E ditob V alley R ecord .] CHANDLER TO CLEVELAND. I Grant. Francis M— J ot ’ s for the"Jaded and Good Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 9, 10, 11, and 12 Health for all Mankind, q Nature’s Stop to Silver Agitation. I He Inform» the President How the Rail­ block 34, Medford............................ 8 Gl road Trust Can Be Annihilated. G. A. It. 1 . —, t .... - --------------- JOY’S VEGETABLE SARSAPARILLA. Green, Hamlett— Is the silver question shortly to be Railroad addition, lots 24 and 25, The text of tho letter which Senator BUnxsrDE TOST no . 23. ! ASHLAND, Or...... Thursday, Dec. 19.1895. bock A, and lots 27 and 28, block put at rest for at least half a century ? ties through William E. Chandler of New Hempshire Is made from 4 SO Meet tn Masonic llall, on the 1st an K. Ash and....................................... It looks like it. It looks as if gold aDd nature'sown herbs, and addressed to President Cleveland on tho 3d Saturday of itch month. Visiting Cow- I i llaitiicrs, Il I)— proper chan ­ contains no silver were to be put upon a parity once subject of the recent agreement of rail­ Lots 2 and 3, sec 13, twp 36 R nels. Joy’s radea oortUaU} weicuiueu. mineral Vegetable more, and as if nature herself wero go­ road presidents has been made public. 3 W. 48.58 acres............................... 4 80 1. C. 1>OD3K. uommander. drugs or 6arsa parilia deadly pois­ Haan.i. Mrs A C— J aw . C iiibhoi . m , Adjutant. ing to do this in her oWn way by opening It is as follows: cures Dys- on. Joy’s i S % of 8 E 1-4 of N W 1-4 of p e p s 1 a , Vegetable up new and vast supplies of gold to man­ ----- FOR W ashington , Nov. 22. ■ N W 1-4 of sec 15, twp 39. R 1 Chronic Sarsaparilla W. It. c. To the President: E. 5 acres......................................... 2 70 Constipa­ kind. robs the S ih — I make complaint to yon, and through BURNSIDE RELIEF CORrS NO. 21 tion, Liver Harris, R E— blood of all From several parts of the world at you to your interstate commerce commiasion, Complaints Meets in Masonic hall nt 2 o’clock p. m. w Jj of sec 16, twp 34, R 4 E, its impuri­ and Kidney ties, and on the first and third Fridays ot each the same time comes news of large gold against the trust and pooling agreement-, now 320 acres............................................ 20 00 Affections. nearly finished, of the eight American rail­ courses al! month. M rs . J as . C hisholm , Pres. Harrah, George M— finds. The excitement in Western Aus­ road trunk lines and the one Canadian line for and Children these impuri- M m . L ydia G riswold , Sec y. Central Point, lots 7 and 8, block tralia is only excelled by that of the controlling the traffic between New York city Y VIRTUE OF a WARRANT issued 24 ...................................................... 0 90 and Chicago. The agreement provides that 111» 1 »Ri I ií/bK cut nf lhe County Court, of the State Halm, John— KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. early days in that country and in Cali­ every railroad in the combination shall make HIRTY year«* ob«ervation of Ca»toria with th» patronage of of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, to Lot 8. block 9 and lots 3 and 4 GRANITE LODGE.NO. 28, Knights of I me directed, commanding me to levy on block 26, Medford Oregon ............ 5 40 fornia in 1849. Although the new Aus­ and maintain the transportation ratco pro­ million» of pfcrkoni. permit n» to speak of it without guessing. liy a board of managers representing Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every the goods and chattels of the delinquent Mrs M H— tralian goldfields are not so extensive scribed 1 all the roads. This is a conspiracy in restraint Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good tax payers named in the delinquent tax Hanley. Undivided % of E % of N AV It 1» unquestionably th> best remedy for Infant» and Children as the old ones, yet they are very rich. of trade and commerce under the act of July standing are cordially invited to attend. ■ Joy’s Vegetable roll for said County, for the year 1891 1-4 and 8 E 1 4 of S w 1-4, sec S. G. E ggers , C. C. From the Yukon mines of Alaska rich 2, 1890. The agreement also makes certain Sarsaparilla thereto attached, and if none l e found, 12 twp 37, It 3 w, 40 acres, Med­ the world ha» ever known. It 1» harxnle»». Children like it. It that all competition shall be abolished, as F.' D. W agner , K. of R and S. I prevents tired feel- i then upon the real property as set forth ford . >. ............................................ 15 20 yields are reported, although only the above required, by imposing heavy fines upon ; a:.d described in said delinquent tax roll, Harris. T A (estate.)— I ings, staggering een- give» them health. It will save their live». In it Mother» have surface of the earth has begun to be any offending road, which fines are to be ap­ i or ®o much thereof a® shall satisfy the J4 of lots 3 and 4, block 19 Med­ I Bations, palpitation plied for tho lxwfit of the other road::. This MASONIC, 68 2 something which 1» abaolntely »afe and practically perfect w a i amount of taxes charged therein, togelher ford.................................................... scratched there as yet. The report from is a division of earnings contrary to section 5 I of heart, rush ol with costs and expenses: Therefor, hay­ Henry, Andrew— SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, R. A. M. St of tho interstate commerce law. I blood to the head, the Rainy river district in Canada is child ’» medicine. I ing been unable to find any goods or E of N w 1-4 and S w 1-4 of This trust and pooling agreement can be an­ I dizziness, ringing in Regular convocations on the Thursday chattel® as aforesaid belonging to the said N w 1-4 and N E 1-4 of 8 w 1-4, none the less favorable, while Vancou­ nihilated os provided by explicit existing laws Castorlq destroys Wormi. I ears, spots before the next after the full moon. delinquents hereinafter named, 1 have sec 18, twp 35, R 2 E. 160 acres., 4 00 ver, the terminus of the Canadian Pa­ of tho United States (1) by injunction from I 1 C. II. V autel , II. r. I eyes, headache, bil- levied upon the following pieces or par­ lligmbotham, Mrs AV R— t/J Castoi-ia allays Feverishne»«. cific, has added to its importance by sud­ the courts, (2) by an order of the interstate cels of land as set forth in said list. said Undivided y of N E J4 of sec I iousness,const i pation J. R. C asey , Secretary. commerce commission, or (3) by an indictment 3 00 lands lying and being in Jackson County, 4, twp 31, R 1 E; 80 acres........ I of bowels, pains in denly becoming the scene of a gold fever of the individuals signing the same. It can Castorla prevent» v omi ti ng Sour Cord. Oregon, described and assessed as follows: Hicks, Ernest— I the back,melancholy, also easily lx* stopped by a vigorous appeal of considerable intensity. One quartz ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. M. Beginning at a point 4010 Abraham, James, (estate.)— Castoria cure» Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. from you to Mr. J. Pien.xmt Morgan, whoso I tongue coated, foul chains 8 and 2 rods W of N E vein there is said to be 80 feet wide. In power over tho nine governors cf tho nino All of sec’s 16 and 36. twp 32, R Stated communications on the Thursday I breath, pimples on corner of B W >4 of S E Ji, sec Ca»toria relieve» Tecth ing Trouble«. i 1 AV: and all of sec’s 16 and 36, our country the Cripple Creek excite­ trunk lines is as absolute ns it was over tho of or before the full moon. I face, body and limb, twp 33, R 3 AV. 2560 acres ...... $103 50 5. twp 39, 1 E, thence W 20 rods, bond syndicate. It cannot- be passible that you J. P. G ilmore , AV. M. thence 8 8 rods, thence E 20 I declineofnerve force ment of two years ago repeats itself. intend to take u;>on your administration tho Caatoria cars« Constipation and Flatulency. Anderson, August T— J. R. C asey . Secretary. rods, thence N 8 rods to begin­ I dizzy spells, faint Lots 2. 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 Not less than $1,000,000 a month are responsibility of fastening upon your bur­ 11 72 Ca«torla neutralize» the effect» of carbonio add ga» or poi»onou» air. and 12, Block No 65 in Medford... 11 88 ning; Ashland, Or.......................... I spells, cold, clammy and helpless people this, tho hugest alpha chapter no . 1, o. e . s . taken from the mines at Leadville. It dened Hopkins, J T— Arant, Mrs M J— I feet and hands, sour trust the world ever saw or that was ever con- Caatoria doc» not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. N E % sec 16, twp 34, R 2 E; Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays Kailroad addition to Ashland, lots is to bo remembered meanwhile that ceivod of, when one earnest word from you to I risings, fatigue, in- 160 acres............................................ 10 00 in each month. M bs . A lice K ane , W. M. Hand 12, and 13 feet off E end of fresh attorney general, your ambitious Castoria a»similate» the food, regulate» the »tomach and bowel», I somnia, and all dis- <3 comparatively few cf the newly found your Mrs. E. A S herwin , Secretary. lot 13, Block D.................................. 34 40 Jones, J C-— chairman of your commission or your omnip­ I eases of the stomach, Beginning at a point from veins about Cripple Creek are opened otent banker friend will paralyze the iniquity Baker. Geo H & Bros— giving healthy and natural »leep. I liver and kidney).. which 8 corner of block 4 bears N S AV % of 8 W Ji and lot No 5, up yet. With the construction of more in its inception. Very respectfully, I. O. O. F. g Joy.9 Vegetable Sar- 35 deg. and 30 •nun. w 60 feet, sec 10, and N AV Ji cf N AV Ji Castoria 1» put up in ono~»iae bottle» only. It 1» not »old in bulk. W ilijam E. C handleh . ■ saparilla is sold by all ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. thence S 35 deg, 30 min. E 50 branch railroads to the mines and the and lot No 5, sec 15, twp 34, It 1 I druggists. Refuse a fiet, thence N 54 deg. 30 min. E 6 GO Don’t allow any one to »ell yon anything el»e on the plea or promise All Ilecommentl It. 132 acres...................................... I substitute. When you starting of more stamp mills tbo output Hold regular meetings every Thursday E; 132 feet 7 inches to road, thence Ball, Thos A — I pay for the best see that Ask your physician, your druggist and evening at their hall in Ashland. .Brethren will bo greatly increased. Tho oro aver­ N 19 deg. 10 min. w along line I you get the best of 8 E Ji and S AV Ji of your friends about Shiloh’s Cure for Con­ in good standing are cordially invited to sec AV 21 Ji and <>f said road 51 feet 8 inches, E Ji of 8 E Ji. and N ages $40 to the ton, some of it running sumption. They will recommend it. For attend. E mil P eil , N. O. deg. 30 min. w thence 8 54 AV Ji of N E Ji and N AV Ji of N sale by T. K. Bolton. up nearly to $80. H. S. E vans , Sec’y, P. O. box 102. along line of 4th street 147 feet AV Ji, E Ji of 8 AV Ji of 8 W Ji 10 16 Medford .................... Colorado is having the greatest boom of sec20. twp 36, R 1 AV; 420acres.. 32 00 to beginning, A certificate of incorporation of tbo The fac-simile Jones, Wm A— Bayer. J C— F of her existence. All the same, it will PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. American National Institute has been 8 W *4 of N W X and W of signature of N AV 1-4 sec 16, twp 34 R 2 Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and E, 160 acres...................................... 10 co S W '4. sec 12 and N W 4 of N be well to bear in mind the advice of filed in New York. The insiitue is or­ 4th Monday in each month. Members in Baker, G H— W 4. see 13, twp 39, R 3 W; 160 twp 34, R 2 W; 40 acres............... 2 60 President Collbran of the Colorado Mid­ ganized for tho purpose of providing a good standing cordially invited to attend. i Beatty’s addition to Medford, acres................................................... 16 00 Renollet, Paul— land Terminal railroad, “As to stock home in Paris for American girls who H. S. E vans , C. P. Jones, T— lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 6, Medford, Pitcher’s Castorla N E 1-4 of N W 1-4 ot 8 E 1-4. R obt . T aylor , Scribe. E of 8 W Ji of N W K. sec 3 60 speculation you cannot warn the public go there to study. Chauncey M. De­ I Oregon............................................... 14 85 sec 6. twp 39, R 1 E; 10 acres ........ pew is president of the organization L 15, twp 39, K 1 E; 20 acres.......... 20 25 Reeves, Wm K, or wife— Beatty, D R— enough.” Johnson, A 8— and the board of directors is made up 8 E Ji of N AV 1-4 and 8 Ji of HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, NO. 24. N J4 of lot 12, block 6, Ash ­ 8 M of N E W, N K of 8 E W The phenomenal gold finds of the last of Henry C. Marquand, Thomas H. N E 1-4 of sec 2, twp 36, R 1 AV; 66 land .................................................... 7 Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each 120 acres............................................ 30 00 and N % of N E 4, sec 10, and quarter of the nineteenth century, per­ Hunter, Edward Walpole Warren, Richardson, G —, estate— N U of N W >4 and 8 E 1-4 of month in Odd Fellows’ Hall. Ashland. Benadon, Geo AV— Chitwood Tract, Ashland, lot 6, SHERIFF’S SALE. haps of all time, are, however, to be Charles F. Hoffman, John F. Dillon' M rs . J. R. C asey , N. O. N W 1-4 and N E 1-4 of 8 W Lots 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 22 .......................................... 10 72 1-4. sec 10, twp 37, R 1 E............ 23 40 block Miss N ina E mery , Secv. and 13, Parks’ addition to Med­ found in the Transvaal of South Africa. John D. Criminins, Henri von Daur, • 14» ■ bllllll Rice, Horace- ford.................................................... 9 00 Johnson. Mrs Hellen B— Candace X. Wheeler, Mary P. Calen­ In the Circuit Court of the S’ate of Oregon 1 44 Lot 1, block i2, Medford ........... In the district commonly known as the Beginning at a point 7,47 chains HAS MOVED HER Blain, J AV & AVife— Rolfson, H— for Jackson County. 8 and 6.57 chains W of N E “Rand,” its full name being Witwa- dar, Caroline deForest, Helena de Kay A. O. U. AV. All of sec 36 except 8 E 1-4 of E Ji sec 36, twp 34. R 3 E; 320 Alpha McDowell,) Gilder, Sarah E. Buckbee and Mathilda corner of the N W 1-4 of the N N E 1-4 600 acres twp 32, R 2 AV ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. acres................................................... 20 00 tersrandt, $40,000,000 a year are now­ Plaintiff, E 1-4 of sec 25, twp 37 2 w, Smedley of New York and ex-Qovernor Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall 60C acres .......................................... 15 00 thence Ross, Mrs D G — vs. being regularly taken out in gold. This Chamberlain of Brunswick, Me. S 7.03 chains, thence W Bowers, Mrs M M — every second and fourth Wednesday in Lumsdens addition to Medford, Warren P. Dodge ) 2.31 chains, thence N 7.03 chains, Beginning at N E corner B B is one-fifth of the whole world’s supply. each month. All brethren in good standing 1 44 of 7, block 3 .................................... James L. McDonnell, chief day oper­ and Delia M. I thence E 2,31 chains, sec 25, twp Griffin I) L C No 49. twp38, R 2 AV, are cordially invited to attend. J L— The gold of the Rand is taken from a ator of the Western Union Telegraph Dodge, Defend- j 37, R 2 W; 1.62 acres.................... 3 00 Ross, thence 8 7.62 chains, thence N 79 Railroad addition to Ashland, M. R. M oore , M. AV. Kingsbury, B R— quartz conglomerate. The veins run office at Tacoma, has succeeded iu ap­ ants. deg. and 45 min. E 23.70 chains, ■ lots Nos, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 33 J. R. C asey . Recorder E % of 8 w 14 and 8 w 1-4 Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Into Novelty Block, Opposite thence N 77 deg. 36 chains, thence down to a great depth on tho earth, one plying a storage battery to the instru­ and 34, block A and lots 26 and of S w 1-4, sec 28, and N E issv N 6 chains 20 linns to S E corner lot _D issued out of the Circuit Court of the 27, block B, and lots 20, 21 and shaft, the Rand Victoria, being a little ments in the office. Two storage cells State of Oregon, for Jackson County, 1-4 of N w 1-4, sec 33, twp 39, 3, sec 7. twp 38, 1 AV, thence N Hotel Oregon, 74 17 K. O. T. M. 22, block C ...................................... 47 42 R 3 w, 160 acres............................. 61.48 chains to center sec 12 said less than half a mile deep. Other shafts take the place of 240 gravity cells, each liearing the Seal of said Court: dated the St aver & Walker — GRANITE TENT NO. 4, KNIGHTS OF THE twp; thenceS 11.67 chains, thence Kiock. Henry C— 21st day of November, A. D.. 1895, iu favor S E 1-4 of 8 W 1-4, sec 20, twp are 1,000 feet deep. On the whole, are gravity celi costing over $1 per year, of Alpha McDowell, Plaintiff, above named MACCABEES. E Ji of 8 E 1-4 and S w 1-4 of E 4.38 chains toplace of beginning: Where she will be pleased 00 8 35 R 2 W; 40 acres ......................... not including the services of a battery ­ S E 1-4, sec 14 and N E 1-4 of lots 2 and 3, sec 7, twp 38,1 AV, and against the aforesaid Defendants, we coming back to the times of the fif- Meet in regular review on the second and ' also Stought, Phillip — __ 1 T? 1Z XT T? 1 4 ozw» 1-) .-,«ZVO to see her old friends and man to clean and replenish them, which N E 1-4 sec 23, twp 36, R 3 w. Warren I’. Dodge and Delia M. Dodge, to fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd and E y ot N E 1-4 sec 12, secs 1 ties, when a silver dollar was worth S E 1-4 and 8 E 1-4 of 160 acres.......................................... 29 00 N E E Ji 1-4, of sec me directed and delivered, commanding makes the total cost about $1.50 a year Fellow’s Hal), Ashland. Visiting Sir 7 and 12, twp 38. R 1 W, 224.30 patrons. 6, and N E 1-4 of N Koshland, M— acres, and E % of N E 1-4, sec 12, more than a gold one? Knights cordially invited. per cell. There are 5,000 cells of grav­ me to sell the hereinafter described real E 1-4, sec 7, tp 35, R 2 E; 160 Beginning at 1-4 sec corner, be- secs 7 and 12, twp 38, Ranges 1 property according to law, and out of the C onservative . C ha ®. H. G illette , Com. acres................................................... 8 CO ity battery in Tacoma and 3,000,000 in proceeds thereof to satisfy the sum of One I and 2 W . .......................................... 35 84 tween secs 14 and 23, twp 39, R J. E. T hornton . R. K. Samuel, J F— the United States, all of which, it is Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy 1 E, " thence ~ S * 20 ..................... chains.' thence Cure for Headache. Boyd, Mary- Lots 3 and 4, sec 10, and N Ji E 6 M chains, thence w 62J$ deg. Undivided 1-4 interest in block As a remedy for all forms of Headache claimed, will shortly be replaced by Eight Dollars ($1378.00) with interest there­ of N E 1-4, sec 15, twp 34, R 1 31, Ashland, Oregon......................... 1 98 K 4.51 chains, thence N 53Ji deg. at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum 10 00 Electric Bitters has proved to be the very storage batteries, or else the dynamos 1 on W; 155 acres............. E 2 37 chains, thence N 61)4 deg. Brown, M— best. It affects a permanent cure and the that supply the main lines in tho large from the 14th day of November, 1895. and Savage, C W— B 4.10 chains, thence N 731-4 W y sec 36, twp 33, R 2 E, 320 the further sum of One Hundred Thirty most dreaded habitual sick headaches vield % off lot 9, block 15, and lots _____ thence N 65 acres .................................................. 20 00 deg. E 1.61 chains, to its influence. We urge all who are 'af­ offices of the country will be operated Five Dollars ($135.00) Attorney’s fees with 10 and 11, block 15, Central deg. li 1,12 chains, thence N 55 Brown, E — flicted to procure a bottle, and give this by storage batteries, making a total es­ interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, »OUN E. PELTON. B. P. NEIL. 3 20 remedy Point......................... deg. 2 66 chains, thence N 36 E X sec 36, twp 33, R 2 E, 320 a fair trial. In cases of habitual timated saving each year of between per annum from the 14th day of November, Sechrist. Chas J — 20 00 deg. E 1.72 chains, thence N 9 deg. acres .................................................. 1895; and the further sum of Fifteen Dol­ constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv­ $1,000,000 and $2,000,000. corner of N Beginning at N E E 3 91 chains, thence N 55 Brandon, F C— lars ($15.00) costs and disbursements and ing the needed tone to the bowels, and few W 1-4 of 8 W 1-4 of sec 16, twp deg. E 4.41 chains to right ol way 8 E 1-4 and N E 1-4 of 8 W LI cases long resist the use of this medicine. In the argument of the divorce suit the cost® of and upon the writ of Execu­ 38 8, R 1 W, thence W 22 rods, O C R R, thence N 31 deg. of sec 36, twp 33, K 2 W, 20) Try it at once. Large bottles only Fifty of Dora Long against Edwin Long in tion: That the mortgage set out in thence S 74 rods, thence E 22 5 00 w 13.81 chains, thence N 29 deg. acres................................................... Plaintiff’s complaint be foreclosed and the —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— cents, at E. A. S herwin ’ s Drug Co. rods, thence N 74 rods to begin­ the superior court at Santa Cruz some mortgaged premises to-wit: The Frac­ w 2.77 chains, thence N 11 Buchanan D E— ning. Sec 16, twp 38, 1 w ; 10 deg. w 3.60 chains, thence w 8 y of sec 16, twp 34, R 2 E, new points were advanced regarding tional N E 1-4 of N W 1-4 of Section 9 and Tbo Senate. 00 acres ................................................. 320 acres........................................... . 20 00 3.50 chains to N w corner lot the S W 1-4 of the S E 1-4, and the S E 1-4 Shoemake, Drew — As a result of the latest election re community property which have never of the S W 1-4 of Section 4, in Twp. 37 S, R No 4, sec 14, said twp and R, Butler, Hilda J C— been jiassed upon by the supreme court. W Ji of N W 1-4 and N E thence 8 20 chains, thenoe w N y of N E 1-4. sec 5, twp 36 1 West in Jackson County, Oregon, be sold turns the Republicans gain fivo United 1-4 of N W 1-4 and N W 1-4 of Iu 1889 Jacob Long, father ot the de­ to satisfy said judgement, interest, Attor­ 20 chains to beginning, except and S W 1-4 of 8 E 1-4, sec 32 States senators — two from Utah and one N E 1-4, sec 28, twp 38, R 1 W; twp 35. R 2 W, 120acres............... 16 50 boulevard, secs 14 and 23, twp fendant, deeded a valuable ranch in ney's fees, costs and accruing costs. Aii Kinds of Fresh Meats Case. 39, Il 1 E, 56 acres..................... 25 00 160 acres............................................ 4 00 each from Kentucky, Ohio and Mary­ Green valley to his son on considera­ Therefoie, in obedience to said decree E H— Shoemake, Perry V— land, and the Democrats lose three sen­ Lenard, Lawrence— W Ji of sec 36, twp 34, R 3 E, and order, I will on Lots 11 and 12, block 48, Med­ Kept constantly on band. Fair living 320 acres............................................. 20 00 N of N E 1-4, sec 30, N ators —one each from Maryland, Ken­ tion that he and liis wife should be Thia extra­ Saturday, January 4th, 1896. 3 60 Const! (ration,.' ford ................ ................................ cared for during their lives. In 1893 E 1-4 of N E 1-4, and 8 w 1-4 ordinary Re­ Chase, Annie A—. . . prices is all that we ask. tucky and Ohio. None of thdso changes Disxii. em, Snow, C— at 2 o'clock, p. m., at the front door of Ju venator Is of N E 1-4, sec 20, and 8 w E Ji of sec 16, twp 33, R 3 E Edwin deeded the ranch back to his Falling Sen-' E Ji of sec 16, twp 34, R 4 E; becomes effective, however, until March the most the the Court House, in Jacksonville, in 20 00 1-4 sec 19, twp 35, R 2 E, 320 acres........................................... ■ations.Nerv- father. The plaintiff now holds that said County and State, sell at public wonderful We will make it to your interest to 320 00 20 320 acres .............. I ........................ 32 00 acres.... ........................................... 4, 1897, except in the case of tho two Chamberlain, G E— ous twitching the deed was void because it was with­ auction to the highest bidder, for cash, discovery of deal with us. febl’92 Sowell, Sarah M— of th» eye» Lloyd, M L Wm R — Beattys’ addition to Medford lot Utah senators, who will take their seats out valuablo consideration and was not according the age. It Beginning at N W corner of sec and other to the provisions of said decree, 4. block 17...................................... 9 68 N % of N Ji, sec 14, twp 40, has been en ­ as soon as chosen. Thereafter the nu­ signed by her as the wife of Edwin all the right, title, interest and estate of the dorsed by the parts. . Coy. Geo C— R 4 E, 160 acres......................... 11 20 4, twp 37 1 w, thence 8 42 rods, thence E 80 rods, thence N 84 Strengthens, merical strength in the senate will be as Long. These points come under the above named Defendants or either of them leadlngsclen- 8 W %of S W Ji of S E Ji, sec 11, Longworth, John— Invigorate» rods, thence W 80 rods to begin­ tific men of twp 39 R 1 E, 10 acres...................... 11 00 N w 1-4, sec 17 and N E 1-4 follows: Republicans, 44; Democrats, amended code of 1891 which provides in and to the above described propertv. and tones the Europe and ning. Sec 4, twp 37, R 1 W; 21 8. PATTERSON, Conger, 8 P— of N E 1-4 of sec 18, twp 35, entire system. 8 00 39; Populists, 6; vacant (Delaware), 1; that any transfer of community prop­ Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. America. Beginning at a post, from which R 1 w. 200 acres.... .................... 11 00 ac rt?s Hudyan oures Hudyan la total, 88. If the Delaware vacancy is erty by the husband as a gift or with­ Tavlor, Samuel C— the 1-4 sec corner on W boundry Debility, Matthews, Geo R— purely vege- W Ji of 8 E 1-4 and E U of S filled by a Republican, it will give a out valuable consideration is void un­ Nervousness, of sec 18, twp 36 2 W, bears 18 acres off of the w side of W 1-4 of sec 16, twp 32, R 2 E; Emissions, Hudyan stops SHERIFF’S SALE 8 35 deg. W 12.40 chains, and 1-4, sec 16, Republican majority in the upper branch i N E 1-4 of N E and developea less signed by the wife. Prematureness from said beginning post: thence twp 39, R 1 E, Ashland........... 27 54 160 acres............................................ 10 00 of congress. and restore» Tavlor, F W— of the d 1 s- 48 deg, E 39 chains to stone Masterson, G AV— weak organs. ¿ dations . 8 mound Piles! Piles! Itching Piles! N Ji of N E 1-4, sec 16, twp 35, In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon charge in 20 near N bank of Rogue 8 E 1-4 sec 20, twp 34, R 2 Pains in the days. Cures R 1 W; 80 acres............................. 22 30 S ymptoms —Moisture; intense itching and for Jackson County. back, kw.es river, thence N 42 deg, E 9.09 chains 21 00 w, 160 acres Why would not Cardinal Satolli Water of any temperature desired to a stone, thence N 48 deg, W Thompson, Bessie- stinging; most at night; worse by scratch ­ I by day or LOST The State of Oregon ex McClure, Mrs Careen — make the best successor to Leo XIII? Natural Temperature S3 deg’s. night stopped Lot 10, block 52, Medford............ 1 41 ing. If allowed to continue tumors form rel Henry L. Benson 39 chains to a post, thence S 42 Lots 5 and 6, block 48, Medford 14 40 MANHOOD Was that what Leo had in his head all which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming District Attornev for W 9.09 chains to beginning, Tr.ver, F M— McDonald, James— TO DKIU THE WATER IS A THIC. deg. sore. S wayns ’ s O intment stops the the First Judicial Dis­ containing 35.45 acres, sec 18, twp Lots 13 and 14, block 15, Gold Beatty’s addition to Medford, lots the time when he sent Satolli over to very tching and bleeding, beats ulceration, and trict of Oregon, Plain­ Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates 36, R 2 W......................................... 5 90 Hill..................................................... 7 56 1 and 2. block 18.............................. 8 20 live in the United States and become in most cases removes the tumors. At tiff, Cook, John R — McGrew, J M— Vincent, John— fungi and animalculea, and neutral­ 3 91 Lot 2. 8 W 1-4 of N E 1-4, \V vs. 8 W 1-4 of S E 1-4 and S E 1-4 S Ji of S W 1-4 and N W 1-4 familiar with American institutions, so Druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. izing and correcting all acidi­ quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. JI Swayne & Son. PhiladelDhia. The unknown Heirs of Ji of S E 1-4 and lot 1 and 8 E of 8 W 1-4, sec 21 and N 1-2 of of 8 W 1-4, sec 16, twp 35, R 2 W ; PreniaturenesB means imixXeiiey in the first ties it promotes a normal and William Alcoe, De­ 1-4 otN E 1-4 and E Ji of 8 E N \V 1-4 of sec 28, twp 35, R 2 W; 120 acres............................................ 6 00 that he could, when pope, make rulings stage. It is a symptom of seminal weakness healthful condition in every ceased. Defendants. understandingly in regard to the church 1-4, sec 2. and all of sec 12, and N and barrenness. It can be stopped In 20 days 160 acres ............................................ Warren, Fannie — 10 00 That “Returning Prosperity.” part of the system. < Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION by the use o f Hudyan. E 1-4 of 8 E 1-1, sec 24, and N E W Ji of sec 16, twp 33, R 4 E; McKinley, John— in this country? “Failures in the first week of No- The rew discovery was made by the Special­ issued out of and under the Seal — SWIMMING RINK. — 1-4, sec 26, and S E 1-4 sec 26, E Ji of sec 36, twp 34, R 2 E; 320 acres....... ................................. 20 00 of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. vember, ’ ’ say Dun & Co., the acknowl­ of the Said Court for the County of ists twp 40. 11 4 E, 1605 acres........... 80 00 320 acres............................................ 20 00 Watson, Ella J— It is the strongest vitalizer made. It is very Richard Harding Davis, writing in edged authority of commercial affairs, Jackson, State of Oregon to me directed powerful, Inclosed and covered, the same medica Curry, Mary E— Melius, R T— Hargadine Tract, Ashland, lot but harmless. Sold for $1.00 a pack­ S W 1-4 of 8 W 1-4 and lot water, always clean, for the springs run a 8.......................................................... 10 72 Harper’s Magazine of the boundary dis­ “amounted to $2,971,475 against $2,- and delivered: Upon a decree rendered age or6 packages for $5.00(plain sealed boxes), Railroad addition. Ashland, lots by Said Court on the 13th day of Sep ­ written guarantee given for a cure. If you buy heavy volume- more than twelve hun­ No. 3, sec 31, twp 35, R 1 W, 80 13, 14, 15 and 16, block J............ 16 52 Walker, E F— pute between British Guiana aud Vene­ 844,445 last year, and for October 6how tember 1895, whereby the hereinafter des­ six boxes and are not entirely cured, six more acres................................................... 14 00 Merrill, H F— dred gallons per hour. N E 1-4 of 8 E 1-4 and 8 E 1-4 be sent to you free of ail charges. You may dive and swim and have more Currv, Thos— zuela, says, “If England succeeds, it liabilities of $16,037,921 against $11,- cribed real property was escheated to the will N E 1-4 sec 36, twp 33, R 2 of 8 W 1-4 and 8 W 1-4 of S E Send for circularsand testimonials. Address State of Oregon anil duly sold by me a® 8 E 1-4 of N E 1-4 and N E fun than “anybody”—come out as “fine w, 160 acres...................................... 4 00 1-4 of sec 15, twp 37, R 1 W; 120 127,290 last year and $24,954,132 in HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, , means a loss to Venezuela of territory 8heriff on the 9th day of November 1895 as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven­ 1-4 of 8 E 1-1, sec 1, twp 36, R 2 Miller, 1 O— acres. Lot No. 8 and 8 W 1-4 of Market & Ein» as large as the state of New York and 1893. For the past week failures have for the sum of $75 00 in compliance with Junction Stockton, W and lots No 6 and 7, sec 6, twp ated and happy. 8 W 1-4 and N E 1-4 of 8 W Beginning at a point from Ban Francisco, ®u* ,r“‘- Tlio State Farmers’ Alliance of Geor­ [Tf> F* Earhart, Samuel.(Minor Heirs) J 8 tion, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg. &-.-I FLa 1 hi I u I mentfor v.cakne$8 and Myer. Ida B— Woodward, H H— F 8 BlIWl»« decayt jierVous debility Hagey. guardian — gia at its recent annual session adopted I Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell, Railroad addition, lots 15, 16, W Ji of sec 36, twp 34, R 2 E; 3 13 ba Bs end loct vitality sent free for 12 cents % of E part of D L C, No. 44, Drains and all stations from Roseburg to 17 and 18. Ashland......................... 12 54 320 acres...................................... unanimously the following resolution: 20 00 postage. twp 37, R 1 \V, 101 acres............. 54 76 Myer, B F— Ashland, inclusive. Wood, H F- “That we ask the Fifty-fourth con­ !)R. WARD INSTUTUTE, 120 N. 9thSt.BT.LOClS.SO. Farris, Wm P— N diagonal Ji of 8 Ji of lot 1, Lots 3 and 8. blocks 40 and 73, lloacbnrg Mail Daily. gress to enact into law the second and 8 Ji of N E 1-4, and N Ji of block 3, and lots 5, 6 and 9, block Medford....................... 2 88 S E 1-4, sec 8, twp 38, R 4 AV, LEAVE; arrive : third demands of onr platform. ” 5. Ashland......................................... 397 35 Wright, W A— 160 acres ........................................... THB OLD DOCTOR’S 6 00 Newman, W R — Portland... 8 :.3O a ni I Roseburg... 5 ;20 p m Finley, Henry— The sections referred to favor the free E Ji of 8 W 1-4 and W Ji of Cottage addition, Medford, Lot Roseburg...6:00a m 1 Portland... .4:40 p m S E 1-4, sec 34, and N W 1-4 coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 Saxmanns’ addition, Ashland, lot 6, block 4........................................... 1 44 and W Ji of N E*!l-4 and N Ji and the issue of legal tender treasury 4, block 56, Ashland, Oregon....... 1 54 Newcomb. Mart- ST. PAUL Salem Passenger Dally. i of 8 W 1-4, sec 36, tp 40, R 4 Frulan, John T— W LADIES* FAVORITE. notes by the national government to the Undivided Ji of N Ji of S E 1-4 E; 480 acres ...................................... 24 00 MINNEAPOLIS leave : ARRIVE Railroad addition to Ashland, lots ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. The lime, and 8 Ji of N E 1-4, sec 12, twp Young. R T— amount of $50 per capita. n used by thousands of women all over the United States, Portland..4:00 p. m. 1 Salem.... 10:15 a. m. 22. 23. 24, and 25. block E, Ashland,' 36, R 1 W; 20 acres..................... 2 24 DULUTH_____ Lot 4. block 3, in Medford ....... io the OLD DOCTOR S private mail practice, for 38 years, 1 80 Salem...... 8:00 a. m. 1 Portland...6:15p. m Oregon............................................... 18 Norris, Basil- And on and not a single bad result. How the Pops. Were Squelched. Freeland, B K, (estate)— Money re urned If not as represented. Bend 4 cents FARGO Beatty’s addition. Lob- No 2, Saturday, December 28th,'! 1895. for sealed particulars. Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Beginning 10 chains N of 8 AV Populist returns come by freight. (stamps) block No 4, Medford...................... 1 44 at the hour of 2 o’clock, p. ni., of said DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N.Sth St, St. Louis, Mo. GRAND FORKS corner of N E 1-4 of S AV 1-4 Owens. C A— The Associated Press liars all said the day at the Court House door, in said of sec 5, twp 39, 1 E. thence E PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Railroad addition, Ashland, lot 4, day after election that the Populist vote County and State, I will sell the above ] I CROOKSTON 20.77 chains, thence N 10 chains, block 1.... ........................................ —AND— 1 22 described real estate at public auction, thence W 20.77 chains, thence S had been entirely squelched. Now comes ' WINNIPEG Orchard Home Fruit Company- Second-Class Sleeping Cars 10 chains to beginning, sec 5, twp All of blocks 1, 5 and 6............. 138 47 to the highest bidder, for cash, subject the truth—viz, everywhere the Popu­ to redemption, to satisfy said warrant 39, R 1 E, 10 acres........................ With ell bad cone«qnetic<y methode. Queetion Blenk end with costs and accruing costs. .Garrick, Janet— » Railroad addition, lots 6, 7, 22 Book free. Cell c.-write PR WARD INSTITUTE, I BUTTE showed great gains. In Ohio the vote is s. P atterson , Lot 5, blk 75 Medford, Ore­ laON. N.oth Smet, it . Lovis, Jilo and 23, block A. Ashland............... 10 10 WEST SIDE DIVISION. gon. ....................... . ......................... Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. over 52,000. 1 80 Partlow, James W— Between Portland and Corvallis. Dated November 28th, 1895. Garland, T J— In 1896 the Populist party will be W Ji of sec 16, twp 33, R 3 E; N E 1-4 of N tV 1-4, sec 16, MAIL TRAIN DAILY (KXCKPT BUNDAY.) 320 acres............................. J 20 00 2,000,000 votes stronger than it was in and 8 E 1-4 of N E 1-4, and N ' The worrt formi pen- Paxton, 0 F— 1892.—Denver Road. LEAVES: AV 1-4 of 8 E 1-4, sec 36, twp AREIVKS: TO 5 iS'-iv«:; cored. 23 yesre' Lots 1, 2 and 3, block 2, Meeker’s Tr-atraent confi.leBtiel. Cure« If you use the Petaluma HICAG0 Portland....7:30am •Corvallis... 12; 15p m 35, R 1 E, 120 acres....................... G 00 addition, Medford............................. 2 68 ^^■uceeeiluljinetxe. • <•» kjiMil or»t 'uee. T.rmelow. Queition Blank and James J. Uorbet gave some pretty good Incubators & Brooders. i Book Ire«. Cch vr write. Pcnnebaker, Tillie- pg. >y5 g } iisyjTUTE,* Corvallis.., 1:00 p m Portland.... 5:40 p m Golden Spike Mining Company— WASHINGTON Make money while advice to the boys of the Olympia Club, N AV 1-4 cf N AV 1-4, tec 12, Highland Park, 25 and 26, Ash­ 120 II i r-u!s Ma. others ar« wasting when he was in San Francisco last. He PHILADELPHIA At Albany and Corvallis connect with twp 39, R 1 AV, 40 acres.............. 3 00 land...................................................... 7 66 time by old processes. told them that the best way to get strong Catalog tells all about trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Rail­ Gove, C A— Peterson, M (estate of)— NEW YORK was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that it, and describe« every roads. All of lot No 4. sec 13; also be­ 8 W 1-4 of N E 1-4, except two article needed for the they should arrive at manhood lusty and BOSTON AND ALL Catalogue ginning at N W corner lot 4. Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) acres sold, sec 20, twp 36, R 1 W; poultry business. z healthy. Manv men who have been guilty FREE. thence 38 acres. Beginning at 8 E corner with river to old ferry POINTS EAST and SOUTH of excesses and over-indulgencies, ana have I __ leave arrive : landing, thence ______ _ with ___ Central Point Town Tract, thence southerly For information, time cards, mapa.'and used the Celebrated Medicine ‘ ’ CUPI- Portland .. .4:45 n m | M’Minnvflle.7:25pm gulch to 8 line lot 5. thence E to The “ERIE E 42 rods, thence N 2 rods, For pimples, blackheads, red and oily skin, tickets, call on or write DENE” lived to give testimony of its won­ I red, rough hands with shapeless nails, falling M Minnyille 5:50am | Portland....8:25 a n 8 AV corner lot No 4, thence with mechanically the best thence W 42 rods, thence 8 to derful stimulating and curative powers. hair, and baby blemishes it is wonderful. ¿g^wheel. I»rettie«t model. A. D. CHARLTON, AV line lot No 4 to beginning, beginning, sec 11, twp 37, R 2 “CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis­ Wo are Pacific Coast THROUGH TICKETS sec 13, twp 36, 3 AV, 72 acres... W : 5 1-4 acres ................................. S 76 Sold throughout the world. P otter Lave Agents. Bicycle cata- sue of the body. In fact, it stops all losses. Assistant General Passenger Agent. Goodrean, Jas— Pittman. Geo R— k C hxm . (J ost ., Solo Prop«., Botou, Muss. ___ logue.mailed free .gives V - “CUPIDENE” is a powerful, harmless, To all points in the Eastern States, No. 255 Morrison St. Cor. Third St N E 1-4 sec 30, twp, 39, R 4 full description, prices, etc, agents wanted I L ........ — - ■_ — - 8 Ji of 8 E 1-4, sec 21. and N vegetable Compound. It is as sure to ad a and Europe can be obtained from C«n- E. 160 acres....................... PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO., Petaluma?Cal ¿00 Ji ot N E 1-4, sec 28, twp 33, R PORTLAND. OREGON. Get yourself posted from the proper strengthen the generative organs as it is to E. C. KANE, Agent. Aslflanii. BRANCH HQCSB, 231 8. Main St., Ix>8 Angele®. Griffith, J D— 1 W; 160 acres................................. authorities. The Standard Dictionary con­ rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package R KOEHLER, E?P. ROGERS, • 8 AV 1-4 sec 28, twp 35, R 2 W, ROBERT LEONARD Loral Agent. Baimey, L C— tains more words than any other and’is the $1.00; 6 packages $5.00. Fur ¡sale by E A, Manager. Am. G. F, & Paas Ag. 160 acres............................ 8 40 X E M ot N W H, WO ¡3, only cvnrpietv work of the kind. Sanim. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Aihlona, Oregon Bring jwa lob printing to tire t1li8Wrd.'' SHERIFF’S SALE Infants B F— § Children'Cry for DRESSMAKING PARLORS B MARKET. PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s Beef, Pork and Mutton. ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHING I B GRANT HELMAN l^ORTHERN PACIFIC EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route R Pullman Sleeping Cars SYPHILIS _____ Only Preventive of Pimples Blackheads Mothy Oily Skin is CUTICURA SOAP It Strikes At the Cause viz. The Clogged Irritated Inflamed or Sluggish PORE Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars. V aricocele is ? stricture CHICKEN MisiwaPAYS THROUGH TICKETZ 7F