t. VALLET RECORD THEIR RECORD DRAWN ON THEM. ASHLAND, Or...Thursday, May 28. 1896. Mr. Bawling« Replies. Jacksonville, Oregon, May 25*, 1896, To the Time« and the Tidings—the Demo-Republican Twin Deceiver«: In Volume 5 of the mortgage record« of this county, beginning on page582, is a mortgage given by tbe Oregon & Cali­ fornia Railroad Co. which covers eleven pages of the record. On July let, 1887, the time this mort­ gage was given, the railroad was com­ pleted from Portland to about one mile above Ashland, and on this part of the road the mortgage was estimated at $30,000 per mile; and from Ashland on to tbe California line (a distance of prob­ ably fifteen miles of road which the com­ pany was then trying to raise money to construct) it was estimated at $100,000 per mile. This mortgage covers not only tbe road-bed, but also ail rolling stock, depots, personal property, landB and rights to lands within the state of Oregon. In mv statement to the R ecord I put the 65 28-100 miles in this county all at $30,000 per mile, making $1,958,400 for Jackson county’s portion; while in the mortgage there really is about 50 miles at $30,000 per mile and about 15 miles at $100,000 per mile, making in Jackson county about $3.000,000 of railroad in­ debtedness. There is 653 50-100 miles of this road in Oregon and the mortgage on all of it is about $20,000,000; and you, poor old Times and Tidings, you seem to be labor­ ing under the erratic hallucian3tion that the people are all darnphools when you try to make them believe the $1,958,400 railroad mortgage as put for this county, is the debt on all of the road io Oregon. Tbe people are catching on to your trick»—you can’t deceive them any longer. At first sight of a few official facts and figures published by the populists vou went into hysterics and began to twist and wiggle, and bv the time you got out your issues of May 18th eacb'of you bad wiggled your foot into it cipar up to your neck, and when last week’s R ecord came out with a few unvarnished truths taken from the official records, which your parties helped to make, you seem to have been thrown at once into the most critical stage of tbe jimjams. You old deceivers you know these conditions ex­ isted not only in Jackson county, but in every county in Oregon, and every state in the Union to a greater or less extent; and bad you with others of your ilk of journalists all over the nation done your duty to expose to public view these ter­ rible conditions they would have been righted long ago. But at last the people are being aroused and the pie-hunters to whom you are pondering in hopes of more jobs like those of old, and whose parties have fleeced tbe honest tax-payes to furnish jobs (or shysters, will get a sound thrash­ ing June 1st. And oh! what a pitiful wail you sent up about my figures keeping out capital­ ists and desirable classes, and saving MONEY TO THE TAX-PAYER IN PLACE OF GIVING IT TO THE PRINTER. Ah, old fellows, it must be like pulling teeth to get knocked loose, but you can’t always have a pull at the public teat. And experting those books! But now come, Chslly, old boy, confidential: really you would give one thousjhd dollars if those books never bad been experted, wouldn’t you? Now.Cholly, old socks, you mustn’t get so rampant but stand up and taice vour medicine like a good little fellow. GRANT RAWLINGS. Who is the Best Assessor Jackson County Ever Had— “The Gang” Assailing Geo. A. Jackson, Questioned His Ability and Lay Their Case on His Assessment— The Whole Record Proves Conclusively That Jackson’s Traducers Have Opened A Hornet’s Nest of Facts That Unearth the Whole Truth and Demonstrate That His Work was the Best and Most Economical Assessment Ever Made.—Jackson Assesses 126,930.08 acres More Land Than Wooldridge Did His First Year, He Takes the State Census, Which Is One-Third More Work, and It all Costs $80 Less Than Mr. Wooldridge’s First Assessment. No. acres assessed 1892. .703,893 44 • 4 44 20,220.87 1893 ................ 724,113.87—more than in 1892 44 44 44 44 1893 ......... 24,949.15 1894 ................ 749,063.02- “ “ 44 44 44 4a 1894 .....101,980.93 1895 ................ 851,043.95— “ “ In 1893, Wooldridge’« that assessment, he put in 640 days at $4 per day. .$2560 00 Expense, stationary, etc...................................................................................... 13 00 Copying assessment roll........................................................................................ 29^ 0° Cost of 1893 assessment...................... $2865 00 In 1895, Jackson’s first assessment, lie put in 657 days, assessing and taking state censl ’ s at $4 per day......................................................... $2628 00 Expense, stationary, etc ..................................................................................... e • • e • e 17 00 Copying assessment roll....................................................................................... 140 00 a • • • Cost of 1895, assessment and census..................... $2785 00 Although Jackson assessed 126,930.08 acres more his first year than Wooldridge did bis first, year and took the state census , which makes a third more work » he did it all for $80 less than W ooldridge , In 1893, Wooldridge’s first year, be doubly assessed and it bad to be sworn off.................................................................... $2645 52 Taxes 44 Assessed by Sheriff (which Wooldridge failed to find)...................... . 2511 26 In 1894, Wooldridge’s second year, he doubly assessed and it 44 had to be sworn off................................................................... 1493 18 1302 09 44 Assessed by Sheriff (which Wooldridge failed to find)..................... In 1895, Jackson’s first year', he doubly assessed and it 310 73 44 bad to be sworn off.................................................................. 52141 44 Assessed by Sheriff (which Jackson failed to find).......................... In 1892 the economical county court paid J. O. Booth, the present “Owner Book” fake, for describing land, aot assessed ........................ $4230 50 And in 1893 they paid Wm. M. Holmes (present democratic nominee 101 50 for clerk) for making town plats for assessor Election Judges and Clerks. A pplegate —J L Wooldridge, chairman; J H Brantner, H D Kubli, judges; Orlando Rose, Geo. Hoffman, clerks. W est A shland — G M Grainger, chair­ man ; Ed Churchman, W A Patrick, judges; J M Luark, A B Chapman, clerks. N orth A shland —John E Pelton, chair­ man; W L Johnson, J E Cox, judges; H C Myer, Jesse Houck, clerks. S outh A shland —T W Bryant, chairman; Dan Chapman, Fordyce Roper, judges; H 8 Evans. E E Deming, clerks. B ig B utte —W F WilEinson. chairman: A B Chart raw, I A Bradley, judges; Ben Higinbotham, Geo Grar, clerks. M eadows —J B Welch, chairman: E C Pomeroy, Dan Reynolds, judges; H H Mitchell, K Carter, clerks. N orth M edford —I) T Hears, chairman: 1 A Webb, E W Starr, judges; R T Lawton. F V Medvnski, clerks. S outh M edford —S 8 Pentz, chairman; Milton Maule, Horace Nicholson, judges; Win Ulrich, Barney O’Neil, clerks. M ount P itt —T Brockley, chairman; John Cook, 8 B Edsall, judges; Joseph Geppert, Geo Beale, clerks. P leasant C reek —W PHill is. chairman; M 8 Wakeman, John W Robinson, judges, TH B Taylor, E W Hammond, clerks, F oots C reek —R A Cook, chairman; N Hosmer, Thos Carr, judges; Chas T Ander­ son, Wm Bailey, clerks. G old H ill —J J Houck, chairman; J W Masterson. E Ray, judges; I E Deboy, E E Phipps, clerks. N orth J acksonville —David Linn, chair­ man; Chas Basve. J C Whipp, judges; A N Soliss, J H Buffer, clerks, S outh J acksonville —K Kubli, chair­ man; D J 8 Pearce. Theo Cameron, judges; Jas Cronemiller, John Orth, clerks. L ost C reek —R E Payton, chairman; J F Ditsworth, J J Bropby, judges; F M Manning, W F Taggert, clerks. C entral P oint —Ed R Owen, chairman; Anson M F>>rd, W C Leever, judges; Ben Beall, J H Kincaid, clerks. C himney R ock —W P Farlow, chairman; Geo W Nichols, Hermann Meyers, judges; W C Daley, J B Wyland, clerks. E agle P oint —A Pool, chairman; Geo Brown, David Cingcade, judges; A J Florey, J A Miller, clerks. E den —J H Stewart, chairman; J W Wiley, A S Robbins, judges; F M Stewart, E D Foudray, clerks F lounce R ock —Uriah Gorden.chairman; Perry Elli«, Jas L Gorden, judges: R W Gray, W Willits, clerks. K ock P oint —H L White, chairman; F M Blevens, P W Bleckert, judges; Jas Hays, Jr. John Ashmead, clerks. S team B oat —G C Cully, chairman; J M Toms, Jacob Shearer, judges; Ezra Arnold W E Finney, clerks. S tkriingville —Thos Gilson, chairman; Frank B Ames, H E Ankeny, judges; A S Johnson. Gus Mitchell, clerks. T able R ock —M A Housten, chairman ; C C Gall, H W Shipley, judges; John E Potter, J G Martin, clerks. T alent —A Alford, chairman; Emmet Beeson, E K Anderson, judges; Wm Ad­ dison, J B Carlile, clerks. CLOSING OF THE SCHOOLS. ON A POLITICAL MISSION. The Tour of Four Barrels of Old Rogue River Whisky. It Leaves Jacksonville Friday and Started Out On Its Mission to Save Jackson County For the G.O P. On Friday a teamster named Olney Olsen drove up from Central Point to Jackson­ ville and backed his team against the Beek­ man & Reames store building. The store proper is the place of business of James Drum, a grocervmnn. Under the store Is a large cellar, in which cellar is stored several thousand gallons of old Rogue River wbis ky, owned by Hon. J. VV. Merritt, republic­ an nominee for county judge. Mr. Ol-en presented his message, a smile went up and down tbe countenance of Dr. J. W. Robinson, the chairman of the re­ publican county central committee, who immediately proceeded to business, assisst- ed by that veteran old campaigner, ex­ Senator Tbeo. Cameron, republican nomi­ nee for county treasurer, Henry Kubli, republican nominee for representative, J. C. Whipp, party boss and member of the campaign committee. Geo. Love, a veteran in the cause and T. J. Kinney—everybody knows Tom Kinney. Chairman Robinson slid down the cellar door. Soon other old Jacksonvillians were on the scene and four big barrels of old Rogue River whisky soon appeared in sight. An impiession that the commotion was caused by the republican c »mpaign fund tailing into a crack was soon dispelled. Amidst a flow of wit and hilarious remarks, and after each good republican had hugged the barrels with a hearty hug, the “precious freight” was put into the wagon and Mr. Olsen proceeded on hie journey home toJ. W. Merritt at Central Point. The old republican leaders had a good time sending it along and many were the predictions that it was the salva1 ion of the grand old party in Jackson county. Tbe boys felt so good they felt like converting a popular song into “Good Bye Populists, Good Bve.” The goods arrived in Central Point all O. K. Prof. Merritt placed Capt. Peter Ap­ plegate in charge. Everybody bad a good time. With the exact method ot a cold business man the work of dis- pensing was proceeded with. The pro feasor’s business abilities are very apt and the apportionment of demijohns, jugs, flasks, tin dippers and other paraphernalia came out exact. Missouri Bottom. Foots Creek. Yankee Creek, Irish Canyon, Dutch Flat. Jackass Creek, Tail Holt, etc., as well as the other popular campaigning resorts of the back precincts and many other cen­ ters of larger . population were pro- . vided for. " Capt. " Peter Applegate is the chief dispen-er. . Dr. Sam Mc- Clendon is : second in charge. The headquarters is a room in the’ Central Point Hotel building. Robert Bond is the recognized and authorized dispenser for Trail creek and is authorized to deputize other dispensers. John Schneider was started to properly place the dispensaries In the Butte creek section, and since then the dispensers have become so thick all over the county that thefe has became a rivalry among them. It is reported to-day that W. K. Price of Tolo and several of the lesser dispensers have became jealous of each other in regard to which had the highest standing in the ranks. Some times several dispensers get out of their territory and work the same gulch un- beknowns to each other. Some times they hit the wrong Kind of a man, and when Merritt hears of that he roars. One of the dispensers went up Evans creek the first of this week. As he was going up he met several dispensers coming down. The result wa.i that the too free use of the bottle had an effect on tbe dispenser going up the creek. Before he got very far he was heard to ’Rah for Crowell and Wakefield. Nearly a thousand people assembled in Gamard's opera house last Thursday even­ ing t>> witness the graduating exercises of tbe class of '96, Ashland nigh School. The main hall and galleries were packed with people, and many were unable to gain en­ trance at all. The stage was beautifully decorated with a profusion of flowers as is usual on these commencement occasions; and suspended from the archway were the Total paid to aid assessor............................ $4332 00 words, “By Effort, Not by Craft” in large, attractive letters—the class motto. State With this democratic expenditure of $4332 00 ''which was worth about $200) to School Superintendent Irwin and several of the local public school officials were aid the assessor, Wooldridge in 1893 assessed 724,113.87 acres of land, and made seated on the stage. The following pro­ was executed, each participant doing such a mess of it that $2645.52 taxes was sworn off and not paid, because double gram his or her part creditably and well: Music—Inyocation. assessed, beside leaving out property enough that the .»heriff assessed and collect­ Monroe Doctrine .................. B. A. Spencer. ed $2511.26 of taxes. And for the democratic proficencJ (?) Wooldridge gets in Mountian Heights........ D. Ray Matthews. The Ills of Women. full pay, expenses aud all $2865,00, besides having extra assessment rolls bought Male Quartette.............................. . .... Constipation causes more than half the .......... “I Love the Path of the Free.” ills of women. Karl’s Clover Root Tea is a for him, at a cost of $140.00. Gur Native Land ....Margaret L. Stanley. pleasant cure for Constipation. For sale by While the poor old kicked, cuffed and cursed Jackson in 1895 took the census Military Life................... Sidney F Foster. T. K, Bolton. and assessed 851,043.95 acres of land for 126,930.08 acres more than Wooldridge Piano Solo....................... Charlotte Pracht. Captain George Lemon, the million­ “Song of the Mermaid”—Von Weber. assessed in 1893) and had $310.73 taxes sworn off as doubly assessed and the aire pension ageut, patent attorney and Arbitration ...... ...Ferdinand A. Strange. sheriff assessed and collected $521.41 taxes, and for this populist incompetency (?) Tbe Girl of To-Day........ Birdie M. Millsap. proprietor of the National Tribune at Jackson gets in full pay, expenses and all $2785.00, or $80 less than Wooldridge Washington, D. C., is at the point of —Scarf Drill - Qn Saturday last Miss Nellie Behnke, in 1893, besides Jackson used the regular form roll furnished by the state and the Looking Forward........ Maud E. Patterson. deal hi By a vote of 196 to 47 the House aged about twenty years, daughter of A View of th« Heavens........ C. F. Wagner. Charles Behnke, a pioneer resident of county didn’t have to buy a new one. passed over the President’s veto the bill Male Quartette—“Agnus Marie.” that section, was drowned in Salmon Lynch Law..................... .Roy R. Robley. granting a pension of $59 a month to river a short distance below Sawyer’s Presentation of Diplomas..Prof. Hitchcock. Francis E. Hoover, lato of the Twenty- District Attorney Ryan at Sacra- Bar.* Miss Behnke had started to ernes POLITICAL PulNTEBa third Indiana Regiment of Volunteers. —Music.— a foot bridge in company with a yonng mento.rvas twice fined for con turn pt of court during the progress of a case and The class furnished evidence of having A debate of two hours preceded the man named Harry Welker, but became ' he is short of money aud will go General Weaver of Iowa is in Oregon gamed the same high standard of pro­ vote, Kirkpatrick (R.)"Of Kurms; Wood dizzy and fell from the bridge, puliing says 1 ficiency which is looked for in all those (R.) of Illinois and 'Willis (R.) of Dela­ ip the interests of the People’s party. Welker into the stream with her. The to jail before paying the fine. turned out of the city high school, young man was a good swimmer, and The following Friday evening the first ware advocating the passage of the bill It is stated that Miss Cousins, the In an interview Charles Walsh, secre­ succeeded in getting nearly to the shore noted : woman suffrage advocate, is ill tary of tlie Democratic State Central annual commencement exercises of the and Erdman (D.) of Pennsylvania, Loud with the young iady, when he was at Los Angeles aud in need of funds, Committee of Iowa, said the silver Ashland grammar schools, comprising (R.) of California and Bartlett (D.) of dashed against a rock which stunned An application to Miss Susan B. An- forces have nearly three-fourths of the students who have finished the grammar New York in favor of sustaining the school course in tbe work, and the south yeto. All the Populists aud Republicans him, and resulted in losing his hold on were held in the presence of a well- Mias Behnke, who was carried down the thonv for relief was denied on the plea deleg ate-» in the state convention. schools, filled house. The young pupils acquitted geuerally voted for the bill, and the that the funds “ They will organize, ” he said, “ and de ­ were needed for cam- stream. Finding he could not save her well and the whole program Democrats against jt. The following clare for free silver and indorse Boies themselves life, be managed to get to the bank him­ paign purposes. which follows proved very enjoyable to the Republicans, however, voted to sustain self. The body of the unfortunate girl J. Roe Young, son of Indian. Agent 1 for P resideut, and a. Chicago the silver entire company: the veto: Loud of California, Raney was recovered about two hours later, a Young of Arizona, was thrown from a : men will name the candidate and make Invocation. ■bort distance below where she bad car and killed at Tempe. ■hort The Daily Journey oi the Sun—Bessie of Missouri, Quigg and Wadsworth of the "platform. New York, and the following Democrats fallen in. Tha announcement that the Populists Peed. The survey for the Congress, A T., Progress of American Inventions—James to pass the bill: Cockrell of Texas, air line railroad is now going on and a of ev ery statu in tbe Union are to fuse Spencer. Cummings of New York, Layton and Married in Ashland. Quartet, “Bend to Your Oars’’—Winnie Sorg of Ohio and Stokes, Strait and with the Democrats in case a free silver grading force will soon be at vzork. Geo. F. Dexter, a mining man of Oak Bolton, Eva Luark, Grant Tiffany, George Talbert of South Carolina. L A. J. McKisson, an old. time resi­ platform is adopted has excited much Ganiere, Bar, Siskiyou county, Cal., and Miss Result of Reading Poor Books—Ward The Senate Committee on Interstate Anna Goanev of the same place, arrived dent of Rich Gulch, was burned to infer ast among PopuLsts. Chairman Taub eneck of the People’s Party Na­ Sutton, in A«i: land Sunday and on Monday after­ death in his home while intoxicated. Commerce authorized a report on the A Girl’s Future—Lizzie Moreland. tion*! Executive Committee when seen noon were married in the AsblandHouse The quarantine against diseased hogs said: “I know absolutely nothing of Recitation, “The Cowboy’s Lament”— bill for uniform classification of rail­ parlor. Rev. F. G. Strange of the Pres­ road freight, framed on lines recom­ Grant Tiffany. has proved very effective in Arizona, the itory. No Populist, bi-metallist or byterian church performed the ceremony Indian Club Drill. mended by the National Board of and the outlook is bright for the entire in the presence of the following guests: sitvw Democrat has ever mentioned this Our School Days—Louis Dodge. Trade. eradication of the plague. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stephenson, Mrs. to me. If the Populists of Indiana Recitation, “Echo and the Ferry’’— Lizzie Kingsbury, Mrs. E. J. Johnson, Eva Luark John Haius, a miner of Pike City, have agreed to a combination of this Judge W. A. Lofton, for a long time Footprints—Fanny Beeson. Misses Dottie Stephenson, Ettie Franks, Sierra county, Cal., recently killed a kind they have not taken anyone into Attorney-General of Georgia, died at Vocal Duet—O, A. Thornton, A. F. Cor- Myrtle Morgan, Ethel Walrad, Prof.Wm mountain lion that weighed 198 pounds their coniideiK^e. So far as the national Macon of paralysis. A. Thomas, Dr. Frank Wood and E. J. aud measured seven fe at five inches from committee of the People’s Party i3 con­ nutt. Address—Rev, E. P. Childs. G. C. Truinpf, a Chicago bank presi­ Kaiser. Though an impromptu affair, tip to tip. Quartet, “Happy and Light”—Winnie cerned there is no truth in the report. ’ dent, who fled to Europe in 1893 to es­ the event was a pleasant one and the Bolton, Eva Luars, Grant Tiffany, George Mrs. Hannah Sutton of Petaluma has The South Dakota Democratic State Ganiere. wedding party were treated to a dinner, cape prosecution for wrecking his bank, prepared by the landlady of the house. in her possession the original declaration Convention has declured itself in favor Presentation of Diplomas—C. A. Hitch­ has returned and surrendered to the cock. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter are spending their of California’s independence. It will of the present monetary standar d. authorities. Song, "America.” honeymoon in southern Oregon. be read at the bear flag raising celebra­ The South Carolina Democratic State At the Methodist Protestant confer­ The following is a list of the grammar tion at Sonoma. Convention met at Columbia. The free school graduates: ence at Kansas City the report of the The annual meeting of the Pioneer Minnie Cottrell, Eva Luark, Maynie Eggs are being peddled around Tuc­ coinage of silver was demanded, and Society of Southern Oregon, will be held son at 20 cents per dozen, the lowest the present administration was severely Grainger, Louis Dodge, Lizzie Moreland, Committee on Revision was taken up Ethel Standard, Fannie Standard, Ward and its chairman, Rev. J. T. Murray of in Ashland on Thursday, June 4, 1896, price ever know there, in days gouo by •scored. Sutton, Grant Tiffany, Bessie Peed, Roy Maryland, introduced a resolution pro­ at 2 o’clock p. m. for the purpose of elect­ The convention of the People’s party Chrisman. Clyde Payne, Dora Long, John viding fcr the appointment of a com­ ing officers of the society for the ensuing they were considered cheap at 76 cents George Ganiere, John Spencer, year, and for the transacting any other and $1 per dozen. oi Connecticut adopted a platform de­ Strange, Nat Melius, lna Ford, Jay Taylor, Fannie mittee of seven, to serve for four years, business that may legitimately be brought Judge John S. Eugbee, formerly claring for the free and unlimited coin­ Beeson, Susie Dickey. whose duty it shall be to revise the before the meeting. United States District Attorney for age of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 The Ashland High School Alumni asso­ “ discipline. ” _____________ S ilas J. D ay , Secretary. Alaska, was stricken with ajoplexy and to 1. Uninstructed delegates to the ciation met for their annual reception and There is nothing that causes women banquet in the parlors of the Oregon greater discomfort and misery than the Saturday, May 23, at2p. m. a large died while delivering a speech in a Re­ National convention were elected. Hotel, Saturday evening, May 23. and a recurring Headache. Men crowd gathered at the baseball ground, publican convention at Juneau. Joten P. Altgeld for Governor aud most dellehtiul time was had. The literary constantly suffer less with Headache. “My wife's one-half mile north-west of Gold A woman, who said her name wa« silver were the instructions given to the program and business meeting were held health was very indifferent, having head­ Hill, to witness a contest between Grace Ormsby Friskhorn, hailing from delegates selected at the La Salle county during the first part of the evening. The ache continually, and just two packages of the first base ball Nines of Phoenix and Portland, committed suicide at Sedro, Democratic convention to attend the officers elected for the coming year were as Simmons Liver Regulator released her Gold Hill. The first two innings proved Skagit county, Wash., by taking poison.’ state convention. La Salle is Controller follows; President, May Sutton; vice from all Headache and gave tone and vigor president, Elmer Patrick; secretary and to her whole system. 1 have never re­ quite favorable for Gold Hill; but the treasurer, Winnie Crowson. At 10:30 sup­ gretted its use.’’—M. B. DeBord, Mt. Ver­ is said she was well connect ed in Eckels’ home county. Phoenix boys gained rapidly in the third It per was announced and all adjourned to non. Ky. Portland. Euge ne V. Deb3 made a definite state ­ and at the close of the game the tally the spacious and beautifully decorated din­ The Arizona Improvement Company- ment0 tl uit he would not serve in any ing room. Helman’s orchestra wa3 sta­ showed nineteen to seven in favor of A Deception Easily Practised Phoenix. The Gold Hill Nine gave a has engaged two expert fruit h.mdlers public oL^ice. He said he would not ac­ tioned in the southwest corner of the room is the offer of a reward for “any case of ca­ and discoursed some choice selections. The tarrh not cured" by certain “cures” or social bop in tbe evening and an enjoy­ from Fresno to pack their shipments of cept the 1’xesidential nomination. tables were attractively decorated with a “blood medicines.’’ Nothing is said re­ able time is reported. apricots and grapes. Over 100 pickers- lovely display of flowers, and each guest the number of bottles required, have been engaged and begun work. The com try rejoiced at the _ over­ was charmed as they sat down to the garding Estate of R J Newman; A N Soliss ap­ and therein lies the deception. The The jail part of the Whitman county, whelming minority given to the concur­ splendid feast before them. A neat little makers of Ely’s Cream Balm, have never pointed administrator and John Taylor, l , menu with a cut of the hotel was resorted to such devices. Cream Balm is A Neil and Dan Chapman appraisers. Wash., courthouse liai settled eight rent Cuban re®luticns in congress. Our souvenir presented to each guest. The menu was an elegant preparation, agreeable to use, Estate of J J Neathammer; order of final inches, so twisting the cells and their national legisbtture gave expression to an elaborate one, surpassing all previous and immediate in its beneficial results. settlement made and administrator dis­ bearings that it has been necessary to* ■ ! the sentiments and wishes of the whole ones. The toasts that followed were an in­ It cures catarrh. You can rely upon the charged. teresting feature of the evening. the prisoners for safe keeping. i ¡country fact that it contains no mercury nor other Estate of John Wells; sale of real prop­ remove moving for recognition rp, , ** cuuilirv in liLunufe -------- of — Those present were: O. A. Thornton, injurious drugs. 50 cts. erty confirmed. Linid C0IU P let ®Jy ’ ' belligerent rights for Cuba. But perhaps 'Algie Dixon. Henry Galey, I. E. Vining, Estate of DT Ewen; will admitted to I probate and Mrs C Ewen appointed ex­ ruined the French prune crop on the it would have been well enough to stop Eugene Berry, Elmer Patrick, Fred Car­ For Dyspepsia ter, Winnie Crowson, Victor Mayer, Walter ecutrix, with Geo Brown, A Betz and H Von Schroder 2,590-acrq prune orchard j Roy Robley, Bertram SDencer, and Liver Complaint you have a printed Von der Hellen as appraisers. in San Luis Obispo county. It is esti- < there and not recommend the president Walrad, Estate of A O Colvin; order made for mated that the damage to this one or-• | to offer the friendly mediation of the Ferd Strange, Charley Wagner, Ray Mat­ guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vital- thews, Sidney Foster. Hattie Gleason, izer It never fail's to cure. For sale by T. sale of personal property. United States to Spain with a view of Olive Gregory, Lyle Watson, Jessie Wag­ K. Bolton. chard will exceed $20,000. Ethel Walrad, Elsie Patterson. Bessie For two weeks past Santa Barbara- ‘ securing the independence of Cuba. It ner, Real Estate. A Fact Worth Knowing. Hammond, May Sutton, Effie Armitage, is true that the nearness of Cuba to our has been enjoying an invasion uf thous- • Edith Gregory, Hypatia Klum Theresa Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and G A Tyler to Ettie Palmer; lot 2, block ands of yellow and black, "birds with shores in a measure changes the strictly Bryant, Rosa Dodge, Gertie Sutton, Maude all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by 11, Ashland. $300. the New nonmeddling in the affairs of European Patterson, Margaret Stanley, Birdie Mil­ Shiloh’s Cure. For sale by T. K. Bolton. F M Wade to W E Coul; certain water bi’illiant red neads, known Miss Victor, Mrs. Mowat and Prof, right of 4000 inches on Applagate. $500. Orleans Tanager. Their appearance is nations which is the traditional policy sap, and Mrs. Hitchcock. W E Coul to Applegate Water Co; water a rarity in California. right of 6600 inches; also one of 4000 inches of the United States. But just at this Awarded John G. Taylor, who was live stock on Applegate. The venerable Method? it, Bishop Tay­ moment the offer of our friendly serv­ agent of the Santa Fe Railroad at Chi ­ lor, at one time a streit evangelist at Highest Honors—World’s Fair, MINING LOCATIONS. ices to Spain will only infuriate that cago in 1893, is missing. It was his evi­ Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Rogue River Water and Mining Co on San Francisco, has her n retired from nation. Nothing but being whipped till dence before the Federal Grand Jury May 11th located 150,000 inches of water to active service by the general cunference. has no power of fight left in her that secured the indictments of ex­ be taken out of Rogue river. Richard Little, supposed to be de­ ■will ever make her give up Cuba. That President J. W. Rinehart and ex-Traffic mented, living near- Chico, Cal., shot For every quarter in a man’s pocket is Spanish pride. But if we should sim­ Manager John H. Hanley of the Santa there are a dozen uses; and to use each one his wife dead :md killed himself. ply accord belligerent rights to the rev- Fe for violation of the inter state com­ in such a way as to derive the greatest The ex-Mayor of Sacramento, Eugene benefit is a question every one must solve alut. ’onists and let them alone they merce laws. for himself. We believe, however, that no Gregory, has been acquitted of having General Lucius Fairchild, Cotnman- Would do the rest and give the whip- better use could be made of one of these defrauded W idow Lto of her- money. der-in-Chief of the Loyal Legion and quarters than to exchange it for a bottle of ________________ The dry goods house of Gross Broth­ Pirg- Chamberlain’s Colic,Cholera and Diarraoea ex-Commander-in-Chief of the Grand ers of Tacoma, Wash., it is reported, 'The journey to the Alaskan gold Remedy, a medicine that every family Army of the Republic, died at Madison, should be provided with. For sale by E. will be closed to business until a busi­ mines is al.'uoet as terrible, in another Wis. A. S herwin , Druggist. ness revival Maches that city. wa y, as that was over the desert in the William C. Whitney is authority for D. D. Dare, cashier at the time of its pio neer days 0/ Californio. But the ter­ the statement that the Metropolitan To Whom It May Concern. collapse of the California National John R. Harris is not authorized to Bank of San Diego, who fled this coun­ ror, 1 of the route to the Yukon do not Traction Company of New York lias do business for the Mining and Scientific try at the time of the bank's failure and deti tr American miners and those who discovered a new motive power. Press, of San Francisco, California, and the suicide of its president, a defaulter, hop 1 to be miners. Already this spring has no authority to collect therefor. Mrs. G. Baicl ay, Modiste. has been found in Athens, Greece, in 1,00 0 men have left Seattle alone for the J.F. HALLORAN, For the latest styles in dressmaking go Yuk» m region. {Most Perfect Made. General Manager the rug business. •DR; VWCfj 55e I*** - April 14.1896. Dr. Hinman, tbe dentist, over the post- to Mrs. G. Barclay, Novelty block, oppoj Cniformly sxc«ll«Dt, Snowy Butt« flour» offioe, in Msaonio block, sit« Hotel Oregon. .3« 40 Years the Standard. FRY’S Millinery and Hairdressing. Miss Ober has opened fashionable milli­ nery and hairdressing parlors at her home on Factory street and invites the ladies wishing anything in the line to call upon her. SQUIRREL ■ POISON IM PROVED—CONCENTRATED AND MOST SATISFACTORY. —THE ORIGINftL SQUIRREL KILLER- Bought Out Camps. Louis Larson, a photographer from Ta­ coma, has purchased F. L. Camps’ gallery in Ashland and is in charge of the same. For the next 30 days he will mace cabinet­ sized photos for 43 00 per dozen. It Is Made In Oregon. In 1-pouad cans. Guaranteed. Thou, ands of farmers from all over this stats have learned that FRY’8 SQUIRREL POISON is as good or better than mors e xpensive foreign brands of uncertain strength. Fry’s is the genuine and most reliable poisou. Use no other. For sals y E. A. Sherwin, Ashland, Oregon. )luuf. by D. J. Fry, Salem, Ore. Mill Feed Wholesale, $12.50 per ton. Retail, cents per 100 at the Ashland Roller Flour Mills. 44 DR. MILES, Through His Nervine Is a Bea efactor to Thousands.” © WIDELY known Wisconsin publisher, who resides at Green Bay, write« March Sth, 1895, as follows: “Five years ajo 1 became so nervous that mental work was a burden. I could not rest at night on account of sleeplessness. My attention was called to Dr. Miles' Restora­ tive Nervine, and 1 commenced to use it with the very best effect. Since then I have kept a bottle in my house and use it whenever my nerves become unstrung, with always the same good results. My son also' takes It for nervousness Dr. Miles’ with like never falling success. I have recom­ Nervine mended it to many and It cures them. AU who Restores suffer from nerve Health...... troubles should try it. It Is free from narcotics, perfectly harm- less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr. Miles, through his Nervine is a benefactor to thousands.” A. C. LEHMAN. Editor and proprietor of D kb L andsman . Dr. Miles* Nervine is sold on guarantee first bottle will benefit or money refunded. MEN'S > a X Í VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE HENRY D- KUBLI, 50 Bright New Silver Dollars to be given away, divided in four Cash Prizes as follow«: Republican Nominee. FOR COUNTY TREASURER: LEE L. JACOBS) Democratic Nominee. FOR REPRESENTATIVE: G. F. SCHMIDTLINE, People’s Party Nominee. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY: JOHN ft. JEFFREY. People s Party Nominee. ft. ’ 1st Prize 2d 3d 4th 44 ..................................... $20 00 ...................................... 15 00 ..................................... 10 00 ..................................... 5 00 Total..................... $50 00 OOTSZLlZEElSrOTnsrG- 2SZEO3STIDJVY, ZMZJL'Y 4, we will give (on every 25c cash purchase and upwards, or amount in cash paid in on book account) Coupons re­ presenting the amount of cash paid. For every $10 worth of these coupons the holder is entitled to one guess at tbe number of beans contained in the Glass M bs on exhibition at our store. The nearest guess to the correct number gets the 1st prize, next nearest 2nd prize, etc. The man to be opened, beans counted and prizes awarded when 100 guesses are taken. EVERYTHING SOLD AT BOTTOM PRICES. D. X«. IVTinKler <5fc «Son. J. P. Dodge, FOR COUNTY CLERK: GGO. BICYCLE PANTS UNDERWEAR. FURNISHINGS. FREE SILVER! FOR REPRESENTATIVE; JftCKSON, c) .... Dealer I m Furniture People’s Party Nominee. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR: JOHN GRIEVE, People’s Party Nominee. Democratic Nominee For County Clerk: WM. M. HOLMES, of Central Point. and everything pretaining to the Furniture Trade! I A nice line of Floor Matting just in—prices low. Trunks and canvas-covered Telescopes; Mirrors, Window Shades, Lamberquin poles and trimmings, Screens, Picture Frames, bedding, Etc., Etc. White, New Home and Magestic Sewing Machines. Best machine oil, needles and repairs for all kinds of Stwing Machines. BftBY CftRRIftGES at less than city prices. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. FOR REPRESENTATIVE: J. J. HOUCK, Of Gold Hill—Democratic Nominee. G. F. LINDLEY. Prof. P. J. HEAD A^_Medford, Oregon_^A People’s Party Nominee for TREASURER. COUNTY Of Portland. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY of the First Judicial District: S. S. PENTZ, F CREAM BAKING POWDIR sN'' < Five Different Kinds of of Medford. Regular Nominee Democratic FOR SHERIFF: Democratic Nominee, Ticket. From PIANOS $260 and Upwards. TERMS:—Small payment down and $10 per month. Organs $5.00 per month, PIANOS:—Chickering, Hardman, Fisher, Jewett, Ludwig ORGANS:—Estey, Mason 1 Hamlin, Frand and Bottey.