SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. VALLEY RECORD. G. A. It. RASCALLY SUPERINTENDENTS. Will the People Ever Learn to Conduct National as They Do Private Business? BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. Did anybody ever know times to be The People’s Paper. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and good when money was scarce or times 3orpose.” man’s financial status is of course easy The father of Douglas, whose name to determine, but it is into tho finer at­ was also Stephen A.—the Little Giant See that you get C~A-S-T-O-R-I-A. tributes of character that we examine beiDg the fourth Stephen A. in direct particularly. Onr certificate is an abso­ line—was standing before the big fire­ The fac-similé lute guarantee of the man. Of course place in his home at Brandon, Vt., with signature of we havo to be particular, for should the his son, then two months old, in bis wife at any timo insist upon a separa­ arms. The father’s heart was affected, tion and show cause under the contract and he let the child fall from his grasp. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. we would have to pay all her legal ex­ The father fell dead. The child fell in­ penses and furnish her a new husband to the ashes, and but for instantaneous or make over to her certain payments. ” rescue would have meta horrible death. "But suppose,” said I, "after the The mother of Douglas was Sarah Fisk, man is married off, there develops some and she was the second cousin of Jim hidden trait, some idiosyncrasy that Fisk of picturesque career and tragio fl causes unhappiness, bnt not separation, end. what do you do then?” V* Referring to the incidentals, of a •‘ALL THE MAGAZINES IN ONE." "Such cases, ” replied the president man’s career, here is another of more of the Lovers’ Guarantee company, “are than passing interest, inasmuch as it rare, but of course they do occur. In a furnishes the key to the coming of a^t. “Utoi case like this we examino into the cause young Douglas into the west. VW a^t. VW of the difficulty, and if the man be There was a man who lived on a VMi wrong the fact that he is under bond farm with his father near Clifton Edited by ALBERT SHAW. Vtob a^. VM> gives us a power over him, and generally Springs, N. Y., whose name was Gran­ a<\ we bring him to terms. ” a^. «-REVIEW-REVIEWS T he r ™ ew or *♦1 ger. His father was Hezekiah Granger. v.F FIVE "But,’’said I, "suppose the woman The son was in the habit of visiting . cxSbiTiT« , * REVIEWS, as its V*> MONTHS in the caso is wrong? ’ ’ a*, DESICN PATENTS, V.toi name implies, gives in Brandon, Vt., to do his courting. He ORANITK TENT NO. 4, KNIGHTS OF THE FOR a^. COPYRIGHTS, etc. “This,” explained the president, "is married Miss Sarah Douglas. She was Piles! Piles! Itching Piles! MACCABEES. readable form the best For Information and free Handbook write to extremely unfortunate, as wo have no tor-x MUNN & CO., 361 B roadway , N ew Y ork . Meet in regular review on the second and S ymptoms —Moisture; intense itching and $I.OO. the sister of Stephen A. Douglas, and that appears in the other Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd stinging; most at night; worse by scratch­ means of reaching her direct, having no followed him in ail his career, even un­ Every patent taken out by us is brought before a^. '±.a¡ great magazines al! over Fellow’s Hall, Ashland. Visiting Sir ing. If allowed to continue tumors form power over her. We can, however, ad­ tiie public by a notice given free of charge In the a^y. VF Knights cordially invited. which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming vise the man what to do, generally with to his death, and then came on here to a^. the world, generally on the same date that they v.n I very sore. S wayne ’ s O intment stops the C has . H. G illette , Com. Chicago to watch the building of the VF are published. With the recent extraordinary Vtoi ‘«'.A J. E. T hornton . R. K. tchin" and bleeding, heals ulceration, and most felicitous results. As a rule, these monument to the memory of one whom Largest circulation of any sclcntlflc paper fn the in moBt cases removes the tumors. At differences come from ignorance on both she still refers to as the "best man that increase of worthy periodicals, these careful ■ .a world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent VP> Druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. sides. Where they are extreme and a man should bo without It. Weekly, gJ.gOA reviews, summaries, and ----------------------------- VF ever lived. ” Young Granger returned Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. year; 81.50 six months. Address, MUNN A CO., V.toH separation is advisable wo have in our P ublishers , 361 Broadway. New York City. quotations, giving the annual to the old homestead near the Springs V*> employ tho best lawyers, and divorces with his bride. His father, Hezekiah, Carlisle and the Bankers. Vte gist of periodical litera- subscription «.♦> efiks r lre a|one worth It is now almost certain that another are obtained in the most private way. at once declared that his boy’s wife was A Baby ’ s Lite Saved. vf tOUN R. PELTON. R. P. NEIL. "We have in our employ one of the v»> issuo of bonds will be made. Mr. Car­ a “mighty fine woman, ” and asked if ‘‘My baby had croup and wis saved by the subscription price. lisle was in conference with the patriot­ most eminent phrenologists in the coun­ there was any of the stock left, for Heze­ Shiloh’s Cure,” writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of vf Aside from these departments, the editorial _________________ ■vw ic bankers of Now York with reference try, who examines the heads of all ap­ kiah was in his weeds. The boy told his Huntsville, Ala. For sale by T. K. Bolton. and contributed features of the R eview of R eviews are themselves VCl to this issue only a few days ago. Ev­ plicants. Our head physician, who gave father that his bride’s mother was liv­ to**. equal in extent to a magazine. The Editor’s “Progress of the World” is ■v’.Fl LOCKED UP BY WOODPECKERS. na tow. erything in the shape of money now in up a large practice to come with us, has ing, and was likewise in her weeds. —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— a-^ an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days just past, V*> circulation, not gold or naticual bank a growing staff of assistants, and these Hezekiah hitched up his team and made The Fate of a Ground Owl That Had Taken a^. VW a^. with pictures on every page of the men and Vtoi notes, and bonds, too, must fall before look carefully into the physical condi­ a pilgrimage to Brandon, Vt., where he E. McNEILL, Receiver. Possession of Their Home. a^ '.¿ f tion of the applicants. You may depend THREE women who have made the history of the month. the greed of the money sharks, and the "made up an acquaintance” with the tow. Although tho woodpecker is industri­ UK TO TJEIIE upon it that when an applicant has suc ­ RECENT tow. people must pay interest on all and bow Widow Dot Tjlas, and soon after they ous, provident and peaceful, he is not The Literary World says: “We are deeply SAMPLES tow, Vtol meekly and submissively to the will and cessfully run the gantlet we lay out for were marri d. Thus the boy had a to be trifled with or tyrannized over impressed from month to month with the value tow. V* him he will make a good husband. We All Kinds of Fresh Meats a». of the ‘ R eview of R eviews ,’ which is a sort dictation of the powers that control na­ Vtoi mother-in-1 and a stepmother in one, with impunity, as tho following inci­ 25 cents. Vto> tow. tional legislation and onr circulating advise all young married people to have and the o! . gentleman became the step­ dent will show: a*, of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole VF homes of their own, no matter how Kept constantly on hand. Fair living medium.—Cotton Plant. father to lis daughter-in-law. To the an field of periodical literature. And yet it hxs a mind and voice of its Vtol A companion and I on an August day prices is all that we ask. humble, and have a home bureau through old farir in New York came Stephen A. Vtol tow, pitched our camp at a spring on the ta­ tow. own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of V-Mj which a member can obtain advice on *Rah For the Prince I Dougla ., and while there he heard an v’.-Fi GIVES THE CHOICE OF ble lands of the ridge dividing Ojai from We will make it to your interest to an. the hour. It is a singular combination of the monthly magazine and »-.Fl The Chicago university has received the most desirable way to live, the best about the chances for young men in the Santa Clara valley. About the spring deal with us. feb 1’92 an. the daily newspaper. It is daily in its freshness; Vtoi TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL official recognition from Prince Rocke­ locations, a list of houses and apart­ west, and concluded to come out. The stands a large grove of live oaks. In an. ments and the lowest rents. By this an. VF feller for its gallant scrvico in his be­ story of the penniless young man who one of these not far from the tent door Agents find it an. it is monthly in its method. It is the world V*. half in "firing" that notorious friend of means we are enabled to make an ar­ reached Illinois, and afterward became a pair of woodpeckers had for years no an. under a field glass." v’.-F> the Host an. V.F the people’s rights—Professor Bemis. rangement with landlords so that our one of its senators, is as familiar in Il­ doubt mado their dwelling place. Some­ Sold on ail News Stands. Single Copy, 25 cents. an. VF Profitable The prince announces hie determination patrons can obtain certain discounts and linois as is the life of Washington in what shy of us at first, the birds in a an. V’.Fi flagazine. 'C.F an e eview eviews to donate to the university $3,000,000. privileges. Were you thinking—ahem I Virginia. few days paid little attention to our an 13 Astor Place, •¿'.-Fl New York. Long live the prince I Down with the —of entering upon the new life?” The morning young Douglas left the presence. an. ’¡’.I) It frequently amused us "Oh, no, ” I replied modestly. "I am men that dare attempt to arouse the peo­ house on the old Granger farm his of a sultry afternoon as we lounged up­ ple to the dangers which threaten the already married, and, ’ ’ I added laugh­ mother walked with him down to tho on tho buffalo robes laid on the shaded American republic!—Brockton (Mass.) ingly, "I don’t suppose casos of this sort gate that opened out into the lane and grass to observe the birds with whose VIA como under your jurisdiction. ” Diamond. into the United States senate, and put labors the warmth appeared to have lit­ Water of any temperature desired THB OLD DOCTOR'S , "Indeed they do,” replied tho presi­ SPOKANE DENVER Natural Temperature »5 deg's. Myer & Gregory’s fine stock of new dent of the Lovers’ Guarantee company. her arms around her boy’s neck and tle to do. We had camped there a week or ten goods are being sold out at cost by the "We have lately formed a department kissed him goodby. T$ BBIIK THE WATER IS A TISIC. MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA “When are you coming back to see days when before daybreak one morning If you v3ethe Petaluma assignee. for the benefit of married people and your old mother?” she asked him. Incubators & Brooders. LADIES* FAVORITE. Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates AND wo heard a commotion about the homo and Make money while REIJABI.E and perfectly SAFE. Th» »»me. find it to be a great success. For a small Make Them Show Their Hand«. others are wasting fungi and animalculea, and neutral­ “On my way to congress, ” was the of our staid neighbors. Our attention i it ALWAYS used by thousands of women ail over the United State«, time by old processes. sum yearly, in advance, wo furnish la ­ in the OLD DOCTOR'S private mail practice, for 38 year«, izing and correcting all acidi­ ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY I Hon. Marion Butler, senator from prophetic reply. There is a Patmos that was attracted by their shrill outcries and Catalog tells all about not a single bad result. 48 Page ties it promotes a normal and dies with advice as to tho proper man ­ Money re urned if not a« represented. Bend 4 cent« it, and describe« every North Carolina, has stirred up a hornets’ Illustrated rises across the way of some mortals. and tho whir of their wings among tho healthful condition in every (stamps) for sealed particulars. article needed for the Catalogue nest in attempting to bring about the agement of husbands and direct them A good many years went by, and the poultry bushicss. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N.9th St, St. Louis, Mo. part of the system. branches overhead. It had no sooner FREE. LOW RATES TO ALL i organization of the senate by the silver how to act in special emergencies. For faithful mother used to go down to the grown light enough to seo than wo — SWIMMING RINK. — instanco, should a husband be called senators. It might be done if Teller, gate of the lawn and look along the pushed back the flap of the tent door Sheriff’s Sale of Real Property. EASTERN CITIES, The “ERIE” Wolcott, Voorhees and others in similar away too frequently at night ‘on busi­ lane and go back again uncousoled. and peered out to ascertain the causo of Inclosed and covered, the same medica mechanically the best ness, ’ imbibe too freely — I may say this wheel. Prettiest model. water, always clean, for the springs run a situations could be relied upon. The One day she saw a man coming, and, disturbance. We «ire Pacific Coast otice is hereby given that OCEAN STEAMERS is one of our greatest obstacles — or heavy volume— more than twelve hun­ Agents. Bicycle cata­ only effect this attempt will have is to though he had grown and had some of by virtue of an Execution duly is­ It soon becamo apparent that a little dred gallons per hour. logue «mailed should he become ill natured or non- LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS force such hypocrites to show their sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of full description, prices, etc. that tired look in his face which the tecolote, or ground owl, at tho approach agents wanted You may dive and swim and have more i tractable, we tell her what to do. ” hands.—National Watchman. west imprinted on its young men, the of day had taken lodging in the hollow Oregon, for the County of Jackson, and to 6PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO., Petaluma. Cal fun than "anybody’'—come out as "fine —FOR— me directed, and duly attested on the 19th nnANCH bousi :, 231 S. Main 8L. Tx»s Angeles. "Is this department secret?” as silk" and “white as wool"—rejuven-1 woman knew this was her boy. He held ated and happy. "Not at all,” he responded. "Indeed in his hand his certificate of election to occupied by the woodpeckers, to their < day of December, 1895, upon a judgment In a Nutshell. duly rendered, entered of record, and Located on the we invite publicity. Such is our repu­ the lower house of the national congress consternation. Bnt the return of day i docketed in and by said court on the 6th Here is the silver question in a nut­ brought courage to the rightful owners, tation that the mere fact made known from the district in which he lived in day of December. 1891, in a certain action HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE shell. It is from the Lebanon (Kan.) and they resolutely set about finding at law, then pending in said Court, wherein NORTH OF THE PLAZA. For Full details call on or address, Jonrual. The editor who boiled down a to a man that his name is on our books Illinois. He was on his way to congress. means to eject the invader. They tried L. L. Jewell was Plaintiff and Malinda will have a tendency to bring him to Long years after this, when the young bluffing awhile about tho only aperture Hyzer, (now Hagen), and W. A. Jones hundred thousand speeches to three lines W. H. HURLBURT, his senses.” man had scars upon his political armor, to the hollow tree, but to little purpose, were defendants; in favor said plaintiff and is a man of brains. Here is what he Gen! Pass. Agent, "My dear sir,” said I warmly as I made in contest with the giants of those against said defendants, by which execu­ PORTLAND. OR. says: other than to causo tho tecolote to peck tion I am commanded to sell the real prop­ r» oprietor rose to go, "you are accomplishing a days, and when he was in the race for at them when they appeared to be about erty in said execution and hereinafter des­ The great danger to laboring men of cribed, to pay the amount due the said getting hold of a dollar that isn’t good great work, and I am glad I called in to the White House wreath and the press I I to thrust themselves in. plaintiti on the said judgment, to-wit: the in "Yurrup” still exists.—Carson see you. ’ ’ Then, thanking him, I was of the opposition was vindictive in its At last, finding that neither throats sum of One Hundred and Seventy-Three about to depart when he stopped me attack upon him, Douglas stopped on nor entreaties were likely to bo effect­ and 67-100 Dollars ($173.07), in U. S. Gohl (Nev.) Appeal. courteously. —VIA— his return from Washington to visit his Coin, with interest thereon in like Gold “Excuse me, ” ho said, "but would mother, who had in the meantime mov­ ive, and resolved that if they were to Coin at the rate of eight per cent per A Great German's Prescription. be deprived of their home it would be -AND — you mind giving me yonr name? I al­ ed up near the Canadian border. The annum from the 4th day ot December. Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney, the last of that tyrannical owl, tho 1894, until paid: and the further sum of liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl’s ways like to take down the names of all wagon roads were filled with the plain woodpeckers brought presently from Fourteen and 75-100 Dollars, for costs and —OF THE— Clover Root Tea. For sale by T. K,'Bolton. our friends. ” disbursements on said judgment and for people of that section who assembled at "Certainly not, ” said I. "I would the station to meet the presidential can­ another part of the grove an oak ball of the accruing costs and expenses of the Southern Pacific Co. the size of the aperture, and, driving it Execution sale herein; I will on just as soon as not, as it is just possible didate. The old woman threw her arms OFFERS THE.... I may want to advise with you myself about the neck of her boy in the pres­ tightly into tho hole, withdrew to an­ Friday, the 24th day of January, 1896, Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. later on. My name, sir, is Wither by. ” ence of the multitude, and cried out, other hollow tree, leaving the bird of : at three o’clock in the afternoon of said BEST SERVICE prey hermetically sealed up. day, at the front door of the County Court­ South ! A bright and engaging smile came "Ah, they do not know my boy as I do This extra­ North Constipation.' AND After several days, when we started house, in Jacksonville, Jackson county, ordinary Re- over the face of the president of the Lov­ or they would not say what they do 8:50 pm Lv Portland Ar 8:10 a m DitzmesL juvenator is Oregon; sell at public auction, to the to return to San Buenaventure, the ball Falling Sen-' 12:50 p m Ar Ashland Lv 4:40 p m LOWEST RATES ers’ Guarantee company. "Ab, yes, in­ about him”—referring to the attacks of tho most highest bidder for cash in hand, all the sations, Nerv­ was still in tho bole, and tho woodpeck ­ 1:20 pm Lv Ashland Ar __ 4:10 p m wonderful deed, ” he exclaimed. "J. Scott Wither- the opposition. And the son, forgetting right, title, interest and estate of the said ous twitching 10:45 a m Ar SanFranciscoLv 6:00p m To and from all Points East. ers, settled in their new home, were go­ defendant, W. A. Jones, in and to the discovery of of the eyes by, isn’t it?” the age. It for the moment that he was in a presi ­ and other ing about their business as if there hud Southwest quarter of the Northwest has been en­ Above trains stop at East Portland, “ That ’ s it, ” I replied, dumfounded, paats. - . The finest Dining, Sleeping and Tourist dential contest, embraced the old lady never been a tecolote.—Portland Press. quarter, and the West half of the South­ dorsed by the Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem. Turner a lump rising in my throat. ‘ ‘ How the and responded in the hearing of the Strengthens, west quarter of section twelve (12) and the leadingsclen- Marion, Jenerson, Albany, Albany Junc­ cars in the world. Free Colonist Sleepers. Invigorates Northwest quarter of the Northwest tific men of mischief, sir, did you learn my name?” concourse, "Thank God, I have found tion, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey. Harrisburg, Both 1st and 2nd class cars are designed to and tones th« Europe and .quarter of section thirteen (13) all in Town­ America. Senator Teller. Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell, “Very easily, ” he responded cheer­ my mother. ”—Chicago Chronicle. entire system. ship Thirty Nine (39) South, Range Three Drains and all stations from Roseburg to secure uniform warmth, combined with Hudvan cures Hu tty an is Senator Teller is doing now what he (3) West of the Willamette Meridian, in fully as he reached over into his desk j perfect ventilation in winter, and an Ashland, inclusive. purely vege- Deb ill ty, has threatened for two years. He is em and handed me pamphlet B 146, on “ If Jackson county, State of Oregon; and con ­ Nervousness, abundance of cool air, with freedom of dust Libel once meant any little book, but Roiebarc Mall Daily. Kmisslons, You Are a Husband, Don’t Be a Crank. ” as many small tracts in the early days phatic in his statement that he will taining m all One Hundred and Sixty Hudyan stops in summer; the cars of no other lines can and developes lkavk : (160) according to the Government /rentetureness arrive : "Your wife was in here only yester­ of printing were personal and offensive leave the Republican party if a silver acres and restores i compare with them in these respects, nor survey thereof, together with all and of the dis­ Portland.... 8:30 am 1 1 Roseburg...5:20 pm in strenght, elegance and comfort, weak organa day.”—J. Soott Witherby in New York in character the word acquired its pres­ man is not nominated for president. singular the tenements, hereditaments charge in 20 Pains in the Roseburg...6:00a m | 1 Portland... .4:40 pm { lays. Cure: ’ World. That is the way Colorado likes to hear and appurtenances, of whatsoever kind back losses ent significance. LOST by day or Salem Passe offer Daily. Senator Teller talk. The whole state thereunto belonging or in anywise appur- —- — -9------------ -- Canadian Pacific Railroad CO’s night stopped being the same property which CANHOOD Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., Care for Headache. will unite in keeping him in the senate taining, leave : ARRIVE was attached in the said action at law; San Diego, Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh if he will just carry out this line. He, and ordered to be sold by the said Circuit As a remedy for all forms of Headache Portland. .4:00 p. m. | Salem.... 10:15 a. m. EMPRESS LINE Electric Bitters has proved to be the very Remedy is the first medicine I have ever however, will not go to the Populist Court by and in the order for judgment Head and Scalp Raw with Salem....... 8:00a. m. | Fortland...6:15p. ro best. It affects a permanent cure and the found that would do me any good.’ Price party so long as that party retains the rendered therein. TO Places Size of Silver Dollar. Va­ most dreaded habitual sick headaches vield 50c. For sale by T. K. Bolton. Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Dated at Jacksonville December 24,1895, 3 * rious Remedies only caused Fresh railroad plank in its platform. Populists ! JAPAN and CHINA. qTiCkly. Over 2,000 private endorsement.«. J to its influence. We urge all who are af­ 8. PATTERSON, 1 ‘ rematureness means lmpotency in the tint Eruptions. Applied CUTICURA. Foreign Immigration Increasing. flicted to procure a bottle, and give this should make haste to join with free sil­ PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Sheriff'of Jackson County, Oregon, stage. It is a symptom of seminal weakness THE FASTEST AND FINEST remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual Change in Twenty-four Hours. ver and the referendum for a platform —AND— and barrenness. It can be stopped in 20 days Deputy Commissioner of Immigration constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv­ BOATS ON THE PACIFIC Perfect Cure in Two Weeks. by the use of Hudyan. i Second- Close Sleeping Cars ing the needed tone to the bowels, and few McSweeney at New York estimates that on which to ride to victory. There is no The new discovery was made by the Special­ OCEAN. harm in letting the movement start in cases long resist the use of this medicine. about 62,000 more immigrants arrived ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. Attached to all through trains. My little son, aged three, was very much all bad conicquenccs, certainly and rapidly It is the strongest vitalizer made. It is very Try it at once. Large bottles only Fifty Pitkin county. This is the proper place cure With troubled with a breaking out on his scalp at Ellis Islund last year than in 1894, ! wi h ®a.e and easy method«. Question Blank and powerful, but harmless. Sold for 11.00 a pack­ cents, at E. A. S herwin ’ s Drug Co. and behind his ear. The places affected were to have it start. Let us turn down every Book free. Calle. >rita !>R WARD INSTITUTE: WEST SIDE DIVISION. age orG packages for S6.00 (plain sealed boxes), He estimates the total for 1895 at 229,607 IzON. N nth Street. r.T. Louis, Mo about as large as a silver dollar; the flesh written guarantee given fora cure. If you buy Gohlbt’cs stand Together. Between Portland and Corvallis. and the increase over last year 61,944. seeker for office who will not agree to seemed raw and covered with little blisters. elx boxes and are not entirely cured, six mom The child suffered considerably, and was nat­ W Q II II | C* The voret fora» po»»- will be sent to you free of ail charges. Tho goldbug Democrats under tho lead For 1894 the arrivals at the immigrant place party below the silver cause.— MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) urally very- fretful. I tried several remedies I I IT ! L. ! Shively csted. M yesr»’ Send for circularsand testimonials. AdLxas Aspen (Colo. ) Times. without obtaining any beneficial results: in of Secretary Carlisle voted tho Repub­ station were 167,663 and for 1893 152,944. A HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, , sue. e®«fu’ practice. Treatment confidential. Cure! LEAVES fact the eruptions seemed to be spreading by mail or at Mice. Terms low. Question Blank and Junction Stockton, -Tlarket dk Kills lican ticket in Kentucky and elected a He says the character of the immigrants TO and now places breaking out. I concluded to DR. WAH’J INSTITUTED Portland.. ..7:30 a in Corvallis. .12:15 p 11) James J. Corbet gave some pretty good Book tree. CsL^r write. San Francisco. Cat, try the C uticuka R emedies . I washed the Republican governor and defeated Sen­ is much better than in previous years. Corvallis.. 1:00 p m Portland. ..5:40 p Di HONOLULU, FIJI AND AUSTRALIA i20K.S»thSt. St.Leuli.MO. advice to the boys of the Olympia Club, affected parts with the C uticuka S oap , tak­ This improvement is due to the rigid when he was m San Francisco last. He The Shortest Line to the Colonies. ator Bluckburu. We find these gold ing care not to irritate the flesh, and applied At Albany and Corvallis connect with These steamers carry an experienced standard people standing together all enforcement of the immigration laws. told them that the best way to get strong Ci TicuRA. X noticed a change for the better trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Rail­ Medical man. and a steawardess on every in tho appearance of the eruptions in twenty- over the country, and yet the free silver The immigrants of last year brought was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that roads. four hours, and in two weeks the eruptions should arrive at manhood lusty and voyage. men are divided and will not face the $4,0000 with them, and this year they they entirely disappeared, leaving the skin smooth Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) healthy. Many men who have been guilty These steamers are in every respect and the scalp clean; in fact a perfect cure, brought a much larger sum. issue as a unit.—National Watchman. of excesses and over-indulgencies, ana have leave : I havo not seen any indications of any arrive : superior to any ships that have yet sailed 03 used the Celebrated Medicine *‘CUPI- eruption or breaking out since. I gave the Portland . . .4:45 p m | M’Minnville.7:25 pm the Pacific Ocean. The route 360 miles child only a few doses of the C uticura R e - DENE” lived to give testimony of its won­ OF 1 E’ldSTH Do you know, it you want to go East and A. Carlson, merchant tailor, corner Main LA-dSTlD M’Minnville.5:50am I Portland. ...8:25 a ra shorter, than any other Trans-Pacific Line. soi.vrxT. I consider yonr C uticcra R ems - derful stimulating and curative powers. desire a Pullman Tourist Sleeper, that you and Granite streets. HIL3 very valuable. I believe C uticuka •‘CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis­ will be detained from 12 to 16 hours unless On Emigrant. Creek, For Rates, time tables, accommodation wonid be excellent for applying to insect bites, THROUGH TICKETS sue of the body. In fact, it stops all losses. you take the Northern Pacific ? Remember which are verv annoving in this country. and any information, Apply to, “ CUPIDENE ” is a powerful, harmless, 4)4 miles from Ashland. On this land The World's Fair Tests that the Northern Pacific is the only line C. A. ARMSTRONG, Swift Island, N.C. To all points in the Eastern States, ALLAN CAMERON. vegetable Compound. It is as sure to are two fine soda springs, 30 acres unde running Pullman Tourist Sleepers through ada and Europe can l>e obtained from Can- showed no baking powder strengthen the generative organs as it is to cultivation and fence, price 15 dollars per to the east without delay. Time and money 146 Third St. Portland, Or. 8o!d throughout the world. TMce.CuncuaA, E. 0. KANE, Agent, Ashland. 60c.; Sosy,2ie.; R esolvent , $1. F otteu D ru « rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package acre. Call and see Frank Williams over saved by this route. For full information, --------------- E p ROGEK8, GEO. Me L. BROWN, D. P. A. KOEHLER, so pure or so great in leav ­ ABD Cnr.M. Cony., Solo Props., Boston. il.OO; 6 packages $5.00. For sal« by E A. second hand store, n«xt door to post office, time cards, maps, etc., call on or address, Manager. Asst. G. F. A Pass Ag. Vancover, B. C. 4V “ Hvw u CureXvery Skla D1 mm «| m frw« Robert Leonard Agent, Ashland, Or. Ashland. EOK SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ening power as RoyuL . kUBVnr. gtimtiiit ^meriran ASHLAND MARKET. t »REVIEW"'REV1EW5 »2.50. PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s Beef, Pork and Mutton. EAST ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHING ntfr/oys. ROUTES ■ Great Union Northern Ry. Pacific Ry R « R CHICKEN misihgpiys N SAN GBANT FRANCISCO- HELMAN EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route ANADIAN PACIFIC :RY. C SOO PACIFIC LINE, VARiCOCELE STRICTURE Canadian Australia Steamship CO. A BARGAIN ! 80 ACRES