■t I VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF EVERY —^DESCRIPTION NO MONOPOLY VALLEY RECORD. PRICES ! ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. T Give us your order for Letterheads, State­ ments» Envelopes, &c. VOL. VIII. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1896. NO. 4L SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year.............................................. .$1 76 Six Months........................................... 1 00 Three Months......................................... M Advertising rates given on application. ■ ■ Warner Lake Salt Works, PRESSED BRICKS. D. R. Jones had the government pot Dr. Barr, Dentiat L O. O. F. block. up Warner lake salt march lands tor sate under the Saline act and be purchased Frank Ennis, the mining man, is in San them last week for $1460. He intends Francisco. J. 8. HERNDON. to put in vats and build a salt refinery For firM-cIass dental work see Dr. A and furnish that country with table, Hinman, Masonic block. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. meat and dairr salt of first-class quality Yonr taxes are now due and payable O regon . TI iav become delinquent on the 1st day of A shland , Ninety Per Cent. Of all the people need to take a course of April, F. Webb of Salt Lake is looking after M***Office—In Townsend Building, on Hood’s Sarsaparilla at this reason to pre­ vent that rundown and debilitated condition some mining properties in the Gold Hill Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. which invites disease. The money invested district. in a half a dozen bottles of Hood’s Sarsapa S J. Tutbill, the inventor and machinist, rilla will come back with large returns in HINMAN. D. D. 8. the health and vigor of body and strength was in Siskiyou county this wee« on business. of neryes. Mrs P. J. Ryan and son Luke, are in San- Hood's Pills are easy to buy, easy to Francisco buying goods for their Jackson­ DENTIST. take, easy to operate. Cure all liver ills. 25c. ville store. Professional Cards THE TWO G. O. P’S, Republican and Democratic County Central Committees Meet At Med- _ ford Saturday — Democratic Con­ vention, March 28, Republican April 4th. The capturing of a county by a Dew third party seems to make the executive leads of the two old defeated roosters drift along somewhat the same channel. The republican county central committee met at the town ball Saturday afternoon pursuant to the call of Chairman W. I. Vawter. Chairman M. Purdin of the democratic "cunty central committee invited the committee to meet at Medford on the same afternoon and they convened at Postmaster Purdin’s new poatoffice. The democratic county central committee consists only of seven members. Be­ sides Chairman Purdin, who also held tne proxy of John Ashpole of Eagle Point, A. Alford of Talent and W. K. Price of Tolo were present, and E. D. Briggs gave his consent over the tele­ phone. They selected March 28th at Jacksonville ss the time tor the eounty convention to elect eight delegatee to ' 1 state convention which meets at Port­ land April 9th, the same time and place as the republican state convention. The primaries will be held throughout the county on March 21st. The republican county central com­ , mittee is one man from each precinct in ( the county and those »resent were: North Ashland—J. E. Cox; West Ashland—Robt. Taylor; South Ashland—Max Pracbt, by F. D. Wagner proxy; Applegate—Grant Toppings, by H. D. Kubli proxy; Central Point—J. W. Merritt, by H. D. Kubli proxy; Eagle Point—A. J. Florey, by Max Muller proxy; Eden—F. M. Stewart; Gold Hill-E. Ray; South Jacksonville—M. Bellinger; North Jacksonville—Geo. M. Love, by H. E. Ankeny proxy; Woodville—W. V. Jones; Steamboat—J. M. Toms, by H. D. Kubli proxy; Sterling—H. E. Ankeny; Uniontown—R. J. Cameron, by Theo, ( Cameron proxy; Pleasant Creek—M. H. Wakeman, by J. M. Whipple proxy. The following precincts were not rep­ resented: Big Butte, Chimney Rock, Flounce Rock, Foots Creek, Lost Creek, Meadows, Mt. Pitt, Rock Point, Table Rock, Talent, Trail Creek, Willow Springs. The committee decided to bold only one county convention this year. There . were only two objecting votes, Robt. Tavlor and J. E. Cox of Ashland. So the state district and county fight will all come off in one ring and under the same tent. The committee then named Saturdav, April 4th, at court bouse, Jacksonville, at 11 o’clock a. m. as time for the circus. The primaries to be held the Saturday previous, March 28th, (the day of the democratic county convention) at 2 p. m. at usual voting places in various pre­ cincts. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report i ■ ■■ ■■■ .i. ■■ i ■ ■ »» Changed {lands ! OREGON, Powder H9IEL The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now A bsolutely pure APPLEGATE ITEMS. THE BIG FARCE. Under the Management of FRED T. FRADENBURGH . G. C. Cubley of Steamboat left Mr. Wine­ Some of the Men Who Awplre to Play the proprietor trout’s ranch on Thompson’s creek to-day, Leading Part Thia Year. with quite a herd of fine beef steers, for % a /H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- “Sherman is at the head of one of the C. E. Wolcott of the Monitor was in Grant’s Paes. Mr. C. is one of the most Scrip Directory. IR^ln the Masonic Building up stairs old political parties and Cleveland at successful stock men in the country, and is town Sunday looking after the pictures on ■■ pared to Entertain the Traveling Public Josephine county scrip protested to Sept. the political slate. over Post Office.’ a convincing example of what energetic in­ the head of the other,” said the senator. 3, 1890, has been called in. In First Class Style. dustry can accomplish. Coming from Cal­ Jackson county is paying that protested The famous suckers of Lost creek are ifornia a few years since with his wife and “All the leaders who are seeking polit­ to March 21, 1889. making their annual run and the Indians little ones, with less than half a dozen ical preferment must court these nlen. 8. T. SONGER ----------- o:------------- Grants Pass has called in its scrip up to are having a good time. good cows he settled down about two mile* Feb. 23. 1894. They are intrenched not in the affections below the old Steamboat quartz mine, from Capt. Abe Axtell is president and B. F. Douglas county to Nov. 10. 1891. which several hundred thousand dollars in ®f the people, but in the interests of the Watkins secretary of a free silver club PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Roseburg to Dec. 6, 1892. oiganized at Grants Pass. gold was taken, in the early days of mining, usurers and corporations and shielded by and went to work to make a home, and if ------------ :o:------------- Butte CreekerS Defeated. Rev. Father Desmarais will hold diyine tjm strong arm of the government. It is anyone reading this should doubt his hav ­ Novelty Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon, services at 10 o'clock next Sunday in the Tbe state normal foot ball team de- < ing an "ideal home” let such go and take a amazing how so intelligent, independ­ # UST1 Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour­ feated tbe Bntte creekers at the game in Catholic church at Ashland. look at it. About eighty acres is in alfalfa A shlaic ».......................................O regon . Eagle Point Saturday, the score being 30 from which he cuts hundreds of tons of hay ent and self reliant a people as the ists. Mrs. Geo. Conn, who has been visiting When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon every season, and a herd of several hun­ Americans are should be such zealous to nothing. Mr. Brown of Eagle Point her mother, Mrs. J. C. Sergeant ot Phoenix, ------- :o:------- dred high graded Durham cattle a* tine as partisans that they cannot see that those was umpire, Irv. Vining of Ashland ref­ has returned home to Paisley. J~)R. C. W. BARR. can be seen in any country, with splendid eree and T. F. Beall of Central Point Mrs. Boyd Robinson has joined her hus­ summer range in the Siskiyou mountains, who control both the old parties are linesman. The normal crew was th» band at Portland where he is studying for only ten or twelve miles front bis house. working for the same interests. ” same as in the late game in Ashland ex the ‘7th Day Adventist ministry. Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow’s Block. A person not having seen this mountain “Senator,” remarked the colonel, “if Fresh Eastern ovstors, Turkey and Cranberry cept Dement substituted for Peed. Capt range would hardly believe such could I may be personal, one of the old parties Herman Metzgar, a Portland wool merch­ A shland , O regon . Dai lev’s Cowboys were as follows: Cen­ ant, is developing a quartz proposition exist, right under the edge of the snow* Sauce, Price 50 Cent. range, but such is the fact, and thousands has kept you in office for many years. ” wyfr aii work pertaining to modern dent­ ter, Nichols; right guard, Pool; left near Merlin on quite an extensive scale. “The views I entertain are shared al­ of acres are covered with a rich, thick guard, Nichols; right tackle, Pool; left istry. Painless operations a specialty. H. Judge’s residence is offered tor growth of the greenest grass and dozens of most unanimously by the people of my tackle, Carlton; right end, Moomaw; rent. Apply at harness shop. miniature lakes nestle in depressions all state,” replied the senator, “and those left end. Simons; right half back, Brown ; through this part of tbe Siskiyous. Mr. Miss Thomas, musical instructor at tbe left half back, Officer; quarter back, Cuhly has quite a band of sheep as well, of my party in congress who entertain M. BROWER M. D. normal school, returned Sunday from a Dailey. and a pack of hounds which do good work similar views have endeavored to secure The Cowboys were lighter in weight visit with her uncle’s family at Wolf creek. for their owner in tackling and laying out proper legislation as party measures. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Mr. Coyote whenever they find him prowl­ than the normals, and had leas exper­ J. P. Dodge sells kitchen treasure ing around. The orchard hasn’t been for­ But we are hampered by caucuses and ience. They gave the vieitors an enter­ tables, for flour, etc., at $3.50. O begon . tainment and ball in the evening. gotten. and he has a fine variety of apples the rules of congress, which allow the A shlakd . Drs. Caldwell & Barr, in the I. O. O. F. and other fruits. Mr. Cuhly has the con­ minority to govern, so that the majority building, for crowns and bridge-work and tract tor carrying the bi-weekly mail from are not responsible to the people. Our everything pertaining to mechanical den ­ MARRIED. Applegate to 8teamboat, and is also road Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ tistry. supervisor for a long stretch of mountain publio men are net, as a rule, sincere. chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, road and be supervises to such good etiect Look at the presidential candidates; J. N. Watson is in Lake county looking ANDERSON—BOLING—On Foots creek. after sheep and wool. He says Crook that it is a pleasure to drive over this road not one of them dares to give expression Feb, 23, 1896, C. T. Anderson and Mrs. county will turn off 40,000 mutton sheep in good weather To sum it all up “He is a to his views on the money question, if SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. 9 Bessie Boling. rustler,” and it is a good thing for any this spring. he has any. They turn to the people community to have such citizens. “Not For first-class work in dress making and half has been told” of this ranch that with ‘a freer use of silver,' or ‘more ex­ G. A. R. BORN. lessons in dress cutting, call on Mrs. E. B. luieht be, but. having mentioned it, little tended use of silver,’ a ‘dollar that BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. Christian at residence of Govan High, less could be written. 6hall maintain a parity with every dol­ Mein Street. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and POTTER—In Ashland. Feb. 28.1896, to the The Pool und to ing to Washington, he immediately calls I upon John Sherman and reports progress + + “ bunch up rich ” somewhere and advises A. Carlson, merchant tailor, corner Main Regular convocations on the Thursday A Natural Beautifler. "Push her along, boys, push her along, ” to and Granite streets. made in New York. Then he repairs to next after the full moon. Karl’s Clover Root Tea purifies the blood but in mining, as other matters. “Hope de E. V. C arter , H. P. ♦ + John Bolt has arranged to have Craft & and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. ferred maketh the heart sick.” and it takes the White House, and interviews the 4» E. A. S herwin , Secretary. EGULATOR Flam, who have succeeded in taking out For sale by T. K. Bolton. plenty of stick-at-it-ness to make it win in leader of the other branch of his party. ” Garland Stoves and Ranges. + t within the past year, from 19 different this as in other matters, but Stratton’s bull­ “Harrison, D. B. Hill, Tom Reed, Mining Items. pockets, from $25 to $2000, go to Applegate 4» + dog grit made Cripple Creek, and good Cullom and Allison are all playing tha ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. A A. M. t * in pursuit ot pockets. One Granta Pass firm last week ship- mines will be developed in Jackson county same despicable role,” said the colonel. 4* Stated communications on the Thursday some day. Big stock of 25 and 50c paper Novels re­ ped over $2000 worth of gold dust. ❖ SAWS, “The farce will bo enacted of holding GUNS, AMMUNITION, of or before the full moon. CUTLERY. $ duced to 10 and 15c at D. L. Minkler A Mr. Benedict ’ s fine ranch on the south E. A. S herwin , W. M. Supt. Thos. James of the Ashland side of Appleeate, which he had leased to two conventions,naming two candidates, Son’s. C. H. V aufbl . Secretary. mine is preparing another shipment of Will Q. Brown, of the Nickel mine near rich ore for the smelting works. Since the Kellogg Hop Company but which re­ adopting two platforms—either of which Almost everybody takes some laxative verted to him, owing to their failure, will ba satisfactory to the money power Riddle, returned Sunday from an interview ALTHA CHAPTER NO. 1, 0. E. S. medicine to cleanse the system and keep the with his associates at Oakland. Cal. They the mine was started up again a few through the low prices of hops, has all Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS will push the work of developing their months ago tinder hie management it been plowed up and put in grain, and looks of Europe and America. The old party as if it was going to turnout a fine crop. managers, in turn, go before the people in each month. __„ LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) property in about a month. has produced $9000. Mas. Ir M. C aldwell , W. M. Mr. B. is one of the oldest pioneers, and and 'point with pride* to the achieve­ get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant J.W. Robinson took $300 in gold dust passed some vears since the “three score ments of their respective parties. A man A few pair of large size boots very cheap M bs . 8. C. C handler . Secretary. laxative and tonic that purifies the blood at J. R. Baltimore's. to Grants Pass last week from his Brass years and ten” mark, and is still a “fine and strengthens the whole system. And Nail gulch placer mine near Wimer. One old American gentleman," hale and hearty, must have fallen pretty low in the scale M ais S thekt , Orro*iTE P laza . The 8 P. has made their Gold Hill I. O. O. F. more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU­ piece was a pretty nugget worth $78. driving to Jacksonville and back Saturday of human degradation when he can point ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active railroad station a telegraph office station with pride to the wholesale robberies KA-IISTTS and again on Monday. and put in Miss Alice Osborn of Cow creek T’JAinSTTERS’ TOOLS, The preliminary run of the smelter at and healthy, and when the Liver is in Hold regular meetings every Thursaav good condition you find yourself free from as operator and ageat. J. W. Marktbury the Waldo, Josephine county, copper The Populists have not organized yet. committed by these parties. has resigned the agency. evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren being too busy, but they are reading and “These are days of great statesmen,” WALL R’ j AZP’ZEJR,. G-I_ i JLSS. ETC. mines was satiefactery. About 300 lbs. their votes will pop on eleclion day. Sena­ iu good standing are cordially invited to Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Men ’ s cotton underwear 25 cents and 50 added the colonel. — A. C. Fisk ’ s of copper, 96 per cent fine, was run Headache and Constipation, and rid of B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. attend. F. M. D rake , N. G. cents, excellent value, at J. R. Baltimore’s. tnrough. Capt. G. F. Wheeler now ex­ tor Tillman's speech. publiihed in a late “Statesmen Three.” that worn out and debilitated feeling. H. S. E vans , 8ec'y, P. O- box 102. issue of the R ecord , strikes the right 1 Mrs. Joseph Robinson, Miss Frances pects copper bars to arrive at Granta Pass chord and lets the country see there is These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach Robinson and Frank Robinson left Sunday every week for shipment east. The still a balm in Gilead and a physician It Saves Lives Every Day. PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. troubles will only be had when the liver tor Redding, Cal., to locate and probably only obstacle met with is that their is no there. Thousands of cases of Consumption, remain. Joseph Robinson is looking after Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and is properly at work. If troubled with any iron in the neighborhood for fluxing. The leap year party passed off with great Asthma, Coughs, Colds, and Croups 4th Monday in each month. Members in of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER tbe farm and may also remove to Redding. Baltimore capitalists own the mines and “ecla." all the gentlemen attending ex cured everv day by Shiloh's Cure, good standing cordially invited tc attend. Fine bargains in clothing at J. R. Bal­ smelter. pressing themselves as never having at­ sale by T. K. Bolton. REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi­ | “CUPIDENE’’ H. 8. E vans , C. P. timore’s. tended a better dance. About fifty tickets cines, and Better than Pills. I This treat Vegetable R obt , T aylob ,’Scribe. Charles Phillips is busy on develop ­ were sold and quite a number of gents at ­ ----- . - _ v w 'w * « ms av Vi Ltd iter, the presur! i> Representative Conn has returned to ^»-EVERY PACKAGE-^? tended that bad no partners, but had a TROUBLE AHEAD. tlonol a taoious French piiyuclan, will quickly eure you of all uer ment work on the Free-and-Easv quartz Paisley via The Dalles, having visited the vous or «IseaMO of the generative oriquis, sucu us Lost Mauboo** HOP* REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, NO. 24. Has tbe Z Stamp iu red on wrapper. balance of that enormously large joint sen­ placer, near Kerby. The lode has been good time just the same. Insomnia, I’sinsin tbe Back.Seminal Emissions, Nervous DebUlty, Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, KxUausUng Drains, Varicwl* atorial district in tbe interest of bis canvass prospected every little ways for 1500 feet The rain which the miners have been A Hot Financial Fight Indicated In J. H. Zeilin & Co.. Pbila.. Pa. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each Conv.iDuUon. 11 stops all losses by day or nlgbL Prevsut»^ Democratic Convention. for tbe republican nomination for senator. and rich ore has been found all along. longing and wishing for has come and gives bvaa uf discharge, wbicb if not checked leads tc Sperm»torr month in Odd Fellows' Hall, Ashland. BEFORE and AFYEH «¿teehorror*oamotency. < rPlDK«Ecteau»»»tbeUve», tta Besides this the decomposed quartz has promise of a good down-pour, and ranch­ An examination of the last ballot tak­ Miss E mma S tephenson , N. G. kidneys and the unitary organs of all intpiuiUeas Read the advertisement of Prof. Head, ers also will be well-pleased as the long M iss N ina E meby , Secv. CUPIDEME strengthens and restores small weak organa the piano and organ agent. He deals in a been sluiced and gold enough obtained spell of fine weather has allowed them to en in the contest over the place for hold­ The reason sufferers nre not cn.-ed by D?.rtors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with to make a goodly dividend alreadv. line of superior instruments that afford the put in a large acreage and the prospect now ing the Democratic natioiial conven­ Prostatitis. CUPIDENE ia tbe only known remedy to cure without an operation. SUMirstlaie'A. hit. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not elTeat a discriminating public an opportunity to get Water, however, is too low for placer is good for abundant crops. tion shows that the southern and the far ItjJOa box,six for|S.OO, by mall. Send for fkku circular uud testimonials. A. O. U. W. just what they may desire and need to developments just now. western men voted almost unanimously Address DA vol» MEDICINE CO.. P. O. Box agg, San Franoison C>l On Saturday eve.. Feb. 25th, a surprise grace the parlors of a first-class household. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. Only two men are now employed at party and candy pulling was had at Mr. for St. Louis. This means a stubborn FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN DYNAMOS and MOTORS Call on or address him at Medford, Or. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall the Gold Basin placers. They are Pernoil’s residence, and a very pleasant fight in the convention over the finan­ every second and fourth Wednesday in Prominent democrats in Baker county simply looking after the sawmill ma­ gathering it was, very much enjoyed by all each month. All brethren in good standing For Quartz Mills, Hoisting, Pumping cial plank cf the platform. It likewise are following along tbe line of Judge De chinery and working around. The work present. are cordially invited to attend. and all kinds of mining work. marks a change of sentiment in silver Peatt in Umatilla and some of those in DR. JORDAN 4 CO.’S Quite a number of pocket hunters are circles since last week. Only a few days M. R. M oobe .’M. W. southern Oregon. Geo. H. Shinn, a promi­ of digging a new ditch will begin May 1, J. R. C asey . Recorder Electrical Engineering Co., nent democrat of Baker City has joined as the old on has been found too 6teep to constantly at work tracing and panning ago some of the warmest friends of sil­ the republicans. Baker changed last year permit a rush of water. It was surveyed and some money is being found that way, 10*1 Market St., tan Franelaoo from a democratic to a populist county. with a triangle, and was given a three- though no large amounts have been re- ver from the south expressed indiffer­ 34 and 36 Main St., .Between 6ih and 7th Sts.) ported. K. O. T. M. ence as to where the convention should Men’s white shirts 50 cents, 75 cents and inch fall. Go and learn bow wonderfully yon be held. They failed to wince even GRANITE TENT NO. 4, KNIGHTS OT THE are made and how to avoid aickiieM San Francisco, Cal. $1.00 at J. R. Baltimore’s. Important To Farmers. Catarrh Cured, and disease. Museum enlarged with MACCABEES. when Now York was mentioned. “Let thousand» of new objects. Admis­ Capt. I. D. Applegate has returned to health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Meet in regular review on the second and Wakelee’s Squirrel and Gopher Exterm­ it go to New York,” they said. “Why sion 25 eta. Klamath county from his mission to Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 oents. Nasal inator fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd the original and only article of its Private Office-same Building not? If the administration ’s course with Washington to secure back to the Klamath Injector free. For sale by T. K. Bolton. Fellow’s Hall, Ashland. Visiting Sir kind giving complete satisfaction. New re» »051 Market Street- Diseases of man; Indians some 100.000 acres of land given Knights cordially invited. ducea from 50 to 30 cents per can. For sale regard to the finances is to be indorsed stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin Water of any temperature desired them at the inception of the treaty between Report of Public Schools. G. W. C rowson , Com. by T, K. Bolton, the druggist, and the Tel­ or even ‘smoothed over’ for campaign sad kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer- Natural Temperature 85 deg's. them and the government which was C has . H. G illette , R. K. Report of principal of Ashland public ephone Drug Store, Helen Stanley, man­ purposes, let the work be done where eury. '1 reaXtuent personally or by letter. Send deeded to the military wagon road before tor book. that sort of work is best understood. ” TO DRIKK TBE WATER IS A T 0 AIC tbe treaty was ratified. Applegate got the schools for the month ending Feb. 28, ager, Ashland, Or. Interior Department to instruct U. 8. Dist. 1896. But these politicians seem to have Long established and reliable practitioners. Milling Business at Pokegama. A’tty Murphy of Oregon to begin suit to Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates Number days taught, 20. Number fungi and animalcules, and neutral­ The big mill here will probably be thought better of that proposition. When invalidate tne wagon road company's of holidays, 0. Davs of attendance, bovs, the time for action arrived, they threw PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM $ $ Dealer in $ $ izing and correcting all acidi­ patents and Senator Mitchell has intro­ 4318^; girls, 4419^; total, 8738. Days shut down next week, as the company ties it promotes a normal and duced a bill providing for a commission to of absence, boys, 311; girls, 295; total, will have no more logs in the boom by their influence in favor cf a town close is excellent tor all throat inflammation and . HEADQUARTERS FOR healthful condition in every settle tbe boundary line of tbe reservation. 606. Cases of tardiness, boys, 61; girlB, that time, and will not resume opera­ to their home constituencies, where sil­ for asthma. Con­ part of the system. HARDWARE, » Men’s fine$2.00 shoes for $1.50 at J. R. 55: total, 116. Whole number enrolled tions again until May or June. Thev ver could hope for more ardent cham­ sumptives will in­ Baltimore ’ s. are extending the railroad further back variably derive — SWIMMING Granite, Marble, pionship than in New York or anywhere on register, boys, 235; girls, 241; total, RINK. — STOVES and benefit from its Roseburg was treated to a pugilistic 476. New scholars, boys, 3; girls, 1; into timber up at the camp, and owing in the east. They lost their choice of use, as it quickly inclosed and covered, the same medica the fact that there is considerable place, but nevertheless are content with TINWARE entertainment at Co. A’s armory last total, 4. Average daily attendance, 437. to Freestone Monuments abates the cough, water, always clean, for the springs run a week. The first bout was between Ham­ Per cent of attendance, 936. Number trestle work to be constructed on thia Chicago. They consider that a stiff renders expector­ and Copings. heavy volume- more than twelve hun­ ation easy, assist­ lin and Kenyon, two local militiamen, of visitors, 41. Cases of corporal punish­ road, it will take two or three mon ths fight can bo made there, and they prom­ ing nature in re- dred gallons per hour. and the latter shed considerable blood ment, 9. Tardiness of teacher, 0. Days before the road is completed. ise that one shall be made. The Chica­ s to ring wasted You may dive and swim and have more Also agents for IRON FENCES. and took a good deal of punishment. absence of teacher, 2. Tbe Pioneer box factory, which has go battle, it is now said, may prove to tissues. There is fun than "anybody”—come out as "fine been Bhut down all winter will startup Satisfaction guaranteed F ALL KINDS and GRADES Then Schuyler of Marshfield and Prof. be the last one fought over silver by a large percentage Did You Ever as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven­ Christol, a professed champion boxer again in a few days. H. P. Martin of Miners’ Tools, Giant Powder, Caps of those who sup ­ ated and happy. and Fuse. A fine line of Electric Cutleuy, and wrestler from somewhere, engaged Try Electric Bitters as a remedy tor your Sacramento, manager of this esmpany, the organization now known as the P. 0. Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. and a large »nd complete stock of Fishing in a prize fight. In the third round, af­ troubles? If not. get a bottle now and get arrived here last Monday, and purchased Democratic party. A compromise is im­ pose their cases to be consumption who are suffering from a chronic cold or deep Located on tbe Cal. Tackle. Plumbing goods, and plumbing of ter taking intense punishment Christol relief. This medicine has been found to be about three million feet of lumber from pending, but seme cf tho oldest and only cough, often aggravated by catarrh. all kinds done on short notice. All work was knocked out. He sunk upon the peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of K. R. L. Co. to be used by this fac­ ablest members cf the party are anxious seated HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILK For catarrh use Ely’s Cream Balm. Both all Female Complaints, exerting a wonder guaranteed. floor, trembling and quivering, and it ful direct influence in giving strength and tory. Mr. Martin has also leased tbe about tho result. They themselves are remedies are pleasing to use. Cream Balm, NORTH OF THE PLAZA. was sometime before he was able to rise tone to the organs. If vou have Loss of ground on which the lumber stands. unable ut thia time to outline such a 50c. per bottle; Pineola Balsam, 25c. at O^Tin Shop in connection. Druggists. In quantities of $2.50 will de ­ in a dazed and uncertain manner. A Appetite, Constipation, Headache. Fainting platform as will bring together men liver on receipt of amount. First-class go ds, and prices as low as the large crowd witnessed the slugging Snells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, The Ashland People ’ s Part Club now at open odds on the money question. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St., N. Y- lowest. match. It will be remembered that Gov. Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, have again rented the front room, How much of the demand for a gold Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. House Raising S Pi oprletor Lord telegraphed bis congratulations t® and Strength are guaranteed bv its upstairs, in the Atkinson block, and standard will the eastern Democrats Gov. Culbertson of Texas when that ex­ Health use. Large bottles only fifty cents at E. A. converted it into a reading room, club abate fcr party harmony? How much of ecutive called his legislature together to S herwin ’ s Drug Store. e H f Ü and Moving room and meeting place. It is open all the demand for the free coinage of silver pass a law to prohibit tbe Corbett-Fitz­ e day and in the evenings if any one so simmons scrap. Tbe governor should chooses. The following are a few of tbe will the southern and western Demo­ Coming Events. keep bis eyes turned nearer to borne. All work entrusted to my care done GO TO— B. F. NEIL. JOHN X. PELTON. Democratic State Convention, Port* many papers on file and received every crats abate fcr party harmony? If the with dispatch, and on terms to suit week. Everybody, regardless of politics, appearance of harmony is effected in the When you drink tea get the best — Ito land April 9. the times. See the undersigned be­ Blend—it will please you. Take no other. Republican State Convention, Port religion, color or previous condition, cor­ convention, how will the deliverance fore letting contracts and save J. K. Van Sant, Ashland. dially welcome. put forth stand tho test of campaign land April 9. money. Sound Money. at criticism? And if it is rejected by the National Prohibition Convention Daily Oregonian. The governor of Chihuahua thinks a Congressional Record people at the polls and the Republicans Daily 8. F. Call. Oak Street, Ashland. Q ALLEN. bull fight is ail right, but a prize fight is , Pittsburg May 27. —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— Daily 8. F. Chronicle. Scientific American. sweep the country will not the two Dem­ Livery brutal and should be prohibited. It' National Republican convention at Non-Conformist. "»■--•« •»»-» — The N. Y. Voice. would be interesting to know just whst I St. Louis June 16. ocratic factions then, each charging the American Patriot. The Denver Road. --AND----- the governor thinks of foot ball. ; National Democratic convention at Watson's P. P. Paper. Catholic 8entinel. other with the responsibility for defeat, Chicago July 7. Kolb’s Ala. Tribune. 8. F. Daily Post. Residence Lots for sale in Feed Stable become permanently separated?—Wash­ Vatipel, Norris Jt Drake are offering the i National Populist Convention at St. Donnelly’s Represen- Portland Telegram. Pokegama, on reasonable ington Cor. New York Tribune. best values in dry goods shown in Ashland ; Louis July 22. Salem Statesman. tati ve. or vears. Call on them. 1 N. Y. World. Silver Knight. terms. Lota sold on the in­ Gold Hill, Oregon. N. Y. Tribune. Appeal to Reason. stallment plan. List of Letters Everv-now-and-then the government ■ The R ecord ’ s job office is prepared to do Coming Nation. Voice of Labor. «VOS JUU ^/AAAAAAAA^ V* makes a popular bond issue to take up * ! »•Aw neatest UUU and ‘ nest job printing of every Virginia Sun. Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland All Oregon Populist lso 2,000 acres of Cho.ce description at the lowest living rates. Mail Southern Mercury. Kept constantly on hand. Fair living P.O., March 2, 1896: papers. For Fine Riga and the idle, non-productive capital. Why orders will receive prompt attention. Sugar and Yellow Pine Land tor sale Kansas Commoner. Missouri World. Addington, M I Blom, E W not make another one and trade bonde prices is all that we ask. the Klamath River. Terms made to Teams. Horses Boarded one night : Lots of reform books. Chicago Express. Ehor-t, O Glattstine. Joe for some of the surplus bay, bops and suit on application. Address, Hay 25 cents ; grain 25 cents. Norton’s Sentinel. I Spencer, B S Homes, C E horses out here in Oregon and give the Children Cry for We will make it to your interest to CHAS. COLE, Persons calling for same will please say I deal with us. Fine bay and grain on hand and for farmer a chance to become a bloated febl’92 "advertised, ” W. H. B runk , P. M. Pokegama, Siskiyou Co., Cal» bond-bolder ? For Job Printing; this office. ■ale. Pitcher’s Castorla. FOR BALS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. Sxxxxclay Dinners. MILLS ASHLAND CWI patent i FLOUB, ] VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S H. C. MYER i HARDWARE and TINWARE j I I MINERS’ SUPPLIES I I GOOD FOR EVERYBODY H. S. EVANS, PAINTING ASHLAND, OR. PAPERING ETC. MANHOOD RESTORED Electricity in Mining GREAT MUSEUM OF AIATOMT ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHNG D. H. MILLER MEDFORD, OR J. B. RUSSELL. Builder’s Material O GRANT HELMAN D. H. MILLER. ASHLAND J. W. COX’S MARKET. POKEGAMA PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s Beef, Pork and Mutton 150 Choice A is