Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1896)
BOND AND DOLLAR. i THE GOLD STANDARD. Helping Slum People. bondholding interest would be contented with that enormous concession, and be Obvious Reasons Why It Cannot Be Main There is something fine and high and ing thus glutted to repletion would seek tained by Borrowing Gold. * ennobling in the thought of helping I RIDPATH ON THE MOST DAMNABLE no further extortion from the American slum people. To lift them to the plane Can the gold standard be maintained 1 What is OUTRAGE OF THE CENTURY. people. But, on the contrary, the mon by borrowing gold? Obviously not. Gold < of comfort and cleanliness, to provide Bloody Water Oozed Out Constantly. Sufferings were Terrible. No 1’cace strous scheme was conceived of destroy is not wanted for use at home, and it is table 1 napkins and bathrooms for them, Day or Night from Itching Tracing the Trail of the Serpent of Shy- ing the option of tbe debtor to pay in not borrowed for that purpose. It is i to train them to eat with their forks lOÌOT and Burning. Doctors lockisxn From 1869 Down to the Crime silver by destroying the coin unit of wanted for export; it is wanted to pay j instead of their knives, to teach them Failed. Cured by L-.nnc of 1373—The Bondholding Interest'Glut that metal, thus reducing the debtor— —The Only Transcontinental Route— for imports or for interest on debts our good ( CUTICURA. grammar, to train their ears to the all debtors, including the government people owe to other countries, for the ted, but Never SatUSed. sweet harmonics of the music of Wag child's disease, which was the worst kind RUNNING THROUH TRAINS of the United States—to the necessity of It wa3 on the 18th of March, 1869, that paying in gold only. The scheme was •arrying trade, etc. When will the neces ner, and especially, to have them say of Eczema, started on one check likearincwonn. FROM PACIFIC -noi It spread and itched so the poor TO ATLANTIC, the government of the United States not only conceived, but was contem- sity for borrowing for 6uch purposes “Vogner” instead of plain Wagner— little fellow had no peace night 313 H made its first league and covenant with Slated with equanimity, not indeed by end? Manifestly only when we pay in or day. Then it started on the what can be more alluring! other cheek and chin, until all : bsis. the fundholding interests against the ae people, but by those whose interests eorne other way. Borrowed gold never were raw as a piece of beef Yet there are obstacles in the way of stays in the country that borrows it. •‘W steak, like a burn where you people. By the terms of that league the were so profoundly concerned. Iu the would rub off the skin, aud millionaire who had given $100,000 for last session of the Forty-second congress Conditions that make it necessary to realizing this kingdom of aestheticism on bloody water oozed out con a bond of the same denomination should the question was insinuated into legis borrow gold will send it out again as earth, obstacles that the church and col stantly. llis sufferings were terrible. I tied his hands that receive back, true enough, $100,000, but lation, but was housed from the publio fast as it is liberated. Gold stays only lege settlement people little count on he would r.ot scratch, then he should receive it in units of another with a skill worthy of the noblest cause. where it goes of itself in the course of w'hen they begin the delightful and would rub his poor little cheeks on his shoulders to relieve the trade. Gold will 6tay in this country kind, worth about two for one. FIRST-CLASS philanthropic work of elevating the intense itching. I had as good a doctor as was It was already the plan of the conspira From that day, distant from the pres tors to have au act passed by congress only as it comes here in the course of masses. The worst obstacles is the mass in Philadelphia, but he failed to rolicve hlin. I SLEEPERS AND read of the C uticura R emedies , and at once TOURIST CARS. ent by more than 26 years, there has as soon as possible declaring a date at trade, and it will come here in that way es themselves. They do not want to be Surchased PRACTICALLY them. Strange to say, that nn nig Lt on the one condition that prices here are been no deviation or shadow of turning which specie payments should be re e retied without scratching hi3 lace, anil from on he improved and toon wat entirely cured. bruioiionB: on the part of intrenched intrigue to sumed in the United States. But pre enough below the price level of other elevated, at least many of them do not. I that would like anyone suffering froin this terrible That lively philanthropist Edward disease carry out the compact. Year by year the liminary to such declaration and as an countries to make this tUu best market to see tuy l«jy now; his complexion is as BOSTON. . . • • • and smooth as can be. This is au unso bolts and bars have been driven ever antecedent thereof it was seen to be ad to buy in—that is, to invest gold in. We Atkinson, who has certainly tried to clear MONTREAL. • • • licited testimonial, and every word is true. I farther and deeper with blow on blow vantageous to tamper the coin dollar in can get gold and keep it in no other help the masses with his wonderful Al- thank God for my child's recovery, and I thank TORONTO. . • • • uticura . way. of the sledge of the money power, until which payment was to be resumed. ladin oven that cooks hulf a dozen things the manufacturer of M C bs ST. PAUL. . • • . E. S. GAMBLE, High prices and the gold standard do MINNEAPOLIS. • the national fraud has been glorified un 852 N. Forty-second 8t., Philadelphia. at once and keeps the house warm and For the time being and for some years der the name of honor, and the whole to come—so ran the bondholders’ dream not go together, and they cannot both gives a light to read by besides and costs Through th« Grandest Scenery on the some truth nailed in the coffin of con in 1878—the government and people be bad at the same time. The one con so much that ‘the masses cannot afford Continent. tempt. Each succeeding administration alike must continue to prosecute their dition on which the gold standard can to buy it, this amiable Mr. Edward Canadian Pacific R’y Co.'« And have effected the most wonderful cures of has been even as its predecessor, but business on the basis of the paper legal be maintained is low prices. Nor can torturing and disfiguring skin and scalp diseases Line more so in devotion to the bondholding tender, but in the future, as we the finan debtor nations maintain an even price Atkinson has spent some time visiting of infants and children ever recorded. They Royal Mail Steamship afford instant reliof, permit rest and sleep, and the poorer classes in the sweatshop dis level with creditor countries. Prices ------- TO ------- interest at the expense of all besides. ciers clearly perceive, another dollar— point to a speedy cure when the best physicians, Having secured the declaration of the that is. a metallio dollar—is to be sub- ' must be lower with us than in countries tricts. In one boarding house in the dir hospitals, and all other methods fail. CHINA a AND e JAPAN. tiest quarter of Boston he found a man payment of the national debt in a cur stituted for this legal tender of paper, owing no outside debts. Bold throughout the world. Price, C uticcra , These twin-screw steamers are in every The condition, therefore, on which “reclining on the steps in a comatose 60c.; S oap , 25 c .; R esolvent , $1. 1'orrt:; 1> i : ug respect rency different from the currency of the and it is to our interest to have that superior to any ships that have yet and C rem . C orp ., Sole Proprietors, Boston. the gold standard can be maintained contract, the next step was that of other dollar as valuable as possible. We condition.” Anybody not from Boston MF-“ Hew to Cure Skin Diseases,” mailed free. sailed the Pacific ocean. The route is 300 miles ihorter than via any other Trans CHILDREN'S lengthening and perpetuating the bonds. Will not only go to the leugth of substi here is not only lower prices than now, would have said he was just plain If the bonds, now payable in coin, were tuting a metallio dollar still worth a but prioes lower than in countries not in drunk. It will also be news to many DIDV’P Skin and Scalp purified and beautified pacific line. DADI O by C uticura B oap . Absolutely pure. CANADIAN AUSTRALIAN STEAMER * good for 10 years or 20 years, then they premium of from 30 to 50 per cent for debt—enough lower ‘to induce our cred LINE people that any quarter of the town of would be better for 30 yearB or 40 years the current dollar of the country, but itors to take of us commodities for what TO BACKACHE, STRAINS to run. Nor will the government now we will go further than that, and tam we owe them rather than demand gold. Boston could be dirty. At any rate, HONOLULU, FIJI AND AUSTRALIA Growing pains, and weak- No matter, therefore, how ruinous though, the comatose boarder had drop be so eager to pay when payment in coin per with the metallio dollar itself, so The Shortest Line to the Colonies. neeses, relieved in one These steamers carry an experienced is impossible. The people can now be that that also may ultimately, in some the fall of prices has been, nor what the ped his savings bank book. An inspec A. minute by the Cnticura Anti-l’ain Plaster, tho Medical man. aud a Stewardess on every made to believe, what is true, that the 20 years, be worth two for oue 1 We will consequences of a further fall may be, tion of it showed that he had $400 de voyage. government cannot for the present pay take away, if we can, by some process, they must go a good deal lower before posited, plenty to live in a clean locality first and only iaotantaneous, pain, killing plaster. For time tables, pamphlet«, or any infor» our bonds. They must therefore be ex tbe optional dollar now constitutional gold can be made to stay here, and un and be respectable, yet from deliberate !?" »■ TDIAI A psekags er eur treat- mation, call on or address, ALLAN CAMERON, tended. Great financiers will they be for 81 years in the United States aud til then we will not be in fact on a gold choice ho took the dirtiest part of Bos Ì LZ’ |L L I Blllil. roentfor weakness and U Ss 0 B « d.c,, EerToui(j.bility 146 Third St. Portland, Or. who can sell us a 5 per cent bond with will place in its stead a dollar in one basis. That is the cost of the gold stand ton for his residence. 3 DI Bn Ml end lo»t vitality Mat free for 12 cent» R obert L eonard , Agent, an extension of ten years and take up a xnetal only—a metal that we know, ard, and it can be bad at no less price. postage. Ashland, Oregon, Some benevolent people who pitied DR. WARD INSTUTUTE, 120 N. »th St. ST. WllS, 10. 6 per cent bond which is falling due. from its scarcity and from our ability to We have borrowed since 1893 $162,- GEO. McL. BROWN. D. P. A. the condition of the poor in being de Vancover, B. C. That is the process of refunding in a corner it in .the markets of tbe world, 000,000 and are now issuing bonds for prived of comfort built neat little cot nutshell. >aust rapidly, under such conditions, $100,000,000 more. All that we have The history of the various refunding appreciate in its purchasing power, all borrowed has gone from us, and all that tages and provided each with a bath SUMMONS. operations by which the short high rate the time hiding its own fallacy, while we are borrowing will undoubtedly go in room. The consequence was that one £—VIA— bonds of the government sold during the at the same time the discarded metal, the same way. And will there not be the family occupying the cottages used the In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, war period were translated into long being disparaged aud abolished, must same necessity to borrow again when bathtub to pack the family pork in. for the County of Jackson, in Equity, lower rate bonds is but the record of a lose its quality as primary money and this is gone, as now? If, after $160,000,- They said that was the way they did in Luman H,Tiffany, Plain-' scheme which was contrived by the be driven gradually into the relation of 000 had been borrowed, more borrowing Canada. Another slum family found the tiff, —OF THE— bondholders themselves, ratified by an subsidiary coin and mere merchandise. is necessary, will not more borrowing vs. bathtub the greatest possible conven undiscerning congress, and carried into Southern Pacific Co Henry C. Klock and Ma Words are inadequate to describe the be necessary after $260,000,000 has ience as an ash bin. execution by the treasury department of profundity and criminality of this been borrowed, and will the necessity tilda H. Klock, Defend Such are some of the sad results of ants. HEADQUARTERS FOR) the United States, with the ulterior de scheme. It was carried into effect by the stop at $500,000,000 or at $1,000,000,- Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. sign of preventing payment by length act of Feb. 18, 1873. It was doue by a 000? What will stop it? The truth is, trying to elevate slum people. The only To Henry C. Klock and Matilda H. Klock, HARDWARE, I North_ ening the time to run, and with the still turn of Shylock’s wrist, so adroit, and every loan for such a purpose increases way seems to be to let the old shim South ! defendants above named: further hope of making a perpetual in one might 6ay devilish, as to be inde the necessity for more loans, and there mers go their unclean and improvident 8:50 p m Lv Portland Ar 8:10 a in ESTOVES and N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF 12:50 p m Ar Ashland 4:40 p m Lv terest bearing fund in the European scribable in the phraseology of this is no end but the limit of credit, and gait and begin on their children. If 1:20 p m Lv Ashland Ar Oregon, you are hereby required to 4:10 p m TINWARE manner. appear and answer unto the complaint world. It was an act on which no king i that, of course, means bankruptcy. caught young enough, these cau bo ele 10:45 a m ' Ar SanFranciscoLv 6:00p m against you in the above entitled suit The first measure passed by congress of the seventeenth century would have This is so plain a proposition that vated. At the same time the stiffest Above trains stop at East Portland, filed by the first day of the next term of the with this intent was the act of July 14, ventured without incurring the risk of anybody can see through it, and hard Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Turner above entitled court following the expira 1870, entitled “An act to authorize the revolution. It was an act which instead headed men all over the country do see possible sanitary laws, rigidly enforced, Marion, Jefierson, Albany, Albany Junc tion of the time prescribed in the order for may reach their parents somewhat. tion, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, the publication of this summons, which F ALL !KINDS and GRADES refunding of the national debt. ” This of being misrepresented by those who through it, if bankers don’t, and are Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell, first day will be Monday, April 6th, 1896; This extra Miners’ Tools, Giant Powder, Cap» act reaffirmed the proposition that all have found it out and nailed it to the asking when it is to stop. If Mr. Cleve HORACE, Constipation. Drains and all stations from Roseburg to and if you fail to so appear and answer, ordinary Re- and Fuse. A fine line of Electric Cutleay, the bonds of the United States were re gibbet of public contempt has never land and Mr. Carlisle think this policy Dizziness, ’ Ashland, inclusive. for want thereof Plaintiff will apply to said Juvenator Is Are You Made Falling Sen- and a large and complete stock of Fishing deemable, both principal and interest, in court for the relief demanded in his com has the approval of the people, let them •" .the most been adequately denounced. It was au sations,Nerv Tackle. Plumbing goods, and plumbing ol Roseburg Mail Daily. Miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, wonderful plaint; the relief demanded is th« fore ous twitching all kinds done on short notice. All work coin and authorized the secretary of the act which has positively blackened the take a trip through almost any part of Dizziness. Loss of Appetite. Yellow Skin? discovery of closure of a certain mortgage executed «nd LEAVE: ARRIVE of the eyes guaranteed. treasury, as such bonds, series after so the country, outside of Wall street, and Shiloh ’ s Vitalizer is a positive cure, For honor of the American republic. It was delivered by you to the Iximbard Invest and other 5:20 pm Portland.... 8 :30 am Roseburg • kir been en sale by T. K. Bolton. ries, should fall due—that is, reach the an act which though subsequently de they will bear denunciations of it in parts. ment t’ornpany, and by it assigned to £***Tin Shop in connection. dorsed by the Roseburg.. .6:00 a m Portland. ,4:40pm plaintiff, said mortgage bearing date De Strengthens, date at which the government had the fended, even to the present day, by all language that will make Tillman’s ti Jeadingscien- invigorates First-class goods, and prices as low as the option of redeeming them—to prepare ( cember 18th, 1889. to secure the payment tific men of THE PROSTITUTE PRESS. Salem Passenger Daily. rade appear mild. and tones the lowest.;. the purchased ability of the world, is Europe and of a certain bond or promissory note for and sell new bonds, extending the time nevertheless condemned by the con entire system. The truth is, plain people know the It Has Had Its Share of the Wealth Pil leave : ARRIVE Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00). with Hudyan cures to run and lowering the nominal rate of science and common sense of mankind attempt to maintain the gold standard Portland..4:00 p. m. Salem... .10:15 a. m. three interest coupons thereunto attached laged From the People. Deb illty, for Twenty-four Dollars each; that said interest. Under this act the process of as the most cold blooded, unjust, un by borrowing gold is a blunder, and they Nervousness, The Rothschild conspiracy,demonetiz Salem.......8:00 a, m. Portland...6:15p. m mortgage conveyed unto said Iximbard Emissions, refunding was carried on by those inter believe it is approaching very near the called for, unmitigated and damnable anddevelopcs Investment Company for that purpose the ing silver and cornering gold, has now Dining Gars on Ogden Route. ested in it as actively and earnestly as outrage ever done in this century to the line of criminal blundering. and restores following described real property situated « of the dis stolen more than $40,000,000,000 from weak organs. though it were a manufacturing indus rights and interests of a great people I charge in ‘JO in the State of Oregon and County of Jack- One thing more. It is not because of the producers and distributers of wealth PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. sou, Pains in the J aya. Cures as follows: The east half of the try, until all the bonds were extended the existence of greenbacks that gold and turned it over to thieves who have back, losses —AND— Tbe act of 1873 abolished the standard southeast quarter and the southwest LOST-- by day or and most W'ere made as long as the cur goes out of the country. It would go out unit of money and account iu the United Second- Class Sleeping Cars quarter of the southeast quarter of section uightatopped procured the passage of laws to establish tfANHOOD rent lives of men. Then the work abated, States. Until that time all other coins just as quickly and just as certainly numbered 14, and the northeast quarter of a new kind of universal larceny. Di Attached to all through trains. the northeast quarter of section numbered partly because of the weakness of all iu use under our constitution and statute bank notes took the place of greenbacks. rectly and indirectly theso malefactors 23, all in township numbered 36 south of posthumous inducements, and partly be had been made to do obeisance to the Nor would it make any difference to the have divided a part of their pillage with WEST SIDE DIVISION. Range 3 west of the Willamette Meridian, cause by this time certain symptoms of silver dollar as the unit of money and business interests of the country whether the newspaper press of Europe and Between Portland and Corvallis. containing in all 360 acres, more or less, q“!ckly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. J) alarm were noted among the people. according to government survey; and If yon use the Petaluma account. That dollar had never been al the gold that went abroad was gathered America. As long ago as May, 1876, a MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) Prematureness means lmpotency in the lust Incubator, A Brooders. farther, a decree barring and foreclosing The bonds had now become the most tered by the fraction of one grain in the first in the treasury aud was then taken Paris correspondent of the New York stave. It is a symptom of seminal weakness Make money while you aud each of you from any equity of ■es. It can be stopped ia 20 days ARliIVKö: profitable of all investments. Of all the quantity of pure metal composing it from from there or went directly from the Graphic said: others are wasting LEAVE81 redemption, right or title in or to said real fHudyan. time by old prosesses. forms of property they were tho most banks. The question of the gold stand Portland .7:30 a m I Corvallis... 12:15 p m property and every part thereof. liscovary was made by the Special- Catalog tells all about the time when it was ordained in 1792 48 Page “ I have indisputable evidence in my It, and describes every .Mkmons Hudson Medical Institute. exempt from hazard, most convenient to the time when it was abolished from ard is at bottom a question of price possession that an immense fund was Corvallis. 1:00 p m I Portland... .5:40 p m This summons is published by an order Illustrated , article needed for the It is the strongest vitalizer made. It is very Catalogue la of Hon. W. C. Hale, judge of* the above and most strongly fortified by law. They tbe list of coins to be henceforth struck levels and nothing else, and price levels poultry bu»ta«as. z powerful, but harmless. Sold for $1.00 a pack FRXfi. to briDg about the general adop At Albany and Corvallis connect with entitled court, made February Sd, 1896. age orS packages for $5.00(plain sealed boxes). offered themselves, however, only to the at the mints of the United States. Every do not depend on who issues the papei raised trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Rail MILTON W. SMITH, Written guarantee given for a cure. If you buy surplus accumulations of capital. The other coin, whether of gold or silver, had currency or on whether the volume is tion of the gold metal basis. The money roads. Attorney for Plaintiff six boxes and are not entirely cured, six more The “ ERIE ” writers and political economists in Lon Express Train Daily (Except 8unday.) man of moderate means must needs em been altered and altered again; the sil made up of bank notes or of treasury will be sent to you free of all charges. mechaalcaMy the best don, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Am Send for circulars and testimonials. Adless wheel. Prettiestniodel. ploy his whole resources in the business ver unit never. To that unit all the rest, potes.— A. J. Warner in New York Sun. arrive : leave : $ HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Ve are Pacific Coast sterdam were either argued into the to which he devotes his energies. When both gold and silver, had from the first Agents. Bicycle cata Junction Stockton,Market 6c Kill»st!» Portland .. ,4:45p m I M ’ Minn 7:25 pm ARE YOU GOING EAST? adoption of these views or were pur M’Minnville.5:50am | Portland ville. logue,mailed Sau Francisco. Cai. ... .8:25 a ni If bo be sure and see that your tickets capital accumulates in large amounts been conformed. The eagle of the orig A Silver Inquiry. full description, prioes, etc. agents wanted . chased outright; hence the articles in and there is no such thing as a national inal statute and of all subsequent statutes read via the PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO., Petaluma. Cal A correspondent at Arthur, Ills., asks the leading papers. ” THROUGH TICKETS BRANCH HOUSE, 231 S. Main St., Los Angeles. bond in which it may ensconce itself CBU ■ I ■ ■ ■ —— was not made to be $10, but to be of tbe The Inter Ocean three questions of gen At the time that letter was written and begin to grow, such capital must of value of $10. The half eagle was not eral interest, the third being really in “ the crime of 1873” had just been dis To all points in the Eastern States, necessity offer itself for the promotion made to be $5, but to be of the value of volved, however, in the second. He in covered, Europe can be obtained from and almost the whole press of Canada and E. C. KANE, Agent. Ashland. of legitimate productive, manufacturing $5. The quarter eagle was of the value quires : fl Fortuno In Frizes r the United States joined in denouncing KOEHLER, E. P. ROGEB8, and commercial enterprises. It must un of $2.50, and the double eagle was of -------------------------- “First.—What dates was silver ata it; hence it was necessary for the pi Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass Ag. der such conditions do something useful the value of $20. Even the gold dollar premium over gold? rates of the gold pot to extend the di X>lxxe» The Vi for mankind, but where the bond exists of 1849, mirabile dictu! was not a dol “Second.—Is there a limit to the coin vision of their spoils to the newspapers surplus capital takes the form of the Matioffer - and - Funeral - Director. $6,141.75 lar, but was made to be of the value of age of silver? If so, what is the limit? of this country. A few strictly English >■ Chicago, St Paul, ________ bond by preference of all other enter a dollar! The subsidiary coins were all “Third.—Has the secretary of the papers like the New York Evening Post _ < - V prises, and to that extent all other en fractions of the dollar, and the dollar treasury authority to coin the silver were the first to advocate ruin for the „....GIVEN AWAY 1X^57^ * Myer Block, - Ashland, Or. Minneapolis &. Omaha R’y terprises languish and weaken for their Was of silver only. bullion on hand if the people should American people. But others soon fol 55 Separate Prizes ( wonted stimulus. Not a single dictionary or cyclopedia call for the coin?” ssrr1 — THIS IB THE — lowed. In 1887 and 1888 the New York By the beginning of the eighth decade in the English language before the year »g. ONE PRIZE OF<v* , First. —There was never a time when Tribune, once the organ of Horace ANDLE FIRST-CLASS GOODS. « thus much had been accomplished: The 1878 ever defined dollar in any terms either gold or silver was at a premium GREAT - SHORT - LINE Night Calls promptly at- RAILROAD Greeley, had sunk into the chief spadas- • • • • $1,000' fund holding interest had confirmed it other than of silver. In that year the over the other in this country. The sin of the gold thugs. Its columns teem self to the extent of getting a long bond administrators of the estate of Noah parity of the two coins has been main BETWEEN DULUTH for a short one, with the guarantee of Webster, deceased, cut the plates of our tained, notwithstanding the disparity in ed with appeals to the banks of New t CHARGES REASONABLE. York and New ’ England to oombine payment of both principal and interest standard lexicon and inserted a new strictly metallio values. But our corre I The NEW WEEKLY St PAUL & CHICAGO in coin. The next point attained by the definition that had become necessary in spondent has vaguely in mind, probably, against the west, to cut off loans to merchants and to give the free ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS; w *» bondholding power—for it had now be order to make the bond intrigue, in the fact that until the comparatively re western silver section of the country au “object come a power—can hardly be touched congress and out of it, consist I Denver, Colo., And all points East and South. Their cent depreciation of silver as a metal our lesson,” such as the Cleveland-Wall upon with equanimity. The coin of the Magnificent track, Peerless Vesti- True it is that by the statute of 1792 silver dollars had a little more intrinsic street panic of 1893 finally illustrated. The greatest bona fide prizs effer SvtV In the West or South. buled Dining and Sleeping United States existed in two kinds, sil the dollar was made to exist in the gold value than the gold dollar, and what The News is the representative paper of the Car Trains and Motto: ver and gold. Should the government coin also, but that dollar was a dollar few were struck off fell quickly into th6 On the 10th of January, 1878, The Trib ■ West—it is silver’s champion; it is the peo Pullman une came out thus: ple’s advocate; it leads tn thought» as in news. < ever again reach the basis of specip pay only by its conformity in value to the melting pots of the silversmiths of the The Weekly has just been enlarged »nd im “The capital of the country is organ Sleeping Cars ments, the debtor would have the option silver coin which was the one standard country, but there was not a market “ALWAYS ON TIME” J proved; It contains the Latest and fullest min ized at last, and we shall see whether i ing and mining stock news; it has special de of paying in the one coin or the other, ? Elegant E. McEILL, Receiver. unit of money and account. Our metal partments devoted to the Farm, the House quotation of any premium. congress will dare to fly in its face.” Have given thia road a national reputa according to his convenience and the money existed in both kinds, and the hold, Women and Children.; all the brightest Second.—Under the Allison-Bland bill Dining Cars cartoons and livest comment of the daily edi The next day, Jan. 11, 1878, the vaunt tion. All clasaeB of paseBengeni carried pleutifulness of the given kind. This Bystem was bimetallic to this extent— of 1878 there was a limit to the coinage WO; TO T E tion are to be found in it; it presents In con on the veetibuled trains without extra densed form the doings of all the world—it ig option constitutes the essential element that the debtor might pay in either, but of silver, or, rather, two limits, mini was repeated. Tourist charge. Ship your freight and travel a family paper without a peer. “ The machinery is now furnished, ” of bimetallism. That it could bo taken the unit existed in silver only. To mum and maximum per month, and And the Weekly News is determined to have over this famous line. All agents have Sleeping Cars said The Tribune, “ by which, in any beyond all question the largest circulation of away from the debtor seems in the re abolish that unit, to strike it down, to very little was coined above the mini ticket any paper between the Mississippi river and the emergency, the financial corporations of trospect a thing so monstrous as to be cancel it and to substitute another there mum, but under the Sherman act, which ST, PAUL Pacific eoast. Therefore it offers to the per W. H. M ead , Gen, Ag’t., the east can act together at a single sons sending in the greatest number of $1 year incredible. It was a valuable option 48 Washington St. Portland, Or. J11 if" for was a crime! It has been rightly so superseded it in 1890, the treasury could day’s notice, and with such power that MINNEAPOLIS ly subscriptions before September- 1st which the debtor in the United States branded by the American people, and it store away the silver bought in the form these unequal ltd prizes. T. W. T easdale , G. P. A., DULUTH_____ « -bOiVE3 THE CHOICE OF bad held unchallenged from the founda will be so written in history. It makes of bars or bullion, or coin it, and, as a no act of congress can overcome or resist St. Paul. Minn. ; REGULAR AGENTS' COMMISSAQS their decision. ” FARGO_______ g TWO TRANCONTINENTAL I tion of the government. No creditor had no difference whether it was done se matter of fact, there has been very little ALLOWED IN ADDITION. I am reminded of these facts as “the over tried to take it from him. It had cretly or openly; whether in the day or coining of silver dollars since then. The GRAND FORKS CONTEST.BEGINS AT ONCE. TO subsidized press” howls and tears its never been denied by any. It had al in the night; whether by a committee secretary of the treasury has ordered hair over the recent speech of Senator OPEN TO EVERYBODY EVER1BBE8& C ways been cheerfully conceded down to or by the house in full debate; whether that the mints get ready to turn out sil I» ROOKSTON__ tho time of the civil war, when an un congress understood it or did not under ver dollars on and after Feb. 1, but how Tillman of South Carolina. The intel WINNIPEG foreseen condition removed all coin and stand it It was a crime all the same many he does not state. He could coin lectual prostitutes are plying their vo HELENA and put the country, as we have seen, on against the rights and interests of the it all if he chose.—Chicago Inter Ocean. cation with great industry. But never mind. They are seen through their BUTTE tho basis of a legal tender of paper. Have put in a American people—aye, against the paint.—Gordon Clark. Now that coin was again in sight or American people themselves and against A Pointer For Labor. was supposed to be coming in sight; all the people of the world, for it was Labor casts 80 per cent of the votes. VIA now that the government had declared done against justice, against truth, O SOD* WORKS e If anybody is to blame for the condition TO its purpose to pay the national debt in against tbe law of both man and God. Solentifio American CHICAGO of things that exist, labor is. Don ’ t SPARANE DENVER coin, though that debt had been con —From “The Bond and the Dollar,” Agency for WASHINGTON At Yreka, Cal. tracted on a basis of paper, it might by John Clark Ridpath, in February talk to us about unions and strikes while MmNEAPOLIS OMAHA labor votes as it does.—‘Oswego (Kan.) reasonably have been supposed that tho PHILADELPHIA fe?AXD ' Arena. Times- Statesm an. AND NfcW YORK Palaces on Wheels. A Great German ’ s Prescription. BOSTON AND ALL Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. KANSAS CITY ND are prepared to fill all orders on ST PAUL When people travel now a days, they Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney, The best salve in the world for Cuts POINTS EAST and SOUTH short notice. » • • • • expect comfort, and when they travel on liver and bowel troubles are cured bv Karl’s Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Through tickets to Japan aud China, via CAVEATS. LOfr RATES TO ALL Clover Root Tea. For sale by T. K,‘Bolton. Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Give them a call. MONEY “Tne Milwaukee” they get it. tradì marks , Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi design patents , Co., an American line. There has been an evolution m the EASTERN CITIES, tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is Spray Your Trees. ANADIAN PACIFIC RY. SOO PACIFIC LINE. C I c A S T CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS o F or • C omplaints EAST AND SOUTH D. H. MILLER The Shasta Route MEDFORD, OR. I Builder’s Material O D. H. MILLER. CHICKEN uisimpays North Western ASHLAND CASKET CO. H. S. EMERY 5^ NORTHERN PACIFIC R U N S AST PARKINSON & WISE UTES Union "Northern Ry. Pacific Ry THROUGH TICKETZ A Twice a-Week OCEAN STEAMERS WJSADi Ö4ÜA1Y1J1.K» LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS THE greatest vote maker in the ranks. You need it in this campaign. It gives all the Populist news. —FOR— ? ■ ' \ FRANCISCO. -------------- Far Full details call on or address, W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pass. Agent, PORTLAND. OR. KQBER^v.LEONARD. Local Agent, Ashland, Oregon. THB OLD DOCTOR’S pl W A * L adies * favorite . ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. The tame. aauseAVy thousand* of women all over the United States, A tfe OLV DOCTOR S private mail practice, for 38 year«, 1 result. if not as represented. Send 4 cents particulars. UTB. UQN.BthSL, SLLsulS.Mo. I CARTOONS BY HESTON. . A WASHINGTON LETTER (Exclusive Features.) by special correspondent gives inside facts as no other paper (so stated by Senator Butler.) means of transportation for man that is I would advise every person having verv interesting. The more civilized a people becomes, the more exciting it grows. fruit trees to have them sprayed in time The coaches now running between St. Paul so that they may have good Merchant and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, on able fruit as rule 5 of the Quarantine “The Milwaukee”, are marvels of elegance Regulations will be inforced this year and convenience. The private compart and no infected fruit will be allowed to ment cars, library buffet smoking cars be shipped or sold. The following is and free reclining chair cars are models of rule 5: luxurious comfort, which in style and Fruit of any kind grown in any foreign furnishings are palatial enough for royalty country or in any of the United States itself. A great pleasure for the traveler on its sleepers and private compartment cars or territories, found infested with any is the electric berth reading lamp, which is insect or insects, or with any fungi, an exclusive feature with “The Milwau blight, or other disease or diseases, kee”. The heating is all done by steam, | injurious to fruit or fruit trees or to other thus doiug away with the old fashioned ; trees or plantB, is hereby prohibited from stove. By all these means the fatigue incident to travel is reduced to a minimum. being offered for salp, gift, distribution The Chicago, Milwaukee <fc St. Paul Rail within tbe state.. 'Hie penalty of a way is always popular, and those traveling violation of the above rule is a fine ot over its lines are the loudest m its praise. not lees than $5 00 nor more than $100, Al) coupon ticket agents sell tickets via the for each offense or by fine and imprison Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. ment not less than 5 nor more than 30 C. J. Eddy, General Agent. Portland, Ore. days. I will furnish any of the Receipts approved by the State Board of Horti The U. S. Gov’t Reports culture (gratis) to any one desiring J. R. C asey , show Royal Baking Powder them. Horticulture CommiBSoner, superior to all othora. Third District. Ashland Or guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv E. A. Sherwin James J. Corbet gave some pretty good advice to the boys of the Olympia Club, when he was in San Francisco last. He told them that the best way to get strong was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that they should arriye at manhood lusty and healthy. Manv men who have been guilty of excesses and over-indulgencies, and have used the Celebrated Medicine “CUPI DENE” lived to give testimony of its won derful stimulating and curative powers. “CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis sue of the body. In fact, it stops all losses. “CUPIDENE” is a powerful, harmless, vegetable Compound. It is as sure to strengthen the generative organs as it is to rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package $1.00; 6 packages $5.00. For sale by E A. S herwin . Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher’» Castorla. „ . . COPYRIQHT8, etc. in format Ion and fre0 Handbook write to nA111??.* CO7 841 U uoadway , N ew Y ork . Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. J.very patent taken out by us Is brought before the pubUc by a notice given tree of charge la the gmutittc American For information, time cards, map and tickets, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. PORTLAND. OREGON, SSSSrCiSw Wr>8- 111 If» 1T>* wor«lform»poo- I 1^1 ! L b B Stave:? carei. 2« yeare L®.“r,:.$1‘50 “°“ths- Address, CO« P ubushuu . 3C1 Broadway, New York City. in Mining DYNAMOS and MOTORS For Quartz Mills, Hoisting, Pumping and all kinds of mining work. Electrical Engineering Co., 34 and 36 Main St., San Francisco, Cal. lucceMfu» practice. Tr*Atmett confidential. Cure» by mail or at Terms Question Bisr.k ana BookftM. C*L vr write. DR. WAR! IKSTiïUTE.t 120 N ' nul«. U«. D. D. GOOD WILI ism rox. FOX & GOOD, Ashland, Oregon, City Passenger and Truck Transfer Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Notice ia hereby given that the under- -----All kinds oi freight, baggage household goods, etc., transfer- aigned, doing buainess in Aabland, Or ed with promptness and safety. egon, under the firm name of Myer A Hauling on a large scale con Gregory, have this day dissolved part tracted for, nership, J. M, Gregory retiring from the firm and E. B. Myer continuing the WOOD FOR SJLI_iE same. E B. M yer , J. M. G regory . -------ICE IH SEASON------- Ashland, Or., Feb. 17,1896. Job RECORD OFFICE. WiL handle ice in Ashland during the summer season. Delivered at your door every morning. thfcuÿ^as,en8er# d*liv,red BBr P»rt y * 4