VALLEY RECORD j THE CRATER LAKE EXCURSION. A Fearful Accident Near Glendale. Prof. Steele Telia A Chicago Paper About the Manzamaa and Their ASHLAND, Or....Thursday, Jane 25,1896. August Trip To This World Fam­ ous Sheet of Water. For many years mountain-climbing as PERSONALI AND SOCIAL an outdoor sport has grown in favor in Europe, but, to the American mind, our own country was utterly devoid of the fac­ Dr. Barr, dentist I. O. O. F. block. ilities for gratifying such an amusement. A. T. Bell of Medford was in Ashland This feeling still exists among those who yesterday. are acquainted with the resources of the Hamlett Green came oyer from Yreka country, and wherever given expressionjto, is a sure indication of ignorance, coupled yesterday. with a stupid desire to ape a certain brand Call on J. P. Dodge for door and of European aristocracy. It is related that Americans of this class are sometimes window screens. seen parading the streets of Paris rigged Court Hall and Albert Pankey were doing out in brand new Alpine suits, with ropes Ashland Tuesday. picturesquely twined about them, and Dr. Patterson of Central Point was in alpen-stocks in their hands, imagining that the world is looking on in envy, and des­ town Tuesday. tiny is prepared to receive them in loving Mrs. Anna Henry went to Portland Tues­ embrace. To overcome this lack of in­ day to remain a month. formation, and to encourage a love of na­ Mrs. J. D. Crocker returned Tuesday on ture as displayed in American mountains, there was organized, on the summit of the flyer from San Francisco. Mount Hood, in Oregon, during the sum­ Father Walrad is enjoying the M. E. mer of 1891, a mountain-climbers club, Another ugly accident occurred at the celebrated Victory placer mine near Glen­ dale Tuesday evening about 7 o’clock. The head of the company, Col. W. H. Taylor, took the flyer at Glendale for Portland. The Victory mine is some distance the other side of Glendale and as the train bearing the Colonel was passing the mine the employes prepared to salute him by explosions of dynamite. A stick ot dynamite in the hands of a man named Andrews exploded and blew off both of his arms nearly up to bis elbows and otherwise tore him up. He was not expected to live. The Congressional Situation. Mr. John C. Young, chairman of the populist state central committee, was in Portland for a few Lours last Saturday, leaving for bis home in Baker City on the evening train. There is an air of mystery surrounding Chairman Young, and so far he has refused to show hie band. Ever since the election he has been traveling about the state. For what purpose re­ mains to be seen, but it is shrewdly sus­ pected that the “pops” have a hen on, and are preparing to makeBome startling revelations concerning the congressional election in this state of June 1. Not for a moment do they admit that both Quinn and Vanderburg were not elected, but in­ sist that their candidates were “counted out” after the polls were closed. Several days ago, Chairman Yonng and Vander­ burg had a consultation at Dillard, in Douglas county, at which the situation was fully discussed. What really took place Mr. Young refuses to disclose just now, but says: “Just wait a while.”— Oregonian, June 22d. A TRAVELING MAN IN YUCATAN. He Talks of Bread That Orows In Nuts, Milk That Comes From Trees, Sirup That Gathers on Ants* Backs and Light That Shines From Leaves. Free Silver County Convention. The Jackson county free silvermen will hold a county convention at Med- ford next Saturday. The purpose of the convention is to elect delegates to the state convention that meets at Mc­ Minnville July 9th, and to effect a county organization of the free silver people. The meeting at Medford will be a mass convention and quite a lot of prominent local speakers will bo on hand. An orator or two from tho Willamette valley are expected. (hfc ipwi dodm. “Seems to me that I ought to be sorry I went down, there, now, ’ ’ said John Gilbert, the traveling grocery man, who recently returned from a six weeks’ He will tell you that Scott’s Emulsion has stay in Yucatan. “I don’t see how I been endorsed by the medical profession for a can go ahead and resume the rounds It is intended to form a joint stock com- that my business calls for without a j pany, with a capital of $8,000. for the pur­ twenty years. This is because it is always sigh and a regret, that, go where I may pose of assuming control of the telephone palatable—always uniform—always contains in my native land, I will look in vain line, which has recently been built from Klamath Falls Road Building. the purest Norwegian Cod-liver Oil Hamburg Bar to Yreka and other points. for the tree that in those tropical climes The Ashland board of control for the The object in forming the company is to gave me light by night, for the tree purpose of repairing and improving the and Hypophosphites. You should in­ extend the line to other sections of the coun­ that gave me my daily bread, and the ty which have no connections by wire with wagon road from Ashland to Klamath sist on Scott’s Emulsion, with trade Falls, have, after conquering many ob­ one that gave me milk for my coffee, to the outside world. After the formation of stacles, started the good work and yester­ mark of man and fish. Put up in 5o- say nothing of the pleasing and bulbous the company is completed, the line will be to Sawyers Bar, Happy Camp and day a crew of 14 men were put to work ant that gave me the sweetening for it extended cent and $1.00 sizes. The small size other places in the county, and will even­ on the road in charge of ex-Mayor G. M. Timo and cash customers may wear tually be connected with lines in counties Grainger. The board received over $500 may be enough to cure your cough or down and blunt the edge of this regret, south of 8iskiyou.— Yreka Journal. from Portland this morning and from help your baby. but it is sharp now, and I really suppose collections made will expend about $1200 You can now go and buy your summer Timber Land For Sale. that I ought to be sorry I went down camp-meeting at Central Point. known as Mazamas that combines pleas­ for a starter. More men will be put on qlothing. Vaupel, Norris & Drake have But in no case is hundred acres of timber land, there. with scientific research. Membership as soon as they can be properly used. all Eight received their big stock and are pleased to Mrs. E. Tyler left yesterday for her home ure in Townsbip40,Range 4 East,Willam ­ “ just as good” is limited to those who have climbed to the The work will last about 40 days. The ob­ you a line of men’s, boy’s and chil­ “I didn’t know anything about these show at Scott river, Siskiyou county. summit of a snow-capped mountain that ject is to repair the present road and put ette Meridian, for sale. For price and dren’s goods that can’t be beat for low remarkable specimens of the vegetable prices and good values. further particulars address Robt. Taylor has been appointed agent the club will accept. Its object, in brief, is GRIEVE BROS., and animal kingdoms when I first struck John Hughes, a member of a constable’s to compel the world to understand that it in good condition, Though a few of the Northern Pacific railroad. America, and especially the Pacific coast, changes in the road will be made. Shake, Ore that country, but I noticed that the posse, that killed Frank House at Etna, Ad, Helms returned Tuesday from a tour possesses mountain scenery that is unsur­ bread wo had in camp was very good was released on $5000 bail by Judge Beard. in Scott valley. Siskiyou county. passed anywhere. During 1895 an effort Train Robbers Granted New Trial. A constantly increasing business, is a sure indication Probate Court. and tho milk very choice and creamy, Storey the barber has diverted some of John Quirk, the Siskiyou railroad man, was made to send a message by heliograph Portland, June 22.—In the U. S. Court Estate of W Prefontain. Second petition from British Columbia to Mexico, but the while the coffee was deliciously sweet­ the ingenuity which has made him a suc- was in town Monday on’a business trip. of enterprise and square-dealing.—E. A. S herwin . Judge Bellinger handed down a for sale of real property granted .* experiment was only partially successful, today, ened. One morning I heard the cook of ces as a tonsorial artist, in the desigu and decision, granting the motion for a new Estate of DT Ewen, Inventory of ap ­ W. G. Kropka is expected up from San as a severe storm raged at the time. One construction of a circular fan placed in his filed and approved. our party hollering out orders to the shop over the entrance to the bath room Diego this week to spend the summer. of the club’s plans is to organize an ex­ trial in the case of Jim Pool and Jack praisement Guardianship of heirs of L Adams. Older Indian guides. and run by the same water power which The soldiers and sailors reunion will be cursion into .the mountains every summer Case. made confirming sale of real estate to Jas. These men were convicted last Decem­ Owens. “ ‘Here, you!’ ho hollered. ‘Hurry operates his razor grinder. It proves some­ held in Ashland from August 10th to 15th. and do everything possible to encourage people to attend sessions held at that time. ber of robbing the S. P. overland train more than a pleasurable object to Estate of John Weiss. Order made fixing up and pick some bread 1 And there thing Wm. Ulrick of the S. O. P. Co. left Sun­ On such occasionsit aims to bring together in Cow Creek Canyon near Riddle on upon these hot days, since it produces August 4th as day of settlement. ain’t a bit of milk I Go bore for some a look day for a business trip to Weaverville, Cal. the brightest scientific minds of the coun­ July spiral air current, gentle and refreshing DRUGS and CHEMICALS only, and 1st, 1895. Jack Case. Jim Pool and Estate of 8 Childers. 8r. Inventory of right awayl And say, you dago over directly try, and to discuss questions relating Albert across the room and over the re­ A. G. Rockfellow arrived Tuesday from especially Pool were arrested within a few appraisement approved. This year the San Diego to spend the summer prospect­ meeting will to be mountains. Estate of Erastus Wells. Order made yonder, what’s the matter of you clining chairs, provided for his customers, skillfully compounded by E. A. S herw in . held at Crater Lake, on the days after the robbery. At the trial in straining some Bugar out o’ them ants?’ ing- confirming sale of real estate. Independence, Or., boasts of a young summit of the Cascade range of mountains, Portland Albert Pool was acquitted, and “ This was a little astonishing to me, Mrs. ClaraHanley has returned to Harney m Southern Oregon, from August 16th to the other two convicted, and hava been man, not yet 20 years of age, whoa* Circuit Court Proceedings. valley from a visit with Jackson county 22th, inclusive. The lake is about ninety in jail ever since. The defense made a and I asked for information. Then I height is 6 feet 9 inches. Charles relatives. miles from the Southern Pacific railroad, motion for a new trial which was today Lame A Hayden vs. Jordan Brown and found out all about it. Bicker is his name. Jno. R. Hardin. Injunction argued and is reached by a good wagon road. The granted. A man named Young was drowned in the and “The tree that gave the broad we ate submitted. Southern Pacific company has granted Indian Agent Galbraith, at Fort Illinois river near the Siskiyou copper mine special rates to those who wish to attend, He found the verdict was not justified, that Sherwin sells all grades of Stationery, the very best Sarah Hull vs. Silas H. Hull; divorce. down there doesn’t look a bit as if it Steele, B. C., reports that the Indians of Tuesday. and the Mazamas have secured a rate for and thinks that the tempting $3,000 re­ Continued. would do it But I found out that looks Windermere are making very good pro­ made and Cheap Grades to meet any competition. H. Ammerman vs. M. N.Long; to fore­ are deceptive under the equator. The Gen. T. G. Reames, the Jacksonville the public of $7.50 per passenger, by stage, ward was responsible tor their conviction. gress in farming. close mortgage. Default. banker, left yesterday for a trip to San from the railroad to the lake and return. bread isn’t bread exactly when it is first Fixing up Dead Indian Road. Francisco. ’ -— - Tents will be pitched along the line, and at A waterspout in Gilliam county, Or., picked, but it is a nice, stiff dough in­ the lake and camp accommodations can be Mill Feed. A crew of nine men left Ashland today recently did a great deal of damage, J. H. McBride was called to Portland secured. Those desiring to fit themselves closed in a nutshell about the size of a Wholesale, $12.50 per ton. Retail, 70 again Sunday, his mother not being expect­ for membership will be afforded every fac­ for Dead Indian to work on the Ashland goose egg. They crack the shell, take destroying gardens and filling up irri­ ed to live. ility to climb Mount Pitt, which is passed —Dead Indian—Ft. Klamath wagon road cents per 100 at the Ashland Roller Flour out the dough, knead it a little, and it gation ditches. and give it a thorough overhauling. It Mills. Scarlet fever has broke out on Williams on the way. A movement is on foot in Portland to is ready for baking. By thinning it creek and one child died Saturday from The world possesses no riyal to Crater is a natural highway and will be put in secure the passage of a law compelling MEADOWS ITEMS. Lake in its solem and impressive grandeur. good condition for the Mazamas Crater down to a batter with the milk they get the disease. It is located in the crater of what was lake excursionists and summer business the railroads to carry the bicycles of from another tree, our camp cook used J. H. Houston left Tuesday for Klamath once an enormous mountain, and has no The Meadows will commence haying next to make first rate pancakes out of it passengers free. Falls after a business trip to Ashland and visible inlet or outlet, yet the water is cold, between that portion of the Klamath week. county country and Ashland. The Jacob A. Schessler, father of the ser­ Jacksonville. The day I came away he strained the clear, fresh, and sweet. Its surface is 6,239 Southern Pacific has listed a lot of in­ H. J. Gardner will build a residence and sweetening out of a quart of ants, mixed vant girl in tl.e McGlinchy family, who Mrs. D. L. Rice and children returned feet above sea level, and it is 2,000 feet deep. demnity land grant in that section and barn during the summer on his place. Sunday from a visit wit h Portland rela­ On all sides rise nearly perpendicular walls, the special road fond portion will swell it up with a batch of the dough and was killed by Duuham, lias brought suit varying in height from a narrow notch tives and friends. Fred Chaffey has rented Mr. Mayfield’s made sweet cake that would have been against Dunham for $25,000 damages 526 feet, to 1,989 feet, and probably averag­ the amount to be expended to $200. C. E. Nininger, wife and two children re­ ing 1,000 feet. It is nearly circular in form, Road Supervisor Hunt has charge of the place and will raise “porkers" as a business. good enough for anybody’s folks to set for the has of his daughter. turned Monday from a visit in their old and four by five miles in extent. In the work. J. B. Welch's saw mill has just started up out before company. Eva Evans, daughter of bandit Chris home in Missouri. and will make a busy run for a few months. western end is located Wizard island, a “The ants that supply the honey, or Evans, has been granted a divorce from cinder cone 845 feet high, in the top of Canyon City Stage Bobbed, E. J. Farlow, G. R. Gallant and Harry Meadows is the banner populist precinct. sirup, or whatever it might be caJled, her cousin-liiisbtind, Jim Evans, who is Pinkston left for Jenny creek today on a which is found what was probably the last Average 25 populists, 4 republicans and 7 or are worth traveling all the way down The Canyon City stage was held up smoking vent of a once mighty volcano. a soldi-r in the United States army. fishing expedition. 8 democrats. about 10 o ’ clock last Thursday morning It is a small crater, about one hundred feet there on a mule to bco . They are about They were married about the time of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Abbey and infant deep. During the summer of 1886 1 had on the summit of the mountain that di­ Mrs. Polk Hull and son will start next arrived Tuesday from Yaquina bay to visit built in Portland for the government three vides Burnt river frem Powder river, by week for Minnesota, to visit friends and the size of a small peanut, and on their the reign of the Evans-Sontagg combi­ T. J. Kist and family. boats, to be used in sounding the lake, and two masked highwaymen. They robbed relatives. They will spent several months back is a transparent sack that they dis­ nation. assisted in that work. The largest boat, the the mail and invited the only passenger, in the east. til honey into until they swell up as big Archie Pennington, who has been away H. T. Marshall of San Francisco has for three years, returned to Ashland Tues­ Cleetwood, was twenty-six feet long, and Hon. R. S. Sheridan, receiver of the as a good sized marble. You can scoop sued John D. Spreckles, the politician, Meadows will celebrate the 4th of July by no better craft of its class was ever con ­ day from Los Angeles. structed. These boats were carried on a Roseburg land office, to make a contribu­ having a grand picnic on Evans creek, near these ants up by the peck. They make for $50,000 damages fur a beating Mrs. Henry Haine9 and children ot near flat car to Ashland, 343 miles south, then tion. Sheridan had been at Burns try­ the school house; a bowery dance in the this honey to feed their young on, but Spreckels gave him ami charged him Canton, Ohio, arrived Tuesday to visit her loaded on wagons, properly equipped for ing a land contest case. He coughed up afternoon and evening. A general good they are so good natured and so suscep­ with attempted blackmail. brother W. A. Holmes. the purpose, and carried into the mountains $10. He bad $50 in another pocket, but time is expected, tible to familiarity that all one has to Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr., who was to nearly a hundred miles, then launched over the robbers bad no time, as two freight Michael Mayfield the hustling cattle man J. S. Howard of Medford was in San do is to tickle them under the fore have been married on Thursday to Miss will soon start for eastern Oregon with a the cliffs into the water 1000 feet below, teams and a buggy, containing Albert Francisco this week, having taken the without so much as scratching them. Geiser, superintendent of the Bonanza band of cattle. He will also take his family shoulder and they will give you every Grace Wilson, was too ill to carry out steamer from Portland. There is probably no spot in America of mine, were approaching. The supposi­ and stay for three years at least. Every­ drop of honey they have in stock and the program and the marriage was I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I Morton I.indlev, formerly of the Ham- which the Indians entertain so wholesome tion is that the robbers expected to find body wishes Michael success. then go meekly off to fill up again. postponed. a dread as Crater Lake. Under no circum­ mersley mine, came up from California stances The residence of W J Rogers was com ­ “ But this accommodating ant isn ’ t Geiser and some gold bricks on the stage. will they visit it, feeling that in so A wheat field a half section in extent pletely destroyed by fire a few days ago. one whit more curious than the tree yesterday on a flying trip. doing they would be simply inviting death. The cause was a defective flue. We learn was burned near Modesto. It was in­ Mining Items. Mrs. R. T. Melius and son, of theWestern When visiting Fort Klamath in 1885, I se­ that the loss has been nearly made good by that acts in the capacity of dairy down COMPLETE IN’LEW LINE OF LATEST Hotel, went to Redding Tuesday to sell her cured from the chief of the Klamath tribe Jehu Jacobs who has been running the generous donations of lumber, provisions there. This tree has a big leaf, so tough sured for $10 an acre. the following tradition in reference to the old Steamboat quartz mill at Steamboat for and money. gold mine in Shasta county. Rev. Thomas Grace, for thirty years and leathery tlxat they use it for half IDESICa-JSTS JATTID STYLES ÆT discovery of the lake, and which also ex­ King Bros., returned to Henley Tuesday H. E. Ankeny of Sterling, has bought plains the Indians dread of it: a priest at Sacramento, has been pro­ soling shoes. When they want to milk Millinery and Hairdressing. King Bros, having quit the mine and re ­ EEL PÒOOZKZ PRICES. real estate in Eugene and will erect a $3000 “A long time ago, before the white man turned to Portland. Miss Ober has opened fashionable milli­ one of the trees, they boro a hole in the moted to the Bishopric of Sacramento. residence there for his family. appeared in this region to vex and drive the Judge Carpenter of Detroit has de­ Huffer & Beekman, who have been mak­ nery and hairdressing parlors at her home trunk, and it lets down a sap as white Out of weakness comes strength when the proud native out,a band of Klamaths, while on Factory street and invites the ladies blood has been purified, enriched and out bunting, came suddenly upon the lake, ing some extensive improvements on their wishing anything in the line to call upon and as sweet as any milk you ever read clined to grant an injunction to restrain and were siartled by its remarkable walls, Jackson creek quartz mine, start up their her. about in summer hotel advertisements. the Improved Order of Knights of Py­ vitalized by Hood’s Sarsaparilla and awed by its majestic proportions, With mill this week on a lot of rich ore. To get sweet milk out of this vegetable thias from using their long name. The Miss Hattie Sisemore.who has been spend­ spirits subdued and trembling with fear, The miners have filed leins on the The money loft by tho disbanded cow, though, you must milk it early in restraining action was brought by the ing some time with J. E, Pelton’s family, they silently approached and gazed upon left for her Sams valley home Sunday. its face. Something within told them the Champion Gold Mining and Milling Co., Young Women’s Christian Association the morning. After the sun has been up well known order of K of P. . The Albany creamery recently had to re­ Great Spirit dweit there, and they dared not in the Bohemia district. There is a at Colton is being used to erect a drink­ two or three hours the tree gives sour The twenty-sixth annual convention turn an order for 8000 pounds of butter, remain, but passed silently down the side change of ownership and the miners filed ing fountain at the postoffice corner. milk. They tell a weird tale down there of Eclectic Doctors was held at Port­ of the mountain and campied far away. By having orders for 21,000 pounds in advance. leins to protect their wages due. some unaccountable influence, however, Summerland, Santa Barbara county, about a vengeful snake and a foolhardy land, Or. Physicians wore present from The flyer, which has been dodging about one brave was induced to return. He went At the Black Jack mine near Henley, is agitating the question of incorpor­ Indian. The snake is of the deadly ven­ all over the United States. among the smaller stations for several up to the very brink of the precipice and they have been crushing the ore which omous aphidian family familiar in Several hundred acres of the Monser- weeks,stopped in Ashland Monday for grub. started his camp-fire. Here he laid down has been on the dump and which they ation. the tropics by a queer Indian name which Reports come from Riverside that the I can’t remember and which I couldn’t rat ranch near Fallbrook, Cal., are be­ Tom Roberts, who has been suffering the to rest; here he slept till morn—slept till have been using as ballast for the track, ing surveyed into twenty.avre lots and tortures of the damned for the past few the sun was high in air, then arose and and are making $3 a day from it. They black scale is doing much damage there weeks with stomach troubles, is improving joined his tribe, far down the mountain. are crushing it in an arasta. * * * because of the light rains the past sea­ pronounce if I did remember it. In Eng­ will be sold to pojonists. At night be catne again; again he slept till again. lish it is bushman. This particular Santa Barbara is now a sub-port of morn. Each visit bore a charm that drew JillBon&Co., at Henley, have sunk a son. Bnake had a nest of young ones, and the entry, or at least it will be as soon aa sbait and run a tunnel about 400 teet, L. J, Torpey, formerly ot Ashland pre­ him back again. Each night found him A lone highwayman successfully held Indian was foolhardy enough to steal cinct, was secretary of the late people’s sleeping above the rocks; each night strange and their mine is now showing excellent party county convention of Lewis county, voices arose from the waters; mysterious prospects. Considerable work has been up a stage load of English tourists at them. The mother snake followed the President Cleveland affixes his auto­ ------------ : ARE HERE :------------ Wash noises filled the air. At last, after a great done on this mine during the present Yosemite and captured Wells-Fargo’s Indian to his hut only to find the dead graph to the bill, which has passed both houses of Congress, many moons, he climbed down to the lake, season. * * * VVm. Ilobart cleaned treasure box and took wliat loose change The residence of Conrad Lichens onHorse there bathed and spent the night. up $9000 from 120 days run of the Quartz the gentlemen in the party had. He bodies of her offspring lying about with Dau Ryan, a miner, diod in Grant’s creek, Siskiyou county, was destroyed by and their heads smashed. The mother snake Often he climbed down in like manner, and fire last week, It was covered by $1000 in­ valley hydraulic mine, with the ground did not rob the lady passengers. No disappeared. Next morning the Indian Pass, Or., from the effects of chloriform frequently saw wonderful animals, similar surance. during a surgical oper­ in all respects to Klamath Indians, except sluice and portion of bed-rock yet to clean clue to identity. went out and tapped his cow tree for administered Royal Brown, son of Geo. Brown the that they seemed to exist entirely in the up,—Yreka Journal. ation to remove A diver while exploring the sunken milk, and returning drank it for his fj-pxu his lower jaw. a cancerous growth BELQW ARE A FEW ITEMS Eagle Point merchant, returned to Yreka water. He suddenly became hardier and ship Blairmore in San Francisco bay breakfast. He had scarcely swallowed it Monday from a visit of several weeks |with stronger than any Indian of his tribe, be­ Alfalfa Hay for Sale. his family. the body of one of the crew in a when he began to double up and howl. cause of bis many vists to the mysterious Boy’s Straw Hats from................................... Bets. up. Dr. Barr, Dentist, I. O, O. F. block. Alfalfa hay for sale at $5 per ton in the found Others then began to seek its in­ bunk, where it had lain since the vessel His eyes bulged out and his cheeks turn­ Mrs. Woods and daughter of Eagle waters. Mens’ “ “ “ .................................. 10 “ “ field. All yon want. Apply at once. fluence. Old warriors send theii> sons for Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber­ sunk some weeks ago. ed fiery red and with a yell fell dead. Point, who have been stopping at Cole- strength and courage to meet the conflicts R. S, B arclay & S on , shop. Opposite town hall. Hat Cords or Guards ................................. 10 “each. stein, Sisson and Red Bluff, returned awaiting them. First they slept on the “ ‘The bushman I’ cried his wife. ‘The Talent, Or. Mrs. G. Barclay, Modiste. Mens ’ Balbriggan Underwear ......................... BO “ suit. home yesterday. rocks above, then ventured to the water’s bushman has stung him!’ For the latest styles in dressmaking go edge, but last of all they plunged beneath Mens ’ “ “ Ribbed ............. 70 “ “ A party has left Reno to capture a gang “He had all the symptoms that follow to Mrs. G. Barclay, Novelty block, oppo flood, and the coveted strength was MARRIED. of horse thieves which has been operating the Mens ’ “ “ Fine ........... $1.00 per “ the bite of that cheerful serpent, but no­ site Hotel Oregon. On one occasion the brave who first in that section, and who are believed to be theirs Mens ’ Clothing — Summer Suits from ....... $3.So “ “ visited the lake killed a monster or fish, and where about him could the marks of the making for Oregon. The following are the officers of the deadly fangs of one be found upon the was at once set upon by untold numbers of PAYNE—RICHARDSON—At Picard, Sis­ Black Cotton Bicycle Hose ............................. 40 cts pair. kiyou county, June 21,1896, by E L Nash Pacific Coast delegations at the St. Louis The campmeeting at Central Point was excited Llaos (for such they were called), dead Indian. Later they found the J. P., A. S, Payne of Pokegama and Miss well attended. Mrs. E. M. Barrett, the who carried him to the top of the cliffs, cut convention: California delegation—• mother bushman lying dead in the Bertie Richardson, of Roseburg. woman preacher, created considerable in­ his throat with a stone knife, then tore his Chairman, Harvey Lindley; national bushes near the cow tree. In the trunk A nice line of Trunks and Valises. terest, but few converts. body in small pieces, which were thrown committeeman, J. D. Spreckels; com ­ down to the waters far beneath, where he of the tree, deeply embedded, they dis­ DIED. Robt. Bond of Trail creek, the Dick was devoured by the angry Llaos—and such mittee on resolutions, A. B. Lemmon; covered her poison fangs. Then the ter­ Croker of the republican party is in town shall be the fate of every Klamath brave, YOURS TRULY, with a load of Jim l eabo’s jerked venison who, from that day to this dares to look up­ GRIFFIN—In Jacksonville precinct, June committee on credentials, G. A. Knight; rible truth was revealed. The snake, sold to D. L Minkler <£ Son’s. 18, 1896, of whooping cough, infant child committee on permanent organization, despoiled of her family, had avenged on the lake.” of Mr. and Mrs.'H. L. Griffin; aged 17 O. A. Hale; Vice-President, U. S. Grant; Misses Ollie and Rose Brentano of Jack­ Great care has been exercised by the herself on the despoiler. She had min­ months. sonville visited Mrs. J. J. Houck and Ash­ Mazamas in preparing this year's outing. rules and order of business, F. H. Short. gled her venom with the milk in the land friends Friday. Miss Rose will cele- It is expected that the scientific branches qf Mr. Lemmon, the member of the com­ tree, and the Indian had drunk of it the government will be represented by ex­ brate the 4th of July in this city. Real Estate. Successor to O. H. BLOUNT. mittee on resolutions, is for free coin­ perts in their various lines, and that some Conrad Mingus to Cora E Lyon; lot 5. blk age. Oregon delegation—national com­ deeply and met his awful fate. H. P. Lewis of La Grande, is registered of the be3t scientists on the Pacific coast “But the tree that gives light inter­ at the Ashland House. He is a pioneer of will be present to participate in the pro­ 44. Medford; $200 00. Jas Thornton, trustee, to E K Anderson ; mitteeman, Georgo A. Steel: Vice- ested and amazed mo more than the oth­ that section and is a general agent tor the ceedings. One novel feature of the meeting certain parcels and water rights in Ashland, President of the convention, J. H. Col- New York life insurance company. ers. This tree doesn't grow more than will be a barbecue of wild game, which $9500 00. breath; resolutions, Charles S. Moore; 10 or 12 fee£ |pgh, but three of them abounds in the vicinity. Interest will be The body of Henry Wagner, drowned in M E Rigby to Thos F West; lot 6. blk 2, credentials, Wallace McCammant; per­ would light a pretty good sized house. Klamath river at Hamburg Bar, was re­ increased in this feature if it could be held West’s add to Medford: $1 00. Baked covered Friday, several miles below the in the crater on Wizard island. J A Rifle to Chas Nickell ; parts of lots 2, manent organization, J. W. Meldrum; If you rub its leaves smartly between R. MILES' RESTORATIVE NEBVJNP haunch of cougar would go well with fresh 2, 6 and 7, blk 27, Jacksonville; $150 00. scene and one week after the accident. notification, Charles Hillon; chairman your hands they will glow in the dark BO Bright New Silver Dollars to be given cures nervous prostration. Not mi­ mountain trout, stuffed grouse, bear meat, W B Colton to E D Briggs; 2 acres in of the delegation, Charles Parrish; sec­ like a lightning bug. As soon as night In the case of the two Portland boys tor and a slice of venison. There are two points Ashland; $900 00. raculously, Lu» scientifically, by first away, divided in four Cash Prizes as follows: stealing bicycles, Henry Grady was bound of departure from the railroad, namely, Myer to E D Briggs; 16 acres in twp retary, R. A. Booth. Washington dele­ comes the leaves 011 this tree begin to removing the germs of disease, and then over to appear before the grand jury and Medford and Ashland. The road from 39 Wm 1st Prize.......................................... $20 00 gation—Chairman, P. C. Sullivan; supplying healthy nerve food, tocteaalnf s, r 1 e; $450 00. Ben Hudson sent to the reform school. Medford follows up the famous Rogue river Conrad Mingus to John Morns; 4 acres national committeeman, G. II. Emer­ shine as if they were, so many electric the appetite, helping dilation ami 2d “ .......................................... 15 00 lights. Looking off across country, one ening the F. B. Johnson, railroad car-inspector, ac­ valley .past Table Rock, Hole in the ground. in twp 37 s, r 3 w; $260 00. system. I>-- 3d “ .......................................... 10 00 son; resolutions, A. F. Burleigh; cre- Flounce Rock, Rogue river falls ana White companied by bis wife and children, left can see scores of the trees shining here John W Morris to Max Muller; 4 acres in prolonged *•- . -perate cases 4th 5 00 ilentia's, J. AL Gilbert; Vice-President and there in the darkness |ike beacon require Tuesday on a visit to Santa Rosa and Horse canyon. From Ashland the road is twp 37 s, r 2 w; $600 00. that of M- •* -atment as shown by known as the Dead Indian trail, although southern California. Mr. Dunn of Sacra­ C Chaffey to F J Carter; 160 acres in twp not selected; rules and order of busi­ lights seyu the hills. The Indians c*’' iu. B. Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who Total................... $50 00 it is now a wagon road. Like the road from 34 s,r 2 w; $100 00. mento is in bis place. writes: "As the result of a lightning stroke, Medford, it leads through a romantic coun­ Jesse A Applegate et al, to John A Mc­ ness, L. W. Carried; notification of it the witch tree, and I «’**" T .. the physicians said I had a light stroke of When you drink tea get the best—Ito try, full of beauty and grandeur. It passes Call; 12,935 square feet of land in Ashland; Vice-President, H. L. Wilson. No reso­ them. It give- uie COTÆTÆEHSrOTlSrG- TÆOTSTIDJAY, XÆ-A.Y 4 light has paralysis, my limbs would all draw up. I Blend—it will please you. Take no other. close to Mount Pitt, Pelican Lake, old Fort $1 lution was adopted, but Mr. Burleigh, 00. would have throbblngs J. K. Van Sant, Ashland. Klamath, where Captain Jack and his com­ Same to Lydia T McCall! same; $1 00. we will give (on every 25c cash purchase and upwards, oeen drenched with W a$ev, and so if tho will make a strong fight in the vvmmit- Dr. Miles* in my chest that seemed or amount in cash paid in on book account) Coupons re­ John A McCall to same; same; $1 00. tree begin» to grow a little dim all they Wm. Faber, the Albany brewer, and his panions where hanged in 1873 for the murder tee and, if neceisary, in convention for unendurable. For three presenting the amount of cash paid. For every $10 Trustees M E church, south, to Mrs L the gold-staudard plank wife and married daughter, arrived Monday. ot General Canby, aud along the justly Nervine hav e fo do is to douse two or three pails the Wash ­ months I ceuld not sleep worth of these coupons the holder is entitled to one guess Mr- Faber left Tuesday for Klamath Hot celebrated Annie Creek ¡canyon. Those so Legate; lot 11, blk 10. Medford: $165 00. of water oyer it, and it is just like giv­ Restores and for three weeks did at the number of beans contained in the Glass Matt on TF West to M E Rigby; lot 6, blk 2, ington convention. Springs to try the mud. The ladies are desiring can go one way and return the other, and it is expected that nearly all West's add to Medford; $1 00. ing the wipk of a lamp a turn or two stopping at the Depot Hotel. not close my eyes. 1 The Republican natioual convention will avail themselves of that privilege.Good Health........ prayed for sleep, and exhibition at our store. higher. “—New York Sun. Benj Hay morid, referee, to O C Tiffany; For first-class dental work see Dr. A. fishing and hunting abound along the line the nominated McKinley and Hobart on the The nearest guess to the correct number gets the 1st ie Last Chance mine in twp 36 s, r3 w. felt that If relief did not come I would be Hinman, Masonic block. of travel,—W. G. Steel in Chicago Inter $400 00. prize, next nearest 2nd prize, etc. The man to be Bought Gut Camps. first ballot and adopted a protection and dead or Insane. I took Dr. Miles* Restora­ opened, bear.B counted and prizes awarded when 100 M E Shepherd and N E Colvin to J F gold standard platform. Senator Teller Andy Payne, the well known carpenter Ocean. Louis Larson, a photographer from Ta­ tive Nervine and tho second night slept two Shepherd; land in J ackson ville; $300 00. now of Pokegama was married Sunday m guesses are taken. coma. has purchased F. L. Camps' gallery Alonzo R Dwigans to Wm Myer ; acres and a number of uther leading silver ad­ m Ashland and is in charge oftho same. hours and from that time on my health Im­ Siskiyou county to a young lady from Chas. Sexton’s residence at Lucky Queen, vocates left the convention, and will EVERYTHING SOLD AT BOTTOM PRICES. Roseburg, Miss Bertie Richardson They Josephine county, was destroyed by fire in Ashland; right of way for water ditch; For the next 30 days he will make cabinet­ proved; slowly at first, but steadily and $43 33. probably 6et up in business on a silver sized photos for $3 00 per dozen. surely. I took in all 40 bottles, and I cannot have the best wishes of many friends. Friday. Loss $3000; no insurance. Joe A Thomas to Catherine K Thomas- basis. The vote on the money plank express how grateful I am, for I am now Miners’ supplies at R. 8. Barclay & John Allen, a Merlin miner, is dying certain mining groqnd in t^p s> r 4 w; was eight to one against sliver fre^ coin­ perfectly well, and have taken no medicine A correspondent from Salem to the Bon, Talent. Cheap. from the effects of eating “greens" that $500 00. for over four months." Dr. Miles' Nervine Oregonian says that Prof. McElroy will age. was mistaken for “ sour dock. ” Fred B Martin to J R Baltimore, 30 acres Rev. F. G. Strange is visiting eastern is sold by druggists on guarantee that first probably be elected president of the state Oregon and reports the air clear and brac­ Eight residences and many barns, out­ in twn 39 s, r 1 e; also lots 17.18 and 20, blk agricultural college at Corvallis. He is The California Democratic convention bottle benefits or money refunded. ing. Rev. Robt Ennis will preach for him buildings, etc., repre'enting two blocks on P, R R add to Ashland: $150 00. Book on heart and nerves free. Dr. Miles Austin S Hammond to Conrad Mingus; at Sacramento was conducted under the boldihg a job in the state university now. Medical tn the Ashland Presbyterian church next Jefferson street near Washington, Red Co., Elkhart, Ind. land in twp 37 s! r 2 w; $10 00. control of the San Francisco ''Junta." Sunday. Bluff, were destroyed by fire Tuesday. W. H. Mowat. J. L. Coyle, Frank and MINING LOCATIONS. The “ Buckleyites " were defeated in the Judge CrowelLand Hon. W. I. Vawter ’V^.Medford, Oregon^Z’ Chas. Loomis and Messrs. French and F E Birge on June 6tl| located a placer contested delegation fight, and in turn are up from Medford today. Awarded Curtis started this week on the summer in Steamboat district elected delegates tQ the Chicago conven­ campaign of repairing the Postal tele­ F W Dickman, et al. on June 16th filed tion, Gould of gteekton was elected Highest Honors—World’s Fair, R. M. Garret, Dick Roach, Ed. Sutton. graph line between Ashland and Roseburg. Chas. notice of assessment work on their claim Smith. J. M. Taylor, Clint Austin, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. (hftirman. Tlio platform adopted de­ 'W'llesr B« Allen Oo. It it requires an annual outlay of $100.00 J. B. Leach. D. R. Mathews, Frank Foster, in Forest creek district. °? May 2l9t located a water clares for free silver coinage, against re­ to insure 3 family against any serious con­ John Million and others are out on the • T? right of a00 inches m Schieffelin gulch. OR LEASE sequences from an attack of bowel com­ Klamath Falls wagon-road repairing ex­ funding the railroad deljt, endorsed @ Of Portland. plaint during the year, there are many pedition. E. B. Curry and fatqily with Cleveland and Budd, denounced the A. Who would feel it their duty to pay it; that Thad McHatton as mascot, are running Children Cry for P. A, »nd declined to mention woman's they could not afford to risk their lives, and the dining ball. suffrage. Senator White, W. W. F< ota, those of their family for such an amount Pitcher ’ s Castoria, Any one can get this insurance for 25 J. G. Maguire and J. V. Coleman were Buckien’s Arnica Salvo. cents, that being the price of a bottle of elected delegates at large to the Chicago Children Cry for Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar The best solve in the world for Cuts convention. In ail but two congress­ rhoea Remedy. In almost every neighbor­ Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Pokegama, Cal. hood some one has died from an attack of Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Pitcher’s Castoria. ional districts nominations were de­ bowel complaint before medicine could be Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ fer: ed until after the Chicago conven­ Fourth of July Celebration* procured or a physician summoned. One tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is tion. Maguire was renominated in the or two doses of this remedy will cure any guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or There will be a basket picnic at the OR SALE OR LEASE on Reasonable ordinary case. It never fails. Can you money refunded. Price 25 cents per box fair grounds near Central Point on Satur­ Fourth district, and L. J. Maddux in Terms. Call on or address: ' H afford to take the risk for so small an For sale by E. A. Sherwin the Seventh. Jo. Hamilton of Placer day, July 4th. Harry Watkins of Mult­ and William Craig of San Francisco amount? For sale by Ashland Drug Co. nomah will deliver tho oration. The H. S. Prendergast, TERMS:—Small payment down and $10 per month. Organs It Saves Lives Every Day. programme will include horse, bicyclo were elected electors at large. $5.00 per month, Pokegama, Cal. ROYAL Baking Powder. Thousands of cases of Consumption. and foot races and other amusements. A Natural Beautifleir. Highest of all la leavening Asthma, Coughs. Co'ds, and Croups are Dancing parties will take place at the Karl’q Clover Root Tea purifies the blood PIANOS:—Chickering, Hardman, Fisher, Jewett, Ludwig Mrs. L. Hessig, cured every day by Shiloh’s Cure. For Central Point hotel ball on the oights of (Most Perfect Made. and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. Wagth— u B. GowMMat Ra»ari Ml« by 1’e K, Polton. ~ th« 3d anfi 4th. * Beswick, Cal. ORGANS:—Estey, Mason & Hamlin, Frand and Bottey. S i s I \ ~.............. Scotts Êtnulsicru 5 FIRST CLASS Paste it in your hat E. A. SHERWIN. MENS, BOY S and CHILDREN’S MEN'S) BICYCLE PANTS. UNDERWEAR. FURNISHINGS. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. The New Summer Goods the Prices are Lower than they ever been sold in Ashland. A nd have Will Not Perform Miracles But It Will Cure. John McClunie, FREE SILVER! D Prof. P. J. HEAD DR; Hotel For Sale Five Different Kinds of F CREAM BAKING POWDER Fo> aglf by T. K. Bolton, 40 Years the Standard. PIANOS From $260 and Upwards. F