Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911, July 09, 1896, Image 3

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Americas Great Day Fittingly Ob­
served—A Street Pageant.
ASHLAND, Or....Thursday, July 9, 1896.
Council Proceedings.
Regular meeting.
Present—J P Dodge, mayor; D F Fox,
C H Gillette, W J Schmidt, C H Vaupel.
Absent—C B Crisler, W B Million.
Minutes of previous meetings read aud
Monthly reports of marshal, city re­
corder, street commissioner and supt. of
water works were each read and placed
on file.
Tbe Creamery Association presented a
petition asking the City of Ashland to
remit the city taxes that might be as­
sessed against them during a period of
five years, and also to allow said company
a >2 inch tap from the city water main
for domestic uses onlv. Petition granted.
Bills ordered paid:
Electric Light Co. lights for June,. .$115 50
C P Jones, salary for June and bill
55 00
J C Dodge.
50 00
C B Watson
15 00
E V Carter ll
15 00
Milton Berry, recorder» fees.......... 21 85
AD Ferguson, due on bridge w’k.. . 73 95
B R Willits, street labor.................. 37 42
Norris & Co., lumber for streets.... 13 31
Fox & Good, street labor.................. 17 50
L W Rodgers, It
9 00
C H Gillette,
5 75
Chas Lindsey,
5 00
Wm Floyd,
3 25
L E Bender,
1 50
S A Potter,
1 50
W M Potter,
1 00
J P Sayle,
Geo Engle, night watch...................
5 00
Frank Dodge, hay for city pound.. 7 00
Kinney & Provost, mds’e................. 64 83
Emil Peil, blacksmith work.............. 10 35
3 00
Fox A Good, hauling .....................
H S Evans, cement for bridge....... 8 75
2 50
Eugene Walrad, labor for city........
W J Schmidt,
“ “
"........... 1 25
C H Gillette,
“ “
1 00
1 50
J P Sayle, police service on 4th........
G O Van Natta, do............................ 1 50
E A Hildreth, do............................... 1 50
J E Cox, labor for water works........ 3 00
D L Minkler & Bon, mds’e............... 1 95
1 55
T II Short, blacksmith work...........
1 50
W W Kentnor, labor........................
H C Messenger, lumber...................
3 24
Frank Cory Shoots Himself.
On last Saturday morning Frank Cory,
of Scott Valley, aged about 25 years,
shot himself just after returning home
from tbe 4th ol July ball at Fort Jones.
Tbe young man bad attended tbe celebra­
tion in company with friends, and at tbe
ball during the night seemed to be in ex­
cellent spirits. He arrived borne at the
Cory farm between Etna and Fort Jones
about six o’clock, and was told that
breakfast was ready. He excused biin­
self and said he desired to go to his
room a moment first. Almost as soon
as he entered his room a shot wae beard
and when the family reached the young
man they found he had shot himself
through the side, tbe ball entering just
above the groin. Medical assistance was
immediately summoned from both Etna
and Fort Jones, and everything possible
was done to save tbe young man.
Mr. Cory left homeeeveral years ago to
join tbe U. 8. army, and for tbe past
three years has been stationed at Van­
couver, Wash. He onlv returned to
Scott Valley a few days before the 4th.
Some of the friends of tbe young man
believe tbe shooting was accidental, but
every indication would lead to the be­
lief that tbe shot was fired with suicidal
intent.—Yreka Journal.
Dodge has a big stock of hammocks,
Dr. Barr, dentist I. O. O. F. block.
comprising cheap, medium and best
grades at prices to suit the times.
The Sacramento sewerage pnmping
An effort is being made by th* guff- u plant was burned. Loss, $6030.
ragists of Los Angeles for the relief cf
James G. Dawson, a lineman touched
Miss Phoebe W. Couzins of St. Louis, a live wire and fell sixty feet to the
who is in that city sick and penniless, sidewalk
on Market street, San Fran­
Miss Couzins arrived in San Francisco cisco.
He died a few minutes after the
a few months ago with her brother, fall
who was an invalid.
While there she
Governor Bndd has declared July 7th
was attacked w’ith acute rheumatism ; a legal holiday to celebrate the fiftieth
and was told that in the south she would anniversary of the raising of the Am­
find relief.
Eut on the contrary, Miss ♦ erican flag at Monterey.
Couzins has grown steadily worse in
As the work of raising the sunken
Los Angeles. A petition is being circu­ vessel, Blairmore, in San Francisco bay
lated by the Women Suffrage campaign
was about completed, the strap-iron
committee asking for contributions to a
hooks which supported the counter­
fund which is being raised for the pur­
balance gave way aud the ship 6ank
pose cf assisting Miss Couzins and her again.
brother to return to her home in St.
Simon Branler, a young German liv­
ing at Oakland, Cal., who broke a win­
Si Lovren, the Visalia, Cal., convicted dow
in order to get in jail to get food,
train robber, was sentenced to life im­ was abused by the other prisoners until
prisonment at San Quentin by Judgo
he became insane. He will now have to
Gray. The motion for a new trial was be kept in an asylum.
denied. Lovren will stay in the county
Work on the Santa Cruz Courthouse
jail pending an appeal to the Supreme
Soo, and >x.eo. AU Druggists.
will be resumed in a few days. F. A.
Hihn & Co. have agreed to complete the
The Sedro Lumber and Shingle mill, building under the original contract. •
at Sedro, Wash., was burned. Loss
Ex-Judge E. H. Lamms of Los An­
$30,000, partly insured. It was owned
geles, who was recently divorced, has
by a joint stock company.
married Miss Catherine Helling, his
A constantly increasing businesa, is a sure indication
The family of John Heilman, living typewriter.
near Damascus, Or., came near being
of enterprise and square-dealing.—E. A. S hebwin .
S. A. Lamaroux, United States Com­
annihilated by some fiend who put
strychnine in the water barrel. One missioner pf the Land Office, with fam­
child was dead and another thought to ily are v usiting California.
Suit was begun by the San Diego
be dying, while the father and three
Water Company to enjoin the city from
other children had a close call.
A force of five men of the engineer issuing the $1,500,000 bonds voted at
DRUGS and CHEMICALS only, and
corps of the Southern Pacific is working the recent election for acquiring the
Moreta water system.
between Riverside ’and Colton, and will
skillfully compounded by E. A. S herwin .
Chairman Holmes of the County Com­
then be engaged in locating a line south
to Riverside and to Corona.
Sheriff Lyndon is confident that the signed in compliance with the Grand
Army’s demand. It is understood the
suspect who has been arrested at Fargo,
N. D., is not Murderer Dunham, but to Grand Army of the Republic committee
that Sherwin sells all grades of Stationery, the very bes
make sure of the matter some one will gave him the alternative of resigning
or be prosecuted under the law defining
be sent from San Jose to see the suspect.
made and Cheap Grades to meet any competition.
the taking of money from employes by
The Forbestown stage ran away and an appointive officer as bribery, and
the driver, J. D. Forbes, was bruised making it a felony, punishable by one
considerably, and Mrs. T. J. Flint and to ten years’ imprisonment.
child of Marysville, who were the only
E. B. Ratliff, lately from Cedar Hill,
passengers, escaped without injury by
M., was instantly killed at the
jumping from the stage.
George Slocum sawmill, located twenty
Benjamin F. Thompson, a prominent miles northwest of Goldcndale, Wash.
young business man of Tacoma, com­ Deceased was at work when a slab
mitted suicide in one of the city hotels caught and threw him sixteen feet on
by hanging himself to a bedpost with a the saw, where his body was cut in
sheet. His mind was unbalanced as the twain.
result - of a coasting accident several
At a meeting of representative busi­
years ago.
© ^
ness men of Tacoma the sum of $2445
The Long Beach Chautauqua Assem­ was raised to pay part of the back sal­
bly meets on the 14th and lasts to the aries of tlie city firemen, who would
24tli. The summer school meets on the have walked out if the amount had not
13th and lasts to August 10th. The been forthcoming.
Southern California Methodist Episco­
The New Valley road announces its
pal conference meets ou J uly 24th and readiness to carry grain to Stockton
lasts to August 3d.
from points along its line.
It is estimated that 45,000 boxes of
The jury in the Parker will contest, at
Bartlett pears will be shipped from San Jose, was called into the courtroom
Wheatland, Cal., this month.
and Foreman William Ross told Judge
Work has commenced on building a Reynolds they could not agree. The
railroad frem Sisson to run out and tap jury stood 6 to 6. The attorneys for the
the Squaw valloy and McCloud timber contestant think, however, this is a par­
tial victory for them, aud will make ar­
Shad have begun to run up the Feath­ rangements for a new trial immediately.
An attempt was made to burn Dick­
er river and the Marysville fishermen
are out with boat and dip net each son’s planing mill in San Bernardino. A
huge pile of cordwood lying against the
Judge Eakin has rendered a decision building was saturated with coal oil and
affirming the validity of script issued by
Baker county, Or., to the amount oí
ture. As yet, there is no trace of the
Joseph Foxworthy, a resident of San
The first carload of dried apricots for
Jose for over thirty years and a highly
season was offered at San Bernar­
respected citizen, died July 4th, aged 72
dino, but none of the fruit buyers would
make an offer. The latter talk 8 cents
Big Timber, Mont,, has a new electric­ as about the price for the opening cf the
light plant, a city club, is about to put market, but will not buy at any price.
in water-works and will ship 4,000,000
The San Francisco Custom House
pounds of wool.
employes are on the anxious scat, as
Papers in insolvency have been filed the big check from Washington to pay
by C. H. Conant of the Stewart Hotel in June salaries has not turn d up, and it
San Bernardino. Liabilities about $9000; is probable that the deficiency in the
assets, nothing.
fund will be felt by the " boys.”
Shasta orchardists complain of the un­
The trial of Becker and Creegan, bank
usual destructiveness of birds among forgers, is in progress at San Francisco.
the fruit trees. They attack green as
Tlie steamer Topeka arrived at Victo­
well as ripe fruit.
ria, B. C., from the north., She brings
Quail are very numerous at Winches­ the details of the first seizure of the
fjnd the
Lower than
ter, San Diego county, and orchardists season. The sealing schooner SitJ^a of
have ever
complain that they are very destructive fakutat was boarded by officers of the
to ripe apricots.
Rush and lost fifteen shins for failure
As the result of a rabbit drive in to produce a special sealing license.
Rialto and Bloomington recently the
It is the same old story and yet constant­
number of these animals was decreased ly recurring that Simmons Liver Regula­
tor is the best family medicine. "We have
Boy’s Straw Hats from.
5 cts. up.
about 2000.
used it in our family for eignt years and
Henry Patterson, while intoxicated, find it the best medicine we ever used. We
...10 " each.
Hat Cords or Guards
fell into a creek at Yellow Jacket, think there is no such medicine as Sim­
50 " suit.
Idaho, and the swift-running waters mons Liver Regulator?’—Mrs. M. E. S.
Mens’ Balbriggan Underwear............
Adington, Franklin, N. C, "Each mem"
beat his life out on the rocks.
...70 1C 4<
ber of our family uses it as occasion re­
The Christian Endeavor societies of quires.”—W. B, Smith, Mt. Vernon, Ky-
$1.00 per “
Mendocino county, Cal., held a success­
Mena’ Clothing—Summer Suits from
$3.50 « «<
ful three day’s convention at Point
...40 eta pair.
Black Cotton Bicycle Hose.................
Arena, June 26th, 27th and 28th.
There will be a wheelmen’s meet at
A nice line oí Trunks and Valises.
Stockton on August 9th, at which it is
Through His Nervine Is a Ben
proposed to carve over 6000 San Joaquin
efactor to Thousands."
watermelons as refreshments.
About 1,000,000 pounds of wool is
stored in the freighthouses of the North­
ern Pacific aud Burlington. The highest
offer so far made was 8 cents, which was
Successor to O. H, BLOUNT.
An increase of 20,244 sheep is the rec­
ord of Yakima county, Wash., for the
past year. In 1895, there were 79,776
sheep in the county, aud now there are
upward of 100,000.
Small boys at San Jacinto started a
fire to burn out a rattler. The snake
was killed, timber valued at thousands
of dollars has been destroyed.
50 Bright New Silver Dollars to be given
The Grand Jury has brought in an
away, divided in four Cash Prizes as follows:
indictment of willful and malicious
1st Pi ize...................... ...................... $20 00
nurder against James Dixon, who shut
...................... 15 00
and killed Charles Rice, June 14tq, at a
...................... 10 00
baseball game near Blakesley’s, Or.
4th ll
...................... 5 00
WIDELY known Wisconsin publisher,
You can now go and buy your summer
who resides at Green Bay, writes
clothing. Vaupel, Norris & Drake have
Total..................... $50 00
March Sth, 1895, as follows:
received their big stock and are pleased to
“Five years ago I became so nervous that
show you a line of men’s, boy’s and chil­
dren’s goods that can’t be beat for low mental work was a burden. I could not rest
prices and good values.
at night on account of sleeplcMutuis. My we will give (on every 25c cash purchase and upwards,
amount in cash paid in on book account) Coupons re­
Mrs. Rhodie Noah, of this place, was attention waj called to Dr. Miles' Restora­ or
Nervine, and I commenced to use it presenting the amount of cash paid. For every $10
taken in the night with cramping pains tive
the very best effect. Since then I worth of these coupons the bolder is entitled to one guess
and the next day diarrhoea set in. She with
have kept a bottle in my house and use it at the number of beans contained in the Glass Maa on
took half a bottle of blackberry cordial
my nerves become unstrung, with exhibition at our store,
but got no relief. She then sent to me whenever
always the same good results. My son also
The nearest guess to the correct number gets the 1st
to see if I bad anything that would help
takes it for nervousness
prize, next nearest 2nd prize, etc. Tbe man to be
her. 1 sent her a bottle of Chamber- Dr. Miles’
with like never failing
opened, beanB counted and prizes awarded when 100
lainis Colic, Cholera and Diarrohea Rem­
success. I hava mcaui-
guesses are taken.
edy and the first dose relieved ber. An­ Nervine
it to many and
other of our neighbors had been sick for
ft cures them. All who
about a week and had fried different Restores
suffer from nerve
remedies for diarrohea but kept getting Health ••••••
troubles should try It.
worse. I eent him the same remedy. It is free from narcotics,
perfectly harm-
Only four doses of it was required to cure less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr.
him. He sayB he owes his recovery to
through his Nervine is a benefactor
this wonderful remedy. — Mrs. Mary Miles,
to thousands.”
Sibley, Sidney, Mich. For sale by Ash­
Editor and proprietor of D er L andsman .
land Drug Co.
Dr. Mlles* Nervine is sold on guarantee
Ashland was a scene of fun, festivity and
patriotic demonstration last Saturday, tbe
120th anniversary of the independence of
the United States. A great crowd assem­
bled to participate in tbe celebration. The
people came from all about southern Ore­
gon and northern California sent a large
1 test803 makes porcelain pictures—the contingent
of her patriotic sons and daugh­
ters. Eearly Saturday morning the roads
Horace Pelton of Gold Hill attended the leading into the city were lined with
celebration and ball.
vehicles laden with|families in which youths
For fint-class dental work see Dr. A. and maidens predominated, as they died
in the wall of humanity which had been
Hinman, Masonic block.
already assembled on the streets. Thev
R. P. Fab], the insurance agent came were all dressed out in their best and
brightest gowns of cool spotless white, re­
in from Portland Wednesday.
freshing summer colors set off with a pro­
Miss Rena Knowles of Jacksonville at­ fusion of red, white and Ylue ribbons,
tended the ball Saturday night.
badges and regalia, with jaunty bats and
Mrs- A J Stewart of Medford precinct caps, each appropriate to age and sex.Then
there was the sturdy pioneer bent with
registered at the Oregon last week.
years whose early recollections of the simple
A ball was given by J. R. Williamson at isolated lite of the first settlers of Oregon
Hotel Hall on tbeevenings of the 3d and4th made a wonderful contrast to this glamour
If you want first-class Photos, go to a of display, pomp and parade presented to
first-class artist. Larson makes the platino. his view in the granite city that had risen
from the old stage station and the flour
A. Bliton, tbe Mail editor, was one of tbe mill. There too were many of the grizzled
Medford visitors to Ashland for the celebra­ warriors of the “sixties” in whom the spirit
and reminiscence of battle, camp and
Edgewood celebrated on the 4th and had parade were stirred bv the martial features
the day. All Ashland was there, every­
a dance at night which was largely at­ of
body was there from all accessible points
AllUlf* Hay for Sale.
to do honor to the occasion and make ac­
Mrs. Dr. J. 8. Parson returned Tuesday knowledgement of
Alfalfa hay for sale at $5 per (on in the
from a short visit to her sister, Mrs. Cal­
field. All you want. Apply at once.
houn at Grants Pass.
R. 8, B arclay & S on ,
Robert Taylor is the local ticket agent for Their blood to buy our priseless heritage ;
Talent, Or.
the Northern Pacific. Persons going East They, whose quick hands ne’er trifled with
Pipings of Republican Bolters.
should apply to him.
the sword,
trembled when they signed the shatter­
Congressman W. W. Bowers, republi­
Victor Mayer left Tuesday for Covelo, Nor
ed page.”
can nominee of the seventh congress­
Cal., where he has obtained clerical
ional district of Califoruia in a recent
Elliot with his Napoleon gave us the
employment with H. Marks.
morning reveille at sunrise by a national
speech referring to tbe St. Louis conven­
For Sale Cheap —One upright eight­ salute from Roper’s hill that awakened
tion, said: "As to the financial plank,
horse power engine. Address, Ashland everybody for miles around except the
I am a free coinage man—a silver man
Steam Laundry, Ashland, Oregon.
smail boy who was already out priming
and out—because I know tbe con­
Crants Pass had a successful celebration his supply of fire crackers and bombs to be­
spiracy that robbed tbe people: I know
of the Fourth. The crowd is reported greater gin his favorite occupation of the day, to
the scoundrelism and theory of the syn­
him the most enjoyable of the year.
than on any similar occasion before.
dicate that throw this country into debt
About 9 o’clock the Ashland Band rigged
Pure blood is the safeguard of health. out in their bright, natty, red uniforms took
and rob tbe people through the power of
$561 45 gold.”
Keep the blood pure with Hood's Sar­ up position on the main plaza and rendered
saparilla if you would always be well.
a few stirring selections while the proces­
Kansas McKinlyites are somewhat de­
A. B. Spencer and Frank L. Spencer of sion was forming for the great pageant of
moralized over the report that ex-Senator
Vote for Your Queen!!
Pokagama came over last Friday for the
Onlv five cents with ¿he name of the John J. Ingalls has joined tbe Teller
At 10 o’clock the procession moved out
celebration and ball, returning Sunday.
bolters, He was down for a speech at the
Spring on to Main street. G. W. Dunn lady of your choice.
C, W. Wolters and wife, Mrs. S. A, was marshal and .1. E. Pelton and G. W.
state convention of republican clubs at
White and EditorC. E. Wolcott of Med­ Barron, aids. At the bead rode a bicycle
Rose Carnival.
Topeka the other day. Although in that
ford were up for the celebration Saturday. corps of both sexes, their steeds gaily
An attractive program is being arrang­ city be declined to attend the convention
Miss Blanche Dean of Grants Pass, who caparisoned and milking an interesting ap­ ed,for the amusement of our Rose Queen and got out of town at tbe very time they
has been visiting Ashland friends for some pearance. Following came tbe band led by whose coronation will take place soon wanted him. He has always been a sil­
time past, returned home the first of the Clint Austin as drum majoi. His plug hat after Chautauqua.
ver republican.
and cane together with an agile step under
an appropriate averdupois furnished ample
A Fact Worth Knowing.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley of Central Point evidence that the band bad picket out the
Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and
have taken up their residense at Ashland right man for the rule. Next came Co, D.
Col. J. A. Gross wants good fat all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by
and are located at tbe Sulphur Springs O. N. G.. Capt. May, the ranks being well chickens at the Depot Hotel, Will pay Shiloh
’s Cure. For sale by T. K. Bolton.
and wore the field belt The boys marched the market price.
States Senator Teller.
Frank Williams left Tuesday evening to well and were a leading feature of the
Passed Confederate Money.
I have believed and I now believe that
attend as a delegate the state silver union parade as is the cause in all public displays
convention at McMinnville which meets in Ashland. Another feature of all parades
Saturday one Ralph Winkley succeeded when the Almighty created these twin
in this town were tbe hose companies which in passing a Confederate five^dollar bill medal (gold and silver) of coin, He intend­
next in order. The carts of both in payment for a glass of beer at the
Emil Peil, the blacksmith, is agent for came
were tastefully and handsomely decorated. Bureau saloon, receiving $4.95 in good ed that the world should use them for the
Buckeye mowers and farmers implements The
fire boys were along in tbeir flaming money in change. The trick was dis­ purposes for which they were created. And
of all kinds. Comer Main street and 1st red shirts
in full force. Fireman Al Hil­
when He blessed this land of ours with
dreth drove a span of dark bays to No. 1 covered soon after and the officers noti­ more gold and more silver than any other
Dr. Selah Brown, the Chautauqua lec­ and fireman Clarence Lane, in a white suit, fied and Winkley was placed under
turer, and M. Straus, the musical director drove a team of white ponies to No.2’s cart, arrest. He claimed that one Henry country in the world He meant that we
from San Francisco, registered at the Ore­ Carriages containing the president of the Miller had given him the bill and told should use them for tbe purposes for which
dav, the reader and the ladies quartet were him to pass it if he could. Miller was they were intended, to wit, as money for
gon Tuesday.
by Granite Lodge K. P. represent­ immediately placed under arrest. Both the people. We to-day reverse the tradi­
Yesterday’s north-bound passenger train followed
ed by seven members mounted bedecked
was delayed for 2 hours, the cause being a with the regalia and encased in the armor men have been allowed to go on their tions of our country and declare that we
break-down of a freight train the other side of the order.
own recognizance until tomorrow morn­ will use only one of those metals. If the
of the Siskiyous.
A cornucopia of roses some three feet in ing at 9 o’clock, when they will be given American people are in favor of that, I
F. M. Stephenson has relinquished the diameter covered nearly the whole platform examinations in the Justice’s court. have nothing to say. I must submit to tbe
Ashland hotel, and accompanied by his of a vehicle drawn by four Shetland ponies —Later. The charges against Ralph
family returned to their old home at abreast which were driven by Miss Lillie Winkley and Henry Miller were dis­ majority vote and majority voice in this
Walrad. Sitting within the entranceof the missed by Justice Wheeler, as the law country of ours. I do not believe that tbe
Roseville, Cal., Tuesday.
cornucopia, in a bed of encircling flowers does not cover a crime of that kind.— people are in favor of a single gold standard.
Capt. M. F. Eggleston left by last even­ was a beautiful little child, a mere tot of a
I believe that 90 per cent of tbe American
ing's train to attend as a delegate tbe girl of a few years who looked as happy Eugene Guard.
state silver union convention which con­ and self-contained as if she were in com­
people are in favor of bimetallism in the
venes at McMinnville to-day.
Timber Land For Sale.
mand of the parade.
old-fashioned meaning of the word up to
A feature which pleased the juvenile
Stephenson A Helms, tbe proprietors of
Eight hundred acres of timber land, 1873.
the Ashland hotel building, have taken spectators was a very clever impersonation all in Township 40, Range 4 East, Willam­
possession of the property, and the hotel of Uncle Sam by Holmes of Van Sant’s ette Meridian, for sale. For price and
Mill Feed.
will henceforth be conducted under their grocery store, who rode a mule and carried further particulars address
per ton. Retail, 70
an ad for his firm.
cents per 100 at the Ashland Roller Flour
Tbe normal school float was a very pretty
Grant Crary >nd Fred Hogue came in one, decorated with the purple and gold
Shake, Ore Mills.
from Pelican bay last week to enjoy the colors
the school. Miss Blanche Logan
Fourth and attend to matters pertaining to rode on of the
Miners’ supplies at R. S. Barclay &
Probate Court.
float and Earl Jackson held the
tbe fitting out their Pelican bay place for reins. -
Son, Talent. Cheap.
the tourist season.
Burnside Post G. A. R. rode in an ap­ ed to probate and Robert R. Minter ap­
The wool season will open in Sydney
Among the Jacksonville people who at­ propriately decorated wagon, followed by pointed administrator and Polk Matthews, September 15th, and it is estimated that
tended the celebration at Ashland were the W. R. C. in carriages.
F. Ayers and W. W. French as appraisers.
The Ashland public schools were repre­
Mrs. A. W. Sturgis and daughter, John
Estate of John Carter. W. I. Vawter ap­ the New South Wales clip of 1895-96
Devlin and wife, Henry Pape, Dr. Caldwell sented by a float of unique design, very pointed administrator, and J. E, Pelton, will show a decrease of 166,000 bales.
cleverly worked out and the prettiest in M. L. Alford and E. V. Carter as apprais­
and Miss Annie Donegan.
Consumers of a hundred and one of
line. It was a minature with living ers.
All the young ladies who took part in tbe tbe
the necessities of life in which brim­
grand bicycle parade in Red Bluff on the ed.
appointed administrator and T. J. Kenney, stone is a part must be prepared to pay
4th, were costumed in white duck blazer
K. O. T. M. had a handsome float A. W. Sturgis aud T. J. Richards as ap­ an advance on present prices. This is
suits, with white Tam O’Sbanters and on The
which the members, arrayed in the praisers,
white shoes, forming a pretty picture.
because certain foreign capitalists have
uniform of tbe order, represented its bene­
organized a ^rimstone trust, the modest
The old corner drugstore building in the ficent purposes.
Bought Out Camps.
The I. 0, O, F. and Rebekah lodges made
Billings’ block has been fitted up by the
Louis Larson, a photographer from Ta­ object of which is to control the brim­
ladies as an art studio for the Chautauqua one of the best appearances in the parade. coma
has purchased F. L. Camps’ gallery stone market of the world.
classes. The studies it is claimed will be Miss Minnie Predmore as "Rebecca on the in Ashland
well” looked prettier than any pictures of For the next 30 days he will make cabinet­
more interesting this season than last.
sized photos for $3.00 per dozen,
Archbishop Gross and Bather Dermarais
been permitted to see.
ready boomed prices in this country
will hold services in Grants Pass next Sun­ ever
"Uncle Bobby” Baldwin whom we are
At Pocpuix, A- L, John Tripp,
day. The archbishop will lecture and give
glad to see. was on hand as a repre­ forty years of age, committed sui­ from $14 50 to $18 50 per ton.
confirmation in Ashland at 9 a. m. Sunday, always
of the Mexican war veterans, who
Second Vice-President Morrison of
July 19th A special lecture in the church sentative
cide, being found before death in a
gave us awestern empire.
the League of American Wheelmen has
at 7:30 p.m. Everybody welcome.
The Woodman of the World appeared on ditch in tbe outskirts of the city. He
While out playing, George Parsons, son a large float; were jolly and delighted the had taken morphine and had then cut requested the Western roads to appoint
of Mrs. W. P. Parson, fell from the upper spectators with their song of "Mary’s his throat from ear to ear. He was a a date when the officials of the league
story window ot R. High's barn, breaking Lamb” and "Heiho! heiho!”
may confer with them regarding the
his right arm just above the wrist. He
Mr. Good drove a dray carrying a neat miner, who had spent all his money in attitude of the roads toward the trans­
was brought to town tinconcious and Dr. set of harness to remind the public of the drink.
portation of bicycles.
Mr. Morrison
Herndon attended to the injured lad.
useful business of Fox and Good.
At Victoria, B. C., the steamer Em­ has suggested July 7th as a date on
A new use has been discovered for hops,
Pelton & Neil with a float which carried press of India lias just arrived from which the meeting can be held.
namely, tlie curing of bacon. It is found for
butchershop. It was well conceived Japan, and brings word that Signor
that a sprinkling of hops in tbe brine when and cleverly
Young Hughes, who was arrested for
Calvo, the Spanish Minister to Japan,
bacon and hams are put in pickle, adds
eggs from a Chinese merchant,
has been recalled by his Government,
greatly to the flavor of both, and enables
public of its existence in a nice way as did
pleaded guilty and Judge Gregg sen­
them to be kept for an indefinite period.
the Gem cigar store, H. Judge, the saddler
tenced him to three years in San Quen­
Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber­ and others.
Mrs. John McClunie drove the only
shop. Opposite town hall.
Fannie Jenkins, aged 14 years, daugh­ tin. Eight years ago Hughes served a
chariot in the line of the Roman epoch. ter of Captain William Jenkins, a term for burglary.
The Journal says: The correspondent She was a marked figure, holding tbe reins
Michael Barbaras and Louie Deresti,
•f the Examiner received word thiB of four frisking steeds stepping abreast to miner employed at the Virtue Mine,
week that the juveniio base ball nine the music at the head of the column, She Baker City, Or., while walking from together with three or four other coal­
in Yreka would plav ball in a few days carried the only banner of the particular their cottage to a neighbor’s house with diggers whose names are not yet known,
contrary to orders entered the Wash­
with tbe nine nearest this place. Tbe trade, “John McClunie the Clothier,”
Of the trade representations, Sherwin her little brother in her arms, stumbled, ington mine, belonging to Biggs &
boys will have to play either with Ash­
out the huge affair. Sherwin was and in trying to keep the child from be­
land or Redding, and will be tbe guests of brought
Flinn, to take out their tools.
A ter­
really greatest of all. It was a big white
tbe Examiner from the time they leave bottle about 12 feet high with a stopper ing injured, fell backward and broke rific explosion of mine gas occurred
her neck. Death was instantaneous.
Yreka until they return.
made from one of the big redwood trees of
and Barbaras and Deresti were instantly
California, The thing was carried by four The place where she fell was as level as killed. The fate of their companions
Giant Powder, 13l£ cents per pound, men and its rectangular faces bore inscrip­ a floor.
at R. S. Barclay & Son, Talent.
tions drawing attention to the Ashland
The Secretary of the American Re­ is not known, but they are also believed
The Times says: The celebration at the Drug
Society in Chicago has just received to be dead. The explosion caused con­
Ashland Iron Works was represent­
siderable damage to the mine.
mouth of French gulch on upper Applegate ed The
by a well designed float and attracted a letter from S. M. Moore, chairman of to the presence of gas the interior can­
eclipsed all previous efforts in that line in attention
the society, who is now in Turkey.
that section. The attendance was large
not now be explored.
and the spirit of getting all the enjoyment tively new to Ashland and its success and Moore makes the astounding statement
Harriet Beecher Stowe, the famous
possible out of the occasion seemed to pre- enterprise is held of much concern to our that since the troubles began over 50,-
vade eyeryone. Sports of various kinds people.
of “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin, ” died at
At the appointed hour the Chatauqua
were indulged ;n. The horse races were
her home in Hartford, Conn., on the
closely contested between the blue blooded witness the literary and musical exercises
kind are described. The present situ­ 18th inst. She was 84 years of age.
equines or that section. The dancing plat­
form was well filled and the merry dancers of the day. Probably not more than half ation in the devastated region, the area
The band of La Cret, separated from
continued the enjoyment until a late hour. tbs people secured seats so great was the of which is about the same as that of the other Cuban forces, has been en­
crowd, as happened similarly two years
Dr. Barr, Dentist, I. O, O. F. block.
ago. Mr. WatsOn presided and Rev. Mr. New England, is said by Moore to Le camped near Alfonzo Doce, in Matan-
Childs opened the exercises with prayer.
zas pro rince. They are carrying many
On tbe morning of the 4th some wit­ A trio or ladies sang "To thee, O Country ’ far from hopeful.
A little 8 year-old boy­ named Wirk- wounded.
less McKinleyite, whose adoration for and with interludes of song and music by
his leader and possible availability for the band, in which Miss Roper sang the ad­ man has been arrested at Butte, Mout.,
The insurgent leaders, Tapanes Bac-
town postmaster rendered him oblivious ditional verses to "Old Glory,” making a on a charge of burglary, He walked loa, Jose Jesus and Rodríguez, have been
to tbe improprieties of bis act on a touching plea for poor Cuba with a voice as into a wholesale liquor store, went be­ imprisoned in the Sagua jail and sen­
as the words are touching to our
national holiday, placed one of the sweet
loving people, (the verses appear on hind the counter, opened the till and tenced to death.
framed lithograph pictures of McKinley liberty
the first page of this paper,) the reading took out $2.
Mr. Charles Day Rose, owner of the
on a poie in the top of tbe shade tree of the Declaration of Independence came;
yacht Satuuita, has ordered the
which stands in tbe plaza. The tree bad Miss Agnes Devlin of Jacksonville was the
turned from the frontier, and quiet now ship-building firm of J. G. Fay & Sons
been decorated with some bunting for reader and did it feelingly and well.
The speaker of the day was Judge W. H. prevails throughout the country. The at Southampton to build a yacht to beat
the celebration, and the display of this
picture of the great republican leader Crowell who with a few pleasant intro­ general army review was one of the the German Emperor’s new cutter Me­
provoked so much open and harsh criti­ ductory remarks plunged into the body of greatest sights ever witnessed here, and teor and the Prince of Wales’ yacht
address. He spoke only about thirty
cism ou the part of those holding to a his
minutes and his speech was full of good President Barrios was enthusiastically Britannia. The boat is to be constructed
different political faith that the com­ counsel being most cordially approved by cheered by the populace.
after special designs.
mittee management properly caused it the great audience.
Between 40,000 and 50,000 visitors to
to be pulled down. "Cooned McKinley
The grand burlesque parade of the after­
city are expected during
iiab dey? Well, de ole man has double noon was exceptionally good and afforded
tracked considerable, but dev has run a great diversity of entertainment. Tb6 in honor of the Ancient and Honorable the next ten days to attend the sessions
him up a tree at last! When ebber dey great day closed with an enjoyable ball at Artillery Company of Massachusetts, of the Fifteenth International Christian
the opera house. The firemen’s executive now ou its way to England. Reviews Endeavor convention, which begins on
coon a man like dat, he's boun’ to come committee
whose auspices the ar­
down sure. I tell yer boys, dat act am rangements under
for the celebration were made, up tothe present have never been held, Wednesday next and continues through
bad medicine for McKinley, by gollys; consisted of F. D. Wagner, H. 8, Evans. H. save for crowned heads.
the 13th. A combined seating capacity
£pd sorry to I is, cause seems like an J. Hicks, G. W. Vaupel and J. E. Thorn­
of 40,000 will be available in the various
pntau ’yantage.” Such was the reflec­ ton. These gentlemen and the several
places. The city has been gener­
working committes. the personel of which meico of Bulnwago are organizing a
tion of one pf the onlookers.
we do not know, all deserve credit for tbeir mass meeting to petition the British ously decorated for the occasion
successful work in the design aud execution South Africa Company to reinstate by private effort, and the Govern­
Mrs. G. Barclay, Modiste.
of the days program.
have lent their
Cecil Rhodes, whose resignation vas ment authorities
For the latest styles in dressmaking go
assistance in decorating the pub­ Highest' Honora—World’» Fair,
accepted last week.
to Mrs. G. Barclay. Novelty block, oppo
site Hotel Oregon.
Millinery and Hairdressing.
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
John R. Pyle, of San Jose, Cal., wEo lic parks with appropriate foliage
Miss Ober has opened fashionable milli­ is largely engaged in vegetable garden­ devices which include the working out
nery and hairdressing parlors at her home
in plants and flowers the familiar “C,
on Factory street and invites the ladies ing on tlie K'-’-ig road, about three miles E. “ monogram combination of the let­
east of this city, has erected a cannery
PARKER—ROLISON—A quiet marriage wishing anything in the line to call upon on his place an l will can most of his ters “ Y. P. S. C. E. ” the convention
ceremony wa3 pronounced by Rev. F. G. her.
garden products. He experimented by flag in colors and other devices in scroll
Strange at his residence, July 4th. 1896.
Mr. Millard F, Parker and Mrs. Louise
seme Leans, last year, and met work. A feature of this year’s convention
From the demand tor
ju dia­
Rolison were the happy pair.
success that this year he will will be the chorus of 4,000 voices, which
lect English it locks as if the American
can peas, beaus, tyiqatpes and other has been in training a loug time.
who has made a failure at novel writ­
vegetables. The cannery will give em­
A Word or Two
ing along other lines might be thor­ ployment to a number of hands.
to those suffering from catarrh or the
subject to severe attacks of cold
WHITMAN—In Medford, June 23,1896, to oughly successful if he should master
A verdict of $1 damages was awarded thousands
the head, will not be amiss if a sure rem­
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whitman a daughter. fctaoteU nr Welsh and give the world a 1 L. Vandenn, city marshal of San Ber- in
edy can be offered. Ely’s Cream Balm has
tale written
iYc commend this i nardino, in bis libel suit against the become a favorite in all sections of the
United States, because of its effectiveness.
view of the case to Americans who pan- Los Angeles Times.
Your cold in the bead will be quickly re­
not find sale for their novels written in
lieved by it, and the severest attack of
MILLS—Near Medford, July5, 1896. Ste­
will yield to. and be perfectly
phen H. Mills of consumption, aged 29 Z-glish.
ROYAL Baking Powder, catarrh
cured by a thorough treatment. Catarrh
years and 8 months.
Highest of all in leavening is not a blood disease, but an inflamtna tion
The place to get what you want it) the
* [Most Perfect Made.
WASHBURN—At Woodville. July 5, 1896,
of the passages of the nose and throat, due
U. ». Qoveruwaat Revert. to climatic change*,
Mrs. Charlotte E. Washburn, aged 04,
Year* the Standard,
• 4
• 4
.JIJ .LJ——
‘V .
The Cough
which Lingers
°n of Jhe
o diti
system, and is
not affected by ordinary cough
medicines, will yield readily to
Scotts SmuUion,
because it gives strength to the
weakened body and enables it to
throw off the disease*
Paste it in your hat
The New Summer Goods
Prices are
been sold
John McClunie*
«Sc Son.«
first bottle will benefit or money refunded.
Prof. P. J. HEAD
A^_Medford, Oregon
Hotel For Sale
Allen Oo.
H Of Portland. ||
Five Different Kinds of
Pokegama, Cal.
From $260 and Upwards.
OR SALE OR LEASE on Reasonable
Call on or address:
F Terms.
H. S. Prendergast, TERN|S:^Small payment down and $10 per month. Organs
Pokegama, Cal.
$5.00 per month,
PIANOS:—Chickering, Hardman, Fisher, Jewett, Ludwig
Mrs, L. Hessig,
Beswick, Cal,
ORGANS:—Estey, Mason & Hamlin, Frand and Bottey.