List of Jurors. Mr. Miller dreams of nothing sise. His PEOPLE’S PARTY COM. MEETING. All the union painters of San Fran mission now is the undoing of Binger, The following is a list of the jurors drawn ________ cisco have been ordered to cotne out on I , ,, The Congressional and Senatorial even though it temporarily effaces him- to serve at the April term of the Circuit Ashland. Or.. 16. 1896. a strike unless the employers pay $3 a - Court of the County of and State - „ A9 hland. Or., March 16, 1^6. Jackson Fight On in Earnest-—The Situa •elf. He is throwing his influence in , of Oreg.>n. to he held at the Court House , 'IP’X Central L.-mmittee <>f the day. Jackson county for a Vawter delegation. ASHLAND. Or..Thursday. March U. 1896 tion in Local Political Circles. 1 eoDle S rartv Connt.v Ore Orp- People's Party of Jackson County, Jacksonville, on Monday. April i'.u 6th, He expects Josephine himself. In in Two nvere earthquake shocks were gon : A good drenching in a cold rain is often the beginning CBSggg g ■ 1 —— . ... ■■■J- The tirr» for the republican primaries Washington he is a Tongue man, in Polk 1896: felt at Colima, Mex.. and vicr.ity. t For The County Central Committee is hereby Hiram Farlow, Ashland, Farmer. and county convention is drawing near of consumption. Yet no one claims that the germs of this to meet at Medford, at 1 o’clock p. a 6bort time the resident:! were panie- a Truitt disciple, in the old hog district personal and social . Michael Sidley. Chimney Rock, Farmer. called and the demand for the offices ¡6 getting (Marion) he stands in with everybody, iu . on Jas. F. Davis ’Willow Springs, Farmer. stricken. disease existed in the rainwater. Then how was this brought so strong that it will be fought out in tbe in Clackamas with Brownell, and so on SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1896. Ira Wakefield, Eden, Farmer. Assessor Jackson is in town today. The corny r-stone of the handsome primaries as well as at the main battle through the district. This is the supreme about ? The exposure was followed by a cold; the vitality was A M. Ellis. Flounce Rock, Farmer. To set the time and place for the holding Dr. Barr, dentist I. O. O. F. block. in tbe convention. The senatorial and movement and the Herculean effort. Janies Buckley. Uniontown, Farmer. of the primaries and convention for the new temple B’nai B’ritn, at Los An lowered; the cough continued for some weeks; the fchroat J. W. Slinger, Chimney Rock, Farmer. nomination of county officers and members geles. was laid tlie other day with im Frank Grisves aud Ferd Million are do- congr«8S'onal fight will be as red hot as The tariff twaddle, like the great aham Chris. Ulrich. Jacksonville, Mechanic. the contest for tbe county offices and battle between the two great old frauds, of tha legislature; apportioning the repre pressive ceremonies. and lungs became congested; and thus all the conditions ing San Francisco. O. Bursell. Medford, Farmer. sentation from the various precincts, and will cut a figure iu the naming of tbe is the vehicle that carries Mr. Miller Rev. W. Paxton, D.D., superintend J. M. Gibson, Central Point, Farmer. were favorable for the growth of the consumption germs. Dr. Hinman, tbe dentist, over the post delegatee to tbe county convention from transacting such other business as may about the district at this time and his ent of the American Sunday-school Geo. Hines, Jacksonville, Liveryman. office. in Masonic block. come before the meeting. tbe principal towns of tbe county. In real purpose is an entirely different G. M. Grainger, Ashland, Capitalist. Union work for many years, was FRANK WILLIAMS, Rev. W. C. Jenkens of Medford was in Ashland the free-silver faction of the re proposition. F. M. Plymale, Medford. Merchant. Chairman People’s Party County Cen stricken with paralysis at the Arling- the Willamette thia week. publican party, under command of Robt. Alex. Orme. Foots Creek, Miner. tral Committee. Chas. W. Kuowles, formerly a demo- . R. K. Button. Ashland, Liveryman. ton-avenue Presbyterian church of Newt. Gordon was on Sunday’s train Taylor, Capt. M. F. Eggleston. Ex crat, is now a free silver republican Orange, N. J., just as he was about to J. E. Olsen, Table Rock, Farmer. Mayor J. R. Casey and others, is in tbe from Portland to Klamath Falls. It Saves Live. Every Day. worker. In the late republican clubs Geo. Brown, Eagle Point. Merchant. speak. His recovery is doubtful. saddle and will name the 15 delegates in of Cod-liver Oil,with hypophosphites, does not directly attack Hicks ffiandles highest grade of meats Thousands of cases of Consumption, G. W. Little, Central Point, Laborer. state convention be held one of Capt. the interest of the re-election of both Within the next week the World’s and mill products. New Feed Store. Asthma, Coughs, Colds, and Croups are O. C. Tiffany. Ashland, Farmer. these germs and kill them. But it does tone up the whole Senator Mitchell and Congressman Her M. F. Eggleston’s fist full of proxies cured eyerv day by Shiloh’s Cure. For Fair medals and diplomas will be sent Janies Fish, Central Point. Farmer. Joseph Robinson of Talent has gone to mann. These same delegates will also from the Ashland republican club. He sale by T. K. Bolton. system and restores the body to health before serious harm E. Pleasants, Central Point, Farmer. to their owners. For nearly two years Kedding. He expects to remain until fall. be in the interests of Mr..Taylor for belongs to the Bourne-Hirsch crowd E W. Hammond,Pleasant Creek,Farmer. the bureau of engraving and printing is done. The germs of consumption thrive best when the John Dozier, of Soda Springs, has sold sheriff and tbeir general slate for tbe who are working for the re-election of J. H. Breeding, Woodville, Farmer. Central Point Items. at Washington has been at work pre his farm and goes to California soon to live county ticket. For the past two years Senator Mitchell. O. T. Brown, Ashland, Farmer. system is weakened and the throat and lungs congested. Do E. J. Harvey is moving bis hardware paring tho diplomas, of which 24,000 M. A. Houston, Table Rock, Farmer. The Roseburg papers have been devot Mrs. Woodot Eagle Point returned home the gold bug faction of the party in Ash stock and family to Gold Hill. C. T. Payne, Jr., Eden, Farmer. will be needed. Each had to be printed not delay until it is too late, but treat your cough early, Sunday from a visit with Ashland friends. land has not dared to show its hand ing considerable of their space to A. P. A. J. 8. Vestal. Eagle Port, Farmer. Mr. Gardner has moved to The Mead from a separate form. The diploma is against the Taylor silver crowd in tbe and anti-A. P. A. The Review criticised Scott’s Emulsion is one of the very best remedies. W. J. Plymale. Jacksonville, Book-keeper ows farm he bought of J. B. Welch. Miss Ollie Butler. Medford's singer, very artistic. y> ct». and $t a bottle. SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemist«, New York. John Ashmead, Rock Point. Farmer. yisited Willamette valley friends the pant party management, and has discreetly Rev. G. W. Black, formerly of Ashland, kept its bands off. The gold bug leader and the Roseburg A. P. A. council, for Jacob Kubli. Applegate, Farmer. week. Thos. Elliott, who was stabbed by John ship is left to E. V. Carter, cashier of importing Rev. Ray Palmer, an A. P. A. I heo. Cameron, Jacksonville, Capitalist. Peninger, is riding around iu a buggy. Hardy Long, who has been visiting his «by’s for the Jaded and Good brothers in Ashland, left Tuesday for the Bank of Ashland, and chief political lecturer, to assist in a big religious re Miss Nora Sydow went to Sams Valiev Boarding House. dictator of tbe bank gang when they are vival at the end of which a big A. P. A. Heppner. 3 Health lor all Mankind, q Sunday to teach the Schapparel district Mrs. J. H. McBride is conducting a in a position to dictate. The friction be Misses Bl ma Witt and Fannie Dunlap tween these two rival factions and the blowout was engineered. school. JOY’S VEGETABLE-”SARSAPARILLA. private boarding house at her home left Tuesday for San Francisco to work iu In tho private car, Davy Crockett, at on Main street, opposite Ganiard’s opera disposition of the Oregonian-Dolph gold- Peter Applegate took the remains of that city. ites to exterminate tbe republican silver tached to last eyening’s north-bound house. Board by the day, weex or his late brother, Dan Applegate, to Yon- is made from tie:; thror.<1i Birthday Cards, The King’s Daughters and Co. D. will men in this state is taken seriousv by overland was a party composed of ex-Sen- month. herbs, and nature'sowa coll« for interment. play “Won Back” at the Opera house the local friends of Mitchell and Her ator J. 8. Clarkson*, Editor of the Iowa contains no proper chan April 10 th. mineral nels'. Joy's Sunday School Cards, John Clements, J. S. Sims and Ed. mann and tbe indications are that they State Register, and a big gun in the re drugs or Vegetable MARRIED. Farra are the carpenters employed on Miss Titus is conducting a select school will not freely accept any “from the publican party; State Senator W. H. deadly pois Sarsaparilla Easter Booklets, in the kindergarten building near Presby- teeth out” declarations by the local gold Andrews of Philadelphia and the chief cures Dvil- on. Joy’s W. M. Holmes’ new residence. Vegetable pcpsia, terian church. CALHOUN — DRAKE-In Ashland, March leader of tneQuav machine in that state, hug personal admirers of these gentle Chronic The Methodists are conducting a reviv Barsa parilia Testaments and Bibles, 18, 1896, at the home of the bride’s and Col. Isaac Trumbo, of Salt Lake, Mr«. R. T. Malius has taken charge of men. robs the Co nst 1 pa - al meeting. Rev. Blackwell, pastor, is mother, Mrs. M. H. Drake. Geo. 8. Cal blood of all tion, Liver the Arlingtou Hotel and changed its name Tbe Carter dynasty is squarely against national republican committeeman for houn and Miss Ella Drake, Rev. Robt. assisted by Revs. Moore and Gittens. its impuri Com plaint« Poems and Gift Books, to Ths Western. the hand-shaking congressman. Robt. I Utah. They are touring the country in and Kidney ties, and McLean officiating. ths presidential fight, Clarkson being for Rev. Mr. Wood of Eagle Point return courses all Affections. J. C. Hall, now of the Turf Exchange Taylor’s friends have seen him betrayed This event starts on the «ea of matri Novels, Pathos and Humor, saloon at Medford, wa« doing Ashland this too often in county conventions by the ! Senator Allison of Iowa and Senator An mony an interesting young couple of well- ed from Redding, where he took Mr. Mc these impuri- drews is an enthusiastic worker for the week. Court likes this town. Allister, who is very low with dropsy, to “diplomacy” of the other gang and thev - known southern Oregon people with a At Sherwin’s, D. L. Rice now «ports a Columbia maintain that it will never be done1 great Quay. The Ashland people who large circle of friends. The groom is one his daughter. tandsm—an elegant wheel built for two, again, because no quarter is to be given met the party at the depot voted them a of the solid merchants of Grants Pass and There was no politics in the late town the bride is a native daughter aud from and the first one owned in Ashland. or asked in tbe primary fight. If this ) pleasant and agreeable lot. election, though a very, very’ knowing one of this section ’ s most respected pioneer If the nations hesitate about recogniz families. The happy couple took the even valley paper declared it “a republican Geo. Cottrell, son of C. P. Cot’rell, the policy is to be pursued the “diplomacy Joy’s Vegetable Medford farmer, was in town Monday en racket” will be no go and Mr. Carter ing the belligerent rights of Cuba, they ing train for Grants Pass and immediately victory.” The People’s ticket elected Prescription Druggist and Stationer. route for the «aw mills about Sisson. will bo compelled to bring bis forces out need do so no longer. The republic of began housekeeping in their new residence. three out of five trustees and both candi Sarsaparilla prevents tired feel Mrs. John Turner and infant daughter, of tbe brush and make his stand in the Cuba is preparing to issue bonds and dates for marshal belong to the People’s ings, staggering sen run heavily into debt, thus showing that who have been visiting A. I*. Hammond primary fight. party. The populists are all right in BORN Mr. Carter’s ambition is in the line of it is a complete, full Hedged nation. sations, palpitation and family, returned to Dunsmuir Tuesday. these parts. of heart rush of Uniformly excellent, Snowy Butte ilour. becoming a southern Oregon striker and POWELL—At Soda Springs, March 10, Max Muller of Jacksonville was in Mrs. G. Barclay, Modiste. blood to the head, a state leader. He also wishes to go to 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Powell, a town Monday chaperoned by Harry The leap year ball tomorrow evening at tbe next legislature, and as a popular For the latest styles in dressmaking go dizziness, ringing in 11 lb. son. opera house by the young ladies of Ash local issue to ride in on, wants to get a to Mrs. G. Barclay, Novelty block, oppo Lambert of Gold Hill. Max thinks a ears, spots before the land promises to be up-to-date in every ra big pull at the state boodle for the benefit site Hotel Oregon. nomination for countv clerk is equivalent eyes, headache, bil spect. Real Estate. to an election. I think somebody will be of the state normal school, etc., etc., etc. iousness,constipation To Populate Oregon. L M Goodsell to Wallace Goodsell—22.55 awfullv fooled. The woods are full of Mrs. P. J. Ryan and son, Luke Ryan, of But the rockiest road he has to travel is of bowels, pains in Portland, March 9, 1896. acres in tp 37 s, r 2 w; $1150. tbe Ryan «tore at Jacksonville, returned at home. The matching of the 15 del populists. James McDonough says they the back,melancholy, Wallace Goodsell to James A Wright- are 200 stronger than they were two The Pacific Northwest Immigration Monday from a business trip in San Fran egates from Ashland will, in a large tongue, coated, foul same; $1200. cisco. Board has been established for the pur years ago. breath, pimples on measure, (unless laid out by the wire pose Granville Naylor to T J Hamlin and G of bringing to the Pacific Northwest Thousauds have tested the great building- pullings of tho Jacksonville republicans, face, body and limb, W Hamlin—lot 13, blk 20, Medford; $400. such a class of producers as shall tend to up power of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and have wbo are all gold bugs) have considerable Boys’ and men’s overcoats below cost at James Braden to the Rogue River Water deciineofnerve force found renewed strength, vigor and vitality to sav in regard to Mr. Carter’s repre- j develop its resources and increase its and Mining Co—certain water ditches in J. R.’Baltimore’s. dizzy spells, faint I Jackson county; $7500. in its use. prosperity, and to that end has, thus far, spells, cold, clammy tentative aspirations. The steei-wiro nail works at Port provided bv the citizens of Portland J B Welch to H J Gardner—200 acres in A. J. Barlow, internal revenue collector, The Carter crowd have been threaten-1 been feet and hands, sour Townsend, one of the largest on the did this town Monday. Col. Barlow, ing the Taylorites for some time with i with a fund of $30,000—a fund which it tp 31 s, r 2 w; $S0O. risings, fatigue, in strange to relate, says the democratic opposition for the sheriff nomination and i iB hoped to largely increase by contri Chas L Lang to Madalene Lang undi Pacific Coast, after being closed for 18 somnia, and all dis vided J/, interest in the Golden Octopus party is O. K, months, has resumed operations. The butions from other sources. eases of the stomach, several names of candidates from this I The Board expects to be able to effect quartz mine iu Davenport mining district; works will be run day and night and If not familiar with superior quality of end of the county have been ubs J in con- j liver and kidneyi.*' Snowy Butte flour, get a sample sack at nection with that place by way of oppo ively carry on the work of bringing in *-joy,s Vegetable Sar Madalene Lang to J Leslie Corbett—the the output will be 800 kegs of nails per New Feed Store. from the east, but it will be im Golden Octopus quartz nune in Davenport day. The company has orders for 100,- saparilla is sold by all sition. The Taylor crowd understand it settlers druggists. Refuse a 000 kegs of nails. Benj. Sammons, father of Mrs. E. B. as merely a bluff far a compromise on possible tor it to have its own agents in mining district; $150. substitute. Wheu jou Melissa J Chappell to Nelson Hebert— Christian, the dressmaker, left Tuesday for that representative nomination for Mr. , every county and precinct to attend to pay for the best sec that Yolo county has brought suit at Sac the locating of these settlers, and this lots 8 and 4, blk 31, Gold Hill; $100. ycu get ths best. The Needles, to pay his sister, whom he Carter. Nelson Hebert to Michael Chavner—lots ramento against the State Agricultural has not seen in 35 years, a visit. part of the work must be done, in each The present outlook is quite favorable 3 and 4, blk 31; also lot 12, blk 9, Gold Hill; society to recover $250, the amount al Vaupel, Norris & Drake have received for tbe Tavlor-Eggleaton-Casey combine I case, by the residents who are interested $100. leged to be duo as a premium or second in each special section, and to this end and opened their new spring stock of sum to carry the Ashland primaries. As to ; D G Karnes to N R Johnston—lots 11,12 local organizations must be established mer clothing, and it is a beauty. prize for an exhibit made at the last and 13. blk 4. Park add to Medford; $225. its success all along the slate at the con Michael Chavner, et al, to A C Stanlev— state fair. Secretary Smith of the soci Mr. and Mr». Thos. Cutnmons of Wood vention is not so certain and Borne minor i : in each county, in order that the best land. Cal., arrived in the valley Tuesday features may become eliminated. How results may be obtained and that each lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6, blk 11. Gold Hill; ety says it was an individual exhibit county may reap its full share of tho $320. to pay their old friends, W. H. Bostwick ever, the plans are well-laid. and not a county exhibit. The OAT Co to Nelson Hebert—lot 12. benefit. and family of Applegate, a visit. * At Medford Ex-Postmaster Howard is i general blk 9, Gold Hill: $50. The San Francisco federal authorities A. Carlson, merchant tailor, corner Main working the machine for Congressman 1 It being impossible for a central board B F Myer to G F Billings and Wm Myer are awaiting instructions from Wash to attend to location in so large a section and Granite streets. Hermann and Senator Mitchell. He of country, the work of this Board will —right of way for water ditches over cer ington before entering proceedings From Pure Blooded Strains Mr. and Mrs. Lee Minkler, wbo have has some formidable oppositian there, it be limited to advertising, as widely as tain lands in tp 39 s. r 1 e; also undivided against Mayor Sutro for sending de of Chickens as Follows: 3-7 interest in the Smith and Myer ditch in been ia San Francisco for several weeks, being Hon. W I. Vawter’s town, and possible, the advantages which this famatory matter through the mails. tp 39 s, rle; $100. were on Tuesdays train for Salem, where quite likely to put up a delegation in his country, as a whole, has to offer; and to Lee has a position in tbe Western Union. interest. David Allen to Park Mining Co—Grand The envelopes addressed to congress interesting the largest possible number Republic quartz claim in Wagner creek men and bearing the inscription, “Col Ths Jacksonville republicans have of New Feed Store on Plaza for best bacon, the producing classes of the east, and mining district; $1000. hams and lard. lis P. Huntington would not steal a red- heretofore out maneuvered their breth especially farmers, in it. Each enquirer R A Rowlev to the Park Mining Co—the hot stove, ” will be made the basis of ren in the count} ’ , being more “ slick ” Cash. Walker went to 8an Francisco with King Bolt Extension quartz clrim in Wag will be supplied with an accurate, Crit. Tolman Monday and may go to Alaska and less dogmatic, but getting there just though brief, description of all the dif ner creek mining district; $1000. the complaint. to seek a fortune or form a matrimonial the same. The choice in Jacksonville ferent R A Rowley and John McClunnie to the Deputy Labor Commissioner Cleve sections, and allowed to make his alliance with some of the royal family of republican circles are more after tbe Park Mining Co—the King Bolt quartz Dum has commenced an Investigation own choice of the section which he pre Call and see tha Chickens at the Ash Eskimos. claim in Wagner creek mining district; taste of Dolphism, Oregonian views and fers. of the various whoisale houses and fac land House. $3000. Emil Peil. general blacksmithing of every Tongueocracv, though on past personal MRS. F. M. STEPHENSON, i I Mr. G. J. Farnsworth, of Portland, J M Casebeer and G O Vannatta to the tories of San Francisco. The investiga description and all work guaranteed. Re- i affiliations Mitchell and Hermann are in representing Ashland, Oregon, the Board of Immigration, Park Mining Co — the Park ledge in Ash tion will be made for the purpose of member the place, in Novelty block, oppo favor. But the pressing of the money arrived in town Monday. Mr. Farns land creek mining district; $1000. site Hotel Oregon. issue along with ths removal of the in worth is here to organize a local Board, E B Myer to G F Billings and Wm Myer securing statistics for the coming re •W-4s--;.-}--:-4-4-4-4--4-->T+4-4-4-4-4-+d"t'4'4- The battle between the fruit growers and fallibility of getting their idea, may cut and to interest the citizens in this splen —right of way for water ditch acioss cer port of the Labor Commissioner. The the fruit pests is now on in dead earnest these personal ties asunder with tbe did work. Ha will remain here a day tain lands in tp 39 s, r 1 e; $10. work laid out by Mr. Fitzgerald will MECHINICS’ X and hot stuff is being pumped into the re bourbon goldites of the county seat. Isaac Williams to C Mingus & Son—1.6 include an investigation of the mercan or two and will then proceed to other bellious enemy all along the line. We will acres in tp 37 s, r 1 w ; $1674. In Central Point the republican party I tile pursuits throughout the entire give us a trial. A fine and eee later on who gets the fruit—the grower, is composed principally of Hon. J. W. towns in southern Oregon, forming local MINING LOCATIONS. state. He thinks the investigation will the pest, or the commission merchant Merritt’s ideasand that gentleman is an Boards. Henry Heckathorn on March 9th located Blended Roast for 30 thieves. Mill Feed a water right of 500 inches of water, to be last about six months. uncompromising gold bug, and his cents per lb. „ * * * * * * Everything on Earth that is Four children from Norwalk who Boys’ bats, 10 cents and 25 cents at J. R friendly personal relations with Messrs. Wholesale, $12.50 per ton. Retail, 70 taken out of Elk creek. New and Good. Baltimore’s. F M Vanhorn and Major and J A Carter thought they were in love with each Mitchell and Hermann will have no cents per 100 at the Ashland Roller Flour on February 10th located a quartz claim in other were captured by the police in a ________________ The Ashland Bicycle Club have selected weight with him. Merritt will wo doubt Mills. Jackson creek district. the Boulevard, from the Congregations 1 oppose both on account of their strong Soda Springs Populists. M O’Hara on March 10th located a placer cheap lodging house at Los Angeles and church to normal school, for their bicycle free-silver ideas and leanings. Geo. returned to their parents. The oldest ♦ White Squadron Java and Mocha; claim of 20 acres in tp 37 s. r 4 w. The Soda Springs people ’ s party dub course and are arranging to have it proper Brown, the war-horse of Butte creek, is L M and J H Ring on February 24th lo of the boys, J. W. Hawkins, is only 17, meets at their school house a week from ly prepared. Tbe distance is two miles. • ----- and ----- also Chase and Sanbourns’ Famous cated a placer claim of 20 acres in the Sar his companion, Isaac Welkin, is 15, Part of the distance will be for racing strong in bis personal attachment for Saturday evening. dine creek district. Hermann and Mitchell. Boston Coffees. The best values in purposes. Thos Butts, et al, on February 10th lo Susan Woolbridge is 14 and Eva Wall- Henry Ankeny of Sterling is a warm Washington, March 15.—Senator Mitchell Green Coffees ever offered in town. Smoke ‘ Bill Ross” plug cut tobacco— has presented an application to the post cated a placer claim of 20 acres in the ingly is not yet 12. They all went to Three-3 oz. packages for 25 cents at D. L. friend of Mitchell and Hermann, though officedepartment for the establishment of Ward’s creek district. church at Norwalk on Sunday and in himself an uncompromising single stand Minkler A Son’s. John Thompson on February 21st lo stead of returning to their homes after Foot atid Steam Power a uew mail service from Klamath Agency, ard man. Henry Kubli of Applegate is Oregon, cated a quartz claim in the Applegate the service went to Los Angeles. They via Bloody Point and Bear Fat, Mr. J. Conner, the new proprietor of a golden standard man though he is for district. We are selling for cash. to Silver Lake in Lake county, Oregon, a Watch our priées. Hotel Oregon, accompanied by his wife L F Humiston on February 20th located had a joint capital of $4.75 and no •5* LATHS, DRILLS, distance of about 75 miles, with service six and two children, arrived Sunday from Hermann for congress. a placer claim of 20 acres in Evans creek baggage. Healdsburg, Cal. D. R. Kelley, a well- SCROLL and Ora Kahler, a native son of Jackson times a week, the new line to intersect the ! A Mitchell (S. D.) dispatch says: known saloon man and barkeeper of San countv, is out for the republican nomin [ present route at Silver Lake; and for an in- I district. 8 L Fielder on November 29th located a crease of service to six times a week be- | Francisco, came with them to take charge CIRCULAR SAWS, Sheriff Miller of Plankington, Aurora ! tween Silver Lake and Prineville, so as to i riuartz claim in Jacksonville district. of the bar. The new management took ation lor county recorder. county, has arrested and served sum charge of affairs yesterday. Mrs. F. T Mathews. ex-Indian agent at! » continuous service six times a ■ BAND SAWS, Etc. D- W. mons on forty Mitchell oitizens who J ■ Agencv, - - "... Important To Farmers. Fradenburg will remain for about a week Klamath ♦ came out from Salem week between Prineville and Klam-1 before joining Fred at Astoria. Monday on a visit with Ashland friend-. ath Falls and the other important points Wakelee’s Squirrel and Gopher Exterm participated in the sacking of The Mail 4* beyond those places by the nearest and inator. the original and only article of its newspaper office on Feb. 24. Editor t Always the best; Snowy Butte food He is al.-o doing some special electioneering most practicable route. for his friends Mitchell and Hermann. kind giving complete satisfaction. Now re McBride brings suit for $25,000 dam ♦ products. . .... Dealer in duced from 50 to 30 cents per can. For sale ages for destroying the property and ♦ Highest Authorities on Min A suit involving a prior right to the The Ashland republican club meets at The Eugene Guard contains the following by T, K. Bolton, the druggist, and the Tel ing, Electricity, the Mechan news, local to this section: “The Salvation city hall this evening It promises to be waters of Squaw lake, in Jackson county, ephone Drug Store, Helen Stanley, man Other injuries. Thirty days are given I ic Trades, Science, the Use Armyites went to Jacksonville to examine the first representative meeting of both of more than passing interest has been ager, Ashland, Or. the defendants to answer. A change of ful Arts, Manufactures. Build the field as suited to their work. Upon factions this season. The meeting, just filed in the circuit court for Jackson venue will probably be taken, and it making tbe acquaintance of Charles Nick previous to the primaries, may have county. The suit is in reality between ing, Engineering, Etc. will take some time to get the case into ell, Gen. Reames, Boyer, Day, Beekm n some bearing on the congressional fight. the Squaw Lake Mining company, an court. and others, the necessity of their good <- Oregon corporation, the prominent mem Fine bargains in clothing at J. R. Bal ♦ offices became apparent and they proceeded Saturday is the day set for the demo bers of which are Prof. H. A. Shorey, T hursday — Healdsburg timore ♦ ’s. to erect barracks and institute' war upon cratic primaries. There is no general M Freidenthal, Port Alice Conner,do ♦ satan and his followers in that locality.” interest being taken in them as yet by Sheriff Sears and others of Portland, W D Joiner. S F D R Conner, do ❖ and the Squaw Lake Mining company, a W Jackson, Port A nice line of Floor Matting just in—prices low. D C Kelly, S F + ♦ Bicycle suits for men at Vaupel, Norris the rank and file of the party. If any California corporation, of which J. W. ♦ R E Hanna, do E O Parrott * Trunks and canvas-covered Telescopes; Mirror», A Drake’s. outside influences wanted to control the Northup :s president. It appears that ♦ Mrs T J Kennev. Jvll J W Rosiers, City ♦ T. A. Ireland and Henry Klippel leave organization the apathy is so great it the water and ditch in dispute originally R M Donahue, Port M onday — Window Shades, Lamberquin poles and trimmings, --- and ---- * ♦ this week on a hunting trip to Klamath could be done without any tremendous were the property of a companj’ of which EEniman, do G J Farnsworth a wf. -? ♦ Screens, Picture Frames, Bedding, Etc., Etc. county going via the Rogue river road. effort. Portland * H. K. Hanna, C. B. Bellinger and others F E Beatty & wf, We respectfully solicit Ireland will take charge of Crit. Tolman’s r: Ft Wayne. Ind.S C Kennell, do •F White, New Home and Magestic Sewing Machines. were the officers. Several years after C. B. Watson, who came within a few your inspection of our valuable hunting dogs, during Crit.’s ab A C Spencer,’ Pokeg JC Hall. Ct Pt sence in Alaska. Ireland and John Red votes of receiving the nomination for wards, Wiiliam Hanley appropriated H T Schuman, N Y R M Donahue, Port •b Best machine oil, needles and repairs for all kinds PATTERN HATS, 4- ♦ field leave in May with Dr. Patterson and congress when Hermann was nominated the property and later conveyed with a C H Fuson, S F 8 D Cooper, do •b of Sewing Machines. brother and Photographer F. W. Beck and the first time, would like to have that covenant of warranty to the Oregon cor Jay Tavlor, do BONNETS, and W Lvttleton. Coles + I brother of Visalia, Cal., for the Flathead honor thrust upon him again. Since poration. In the meantime Judge Han J W Rogers E D Ivory, Oakland MILLINERY NOVELTIES •b lake country in northern Montana to hunt the papers have been referring to him as na and bis associates had sold to the C J Boyle, S F F riday — : BftBY CARRIAGES at less than city prices- ---- at our----- all summer. T uesday — Dr. C. B. Watson, in connection with California coiparation, which took and C F Willis a wf, 8 F + t P J Cole, Coles Boys’ underwear, regular 35c and 50c, bis Crater lake and Geological lectures it still holds possession of the property. O C Riches, Port Elegant Ex + Spencer, Turkey E Youmans reduced to 25 cents at J. R. Baltimore’s. amples of High Class Machine Con + has b-vun to arouso in bis bosom the Hanley, in order to protect his warranty, T H K G 8 Calhoun, G Pass Butler, do str tic tion and Correct Engineering + now sues to oust the California corpora J Devilbus, S F J. W. Robinson, the Wimer merchant, recollections of tbe dead past. O Guthman, Port Design. This Tandem is built on tion. As the property is quite valuable, miner and all-round rustler, was in Ash FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Mar. 27th, 28tb. W E King, do S aturday — H. W. Shipley of Table Rock, a strong Entirely New Principles. Thous land Monday. He was traveling incog, free silver republican with anti-corporation consisting of not only the prior right to O H Wade. Seattle R F Hanna, do ands are Looking to the Tally-Ho, Í HARGROVE SISTERS. having left his moustache at Grants Pass proclivities, is a candidate for the republi- the waters of the lake—an all year sup W B Kernan. Port J H Boyd.8 F the great reformer in Tandem Con He had along an identification card, how I can nomination for representative. He ply—but of a ditch of considerable mag G A Brown, S F A S Ward, RMS struction. ever, in the shape of a long gold quartz i ■ alsoa-pired for the same honors two years nitude, a long and bitter fight may be W II Braden, Port T K Butler. Port slug from his Brass Nail gulch placers, a ago but was side tracked in the convention W ednesday — T James. City handsome piece weighing $45.85. Mr. Rob because his views were known. Mr. Ship- anticipated. Both sides are represented A Oppenheimer, 'nheimer, S 8 F Mrs F T Fradenburg. ESTRAY NOTICE. inson’s daughter. Miss Linnie, has entered ley was in Ashland Tuesday talking tariff by leading Portland law firms.—Journal. G H Mayhew, do Astoria tbe Ashland State Normal School, having and thinks the best way tp harmonize the W Hall, S F T R Wilson, do + arrived Saturday. Saloon Fixtures For Sale. AME TO MY BARN IN ASHLAND, ♦ Successor to Osborn & Alexander. ♦ W A Hemphill, do F T Plowden, do party on the money issue is to say nothipg March 6th, 1896, one black mare, J. C. Hall offers for sale at a bargain for G M Strand, Jr, Port : F P Powell, do 401 Market St., Ladies’ and misses' low cutshoes 75 cents about it and when the subject is mentioned three years old, one white fore foot. No X W Lyttleton, Coles S usday — let each republican resolve to keep perfect cash bis entire saloon fixtures and outfit at J. R. Baltimore’s. X San Francisco, brand visible. W H Cameron. 8 F ly mum on that question and talk ener at Central Point. Call on or address him E Youmans, St L Cal. Prof. C. F. Shepherd was up from Jack getically about the beauties of a high tariff. at the Turf Exchange, Medford. The owner will please call, pay charges Miss Howard, Ash C W Tipton, Port Send for Catalogue. sonville Monday and vigorously denied and take the animal. F. L. CAMPS, O C Riches. Port G Anderson, Med being after the republican nomination for Ashland, Oregon. A L McLeoid, do ' Dr. W. H. Little, oue of the most C A Hermann, Port Some Republicans are criticising the •H»+4’4*4’+4’4’4,+4’+4’4-4‘4-+4’+++4-+ representative, saying he was not rustling T R Wilson, 8 F J R Harris. 8 F around the county for politics, but was apportionment of delegates to the county wealthy citizens of Cleveland, died re J A Waddle, Port H Spencer, do T after the Almighty Dollar in return for convention, showing that the delegations cently, aged 80 years. Before tho war F W Johnson, 8 F G M Straud, Jr, Port ¿organs and pianos. We therefore retract from Ashland, Medford and Jacksonville Dr. Little was ranked as one of Ohio’s F L Southwick, Mfld I E O Parrott, do our remarks that Prof. Shepherd might be contrcl the convention. Why, of course. most noted abolitionists. J W Rogers, City J Conner & wf, on the republican ticket for representative There is no republican party outside of Thomas Fox, an insurance man, has Perhaps we may have guessed tbe wrong the towns. That is true of the nation office. Prof., bow would you like sheriff, and particularly true of Jackson county, been appointed postmaster at Sacra or some other out door exercise office, where the country precincts went populist mento in place of W. Leake, resigned. Awarded A^Medford, Oregon^A nicely served to you on a platter 7 long ago- Tbe republican party thrives He was indorsed for the position by Big stock of 25 and 50c paper Novels re among non-producers and tbe producers Senator White, Congressman Johnson highest Honors—World’s Fair, -COKNER- Agen duced to 10 and 15c at D. L. Minkler & are trying to get the non-producers off and the local Democratic committee. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. their backs, hence the new party, Any Boa’s A Constantinople dispatch says: The The First Spiritual Society of southern body can see that. American donations are barely keeping Oregon filed supplementary articles in Hon. H. B. Miller is in southern Ore alive 6000 of the Armenian sufferers. creasing the capital stock from $100 to Ashland, Oregon. $200»); business office, Talent. Jackson gon this week nightly discoursing on the The allotment to each person is only tariff, a fearfully and wonderfully ne sixpence a week. Many Christians county. glected topic. Mr. Miller has a sore have foresworn their faith to keep from H. Judge’s residence is offered for grievance against Congressman Her starving. rent. Apply at harness ehop. mann, whe, before he found out that he Two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. I bad a life-lease on the congressional s 15,QO9 Fire at Etna. billet, wrote the Josephine statesman, Frank Booth, one aged 10 and the other F fDFAU A fire at Etna, Siskiyou county, Sun philosopher, savant and horse-jockey, 6, were run over by an electric trolley day night, destroyed Mani’s restaurant, “If I get nominated this time I will step ear at Oakland and killed instantly. the postoffice, Martin Marxs’ law office, down and out the next time in favor of There are no fenders on these electric First - Class - Artistic - Fit - Guaranteed. other good friend. Bradley’s barber shop, Smith's hotel, L. you or ur some mjiun «...»* -------- ” Con- cars, and death is certain to any one A. Moxley’s confectionery store, aad , gressional elections have waxed and falling in front of one of them. TERMS:—Small payment down and $10 per month. Organs, i Dave Jones’residence, occupied by Mox waned, men have come and men have You can now go and buy your summer ley. The total I obs is $15,000, part ot' gone, but the Hon. Binger seems to go clothing. Vaupel, Norris & Drake have $5.00 per month, ---- is insured. - The — which tire started * * in ! on forever. The Hon. Harry, however, received their big stock and are pleased to the congressman from Coos county show you a line of men’s, boy’s and chil PIANOS:—Chickering, Hardman, Fisher, Jewett, Ludwig. Mani’s restaurant, but did not cross th , took - --------------- ----- .... Q (Most Perfect Made, street, hence did not destroy the fine Boiiuuoij seriously and •••« the tdea^ has become^so -J uieu dren’ □ s guuus goods mat. that can can ’ ’t be beat for low ORGANS:—Estey, Mason & Hamlin, Frand and Bottoy. kSriQualy impregnattd in his mind that prioes and good ysluss, new residence of Chas. Kappler, to Y mm the Standard. AMONG THE POLITICIANS. VALLEY RECORD. out in the rain a Scctts StnuUlm. SHERWIN’S MEN’S) Black Minorcas. Brown Brahmas. Broten Leghorns Guineas. and BICYCLE PANTS. UNDERWEAR. FURNISHINGS. Do You Like a. Sood. cux> of ----- Coffee To Drink? IF YOU D0> Tools and Hardware i Bio Costa Bica NEW THIS WEEK W. F. 4 J. BARNES' J. H MARSTON'S IMKinlsLlex* PRACTICAL BOOKS i I Í Son. J. IP. Dodge Furniture and everything pretaining to the Furniture Trade! WARNER BICYCLES SPRING 1896. TALLY - HO TANDEMS Spring Opening X AGENTS OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. X Geo. W. Alexander, C X I X 4 Æ. CARLSON, Prof. P. J. HEAD MAIN AND GRANITE STREETS, DIV VWC& CREAM Five Different Kinds of PIANOS A Fine Line of Suitings Always in Stock. From $260 and Upwards. BAKING POWDIR I i