VALLEY RECORD VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NO MONOPOLY PRICES I Give us your order for 3 Letterheads. State­ ments, Envelopes. &c. VALLEY RECORD. VOL. IX. Siskiyou County Assessment. The County Assessor is now finishing up the assessment roll, and will soon be ready to give footings. The assessable propertv will be equal to last year, if not J~)R. J. S. HERNDON, a little more. The railroad lands have been assessed somewhat higher in a few PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. places, lowered on their poorest lands O regon . located on mountain peaks, but will A shland , probablv average a little higher total H^Office— In Townsend Building, on than last year. All delinquent since 1876 will be added to the roll this year, Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregpn. to collect all back taxes with costs, which will astonish many property own­ HINMAN. D. D. S ers neglecting to settle during any year of the past 20 years. This is required by the Code under late amendment.—Yreka Journal. Professional Cards ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, PRESSED BRICKS. EXECUTION AT FORT KLAMATH. THURSDAY, ASHLAND OREGON, Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. JULY 2, 1896, NO. 6. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year............................................. 31 75 Six Months.......................................... 1 00 Three Months....................................... 50 Advertising rates given on application Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report THE X ASHLAND X HOUSE Baking Powder An Interesting Article on the Hang Klamath county will soon organize a bi- ing of the Four Modoc Warriors ruetahc league. in 1873. A, Harvey of Henley has returned from Klamath Falls Republican.] his tour in the east. AppropoB of the proposed demolition Miners’ supplies at R. S. Barclay & The Pioneer and Old Reliable Hotel of of the old historic post of Fort Klamath Son, Talent. Cheap. by the sale of the remaining buildings at Ashland, is now Under the Management of Miss Mollie Rearnes of Klamath Falls is public auction, on July 6th next, so that visiting Jacksonville relatives. few vestages of this frontier post so well W. E. Phipps, the teacher, returned to known during the Snake and Modoc ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Medford Sunday from Sisson, Cal. • Indian wars, Bave the graves of Captain Jack and bis associates in the peace com ­ E. J. Poole and wife of Klamath county mission massacre, will remain, we are are visiting Jackson county relatives. to present below a report of the ex­ John, Black Jim and Boston Charley were LEE AND M’CLELLAN. Giant Powder, 13>2 cents ner pound, able Captain Jack ecution of these famous Modocs which launched into eternity. at R. S. Barclay & Son, Talent. DENTIST. occurred on October 3,1873, and was the and Black Jim died instantly, their necks Their First Meeting as Described by tba Jeremiah Davidson, an early pioneer of closing act in the sanguine drama of the being broken, but Schon-chin John and Latter After the Civil War. Perfect Wisdom Siskiyou county, died in Scott valley last Modoc war. We find this literarv frag­ Boston Charley struggled for some time. Entertaining papers giving reminis­ An Experienced Hotel Man of California, and has been £**la th Masonic Bnilding up stairs Would give us perfect health. Because week. men and women are not perfectly wise, they ment in the hands of Prof. W. S. Worden, The little form of Boston moved convul­ cences of “The Lost Cause” wero read over Post Office. Completely Renovated and Improved and is Ready must take medicine to keep themselves When you drink tea get the best—Ito who has been quite a collector of Modoc sively several times, and twice the knees perfectly healthy. Pure, rich blood is the Blend—it will please you. Take no other. literature since bis advent among us. were drawn up. The muscular frame of in this city at a meeting of the Daugh­ -^^Bna^for the Traveling Public. basis of good health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla J. K. Van Sant, Ashland. The report was written by Capt. O. U Schon-cbin was longest in convulsions ters of the Confederacy. In a paper pro- is the One True Blood Purifier. It gives JJR- 8- I- SONGER. pared by Mr. George Savage and read the knees being drawn up repeatedly. Applegate, as war correspondent of the Mr. Tongue ’ s strongest point as a candi ­ good health because it builds upon the true date. lies in the fact that he has been able New York Times, and also furnished the Finally the left band was clenched and by Mrs. D. Giraud Wright was described foundation—pure blood. to poll so many votes since the election. correspondent of the Oregonian and Pitts­ raised toward the heart, and then a the first meeting of General Robert E. PHYSICIAN and 8URGEON. RATES, $1.00 to $1.50 PER DAY. Hood's Fills are purely vegetable, per­ Ex-Sheriff E. W. Gowen and wife of burg Leader. We also bave an article sudden straightening of the iron frame Lee and General George B. McClellan, No Chinese Employed fectly harmless, always reliable and bene­ Klamath county are visiting Cottage G rove giving the speeches of the condemned denoted that Schon-cbin John was no as General McClellan had related the MEALS, 25 Cents. ficial. Novelty Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon, friends. They went via the military wagon Modocs, delivered in the guard house on more. At the expiration of thirty facts to Mr. Savage in the summer of road. the day before the execution, and an ac­ minutes Surgeon McElderrv examined 1878. The Canvass Completed. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + A shland , .... O regon . ♦ Judge W. C. Hale of Klamath Falls has count of the final departure of the sub­ the four bodies, and finding life extinct, The secretary of state, in the presence of “ It was near the City of Mexico dur ­ they were cut down and carried by sol ­ the governor, as provided by law, has com­ gone to Albany on his bicycle. Mrs. Hale dued band for the Indian Territory, diers to a tent provided for the purpose, ing the Mexiean war, ” said General Mc­ -A. FIRST-OLASñ EAR 11ST CONNEC­ pleted the canvass of the June election re­ and daughter passed through Ashland this which we will publiBb later. J~)R. C. W. BARR. where the bodies were prepared for burial. Clellan to Mr. Savage, “that I first met turns sent up by the county clerks, and week on the cars. TION WITH HOT H Ti. F ort K lamath , Oct. 3, 1873. Saturday a proclamation was issued by the And then the citizens took their depar­ my future great opposing commander. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy cures governor declaring the results of the elec­ colds, croup and whooping cough. It is The day having arrived for the execu­ ture, the troops moved back to their I was a lieutenant cf engineers and Lee Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow’s Block. tion. The tollowing is the official abstract tion of the Medoc prisoners, there was quarters, and the reservation Indian was a major of engineers and a favorite pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by of the vote as announced for congressmen, A shland , O regon . much stir in the garrison from early marched by the garrison, and. mounting on the staff of Geueral Winfield Scott and prosecuting attorney in the first district Ashland Drug Co. dawn. Already the gallows bad been their horses, rode homeward. Among I was walking across a field one day CONGRESSMAN, Mrs. M. R. Klindt of Tacoma arrived in erected near the edge of the pine woods those who lingered longest in the garrison *11 work pertaining to modern dent­ Ashland Monday on a visit to her sister, within three or tour hundred paces of waa Old Schon-chin, of Yainax, legal when I saw General Scott and his staff istry. Painless operations a specialty. First District: ....... 1,356 Mrs, C. P. Jones. She will likely remain the stockade, where the majority of the and heriditary chief of all the Modocs approaching on horseback As the party N C Christenson Pr. . Jefferson M vers, D.. . ....... 7.914 here for some time. Modocs are confined. The six ropes He had quietly sat within a hundred feet drew near to me Major Leo reined up Thomas H Tongue, R ...... 19.355 Louis Wetzel and Miss Gertude Nixon, M. BROWER M. D. ...... 19,292 well known Yreka yonng people, were bung from the high beam above the plat­ of the scaffold, and witnessed the execu­ his horse and, addressing me in an an­ W S Vanderberg, P... Second District: married last week and are spending their form, the long coffins were placed upon tion of his only brother. Although he gry tone, said: the ground beneath, and the graves were carried ena vigorous war with the whites “ ‘Lieutenant, don’t you know you A S Bennett, D........ ..................... 7,099 honeymoon in San Francisco. PHYSICIAN and 8URGEON, W R Ellis. M R............................. 12,617 already dug. 20 years ago, Bince the Klamath and are disobeying orders? What is your W. G. Kropke returned Sunday from F McKercher, Pro ...................... 775 Many citizens of the adjacent country, Modoc treaty of 1864 was concluded, he name?’ O regon . A shland . H H Northrup, G R..................... 8,807 southern California where be spent the and even from remote parts of the land, has remained faithful to its obligations, past winter and spring. He is looking well “I told him my name was McCleilan Martin Quinn, P............................ 12,239 had congregated in and about the garri­ and has zealously advocated the white and that I did not know I was disobey­ and says he is back for his annual mountain PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ son, and the few Modocs permitted to man’s law. Repeatedly he viB'ted the ing orders. outing. First District: chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, Archbishop Wm, H. Gross of the Catho- wander about the post at will, looked seceding band in the Modoc country and “ ‘All officers have been told to re­ George W Colvlg, R. 2,880 counseled Captain Jack and Schon-chin ltc Church of Oregon, will be in Southern gloomy and apprehensive. John A Jeffrey. P.. 2,928 main in their quarters and await or­ John to return to the reservation with As the eventful hour approached, offi ­ S S Pentz. D............. 878 Oregon soon to conduct the continuation cers moved about the post arranging the their people, but without avail. By re­ ders, ’ he exclaimed, still appearing very SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. exercises. He will deliver a lecture in Ashland. various details. Companies of troops quest of General Canby, he was at the angry. Consumption Can be Cured - —1 J. marched and countermarched on the first meeting held with the Modocs at the “I replied that no such order had Mrs. B. Beach was at Tolo last week G. A. R. by the use of Shiloh’s Cure. This great visiting her friend, Mrs. J.G. McDonald. level and beautiful parade ground, their scene of the massacre last spring, and on reached mo, and he then peremptorily 4*,W,4,,5-4’4,4-4*4’4-4,4,4"4,4,4,+4.4,4“J*4-4’4,4-J-4-4-4-+4"i-+4-4-4. Cough Cure is the only known remedy for We are sorry to report that Mrs. McDonald bright accoutrements glittering among returning to General CaDby.s tent, BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. ordered me back to my quarters, and that terrible disease. For sale by T. K. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and who has been very ill for some months, is the pine trees, and Klamath and loyal Schon-chin, in the presence of your cor­ hastened away to join General Scott and not improving. 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com­ Bolton. Modoc Indians from the reservation came respondent, told the geueral that having the rest of the staff, who had not stop­ rades cordially welcomed. Mining Items. Eagle Point will celebrate the 4th of July. flocking in on their active little ponies to seen the eyes of Captain Jack and his ped. V A, C. S pencer , Commander. The hydraulic tunnel on the Younglove J. B. Eddy, state railroad commissioner, see their doomed relatives suffer the brother, and beard them talk, he knew 1 “I returned across tho field to my G. O. V annatta , Adjutant. 4* will deliver the oration. There will be a > . «■— ■ - ■ ■—-1 Greene placer mine on Louse creek has basket dinner and Woodruff sisters will penalty of the law. At 9 o’clock a. m. they would never consent to leave the' quarters, feeling much injured, for 1 the condemned were taken from the Modoc country, and that it was useless been completed. It is 630 feet long. + Ashland, Oregon. fnrnish the music. guard house, placed in a wagon and to talk to them, and be believed he could had not knowingly committed any + W. R. C. King Bros., whe have been working the + The Klamath Falls Express says: Chas. escorted by troops to the gallows. On do more good by returniug to take care breach of discipline. I complained to BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS NO. 24 Steamboat ledge, have suspended operations Holmes 4» arrived from Ashland yesterday their arrival near the engine of death, of his people at Yainax. He then asked my fellow officers cf Major Lee’s treat­ Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p. and returned to Portland. The rich ore and expects to go up to the Spencer ranch 4» m. on the second and fourth Fridays of found in the mine proved to be a pocket. at Rock creek today, with the view of Captain Jack and Schon-cbin looked up the general’s permission to go, which be­ ment of me. Scarcely had I finished my toward the general and other offices be­ ing sanctioned, the general took the old story when I was told that there was an t each month. M rs . J. D. C rocker , Pres. Mr. McCall this week exhibited to admir­ securing some good hay land. M m . L ydia G riswold , Sec’y. seechingly. Black Jim was Bullen and chief’s hand, thanked him for bis assist­ ing crowds two large nuggets picked up on .... The best line.... A Chinaman in Scott valley who was apparently unconcerned, while Boston ance, encouraged hitn in his loyalty, and officer outside who wished to see me, his claim on Pleasant creek, a tributary of catching rattlesnakes and extracting their Charley looked at the scaffold, then on the following morning Schon-chin left and I was greatly surprised to find Major Evans creek. One nugget was worth about IN SOUTHERN OREGON. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, oil for medicine, was bitten by one of the at the crowd, and smiled pleasantly, as for Yainax, satisfied tnat the commission Lee seated there upon his horse. He ?100. The other was curiously mixed with GRANITE LODGE.NO. 23, Knights of the quartz and weighed about two pounds. reptiles about two weeks since. A few days saluted and I returned the salute. • later bis skin became spotted like a leop­ though he did not realize the fearful could accomplish nothing. Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every — Oregon Mining Journal. 4« “‘Lieutenant McClellan,’ said he, A half hour after the execution of his significance of the preparations. The Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good ard’s, and be swelled up and died in great 4- prisoners were placed on the platform, brother your correspondent accompanie’d ‘I fear that in our meeting just now I A. W. Silsby recently made a trip to agony. Standing are cordially invited to attend. Agricultural Implements •i* Happy Camp, Cal., over the Siskiyous by F. D. W agner , C. C. seated on a bench, and their arms and the old chief to General Wheaton ’ s was discourteous in tone or manner, and ♦ M. C. Kasson has been making up a list the Waldo trail. He contemplates putting 8. G. E ggers , K. of R & 8. * legs carefully bound. General Wheaton quarters where, taking the general’s a pack train on the trail. He informs the of land owners in road district No. 15, for having received a commutation of the hand, Schon-chin spoke substantially as I have come to express to you the regret the use of Road Supervisor G. W. Maylone which, under the circumstances, a gen­ + Oregon Mining Journal that Happy Camp tleman should. ’ is a typical mining camp, consisting of five as formerly not half of the assessable prop sentence oi Barnacbo and Slo-lux to im­ follows: MASONIC, 4* erty in that district has paid its tribute to “ Today I have seen my only brother prisonment for life, this intelligence was general merchandise stores, besides the • Garland Stoves and Ranges “I assured him that it waa all right, SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, R. A. M. usual number of saloons, hotels and lodg­ the cause of good roads.—Klamath Falls communicated to them, and they re­ die—not the death which the Great and with a salute and a low bow, which Express. 4* mained under guard at the foot of the Spirit sends quietly to all good men—but Regular convocations on the Thursday ing houses. Three of the stores are run by 4* I feelingly returned, be rode away, leav­ Chinese. Indeed, the country is full of J. E. Eldredge, proprietor of the Del scaffold untill after the execution. This the hard death of the broken law. next after the full moon. I SAWS, : GUNS, Chinese—500 or 600 Mr. Silsby estimates Norte Record, died at bis home in Crescent news did not6e9m particularly gratifying E. V. C arter , H. P. “We had but one father, but one ing me lost in udmiration of a superior AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. — who own much of the best placer ground City Friday, June 19th, aged 69 years. to these two men, for to the mind of an mother. There is a fiery pain in my officer who could so promptly and so E. A. 8 h ebwin , Secretary. and work the same with the most improved Mr, Eldredge was one of the pioneers of Indian, a transition to the land of the heart, but I know the white man’s law ❖ generously repair an error. ’ ’—Baltimore ❖ hydraulic machinery, in the most approved Del Norte county, living there since 1853, ❖ ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. M. manner. This placer ground the Mongo­ and making part of the history of the hereafter, is preferable to incarceration is good. He brought this trouble upon Snn. himself, and I take the white man’s hand lians got hold of in early days, and they For the past seventeen years he for life behind the bars of a prison. A Baby's Lift Saved, 8tated communications on the Thursday have stuck to it like leeches. " The country county. The gallows occupied the center of a and say it is well. Many, many times has been running the Record. of or before the full moon. “My baby had croup and was saved by is entirely a gravel country and a very square about two hundred feet in diame­ have I gone into the Modoc country to Col. W. H. Taylor, the well-known min­ ter. Upon the east, south and west talk to him, and try to persuade him to Shiloh’s Cure,” writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of K. A. S herwin , W. M. good one. Money is plentiful; lots of C. H. V avpel . Secretary. whiskey is drunk; gambling is a favorite ing operator, was on Monday’s train en sides, troops were drawn up in line, and come and live with me at Yainax. He Huntsville, Ala. For sale by T, K, Bolton. pastime, and free tights, in which the whole route to 8an Francisco. The distressing on the north were citizens in carriages would not take mv advice. You know populatiou takes a hand, are of almost accident at Glendale, noted in last issue, to M ain S treet , O pposite P l / za . ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. E. 8. HE LOVED HIS MASTER. daily occurrences. For eight months in one of the Victory mine employees from and on foot, and five hundred loyal I have never broken the law, and I tell Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays the year the people are closed in almost premature explosion of dynamite, culmi­ Klamath and Modoc Indians, Beated in a you again that I never will. I wish to PAINTERS’ TOOLS, In each month. entirely. A messenger carries in the mail nated in the death of Young Andrews, who line in front of the citizens. These In­ take the children of my brother and bo a Two Storlca cf Sosimo, Robert Louis Ste­ HA-IJSTTS M rs . IzM. C aldwell , W. M. once a week on snowshoes from Waldo, was so fearfully injured, and he was hurried dians moved behind the troops from the father to them. I hope yon will let me venson’s Faithful Samoan Body Servant. M bs . S. C. C handler . Secretary. WALL PAPER. Q-LJLSS. ETC. but ingress and egress can, with consider­ Sunday. The other day the cook was away, garrison, in a column ot twos, with mili­ have them, that I may take them to my abledifficulty, be had in the direction o Call on J. P. Dodge for door and tary precision, and taking the place as­ home bt Yainax, and take good care of and Louis, who was busy writing, took B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Yreka. window screens. signed to them in the line maintained, them. I will teach them that the white his meals in his room. Knowing there I. O. O. F. was no one to cook his lunch, ho told Miss Elsie Miller, who was one of the during the whole time of the execution, man’s law is good.” ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. Their Hobbies. General Wheaton assured Schon-chin Sosimo to bring him some bread and Ashland corps of teachers during the past the best order and decorum. Hold regular meetings every Thur9oav Brevet Major General Frank Wheaton, that he would represent the matter to the Some gossip in Cassell’s Magazine year, left for Minnesota by Monday’s train. evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren tells what are the hobbies or ainusemeut She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Capt. Hasbrouck, Capt. Kingsbury, PoBt bead of his department, and ask that the cheese. To hi3 surprise, ho was served in good standing are cordially invited to Powell. They will visit friends there and Adjutant, Capt. AndersoD, (late Aid to four children be placed in his care. He with an excellent meal—on omelet, a of some of England’s great men. Mr. go attend. F. M. D rake , N. G. thence to Idaho Falls where Miss Miller good salad and perfect coffee. H. 8. E vans , Sec’y, P. 0. box 102. Balfour indulges in golf, bicycles and has accepted a position as teacher at a General Canby ),U- S- Assistant Surgeon said to Schon-chin that he had long “Who pcoked this?” asked Louis, in McElderry and other officers took their known his good name, and that in con ­ here. A position, standing twenty paces in front philosophy, and he once played Ham­ larger salary than she received here, Samoan. sideration 0: that fact he would try to get let ; Lord Salisbury studies silence and number of friends were at the depot to see of the scaffold. The reporters occupied them for him. The old chief then hade PILOT rock encampment , no . 16. “I did,” Eaid Sosimo. the ladies oh. tion of u famous French physician, will quickly cure you ni a!l ner Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and tries experiments with a test tube; Mr. a stand a little nearer, and Colonel the general goed-bye, and accompanied “Well,” said Louis, “great is your or 4is. uses of the gem rauve unnum, sucu as Lou JI ih I m «} ? ~ - n yous A. For first-class dental work see Dr. 4th Monday in each month. Members in Chamberlain raises orchids; Mr. Glad­ Hogue, the officer charged with the ex ­ Insomnia, fains in the Buck, Seminal Emissions, Nervous DebUlty by Schon-cbin Jim, his son, sorrowfully wisdom. ” Hinman, Masonic block. Fimpks, 1 nfitnoss to Marry, ExhausUng, Varicocel- wid rood standing cordially invited to attend. stone, of course, used to chop trees, and ecution of the sentence, occupied a place rode homeward. -/ Constlnution. 11 stops all losses by day or night ProventaL J z. Sosimo bowed and corrected him— H. 8. E vans , C. P. Gen. Lucius Fairchild, who died recently, on the platform with Corporal Ross, the _ — litss of discharge, which if not checked lends to Kpermutorrbtdi'aiHl Although Captain Jack and Schon-chin now reads Greek when he feels the need R obt , T aylor , Scribe. kt BEFORE and AFYEH the horrors of Impotency. CIlHIBKXEcleauaes the liver, the was a pioneer of Siskiyou county. He executioner, and two or three assistants. John, chiefs of the renegade band of “Great is my love!” of rest; Prince Bismarck drinks beer, came Ji uur vn L »NU sr . Ln kidneys and the urinary organs of *U impurities. Long ago Louis had a topaz stud that to Siskiyou in 1854, remaining a s liort CUPIDEXE strengthens and restores small weak organ». Behind the scaffold was stationed a Modocs, have suffered the extreme penal­ smokes and reads Du Boisgoby; the time in Yreka, and then going to Scott Bar, The reason sufferers are not cii.-e