu ending and one injector. utterly ruinous as regards the foreign and not accused of destroying property One No. 8 Metropolitan injector and pipe electric wire with a pair of shears, which he stands. The goldbugs of the their t artbly career. rights by acts of parliament Yet no financial relations of the United States, connections for flame. which acted as a conductor of the fatal ( east have shrewdly taken a western man and especially for its native producers. Steam and exhaust pipes for pump. The rumor is again afloat that Queen court iu that kingdom ever had the current. for the presidency and gagged aud bound One length pipe to nt 10 in. discharge and This is why, inasmuch as England’s Victoria will shortly retire from govern “Jr'"* Marysville, Cal. A San Francisco insurance office re- 1 i him. They will apply the lash without mental control in favor of the Prince of power to annul an act of parliament It attitude prevents the realization of in increasing to 15 in. is said we must have courts to interpret One length pipe reducing from 15 to 11 in. reived in its mail a policy on a shingle ! mercy when they want him to speak.— Wales. Catalogue of Gons, Rifles, Fishing One length pipe reducing from 11 to 9 in Such courts Great Britain has. Its ternational bimetallism aud condemns mill iu Washington a tew days ago. In Cincinnati Enquirer._______ One double cylinder single drum 5x10 A. M. Pierson, Edward Goodman and courts may determine the meaning oi one half of the world to gold mono Tackle and Sportiug Goods Free. two hours after the policy had been ac hoisting engine. Thomas Coleman has sued the Sheriff metallism and the other half to silver One reducing length from 8 in. to 5 in. cepted a telegram arrived announcing of Sonoma county, Cal., for damages William Lovett, three young men of words or acts of parliament, but can monometallism, I would not hesitate, previous good reputations, were arrested never declare such law void. Under the with one 5 in. coupling on same. RO I I PD or any piece of Ma- the risk a total loss. arising out of an arrest on mistaken and examined at L09 Angeles on a practice there the lords cannot twice re were I a citizen of the United States, One reducing length from 8 in. to 5 in. *-*Vl 1-<L<*V chinery, it will pay Great consternation has been arroused identity. charge of horse stealing. From the evi ject the act of the commons; thus par to become—I, Cemuschi, the father of with one 5 in nipple on same. to write us for catalogue and prices. 23 ft. 12 in. suction pipe with one 12 in. among a large number of Sau Francisco Edward M. Clark and Harry Sanford dence it appears that they had started international bimetallism, as I am ev elbow. people by the announcement that free left Pomona, to prospect in Arizona. in the business two weeks ago with liament reflects popular sentiment. If that nation needs no select tribunal erywhere called—a silver monometal 10 ft. 6 in. suction pipe. lunches in the saloons were to be »bei- They cressed the desert between Ban bright prospects. They first borrowed PORTLAND, OREOON. One 2X in foot valve and s*r?iner. Have you a feel to check parliament, why do we need list. i’hed. One piece heavy wire cloth for strainer. ning an<l Yuma and have not been a team in the city and in a trip through It? It has been said by way of reply that From a theoretical point of view, the ing of weight in One siphon for steam gauge. heard from. Two decomposed bodies thn surrounding country succeeded in we have a constitution and Great Brit free coinage of silver at 16 to 1, re-es the Stomach — Six 1 in. Jenkins globe valyes. Bloating after have been found near Volcano springs, gathering in and disposing of at least ain has not. This is not a fact Magna tablished by the United States without $1OO Reward. filOO. Two % in. common valves. eating — Belch- i from which point the men were last three valuable horses. They were held Charta is the constitution of Great Brit tho concurrence of Europe, would be a One 2 in. plug, drilled for siphon. The Readers of the V alley R ecorp will ! hoard from. laK of Wind— on bail of $1000 each, which they were ain. Its provisions are accepted as a vicious solution, but it would neverthe Two pressure gauges. 1 air receiver. A Vomitinjof Food be pleased to learn that there b at least one 110 ft. of 1 in. pipe. 1 sight feed lubricator The Ueacrt Queen mine in San Ber unable to procure. dreaded disease that science has been able limit to parliamentary power. Parlia less be a step in the direction of inter 100 ft of 2 in. pipe. 1 2 in. bushing. H —Waterbra.h— tenure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. nardino couuty is hampered l»y scarcity Medford, oregoe. Heartburn—Bad Taste in the Mouth President Winter and other officials ment has ever treated itself as bound by national bimetallism; for, under the 100 ft. of % in. pipe. 1 reducer 5 to 2% in. ' Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure of water. ft. of 2H in. pipe 1 reducer 2% to 2 in. in the Morning—Palpitation of the of the newly organized Northern Paci- ■ tiio declarations of that instrument. regime of the new standard, the pro 30 now known to the medical fraternity. Ca 2 reducers 2 in to 1 in. 5 2 in. elbows. Heart, due to Distension of Stomach Tho new International flub at San fic Ra i rea l are in Spokane. They re- j The only difference between the relation ductive power of the United States 6 1 in. elbows. tarrh being a constitutional disease, re <i reducers 1 to Ji in. MANUFACTURE. —Cankered Mouth—Gaa in the Bowels quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Diego, of which Mexican Consul Lom m.'ino I to meet the Master in Chancery rf parliament to Magna Charta aud of would receive so enormous an impulse, 6 % in. elbows. 2 reducers Ji to Ü in. —Loss of Fleth—Fickle Appetite— Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di eli is president, will keep on file copies and his party who arrived over the congress to our constitution is that par and this development would have such One 2% in. tee. 2 2 * in. ' unions, ' Depressed, Irritable Condition of the rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of all the important laws of Mexico 2 f in. unions. * • tees. Nos thorn Pacific from the East. The liament has constituted itself the tri a disastrous effect upon the economic 3 2 - 1 in. of the system, thereby destroying the foun affecting trade relations, mining, etc. Mind — Dizziness — Headache—Con 2 % in. hose bibs. in. tees. whole party will proceed t > Seattle, bunal which shall determine whether and financial interests of England and | % in. tees. dations of the disease, and giving the pa stipation or Diarrhoea? Then you bare 2 in. piar. I Of all kind» at ahop at Phoanix the other European nations now gov- I tient strength bv building up the constitu Dr. H. H. Beifield of Santa Barluira where the »ale of the Northern Pacific its nets are within th« limits of the 2*in. short nipples. 4 1 in. p:ug’. tion and assisting nature in doing its work. has declined the presidency of the lands in Washington will take place. t % in, plugs. British constitution, end our congress erned by the gold standard, that it may 1 2'4 in. short •• The proprietors have M) much ^with in its be confidently predicted in advance that Call at <■ af ha taaay forma. Tba paaitlr« curative powers that they otter One Hun Throop Polytechnic Institute at Pasa Robert Stark and Abe Tiukey, the’ him its judgment set aside by five men. the course of events would force the Address: cart for tbla dlatraaalng caaiplalat la dred Dollars for any case that it fails to dena. Professor W. A. Edwards of the formev being a merchant and the latter It is a maxim that litigation must end. cure .Send for circulars and testimonials Pasadena High School has joined the adoption of interuational bimetallism j* btma-terat Sequim, Wash., died from ' A poor man has to accept a justice of as tho only true solution even upon 1 Acker’s Dvtpeptia Cablets F. J CHENEY A CO, Toledo, O. faculty of the institute. the effect« of drinking a decoction of . the peace as final arbiter. Why should thoae who today deny the possibility | by ■ail, prepaid, 00 r Vflk»8old by Druggists. 75c. OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL a plutocrat be permitted to appeal from C bailis R amiit , H o a'cohoi made from wood. York, sara: ‘‘I suffered and efficacy of it.__________ VALLEY RECOUP. EQUAL DOLLARS. MOVED MISS JESSE CLINT & CO NORTH SIDE OF PLAZA; MILLINERYCEMPORIUM J. I 3. Dodge, Furniture and everything pretaining to the Furniture Trade! oivcb OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. RESTAURANTS BAKERY, BLUE FRONT BUILDING, That Tired Feeling V^MBALS : AT : ALL « HOURS^ LUNCHES PUT UP TO ORDCR. MD Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla It Is a Bald Headed Fact. Turns out the best JOB WORK at the Lowest Rates. Mining Machinery IfYCLES RIDDLES« OR * > * * * F. D. GORDON SAW MILL,ENGINE, rha Massillon Engine & Thresher Go. Tstbis what ails you? WEEKS BROS FURNITURE I J. M. Arthur&Co., Children Cry for Pitcher’« Castoria. Nerves On Edge. Catarrh Cured, I was nervous, Irritable and cross health and sweet breath ’©cured, by Shiloh's ' _ _______ ___ _ tired, ,__________ Karl's Clorer Root Tes ba, made me well Catarrh Remedy. Pries 50 cents. Nasal and bappF. Mas. S. B. Woanak. I i njector fra©. Tor salt by T. £. Balton. I RUY' a L Baking Powder. tUghent of all la leavening etreogth.- u *. an iwm Furniture Store Machinery Merchants, Children Cry for Pitchar's OMtorla« Portland, Or. DYSPEPSIA pepaia. out A'.ker'a T1 cuoaia, bare cured ma." Acker Mediclee Ce , it-rf Cteaibera ft, ■. Y. W» will gl re yen • bargain'