VALLE! RECORD IN L .H v_r vr A. I*. A. to Fight McKinley. vUii 'I ran-parentnes- ofthe Human Itodjr. < hauncey M. Depew ou California. RESTAURANT “EBAKERY, ( ’ a j I tiie O i i s r- • ,rn i *.u to -•<■.• ■ Y<- re The advanced cost of ca, n d peas over It is supposed that Miss Owen had re­ While there is no general increase in day. I am now able to do my own work, other canned vegetables is occasioned IMPROVED—CONCENTRATED purpose. If the cadet had, instead of serious aspect than any former insurrec- by the extra expense of picking and jected Dr. Ryder’s suit. Ryder fired a business, there are several encouraging and feel perfectly well. I cannot find AND MOST SATISFACTORY. words to express my gratitude for what marrying the girl, betrayed and deceiv­ . tion, the insurgents having apparently hulling tneiu. The machine will save charge from his shotgun at A. P. Per­ features. First, the advance in prices Hood’s S' rsaparilla has done for me and I son, with whom she was talking, but it of flour, wheat, corn, oats, pork and gladly recommend It.” M iab E lla B art ­ ed her and sent her to ruin that offense . taken possession of all the island, except this cost, and the projectors expect to did not injure him. After the deed the sugar, together with that for steel bil­ ley , 213X 3. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio. after a time would have been condoned, , Havana and a small section of country meet with success. doctor took an ounce of morphine and lets and beams and o her iron and steel and if be had been good looking and a 1 roundabout. terribly gashed his throat with a pocket­ products. The advance in wheat con­ Sj a n is assured of the fact that the It Is Made In Oregon. good dancer be might in time have mar­ I United States is actra ed only by d s n- Attempted Aftassination. knife. He was arrested and is now in tinues so much ja ger than expected J. S. iv.iu. a teouu.i.^ i’ja.factor, jail. Ail the parties are members oi ried the daughter of a general or of one ! terested motives and by a desire through that the trade is again discussing the In 1 pound Cftn^. Guaranteed. Thous- cf America’s Four Hundred and would friendship to bring about a more pacific was assaulted at night on North Main the most prominent families in the likelihood of this being the beginning ands of farmers from all over this state -trn- ♦ show the tabbies’ displeasure. Shallow, diation. Ohio and was born in 1845. His iaih ■ 'Umption. They will recommend it. For Everything on Earth that is Secret Treaty <>f Russia and China. served in congress and during the wa tale by T. K. Bolton. New and Good. spiteful women, who were the officers’ a. x.U UAL VI lilu tent, iieuvj uciueui was the co oriel of an Ohio regiment Poor indeed ! wives, drew their garments aside from Great Aid to Conversation. ♦ There are degrees and kinds of poverty, Russia and China, which has been When Colonel Cockerill was 16 years o the touch of the robes of the honest just as there are differences of opinión bothering the European jiowers for sev- age he ran away from school and be “You play beautifully,” exclaimed sergeant's daughter. Perhaps the fact among those who compute and measure •ral weeks, has been unearthed in Pe­ he lovely vision. poverty and riches by different standards. king, according to private advices just came a bugier in a western regiment ----- and----- that she was so much handsomer, sweet­ Some The virtuoso rose from the piano with V men deem themselves poor because His first newspaper experience was a i i bow. er and more intellectual than most of they are less rich than others, again there received from Oliina. The terms of the Columbus correspondent of a han “Thank you,” he murmured. them intensified the venom they dis­ are comparatively poor people who are sat this treaty are such as to practically re­ ilton, Ohio, newspaper.. He afterwan ♦ istied with a competence, '¡’here is a kind “You made me think of such a uum- charged upon her. The young lieutenant of poverty for which no amount of wealth duce China to the level of a Russian de­ moved to Dayton and began writin Furthermore, the North letters to the Cincinnati Enquirei ber of things to say,” tho woman pro­ was one of the most brilliant and prom­ can compensate, namely, a poverty of pendency. Foot and Steam Power V China Daily News claims that Li Hung bodily stamina, evinced by nervousness ising members of his class, but he and and à derangement of the functions of di­ Chang’s visit to Russia is not only to at­ Later on he became a member of th ceeded, with undisguised rapture.—De­ •> troit Tribune. LATHS, DRILLS, his ung wife have been persecuted 60 gestion, bilious secretion and the bowels I tend the coronation, but also to secuiv ci y staff of that paper aud was pr To re-tore vigor upon a permanent basis moied until he became managing eu cn . iy that he has asked to be retired. SCROLL and there is one remedy that fully covers the a personal ratification of the treaty. The Crescent of the Mohammedan^ tor. During the Turco-Russian war < This sort of caddish cavorting on the requirements, ‘•tills the bill,’’ and this is The crescent symbol of the Moham­ ♦ 1877 he was wrar correspondent* of Ti CIRCULAR SAWS, A Duel in High Life. 1 art of his hired servants who strut in Hostetter’s Stomach Bitter*. By restoring Enquirer. Colonel Cockerill was fo medans has nothing to do with their digestion, giving a healthful impulse to the epaulets is what tends to make the in­ action of the.bowels and liver and tanqnil- BAND SAWS, Etc. A duel was fought with pisiols be­ years managing editor of the St. Lou peculiar religious opinions and cere­ 4 telligent American citizen sick. llzing^the nyrves, it fulfills the condition tween Baron von Schrader, mas er of Post-Dispatch. He went to New Yo monies. It was not originally a symbol necessary to a resumption of strength by c remm s at the Prussian court, and •b of the followers of Mohammed at all, but twelve years ago to assume the mana the system. It also overcomes malaria * The rapidity with which electrical and Count Le Brecht von Ko ze, who was ing editorship of The World. He r< was first used by the Byzantines. Thou­ rheumatism. discoveries and inventions follow one formerly couit chaml e lain. Baron von signed his position on thatoaiiy aud lx sands of coins have been found in all Highest Authorities on Min- Schrader was fataily wounded in tne came managing e litor of the Morui.i another tends to take the breath away. Domestic Animals a Nuisance. parts of Turkey which date back to the ing, Electricity, the Mechan­ ic Trades, Science, the Use­ There are so many ownerless anil hun­ 9tomach. The duel took place at Pots­ Advertiser ana C'mm. rcial Advertisei time when Constantinople was known It is impossible even to keep up with ful Arts, Manufactures. Build­ dam. It was the third fought by Von as Byzantium, and on each of these the A little over a year ago Colonel Cock gry horses and cattle in the city of Neyv Tesla, leaving out all the rest. If Tesla’s ing, Engineering, Etc. Kotze with persons whom he suspected erill left for Japan to act ae cori ’ espona symbol of the crescent appears, proving Whatcom, on Bellingham bay, thiu latest reported achievement results as he of haying ch< rged him with writing a believes it will, there need be no more farmers run chances of having theii series of anonymous letters affecting ent of the Ne .v York Herald. He leave conclusively that it was in use as an em bay, fruit, etc., entirely devoured when a widow, but no children. Mrs. Ccox- blem among the people of that region telegraph or telephone wires. It is re­ they come to town with their product. royal persons and people connected with erill is in New York. His life was in­ long before Byzantium was overthrown ♦ ported that he has been able to telegraph One of Bellingham’s dailies says: Every the court, that created so much scan sured for a large sum. ,and its name changed to Constantinople. ♦ through Pike’s peak from one side to day in the week, and usually several dal. The conditions of the duel were The story of the origin of the crescent r the other without the intervention of times a day, a drove of horses and cat­ that the principals sh >uld stand ten symbol is as follows: When Philip of wires or any conducting medium. He tle can be seen following loads of hay paces apart and shoot until one was dis­ Macedonia besieged Byzantium, he had ♦ ----- AND------ -I- abled. Von Kotze has been arrested. |Q’l I L . * » - planned to storm the city on a certain tapped the earth current and sent a com­ and other produce brought litre for When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. * cloudy night, but before his arrange­ ♦ munication through the solid bed of sale. It is unsafe for a farmer to leave He is a favorite with Emperor William When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. and will probably not be punished. anything which hungry animals cau eat ments were completed the moon shone ♦ rock. A romantic tale is printed of how When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. or injure in a wagon without at least out and discovered bis approach to the ♦ be and a companion stationed them­ ♦ one mail, with a club or dog, to protect Nicholas < lau-sen, who killed his When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. besieged citizens, who accordingly ♦ selves on different si'des of the moun­ it. Backs of flour, boxes of fruit, bags wife at San Francisco, has been sen­ marched out and repulsed his forces— tain. They had each one of the little of grain, pack iges of groceries and tenced to life imprisonment. something which would have been im­ harmonicons which in various patterns crates of vegetables are all plunder for possible in the darkness. After that •r Ben Bohtner, the German who killed are common. The friend on his side of the drove of animals. Some farmers liis wife with an ux near Piopolis, Ill., event all Byzantine coins bore the sym •j. Elegant Ex­ Illustrate» a Phase of Clericalism. * amples of High Class Machine Con the mountain, 60 the story goes, played say they cannot haul bulk hay here at and hanged his 6-year-old child, has bol of the crescent moon, which was al­ •:♦ One of tho most famous of mediaeval ways alluded to as the‘‘Savior of By­ A struction and Correct Engineering ‘‘Ben Bolt” on his harmonicon. Tesla all because so much is devoured and been captured. utterances is a curious mixture of dia­ zantium. ” A Design. This Tandem is built on Ashladn, Oregon. wasted by the city stock, Ihe boiler in Watson Bro3«* stave bolical wit and savago fanaticism. It is on the other side of the mountain con­ L Entirely New Principles. Thous­ ands ar'e Looking to the Tally-Ho, After many years the hordes under mill at Ri Igeton, Ont., exploded, com ­ nected his harp with the ground by told of the Papal Legate Milo, at the the great reformer .in Tandem Con­ pletely wrecking the building and kill­ sack of Beziers, in the “crusade” against Mohammed II captured Constantinople. ♦ struction. means of wires and waited. In due INGERSOLL IN THE PULPIT. At that time the crescent was used ev­ ing twa men. coarse of time, so the tale told in the the Albigeois. History, or tradition, ♦ The Great Agnoit c Preacher In a Chris­ F i * k hundred pounds of nitro-glycer­ says that when it was asked how it erywhere and upon everything. Suspect­ ♦ New York World informs us, his harp tian Church at < hicago. ine •->»’.ig hauled from Northfield to would be possible to distinguish the ing that there must be magical power ♦ also vibrated to the familiar strains of With a prelude that included the pro­ Depurtutc I Nanaimo, B. O., ex­ heretics in the town from the Catholics in the emblem the Mohammedans ap­ ♦ ♦ Successor to Osborn & Alexander, ‘‘Ben Bolt.” If the music had been any­ nouncing of an invocation, the repeat­ ploded, ki dsp teamster and two the legate cried out: “Kill them all! propriated it, and have since used it as » 401 Market St., thing but “Ben Bolt,” the story would ing of the Lord’s prayer in unison, the horses. their only symbolic decoration.—St. A God will know his own. ” So the story Louis Republic. i not be so open to suspicion. As it is, reading of the tenth chapter of Luke, First - Class - Artistic - Fit - Guaranteed ♦ Henry Fitch, a brother of George K. goes. But did the legate ever say it? Cal. ♦ San Francisco, who knows but the friend Svengalied commencing w th tho twenty-fifth Fitca of Sin Francisco, and a well Or was it said by Arnold, the Cistercian Send for Catalogue. •F Henry Clay. ❖ Tesla, or Tesla Svengalied the friend? verse, the singing of an hosanna of known resident of Washington, com­ abbot? Did anybody say it? The only . A Lexington merchant, in conversa­ At any rate, one waits further develop­ “Nearer My God to Thee,” and “Amer­ mit’ ed suicide a few days ago by shoot­ thing absolutely certain ie that, express­ tion with the editor of The Gazette a ica, ” Rob r G. Ingersoil, the greatest ing himself through the head. ments. ing, as it did, in the pithiest style, the living agnostic of the age, stepped to News of a horrible tragedy comes spirit of mediaeval fanaticism in religion, few days ago, related this interesting A curious adaptation of the bicycle i the rostrum of the Church Militant at from Pentwater, Mich. H. B. Minchali it might very well have been uttered by reminiscence of HenryClay: “Irentem- ber when a youth and an enthusiastic principle to water travel has been made. Chicago last Sun lay and for nearly two killed his wile, his daughter and two somebody.—London News. Clay Whig of coming here during the A boat is provided with wheels that hours expounded ti the congregation sons, then attempted to kill William O. his views upon “How Mankind Could Sands, a prominent lumberman, and cauvass of 1844 from my home in Hur- FOREIGN NEWS. par" ly pass through the bottom. They Be R formed. ” rodsburg, with the Clay club of Mercer afterward killed himself. sire worked in the ordinary cycle fash- When Colonel Incersoll made his ap­ county, on •Whose banner was the mot­ Emperor William is visiting Sicily. Aipheus Vaughan, who killed the ioL by men who sit above them in the pearance arm in arm with Dr. Rusk to, ‘We Are Few, but True, ’ to unite in Lister boys in Lauder county, Nev., The sultan of Turkey has ordered the boat and pedaL The front man steers there was loud applause mingled with committed suicide in jail at Reno. He expulsion from Armenia of all Chris­ the celebration held that year in Lex­ with his handle bar. The whole outfit; murmurs from sq * ho who seeme I to re­ took morphine. He had beeu twice ington. The barbecue was given at the tian missionaries. raoe track. There a number of distin­ is termed a water tandem cycle, and it gard such a denumsiration as forei ,n to | convicted and sentenced to hang and se- It is reported that the black plague a religious service. Ia the prayer that guished orators addressed the multitude has been made to travel ten miles an ! cured new trials. His third trial re­ has appeared at Hongkong; but the fact hour. Sere is opportunity for rare sport. followed the musical exercises Dr. Rusk sulted in another conviction and he is being concealed on account of busi­ —among them Tom Corwin, Judge Ew­ asked lor a special blessing on their ing, probably James C. Jones of Ten­ The water bicycle boat carries one pas­ guest of the day, who was endeavoring cheated the gallows. ness reasons. nessee. But after this half century, If you need a senger. Romulus Cottel, alias John Smith, to show the world how this life might Spanish newspapers are very indig­ that which I now remember most dis­ has confessed that he murdered Mr. be made one of usetuln ss and joy, and nant over the action of the United tinctly and what most impressed me Coffee. also invoked a dispensation for his wife and Mrs. Alvin N. Stone and lra Still- States congress in recognizing the Cuban was this—that Mr. Clay did not go out Many persons who are unable to drink and chil Iren. In his introductory re­ son, near Akron, O., recently. The rebels as belligerents. to the grounds. He considered it be­ RO 11 PD or any piece of Ma- coffee that has been boiled or made by marks Dr. Rask characterized Colonel only excuse given for the act is that neath the dignity of a presidential can­ OVzi L-vUrlx chinery, it will pay Gardner Williams, American, general putting the coffee directly in boiling Ingersoll as “The man who is endeavor­ “the devil told him to do it. ” He was didate to electioneer. How well I re­ to write us for catalogue and prices. manager of the De Beers mining com ­ water and cooking at or above the boil­ ing to do this world good and make it an ex-hired man of the Stone family. member seeing him, as the procession ing point for a certain number of min­ better. ” Samuel Lemon, aged 80, was killed pany, who was arrested at Kimberley in which I walked passed his office Hie MassHlon Engine Tlu esher Co. on March 15th, charged with having utes are able to diink without any dis­ Colonel Ingersoll took as his text the while driving to his ranch near Chico supplied arms to the Utlnnders of the (then with his son, James B. Clay, on PORTLAND, ORFGDN. agreeable consequences either present or lines from Shakespeare, “There is no after going to town and getting full. Short street, near the engine house), future coffee made by percolation—that darkness but ignorance. Taera is no He drove into a washout and his horse Raud to I e used in their threatened re­ standing in the doorway with his head Ladies’ Bureau of Information. volt against the Transvaal government, is, by inclosing the coffee in a bag of light but intelligence. ” fell on him pinioned for three days. has been iully committed before the uncovered, and with the rare grace some kind or in a wire gauze strainer Ladies wishing Sewing, Washing. House­ One paragraph of tho colonel’s speech The animal was killed by the fall, but high court of Pretoria on a charge of which few men possessed, bowing to the cleaning, Nursing, Girls to do General I and pouring the boiling water upon it. is as follows: “Man should coase to ex- Lemon was aiive when found. He died passing multitude that was wild with high treason. Housework, etc. This method of coffee making should al­ I pect any aid from any supernatural soon after being released. Hotels, Laundries, Business Houses, Intelligence reached Havana of a fight huzzas, banners and music.”—Lexing­ Dressmaker-, ways be used in households where the ’■ source. By this time he should be sat- Frank J. Miller, the butler who killed Tailors. Milliners, wishing ton Gazette. that occurred among the hills around members breakfast at different hours, ! isfied that worship has not created an alleged burglar in the residence of help, or those wishing Lady Clerks, Book­ keepers, please send in their orders. and where only one pot of coffee is i wealth anl that prosperity is not the J. L. Franklin at San Francisco, is Ban Blas, near Cienfueges, province of All parties wishing employment, please made. In France, where chicory is often child of prayer. % He should know that again under suspicion. The police have Santa Clara, betv een the column com­ send in orders at once. manded by Colonel Vasquez and a body added to the coffee, percolated or “drip” the supernatnal has not succored the found that his name is assumed and his The Beaureau will arrange prices of sal­ aries to suit the times. coffee that is quite strong is often made oppressed, clothed the naked, fed the ¡ accounts of his past life are variable. of insurgents. The latter occupied an All parlies wishing a kindergarten school and tightly bottled or sealed so that its hungry, shielded the innocent, staid the ! Franklin has discharged Miller. It will elevated position, which gave them a please send in names and number of schol Have you a feel ­ decided advantage over the Spaniards, aroma cannot escape and kept in a cool pesti ence or freed the slave. Being be remembered that Milier was accused ars. ing of weight in The place for several days. As it is wanted satisfied that the supernatural does not of enticing the man he killed to the who were taken by surprise. All information should include postage the Stomach — troops claim that tho rebels used explo­ and addressed envelope for reply. it is heated very hot and served with hot exist, man should turn his entiro atten­ house. Bloating after milk, and, if you want it absolutely per­ tion to the affairs of this world, to the eating — Belch­ Ethelbert A. Whitcomb, driver of sive bullets. However this may be, it Address: P. 0. BOX 106, fect, heat your cup also. Percolated cof­ facts in nature. ” ing of Wind— the stage between Ukiah; and Willets, is known that the Spanish were defeated Ashland, Oregon. Vomitingof Food fee is considered more economical than Cal., met a peculiar and terrible death after a hot fight, many being killed and wounded. Among the latter were — Waterbrash — that boiled.—New York Post. recenty. During the night Ins stage IieafnesB Cannot be Cured I Heartburn—Bad Taste in the Mouth Colonel Vasques and Lieutenant Burou. Atmosphere. by . local applications, . as they cannot ______ reach was overturned three miles from Wil­ At one time during the engagement the __ ..______ in the Morning—Palpitation of the Th. . v is lets, and the oil from the lamps satu­ Medford, Oregon, I Heart, due to Distension of Stomach There is a wide difference of opinion the diseased portion of the ear. There engagement the insurgents charged only one wav to cure deafness, and that is NEXT DOOR TO P. 0. —Cankered Mouth—Gas in the Bowels among the learned men of the world as by constitutional remedies. Deafness is rated Whitcomb’s clothing, and he was upon the troops with machetes, inflict­ MANUFATTO REz—«sss^> —Loss of Flesh—Fickle Appetite— to what would be the effect of wholly caused by an inflamed condition of the mu burned to death. His chaired remains ing: heavy losses. Depressed, Irritable Condition of the removing the atmosphere. Some think cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. W hen were found beneath the partially-burned Did You Ever Mind — Dizziness — Headache—Con­ tube gets inflamed you have a rum­ coach. that if it were possible to live afterward this stipation or Diarrhoea? Then you have bling sound or imperfect hearing.and when —* Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your all the stars, planets, etc., would be I it is entirely closed Deafness is the result. What will a<> it? Of all kinds at shop at Phoenix trouble*? If not. get a bo'tle now and get visible in broad daylight. Others de­ and unless the inflammaiion can be taken I M edical writers claim that the successful I relief. This medicine has been found to be ALL § KINDS § OF § RE­ ELMER E. LAWRENCE, Prop clare that there would be no day, and out and this tube restored to its normal I remedy for nasal catarrh must be non-irri- ■, peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of in one of Its many forma. The one positive hearing will be destroyed for­ ! tating. easy of application, and one that' all Female Complaints, exerting a wonder PAIRING § DONE. that the sun itself could not be eeen un­ condition, cure for this distressing complaint is Call at ever: nine cases out of tenure caused by will reach the remote sores and ulcerated ful direct influence in giving strength and AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. der such conditions.—St. Louis Repub­ catarrh, which is nothing but an intlameo 'surface*. The hi-tory of the effort* to treat i tone to the organs. If vou have Loss of Beker’s Dyspepsia Cablets condition of the mucous surfaces. GOOD line of new goods sold reason lic. ________________ «•atari Ii is positive proof that only one rem- i Appetite. Constipation. Headache. Fainting by mall, prepaid, on receipt of zj cents, ! We will give One Hundred Dollars for edi has conipletel v met these conditions, j Snells, or are Nervou*, Sleepless. Excitable able. Work guaranteed, and ou OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL .MODERATE PRICED and Good C harles R amsf . t , Hotel Imperial, New tnv case of Deafness (cau-ed by catarth) and that 1* Ely’s Cream Balm. Thi* safe i Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, I prices will suit the customer. York.tara: “1 suffered horribly troin e:>sla, but Acker's Tablets, 'taken arter ---- and see our goods.---- meals, have cured me." Highest of all in leavening Cure. Send for circulars, free. of the City. Just the Kind of Place to a* nothing else has ever done, and both Health and Strength are guaranteed bv its * . . F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, C. physicians aud patients freely tuncede thia use. Large bottles only fifty cents at £, A. Acker Medicine Co., 10-18 Chambers St., X. T. Suit Southern Oregon People When in Strength.- U. S. Qnv*nwaat Riparfc i g*“8old by Druggists, 75c. i baMWxx’a Drug Store, Portland. will give you a bargain. «'....„v w. * I . , - r BLUE FRONT BUILDING. V.MEALS : AT : ALL » ©a® LUNCHES PUT UP TO ORDER. MOVED Kidneys MISS JESSE CLINT & CO N0RTH SIDE 0F PLAZA i« My Back FRY’S MILLINERY EMPORIUM SQUIRREL ■ POISON -THS ORIGINAL SQUIRREL KILLER- Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla : X i X X Tools and Hardware J. M. MARSTON’S t X X You want a Superbly Finished Photograph, leave your order at F. L. Camps’ Studio, Ash­ land. He will make you a picture that PRACTICAL BOOKS I I X WARNER i BICYCLES TALLY - HO TANDEMS X AGENTS MAIN AND GRANITE STREETS, Geo. W. Alexander, A Fine Line of Suitings Always in Stock. Job Printing SAWMILLENGINE, I$Wi$ wlwt ails you? Legal Work, Blanks, Etc Bill Heads, Letter Heads Statements Envelopes Posters Visiting Cards Neatly and artistically printed. esmond ' hotel Portland, Oregon. week bros . [Harness^SW FURNITURE CENTRAL POINT, OR DYSPEPSIA ROYAL Baking Powder. A I A