* .„»age1 Bm VALLET RECORD. OF VALLEY RECOPD. VALLE Y EVERY DESCRIPTION NO MONOPOLY PRICES 1 -À Give us your order for Letterheads, State­ ments* Envelopes, &c. VOL. Vili The Crater Lake Excursion. \SHL\N1) OREGON. Gaici KLU OiVU. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, oi the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. THURSDAY. MARCH J 2, 1896, NO. 4?. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year............................................ $1 75 Six Months.......................................... 1 oo Three Months....................................... 50 Advertising rates given on application. —————— . "3 PRESSED BRICKS. Mining Items. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Meeaenger Bro«, of Williams creek Dr. Barr, Dentist I. O. O. F. block. hav« «track a rich pocket which yielded Fine bargains in clothing at J. R. Bal­ ¥600 in two day«. JJR. J. 8. HERNDON, timore’s. E. K. Anderson has a force of four Barney O’Neil is up from California on a miner« operating hi« placers near Talent business trip, PHY8IC1AN AND SURGEON. with good auccess. Portland did more business in 1895 than From two weeks work on their Will­ O regon . A shland , she did in 1894. iam« creek placer Wiggin« & Sparlin C. C. Cornish, a Siskiyou pioneer, died at cleaned up $120, one nugget weighing ¡ MV'Office—In Townsend Building, on The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Yreka last week. $85. I Oalc Street, Oppoaite Hotel Oregon. Hot and cold baths at Storey's barber­ Under the Management of A gold brick worth $427 was the result shop. Opposite town hall. of 35 tons of second grade ore taken HINMAN. D. 1». S. Miss Laura Kay has returned to Gold from the Ashland mine and run through Hill from San Francisco. Commissioner’» Court. the Hick« mill last week. Rhodes and Chamberlain. J. P. Dodge sells kitchen treasure The following are tbe proceedings at the Geo. W. Boggs’ Elliott creek hydraulic March term of this tables, for flour, etc., at $3.50. court; The two coming men in British poli­ DENTIST IPLROLPLRZTKTOIR,. placer« have been sold to F. O. Cleztim the matter of the road petitioned for tics are Joseph Chamberlain and Cecil C. W. Palm has been appointed agent of I and J. D. Caughran of Tacoma, who will by In Henry Werth, et al., in district No. 30. the O. R. short term at the Gold Hill school election. ore in the Commodore is looking better Road petitioned for by J W Marks- had these charges investigated by as X standing are cordially invited to attend. bnry, dist 35, established. ..... "Jhe best line .... than ever. Men’s white shirts 50 cents, 75 cents and t F. D. W aoneb , C. C. able a committee as the world affords G W Smith, special constable, state [ IN SOUTHERN OREGON $1.00 at J. R. Baltimore’s. 3. G. E ggers , K. of R A 8. vs John Prater, et al..................... 3 00 probably. The committee found them A man working for Frank Miner at * + <• Miss Georgia Chase, the teacher, left Fri­ the Daiey mine about two miles from E J Kaiser, printing schedules........ 47 50 groundless. Dunraven then had the ♦ Jas A Wilson, postage stamps ....... 17,30 -I- day for her home in Pennsylvania, having Yreka, struck a pocket tbe first of the MASONIC, T J Kenney, supplies for Hatch .... 1 00 course of a gentleman left open to him <• been called there by the dangerous illness week which yielded about ninety five Geo Thrasher, witness, state vs Le- of her mother. — to apologize to the New York Yacht + dollars fn gold. Most of the gold was^ in aiaxiYOü chapter , no . 21, r . a . m . Agricultural Implements bordette......................................... 1 70 + ♦ Men’s cotton underwear 25 cents and 50 one nugget which weighed $77. The S Furry, commissioner.................... 10 00 club, of which he was a member, for his Regular convocations on the Thursday cents, excellent value, at J. R. Baltimore ’ s. ledge is about four inches in width. W H Bradshaw, commissioner....... 11 60 mistake. Everybody was considerate next after tbe full moon. + E. V. C arter , H. P. The Chinese at tbe old Bentz Bar Misses Hawkins and Brewster of Eugene, enough to believe lihis somewhat hasty ❖ Rise In Silver. E. A. S herwin , Secretary. who have been attending tbe Ashland state claim on Klamath river, got all their 4- •5* tempered gentleman had really thought normal school, went to Lane county wbeela and rigging out before the high January two years ago the price Garland Stoves and Ranges. ♦•> iu Sunday to teach. the charges well founded, bat he was water came, notwithetanding tbe fact ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. ». A A. M. uf silver Lailion was 70 cents an ounce. ♦ For first-class work in dress making and they worked up to the first of the year. Then it begun to drop down, down, till proved by the comanittee to be wrong. t ♦ Stated communications on the Thursday ♦ lessons in dress cutting, call on Mrs. E. B. They did not lose anything. This mine ♦ Ample opportunity was given him to of or before the fnil moon. _ •> it reached a fraction less than 50 cents. ❖ SAWS, Christian at residence of Govan High, is one of the best, and seems to be one of AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. E. A. S herwin , W. M. GUNS, apologize. He did r»ot and would not. The ♦ Main Street. tbe most lucky on the river. At such a price the white metal could ♦ C. H. V acpel . Secretary. ♦ G. A. H ouck , a Williametta Btock raiser, ♦ no longer be mined profitably. During only course left oj«n to the club was to Free Pills. Almost everybody takes some laxative visited his brothei Hon. J. J. Houck at expel him from membership, as it did ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. E. S. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen ..tlon. 11 stops all losses bv dav or night Prevent*. u X- 31 37 burg, at Medford. Mrs. Barneburg has as of discharge, which if not checked leans to Spemiatorrl>