. ..«.Ingel Bres Î ALLEY VALLEY RECORD. of 4 every DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments. Envelopes, Ac. F ASHLAND, OREGON. VALLEY REC ORD. INE PRINTING — VOL. VIII. Carrie Bradley Heard of Again. Tbe notorious Carrie Bradley, an ex­ convict who has did time as an accom­ plice of Sullivan in a once famous Port­ land murder, is heard from again. She is running a dance house at Sisson, while Sullivan is doing time in the Folsom pen, for procuring girls under age for her bouse. Tbe other day she took her girls and gang to Mott and during a row in Sage’s saloon a general shooting took place. Most of the shooting was done at the ceiling, and walls which showed 14 bullet holes. But “Italian Mike” and John Engle were shooting at each other. Engle received a bullet in his shoulder. Mike was arrested for the crime. ASHLAND, JACKSON .COUNTY, PRESSED BRICKS. OREGON , Difference Between $7000 and Two Overcoats. ----------------- ---------—. THURSDAY, DECEMBER ... .... ■ Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I • One Year............................................. *1 75 Six Months.......................................... 1 00 Three Months....................................... 50 ... 26, 1895, RECORD. NO. 32. Advertising rates given on application. Çhanded friands ! Saturday was the shortest day of the Gold Hill Miner.] year. The nigger who broke into Julian Miss Donegan is visiting her folks at Richard’s cabin and stole two old coats went to the pen for thirteen months. Jacksonville. boy who passed a little of the B. Beach, the carpenter, returned from The “ queer ” was sent up for a year, but the Yreka Friday. bold robbers who stole seyen thousand, went to D. M. Simon of Eagle Foint four hundred dollars from old Jaxe The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Portland last week. Neathammer are enjoying immunity from Mrs. Eddy and children are visiting prosecution that passes all understand­ Under the Management of ing. If anyone can tell why this plain, Grants Pass relatives. bold-faced robbery should go unpunish ­ Miss Lillian Pember returned Friday ed, let him speak. There is almost an from Sacramento, Cal. THE ACQUISITION OF OREGON* It is a pleasure to Dote that in the esti­ Porter Robinett has returned to Eagle absolute certainty that the principal wit­ nesses were “fixed,” and from the mation of the gold worshippers, there is Point from Shasta valley. PROPRIETOR. general trend of things it is apparent How the United States Secured something more valuable than gold, viz: Hood's is Wonderful. Oregon From the British Diplo ­ W. W. Weber, the Gold Hill black­ that “a little sugar” has been used to a government bonds. There is method in mata. No less than wonderful are the cures ac _ smith, leaves soon for Sacramento. * \ a /H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- purpose in another direction. Well did ©Almost everybody takes some laxative complisbed by Hood Sarsaparilla, even after About this time fifty years ago the peo­ their madness. 8hakspeare say, “ Plate sin with gold J. A. Pritchard of the Boggs mine on ■■ pared to Entertain the Traveling Public medicine to cleanse the system and keep the other preperations failed. The reason, how­ Elliott creek, went to Tacoma last week. and the strong lance of justice hurtless ple of the United States were directing their The Baker City Democrat was the strained attention to tbe national capital, blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS ever, is simple. When the blood is enritch- In First Class Style. falls; clothe it in rags and a pigmy ’ s and pn rifled, disease disappears and good J. H. Shotwell and family of Gold Hill where the 29th congress was beginning its defendant in a libel suit last week, and L iver R egulator (liquid or powder) ed health returns, and Hood’s Sarsaparilla is are moving back to the state of Wash­ straw doth pierce it.” struggle with the Oregon question. This get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant the one true blood purifier. ------—— to: ■ — was represented by six prominent law­ ington. Interesting County Debt Decision. question was. indeed, the first great prob­ laxative and tonic that purifies the blood lem of Pr-jsident Polk s administration, and yers. If it paid all of them the usual Hood’s Pills are prompt and efficient and strengthens the whole system. •And Mrs. J. B. Riddle of Riddles, is visit­ Baker City, Or., Dec. 18.—One of the when congress met in December, 1845, the more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU- and do not purge, pain, or grip. 25c. ing her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Crosby, at most interesting terms of circuit court Oregon question and the annexation of “reasonable fee,” it would have been ■iiJOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active Medford. held in this county for years closed this Texas claimed a larger share of the public cheaper to have settled with the plain­ Secret Society Elections. ----------- :o:----------- ».nd healthy, and when the Liver is in evening, after being in session over three mind than thetariff and currency questions tiff. Table Rock Encampment No. 10, 1. O. O. W. H. Leeds, wife and two children do today. Tbe spirit of national aggran ­ Îood condition you find yourself free from F., Jacksonville—H. V. Helms, C. I’.; 8. J. weeks. The last official act of Judge Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour­ Reference to the growth and greatDess lalaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Day, H. P.; John Arnold. 8. W.; K. Kubli, came out from Salem Monday to spend Eakin was to sustain a demurrer to the dizement and of territorial expansion was in tbe air. It did not spend its force until the holidays. ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. Headache and Constipation, and rid of Treas.; J. A. Boyer, Scribe; F. Luy, J. W,; complaint in the case of C. H. Stuller et tbe southern and northern boundaries of of Japan, by the president, is incomplete that worn out and debilitated feeling. R. DeRoboam, E. Band, W. H. Parker, David Cardwell has returned to Cen­ al. vs. Baker county aid its officials, the republic had been fixed and its without the statement that Japan’s prog­ ------------ ;o:------------- These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. trustees. tral Point from a several years residence which action was brought to restrain the dominion settled from ocean to ocean. ress has been made without the aid of Good digestion and freedom from stomach • « » Ruth Rebekah Lodge No. 4, I. O. O. F., in California. county from receiving, cancelling or pay­ troubles will only be had when the liver Jacksonville—Mrs. Carrie Horton, N. G.; ing off in any manner outstanding war ­ The Oregon question involved the settle­ the gold standard. The big war indem­ Clarence Kearnes, who is attending the Is properly at work. If troubled with any Mrs. Ellen Kubli. V. G.; J. M. Horton, R. ment of our northwestern boundary, a nity, exacted from China, is payable in rants. The defense held that the act of Fresh Eastern oysters, Turkey and Cranberry of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER 8.; Mrs. Marv Miller, Treas.; J. A. Boyer, state university at Eugene, is visiting his th« plaintiff was nothing more or less source of inevitable discord between us and silver. folks at Jacksonville. REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi­ F. 8. Great Britain. It should perhaps have than an attempt at repudiation. The Sauce, Price 50 Cents. settled by the Ashburton treaty,which, cines, and Better than Pills. Banner lodge No. 23, A. O. U. W.,of Silver is going up in spite of the Roths­ Carl Bieberstedt, the Lake creek county court employed the best legal been bearing date of August 9, 1842, settled tbe Jacksonville, has elected the following hunter, on a recent chase killed four talent of this city, and is rejoicing over a northeastern boundary, as well as affording childs and the other scoundrels. It will JTEVERY PACKAGE'S®- officers: M. W., L. L. Jacobs; foreman, victory' in which the heaviest taxpayers a cruising convention for the mutual sup­ survive all its assailants. It isn’t in the Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. F. White; overseer, Jas. A. Wilson; re­ bear on Pool mountain. pression of slave trade. But tbe Oregon power of a generation of knaves, assisted corder, Geo. M. Love; financier, Hugh < J. H. ZeHiix & Co., Phila., Pa. L. Samuels, who made and killed the share. question was ignored, tbe omission being Elliott; receiver, K. Kubli; guide, A. West Shore, was in the valley last week An Enigmatical Bill or Fare, the most important of the many matters by an army of lying editors, to destroy a Schmidt; inside watchman, M. M. Taylor; as an insurance solicitor. For a dinner served on the Ditling Cars of passed by for later time. Great Britain had money metal which was venerable with medical examiners. Drs. DeBar and Robin­ son; trustees, J, C. Whipp, II, Wendt and Mrs. W. G. Parker, of Parker’s station, the Chicago, Milwaukee ♦ St. Paul Rail­ long desired to possess the Columbia river. age when the pyramids of Egypt were will be sent to any address on receipt To this end had been bent tha active col Geo. N. Lewis. is in for a visit of some months with her way, WHY ? Because your Liver and Kidneys of a two cent postage stamp. Address, onization effort of the Hudson’s Bay built. daughter, Mrs. Wilkinson. Company, which boasted in 1837 that it was Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger A Fact Worth Knowing. WM. M. COLVIG, are out of order. For years and years Another batch of five decisions was rapidly converting Oregon into a British Mrs. L. L. Freeman has returned to Agent, Old Colony Building. Chicago, Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and province and the laborious butireless nego ­ handed down by the supreme Ashland, Oregon. GREAT MCSEDM OF ABATOK retired from the business. Cox’s stable ad contended for “Fifty four-forty or modern city, but it might be governed The Populist Committee to Meet. is a beautiful waltz and chorus. Pub­ is the place for responsible care at low fight.” Great Britain was also more paci­ 1OM Market St., San Fiantlse« lished for Piano and voice, also Mandolin prices. He keeps first-class rigs. Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 17.—The na­ fically inclined to us from the prospective for tho present by a joiDt commission (Between 6th and 7th Sts.) and Guitar; Mandolin and Piano; Full I tional executive committee of the People’s lowering of our tariffs; and Sir Robert Peel appointed from the various nations in­ The Presbyterian church of Medford Go and learn how wonderfully J on Band and Orchestra. By way of intro­ are made and how to avoid sicknetv duction. either of the arrangments will be will open bids December 30th for the party has issued a call for the national was “tottering under tbe obloquy of his terested. corn law’s repeal.” and disease. Museum enlarged with mailed to any address on receipt of 15 cents building of a new church to replace the convention at Lindell bouse, St. Louis, • * • thousands of new objects. Admia .... The best line .... in stamps when orded direct from I saac one destroyed by an incendiary firebug January 17, 1896, to fix the time and Bueklen's ArnieaC Salve. - „ sion 25 eta. The final settlement of the question soon place for holding a national convention D oles , (Pub).. Indianapolis, Ind. (Regular ' IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Private Office—same ltuilding this summer. The plans were drawn by followed. Lord Aberdeen submitted an The best salve in the w orld for Cuts, and to transact other business. Hermann otter to compromise on the 49th deg., re­ Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt 1,’beuni, Fever 1051 Market Street— Diseases of men: price 50 cents each.) W, J. Bennett. stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin ¡8 chairman of the committee on irriga­ serving to Great Britian the whole of Van­ Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, List of Letters and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer­ J. E. Olsen, of the saw-mill firm of tion and arid lands, and Ellis is chair­ ’s island by a line running through Corns, and all Skin Eruptions.- an(i posi­ cury. Treatment personally or by letter. Send Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland Olsen BroB. was up from Gold Hill Fri­ man of the committee on expenditures couver the St raits of Fuca. The treaty was ratified tively cures Piles, or no pay required-. B *s tor book. - f P. 0., Dec. 23,1895: Agricultural Implements June 15,1846, a date thus forever memor­ guaranteed to give perfect satisfa'ction or day having some work done at the iron in the department of justice. Long established and reliable practitioner Booth A A Coulson R J able in American history, especially in the money refunded. Price 25 cents p<'r b°x- foundry. They have moved their saw ­ Dodson, Mrs Bell Faxon, Ernest one eye on the clock, and the othei Oregon country, and one whose semi-cen­ For sale bv E. a . Sherwin. mill from Sams creek to the Chavner on With Hershberger, M Insley, M H your plate, you cannot enjoy a meal tennial should not be allowed to pass with­ place at Gold Hill. Taylor, Mr Lon When traveling east, you should take the out a commemoration of some kind.—Port­ Great River Discovered in Cana.'»- PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM Slick, E H 4- Northern Pacific, the only dining car line land Oregonian. Persons calling for same will please say Geo. XV, Jones, who lives on the eld from The Toronto Evening Mail Bays thb't -.- • • • • Garland Stoves and Ranges, is excellent lor all throat inflammation and “advertised.” Portland ; meals 75 cents. You don ’ t W. H. B runk , P. M. Andrews’ place out Dead Indian way, have to get up in the morning at six o'clock, Dr. Bell, of the Geological Survey, who “Hrrw to Cure All Skin Diseases.” for asthma. Con­ ♦ I was in town Saturday. While out hunt­ rush to breakfast and gulp it down in fif­ The Ills of Women. sumptives will in­ Simply apply "S wayne ’ s O intment .” N o has just returned from a trip to James variably derive •> Constipation causes more than half the ing last week he killed three wildcats teen minutes, and then have to wait until 2 internal medicine required. Cures tetters, Bay, reports having discovered a great ♦ benefit from its ills of women. Karl’s Clover Root Tea is a and reports that “it wasn’t a good day or 3 o'clock for lunch or dinner. To avoid eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, river in the north, as well as many other + SAWS, GUNS, : AMMUNITION, : CUTLERY. use, as it quickly pleasant cure for Constipation. For sale by for wildcats, either.” this, take the Northern Pacific; the only hands, nose, &c., leaving the skin clear, interesting things. He left about the + I abates the cough, T. K. Bolton. dining car route, tbe only line to the Yellow"- white and healthy, its great healing and end of June. The route was direct north A man named Schlund and a com- stone : 4"+*{H“í"í-4-í‘4"í-4-4-+"í"++"í-4"4”í-l-4-{"+4-v4-{-4-4-í"+4-+++4.4.4.+++4.4.4.+4.+4.^.* renders expector­ Park and the only line running Pull­ curative powers are possessed by no other from Ottawa, across the height of land to ation easy, assist­ panion named King, while out hunting man Tourist Sleepers through to the east remedy. Ask your druggist for S wayne ’ s Mining Items. Rupert’s house on James Bay, by the ing nature in re- _______________ last Sunday near Iron mountain, in without from 12 to 16 hours delay. For L intmbnt Prominent among the causes of the most direct water course. The trip by s to ring wasted full information, time cards, maps, etc., Shasta county, became separated. King tissues. There is increased activity in gold mining, apart was fortunate enough to reach home, call on or address, Robert Leonard, Agent, Portland’s Smuggling Ring Bursted. water course was nearly 800 »riles. Five ' a large percentage from the slump in silver and the hard Ashland Or The Portland custom house smuggling hundred miles of this route, or the entire of those who sup­ times in other lines, says the Mining and but Schlund perished in the snow. ring is completely broken up at last. distance from tbe height of land to James Ma„ Sr,«,, or.«... ru.«. And still it rains for the glory of Ore­ Lotan and Seid Back have paid their Bay, was through an altogether unex­ pose their cases to be consumption who are Scientific Press, is the fact that, as com­ W. Honeyman, president of the R. R. only suffering from a chronic cold or deep pared with twenty years ago, forty per V. R. R. was up Rogue river in the gon and the surety of an abundant crop heavy fines and costs and dropped out of plored region unkown to any one but the seated cough, often aggravated by catarrh. cent more gold can be extracted from the Prospect section during bis recent trip to next year. Oregon has some draw backs, public sight. Nat Blum and Wm. Dun­ Indian hunter. Shortly after they crossed R’JAinSTTS PAINTERS’ TOOLS, For catarrh use Ely’s Cream I’.alin. Both Bame ore at thirty per cent less cost. Jackson county, making a thorough in­ but there are no failure of crops. Though bar, the emtwhile prosperous merchants, the height of land the party followed an remedies are pleasing to use. Cream Balm, It raines much, there is always a seed WALL PAPER. G-JL j ASS. ETC 10c. per bottle; Pineola Balsam, 25c. at In southern Curry county is a valuable vestigation of the proposed extension of time and a harvest that has never been are fugitives from justice. Mulkey and unknown river, which gradually widened one of two others are prison convicts, until it assumed a great size. They fol­ Druggists. In quantities of $2.50 will de­ borax mine tbe only one known to exist bia road to the timber belt next season. B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIAI S known to fail. liver on receipt of amount. and only a few of those implicated, suc­ lowed this river to James Bay, which in the state. It was mined successfully Speaker Reed did not appoint Congress­ ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., N. Y. for years, until work was suspended on ceeded in escaping punishment. The forms tbe southern extremity of the great Hood ’ s Calendar for 1896 is out and it is man Hermann chairman of the house account of litigation. committee on rivers and harbors, though greatly admired. Many pronounce it “the latest move in the case was made in the Hudson’s Bay. The river has three handsomest yet.” It consists of the head federal court in Portland, Tuesday, when large branches, one of which has its The Lance Mining company, which he placed Binger back on the committee. of a beautiful young woman in an oval T. N. Dunbar, the merchant, was indict­ source north of Three Rivers, another in has purchased 700 acres of George W. Reed bad some larger eastern fish to fry panel with a stylish gold frame. The back­ ed for perjury for swearing falsely in re­ the Lake St. John region, and the third Lance, at the outlet of Foots creek, is and Hooker of New York secured the ground and pad are printed in harmonious gard to bis financial responsibility when near Lake Mistassini. The new river, brown tints. The remarkable growth of signing his brother’s bail bond. rushing work in pntting the mine in place. for which the Indians have no name, is editions of Hood’s Calendars from one working order. They are cutting a race- The S. P. Co. have raised the rates on the much larger than the Ottawa, and Dr. million copies a few years ago to over thir ­ Daily Health Laws, i way 2000 feet long and 12 feet wide, to their special “flyer” between Portland teen millions for 1896 is only paralleled by Bell affirms it to be the sixth of the great Don’t eat so rapidly, ¡reach Rogue river with the tailings, and San Francisco, 50 per cent. They, the wonderful advance in favor of Hood’s rivers of tbe world, five of which are to They have let the contract for 6000 blocks also, warn people that this is purely a Sarsaparilla, which is now the only true Sit on a chair and be quiet after eating. be found in Canada. Its average width REAL ESTATE AGENT, and 30,000 feet of lumber for flumes. through train and that local passengers blood purifier prominently in the public eye. Your stomach is not a coal bin. is considerable more than a mile, and it NOTARY PUBLIC and They have also let the contract to build a will not be hauled under any circum­ When you feel uncomfortable after eating has expansions many miles in width. It resavoir covering six acres, and for ditch­ stances. COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS Richard J. Nagle jumped or fell from you have eaten too much, and you need flows through a low level clay country, es about six miles for sluicing and piping Residence Lots for sale in is very deep, and may be called a new a third-story wiudow at Vallejo ailcl Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Rev, Father Desmarais will have ser- purposes. They have an order for 2000 AS LISTED a NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up Pokegama, on reasonable If you suffer from rheumatism watch the Nile of the north. The river is 500 miles for Sale or Rent. r feet of 15-inch pipe, expecting to be piping yices in the Catholic church at Ashland broke his neck. in length, and great stretches would be sheets. Don ’ t get between them ; if damp terms. Lots sold on the in­ Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. William Blackman, the oldest resi­ dry them. in February. This famous mining claim at 10 o’clock a. m. and 7 o’clock p. ni., navigable for steamers. Toward James stallment plan. is believed to be one of the richest in on Sunday, the 29th of December. The dent of Sonoma county, Cal., died re­ Cure your rheumatism with Joy’s Vege­ Bay there are successions of great rapids, QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. southern Oregon. Wm. Penter is fore­ evening lecture will be “Romanism and cently at Healdsburg. He was over 100 table Sarsaparilla. which render it useless as an inland lso 2,000 acres of cho.ee man of the work, while the president ol the A. P. A.” Everybody cordially wel­ years old. Keep flies out of your house; they are route. These rapids cannot be ascended Sugar and Yellow Pine Land for sale AS LISTED a number of small and large farms, from 20 acres up, for Sale or come. Seats free. except with great difficulty. The river ou the Klamath River. Terms made the to company, H. A. Shorey, is giving it Director Osborne of the reorganized germ carriers. Rent. Dr. well Reeves, the big bilk, fakir Wear flannel undergarments. his personal attention. ^r>it on application. Address, banks are very heavily wooded with Santa Fe Railroad company says it is JD^Three houses and lota in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands and physician, who has visited and Keep your feet warm; your bead cool. CHAS. COLE, pine, spruce, tamarack, balsam, and liarl'e Clover Root Tea southern' Oregon people several intended to extend the line to San When your blood is thin you feel cold in white bircb. The primeval forest ex­ Pokegama, Siskiyou Co., Cal. is a sure cure for Headache and nervous fleeced times. waB arrested in Portland for mal­ Francisco immediately. the least change. When your blood is thin tends along the whole length of the river. diseases. Nothing relieves so quickly. For practice. At the trial be was discharged, R. H. McDonald, Jr., has been ac­ Fire has not wrought any destruction sale by T. K. Bolton. as it was found there was no Oregon quitted of the charge of embezzlement take Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla; it will yet. Until the height of land is crossed make your blood red, rich and thick. statute under which a practicing physi­ in connection with ths failure of the Yes, it will do to take Joys Vegetable Sar­ Dr. Bell says tbe so/l is sandy, but having MARRIED. cian can be indicted for malpractice. Pacific bank at San Francisco. crossed the watershed, the land is of a tion of a famous 1 reneb physician, will quickly cure you of all nrr- saparilla now. yotis or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost ManhZXl The libel suit of Geo. Decker against When you get off your bicycle after a rich clay loam, well adapted to agricult­ Insomnia, Pains In the Back,Seminal Sru&s“.^ Ner^s liibuity’ Ellsworth post, Q. A. R., of Santa OWEN—WY ATT—At the U. S. hotel, in the Examiner for $50,000 has been com­ Rosa has received a number of relics of long warm run, put on a coat. Pimp es, t ufltnsss to Marry, Exhausting Drains, VaXoceK «2d ural purposes. By experiments wheat Constipation. 11 stops all losses by day or night Prevent?iL Dec. 18,1895, by Rev. W. B. promised by the Examiner giving Decker If you are going on a trip take Joy s Vege- and barley have been groem in districts O'E' ZFIZETZE LAZtsTD Jacksonville, discharge, which if not checked leads co SpermatorrhciJ'Snd Moore, Jos. Owen and Miss Lucy C. a check for $3000. G. D. Cummings, of Colonel Ellsworth. J. L. Bpear pre­ of the same latitude. Returning, the BEFORE « nd AFTER ?’Ahorror«of Impotency. kme cleansestbeUver. th« able Sarsaparilla. Wyatt. sented the collection to the post. _____ "" kidneys and tbe urinary organs ot all Impurities. ™ the Dunsmuir News was also sued by On Emigrant Creek, CUPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organs. Strange food makes strange stoma chs. party crossed James Bay from Rupert’s SHEARER-YOUNG—At the U. S. hotel Decker, but Bro. Cummings had no $3000 Sportsmen propose to organize a soci­ house, and back by Moose and Missineiba Tire reason sufferers are not cured by IKx-tors is because ninety per eent are trmihlad wltl. in Jacksonville Dec. 18, 1895, by R. S. to put up and gave a check for $25, and ety for the purpose of stocking the Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the rivers, till they reached the Canadian Proatatitia. CUPIDENEis the only known remed v to enre without an operatlum 414 miles from Ashland. On this land als. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not effect a uermanent mi» Dunlap, J. P., T. E. Shearer and Miss gave Mr. Decker a nice little puff in his counties of Santa Clara, San Mateo and stomach, cleanses the stomach, and ren&ws Pacific Railway, north of Lake Superior, are tw° goods are going off at figures that do not bis idea of what is best calculated to con­ again. They worked until 1 o’clock in fore letting contracts and save Satisfaction guaranteed money. the morning in getting out tbe trophies. ND are-prepared to fill all orders on The U, S. Gov’t Reports lie. sole a sultan out of a job. Children Cry So they have two more bear to their short notice. « • # • Show Royal Baking Powdif P, 0. Address ; YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. Oak Street, Ashland. Q ALLEN to all otta* / mt * Oastorla. CBb irWnütBi94l> Baking HOTEL Powder A bsolutely OREGON, pure FRED T. FRADENBURGH GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. Special Sunday Dinners BACKACHE. Professional Cards Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver "ÎS Kidney Balm. D. SELDOM EQUALED, NEVER EXCELLED. VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s ) H. C. MYER HARDWARE and TINWARE I I i : * I I MINERS’ SUPPLIES I I H 9 FVAN^ ASHLAND, OR. V- LVMI10, PAINTING. POKEGAMA PAPERING, ETC. DAN RICHARDS, 150 Choice H A ■ A BARGAIN ! MANHOOD RESTORED», 80 ACRES J. B. RUSSELL. Contracting & Building PARKINSON & WISE © A for "" “ Ohlldren Cry for Pltohor'a Gastarla. 1 10.2 wuto’ Flteher’e