Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1896)
VALLEY RECORD. The People's What is MHLAMD Or • JIM AND WENCH SOLD UNCLE SAM’S TEAMSTERS HATED TO I SEE THE FAITHFUL PAIR GO. Paper. ihuredav. Apnl ■ IM. And She Worst of It Waa That They War* to Be Separated—For Moro Than Tweu- ty Year* They Had Been Together In the Service of the Government. The Pupa. t»h, th»’ Pu;»s they uru a-poppiug, And, you but, the re’ll bo no stopping Till you h« it of Moruething dropping Like a thousand tons of brick! Yt»u can toll it by the humming Gf their voices, by tho drumming Of their cohort»: th-y uro coming, And arc coming double quick. I From th»» country they are swarming, From the shops their ranks are forming. And their hosts will hood b«* Htorming Th»» proud walls of Mammon'» might. Yon ran lluut it. you cun scout it, But they’ll gut there, don't you doubt it And they won't Lx- long ulxiut Lt, When they once begin tho fight. CuMtoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher*?* prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substituto fur Paregoric* Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years* uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrliœu and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation ami flatulency. Castoria. assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. 'Tis the rising of tho masses In the struggle with the classes, And the plutocrutic i: -u s Better get tn from the w» t, And the men who live by plunder They hud butler ><tand from under, For there’s going to be some thunder Raised when once the ranks arc mot. Castoria. Castoria. “ Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good elicet upon their children.” D r . G. C. O sgood , _____ Lowell, Mass. " Caatoris is soweit udnpted tochildren that I recoruiueud it as super -r la any prescription known to me." H. A. A rcher . M. D., in So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.” D r . J. F. K xxcheloe . Conway, Ark. I ‘ Our physicians in the children’s depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, und although we only have among our medical supplies what is knowu as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it.” U nited H ospital and D ispensary , Boston, Mass. A llen C. S mith , Pres. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, Nev/ York City. THE CRACKED COIN GAME. 'Tis the c onflict of the1 ages, It bus be« n foretold by sages, And on pouts’, prophets’, pages, Fur u thousand years or more. It is coming; we are near it, The faint rumbling—don't your hear it? Gird your armor. Do not fear it? ’Tis the lust and final war. Wlu-n the hosts of toil from slumber Bhull arise in strength of number And shall smite the foes who cumber Earth with ancient forma of wrung. When old evils shall be righted, And above the lands benighted Frt;.'<lom’a beacons .shall be lighted And the earth is filled with song. Oh, the Pops are up and corning! You can hear their voices humming, You can hear their cohorts drumming As they line up for the fruy: You cun ses their banners streaming, Yuu can see their fore front gleaming la tho dawn light on them beaming From the new and grander day. —1 A. Edgerton. Caullllower In Winter. ‘At IS I At IS! Going at 16! Who says the half? Doi bear it» Only »15 for this mule? Why, gentlemen, she’s worth rnore’u that if she never did an other lick o’ work. Whoa, Wench, you little old darling ! Fifteen dollars I am offered! Can’t I get the half» Fifteen once I Du 1 hear the half? No? Fifteen twice I Third and la*t call and sold to Mr. Carl for »15. " Aud the auctioneer, who was alto the oiviiian clerk iu the po»t quartermaster’s office, tenderly ca ressed tbo faoe, gray with age, of the little brown mule, and, brushing his hand across his own eyes, walked slowly back to his desk in tbe office. Wench was led off to the blacksmith ■hop to be branded on the left of the neck, “I. C. 8."—“inspected, condemn ed, sold.” Twelv. other mules had pussed under the hammer ahead of her that morning aud then to the branding iron. The last one before her was Jim, whoso neck was still smoking with the burning mark of condemnation. He had gone for »15.50. | Two years ago the quartermaster had picked out Wench and Jim to submit to the inspector for condemnation, but one at a time the teamsters had all come to plead for their retention, and he bad yielded to their entreaties. Last year again he had marked them for the list, but again gave way to tbe teamsters. But this timo the chief quartermaster stepped iu with his authority, and, re i marking that there was no place iu the quartermaster's department for senti ment, ordered Wench aud Jim to be condemned and sold. For more than a score of years these two little beasts have faithfully served the government, and all this time they have been mates. Iu the pack train they jogged along together; in the wagon train they polled over the same spreader; in the camp they ate out of the same feed box; in the stable they stood in the same stall; iu tho corral they were al ways found side by side. Tonight, for the first time iu this quarter centnry, they will bo apart, for Jim was bought by Mr. Hammond, and Wench was knocked down to Mr. Carl, and Unole Sam’s exchequer Is richer by »30.60. ¡ THE LISTENER. The practical Bismarck id one oi the How the Shrewd Man Wins Bets With a most superstitious men in Germany. “Hocueed” Bit of bit ver. Dr. George Rodney Kden, bishop of Two blithe and confident young men Dover, is the youngest prelate in the entered tho subtrensury one day last i Churoh of England. He bi 48 years of age. week, and one of them dropped a Hi 1 ver 1 Sir Arthur Sullivan s full imino is Ar half dolls» or something which looked thur Seymour Sullivan. To avoid the un like it, on the desk before one of Uncle fortunate combination of initials the sec Sain’s money sharp«. It fell with a dull ond name has been discreetly dropped. The Rev. Dr. T. G. Addison, rector of and leadlike sound. "Good or bud?” asked the first blithe Christ Episcopal church, Washington, is •aid to marry more ¡»eoplo tn the oourse of young man. • year than auy other Washington olergy- The clerk investigated. man. "Good,” said he. President Felix Faure always break* “Good enough,” said the first blithe up his qinnor pnrtios promptly at 10 young man. "Five dollars, please.” o'clock in order to retire early, and for tho The second young man, not quite so same reason declines all invitations to blithe, passed over a bill, apparently di no out. the amount of a bet, and together thoy Gonoral Weyler, the new captain general left the place of gold and silver. The of Cuba, is said to have sprung from that subtreasury clerk smiled and closed one peculiar race, the Gorman Irish, being descended from one of the old Hessian eye. “It’s a good one,” he said. "I have families of Ulster. Cardinal Porraud, a member of tho heard of it before. Guess some of the ■harp ’uns* are making a good thing out French academy, one of the cleverest writ- I ors among tho French clergy, is about to of it. publish a book on music, or, more properly "You see, if you tako u silver coin siieaking, tbo relations between id usio and and crack it some way or other, on an morality. anvil suy, yon can take all the ring o-u Since Lord Glasgow was appointed gov of it without in any way spoiling the ernor general of New Zoalaud four years looks of the coin. Then all yon have to ago ho bus been shipwr joked onoo, partici do is to get a confederate and work the pated in two railway collisions, been saloons and cafes for suckers. Bang thrown from a horse and tossed by a bull, your coin hard on the inuboguny. Thu and is not at all discouraged. Joseph Mayor, the Christ of the “Pas barkeeper looks at it with suspicion. , You hastily substitute another coin for ston Play,” at Ober-Ammergau, recently it that rings like Old Trinity’s chimes, aided several workmen to place a heavy tree trunk on a wagon. The log foil and but grumblingly murmur your belief crushed Herr Mayer’s loft leg, whioh had that the first coin is all right. Your con- | to be immediately amputated. federate offors to bet that it isn’t. You It is said by a local paper that the books do a little verbal fencing back and lu Sonator Allison’s home in Dubuque are forth. The sucker comes forward, as worth moro than tho house several times ho always does, for they are born every over. They fill entirely one large room minute. Thu confederate backs him up and overflow into tho oellar, whore two with a slap on the buck and u confident rooms are stored with volumes. Sir Henry Parkos, the famous old Aus abortion that the coin is lead. A bjt Is made. The money is put up. All adjourn tralian statosman, is selling his library of 5,000 volumes, including somo which are to a bank in the vicinity to test the mat rare and valuable. He states that ho is ter. The coin is pronouunced O. K., compelled to do so in order to pay his debts and tho sucker pockets his loss. New and provIdo for the wants of himself and York World. ' those dependent on him. Professor Roentgen, whose experiments feerves on Edge. I with the cathode light are attracting such I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl’s Clover Root Tea has made nie well widespread Interest, has long been engaged and happv.—Mrs. E. B. Worden. For sale ! in electrical research and has made a spe cial study of the figures produced in dust by T. K. Bolton. by electrical discharges and the phenomena shown by eloctrioity in passing through RUN BY THE WOMEN. various gases. Mr. W. W. Rockhill, who has been pro Decatur, Mich., Has All the Principal Of- moted to the position of first assistant sec llcea Filled by the Eair Sex. In Decatur, Mich., tho population of retary of state, has risen step by 9tep in the state department, and his first appoint which is 1,500. the president of tho vil ment there was a recognition of his very lage council is Mrs. Alma Sage, and all remarkablo sorvices both to learning and of tho town offices, except that of official to the United States while in the govern dog catcher, are filled by women. Mrs. ment diplomatic service in China. Dr. Kinnuy is one of tho leading phy Willlum F. Piper, who was found dead sicians. Mrs. Ada Gregg is a preacher, in Leavenworth, Kan., the other day, and her church, the Advent, is tuken ’ ruined a brilliant career by drinking. He was a leading lawyer in Leavenworth be cafe of by a jauit.ess, Mrs. Barnet The mitHurnnt of ihe town is conducted I fure tho wur and opposed General W. T. ¿. ’Luman u the only case the general ever by Mrs. Crano and Miss Haines. Tin General Sherman lost tho case, biggest store in tho placo is owned and tried. and, it is said, was so chagrined that he kept by Mrs. MarySchood. Mrs. Nichol gave up the practice of law. son is the postmistress. Alias Clara Hotaling is a shoemaker and a good Don't make too publio a display of your one. May Percival is a furniture maker. generosity if you don't want people to And Miss Anna Pardnett makes harness. the string tied to it. Mrs. Carpenter is a florist. Airs. Child Every married woman looks as if she is a carriage painter. needed a littlo more love, but what she Thero are several women painters, really needs Is a little more money.— weavers and brokers. Tho women havo I Atchison Globe. a secret society run on tho endowment plan. There is also a woman literary club. Tho women control tho saloons, and the only things to drink are soda and pop. In a village near by there is a woman undertaker, who can attend to all of the detuils of a funeral, even to driving the hearse.—Utica Observer ANADIAN PACIFIC RY. C SOO PACIFIC LINE. z —The Only Tr.n.ontin.ntal Route-- RUNNING THROUGH TRAINS FROM PACIFIC TO ATLANTIC FIRST -CLASS SLEEPERS AND TOURIST CARS. When my little girt wm one month old, she BOSTON. . . . h;ul a scab form on her face. It kept spreading MONTREAL. . until «lie was completely covered from head to foot. Thun aim had boils. She bad forty on her TORONTO. . . head at one time, and more on her body. Whea ST. PAUL. . . Hix months old she did not weigh seven pounds, MINNEAPOLIS. .t pound and a half lees than at birth. Then hex skin started to dry up and got so bad she could Ufandwt Scenery on the not shut her eyes to sleep, but lay with them Through the Continent. half open. About this time, I started using the CUTicuiiA RfiMUDiae, and in one month the was Canadian Pacific R’y Co.’* complttely cHrad. The doctor and drug bills were over one /tundra I dollart. the C uticura I bill was not more than /iv dollars. My child ia now strong, healthy, and Urge as any child --------- TO--------- of her ago (see photo.), and Tt is all owing to C uticvka . Yours with a Mother’s Blessing, MM. (JKO. H. TUCKER. J b ., G32 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wlfl. These twin-screw’»teauier* are in every respect superior to auy ships that have yet Bold throughout the world I’orriB Daus and «ailed the Pacific ocean. The route i* 306 C h km Cone., Hole Props., Boston. “All aboat mil*, shorter than via any other Trans tho Blood, Skin, Scalp, and Hair,” mailed free. pacific Hue. Baby Blemishea. fullins hair, and red, rough CANADIAN AUSTRALIAN STEAMER LINE ____ hands prevented and cured by Cwticura Bosp. TO HONOLULU, FIJI AND AUSTRALIA WOMEN FULL OF PAIN8 The Shortest Line to the Colonies. Find in Cuticura Anti-Pain Plas These steamers carry an experienced ter iuatnnt and grateful relief. It L) the first and only paLQ-killiflg, Medical man, and a Stewardess on every strengthening plaster. v y age. For time tables, pamphlets,*or any infor address, c-iJ w»i A 1 A packszo of eur tr«at- mation, cal.1 on or ALLAN CAMBROF. ¿J m m I KI Q I m«r>tf*>r weakntaaaud 46 Third St. Portland, Or. *■ '1 3 U " decay, nervous debility 4 Ota UH and lost vitality »«nt freo for 13 eeuts R obkbt L xomabd , Agent, postage. Ashland, Oregon. 1. WARD INSTUTUTE, IM 1 Sih St. ST. L0C1S. 10. GEG. McL. BROWN. D. P. A. Vaneover, B. C. I Royal Mail Steamship CHINA @ AND Line JAPAN. How to put away cauliflower plants that havo not headed to keep for winter SUMMONS. I until they form heads is a perplexing , problem with some growers. Hero is a ! In ths CircuifCourt of^tbe State of Oregon, —VIA— plan indorsed by Rural New Yorker: of the County of Jackson. . Dig a pit of the required size 2 feet Joseph Clift,’Plaintiff, 1 , deep. Commence at one end with the vs. ; Suit in Equity plants set as closely as they can bo plac Jane Clift,f Defend-1 for divorce, —or Tint— ant. J ed and cover the roots with earth To Jana Clift, the above-named Defendant. Cover with boards or sashes to keep out HEADQUARTERS FOR N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF the rain. If tho plants show the bud in Oregon, you are hereby required to tho least, they will develop perfect Express Traie, Leave Portland Daily. appear and Answer the complaint of the i heads before spring. Of course the above Plaintiff In tbe’above entitled Court, South ! I North No place for sentiment in the quar framo will need to be lower on one now on file with the Clerk of said Cenrt, 8:50 p m I Lv 8:10 a ni within ten dava from the data of the service Portland Ar termaster's department ! Of course not, side than the other to carry off the rains, 4:40 p m I of this Summons upon you. if served in 12:50 p m Ar Ashland Lv and the boards should fit closely. In yet “breathes there the man with soul 4:10 p im [ Jackson County ."Oregon; but if served in 1:2U p in i Lv Ashland ________ __ Ar so dead ” that he does not believe these 10:45 a m | Ar San Francisco L y 6:U0p ui any other county in the Stat* of Oregon, case of severe cold, say where the tem two little dumb creatureswill miss each I perature falls below 15 degrees, some Above trains stop at East Portland, then within twenty days from the date of | ALL KINDS and GRADES other this night and many a night? Oregon City. Woodburn, Salem, Turner the service of thia Summons upon you; or Miners’ Tools, <iiant Powder. <’aps mats or straw should be thrown over As the sale went on the teamsters | Marion, Jeiierson, Albany, Albany Junc if served cn.yon out’of the State of Oregon, »nd Fuse. A tine line ot Electric Cutleuy, tho cover. They will keep and head up tion, Tangent, Sbedds, Halsey. Harrisburg. or by publication, then by the first day of and a large and complete stock of Fishing through the winter splendidly if set in stood on one side like mourners at a This extra Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell, the ensuing September term of said Court, Constipation,, Tackle. Plumbing goods, and plumbing < f ordinary Re the ground in a piece of woods and cov- comrade's burial; on the other, the Dizziness, Drains and all stations from Roseburg to to-wit; the 14th day ot September,’1896;and Ju Venator Is „11 kinds done on abort notice. All work furmers and ranchman and contractors Falling Sen Ashland, inclusive. I | you are hereby notified that if you fail to t?od with leaves to tho depth of six the most sations, Nerv guaranteed. I appear and answer said complaint, as here wonderful inches. Keep tho leaves from blowing aud lumbermen from 20 milos around, ous twitching £9" Tin Shop in connection Roseburg Mail Daily. by required, the I'leintitt will take judg discovery of all there to bid iu as cheap as possible ! of the eyes tho age. It ment against Jyou.’ and ask forta decree as First-clast! go ds, and prices as low as the away by some brush. LIATK • and other abbivi : the mules the quartermaster’s depart has been en prayed for in the Complaint in the above lowest. pai^. dorsed by tho Portland.... 8:30 a tu j Roseburg 5:20 ' -)p m entitled suit ; to-wil; that the bonds of ment was done with. Against the name Strengthens, Aie You Made leftdingK-ien- Roseburg 6:00a m | Portland ^ 4:40 :46prn matrimony heretofore exiating between of each mule on the list stood the legend, tiflc men of invigorates Miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Plaintilt and Defendant be dissolved, and Europe and and tones tho Salem Passenger Dally. Dizz neN.H, Loss of Appetite. Yellow skin? j “Old and worn out in service." America. entire system. for sneb other and further relief as may There were old Rooney and Bevis and Shiloh’s Viiaiizer is a positive cure. Fur “ Hudyan cures Hudyan !s beJust and equitable. I.XAVX ARRIVE Deb 1 111 y, purely vege sale by T. K. Bolton. Boes aud Schaeffer aud the rest of the This Summons is published for six'con- Portland .4:60 p. m. I Salem... 10:15 a. tn. table. Nervousness, Withall bad conanqaence», certain ’ ? aud rapidly teamsters who have driven and packed Hudyan stops Emissions, cure l wl h »a e and easy met'»da. Question Blank and Salem........ 8:00a. m. | Portland. ..6:15p. n> secutive .’weeks In the V alliy R bcobd , a weeklyjnewspaper of general circulation in and develop« a Bowkfr«». HE HESITATED. /Temiitureness Cali«..’writ» I>R WARD INSTITUTE, these mules over thousands of miles of and restores Jackson County. Oregon, by order of Hon. U0 N. Ninth Street, tr. L qdim .M o . ©f the dis Dining Car* on Ogden Route. weak organs. I H K. Hanna, one of the Judges ofitlie first But t'a. Lover Discovered That Ilia Objec mountain aud prairie. Are they to be I charge in 20 Pains in the Judicial district made at Chambers in laughed at for wearing sad faoeo uow? Jays, (’tire* tion Was a Mistaken Ono. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. back, looses Jacksonville. Oregon on the 6th day of j Yet they bore tbe ordeal like men good I LOST by day or The doting father was reflective. —ABD— March A. D. 1896. night stopped MANHOOD “Yon will find Mabel a splendid aud true until Jim was led out. Then I WHITE A JEFFREY, Second-Class Sleeping Cars SUMMONS. yon could see their sleeves, one after Attorneys for Plaintiff. I i f you use tho Petaluma housekeeper,” he said at last. Attached to all through train*. Incubators & Brooders. another, drawn across their eyes. The lover’s face was blanched Make money wuile In the Circuit Court- of the State of Oregon “ This here's awful, boys, ” old Rooney utheri* aro wasting “I—I had not heard of her accomplish WBST SIDE DIVISION. of the County of Jackson. time by old processes. qjfckly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. ments in that direction,” he said hesi remarked. “I can’t stand it I'd rather i A. W. Colver. Plaintiff;] Catalog tells all about Between Portland and Corvallis. s Page Preuiaturenej-s means imDOtency lu tho nrot i It, and describes every seei the gover'ment bust than see them If so be sure and see that your tickets llustrated tatingly. vs. I Suit tn foreclose stave. It is a symptom of seminal weakness article needed for the MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) ' twi) mules sold. ” Catalogue read via the poultry business. j \V G Tanner and Laura [ a Mortgage. and barrenness. It can be stopped in 20 days “Then it mnst come to you in the na FREK. “You’re right, Rooney," old Bevis I C Tanner, Defendants. J by the use o f Hudyan. LEAVES arrives : ture of a glorious surprise.” returned The rew discovery was made by the Social Portland... .7:30 a m I Corvallis... 12.15 p w To W. G. Tanner and Laura C. Tanner, her father, “for I assure you thero is no spoke. “A gover’ment mean enough to ists of the old tenons Hudson Medical Institute. THE CHRONICIJE rank« with the sell them two mules ain't fit to stand. ” the above named Defendants: Corvallis... 1:00 p m I Portland. .5:40 p in It la the strongest vltaLicer wade. It is very more careful housekeeper in the city, ” mechunlcaHy the beat newspaper« Iu the United States. powerfill, but baimless. Sold for $1.00 u pack- wheel. Prettin tLuodcl. N THE NAME OF THE HT\TE OF “I presume, ” faltered the young man, But their comments were stopped by tbe age ord packages for $5.00 (plain sealed boxes), At Albany and Corvallis connect with THE CHRONICLE U m no equal on the Pacific r/VVe aro Pacific Coast Oregon. You rtp hereby required to written guarantee given for a cure. If you buy Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and newa trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Rail k J/ Agents. Bleyclo cat -. K "that she takes u very pardonable pride auctioneer's third and last call on poor appearand answer the complaint of the six boxes and are not entirely cured, six more j little Jim. logue,»nailed frce.irlvcsl roads. THE CHRONICLE ’ S Telegraphic Reports are will be sent to you free of all charges. full description, prices, etc. agents wan rnn I in her ability in that line.” above Plaintiff in the above entitled Court, the latest and most reliable, its Local News the Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) After the sale was over a farmer, now on tile with the Clerk of said Court, Send for circularsand testimonials. Address PETALUMA lFCUBAItnCO., Petalnm* r»l • “Of course, of course. She is natural | fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from th« HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, BIUS h imv.i:, ;-;:l -. u:,h, si.. 1...« Ani.-lc.» within ten days from the date of the service wearing a canvas overcoat that he had ablest pens In the country. ______ lbavb : arrivi : ly proud of her ecouomioal management Junction Stockton, .^larketA EUlaStk * f ihi-< Summons upon you, if served in THE CHRONICLE hasalways beeu. and always Portland bougul at a previous sale of condemned 4:45pm I M'Sfinnville 7:25pm Sun FrnuclNco. Gat. - of a household. ” Jackson County, Oregon: but if served in will be. t he friend and chaxuplou of tho people as stuff and that bore in the middle of the .8:25 a nt The young man groaned. anv other county in the State of Oregon, against combinations, cliques, corporations, or M'Minnville 5:60am | Portland oppressions of any kind. It will be independsnl "I never knew but one woman who back the big blaok letters, “I. C.," then within twentv »lavs fr-un the date of THROUGH TICKETS in sverythlug neutral In nothing. stepped up to the teamsters and asked the service of this Summon« upon y»»u: or was considered a really first class house -THI8 IS THE — if served on you out of the State of Oregon.1 keeper, ” he said, “and I had hoped that why they hated so much to see the last or by publication, then bv the first day of To all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europecan be obtained from Mabe) would linve none of those traits. two mules sold. the ensuing September term of said ‘’ourt, “Why?” asked old Schaeffer, half an- j to-wit: the 14th dav of September 1890; and E. C. KANE, Agent. Ashland. I do not like to eat up to on average. “ KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, ' ou are hereby notified that if you fad to “Eat up to an average!” exclaimed gry, tossing the moisture off his wrin appear and answer «aid complaint, as here BETWEEN DULUTH Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass A g kled cheek. “Because they’re the best the old man. by required, the Plaintiff will take a de GERMAN AND ENGLISH. friends wo over had. Them two mules fault against you. and will ask the Court “ Yea According to my understand Manager • and • Funeral • Director. This is a neat thirty-two page vol ing of the subject, a good housekeeper was back with tbe pack train the day for the relief prayed for in the Complaint to-wit: For a judgment aeain-t the de- ume, containing full report of Mr. is one who allows no waste. She studies Custer and his men was wiped out. They And all points Eaat and South. Their Myer Block, - Ashland, Or. Coxcy's hearing before Ways and your hunger and your capaoity for about toted packs during all the 1876 and 'gin tbe Indians. Magnificent track, Peerless Veeti- Means Sub-Commltteo. Positively u week, strikes an averago and then in 1877 campaigns buled Diuing and Sleeping the sists that you must eat up to it ever aft They’re the best pair of leaders that Dollars additional as attorney's fees and Car Trains and Motto: andle FIRST-CL ASS GOODS er. If you don’t eat enough, sho grum was ever in this corral. They can drive for hi- costs and disburspmen's in this suit, Pay or Night Calls promptly at- the'selves, and in their young days, and for the forec osure <»f the two certain bles about the waste, and >f you eat too • •»«led ¡o. RAILROAD much somebody will find a shortage, whenever there was a fight or skeery mortgage- -er our in the complaint, and For the least money Issued In place to go through or a bard pull to the sale of the mortgaged premises therein and sbe will call your attention to the the Interest of the Reform move make, they was the first ones called for. described, and for «ucli farther and difie. Have given tbit road a national reputa f^CHARGES REASONABLE. fact that you were far below the average ment. It fully explain* how the tion . AU claaaea cf paaoeengers carried They he ped haul the Seventh from here and equitable io the premi-es. - - Non 'nterost Bond system would the day before and caused considerable on the vestibuled trains without extra to Riley, and the Eighth from there np i This -utnni.-n« is ordered to he served by waste.” Solve the Money Problem; Solve charge. Ship your freight and travel here. There’s never been a campaign or being published in the V alley R icord for the 8-Hour Question; Relieve tho “I sec your point," returned the old over this famous line. All agents hsvs Country of Idle Ijibor; Settles So a march from this post that them mules .lx consecutive weeks bv order of the Hon. ticket. man, “but you misunderstand me. I H. K. Hanna, one of the Judge* of the 1st cialism; Promote all Public Works; W. H. M ead , Gen. Ag’t.. said she was a good housekeeper, not a ain't gone on it. And they've never Judicial District of Oregon. Get Money Out; Stop tho Interest been separated till today, an durned if Made at chambers on the 1st day of 48 Washingtor St. Portland, Or. Drain: Benefit all the People all tho good boarding house keeper.”—Chicago pril, 1896. I b’lieve they’ll work a lick by the’- time; It will Settle the Immigration T. W. T easdxls , G. P. A., Post WM M. COI.VIO, Question and It Settles the Gold and selvcs. Do you, Bevis?” St. Paul. Minn. Attorney for Plaintiff. Silver Question; will Abolish Muni "I aho’ hope they won’t,” this old ’ GASTRIC JUICE. cipal Taxation. fellow answered bitterly. And they ’ GEMS OF THOUGHT. Physicians say the moro green things of walked away to the teamsters’ mess.— ' TO THE Note the Prices. *he earth we eat in springtime the better New York Herald. By the hundred at actual cost. Il.oo. The soul on earth is an immc.rtal for our “general health.” All orders for less than 100 will be fill guest.—Hannah More. To make boiled potatoes white let them An Adventure In the Sahara. ed at the iate of 2c per copy postpaid. iio (pared) in cold water for two or three Constant thought will overflow in Tart aria narrated his latest exploits < Address all orders to hours previous to cooking. in the desert: • • I was sinking deep- wf'rds oncoueciously.—Byron, ( 3T. PAUL Cooked meat heated with a little good JACOB S. COXEY, y er aud deeper into tho send, and I owe No mixrht might n-r oar greatness creat, u - sk ca can censure The Chronicle curry sauce is far more digestible and MINNEAPOLIS^ GIVES THE CHOICE OF Massillon, Ohio. iny preservation solely to the fact of my ?scape. Back wounding calumny -the nourishing than cold meat. •oo oo rx> oo «■> • Meat of any kind used for salads should being prematurely and completely whitest virtue «trikes.—Shakespeare. DULUTH • SODA WORKS © I be cut into dice, but not smaller than one- bald.” FARGO_____ HI James J Corbet gave some pretty good “You are jesting. ” half inch, or it will seem liko hash. (advice to the boys of the Olympia ClubJ TO GRAND FORKS “Not at all. Tbe sun was shining when he wa” in San Francisco la«t. He j A loaf of bread when risen ready for the oven should be at least twice tho size it fieroely. a strong wind was blowing at < told them that th? hp«*t wav to get strong , CROOKSTON____ was when first put In the bread pan to the time; tbe sand drifted about my feet was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that j WINNIPEG I tnev should arrive at mannoo»! lusty and | raise. and rose gradually higher until it reach healthy. Manv men who have been guilty j I) are prepared to fill all orders on HELENA and ed my cheat—in short, there was soon of excesses and over-indulgencies. and have PERT POLITICS. abort notice. * • • e • nothing to be seen of me above tbe sand used the Celebrated Medicine “CUFI- BUTTE j DENE ’ lived to give testimony of its won- ! Keep politics out of tho schools, but es but a light elevation as round as an egg; Give them a call. J derful stimulating and cuiative powers. I tablish night schools for the politicians.— that was my skulL Au ostrich, happen • “CUPIDENE” will check all th? wa^te tis-1 VI, New York Advertiser. ing to pass that way, closely pursued by ! sue of th? bodv. In fact, it stops all losses. ' Tho next president—and you can pick the hunters, came and squatted on my “('UPIDENE’’ 1« a powerful, harmless, TO VILI (AM rox. d . D. eooir It is as sure to your candidate—is making a lively hustle head. It was beginning to hatch me vegetable Compound. | CHICAGO Mrengthen th? generative organa a« it is to ! WASHINGTON for delegates—Pittsburg Dispatch. when its pursuers came to my rescue. ” rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package The report from Washington that Speak —Fanfare. ▲ ND ■ |1 00; 6 packages |5.G0. For sale by E A J PHILADELPHIA AND I er Reed is sitting on a volcano is rather I ' S hxrwim . i NEW YOfcK (Including ¡xjstajc) to any part of ilia United Ashland, Oregon, bard on tbo crater.—Boston Herald- Free Pills. »tales. Canada an I Mexico There aro other candidates for tho presi BOSTON AND ALL ¡Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co. THE WEEKLY CHRU.X K.T.E. tliv brightest dency who are as completely out of the Chicago, and get n free sample box of Dr. end most complete Weekly Newspaper In the POINTS EAST and SOUTH race as if they had also written letters to King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince LOW RATES TO ALL world, prints regularly 81 columns, or l,*ulvr j Through ticket* to Japan aud China, via that effect, but they do not know it.— vou ol their merits. These pills are easy in pages,of News. Liter itnre and General Inforiia Denvor, Colo., i Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship EASTERN CITIES, u tion and are pariiculary effective in the Xew York Commercial Advertiser. tion;ulsi>a magniilcent Agricultural Dup&rtment. t Co., an American line. cure of Constipation and Bick headache. The grea!i»t bona Cd« priz« offer iv«r nud« SAMPLE COPIES S2NT FRxE. For information, time card*, map and Palaces on Wheels. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have In the West or South. OCEAN STEAMERS ------ All kinds oi freight, baggage i I tickets, call on or write The News Is the representative paper of the They are guar When people travel now a days, the' been proved invaluable. LEAVE l’ORTLVND EVERY 5 DAYS ’ 'J’t—it la Silver'« champion; it is the peo- household goods, etc., transfer- anteed to be perfectly free from every deiet- A. p. CHARLTON, s a'lvrcate. It leads In thought, as in new». •Xpert comfort, and when they travel on ed with promptness and safely. Assistant General Passenger Agent, rious substance ana to be purely vegetable, i o WevUly has ju«t been enlarged and Ini- — FOR— The Milwaukee" they get it. PORTLAND. OREGON, Hauling on a large scale con rhey do not weaken by their action, but by •voved: it contains the latest and fullest mln- 8clentifio American i tracted for, •••••••* u’ and mining stock news; It has special de- There hat been an evolution in th» iving tone to stomach and bowels greatly 1 devoted to the Farm, the House- Aaenoy for invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. ueans of transportation for man that i> M. W. men and Children, all the brightest per box. Sold by E. A S hkrwix . cartoons and lives! comment of the dally edl- WOOD FOR SALE verr interesting. The more civilized h ti-’n are to be found In It: it presents In con- '»•ople becomes, the more exciting it grows urNed fvrm the doings of sll t e World—it is All tho world wishes well to Italy a fan-.ilv pnper without a peer. the coaches now running between St. Pau — ICI I» HAWS' For Full délai* call on or address, und if consequently glad that tho Ital- « And the Weekly News is determined to have • nd < hicag«». and Omaha Hnd Chicago, o» < . vond all question the larrest circulation of «•ItOWIMO The Milwaukee", are marvels of elegance W. H. HURLBURT, .in banks have cornu .u the aid of King I Wih bandi» ics in Ashland during tbs • ny paper b**twrta the Mississippi river and the if d convenience. The private compart Paclhc mast. Therefore it op .--a to the per- summer season, Delivered at your door umbert and offered tu lend the govern- Hen'l Pass. Agent, s<«ns serl ng ,n th* greatest number of SI year •nent car«, library buffet smoking car- CAVtUTB, every morning. • nd free reclining chair cars are models o _ THAO! MARK*. ufficient money for present needs. TORTI.AND. OR. ly subscription» before September 1st n«xt these unequalled prizes. OISICN fatknts . • ixunou« comfort, which in style and ROBERT LEONARD. Local Agent. CORVRICHT«, «ta. urni.-hings are palatial enough for royalty ON ONK SIDS, I-aac Eichonon Kovnorov Spector, REOULiR AGENTS CONI Ml SSI OS U^Paeee-.gere delivered to any pert of I For informatloa and _______________ free Handbook _ write to Ashland, Oregon. ¡self. A great pleasure for the traveler on MUNN < CO.. S61 B roadway , N« w Y > rk . , the city ALLOWED IN AODITION. bief rabbi, cf the Jews in all the Rns- its sleepers and private compartment car Oldest bureau ror securing patents in America. i_____________________________________________ Every patent taken nut by us Is brought before CONTEST BEGINS A T ONCE. at be electric berth reading lamp, which i- itff. is dead. Rest to bis soni I The only the public by a notice given free or charge ia the THS OLD DOCTOR’S *n exclusive fea’ure with ”The Miorau For Quartz Mills, Hoisting, Pumping OPEN TO ETENTBODT ETENTWH-NE. under is he did act succumb earlier, vee’*. The beating is all done by steam •• W ON THE OTHER SIDE. and all kinds of mining work. hus doiug away with the old tk-bionw. , itb such a iiamo m that. £ei<l $2 and Get th1' Map and toye. By all these means the fatigu* For particulars address Lnnmet empMlstlon of any sHmtlflr paper In the W LADIES’ FAVORITE. ocident to travel is reduced to a minimum We kly < lirunicle f »r One Year, world, bi endidlf J dost rated. No intelligent The >’cws 1’rlnting Co», At.wivs Ittt lABt.. i-U prrfreC. RAVt Th. Mm* The Chicago. Milwaukee A St Paul Rai man should be wlthuua It. Weekly. A.lOfla |,oa ags prepalil on M »p and P*.p Jr, | MUAt'lbr thuM-ai '-uCw t laletcrih« I’niu I State», {ear; $1.5'six months. Addrr«*. M'. N’C t Cij,. way is alyavs popular, and those travebn Denver, Colo. is ta« OLD 1XM'T*'K S privat»mall praitiec, for year«, ISUSH&RS. XO1 Broadway, New York City. ahowed no baking powder ver its line« are the loudest in its prai«e au i -eta in ■ . tj r> • h ADDRKM >1 >n«v r. 4 it u- ( a « ropre»»u!<,'4. 8»n l 4 Cent» \ll coupon ticket agents sell tickets via th* 21. H. <le YOUNG, for ten .rd vartl«aC*.rt. so puro or so great ¡a leav- hicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway All lines nt job work neatly and prompt Fropri«u>r ft F. Uwouicle, M.WA*OIHantUi.UJN.«tl>IL, tUUal*,»«. Job printing—thi* vffice. D. H. MILLER! MEDFORD, OR STOVES an£ TINWARE Builder’s Material !\ TI. MILLER. V aricocele stricture CHICKEN RAISING PAYS EAST AND SOUTH Tbe Shasta Route Southern Pacific Co. I IS ARE YOU CHRONICLE i The'ERIE” GOING- EAST? I Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha R’y THE. ASHLAND CASKET CO H. S. EMERY GREAT - SHORT - UNE CAUSE AND CURE ORTHERN PACIFIC H GREATEST CAMPAIGN DOCUMENT O.R.&P St. PAUL & CHICAGO “ALWAYS ON TIME” e Pullman E. McNEILL, Receiver Elegant Sleeping Cars Dining Cars EAST PARKINSON & WISE Tourist Sleeping Cars Î TWO TRANCONTINENTAL At Yreka, Cal. ROUTES Great Union Northern Ry. Pacific Ry SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST PAUL S¿ DENVER OMAHA KANSAS CITY $6,141.75 THROUGH TICKETZ 55 FOX & GOOD, $1.50 a to The NEW WEEKLY ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. City Passenger and Truck Transfer FRANCISCO The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico Jfiientifii ^median Map of the World Die World's Fair Tests U. J. Eddv, General Ageui, Portland, Ore suina power m tba Rogai Electricity in Mining DYNAMOS and MOTORS Electrical Engineering Co., 34 and 36 Main St., I ly tMeuiad al üüa eOee. AM CAI. | San Franpiaoo, C*l.| RECORD OFFICE.