p i J I I N I f ■Bagel B»M VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State ments. Envelopes, &c. « VALLEY RECORD. VOL. Vili Senator Cogswell’s Flop. There seems no doubt that Senator Cogswell baa surely quit the democratic party and gone over to tbe republicans. In a second authorized interview in the 1-akeview Examiner be says: "I have never asked the party to which I belong for an office and have never refused to become a candidate when requested, and I have no reason to complain of tbe treatment I have re ceived from tbe democratic party, and I trust that my official conduct has been such that the party is satisfied with me. As I am now a private.citizen and ex pect to remain such, the reasons for my making the change I contemplate are ot no interest to the public. Should I run for office, as the Times intimates I may, ©Almost everybody takes some laxative 1 will then give the public my reasons medicine ta cleanse the system and keep the for leaving the democratic party and I blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS believe they will be satisfactory,” LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) "The Common People,” get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant As Abraham Lincoln called them, do not laxative and tonic that purifies the blood care to argue about their ailments. What and strengthens the whole system.* A nd they want is a medicine that will cure them. more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU The simple, honest statement, “I know LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active that Hood’s Sarsaparilla cured me.” is the and healthy, and when the Liver is in best argument in favor of this medicine, this is what many thousands volun good coadition you find yourself free from and tarily say. Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Headache and • Constipation, and rid of Hood’s Pills -are the best after-dinner that worn out and debilitated feeling. pills, assit digestion, cure headache. 25c. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Secret Society Flections. Good digestion and freedom from stomach Pilot Rock Encampment 1. O. O. F. No. troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any 16, have elected the following officers for ensuing term: C, P., E. J. Farlow; H* of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER the P., Robt. Neil; 8. W., H. C. Mver; J. W„ REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi W. W. Kentnor; Scribe, R. Taylor; Treas., cines, and Better than Pills, H. 8. Evans; F. 8., A. D. Helman; Trustees, E. J. Farlow, Robt. Taylor, A. D. Helman. jJirEVERY PACKAGE-«^ Officers of Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. Han the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. & A. M. elected and installed: C. H. Vau ® J. H. Zeiliu & Co., Phila., Pa pel, W. M.; U. A. Hitchcock, 8. W.; Geo. W. Lynde, J. W.; E. V. Carter, Treas.; E. A. Sherwin, Secy.; W. A. Holmes, S. D.; Wm. Nelson, J. D.; G. R. Mathews, J. R. Wick, Stewards; Jas. Chisholm, Tyler. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, PRESSED BRICKS. Mining Items. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1896, Highest of all ia Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report NO. 33. One Year.................................................$1 TS 8ix Months............................................. 1 uo Three Months.......................................... W Advertising rate* given an application. Changed |4ands ! Alexander A Bent have commenced John Renfrow left Sunday for Placerville, piping on their Galice creek mine, re Cal, ( cently purchased of Cameron A Ennis. Phillip Mullen, the assayer, ia again in The Mountain Mines Company intend Ashland. to build forty cottages for their men at D. R. Mills went to San Francisco Friday tbe smelting plant at Keswick. They on a trip. will run their own stores and carry on The Gold Hill Miner will soon move to 1 quite a business. They expect to be in Medford. full operation next spring.—Dunsmuir The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Geo. Baker returned Thursday from the News. San Francisco races. Redding Free Press: There are 1,000,- Under the Management of C. M. Armbrust was at Gold Hill last 1 000 tons of ore in sight at Windy camp week on a business trip. which will net $10 to the ton in gold, Sams valley had a successful mask ball at 1 silver and copper; this is worth $10,000,- A BATTLE OF HORSES. We are very jealous about the Monroe Moonville Christmas eve. ( 000 as soon as the smelter is put up. doctrine in tbe United States. Won’t And still we have other mountains con Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber A Fierce, Fiendish Fight Between let | PROPRIETOR. England have any American lands, shop. Opposite town hall. 1 taining rich deposits. Riderless Army Steeds and Wild | but give her all our bonds. Which is R. L. Dann’s syndicate have given up L. V. May returned Sunday to his placer Animals. \ a /H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- I the worst? mine on Cottonwood creek. 1 their bond on the Black Jack mine at Just at sundowb, aud while we were pared to Entertain the Traveling Public Southern Oregon miners’ convention at Henley to the original B. J. M. Co. Senator B, F. Alley has sold bis at supper, a drove of wild horses num Capt. Roberts, the steamboat man of In First Class Style. Grants Pass Monday, Jan. 6th. Sacramento river, is dickering with the: bering 88 suddenly emerged from “West” newspaper at Florence and will Antonio Messner o( Manitoba has joined company ' for the bonding of the property Thatcher’s pass and deployed on the lev- 1 move to Eugene or some other “larger ----------- o:------------- the Messner colony at Gold Hill. with a view of’ giving it a thorough test. el ground of the valley. They had 1 field.” This is one of the republican Dr. Parson returned from San Francisco 1 Capt. Roberts recently visited the prop made use of the pass to cross from Cli- 1 sea dogs that wouldn't mind wearing Saturday much improved in health. , erty and thinks well of it. max valley, where grass and water Binger Hermann’s shoes. Miss Viola Brandon returned to Medford — 1 1 ■ :o:----------- Sunday from a visit at Pokegama. , In the matter of the application of the might have failed them or horse hunt C. A O. R. R. Co. for lands within its ers had appeared to give them a fright. The sealing fleet will not go out from At the Christmas ball of Protection Hose grant, tbe California Miners’ Association Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour Victoria at present. They will not go Co. of Medford, 160 tickets were sold. seems to have made the same mistake as They emerged from the pass in single When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. Frank Swingle of Langell valley has gone was made in southern Oregon last year, file, led by a spotted stallion whose because there are not seals enough left ists. to Los Angeles with a band of mules. that is, the protests filed were too general mane reached almost to his knees and to pay for the expenses of going after ----------- :o:------------ Miss Inez Hamilton and Frank G. Micelli in their nature. Consequently there as whose tail touched the ground when he them. Just so. Now perhaps we shall here these protests were ignored by tbe was at rest. He wasn’t as handsome as have some peace. The time seems near Special Suxicl^3r Dinne were married at Roseburg Christmas. secretary of the interior and tbe lands some of the drove leaders to be met Miss Dee Ankeny of the state university, at hand when a lady’s sealskin sack will admitted to patent. with in the days of the wild horse, but Fresh Eastern oysters, Turkey and Cranberry spent the holidays in Jackson county. be kept as a museum curiosity. At the San Francisco Stock Exchange he was yet a king among horses. Of Nathan Selig has been appointed post Sauce, Price 50 Cents. this afternoon the members by a large the remainder of the herd about 30 master of Myrtle Point, Douglas county. O d the whole, is it not just a little majority vote decided in favor of listing were fine animals. The others would Mrs. Cole and daughter of Colestein spent impertinent for American citizens to Christmas with Mrs. Joe Poore at Duns gold mines free, subject, of course, to hardly be worth the catching. Three or send petitions to Salisbury demanding approval, for a period of one year. This muir. four were recognized as cavalry horses will be a boon to tbe local mining com abandoned on the march, and twice that he compel Turkey to protect mis L. G. Goodell and wife have moved to Eagle Point for the winter from Central munity, while it will giye tbe public a that number had collar marks to prove sionaries and stop Armenian massacres? chance to obtain an interest in mines Point. which have a prospect second to none in that they had stampeded from some im Two dispatches that arrived from C. T. Davis of Tacoma is assisting Thos. the universe. California gold mines migrant train. Consumption Can be Cured WHY ? Because your Liver and Kidneys Cline in putting in his new steam laundry have been neglected too much in tbe Turkey ou the same day seem to fit into When clear of the pass, they formed in by the use of Shiloh’s Cure, This great plant. HINMAN, D. 1>. S, past. It is a wise and commendable line and advanced upon us to within a one another. They are; “American are out of order. For years and years Cough Cure is the only known remedy for Squire Parker came in, through nearly that terrible disease. For sale by T. K. three feet of snow, from Parker’s station movement of the Exchange to see that in quarter of a mile. We had 75 horses at missionaries in Constantinople have housewives all over the country have the future they lack not a fair share of the lariat pins, and for half an hour we compared notes of all reports and be Bolton. Sunday. attention. — S. F. Post, Dec. 22d. DENTIST. had all we could do to prevent a Etam- lieve that 15,000 Armenians have been used with best results Wm. Kirwin, river boss, and others Mrs. Hugh Cole of Cole’s, was visiting In a well written and carefully com pede. The wild horses were finally massacred in the last six months.’’ came down to Pokegama from camp to her family on Evans creek during the piled article in the San Francisco Christ driven down the valley by two mounted <^"Iu tbe Masonic Building up stairs spend the holidays, and report work a holidays. mas Call by J. J. Crawford, State Min men, but they did not seem to have “Halil Rifat Pasha, grand vizier of drag on account of the inclemency of the Willis Griffin and family, of Griffin creek, over Post Office. elements, and tbe depth of tbe snow. are visiting Josephine county friends and eralogist, entitled, “The Mineral Industry much fear of us. On the contrary, the Turkey, is quoted as saying that order of California in tbe Year 1895,” we learn leader of the drove exhibited such tem would be restored in a few days if for They were engaged upon a trestle frame relatives. that our county leads the whole State in per that the men feared they would eign influences ceased to operate.’’ for a long railroad leading back into tbe H. G. Fairclo of Yreka was at Klamath M. BROWER M. D. timber, which is to be used in tbe trans Falls last week making final proof on his the number of mines and men employed, have to shoot him. It was an hour be n 1894 there were 276 mines and proper- portation of logs to the river. It will be homestead. The sultan has a frugal mind. He is Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it ies being worked by 1358 men. This fore our cavalry horses calmed down in much needed in the spring and its com About 2000 head of turkeys were shipped year 420 mines were being worked by the slightest. Every animal seemed en quite right, too, to invest in the United PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, pletion is auxiously looked for,—News. is the “PEERLESS REMEDY” for curing ailments of the Liver, to the San Francisco holiday market from 1771 men. Next follows Calayeras and raged at the sight of the free herd, and States a good part of the $75,000,000 Jackson county, O regon A shland . Nerves on Edge. Tuolumne counties with 245 and 242 the captain’s Kentucky stallion acted as he has squeezed out of his subjects. Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright’s Walter Lippincott is home from the mines and 1027 and 964 men, giving if possessed by a fiend. He had been I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Abdul Hamid know» where to invest Catholic college at Mt. Angel visiting his Karl’s Clover Root Tea has made me well Disease. For sale everywhere at $ i .oo per bottle. Siskiyou county 175 more mines and 644 doubly fastened at the beginning of the Office—At Residence, intersection of Me and happy.—Mrs. E. B, Worden. For sale folks at Medford. more men than in tbe next largest county excitement, and later on this proved a money. When he is exiled, this country by T. K. Bolton. chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS. MO. Luther Williams, of Corvallis is visiting in the State.—Siskiyou County News. would be a good place in which for him fortunate thing. He made the most tre bis old haunts in Jackson county and will S a a ,, . ......... I ■— -w The residence of John Smith on the D. P. locate at Medford. During tbe past year a great many mendous efforts to get free, aud when to spend the years of his elegant retire Mathews place near Eagle Point, was des quartz and placer locations have been at length he realized the futility of fur ment, only that our laws will not per Sam Wilkins, a San Francisco tillieum of troyed by fire from a defective flue at noon JJR. C. W. BARR. made in Jackson and Josephine coun ther efforts in that direction he uttered mit him to bring his harem along. It on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Smith and W. B. Pracbt was here this week. He is ties, but there are still hundreds of acres the five children managed to remove the going to Kootenia, B. C. would do him good to learu the merits of good ground lying open for location ; shrill screams of rage and lashed out provisions and some furniture but every J. W. Wiley shipped five cars of beef and the prospector will find many good with his heels till no one dared approach of Virginia sugar cured ham and Cali thing else went. There was no insurance. cattle and Chas. Harvey one car of hogs to DENTIST. pay-channels yet. This section of country him. All night long he stood on his feet fornia Tokay wine. San Francisco last week. An Enigmatical Bill or Fare, Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow’s Block. has been run over for years. However, pawing and snorting, aud the camp sen C. Swanston, the Sacramento cattle buy but little systematic prospecting has been tinels reported tbe wild horses as hang For a dinner served on tbe Dining Cars of ^^A shland , O begon . er, was taken very ill at Gazelle and had to Charles A. Dana speaks these elo the Chicago, Milwaukee * St. Paul Rail done. There is a deposit ot from 800 to ing about within half a mile of us. i way, will be sent to any address on receipt be taken home by his son. quent words of the Cuban martyr, Jose 1000 aores of gravel, with muih white Daylight had come, and the sentinels <3^. All work pertaining to modern d ent of a two cent postage stamp. Address, The S. P. paid Jgu. 2d a semi-annual div quartz scattered through it, lying along Marti: “ It was one of the pieces of (■try. Painless operations a specialty. Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger idend of of 1 per cent to Central Pacific the county road near tbe lower Apple of the uight were coming into camp, Agent, Old Colony Building. Chicago, when the wild horses rushed into view great good fortune that have marked a stock holders as per agreement. gate bridge. This deposit was one day The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Clarence Purdom and Miss Midge Dimick tbe bed of the Applegate rivers. It is a mile below us. On the instant we eareer not short that I knew Jose Marti. OR. JCfiDhN & CO.’S Remedy and the high esteem in which it is were married at Grants Pass Christmas eve, known to be rich, but has never been discovered them, gud while four-fifths I knew him intimately; he workec held leads us to believe it to be an article of and have moved to Oregon City. GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMI great worked, owing to the fact that it would of the men were yet under their blank with me side by side; I gathered in worth and merit. We have the pleas cost probably $25,000 to $30,000 to build ets the captain’s horse uttered a scream spiration from tho ideas that flashed Mrs. Burbee. lately from Oregon, died at 10.« 1 Market St., Sau Franeiscc ure of giving the experience of three promi (Between 6th and 7th Sts.) nent citizens of Redondo Beach, Cal., in the her home in Pokegama last Thursday, leav a ditch sufficient to supply water to which must have been taken as a sig forever from his unquenohable soul. Ho handle the gravel with hydraulic ma naL He reared up, shook his head like use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudell says: ing a husband and four phildrep. Ge and learn how wonderfully jeu are luade and how to avoid akknem* "I have always received prompt relief when Mrs. J. H. Tqrn^r is over from her Duns chinery. This would be a paying propo an angry lion and freed ftiipself of his was a man of gen ius; he was a man of and disease. Museum enlarged with I used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.” muir home on a visit with her folks, Ex sition for a company with sufficient halter. In the same iustaut every other conviction ; he was a man whose sym thousands of new objects. Aduiu Mr. James Orchard says: “1 am satisfied Postmaster Hammond and family. means to equip the property. — Mining .. _ »ion 15 ota. _ horse in the command secured his lib pathies went over the whole range of that Chamberlain’s Cough remedy cured Private Office—same Building The dramatic tever has also broken out Journal. my cold. ” Mr. J. M. Hatcher says: "For erty. Some pulled up the pins, some humanity and sought for all wbat he 10,11 Market Street- Diseases of men-, three years I have used Chamberlain’s at Medford and the military piece, "Com stricture loss of manhood, diseases of the skin Sam Jackson, the Klamath county ran- worked their heads clear of the straps, sought for himself—liberty and the full and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mcr- Cough Remedy in my family and its re • rades,” was presented there Monday. oher who was flim-flammed in San Fran and away went the whole drove down opportunities of life. No man perishes 4- wry. Treatment personally or by letter. Semi suits have always been satisfactory.” E. A. Misses Dottie Day and Eva Gill, of the cisco reoently by Chita Jackson, who Ashland, Oregon. furUok- - r S herwin , normal school, spent their holiday vacation answered bis art. for a wife under the as the valley. It was not a stampede, as who follows ideas such as he followed. ” Long established end reliable practitioner at home at Murphy, Josephine county. sumed name of Emma Cleverly, made an we naturally feared. Even had our ani John Angle Dies of His Wounds. Hall Gaine is to bo congratulated on Miss Thomas, teacher ot music in the other fool of himself before a roaring crowd mals desired to join the ranks of the ♦ John Angle, well-known about Med State Normal school' spent her holiday in a San Francisco court last week during free they would have been rebuffed. arriving at a solution of the copyright and 29 years of age, who got into vacation at her home in Marion county. her trial for stealing his $40. She stoutly PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM ford, maintained that he gave her the money to Our horses were bunched, and in a sol question which is satisfactory to Cana tbe tough row at Mott some time ago in Wm. Pernoil’s store on Applegate was get her wedding outfit with. The jury id bunch they drove right through the dian dignity, Canadian dignity is some- li excallant for all throat inflammation and which many shots were fired and be re : .. .*. The best Hue.'.... for asthma. Con ceived one, died from the effects of his entered one night last week by a burglar disagreed—10 for acquittal and two for con lines of the wild horses and left four of thing great, It is bigger than the dig- and robbed of $150 in gold dust and coin. sumptives will in wound Friday night. He was buried at viction. IN SOUTHERN OREGON. them lying crippled ou the grass as they nity of John Bull himself and more variably derive Mrs. E. J. Lumsden and daughter Carrie, 4- Sisson after tbe coroner ’ s jury held tbe passed. Tbe prairie drove retreated np easily hurt, Under the arrangement List of letters benefit from it s +• who have been stopping in Medford, left 4- use, as it quickl y I inquest. Tbe shooting is supposed to Sunday for their winter home in San Jose, Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland the valley half a mile and then wheel effected by Hall Caine all publicatious + + abates the cough, I have been done by Mike Stokes, tiiu Cal. P. 0., Dec. 30,1895: ed about in a single line. When our Agricultural Implements renders expector notorious Carrie Bradley’s man in the copyrighted in Great Britain must be Bush, RE King, Mike drove halted and turned, there was a The Standard Oil Company’s tank at Med ation easy, assist absence of Pete Sullivan, who is in tbe Holt, G W Laming, Capt. E. J. distance of three-quarters of a mile be registered also at Ottawa to »“¿e the ing nature in re- penitentiary. Stokes is known as “Ital ford was recently struck by lightning, but Prather, Enoch storing wasted ian Mike.” At the preliminary examin no damage resulted. The oil refused to Persons calling for same will please say tween the combatants. We were ordered Canadian copyright effective. A book burn, * tissues. There is to fall in, with a view of advancing up published in * foreign country and not W. H. B^ unk , P. M. a large percentage ation the prosecution failed to put into . Prof. D. B. Smith is teaching a commer "advertised.” on thowild horses and driving them off. Copyrighted in Great Britain must have Garland Stoves and Ranges. + of those who sup evidence the facts sufficient to hold him cial class at Central Point. He will open Daily Health Laws. but before we had gotten intoli ” **c pose their cases to be consumption who are and he was discharged. an especial license to be printed in Can the Willow Springs district school in the Don't eat so rapidly, only »uttering from a chronic cold or deep was too late, spripg. ada before its publisher or author can Sit on a chair and be quiet after eating. Vaupel, Norns A Drake are offering the seated cough, often aggravated by catarrh. ❖ The sight Was a wonderful one. The claim exolnsive rights on it. Serials Young Nelson, son of Lord Nelson, and Your stomach is not a coal bin. For catarrh use Ely’ h Cream Balm. Both best values In dry goods Shown in’ Ashland SAWS, : GUNS, : AMMUNITION, : CUTLERY. a direct descendant of the great English rifO leaders advanced as if they meant remedies are1 pleasing to use. Cream Balm, for years. Call on them. When you feel uncomfortable after eati.nj published in Canada must have special admiral, is visiting at tbe Edson ranch at Sc. per bottl^* Pineola Balsam, 25c. at you have eaten too much, and you need to decide the issue by a fight between license obtained for them; otherwise Gazelle. ruggists. In quantities of $2.50 will de them, but when within 40 yards of each BORN. liver on receipt of amount. Senator McBride has introduced in con Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. anybody can issue them. A serial li BLY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St., N. Y If you suffer from rheumatism watch the other they wheeled and returned to gress a bill to pension B. F. Dowell, well cense, however, does not give the right ARNOLD—At 8quaw lake, Dec, 24,1896, to known to all old timers in this section of sheets. Don’t get between them; if damp their respective lines. Then we wit dry them. nessed something which only a cavalry to publish the matter in any other form. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Arnold, a son. tbe state. Cure vour rheumatism with Joy’s Vege man will credit. Our horses fell into a George, Fred and Bird Loosley were table Sarsaparilla. double line and dressed to the right as elected the board of directors of the Ft. Something to Be Thankful For. M aih S trebt , O pposits P liea MARRIED. Keep flies out of your house; they are perfectly as if a trooper had occupied Klamath Creamery Co. at the annual meet germ carriers. Even the Arizona Kicker could find ing recently held. each saddle, and while we looked the nothing to complain of in the fine young ZPJYIHSTTS ZF’-ZLIHSTTZELRS’ TOOLS, McKINNEY-COCHRAN — At Grants Wear flannel undergarments. M. D. Wilson of Talent, who moved to lines suddenly moved forward on a Pass, Dec. 25,1895, A. M. McKinney and southern Keep your feet warm; your head cool. Oregon from Baker City some WALL ZPJLZPZEZEò. GLASS. ETC. charge. When they swept past us, the state that is to be if the unique Thanks Miss Izora Cochran. months ago, paid the R ecord office a When your blood is thin you feel cold in giving proclamation issued from Phe BARNARD -NICHOLS—At the M. E. par pleasant visit last week. B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. the least change. When your blood is thin alignment was absolutely perfect, with sonage in Jacksonville, Dec. 29, 1895, by take Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla; it will the captain’s horse on the right and nix, the capital, by Governor Louis C. Geo. W. Boggs received six years in the make Rev. W. B. Moore, Prof. J. C. Barnard your blood red, rich and thick. leading by about 20 feet. The line of Hughes is to be taken as a guide in the Walla Walla penitentiary as bis sentence. and Miss Isabella M. Nichols. Yes, it will do to take Joys Vegetable Sar wild horses bent and wavered, but did matter. Governor Hughes finds much to His bail, pending an appeal to the supreme Residence Lots for sale in court, was fixed at $15,000. saparilla now. not break until struck. It was like strik congratulate the Arizonians on in the Pokegama, on reasonable When you get off your bicycle after a ing a drumhead with a sledge hammer. progress the territory has made in the DIED. On account of the death of Peter Devlin terms. Lots sold on tbe in Rev. Father Desmarais failed to preach in long warm run, put on a coat. 1 believe that fully 40 horses went stallment plan. If you are going on a trip take Joy s Vege down under the shock, but all except past year. Ashland Sunday. He is expected next HERD—On Applegate, Dec. 26, 1895, of Sunday, the able Sarsaparilla. 5th of January, Besides recalling the pilgrim fathers softening of tbe brain, James Herd, aged lso 2,000 acres of cho.ee Strange food makes strange stomachs. four were speedily on their feet again. and their Thanksgiving he says: Jackson Co., Oregon. Edw. Murphy, wife and child and J. J. 72 years. Sugar and Yellow Pine Land for sale Murphy took Saturday evening’s tram for Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the From this on it was a melee, the whole During the past year our people and the ter Ou tbe Klamath River. Terms made to Mr. Herd has been a resident of southern Jacksonville to attend the funeral of their stomach, cleanses the stomach, and renews drove circling around, and each horse ritory have been steadily advancing in ma Oregon for 40 years, during which time be suit on application. Address, the stomach, cousin, the late Peter Devlin. biting and kicking and displaying such terial, education, moral and religious develop has been engaged in mining and the saw CHAS. COLE, ferocity as to astonish us. The mob ment, which tells for the happiness of the peo No appetite? Take Joy ’ s Vegetable Sar mill business. He leaves one child. Tbe A son born to the wife of Fxaqk Rhodes Pokegam*, Siskiyou Co., Cal. funeral took place at Jacksonville Friday prosperity. The desert fought past us down the valley and ple and are permanent at Ft. Jones and a feOri to the wife of Antone saparilla. Keen appetite. being reclaimed; bounteous rains at Jacksonville cemetery under the auspices Fordthoffer, At Sissoti, both on Christmas Acceptnothing but the genuine when you back, and right in front of the camp the places have given abundance of pasture to our herds; of tbe Masonic lodge. day, will receive Chronicle cups. ask for Joy’s Vegetable 8arsaparilla. AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 aares ap olimax camo. The battle had been rag the mines aro yielding their treasures; the for Sale or Rent. husbandman rejoices in the generous product Deputy Sheriff A. 8. Barnes was up from ing half an hour, when the spotted stal Judge Bellinger in the U. S. circuit court Three houses and lota in the town of Gold Hill, all good bualnasa stands. of the farm; the merchant, mechanic and all Jacksonville Sunday visiting his family. ARE YOCJ QOING- EAST? He informs us that a populist club will at Portland has granted Pool aud Case, lion hobbled out of it on three legs and □lasses of tollers enjoy a renewal of trade, train-robbers, 30 days in which to prepare bleeding from half a dozen wounds, which establishes a confident hope for the fu QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. soon be organized at Jacksonville. their motion for a new trial. The prosecu and that seemed to take the pluck out ture. Our health restoring and health pre If so be sure and see that your tickets There are three persons under sentence tion claim also to have now found where dime has insured us against epidemic, AS LISTED a number of small and large farms, from 20 acres np, for Sale or read via the OF LFINTE LA.NTU of his followers. Some ran up the val serving of death in Oregon: Lloyd Montgomery, they secured their dynamite. pestilence and many forms of disease. All the Rent. ley and some down, but of the 88 only factors of civilization are planted and experi at Albany; Sam G. Brown, at Roseburg; J5^"Three houses and lots in tbe town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. On Emigrant Creek, “How to Cure All Skin Diseases.’' and Charles Fiester, at Grants Pass. 57 got away. When the hottest of it encing a substantial growth. These conditions 8imply apply "S wathe ' s O intment .” N o was over, we dashed in and secured a ihould invoke a spirit of gratitude, thanks 4Vi miles from Ashland. On this land Ex-Supt. H. Cooley, of the Mt. Shasta medicine required. Cures tetters, giving and praise to the Giver of so much good. are two fine soda springs. 30 acres unde division, and his wife, spent the holidays in internal itch, all eruptions on the face, horse here and there, and in this man cultivation and fence, price 15 dollars per San Francisco. Mr. Cooley is now manag eczema, nose, Ac., leaving the skin clear, ner we finally got hold of the last acre. Call and 9ee Frank Williams over ing Sisson & Crocker’s business at Sisson. hands, Poor Wall Street. white and healthy. Its great healing and which was th<j paptain’s, second band store, next door to post office, LINE, THE curative powers are possessed by no other The 1st National Bank of Roseburg in its Poor Wall street I It is always in the Ashland. Of the 75 only 5 had escaped scot annual statement shows $100,000 in deposits remedy. Ask your druggist for S wayne ’ s tlon ot a famous French pbysldau, will quickly cure you of all ner throes these times. Soon it will h-ve Chicago, St Paul, (rue. Every one of the others had been on hand. This is a solid showing for this L intmen ? vous or diseases of tbe generative organs, such os Lost Manhood. congress on its hands again aDd there Insomnia, Fains In the Buck, Seminal Emissions, Nervous DehiUty country, and there are three banks in Rose bitten and kicked, and 12 of them were Flmples, Unfilnsss to Marry, Exhausting Drain«, Varicocele ajd Minneapolis &. Omaha R’y burg. Ft. Jones people saw a monster meteor so crippled as to be worthless. In al will be some “wild horses” in this con Constipation. It stops all losses bv day or night Prevent» fall from the heavens Christmas eve. When nessol discharge, which If not checked leads to SpermatocrbcK’Kod Siskiyou News: 8. Shattuck drove his it struck the ¡ground great splashes of most every instance our horses had kick gress. The “scheme” of issuing $500,- — THIS IS THE — STFOPF AFTER ah the horrors of Impotency. CUPIDKNKcleaiwe»U>eMv«r, tM band of horses, consisting of sixty or seven- streaked flames were thrown out by the ed off both hind shoes, and in some 000,000 of 8 per cent gold bonds which UtrUHt AND Aritrt kidneys and the urinary organs ei eU tatpariUsa fVPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organa. ty head, from the Siskiyou mountaih range splintering of the big red-hot rock, which Grover and his banker confreres have GREAT - SHORT - LINE down The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety v>er cent are troubled with the Klamath river Igst Monday. They lighted up the heavens like a million sky eases the front ones were gone as well. on the stocks will not pass without Have put in a new<^^®^ Prostatitis. CUPIDENE is the only known remedy to cure withoutan operation. WOO testlmoaL There were 7 dead aDd 36 crippled all looked well,' Considering the weather. ala A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not effect a parmaauut cure rockets. BETWEEN DULUTH f 1.00 a box, six for |5.00, by mall. Send for fbkk circular and testimonials. horses on that battlefield when hostili considerable ventilation (¡md a tremen Misa Hattie Warner is down from the Address DA1OL MEDICINK CO., P. O. Box 2076, San Francisco, Cat dous opposition. The people of this @ SODA WORKS @ ties ceased, aud of the 57 wild horses Drain state normal school visiting at her FOR BALE BY K. A. SHERWIN. home in Medford. She lost everything in Chamberlain’s Eye and mm « Ointment which made their escape many were, country will not be further sold into Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- tbe fire that destroyed tbe ladies dormitory. bondage to the money kings of Europe — at Yreka, Cal. Miss Warner will return again being teacher Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped limping badly. Before breaking camp without an indignant protest. Indigna of music in the school. Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, wo turned to aud put an end to the suf tion meetings will bo held all over the And all points East and South. Their OOQOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Magnificent track, Peerless Vesti- An Episcopal church fair at Dunsmuir Chrome Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. ferings of the cripples, and we were land. § § Dealer in $ $ yok yet in the saddle when a hundred buled Dining and Sleeping Christmas netted $235. Mrs. Dr. Tregloan For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box, Poor Wall street I Its only hope is in ND are prepared to till all orders on buzzards and a dozeu wolves were feast was voted the prettiest lady in Dunsmuir Car Trains and Motto : TO HOBaS^WNEBB. short notice. • * * • and received a lamp-shade. Aneta Harris ing on the bodies.—Detroit Free Press. more bondage to Europe. Ah, yes, it For putting a horse in a fine healthy con was voted the most popular baby. Louis has one other hope—it turns with long “ALWAYS ON TIME.” Silvey won the piano lamp. dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. A tough or freshly killed fowl may ing eyes to poor, despised Colorado Granite, Marble, They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure be made tender by burying in the ground ($250,000,000 of whose silver industries Have given this road a national reputa A Great German's Prescription. loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct ® and Moving. THB OLD DOCTOR’S tion. All classes of passsen gers carried it helped to destroy) and prays that a ter some hours. Freestone Monuments on the vestibuled trains without extra Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney, kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving Barney Barnato bonanza may turn up Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. charge. Ship your freight and trave liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl’s new life to an old or over-worked horse. 251 and Copings. there. The increase of gold promises to All work entrusted to my care done over this famous line. All agents have Clover Root Tea. For sale by T. K, Bolton. cents per package. For sale by druggists. | The best salve in the world for Cuts, with dispatch, and on terms to suit be great there. If it should, tbe Roths W * LADIES9 FAVORITE. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever For Sale at E A. 8 herwin ’ 8 drugstore,! ticket. the times. See tbe undersigned be* Also agents for IRON FENCES. ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. The MM childs would probably demonetize gold Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, W. H. M ead , Gen. Ag’t., $• u«ed by thousands off women all over the United State«, fore letting contracts and save FAe U. S. Gov ’ t Reports Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- Satisfaction guaranteed in the OLD DOCTOR 8 private mail practice, for 38 year«, as they tried to do in 1857.—New York 48 Washington St. Portland, Or. money. and not a single bad result. cures Piles, or no pay required. It is Car. 8t. Louis Post-Dispatch. Show Royal Baking Powder L Bend 4 cent« Children Cry for tively guaranteed to gi T. W, T easdale , G. P. A.. feet satisfaction or P, 0. Address ; YREKA, Sfstiytm Co., UMkStreBi AÍLItati. ctatspVr bWi 81. Pafll, Minn. D. AUEN. mpsrior to all other* Rteher^CWtdrTw« w IB« nR«wrd.’' CWT. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Baking HOTEL Powder OREGON, A bsolutely pure FRED T. FRADENBURGH Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. BACKACHE. Professional Cards Dr. J. H. McLean’s 0ÎÎS Kidney Balm. i SELDOM EQUALED, NEVER EXCELLED. VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop s. + t♦ + ? $ i Í H. C. MYER 1 HARDWAREfand TINWARE ¡ t -? i : : ♦ ♦ * ❖ t POKEGAM A 150 Choice I I MINERS SUPPLIES I I H. S. EVANS, PAINTING. ASHLAND, OR. PAPERING. ETC. GOLD HILL, A A BARGAIN I H ACRES MANHOOD RESTORED^™—- PARKINSON & WISE J. B. RUSSELL. Contracting & Building A 9 $