ì ì I VALLEY RECORD. The People’s Paper. ASHLAND, Or....Thursday, May 28, 1898. Don’t forget that the ten populists so obstructed the pathway toward economy and reform that the seventy-two republi can members of the last legislature were unable to enact a single law in accord ance with their pre-election promises. A poor excuse is better than none at all, you know, besides, it wouldn’t do to lay everything onto the Wilson bill. A. 8. Barnes, people’s party nominee for sheriff is making some effective speeches in the northern part of the county this week. When Barnes visits a district and leaves it the friends of the other candidates feel very tired. Brother Barnes is all right and the people all know it. That's why Barnes will get there and he will lead the populist ticket on to victory next Monday. That old arch enemy of the people; the organ of the banks arid corporations—the Oregonian, is desperate. It shouts itself hoars* and tears hie hair in frenzy, and declares that the populist state and coun ty committees are breaking up the old republican party. Well, let ’er break. The republican party ia breaking by its own weight of dishonesty and fraud; and the best class of republicans are coming over to the populists. That is all right; let them come; and when they do come let every populist give them a hearty shake of the hand. The industrious and painstaking assessor Geo. A. Jackson, last year made the best assessment in Jackson county. Up to within a few months ago this was conceded by all parties that were in a position to know. Bat since the campaign began the S. P. barrel has talked—and talked and keeps on talking. To give a little color of truth to the idea of Jackson’s so-called in competency last week's g. o. p. information bureaus called attention to some few facts in the assessment to substantiate the idea. Here is where our literary* brethren touched the wrong key. It has caused the record to be brought out thoroughly and that official record preaches the truth with more con vincing force than any friend ef the idea of assessing corporations could have possible conceived of. Whenever the two old parties controled this county they went before the people explaining why the county debt and the burdens of taxation were steadily in creasing. Each succeeding year the same old excuses were indulged in. Two years of “populist misrule,” the debt is reduced over $20,000 and the same par ties go before the people and try to break down the facts or attempt to cab bage on to the credit themselves. The best reason’s they offer are that there have been no bridge swindles, present “owner book” frauds, have been no embezzling of county funds, no forged warrants and no wholesale criminal busi ness promoted for the benefit of the “hangers on” and political strikers of the bosses. The g. o. p. literary bureau editors in trying to rebut County Recorder Raw lings’ facts, carefully, truthfully and im partially gathered from the county rec ords, are falling into the errors that an indolent, lazy prevaricator would natur ally drop into. Their contention (and the editor of the “democratic coluun” this week reiterates the same) is that the $1,973,400 railroad mortgage on rec ord in Jackson county covers the rail road mortgage of the entire state. The g. o, p. column editors are too infernally lazy to find out before they write it whether their “presumptions” are facte or not. If they were a little bit informed they should know better. Besides that the R scord of May 14 (which these edit ors must have seen from the amount of talk they make about it) contained the aworn testimony ot Manager R. Kibler of the Southern Pacific, in which he testified that their mortgage dated July 1. 1887, was for $20,000,000. Yet the lazy “presnmers” will publish to the world statements they never investigate or verify to their own satisfaction, much less demonstrate to the fair-minded reader. Phe indications are that populists will have an increased party plurality in Jack* son county. The republican state commit tee even figures this county as populist. The populists will probably elect Martin Quinn to congress from Eastern Oregon and have a fighting chance to elect Van- derburg in this district. Judge Neil would give the democratic party credit for finding the 27,000 acres of land which is entirely due to the individual efforts of one Joseph Koch, a civil engineer and expert draughtsman, and whois in the business of making county maps. Mr. Koch came to Jacksonville and on inquir ing around as to the advisability of making a map was informed by Recorder Raw lings that there was probably 25.000 acres of land in Jackson county, which never had been assessed. So Mr. Kocii went to work on his map as a business proposition, with no encouragement from Judge Neil. But after he put in several months and finds this amount of land not assessed, he has a map that will be of inestimable value to the county for years to come because of its neatness and correctness in every par ticular. After tpe map is purchased by the county. Judge Neil steps in and claims credit is due the democratic party for find ing this unassessed land 1 Portland, Or., May 25,1896. Hearing t*'at Thomas H. Tongue, while stumping the district in his own behalf, has made use of a letter written by his oppon ent W. 8. Vanderburg to brand the latter as an anarchist. I desire to say to friends of “purity in politics,” that I have read the letter, and, though a republican, I can not, as a member of the American Protec tive association, allow a wrong to pass un checked, for the benefit of my party. I have nothing to say as to Mr. Tongue or his methods, but rise above party tn the defense of justice. Mr. Vanderburg’s letter calls attention to the prevalence of crime and destitution, and argues that punishment for a crime committed by one driven to it by starva tion, will not cure the evil. That where the cause for crime has sprung from bad legislation, it should be eliminated by the same power, and that until statesmen realize this and make laws to protect the poor as well as the rich, there can be no re formation. Mr. Vanderburg does not say, as quoted by Mr. Tongue, that it is wrong to punish crime until the cause forcrime is removed; but he does say, that unless the cause is removed, crime will exist J. T. H ayne . The Biggest Fool at Large Is the ¡"dividual who persistently neglects bis health, and the means of preserving and restoring it. Many persons who are not constitutional idiots do this. They are genuine objects of compassion as well as censure. A failure of appetite, loss of sleep and flesh, impaired digestion, an uncertain state of the bowels and symptoms of biliousness are so many warnings of the approach of disease. To disregard them is abject folly, which offended nature in due time punishes severely, if not fatally. That genial and thoroughly reliable pre ventive of bodily mischief in the shape of chronic disease, Hostetter’s Stomach Bit ters, will, if resorted to in time, avert those disorders, to the removal of which it is also The R ecord does not attempt to answer fully adequate. Among these are chronic all the stories of the lazy "presnmers” of indigestion, liver complaint, kidney trou- the g. o. p. literary ‘‘inflammation” bles.constipatiou,nervousness, rheumatism bureaus. We have devoted considerable and malaria. space to discussion of matters that are of Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber some force and effect on the issues before shop. Opposite town hall. the consideration of the voters. But we The Anchor Lina steamer Belgravia, have no space to answer rot-gut of any which struck on the rocks at Black description, whether it is in whisky or point, just outside St. John’s harbor, is politics. On matters of this kind we have hard aud fast, and four tugs at high a sort of blind faith that there is an un- water failed to move her. describable force in nature (which our Chief Arthur of the Brotherhood of Christian friends describe as "a God in Engineers is likely to be opposed for the Theg.o. p. bureau editors object to Barnes’ candidacy for sheriff on the ground that he is making political speeches. Too bad. “No precedent” for it, you know. Does it disqualify to have a genial disposition, an industrious and accommodating nature and with all the brains and ability to be able to fairly, squarely and intelligently discuss an economic problem that vitally concerns the well-being of all citizens and neigh bors? Israel”) that will work out rightfully as presidency of the order. against the combined forces of all con Charles Goodyear, the eldest son of fusers ot truth. Charles Goodyear, the inventor and The g. o. p. bureaus say Jackson’s last philanthropist, died in New York. year's railroad assessment was illegal, that Frank Reisch. president of the Illi he was not competent to make a legal as nois National Bank and head of Reisch sessment, etc. That would quite naturally Brothers’ brewery, died at Springfield, be the “presumption” of a lazv prevari Hl. cator. An industrious liar would investi The Governor of Wisconsin has been gate before sending that report out. The asked to call a special meeting of the law specially compels a corporation to fur legislature to take action regarding the nish under oath a correct description of all it owns in a county. This was furnished Milwaukee street car strike. The North German Gazette says Ger- Mr. Jackson (and all the assessors of the state) and Mr. Jackson attended to the l many is desirous of the total abolition assessor’s duties and put on the valuation. of the sugar bounties, provided the How could the company get out of that? othei* states take a similar action. At 8:20 Friday night the big Ferris THEY NEVER DID QUESTION ITS LEO A LIT Y. Yet the democratic-repub wheel in Earls Court Garden, London, lican bureaus have steadily uttered and stopped revolving. A number of peo even published that proposition in print. ple were compelled to remain aloft all night and until noon the next day. This is a great world! Dr. Earl Cranston and Chaplain C. C. The S. P. barrel has entered the McCabe ai a the two new Bishops elected county. The whole barrel is to destroy at the Cle /eland general conference. George A. Jackson and elect Hon. J. W. Cholei;, is reported . among the Egyp Merritt county judge. We don’t blame tian army and many soldiers are dying the railroad company for looking out tor of ths sjourge. its interests, though we may condemn John Hays Hammond and his asso their methods. The industrial situation ciates as leaders in the Johannesburg of this century is the destruction of any reform movement, who were sentenced man that stands in their way. Yet it is to death by the government, have had also to the selfish interests of the tax life sentences commuted to fifteen years’ payers to see that the railroad company imprisonment. Archduke Charles Louis of Austria, (or any other corporation for that mat- ter> pay some taxes. Why should they the younger brother of Emperor Francis be practically exempt? Why should Joseph, is dead, aged 63 years. Mrs. M. Ashkraft of Wichita, Kas., the farms,homes and business places beat a widow, has been arrested on a war all the burdens of modern tax consum rant sworn out by T. A. Fawcett, a ing institutions. The citizens of Jack- tailor, who charges that she threw a son county should also be a little prac kiss at him while he was with his wife, tical. Will they stand idly by and see and that it was done with malicious in the man that did what was right in bis tent. Mrs. Ashkraft says the kiss was official capacity as county assessor de meant for Mrs. Fawcett. stroyed for that very act? Monday will Clara Barton writes from Armenia tell the story. that no interference on the part of Turkish officials is encountered in her Representative Gr..vt> L. Johnson of work of relief among the suffering California has brought suit against G. poor of that country. W. Cochran, proprietor of the Hotel Irving L, Ford, the negro whose bru Cochran at Washington, for $1,257 dam tal murder of young Elsie Kreglo, a ages for jewelry alleged to have been white girl 16 years old, near the Zoologi stolen from the Congressman’s rooms in cal Park, created a sensation in Wash the hotel on the lltli of March last. ington three weeks ago, was found The Senate Committee on Territories guilty by the jury after being out authorized a favorable report on the seven minutes. bill providing for the extension of the How to Treat a Witte. Arizona funding act of 1890. (From Pacific Health Journal.) The conferees on the Indiun appropri First, get a wife; second, be patient. You ation bill will rei>ort another disagree may have great trials and perplexities in ment on the Senate amendment in re your business, but do not beretfore, carry gard to the Government support of to your home a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wife may have trials, which tnough Indian schools. of Jess magnitude, may be hard for her to , bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do , wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds Children Cry for ; of gloom.—To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Pitcher Castoria. Remedy in the house. It is best and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your Children Cry for wife will then know that you really caie for her and wish to protect her health, For sale by E. A. Ssuwur, Druggist. Oastorla. ’s Pitcher’s Chief Justice Snodgrass of Tennessee is on trial in Chattanooga for shooting John A. Beasley last December. The seventy-second anniversary of the American Baptist Publication Soci ety was celebrated at Asbury, N. Y. John Dillon announces that the con vention of tho Irish throughout the world, which it was decided at the meeting of the anti-Parnellites to call to Dublin, has been fixed for September 1st next. Tho Sultan of Turkey is suffering from continual nervous attacks. The Kurds have disarmed the garrisen of SivHs. They are threatening South Anatolia aud are preparing for further massacres. The following officers were elected by the American Baptist Missionary Union at Asbury Park, N. J.: President, Rev. H. F. Colby of Ohio; Rev. H. S. Bur rage of Maine, recording secretary. Ernest Brownell, a high school stu dent 17 years old, was shot and killed at Greeley, Qol., by Bode Foster. Brown ell had attended a rehearsal, after which he went to Foster’s house, having ar ranged to sleep there. Foster did not know this, and when he heard a noise at the door he fired at the intruder, sup posing a burglar was trying to enter. In the Colorado State Supreme Court a supercede,has been issued in the case of Pablo, the Ute Indian who was sentenced to be hanged at Canyon City next week for the murder of three In dians. The point has been raised that state courts have no jurisdiction over the Indians and that the Utes are not subject to state laws. Salt Lake City has a sensational mur der case, in which Rev. Francis Her man figures as a fugitive murderer of young women. Two young women are missing r.nd their personal effects were found in his possession. A part of á charred human body was recovered from the furnace in Herman’s church. Mayor Waters of Hot Springs, Ark., murdered Harry Martin, a drummer, in a street fight and is in jail. Lieutenant Luther B. Baker, who, as an officer in the Government detective service, had charge of the party which captured J. Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, died at Lansing, Mich., aged 66 years. In Texas the cotton growers are plow ing up and planting over where the cot ton is entirely killed out. Gold from the recently discovered fields in Heflin, Ala., and Villa Rica, Ga., assays from 129 to 142 grains to the ton. • Coal mining operations in Gallup dis trict, N. M., have fallen below the aver age for the season, railroad and com mercial orders being greatly reduced. Seven mines are now in operation on half time. Walter Grant Dygert, the young man recently confined by the Spanish author ities in prison at Guiñes, Cuba, and who has been in Tampa Bince his liberation, left Tampa, Fia., for his home in Illinois. He has collected all the evi dence in his case, and will turn it over to the 8: ate Department at Washington, asking the United States to compel the Spanish Government to pay him the sum of $100.000. His evidence show’s that he was arrested and confined for two months without any cause what ever, as no case was made out against him. John Taggart was killed aud twelve others dangerously wounded in a gas explosion in the mines near Big Stone Gap, Ky.. Portland, Me., people have subscribed $115,000 toward building a grain eleva tor of 1,000,000 bushels capacity for the Grand Trunk Railroad. The general assembly of the Presby terian Church is in session at Saratoga, N. Y. ________________ All Recommend It. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about Shiloh’s Cure for Con sumption. They will recommend it. For sale by T. K. Bolton. Reports of the destruction of grow ing wheat by the Hessian fly in Michi gan continue more alarming. The insects have made the heaviest ravages in the wheat growing regions in South ern Michigan, but their operations ex tend all over the peninsula. It is estimated that at least half the wheat crop of the state will be destroyed. At Buffalo, N. Y., an old building in process of repair collapsed and buried fifteen or more people, half or whom were either killed outright or died from their injuries. The foreign statistics gathered by the Agricultural Department show the crop conditions throughout the world. The summary follows: Great Britain —The crop outlook everywhere is good, and promises a harvest about two weeks earlier than usual. This would dimin ish the imports for the remainder of the current year by about 5,000,000 bushels. France—With normal weather until harvest the wheat crop will more than suffice for home requirements. A sur plus for export is confidently predicted by French agricultural journals and statisticians. Some expect that it will amount to 40,000,t00 bushels. This quantity would affect prices, especially if the French Government should pay a bounty on exports. Austro-Hungary —The weather is favorable and crops promise well. Roumania—Cold weather in April retarded the crops, but the out look is generally promising. Russia— Excellent prospects of a crop above the average in quantity and quality are generally reported. The unfavorable March weather in the south is found to have done no serious damage. Spring sowings have been completed under good conditions. The engineers at work for the past month or six weeks surveying the line of the proposed Gulf, Rio Grande and Pacific Railroad refuse to go any fur ther until they are paid for what they have done.________________ When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, sha cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she dung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. DEMOCRATIC COLUMN. The Tacoma Chamber of Commerce' Thomas J. McNichols, Commissioner has issued a call for a convention ot the of Cook county. III., has begun a dam (This column oi the R ecord belongs to age suit against Judge John Darton commercial bodies of Washington, to be held JuHe 17th, to take action on the the County Executive Committee of the Payne for $200,000. Judge I’ayue Democratic Party of Jackson County. It invitation of the Philadelphia Museum represents their ideas and they are respon charged that the Commissioner received for Washington, as he typical Western sible for all its utterances.] a bribe in the O’Brien murder case. state, to make a permanent exhibition TO THE VOTERS OF JACKSON COUNTY. While engaged in boring a well on of the natural and manufactured pro We, the undersigned candidates—re the farm of J. S. Wheeler, about ducts of the state in the commercial spectively for county judge and sheriff twenty-eight miles west of Ardmore, L museum now being established in Phila on the democratic ticket—hereby desire T., a strong current of natural gas was delphia. to say that all statements and rumors, encountered. When struck it created a Henry Bigelow, a San Francisco by whomsoever circulated or published noise like thunder, and when a match newspaper reporter who interviewed —to the effect that we, or either of us. was applied to the mouth of the well it Evans and Sontag in the mountains are parties to any scheme to trade each flamed up. when those noted outlaws were being other off. for either republican or popu It is probable that all the roads in the list support, is wholly false and without hunted, died of consumption. any foundation whatever. And no dem central passanger committee will fol San Francisco is flooded with coun ocrat will, or is authorized to either make low the lead of the Pennsylvania road terfeit silver half dollars. The metal is such a deal, or to circulate such a report. in carrying bicycles free of charge. Jacksonville, Or., May 25, 1896. almost pure silver and well coined. The Lake Shore is preparing to follow W m . 8. C rowell , suit, and it is expected that all the com Thirteen prominent citizens of As Democratic nominee for County Judge. petitors of the Pennsylvania and Lake toria, Or., are under indictment for J. W. B ybee , falsely swearing in Chinese entry cases. Democratic nominee for sheriff. Shore will soon do so. It seems Astorians have been conducting The well known operatic and theatri an extensive business in violating the Col. W. 8. Cruweil, if elected countv cal managers, Abbey and Grau of New exelusion laws. judge, will not have nor allow anv private York, have made an assignment for the Henry Seifert recently came to Santa interests to take him away from the benefit of creditors. Rosa from Ohio for the purpose of buy mm important duties of the office. He The reform committee convicts at ing a home. He carried a considerable will be able to devote his entire time in Johannesburg are now permitted to sum of money and has mysteriously looking after the business affairs of have bedsteads and better food than was Jackson county. People who have disappeared. Foul play is suspected. matters in probate, will find in him a at first supplied. The Methodist College conducted at man thorouehlv conversant with the law The steamer Taurada has arrived at Napa for twenty-five years, has been which governs the subject, and all Jacksonville, Fia., after successfully permanently closed. The property will persons having business of a public na landing a cargo of arms and ammuni be sold to settle the outstanding debts, ture before the county court, will find tion into the custody of Cuban insur and the remainder turned over to a him not onlv a judge by title of office— gents. hut a judge in fact and one who knows fund to establish a theological school. The appellate division of the Supreme the law. He will be at the county seat— The Lord Mayor of London has ac in the court house—everv business hour Court of New York has denied a motion quired mining property in San Bernar —of everv day—in each week—(Sunday’s to confirm the report of the special dino county, Cal. excepted) of every month in each vear of commission on rapid transit appointed Alva E. Shepherd, a jeweler insane the term. The attention which h" can by the Supreme Court This defeats on religion, cut the throat of Mrs. and will give the duties of the office— the underground railroad plan adopted Lewis Aweng of San Francisco and and his superior qualifications therefor, by the commission. justify the confirmation of his friends in then committed suicide. saying that he surely will be chosen by Karl'e Clover Root Tea The University of California gradu the people. is a sure cure for Headache and nervous ated forty-nine new doctors on the 21st, Nothing relieves so quickly. For J. W. Merritt,-candidate for conntv diseases. sale by T. K. Bolton. seven of whom are women. judge on the republican ticket. Baid in Bayles Van Horn and John Crow, his speech at Jacksonville: “Populism who were accused of the murder of means Anarchy. ♦ * * While in this Jack Littlefield at Weaverville, CaL, state they are elected to office, in Chicago ‘ have been convicted of murder in the thev hang them.” What a broad, liberal minded judge such a man would make. second degree. In combination, proportion and “Figures will not lie,” but what a great A carload of new-crop wheat was sent process Hood’s Sarsaparilla is peculiar pity ’ tis, that liars will figure. Our coun out of Bakersfield on the 21st It is be tv recorder, Mr. Rawlings, tells us that to itself, and unequalled in true merit. lieved to be the first of the new crop upon the head of every man, woman and No other medicine ever possessed 80 sent to market this year. Another car child of Jackson county there hangs a much curative power, or reached such was sent out from Poso on the 22d. debt of $226.85! In order to ascertain enormous sales, or made such won A new electric railroad is under con this fact, he goes to the countv record* to derful cures, as Hood’s Sarsaparilla. struction between Santa Monica and find the official evidence of debt—the It is undoubtedly the best medicine Ocean Park, passing the Soldiers’ Home. mortgages, judgments, county debt, citv ever made to purify, vitalize and en debts and debts of school districts. He Among the passengers sailing from finds from such sources an aggregate in rich the blood. Liverpool on the Majestic for New York debtedness of $3,343,518.00; dividing this That is the secret of its success. is Mr. MacFarlane, who placed in enormous aggregate by 13017» the popula Read this statement: London mortgage bonds of the Hawai tion of Jackson countv, he reaches the “When my son was 7 years of age, he ian Commercial and Sugar Company of result per capita, ie. $256 85. Of course, had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma San Francisco, owners of the Spreckels- Mr. Rawlings knows this is not true?' tism, which settled in his left hip. He ville plantation at Hawaii, through the He presumes that the farmers who live , was so sick that no one thought there was syndicate which floated the Hawaiian- “up the creek” are ignorant, and will , any help for him. Five sores broke out believe it. He includes in this estimate loan of 1887. The bonds amount to 326 judgments—all that appear of record.' on his thigh, which the doctor said were $750,000 and bear interest at 5| per He torgot to state that a judgment 10' cent. years old, was out-lawed and utterlv A heavy judgment has been obtained worthless—unless execution has been is against H. H. Baucroft in favor of N. sued upon it within that time. The I J. Stone on a contract for services to chairman of the democratic central com- ’ be rendered by Stone as manager of the mittee will pay Mr Rawlings $100 in I sores. We had three different doctors. gold coin if he will list not 326, hut 200 Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The book business for the historian. valid judgments on the Judgment Lien last doctor said the leg would have to be The much wanted fugitive from jus Docket of Jackson countv. He has in cut open and the bone scraped, before he tice in San Francisco, Josef Blanther, cluded in that $188,832.00 of judgment in could get well. Howard became so low it turns out is a deserter from the Aus debtedness, the judgment for costs in that he would eat nothing, and one doc trian army. There is no longer any every criminal trial since 1852. The tramps tor said there was no chance tor him. question but what he murdered Mrs. who were convicted owe the people “ One day, a newspaper recommending of Jackson countv for the costs and ex Langfeldt for her diamonds, which he Hood’s Sarsaparilla was left at our door. pawned to get money with which he penses of trial—Mr. Rawlings you know ' We decided to try this medicine. Howard this! Are you honest in including these ' fled. judgments? Also as a debt of the people commenced taking it the last ot February, The Sheriff of Fresno county fed the of Jackson county Mr. Rawlings includes after having been sick for a year and a chaingang at noon and presented a bill “one mortgage on O. & C. R. R. Co.. for 12j cents per meal. The Supervisors $1.958,400.00 “Mr. Rawlings—please? refuse to allow the claim on the strength did you know that this same mortgage of an ordinance of their own making was recorded in every county through allowing but two meals a day to con which the railroad passes, from Mult nomah on the north to Jackson on the victs. south? Oh, you did? Why then were half. He hadn’t taken it a week before I A number of changes will probably vou not intellectually honest? This saw that his appetite began to improve, be made in the faculty of Throop Insti evidence of debt aggregates nearly two and then he gained rapidly. I gave him tute at Pasadena, Cal., for the coming million dollars—almost two-thirds of your five bottles, when the sores were all healed year. President Keyes has been offered appalling total. Why did yon not divide and they never broke out again. The a professorship in the Wilmerding this debt up among the people all along crutches he had used for four years were School to be established in the northern the line, instead of the Jackson county laid aside, as he had no further use for part of the state. Professor Polley goes only. I will tell you why? It would them. I give all the credit to Hood’s Sar not fool the voters enough to suit your saparilla.” M rs . A da L. M oody , Fay to Stanford and Professor McClatchie purpose. But do the people owe this Street, Lynn, Mass. has been offered a position in Pomona two millions? Mr. Rawlings says that This and many similar cures prove that College. they do, and he apportions it amongst The first claimant who entered the them. We have been thinking that the United States Land Office at Crookston, people who own the road owed the debt. Minn., to file on Red Lake lands came Rut Mr. Rawlings explains this in the through the transom over the door. R ecord of Mav 21st. He says: “Aman with a thimble full of brains knows that He had been in the line four days. the people have this debt to pay.” Every The Western Unitarian conference at time a man rides a mile on the railroad, Chicago adjourned after electing the his fare goes to liquidate this debt—Yes, Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. following officers for the ensuing year: every time you buy a pound of coffee, Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. President, D. S. Shorey, Chicago; secre vou are paying the mortgage on a Brazil- cure Liver Ills; easy to tary, Rev. A. W. Gould, Chicago; treas lian coffee plantation. Oh, what intel Hood’s Pills take, easy to operate. 25c. lectual honesty has come tn guide these urer, H. W. Brough, Chicago. old Oregonians! Kansas, Nebraska and A Detroit bird has broken the 300- Iowa must feel desolate at the loss of FOR 8CHOOL SUPERINTENDENT: mile homing pigeon record. Seventy- such men. five pigeons were liberated at Sydney, Independent voter, there is one thing People’s Party Nominee. Hl., and one of them, a 3-year-old bird of paramount importance in the econom belonging to Fred Ruoff, made the dis ical management of county affairs, and tance, 300 miles, in four hours and fifty- that is a board of commissioners compos I hereby pledge myself to the people of four minutes, the average rate of speed ed of strictly business men, who connot Jackson county, if elected, to devote my time to work in the schools of the being 1,852 yards per minute, beating he swayed by outside influence or parti entire county and to give each school its due san clamor. All matters financial, all the record by 146 yards per minute. amount of my time and attention. J claim Another of the birds, belonging to Bob matters pertaining to our road systems, that one hour during a term (the maximum bridges and public buildings, the proper Shemansky of that city, also broke the care of indigent* and general manage time given to the majority of our schools the past two years) is not sufficient record, arriving in four hours, fifty-two ment of county affairs is intrusted to the during to enable the superintendent to make a minutes and twenty-eight seconds. hoard of commissioners or county court. competent report on any school. I there pledge at least a half day’s time to O. E. Miller, president of the Hernia Even the populists admit that during the fore every school room in the county. Appliance Company, has returned to past two years a reduction of the county Denver to answer a charge of having indebtedness amounting to twenty thous dollars has been effected, since embezzled $125 0JO from the Commer and remedial legislation has enabled the cial National Bank of that city. county court to apply business methods | Eight miners were buried in a cave at to county affairs, and the same intelligent the Ashland, Mich., mines while work management can only be continued by ing in a drift 300 feet below the surface. the election of a man of the very highest If you want one write order of business qualifications to the to me for catalog and One thousand men returned to work office of county commissioner. The at advanced wages at the shipyards of county has one able member of the board prices. I know you the Globe Iron Company at Cleveland. in the hold-over populist, Mr. Bradshaw. will be pleased with us insure the continued high char both. J* ck j* j» Dresser & Goodridge, commission Let acter of the county commissioners’ court, merchants of New York, have attached by electing Ben Beall, one of the ablest the Goodridge Rubber Company of business men of the county in any call Newport, R. L, for $168,000. ing, to succeed the retiring Mr. Furry. The plant of the United States Cord Ben Beall, clean-beaded, conservative, Oun and Sporting Marysville, Cal. age Company of New York, valued at trained in public affairs, honest as the floods Dealer day is long; where can you find bis peer $1,000,000, was sold for $80,000 to sat for such a Dosition, in or out of politics? Catalogue of Guns, Rifles, Fishing isfy a mortgage held by the United Give this matter particular attention, Tackle and Sportiug Goods Free. States Trust Company. voters. F. A Cole of Rochester, N. Y., for In Prof. Horton for school superin many years employed in the Monroe tendent, we offer to the voters of Jack- Savings Bank as receiving teller, is a son county an eminent educator ot un defaulter and has left Cole was an blemished personal character, he stands active member of the First Baptist today the peer of any man who has ever in Jackson county in the line of Church, and was a teacher in the Sun lived his profession. Mr, Horton ¡8 not neglect day school. He was also one of the ing his duties as principal of the public directors of the Y. M. C. A., and has school of Jacksonville, to make a canvass confessed the defalcation. The amount of the county, but his friends will see to secured is small. it that the voters of the county realize At Medford, Friday May 29, For first-class dental work see Dr. A. and show their appreciation of his ac Hinman, Masonic block. knowledged merits. 1896. Vote for Fred Pape, a young man of More Money Needed. the highest ability for the office of county rand candidates ’ ball at The American common people need surveyor, and rest assured that his ex Opera House. Music toy the cele more opportunity to labor for fair wages; perience in government work and’private brated Helman orchestra (six pieces) of Ashland Supper at Hotel Nash. Ball the American employer needs more surveving will insure a creditable show Tickets, $1 00. money to run his business; the Ameri ing at the expiration of hie term of office. Candidates from the three political par Democrats! Beware! can manufacturer needs more buyers for ties will speak to the people at Medford There are certatn men in Jackson that day. A large crowd and good time is his commodities; the American con sumer needs more money with which to countv, devoid of honor, and who are assured. make purchases; the American republic 1 ecoming desperate in their futile efforts to uphold a sinking cause, who are (United States) needs more money with busily engaged at this time, and will be, which to pay expenses. How shall we till the polls close on June 1st, in circu get our needs supplied?—Oskaloosa (la.) lating false rumors to the effect that Solicitor. ________________ leading democrats are trading on part of Medford, Oregon, their ticket in order to elect some portion DISEASES OF THE SKIN. of it. The democratic central committee MAN UFACTURE^- The intense itching and smarting inci hereby denies such rumor. It is abso dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other lutely false and without foundation, and diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by any democrat who offer- or suggests the applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin trading of any portion of the county Of all kinds at shop at Phoenix Ointment. Many very bad cases have been ticket is doing so without the authority permanently cured by it It is equally of the democratic county executive com efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem mittee and against the expressed wishes edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil and pledges ot the candidates. WILLIAM M. COLVIG, blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. Chair. Democratic Co. Committee. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL — Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they The U, S. Gov’t Reports ---- and see our goods.----- are just what a horse needs when in bad condi ahow Royal Baking Powder tion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Scott’s Will Cure a i • Stubborn Emulsion cough t A when ordinary specifics fail. It restores strength to the weakened organs and gives the system the force needed to throw off the disease. 50c. and $1 at all druggists. A constantly increasing business, is a sure indication of enterprise and square-dealing.—E. A. S hehwin , FIRST CLASS DRUGS and CHEMICALS only, and skillfully compounded by E. A. S herwin . Paste it in your hat that Sherwin sells all grades of Stationery, the very best 5 Sores Scrofula Cured made and Cheap Grades to meet any competition. E. A. SHERWIN. Black Gold Channel Mine! PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. g/g The Miners of the Above Mine Hold Possession by Bill of Sale of all the Personal Property purchased and placed upon the Property by John Bouse* and will dispose of the same at Exceedingly Low Prices. The Pooperty in cludes an Eight-Horse Power HOISTING ENGINE with Steel Cable in Good Condition; No. 2 NEW MONITOR with Two Water Gates; Eight Sets of CAR TRUCKS; 175 lbs. Blasting Powder; Picks, Shovels, Drills, Single and Double Handed Hammers, Etc., Etc. -A-IDIDieZESS: Or M. B. Obenchain, JACKSON, ifYars F. D. GORDON BOLT, CO ------------ : ARE HERE :------------ nd the Prices are Lower than they have ever been sold in Ashland. BELOW ARE A FEW ITEMS Boy’s Straw Hats from <c << Mens’ “ Hat Cords or Guards..................... Mens’ Balbriggan Underwear........... Mens’ “ “ Ribbed Mens’ “ “ Fine.. Mens’ Clothing—Summer Suits from. Black Cotton Bicycle Hose................. YOURS TRULY, ¿TOECJST ZbÆC’OLUTlSriIE, Successor to O. H. BLOUNT. MOVED , MISS JESSE CLINT & CO. — HAVE MOVED TO — NORTH SIDE OF PLAZA ....WITH THEIR.,.. «NK MILLINERY EMPORIUM AND DRR88 MAKING PARLORS. O O e e e e e e Ashland Ladies are fast finding out that at Clint’s a Spring Hat or Bonnet may be high grade and still be modest priced. RESTAURANT S BAKERY, BLUE FRNNT BUILDING. OPPOSITE CITY HALL, Candidates’ Ball ^MEALS Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles ? If not. get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonder ful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If vou have Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Readache, Fainting bpells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed bv its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at E. A. SHxawiir’e Drug Store. WEEK BROS. FURNITURE Furniture Store For Sale by E. ▲< Saaawzir. auparlor to all other* g^Vie will give yoa • bargain. 5 eta. up. <1 ...10 4» ...10 “ each. .. 50 “ suit. ...70 M <4 $1.00 per <« $3.50 “ « ,... 40 cts pair. nice line oí Trunks and Valises. A - - AHLAND, OREGON. Mrs. W. P. Parsons, Proprietress. : AT : ALL : HOURS^ Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc., always on Hand, see lunches put up to oedcr . oeo ! Consumption’s Cruel Record. G F. P. Ernest, Julius Meyers and Judge Mitchell Benedict of Denver are in Washington in consultation with Controller Eckels regarding the reopen ing of the American National Bank of Denver. The House Committee on Judiciary has finished its hearing on the bill to authorize the reorganization of the Northern Pacific and the consideration of the bill has been given to a sub-com mittee of five. OR. The New Summer Goods Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla E. E. PHIPPS, S. X>. JOIVES NEXT DOOR TO P. O. CENTRAL POINT, OR. ALL § KINDS § OF § RE PAIRING § DONE. GOOD line of new goods sold reason and ou able. Work guaranteed, A prices will suit the customer. IIII || II Call and see us H || II ----- and we will treat you well----- RECORD OFFICE, ! More than two-fifths of J all deaths in this country are caused by consump- ! tion and pneumonia. This ^diagram tells the story: , hnaHU aad C.auia.tJ.a.... i Diarrheal dlaaaaaaaaMl^ma I Bright. diieaM.aaaHBM I Heart dlwaM.. .■■■■■■I l ¡»'.Jrtb.rla............ kAMP>»y........... ■■■ . Caac.r................ ■■■ By the timely use of Dr. Acker’s English Rem edy, consumption and pneumonia are quickly and absolutely cured. Take it at the first sign of sore throat and lungs. 3Sizes; 25c., 5Oc., $i. AU Dracclst*. Acxsa M bdicus C o . le-u Chamber». s*. N.Y. J