lAgel Bv«> 7 VALLET RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. ASHLAND OREGON, 'J FINE FEINTING OF EVERY —^.DESCRIPTION NO MONOPOLY PRICES I Give us your order fora Letterheads. State­ ments, Envelopes, &c. VOL. IX Professional Cards Roseburg Murderer Protected Militia ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, by Roseburg, June 20.—Upon the request of the mayor, Governor Lord ordered out J^R- 9- HERNDON, the militia here last night to protect pris­ oner James Dixon, who shot and killed Charles Rice, on the 14tb, from mob PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. violence. The order bad the desired ef­ A shland , O regon . fect. The mob, hearing that the jail was well-guarded, did not come. Sheriff Un’Office—In Townsend Building, on Cathcart took the prisoner to Eugene for Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. safe keeping on the north-bound over­ land. Having walked a short distance, Cathcart signaled the train, and getting A HINMAN, D. 1>. S, on board with his prisoner, was soon be­ yond the reach of the would-be lynchers. Tbe first intimation that an attempt would be made to lynch Dixon was last DENTIST. night, when John Dixon, a brother ot the murderer, rode into Roseburg and lW*ln th Masonic Building np stairs informed tbe sheriff that a large mob over Post Office. was forming at Blakeley’s, tbe scene of the crime, with the intention of proceed­ ing to Roseburg and demanding tbe JJR. S. T. SONGER. prisoner. Tbe sheriff and his deputies at once made preparations for defending their PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. charge, but at last, fearing that the mob would be too strong for them to cope with, a consultation was held with tbe Novelty Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon, mayor of the city, which resulted ¡ d a .... O regon . request being made upon Governor Lord A shland , for aid. Tbe crime for which Dixon is awaiting C. w BARR. JJR- C- trial was the murder of Charles Rice at a ball game near Blakeley’s, on last Sun­ day- Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. The twu voerg men were okT enemies, A shland . U maom . —1 ■■1 —1 *TW<1 tbeir quarrel was reopened over a decision concerning the game, when All work pertaining to modern dent­ after a few hot words between them, Dix­ istry. Painless operations a specialty. on drew a revolver and fired twice at Rice, both shots taking effect, and re­ sulting in tbe instant death of the young man. M. BROWER M. D. Mining Items. PRESSED BRICKS. Dr. Barr, Dentist, I. O. O. F. block. The pay car returned southward Sunday and opened up. Mrs. A. De Peatt was in Medford Friday on a business trip. Willard Cole of Colestein was at Medford Tuesday on a business trip, Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber­ shop. Opposite town hall. 8. W. Eachus is erecting a new residence for 8. McKee of Evans creek. Miss Virgie Parsons of San Jose is visit­ ing her former home, Medford. J. M. Luark and family are visiting Prof. Price and family at Grants Pass, Miss Ollie Brunk, the post-office clerk, made Medford friends a visit Friday. T. K. Roberts and bride were in Ashland last week, registered at Hotel Oregon. S. J. Gee, an old resident of Modoc coun­ ty, Cal., was visiting Ashland the past week. Mrs. W. H. Smith returned to Henley Monday from a visit with Ashland friends. J E. Pelton was at Glendale last week visiting Col. W. H. Taylor at the Victory mine. Mrs. H. M. Drake went to Granta Pass Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ge®. 8. Calhoun. Mrs. Geo. Chase of Kent» The Iron Mountain mine in Shasta coun­ ty has shut down for 30 days in order to let the smelter catch up. Over 200 men are idle in consequence. Miller and Davidson of Missouri Flat last week sold $860 of gold dust from their mine to Grants Pass dealers. Jones and Otten bought the Hammer- sley mine at sheriff sale and are working it with Dick Rogers as superintendent. The Lady Oregon aud the Little Daisy, fHammersly), mines, with mill, etc., were sold on an execution sued out by Jones & Otten, of Woodville. Two thousand dollars were offered for the mines and $800 for the mill and ma­ chinery. On Saturday of last week the question of the priority of liens as be­ tween Jones & Otten, the attaching creditors, and the laborers on the mine, was argued before Judge Hanna. The judge held that the miners’ liens took effect from the date of the beginning of work. Consequently the claims of Jones & Otten become sub-ordinate to the other claims, and the effect of the sale on Saturday last must be to compel the purchasers to satisfy the liens of the men. It is understood that Jones & Otten will at once pat the mine and mill to work.—Grants Pass Journal. OOrrfcTY CONVENTION, Independent Bimetallists of Jackson Mrs. W. T. Van Scov was stricken with County, to Meet at Medford June paralysis last week and has been rendered 27 th. speechless. W. E. Beale of Fort Klamath was in Ash­ In pursuance of an order adopted at a land this week and paid the R ecord office meeting of the Ashland Bimetallic League, a pleasant visit. Conductor Dave Houston’s friends are the undersigned hereby announces that a pushing him for chief of police underMayor- county mass convention of all voters fa­ elect Pennoyer. Results Tell the Story. voring independent bimettalism and legis­ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Miss Anna Williamson returned home to A vast mass ef direct, unimpeachable testimonv proves beyond any possibility Central Point Monday from a visit with lation necessary to monetary reform by the O regon . of A shland . doubt that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually Ashland friends. government of the United States will be does perfectly and permanently cure dis­ W. M. Lamb of Lake county and Mr. held at eases caused by impure blood. Its record Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ of cures is unequalled and these cures have Mapes, the New Pine creek miller, were in Ashland this week. MEDFORD, OR., 8ATURDAY, JUNE chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, often been accomplished after all other Misses Fannie Dunlap and Elma Witt of 27, 1896, AT 1 O’CLOCK P, M. preparations had failed. Evans creek are spending the summer in The Republican party, once consecrated Aiuador county, Cal. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. Hood’s Fill« cure ail liver ills, billious- to human liberty when led by Abraham ness, jaudice, indigestion, sick headache. Miss Daisy Mingus returned Sunday from Portland where she has been attending the Lincoln and as the champion of the union G. A. It. Portland high school. Webfoot and Other Climates. and advocate of the rights of the people, BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. M. L. Alford, wife and heir have moved Eugene Guard.] became dominent in this country, has been Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and back to Ashland from Medford, Mose hav ­ Occasionally we hear people complain 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com­ of our rainv weather, and one sometimes ing a position in a store, so far driven from its moorings that it rades cordially welcomed. Willis Vaupel has located at Humboldt, stands to-day by official declaration and on would like to think to bear some talk that A, C. S pencer , Commander. we bad nothing else but rain and mud Iowa, where he will study medicine with a O. O. V annatta , Adjutant. its record absolutely devoted to the gold here. This is a long ways from the fact. leading physician of that place. Nat Melius in company with several oligarchy, which seeks to perpetuate its Figures speak and they speak well for W. R. C. this part of the world. The average young ladies, attended the Medford gram­ wicked system on this nation. BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS NO. 24 number of clear days in Lane county is mar school graduating exercises, In this purpose the Gold Standard Dem­ Frank O’Neil, the clever passenger agent Meets m Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p. 118, partly cloudy 105, a total of 223 fine m. on the second and fourth Fridays of days; cloudy 142; those on which .01 of the Northern Pacific, was in Ashland ocrats will give their concurrence and each month. Mas. J. D. C rocker , Pres. inch or more of rain falls 119. That is Tuesday in the interest of his road. hearty support with practical unanimity. Mas. L ydia G riswold , Sec’y. we have 240 days in a year with practical­ Miss Clara B. Frink, formerly an Ashland ly no rain. This is the average for a good teacher, but now of Salem, has accepted a There are now for men who are opposed many years and is a fact and not an im­ position as teacher at Ventura, Cal. to the Gold System and its consequent KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. District Attorney H. L. Benson returned evils of falling prices, low wages, the im­ GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of pression received after a seige of wet Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets, every days. Our average rainfall is 44 94 inches Sunday from the session of the circuit court Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good anil we need that much. Any country at Klamath Fails. The term was very dull. poverishment of the agriculturist and the standing are cordially invited to attend. does. If it doesn’t get it look out for Dennis Crowley, the Klamath county manufacturer, and the aggrandisement of F. D. W agner , C. C. crop failures every three or four years. pioneer and Indian war fighter is blind and S. G. E ggers , K. of R & 8. In comparison with the figures given it expects to go to the soldiers’ home at Rose­ the money power, no longer existing ties which can bind their party devotion and rains on 129 days at New York City. 134 burg. at Boston. 165 at Rochester, N. Y., 148 at Mrs. P. McCoy, who has been visiting consciousness to the nefarious schemes of MASONIC, Detroit. Some of the places where it her folks, P. J.Van Hardenburg and fami­ SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, B. A. M. rains less are Los Angeles with onlv 42 ly, in Sams yalley, has returned to St. the gold leaders. Therefore all voters favor­ ing the free, unlimited and independent Regular convocations on the Thursday days in the year, Sacramento 67; Denver Louis. next after the full moon. 84. Our average temperature is 52. The Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tozer were at Grants coinage of silver, the issuance of money E. V. C arter , H. P. lowest is given as 1 and highest as 103. Pass last week attending the A. O. U, W, E. A. S herwin , Secretary. The mean temperature of San Antonio, picnic and visiting relatives, W. E, Dean by the government and opposed to national Texas, is 68, Los Angeles 63, Sacramento and family. banks, are invited and urged to attend this 60. The average yearly sunshine in ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. P. & A. M. Grant Crary and Fred Hogg have gone convention. Twelve delegates from Jack- England according to a recent work by to Pelican Bay to get their summer resort Stated communications on the Thursday Dr. Van Bebbier on meteorology and ready for one-lunged tourists and eastern son county will be selected to the state of or before the full moon. hygiene, is 1400 hours: in Germany 1700; millionaires. convention, called to meet at McMinnville, E. A. S herwin , W. M. in Italy 2300; and in Spain 3000. London Mrs. Gust Edlund and sister, Miss Lena July 9th, 1896, where it is expected a union C. H. V acpel . Secretary. averages 23 hours of xUDshine out of a Abbott, came over from Dunsmuir Sunday possible 100, and Madrid 66. So we will to visit their folks, J. W. Abbott and family will be effected, so that the Populists, ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. E. 8. see that Lane county is pretty well situat­ of Wagner creek. Silver Democrats and Silver Republicans Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays ed in the matter of climate, when the ac­ David Moshier a pioneer, died on the will have but one Electoral ticket in the In each month. tual figures are given. 10th inst. at his home on Reese creek, aged M rs . L*M. C aldwell , W. M, 73 vears. The burial took place at the field in Oregon. This will mean a victory M rs . 8. C. C handler . Secretary. Catarrh Cured, Mathews cemetery. for us in this state by a'.majority of at least health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Miss Mary Olwell of Central Point, who 20,000 in the presidential election over the Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal recently graduated from St. Mary’s acad­ I. O. O. F. injector free. For sale by T. K. Bolton. emy, leaves soon for Portland with the single gold standard nominee of the re­ ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. view of becoming a nun. publican party. By union the silver men Hold regular meetings every Thursday W. J. Bennett the architect, has gone to will elect the next President; in division MARRIED. evening at their ball in Ashland. Brethren Yreka to superintendent the construction in good standing are cordially invited to of some buildings. His family will remain they will do precisely what the gold men attend. F. M. D rake , N. G. H. 8. E vans , Sec’y, P. O. box 102. desire and will place a gold man in the DIXON — GALBREATH — In Klamath in Ashland for some time. Falls. June 10, 1896, by Rev. R, C. Ogles­ A. Messner, who has been in the Dakotas White House for another four years. by. Samuel Dixon and Miss Florence and Manitoba, has returned to Gold Hill. PILOT BOCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. M. F. EGGLESTON, He expects some settlers out from there Galbreath. Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and this season to locate in Sams valley. President Ashland Bimetallic Leaaue, POOL — ROBINETT — At Eagle Point,June 4th Monday in each month. Members in Dr. E, P. Geary, grand chancellor of the 14.1896, by Rev. J. P. Aloomaw, W. 8. good standing cordially invited to attend. Ashland, June 18, 1896, Knights of Pytlnas of Oregon, is visiting Pool and Miss Lulu Robinett. H. 8. E vans , C. P. the lodges of the state officially. His The Ills of Women. P. obt , T aylor , Scribe. HIGINBOTHAM—McKEE — At Derby, family are visiting Eugene relatives. June 14,1896, J. 8. Higinbotham audMiss Constipation causes more than half the The Kings Daughters will serve ice cream ills of women. Karl’s Clover Root Tea is a Mary McKee. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, XO. 24. the 4th of July. They will also give a pleasant cure for Constipation. For sale by TAYLOR—HILLIS—In Jacksonville,June on picnic up the canyon near the saw-mill T. K. Bolton._______________ Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each 17, 1896, by Rev. L. P. Desmarais, Chas, next Saturday. Bring along your well-fill­ month in Odd Fellows’ Hail, Ashland. F. Taylor and Miss Maggie Hillis. Severely Scored by Altgeld. ed baskets. Miss E mma S tephenson , N. G. MENSOR—COLEMAN—In San Francisco, Springfield, III., June 20.—Governor M iss N ina E mery , Secy. Col. W, S. Crowell, county Judge-elect, June 14,1896, by Rev. Jacob Nieto, Albert will deliver the 4th of July oration in Ash­ Altgeld was asked yesterday what he Mensor and Miss Hattie Coleman. land. Judge Crowell has just demonstrated thought of the action of the republican A. O. U. W. ROBERTS—BEDFORD—At the residence to the public that he is not only a great convention, and replied: of bride’s parents on Evans creek, June orator, but a smooth runner as well. “The convention was one of the moBt ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. 18.1896, T. K. Roberts and Miss Myra O. H. Blount and Wm. Sonnickson are at mediocre in character ever held by that Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hal) Lakeview en route for Idaho and Montana great paity, and showed that the party is Bedford, by Rev, J, Milton. every second and fourth Wednesday in each month. All brethren in good standing HELMS-ANDERSON—In Medford 14, with a view of locating in the silver region now at the opposite side from what it was to get in on the ground floor when President when it nominated Lincoln. Thea its are cordially invited to attend. 1896, H H Helms and Miss Mary Ander­ Teller puts bis fist to a free coinage bill. M. R. M oobe , M. W. son. conventions was made up of statesmen, J. R. C asey . Recorder It is rumored that tbe Rosebarg local orators and patriots, and there was a is to be discontinued south of Eugene, noticeable absence of those men and BORN. after Julv 1st. It is said that the train is those influences which represent only self K. O. T. M. not paying expenses, and that tbe over­ and greed, and which seek to control GRANITE TENT NO. 4, KNIGHTS OF THE land trains are able to handle the local MACCABEES. MAGERLE-On Evan3 creek, June 11,1896, business since tbe Shasta flyer has be­ affairs by base and corrupt methods. “The platform can be summed up in to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Magerle, a son. Meet in regular review on the second and come a permanent thing. two capital Gs. Gold and greed stands fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd HOWARD—Near Round Top,June4,1896, The Rogue River Flour mills are putting for paralysis and misery. Long before Fellow’s Hall, Ashland. Visiting Si: to Mr. aud Mrs. T. F. Howard, a daughter. in a hydraulic pumping plant for the pur­ November that ticket will have upon it Knights cordially invited. pose of furnishing water to protect their the curse of the American people, and G. W. C rowson , Com. property from fire. The Miner says it will C has . H. G illette , R. K. DIED. be served by a two and one-half inch pipe if the democrats will betrue t® their great under pressure of 180 feet, and will furnish mission aud neither straddle nor com­ fifty to seventy gallons of water per minute. promise, but stand for ths interests, wel­ ROWE—In Sams valley, June 11, 1896, in­ This will justify the company in disposing fare and the rights of the great suffering fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rowe, of its insu rance policy. masses, then the ides of November will aged 17 months and 10 days. Jacksonville as a town has some queer witness the complete annihilation of that ways. At a recent public 8unday school plutocratic association, which without meeting the superintendent publicly up­ right or authority calls itself the re- House Raising H H braided Nickell, Colyig. Prim and Jacobs, publican party.” well-known citizen, for not regularly attend­ ing the Epworth League and Christian e e e and Moving. IN WHIST. Endeavor meetings, The acquaintances up and down the state of the gentlemen named All work entrusted to my care done No matter what your partner does, will be fearfully shocked to learn of the with dispatch, and on terms to suit Remain urbane aud bland. charge and will hope that perhaps Supt.W. the times. See the undersigned be­ Don’t even say his game is one J. Boozey must be mistaken. fore letting contracts and save You cannot understand. Giant Powder, 13*^ cents Der pound, money. The more misplays that he may make at R. 8. Barclay & Son, Talent. The more you’ll sniilo and say Oak Street, Ashland. Q ALLEN You often make a like mistake; The ladies ot Trinity Guild are preparing Did it but yesterday. for their annual rose carnival. It is the intention to make this a county affair and If adversary should revoke, give our neighbors an opportunity to have Don’t claim the penalty. the young lady of their choice crowned. •I A little slip like this is one The voting places at Ashland will be at P That every day we see.” $ $ Dealer in $ $ W. Paulson, G. W. Vaupel and Hotel Aud should ho merit It or not Oregon, where everyone is invited to vote Zj-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-l-l-i1 Pay compliments on skill. for their queen at five cents a vote. Further Don’t miss this opportunity particulars will be published later. All Of gaining his good will. communications from neighboring towns Granite, Marble, regarding voting, etc., must be addressed to The others will not like it the secretary, Mrs. Luella Rogers, Ashland. If you win the game each day 'Almost everybody takes some laxative D. J. B. RUSSELL. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Freestone Monuments and Copings. medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER R egulator (liquid or powder) Ïet all the benefits of a mild and pleasant Also agents for IRON FENCES. Satisfaction guaranteed ixative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system.'' And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU­ P. O. Address : YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active Cal. and healthy, and when the Liver is in good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles wiH only be had when the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vital- izer. It never fails to cure. For sale by T. K. Bolton.________________ _ List of Letters So, when gaining, praise your partner; ’Tis his scientific play. Showing joy or disappointment You must manage to resist If you’d have the others love you And be popular at whist. -Brooklyn Eagle. Remaining uncalled in the Ashland P. I O., for June 22, 1896: DISEASES OF THE SKIN. I Hurd, W E Porter, 0 T The intense itching and smarting inci­ Swenny, B Serwe, J E 2 dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other Wade. B H Wong Quong, of the skin is instantly allayed by Persons calling for same will please say diseases applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin “advertised.” W. H. B runk , P. M. Ointment Many very bad cases have been Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier resid- permanently cured by it. It is equally I ing at Monroe, Mich., was sev erely afflict- efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem­ , ed «‘»h rheumatism, but received prompt edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil­ rpe’*efXr°,n Pa‘n bT Chamberlain’s blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. DC A HI «TOO Thl Vino-nf I iver Pain Balin. He says: “ At times my back REGULATOR. I he King or L r Meal WoUid ache so badly that I could hardly For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. cines, and Better than rms. raise up. If 1 had not gotten relief 1 would Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they nut be here to write these few lines. Cham­ ^rEVERY PACKAGE-®^ are just what a norse needs when in bad condi­ berlain ’ s Pain Balm has done me a great p»» the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. deal of good and I feel very thankful for tion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. * J. H. EsHln A Co-. PhH*., Pa. # it.” For tale by Aihland Drug Us. F ot Sals by £. Ai 8 mk * wif < Ife__ EF0Ä IALE BY ALL DBÜQGIBTfi. THURSDAY, ■. * «■ - -.4 Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. JUNE 25, 1896, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year............................................. $1 75 Six Months.......................................... 1 00 Three Months....................................... 50 Advertising rates given on application NO. 5. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report THE X ASHLAND X HOUSE The Pioneer and Old Reliable Hotel of Ashland, is now Under the Management of A bsolutely Gems of Quick Wit. pure The Gold Worshippers Sent from Or­ Mr. Samuel Weller’s memorable evi­ egon to St. Ltouis Fall on Their Face dence at a certain breach of promise and Make A Great Salam Bofore the trial is probably a “record.” for the Gold Bug Joss. greatest number of happy answers in the While in Cleveland, Judge Caples, of shortest time, but there are authenti­ Portland, and R. A. Booth, of Grant’s Pass, cated instances of actual utterances delegate to the St. Louis convention, pre­ which certainly rival them in brilliance sented Mark A. Hanna and Major C. W. F. and appropriateness. The law courts, as Dick, who are at the head of the McKinley may be imagined, furnish their full campaign, with watch charms made of gold nuggets from Southern Oregon with the quota, but many are, perforce, unappre- name of each inscribed on a gold band, ciable by those unacquainted with the The trinkets were sent to the gentlenien, technicalities or the “argot” of the fo- accompanied by the following letter: run».*Brill, Lamb’s chaffing description Gentlemen: Referring to our pleasant of a friend’s maiden brief as the * ’first visit to your office in connection with Air. McKinley’s candidacy for president, we beg great cause least understood” is in­ to offer you herewith each a nugget of comprehensible enough, as is the quiet, Oregon’s virgin gold. Let its excellence acquiescent “That íb so, my lord,” of suggest the high standard our people would maintain for their currency, and its purity the barrister to whom an irate judge the untarnished honor of the noble Ameri­ had just observed, “I can’t give you can who is our candidate. Our state will brains, Mr. So-and-so.” “L myself, remain steadfast in his support, and would have two small manors, my lord,” said have his greatness the type of our Ameri­ can citizenship. Very truly vours, a very ill bred, pompous counsel, to il­ R. A. B ooth . lustrate a question of property law. Delegate-at-large. J ohn F. C aples , “We all know that, Mr. Kewsey, ” ob­ Presidential Elector. served the judgo with suave courtesy, Mr. Hannaand Major Dick proudly at­ and a smile of delight ran round the assembled bar. “Look at me, sir, and tached the charms to their chains and in­ attend to what I shall ask you,” thun­ scribed the following note to the donors: Hon. John F. Caples and Hon. R. A. dered a learned counsel whose unfortu­ Booth—Gentlemen: Your very kind note, nate “homeliness” of feature had gain­ and the nuggets of Oregon virgin gold, ed him the sobriquet of the Veiled have just been handed to us by Mr. Caples. Prophet “This is an English court” Please accept our heartiest thanks and be rejoined the witness quietly, “and you assured of our great appreciation of the and your esteemed friendship. We re­ have no right to impose torture beforo gift, spond to every sentimen t in your letter and putting the question. ” believe, with you, that the outcome of the Prisoners, too, have a fair proportion contest in which we are all so anxiously of “happy answers” credited to them. engaged, will, through the nomination and election of Major McKinley, result to the Of theso perhaps the best known are happiness of our people and the prosperity that of a man who, when asked if he and benefit of our country. With highest pleaded “guilty or not guilty,” replied regards we remain very tr'ulv yours, M. A. H anna . that he couldn’t say till ho had heard C harles D ick . the evidence, and the naive response of the prisoner to the usual question before St, Louis dispatch, June 12.] the sentence, “Have you anything to “The Oregon delegation made the say, prisoner, before sentence is pro­ 1 following selections: National com­ nounced upon you?” “It’s very kind of mitteeman, Geo. A. Steel; vice-president your honor, and if it’s quite agreeable of convention, J. H. Calbreath; com­ to the court I should like to say ‘Good mittee on resolutions, Chas. S. Moore; evening. ’ ” On one occasion counsel in committee on credentials, Wallace Mc- permanent organization, J. a certain drainage case submitted that Cammant; W. Meldrum; notification, Charles Hil­ the plaintiffs, the Sewage Localization ton ; chairman of delegation, Charles company, had “no ‘locus standi’ in this Parrish; secretary, R, A. Booth. The court. ” “Heaven forbid I” was the fer­ Oregon delegation adopted the following vent ejaculation of the learned judge. resolution and will submit it to the Something akin to this was the answer national committee on resolutions: “The republican party has always of the judge when complaint was made that a luckless process server had been been the advocate of honest money. It compelled to swallow the writ he had points with pride to its financial record the greenback movement. It was endeavored to serve. “I hope, ” said his during opposed to greenback inflation then; it lordship gravely, “that the writ was is opposed to Bilver inflation now. It not made returnable in this court. ” believes every dollar issued by the gov­ The “happy answers, ” owing their ernment should have the sanr.e purchas­ point to Biblical or ecclesiastical allu­ ing power as every other dollar. '‘We are, Therefore, in favor of the sions, are still more numerous, but in many cases are somewhat too audacious maintenance ot the present gold stand­ for print. -‘Hie is a regular St Paul” ard and, except through international was the final eulogy made by an enthu­ agreement, we are opposed to free or un­ siastic friend of a certain needy clergy­ limited coinage of silver. In addition to the above declaration man whose chronic impecuniosity had the delegation also adopted a resolution brought him into painfully frequent fa­ endorsing Senator McBride for his action miliarity with the various processes of in opposing the free coinage of silver in the law for the recovery of debts. the United States senate.” “Yes,” said the bishop, whose assist­ A Recount Demanded. ance was being solicited, “quite so. I The Salem Journal, a leading republican see—‘in prisons oft!’ ” The pardonable paper of this congressional district, calls for but injudicious enthusiasm of 6ome cler­ a recount of the votes cast for congress­ gymen over their musical services has man. Among its reasons for this are the given rise to many smart sayings, which following: Has there been a correct, actual, fair are, at any rate, “ben trovato. ” None, count of the ballots? That is the only perhaps, is better than the familial* one question. What are the undisputed facts of the exasperated visitor who, after be­ in the case? It is well known that Mr. ing made to listen in torment to Gre­ Vanderburg’s friends were nat represented on the precinct election boards. In some gorian chants cruelly murdered, was counties not a populist or a democrat, told that according to tradition those judge or clerk, was appointed. In Marion chants owed their origin to King David county, where the populists were the party in numbers two years ago, himself. The visitor, rendered reckless second their request to be allowed a judge in eaoh by his misery, retorted that he had of­ precinct was denied, though it is under­ ten wondered why Saul threw that jav­ stood Judge Hubbard thought it should be elin at the royal psalmist, but he quite granted. If Vanderburg’s friends had been allowed understood it now. a precinct judge in each precinct to count A careworn divine is reported to have the ballots, the populists could have no just said in reply to tho ecstatic declaration kick, unless there was palable evidence of of an intending Benedict that “nothing fraud in the election. But the fact that they were not represented, leaves them in the world beats a good wife, ” “Oh, room to question the veracity of the count yes, a bad husband often does, and— in this district. On the face of the returns as they first ‘vice versa!’ ” One would like to have known the schoolgirl who, in reply to came in, Vanderburg had a safe plurality. Then came a series of changes running from her brother’s jeers and inquiry, “Why 5 votes to 200 votes, all in favor of Tongue, girls should be always kissing each eth­ with one exception in Clackamas county We are not prepared to sav that these er and men not?” said that, of course, it was because girls had nothing better errors were not really found; but the way that they were found and the uniform to kiss aud men had—but perhaps she character of the find, and the fact of no studied the question too deeply and de­ errors being discovered practically, but veloped into the fair cynic w’ho, after a errors against the only real silver cand­ season or two of conquests, gave it as idate in the field, and the fact that all the couuty canvassing boards nearly were her opinion that men were like colds, against Mr. Vanderburg, leaves a cloud up­ very easy to catch and very hard to get on the integrity of the official canvass by rid of. Few better things aro recorded the county boards. As soon as it was known that Mr. Vand­ than the answer of Beaconsfield to the erburg was probably elected, all these question how he felt after the change county canvassing boards went to work to from the stormy scenes of the commons find errors in the count by precincts, and to the serene atmosphere of the lords. found errors in niany cases. And they “Feel!” answered the statesman. “I found what they were looking for. They were not looking tor errors in favor of Mr. feel os though I were dead and buried, ” Vanderburg. and then, noticing for the first time that his questioner wus a peer, he add­ If not familiar with superior quality of ed, with a charming smile and bow, Snowy Butte flour, get a sample sack at “and among the blessed spirits of the New Feed Store. great and good. ” This adroit recovery from an unfortunate slip recalls the fa­ Cry miliar story of the prince regent and the officer of marines. In those brave old days of free drinking the empty bot­ tles which gathered apace were styled “marines,” for what reason it is hard to say. Tho princo called to a servant and bado him “clear away those ma­ rines.” An officer of that distinguished corps who was present resented the ob­ More than two-fifths of servation as being—to adopt the phrase­ all deaths in this country ology of Mr. Weller’s mottle faced friend are caused by consump­ —“personal to the cloth,” and request­ ed an explanatioiL “My dear colonel, ” tion and pneumonia. This said his royal higliness, with winning diagram tells the story: courtesy, “I called them marines be­ Pneumonia aad __________________________ cause, like your fellows, they’ve done Cantu m ptlon.... MSnMEQBWS their duty and are ready to do it again. ” - DiarrhealditeastfBinOiMli • Bright's disease.■SKBBMaH The apt replies in the language of com­ « Heart Hl«.»«» ■uiu.'i pliment claim a literature of their own, • Dlptheria............ but one must serve ‘ ’pour indiquer les f Cancer................■■ autres. ” “We shall never forget you," By the timely use oft said a queen of society to one of her subjects who was making his adieus. Dr. Acker’s English Rem-’ “Your ladyship has now given me the edy, consumption and! only inducement not to return. ’ ’—Lon­ pneumonia are quickly! don Standard.______________ Children for Pitcher’s Castoria. Consumption’s Cruel Record.! All kinds of ragor grinding and repairing at the Gem barber sbop, opposite town hall.. and absolutely cured.! Take it at the first sign! of sore throat and lungs.! Bucklen’s Arntca Salve. 3Size«; 25c.,50c., $1. All Druggists. ' A cker M edicini C o . 1C18 Chambers. St. N.Y. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Bores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. I IGX *ar P00* La ! Z^ytivaly cored. 23 year»' .<•». Treatment ccnA-lentlal. Cure* Tarati ln-r. Quertion Blank and * »' -4*1 ■ J ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ .F t . * ♦ ♦ F. M. Stephenson, An Experienced Hotel Man of California, and has been Completely Renovated and Improved and is Ready <^^®atasfor the Traveling Public.^-ss^^» RATES, $1.00 to $1.50 PER DAY. MEALS, 25 Cents. No Chinese Employed. ♦ ♦ + ♦ -A. FIRST-CLASS BAR 11ST O OUSTIN'IE CJ- TIOK WITHH OTEL. ASHLAND MILLS. ÇÔÜRl PATENT I FLOUR, ) VIRGIN & CO., PROP’S, 4-4- j -J-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-+^-?4. + ❖ + i + Í + + i I H. C. MYER O Ashland, Oregon. H ' HARDWARE and TINWARE | .... The best line.... IN SOUTHERN OREGON. ❖ ❖ ❖ A ♦ + 4> Agricultural Implements 4* I I MINERS’ SUPPLIES I I ❖ Garland Stoves and Ranges ❖ t SAWS, Î : GUNS, AMMUNITION, : CUTLERY. A * I ❖ + H. S. EVANS, ASHLAND, OR. M ain S treet , O pposite P ljza . ZPJLIJSTTS PAINTERS’ TOOLS, WALL ZEPA-lPIEZEd. G-JLJLSS. ETC. B uilding P apers , "W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. PAINTING, PAPERING, ETC. MANHOOD BESTOREDSS’ tlou of a famous t tvwh ¡•hysiemn, will quickly cure you u:isin the Back.bemlnul KmiaMona, Nervoo« l>ebility, Pimples, L »fitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, VarlcooO- nM Constlm.tfon. 11 stops ell losses by day or night Prevent^, ’ ¿I'scbarge, which If not checked leads co Kpermatorrhft& Lid the horrors Impotency. 4*UPl l»KME cleanse» tholiver Lua BEFORE ano AFTER all __ th»* of urinary ________ kidneysand organs Qi all impurities. HJPIDEMS strengthens and roatorcs small weak organa. The reason sufTerers are not cn.-erl by LTurtors la beoauae ninety per cent aro troubled Mth Proalatit ia. CUPIDENEle the onlv known remedy to cure without un operation. JUOO ti-stlmouL als. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes doos not efloct a uerimuwirt cor* fl. 00 a box, six for $5.00, by mu!'.. Send for fkkk circular and testimonials. * Address DA VOL MEDICUi E CO., P. O. Box 2076, San Francisco, Cal. . - FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. DR. JORDAN & CO.’S GREAT MUSEUM OF AHATOMT 10A l Market St., San Franctaco 'Between Cth and 7th Sts.) Go and learn how wonderfully you arc made and how to avoid aickneea and diaeftM. Museum enlarged with thousands of new objects. Admis­ sion 25 eta. Private Office—Same Building 1051 Market Street— Diseases of ®aea>*. Btricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin and kidneys quickly cured without the use of men cnr^^Treimucut penouaU)' or by letter. beuq ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHING ^DJT/OXS. Water of any temperature desired Natural Temperature HO deg'®. TO DRIHK THE WATER IS A TONIC Long established and reliable praotitioners. Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates fungi and animalcule«, and neutral­ izing and correcting all acidi­ ties it promotes a normal and ---- For----- healthful condition in every Your Protection part of the system. we positively state that this remedy SWIMMING RINK. does not contain mercury or any other injurious Inclosed end eovered, the same medic* drug. water, always clean, for the springs run a ELY’S heavy volume— more than twelve hun­ CREAM BALM dred gallons per hour. Cleanses the Nasal You may dive and swim and have more Passages, Allavs In­ fun than “anybody”—come out as “fine flammation, Heals as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven­ the Sores, Protects ated and happy. the Membrane from Colds, Restores the Located on tl>e Senses of Taste and Smell" IT WILL CURE. A particle is applied directly HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILK intp the nostnlls and is aggreeable. Price 50 centB at Druggists or by mail. NORTH OF THE PLAZA. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., N. Y. CATARRH ASHLAND JOHN E.PELTON. MARKET. R. P. NEIL. PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s GRANT HELMAN Pioprietor POKEGAMA —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— Beef, Pork and Mutton. All Kinds of Fresh Meats Kept constantly on hand, Fair living prices is all that we ask. •* PR WARU l«STITUTCA We will make it to your interest to deal with us, UOX.SIh ll.,8LL9M4»,M«< Iebl’92 For sale by StAfSherwia s ■ ' ♦ ♦ OREGON AND THE GOLDEN CALF. J ..'s Chief of the County Papers 150 Choice Residence Lots for sale In Pokegama, on reasonable terms. Lota sold on the in­ stallment plan. lso 2,000 acres of choice and Yellow Pine Land for sale A on Sugar the Klamath River. Terms made to suit on application. Address, CHAS. COLE, Pokegama, Siskiyou Co., Cal