5.4* c 1 lives VALLEY [VALLEY record . RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. FINE PRINTING OF EVERY —^kDESCRI PTION NO MONOPOLY PRICES 1 Give us your order for Letterheads, State ments. Envelopes. &c. ASHLAND, ORÉGON. ~ *1 X Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year......................... si ta Six Months.................. -100 Three Month*............................................ M * VOL. VIH ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1896, r ■■ —■■ ■ ............... NO. 44. Local Political News. Damage by Shasta’s Cyclone. PRESSED BRICKS. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report The big wind storm that blew so hard T. H. McGill has sold the People’s Dr. Barr, Dentist I. O. O. F. block. from 8 o’clock p. m. on the 16th to 12 p. Party Post at Portland to Martiu Quinn. m, on the 17th in Shasta valley ha* done Mrs. Eunice Evans has gone to Gazelle Gen. J. B. Weaver arrived in the state JQH. J. 8. HERNDON, far more damage than was heretofore ex for the summer. last week to attend the People a party pected. It was very severe in Little The pay car "coughed up" on its way state convention. Shasta, where the Yreka News shows southward Sunday. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. The Ashland republican club is educat the following damage. Three barns at ing this town into free-silver republican For first-class dental work see Dr. A the Terwilliger ranch were blown down ; O regon . AIH.LANB, ism and the Jacksonville republican loss, $2,500. S. H. Soule, lumber shed, Hinman, Masonic block. club is doctrlnating that town with gold- Mrs. Lochyear has gone to join her hus barn and fences; loss, $1,000. Louis M^Office—In Townsend Building, on bug republicanism. The g. o. p. had Boaudroit, three sheds; loss, about $2,000. band at Evansville, lad. Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. better have it out with itself before they barns and fences; loss, Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber invite the populists to join ’em. 11,000. David Deter, one barn and shop. Opposite town hall. fences ; loss, about $800. E. L. Coonrod, A HINMAN. D. D. S. T. K. Roberts, founder of the Gold James Richardson- of Pelican bay has barn, etc.; $700. Ed. Hart, old barn gone to Cook’s inlet, Alaska. Hill Miner, is president of the Gold Hill DEMOCRATIC CO. CONVENTION. REPUBLICAN CO. CONVENTION. and fences; loss, $1,000. James Rohrer, Mrs. Susie West of Medford has gone to Republican Club organized last week. A County Convention is hereby called to A Republican county convention for barn ; loss, , about $800. ____ T ____ At the barn of The club started out with a membership meet at the Court House in J acksonville on Jackson Lincoln, Neb., to remain a year. DENTIST. county, Oregon, is hereby called to J. Rohrer seven head of horses were tied. of 33. Carl Phelps is secretary. The meet at Jacksonville, Oregon, Saturday. Chas. Young, wife and infant came up club intends doing energetic work for Saturday, March 28th, 1896, Three of them were feund tied to the April 4, 1896, at 11 a. in., for the purpose of from Gold Hill Saturday to visit. at 10 o’clock a. m., for the purpose of elect electing seven delegates from Jacksoncoun- £^“ln the Masonic Building up stairs stall in the morning, and three were the party daring the campaign. ing eight delegates to the Democratic State Jerome Fitzgerald was up from Gold found out in the pasture. Every horse over Post Office. In Coos county, the populists strong Convention to be held in Portland on April 1 ty to attend the first district republican convention to be held at Al had been hit over the eye and the hide Hill attending the Leap Year ball. hold, the following ticket has been nomi 9, 1896, and for the further purpose of elect congressional was peeled off. The seventh one could J. K. Ingalls has.returned to Klamath nated : For representative, Thoe. Buck ing a central committee, to be composed of bany, April 7th, seven delegates to attend the republican state convention to be held not be seen. After noon he was found county from an extended visit east. J^R. S. I. SONGER. man ; county clerk, Frank Smith, sheriff, one member from each voting precinct in at Portland, April 9th, and to nominate a away off at one side under the roof, but Frederick Ward, the tragedian, and his W. W. Gage; treasurer, W. W. Hayes; the county. The basin of representation is county ticket to be voted for at-the election was not hurt much. Twenty head of troupe, were on Sunday evening’s north coroner, Chas. Howe; assessor, K. H. calculated from the vote cast for Hon. A. S. June 1,1896, as follows: Three representa Bennett tor Supreme judge at the last state tives, a county judge, one county commis calves were sheltered in one of tho Ter train. PHYSICIAN and 8URGEON. Hansen; school superintendent, J. H. election —one delegate at large for each pre sioner, a clerk, recorder, treasurer, sheriff, williger barn* at the time it was wrecked $141 was taken out of a pocket on Galls Barklow; and for county commissioner, by the wind, but strange to say not one creek by Claude Lawrence and D. H. Horn I. T. Weekly. Jesse Luse, editor of the cinct and one for each tweuty-five vote* or assessor, school superintendent, surveyor major fraction thereof so cast, to-wit: Novelty Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon, and coroner for the county; also to select of them was injured. recently. Marshfield Sun, Thoe. Howard and North Ashland.... 2!Central Point.......... 3 a county central committee and transact At Willow creek a barn on the Pete A shland , .... O regon . other Marshfield delegates left the con South “ ....... 2, Chimney Rock ......... 1 C. W. Ayers is architect for the new such other business as may properly come Wise ranch was blown about sixty feet court West “ ....... 2 Kiounce Rock.........1 before the convention. house being built for Tuolumne vention and went heme. and totally destroyed. George Ford had county, ....................... 2 Foots Creek .............. 2 Cal. The republicans of each precinct of the Not all who shout Israel are of Israel Eden a cow stable blown down, and part of the R ock Point.......... 2 Meadows...................1 county are requested to meet at the various C. w BARR. says the Scripture. Not all who shout Bishop B. Wistar Morris was on Mon Gold Hill............... 2; Pleasant Creek.......... 2 | roof of Charles Gamlich’s house was also polling places on Saturday, March ’s train returning from a sojourn in Mitchell are for Mitchell. A year ago Talent..................... 2 Steamboat................. 1 precinct blown off, blew down a flume belonging day 28tb, 1896, at 2o’clock p. m , and elect del southern California. an effort was begun in Oregon to shelve U nionto wn............. 2;sterling..................... 1 egates to said convention in acordance with to J. J. Jones, that was ibirty feet high Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. Elijah Harvey, who has been visiting Mitchell. But he was so strong with the South Medtord...... 4 Table Rock............... 2 the following apportionment: and three hundred feet long, which was A shland , O regon . “ .......4 Trail Creek...............1 North t Precinct. No. Del. Precinct. No, Del. used to carry water from Cold creek relatives near Talent, left Sundav for his people, that was abandoned some time0 South Jacksonville.4 Willow Springs.......2 home at Litchfield, 111. ago, and now men are catching onto the c ‘ u Ashland,North.... 4 Lost Creek................1 across Bogus canyon for irrigating pur North “ .3: Woodville ................ 1 *u work pertaining to modern dent poses. Also a barn and granery belong Rev. W. C. Jenkins has resigned the popularity of the man’s name to foist Eagle Point.............2 Mount Pitt............... 1 Ashland, West ....... 6 Medford, North....... 4 istry. Painless operations a specialty. pastorate of the Medford Baptist church themselves upon the people as Mitchell Applegate............... 2 Lost Creek................ 1 Ashland, South.......5 Medford, South....... 5 ing to Mr. Jones was destroyed. men when at heart they are machine Big Butte................ I1 — Applegate............... 1 Meadows................. 1 At Henley several fences went down on account of ill health. Total................................................. ...56 Big Butte................. 1 Mount Pitt ............ 1 Mrs. J.B. Hutch left Sunday to visit men and will betray Mitchell for the and the roof from J. O ’ Neal ’ s shed was Point........ 2 Pleasant Creek......... 1 J) M. BROWER M. D. relatives and friends at San Francisco and machine if they have a chance.—Salem It is suggested that the primaries for the Central I tossed for quite a distance. Chimney Kock........ 1 Rock Point.............. 1 Journal, Rep. other California points. election of delegates to the said convention Eagle Point........... 2 Steamboat ........ .1 be held in the various precincts on Satur Eden........................ 2 Sterlingville. Do Not Do This. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, ... ..1 Mrs. A. H. Mack, Jr., of Klamath county day, March 21,1896. Flounce Rock ........ 1 Table Rock.... ..1 Do not be induced to buy any other if is at Pokegama where her sister, Mrs. Dol- SILVER MEN LEAD. By order of Countv Central Committee. Foots Creek........... 1 Talent.............. O regon . you have made up your mind to take Hood’s larhide, has been very ill. ..1 A shland . M. PURDIN, Chairman. Gold Hill................. 2 Trail Creek ... ..1 Sarsaparilla. Remember that Hood’s Sar Secretary Smith Is Busy In Washington Hyman Abraham, brother of Sol Abra Jacksonville, North.2 L’niontown...... ..1 saparilla cures when all others fail. Do not and Fears Georgia Will Go For Silver. of Roseburg d ropped dead from heart Jacksonville, South.4 Willow Springs ..1 Office—At Residence, intersection of Me give up in despair because other medicines ham WE MUST GET BACK. disease at Portland last week. In the course of his talk with George Woodville..............1! have failed to help you. Take Hood’s Sar chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, Total No. Del ...56 saparilla faithfully and you may reason Thos. Jones, wibe and son of Henley are Alfred Townsend, Secretary Smith was After Three Year, of Bitter Experience ably expect to be cured. visiting in San F rancisco and will return asked this question, “Will not Georgia This gives one delegate to each 25 votes the People Should See the Truth. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. home via the ocean and Portland. or major fraction thereof cast for W. P. etick out for silver?” Exactly at this time three years ago Lord for governor in 1894, and one delegate Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, care M. J. Canning, son-in-law of Judge P. P. In reply, he said: “If I could get fully prepared from the best ingredients. Prim, was out from Portland last week on away from this department of mine and the outcry began. You remember the to each of the small precincts irrespective G. A. R. the votes cast. W. I. VAWTER, 25c. time. The New York Herald began with of Chairman business for the Canning-Wallace Co. BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. Republican Co. Central Com. take the question into Georgia, I believe the cry, ‘‘Repeal the Sherman law ; stop GEO. MERRIMAN, Secretary. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the. 1st and About 150 Indians are camped at Jxist I might help to turn that state for sound List of Letters buying silver.” It was a hard winter. 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com river gap and are catching and drying tons money. But as it is at present running, Cleveland had been elected, but would Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland of the famous suckers of that stream. ADDITIONAL DELEGATES ALLOWED. rades cordially welcomed. P. 0., March 23,1896: I think the silver men are in the lead.” not take the chair until March. The A, C. S pencer , Commander. Medford, Or., March 21,1896. J . M. Pelton, the Sams valley stockman, Johnson, M. A. G. O. Y annatta , Adjutant. The secretary is right when he says pinch upon wages and upon the employ Sometime ago at the request of some visited Ashland relatives last week and Persons calling for same will please say got several bids at the Leap Year ball. the silver men are in the lead. The ratio er who had to pay them began tobe felt. members of the republican county central committee, I sint notice to each member “advertised.” W. H. B runk , P. M. W. R. C. Capt. LaFlesh will superintend the log of free coinage men in tho Democratic The papers that echoed The Herald call of the committee, stating that there was BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS NO. 24 ging on Klamath river for David Horn, the party of Georgia is about 1,600 to 1, ed it depression due to want of confi some dissatisfaction in tome of the outly Real Estate. Meets in Masonic hall at 2 o’clock p. m. contractor for the Cook Lumber Company. taking the state fore and aft Conse- ing precincts with the apportionment. I dence in our monetary system on the have now received answers from practical Michael Chavner, et al, to A R Merritt — n the first and third Fridays of each For first-class work in dress making and < raently they are in the lead. lots 9 and 10, block 32. Gold Hill; $22.50. month. M rs . J. D. C rocker . Pres. part of European investors. Wall street ly every member of the committee. Some A R Merritt to J W Cox—lot 9, block 32, lessons in dress cutting, call on Mrs. E. B. But why should the secretary imagine Mos. L ydia G riswold , Sec’y. have stated that they desire no change and Christian at residence of Govan High, th; U if he could again “take the ques- and Europe and even some of the people ' others Gold Hill : $11.25. stated that they desire an ad- Main Street. who had no interest in a bank or a gold | ditional have John Holton to First Spiritual Society delegate and again some others KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. tioLt into Georgia” he might help to brokerage began to abuse and vilify sil of Southern Oregon—land in Phoenix; $5. Pat. and George Stidham were up from turn ihe state for “sound” money and I have suggested that each precinct that cast GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of A A Johnson and M Johnson to CL Carr Sunday. The boys were booming ver. The reader wili remember that twenty-five votes, or a fraction over one- Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets «very and Nellie B Dodge—the Surprise quartz Tolo Orange Kabler, of the Tolo mine, for unsoavd prices? His tracks in Georgia these columns urged from week to week half thereof, at the last election for Gov. Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good mine in tp 37 s, r 3 w; $500. county recorder. Lord, elect one additional delegate at large have hardly grown cold; the echoes of that silver was not to blame. ■landing are cordially invited to attend. E 8 Smith to N A and E O King—five and that it be left to the convention wheth the campaign lie recently made in that F. D. W agner , C. C. Rev. J. H. Skidmore arrived in Ashland mining claims in Steamboat district; $1. Now, after three years of a bitter and er or not the additional delegate shall be S. G. E ggers , K. of R & 8. Sareptha E Inlow to Wm G Knighten— Friday from his eastern tour in behalf of state hw hardly died away. It seems a costly experiment, we are face to face given a seat in the convention. After full Portland university. His family have been but ye. «el flay since ho winked at hie 10 acres in tp 38 s, r 1 w; $2000. with the indisputable fact that onr sil consideration of all answers received and a Michael Chavner to A J Moffitt—lot 12, liying in Ashland. Cordele ambience and remarked, “I am ver was not to blame; that the money conference with the secretary of the com MASONIC, block 9, Gold Hill; $30. mittee, I have decided to adopt the last Ross is stirring up the sinner* for free coinage if we could get it; but, Conrad Mingus to Mary C Kane—part of at Evangelist changers of the world have made mil suggestion and recommend that each pre a big revival in Medford and has con boys, we can’t get it. ” UIUIY0U CHAPTER, NO. 21, B. A. M. lot 1, block 2, tp 37 s, r 2 w; $170.54. many. It is a good field to work in, lions cut of the pretense that such was cinct elect the usual number of delegates, Regular convocations on the Thursday W W Walters to Antonette De Peatt—40 victed The se«.7retary went into every section the case; that the commerce we have also that they elect one additional delegate, Mr. Ross has discovered. acres in tp 39 s, r 1 e ; $600. next after the full moon. or delegate at large if the precinct cast 13 E. V. C arter , H. P. Mrs. Geo. Dewey and infant, who have of the state and carried the question lost has been gained by Europe; that or more votes for Gov. Lord, to be seated J A Marsh to C C Martin—undivided >4 with him. He went into every congres E. A. S herwin , Secretary. interest in mining property on Forest been visiting her folks, Sam Robinson and the wages the American workman has should the convention so decide. This creek; $500. family of Talent, started Saturday for sional district except "the one where the gone without have been earned in for plan will leave it to the convention wlieth Adam Klippel to Henry Klippel—certain home at Arcata, Humboldt county. Democratic candidate had serious oppo eign workshops, making goods for us er or not the precincts that have asked for ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. M. water-rights and 160 acres of mining land a delegate at large shall be entitled to the The Champion mine in Bohemia district eition. He went through Georgia in a lake district; $400. Yours truly, Stated communications on the Thursday in U Squaw has started up and the Annie mine super special car, and he made “sound” mon .'hat we used to make for ourselves in same. 8 to Christina Straube — 21.95 acres in W. I. V awter , Chairman. intendent, P. J. Jennings, is in Chicago- ey speeches wherever an audience could the good old times. of or before the full moon. tp 37 s, r 2 w. E. A. S herwin , W. M. arranging for a 20-stamp quartz mill. The times are not so far in the past A Baby's Life Saved. be drummed up—except in the Tenth when things were so different from C. H. V acpel , Secretary. MINING LOCATIONS. The Black Bear, the big quartz mine of Nellie B Dodge on February 29th located Siskiyou c*unty. has produced $4,500.000. congressional district. Does he mean to what they are now. It will not be a rev "My baby had croup and was saved by ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. K. H. a quartz claim in Jackson creek district. This is the greatest production , ' ___ from '___ a admit that his ardor overleaped itsolf, olution—nor a disturbing change—to Shilon’s Cure,” writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of T H Maultbv on March 10th located a quartz ledge in either northern California Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays that his speeches fell flat, that his ar bring them back. If President Cleveland Huntsville, Ala. For sale by T. K. Bolton. placer claim of 20 acres in Jacksonville or southern Oregon. in cash month. guments had no sort of effect on his will not help to do the work, it can be Knights of the Maccabees. district. M rs . L‘ M. C aldwell , W. M. E. Brown of Medford has gone to Minne- i hard headed fellow oltizens? The State Commander writes us from A Gangwisch on February 28th located a M bs . 8. C. C handler . Secretary. done without him — under another exec and his wife and son to Walla Walla, j Lincoln, Neb., as follows: “After trying placer claim of 20 acres in Timber gulch sota If so, what reason has he for believing Miss Drum bas gone to Colorado. C. W. utive—within a year and the few moons other medicines for what seemed to be a district. that if he could make a second cam I. O. O. F. that intervene between now and the very obstinate cough in our two children Byron Moore and C 8 Smith on March Palm ticketed them over the O. R. & N. paign he might “help to turn the state ides of March. we tried Dr. King’s New Discovery and at 17th located 700 inches of water to be taken and Great Northern. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. tbs end of two days the cough entirely left out of the south fork of Pleasant creek. E. C. Kane, formerly railroad agent in: for ‘sound’ money?” If his arguments Bonds, banking, foreign affairs, can Hold regular meetings every Thursday them. We will not be without it hereafter, R A Rowley on March 5th located a Ashland, is now with the construction were of any avail in the first place, why celing of greenbacks — all other things evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren quartz claim in Ashland creek district. as our experience proves that it cures where force on the Valley railroad near Stockton. in good standing are cordially invited to K A Rowley on February 28th located Cal. He was married to a California lady 1 is it that “the silver men are in the whatever—are the veriest trifles com all other remedies fail.”—Signed F. AV. attend. F. M. D rake , N. G. four quartz claims in Wagner creek district, about three months ago. 1 lead?” pared with the main issue, Shall we get Stevns, State Com.—Why not give this great H. 8. E vans , Sec’y, P. O. box 102. I b Rowley on March 18th located 2 It is all very queer—funny, in fact— back the prosperity of 1892? There is no medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and Judge Smith took 174 head of beef cattle and we leave our readers to unravel the trial bottles are free at E. A. S hf . swin ’ b quartz claims in Wagner creek district. need of banking talk and of foreign af Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and 1.00. R A Rowley on March 2d located a water to Montague and shipped them south this PILOT BOCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. right of 1000 inches of water, to be taken week. Sam Jackson shipped six carloads matter at their leisure.—Atlanta Con fairs, and the rest,until we get back what of beeves to H. Moffat, the San Francisco stitution. Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and out of Horn creek. we once enjoyed.—Collier’s Weekly. Children Cry for R A Rowley on March 2d located a mill batcher, from Gazelle last week. 4th Monday in each month. Members in site claim of five acres in Wagner creek Ladies’ and misses’ low cut shoes 75 cents good standing cordially invited tc attend. J. W. O. Gregory, who has been (touring Pitcher’s Castorla. The ’‘Record” for job printing. district. H. 8. E vans , C. P. southern California since Ja nuary, at J. R. Baltimore’s. Jacksonville M and M Co on March 12th through R obt , T aylor ,^Scribe. and Geo. Engle, who has been working for located a quartz claim in Jacksonyille dis a laundry in San Francisco for some trict. months past, returned to Ashland F riday. HOPS RIBECCA DEGREE LODGE, «0. 24. 8 E Blalock on May 3, ’95, located a Drs. Caldwell <fc Barr, in the I. O. O. F. placer claim of 20 acres in upper Grave Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each iTbpL' ili¡atrinf’ building, for crownsand bridge-work and month in Odd Fellows' Hall, Ashland. J H Blalock and G W Blalock on Feb everything pertaining to mechanical den Miss E mma S tephenson , N. G. ruary 4th located a water-right leading tistry. Gus Newbury, Superintendent, Phoenix, Oregon. M iss N is A E mery , Secv. from Baker creek. The Tolo placer mine took out $200 1 Forth J L Bear on March 2d located a placer of gold last Friday among which w as an claim of 20 acres in tp 36 s, r 3 w. A. O. U. W. J. H. Baird is the sup erin- No. John F Atteberry on February 22d lo $80 nugget. The ore from their ledge, v ‘hich of Clerk 1 ?o Serve Three Years ro Serve Two Years Lo Serve One Year Post Office Address, ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. cated a placer claim of 20 acres in tp 38 s, r tendent. is milled by Hicks in Ashland, goes $ 30 to Dist. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall 3 w. the ton. every second and fourth Wednesday in 1 blila* J. Day Jeo. O. B. DeBar r. G. Reames Wm. M. Colyig Jacksonville each month. All brethren in good standing Dr. J. A. Larrabee has purchased of < ?4n. 2 i k. Andrews ’. McPherson Medford 1. Hartley d. Lofland are cordially invited to attend. BORN. John F. Miller the black Altamont stal lion 3 f ). Sturgiss Throckmorton I. N. Ford Jacksonville Jbas. Hamilton Basaltic, 8 years old. He is a beautiful an M. R. M oore .^M. W. 4 D. Lehners Phoenix 1. R. Reames denry Stancliff j. A. Rose imal, sleek limbed, and like the entire get J. R. C asey , Recorder 5_i(leo. Treffren F. H. Carter Ashland Hobt. Taylor Mrs. 1). E, Hyde LEWMAN — Near Provolt, Josephine of the Altamont stock is a fine roadstei"—a 6 I.H.Gay Central Point lohn Clements Jen Beale l . F. Williams county, March 16,1896. to Mr. and Mrs, horse that anyone would be proud to O'vn. 7 5. Howard Ashland 5. S. Caldwell 1. C. Neil Geo. W. Dunn —Klamath Independent. John Lewman, a daughter. K. O. T. M. Talent d. A. Hasscom L. A. Sleppy '.J. Holt 8 • 1. Patterson P. T. Dunuing died Sunday morning at 9 A. J. Florey GRANITE TENT NO. 4, KNIGHT8 OF THE SARG ENT—At Anderson, March 9,1896, 1. Moomaw Eagle Point A. J. Daley I. Al. Nichols his place out on the Boulevard, of Brigh-.t’s 10 W. A. Stewart Medford MACCABEES. d. H. Tavlor Id. C. Nute Jesse Richardson to Mr. and Mrs. Sargent, twin boys. disease, aged 73 years. He came h ere 11 V. R. Hendrickson G. H. Morrow Beagle T. G. Ramey Israel Harris Meet in regular review on the second and two years ago and leaves two daugh 12 Mrs. Geo. W. Steyens Thomas Riley Eagle Point S. A. Carlton Jno. Rader fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd PARKER—In Grants Pass, March 16,1896, about 13 L. F. Taylor ters and two grandchildren in this section. to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Parker, a son. Climax Ü. C. Brophy E. A. Peil J. E. Rummel Fellow’s Hall, Ashland. Visiting Sir 14 F. T. Downing The funeral took place Monday, the burial W. H. Patrick Mrs. J. G. McDonald Tolo B. F. Peart Knights cordially invited. BIRDSEY—In Gold Hill precinct, March being In the Kingsbury cemetery. 15 W. R. Coleman Phoenix J. A. Anderson W. M. Smith J. W. Mills G. W. C rowson , Com. 16,1896, to Mrs. J. G. Birdsey, twins—a 16 Frank Gregory Central Point Jno. W. Smith Thos. Stotler C has . H. G illette , R. K. When you drink tea get the best—Ito boy and a girl. 17 Mr». E. Piening Gold Hill A. Crabtree R.Swinden B. A. Knotts Blend—it will please you. Take no other. 18 Howard Rogers G. A. Hollenbeak Sams Valley Morris Case Watt Beebe HOUSER—At The Meadows. March 14, J. K. Van Sant, Ashland. 19 J. D. Culbertson Lake Creek H. G. Myer Geo. Nichols J. W. Sevedge 189G, to Mr. and Mrs. J. j. Houser, a 20 H. Pelton Sams Valley A. L. Gall Wm. Beidler J. L. Rowe John Gotbrod, “Big John,” died at the son. 21 Henry Miller Kubli Chas. Burkhalter C. F. Davidson W. J. Russell Franco hotel, Yreka, iast week. He was a 22 D, P. Brittain Talent A. L. Alford S. H. Dunlap Emmett Beeson BOWMAN—In Medford, March 15, 1896, pioneer citizen of this county, was connect § § Dealer in $ § 23 Geo. Bealle Big Butte F. M. Tungate J. F. Hall C. C. Pearson to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bowman, twins, ed with the Klamath Indian Agency and 24 C. C. Taylor Phoenix 8. P. Barneburg L. Elhart F. E. Furry was quartermaster of Ft. Klamath during boy and girl. 25 Ben Haymond J. W. Havs F. M. Blevins Rock Point C. Vrooman the Modoc war. He spoke five different 26 W. R. Powera Henry Laws Woodville Samuel Eachus S. J. Myers languages as well as numerous Indian 27 Frank Cameron Z. Cameron 11. J. Cameron Jacksonville Chas. Jones dialects. Granite, Marble 28 C. O. Vincent Chas. W. Knighton James L. Gordon Trail A. Gordon Men’s cotton underwear 25 cents and 50 29 T. B. Allison H. Hansen B. F. Kepoer Medford C. L. Kirk cents, excellent value, at J. R. Baltimore’s 30 J. T. Prince Jacob Strauss Kelly Fields John Hall Provolt Freestone Monuments 31 W. H. Derby Derby W.F. Wilkinson A, P. Chartraw J. M, Allen J. Bouse has wrung terms out of the 32 Cbas. Anderson Bolt Alex. Orme J. W, Short and Copings. S. L. Benson owners of the Black Channel Gold Min 33 H. E. Ankeny J no. Haskins Jacksonville J. B. Saltmarsh Wm. Jennings ing Co. whereby he can secure financial 34 E. Knutzen Geo. Hoffman Applegate James Mee James Rock Also agents for IRON FENCES. help and resume operations on the mine 35 Wm. V. Jones Woodville G. N. Wilcox Joe Whiteman J. D. Wimer Satisfaction guaranteed and pay his local creditors. If he can 36 —Not yet reported —Not yet reported —Not yet reported —Not yet reported 37 G. A. Givan and does do so, it would seem that cer Eagle Point J. N. Young W. M. French G. W. 8towell 38 Frank Long Siskiyou Nathaniel Conklin H. C. Dollarhide tain parties have been rushing into print L. W. Moore P, O. Address : YREKA, slsklyou Co.. 39 J no. A. Miller Brownsboro Delbert Terrill Wm. Stanley Jas. B. Mills with unnecessary and uncalled for pre Cal. 40 O. E. Rose Applegate R, Benedict J. O’Brien W. Pernoil maturity in violent abuse. 41 T. J. Smith Sams Valley E. R. Gall M. Perry Granville Childers 42 F. Farlow Men’s white shirts 50 cents, 75 cents and Lake Creek Chas. Hofft H. Randles $1.00 at J. R. Baltimore’s. 43 A. W. Sturgis Jacksonville D. J. 8. Pearce N. Louis H. D. Russell 44 Mrs. M. H. Pendleton 8. M. Nealon Table Rock W. R. Dickison A. L. Vincent Thos. McAndrews, J. F. Ditsworth, 45 H. Richardson Trail A. Hall W. G. Knighton J. T. Buck and other upper Rogue river 46 Frank Davis Asbestos Henrv Griner Jno. Tompkins E, Hammond people are working for a new road that Eagle Point 47 D. T. Ewen J. S. Vestal Frederick Schneider F. J. Avers 48 F. F, Birdseye Bolt Cbas. Irwin will shorten the distance between the N. Ritter P. R. Robison House Raising O 49 G. T. Jones Medford J. H. Whitman E. P. Geary W, H. Parker valley and Prospect about 15 miles. The 50 Frank Galloway Beagle W. F. Houston B. W. Johnston J. A. Nyswaner Almost everybody takes some laxativa county court will put in the bridge, 116 $ • and Moving. Wellen 51 H. Von der Hellen Jas. Kent Augustus Wählers Geo. W. Howard medicine to cleanse the system and keep the days labor has been subscribed and the Sams Valley 52 David Beidler J. Vanhardenburg Jno. Williams blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS saw-mill folks have donated other help Big Butte 53 E. F. Simon J no. Obenchain R. Wright W. C. Chambers LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) and Medford merchants are donating All work entrusted to my care done 54 Henry Applegate Ashland Jacob Stone Pearl Stone Chas. Henry get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant supplies, etc. The volume of circulating with dispatch, and on terms to suit Trail 55 Jess Ragsdale J. G. Briscoe W. H. Cushman John X. Miller the times. See the undersigned be laxative and tonic that purifies the blood medium being all in the banks the en Talent E. R. Oatman 56 H. H. Goddard P. N. Hogue Wm. Abbott fore letting contracts and save Gold Hill and strengthens the whole system. And terprise is to be carried out without J. W. Marksbury Clark Williams 57 Orris Crawford G. W. Steele money. Steamboat H. C. Shearer 58 A. W. Shearer J. D. Shearer more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU money. G. C. Culy Prospect 8. S. Aiken A. 11. Boothby M. W. Skeel 59 R. W. Gray LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active Oak Street, Ashland. D. ALLEN. .and healthy, and when the Liver is ia Big stock of 25 and 50c paper Novels re Soda Springs J. W. Coakley 60 J. M. Tvler D. N. Davis N. I). Friestone Gold Hill W. 8. Cook F. Dungy 61 F. T. Sublett to 10 and 15c at D. L. Minkler <fc 8. C. Lawrence good condition you find yourself free from duced Wimer Son ’ s M. 8. Wakeman J. C. Williams 62 Jas. Owens Chas. Williams Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Etna J no. Black Lee Black 63 Eugene Stowell R. K. Cleveland Headache and Constipation, and rid of Etna G. II, Lynch H. N. Holtan 64 J. A. Houston J. R. Morrison Nerves on Edge. that worn out and debilitated feeling. —Not vet reported 65 —Not yet reported —Not yet reported —Not yet reported I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Leeds N. E. Sullivan F. M Manning These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. 66 R. E. Pay ton J. F. Dtisworth Karl’s Clover Root Tea has made me well Climax E. Centers Chas, Oswald H. C. Trupin 67 J. B. Wvland Good digestion and freedom from stomach and happy.—Mrs. E. B. Worden. For sale W atkins Geo. McLarne ferry Byrne 68 Mark M'atkins Geo. Faucett troubles will only be had when the liver by T. K. Bolton. Medford Arthur Wilson 0. M. Pbeister 69 W. R. Jones I. M. Harvey is properly at work. If troubled with any Big Butte Thad. Brockley fno. Cook Josephine Geppert Jos. Geppert 70 of these complaints, try S immons L iver Derby Albert Coflman Henry Sutton A. D. McKee 71 J no. McKee REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi Talent N. D. Brophy J. W. Frazer 72 James Marguess D. Anderton Ffte World's Fair Tests cines, and Better than Pills. Ashland G. C. Coy Geo. Crowson A. ^jderson 73 W, F. Loomis Trail showed no baking powder D. Pence Wm. Gilliland 74 W. K. Johnson T. Johnson j^-EVERY PACKAGE-®^ Medford Andrew Baker »Wm. Slinson 75 Geo. Churchman Geo. Dickey so pure or so great in leav W.c the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. Wellen James Shields lino. Edwards 76 Eli Hogan H. C. Cornell Jacksonville IA. J. Beck |B. ft Yocum Mrs. R. H. Crump 77 Ollie Puraell • £« K. Zeilia * Co.. Phlla.! P» POR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Professional Cards Baking Powder THE X ASHLAND I HOUSE The Pioneer and Old Reliable Hotel of Ashland, is now Under the Management of ABSOLUTELY PURE School Directors of Jackson County, Or., 1896. J. B. RUSSELL. Contracting & Building GOOD FOR EVERYBODY t>A'<k!.n rir'inM » 4- Advertising rates given on application. —. ............ + ♦ ±± ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ F. M. Stephenson, An Experienced Hotel Man of California, and has been Completely Renovated and Improved and is Ready <^fe®*sfor the Traveling Public. RATES, $1.00 to $1.50 PER DAY. MEALS, 25 Cents. 4 ♦ No Chinese Employed. ♦ W ♦ ♦ -A. FIFuST-OLASS BAR LIST C OUST IST EC TTOISF WITH HOTEL. MILLS ASHLAND COUR^[ PATENT ÎFLOÜRÇ VIRGIN & C0.» PROP’S 3 ♦ ♦ •5* H. C. MYER « ❖ T i iI J •> t •> ♦<- t ♦ | Ashland, Oregon. S ❖ 1 HARDWARE and TINWARE | .... The best line .... w SOUTHERN OREGON. Agricultural Implements t •b •> I I I MINERS' SUPPLIES I I •f ♦ ÿ ❖ Garland Stoves and Ranges, ♦▼ 4* 4* 1 SAWS, : GUNS, AMMUNITION, CUTLERY, t H S EVANS AS11LAND’OR‘ 1 M ain S treet , O pposite P ljza , * KA-IJSTTS LE<A.IUSTTZETAS’ TOOLS, WALL ZELA.IFIEIR'. G-LJLSS. ETC B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers an » Twists. ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. PAINTING PAPERING ETC. MÂMHOQD 8EST0RÈDSS RESTORED Quickly curo you of all p. r you* or dls- ases oi the generative organ«, such i)S _ i _______ Lost MunlicoC Insomnia, 1 uinsiu tbo liuck,J5erni!iui Kmissions Nervnnx Tlehfiitv rimpk-H, tnfiUiMS to Marry, EjImu.tiuADnUuk V.rtco<i2 llld Constipation. It stops ail losses by day or iiiurht PrevHitaa • J nss<Jill isubarge, which if ,lot checked lead» tzZ Hperma torrh<£itn<i fig BEFORE ANO AFTER U ,thahorr°”oflmpotency. Cl PIliESEclc-uia**the 11 ver,Ls SB kidneysand the urinary organs of all impurities. CUPIDENE strengthens and restores small w eak organs. r The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctor- is becuuse ninety ner cent are tmnhled wit»» Ft-ost~titia. CUPIDENKls theonlv known remedy to cure without an operation. a>X) teRtlnivil- A writtea guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not aShct a $..'X)abox,sixlor$a.(N, by mall. Send for fuek circular aud testimonials. permanent cut* Address DA VOL MEDICINK CO., P. O. Box STM, Sun Francisco, Cat FOR SALE BY K. A. SHERWIN. DR. JORDAN & CO.’S GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 10 a l Market St., San Francisco .'Between 6th sad 7th Sts.) Go and learn how wonderfully you ar. made and how to avoid sickneiHi and disease. Museum «nlargad with thousand* of new objects. Adm»- •ion 25 eta. Private Office—Same Building 1.051 Market Street— Diseases of men: stricture, low of manhood, disease* of the akin and kidney, quickly cured without the um of mer- sury. Treatment personally or by letter. Semi tor book. - .« Long established and reliable practitioners COUGHS and COLDS ELY’S P1NEOLA BALSAM is a sure 1 ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHNG Water of any temperature desired Natural Temperature 85 dcg’a. TO DRUK THE WATER IS A T • NIC Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate* fungi and animalcules, and neutral izing and correcting all acidi ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. Remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat nad — SWIMMING RINK. — for asthma. It soothes, quickly abates he cough, and ren Inclosed and covered, the same medica ders expectora water, always clean, for the springs run a tion easy. heavy volume- more than twelve hun Consumptives will invariably de dred gallons per hour. rive benefit from You may dive and swim and have more its use. Many fun than “anybody"—come out as “fine who supposetheir as silk" and ‘‘white as wool”—rejuven cases to be con ated and happy. sumption are only Located on the suffering from a chronic cold or HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILK deep seated cough, often aggravated by catarrh. NORTH OF THE PLAZA. For catarrh use Ely’s Cream Balm. Both remedies are pleasing to use. Cream Balm, 50c. per bottle; Pineola Balsam, 25c. Sold by Druggists. ELY BROT HERS, 56 Warren St., N. Y Proprietor GRANT ASHLAND JOHN E. PELTON. HARKET. R. P. NEIL. HELMAN POKEGAMA PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— Beef, Pork and Mutton. All Kinds of Fresh Meats 150 Choice Residence Lots for sale in Pokegama, on reasonable terms. Lots sold on the in stallment plan. lso 2,000 acres of cho.ee Kept constantly on hand. Fair living prices is all that we ask. Sugar and Yellow Pine Land for sale A Oi. the Klamath River. Terms made suit on application. Address, We will make it to your interest to deal with us. isbl’02 CHA8. COLE, Pokegama, Siskiyou Co., Cal. to