VALLEÏ RECORD. AFTER GAMBLERS AND SALOONS. The Grand Jury Makes Indictments and IO Bench Warrants Are Out For Thia Class of Offenders. ASHLAND. Or....Thursday. Dec. 12. 1PÔ5 The grand , jury , indicted A. E. M. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Marque ball Christmas night. John Landers is in New Mexico. James Thornton went to Portland Mon day. It is reported the Hamir.ersley mine has been closed down, W. 1. Vawter was tip from Medford yes terday on legal business. Thos. Kay has commenced rebuilding tbe big woolen mill at Salem. 8. D. Sherman and wife left Tuesday for Montesano. Wash., to live. C. P. Houston of Junction was in the valley this week on business. Oscar Holni of Pokegama was here this week en route to Puget Sound. John B. Foster, the well known wholesale liquor dealer, was in this city Monday. Tom Hanunerstev of Gold Hill returned on Monday’s flyer from San Francisco, Miss Jennie Booth is visiting her sister, Mrs. Judge De I’eatt in Umatilla county. Miss Delle Vertrees came oyer from Siski you county yesterday to visit at Medford. John S. Shook of Dairy came in from Klamath county Tuesday with Sheriff » "• Ronencrantz for passing a forged check on F. T Fredenburv. He plead guilty, Judge Hanna gave him two years in the penitentiary. Sheriff Patterson and Wm. Gray as guard took him to Salem last evening. W. H. P. Legate and S. F. Morine, proprietors of the Turf saloon, Medford, were indicted for allowing gambling in tbeir place of business. Both plead guilty and were fined $25 each and the costs. Geo. E. Neuber, indicted for allowing gambling in his Banquet saloon at Jack sonville, was arraigned before Judge Hale and plead guilty. He was sentenc ed to pay a fine of $75 and costs. Lawrence Cardwell indicted for gambling and Dick Williams, for giving liquor to a minor, were arraigned yesterday and gave bail in $100 each with H. D. Kubli and G. E. Neuber as bondsmen, to appear in court today, J. E. Hitch of Tolo, indicted for gambling, is at Jacksonville awaiting the courts atten tion. J. C. Hal), indicted for allowing gambling in his place of business at Central Point, came to Jacksonville this morning to await the wishes of the court. The grand jury found seven indictments Wednesday morning, five for unlawful Fitch. gaining, one for giving liquor to a minor, Francis Fitch went to San Francisco yes one for allowing a minor to play billiards in terday to spend the holidays with his a bar room. family. The costs in the Wade case, not count Dr. J. W. Robinson and family left for ing the time of grand jurors nor tbeir southern California Sunday to spend the time waiting for witnesses, nor bailiff’s winter. services, etc., amounted to $342.66. Of Fred Hansen returned to his Table Rock this the district attorney received $40 for farm yesterday from a business visit in his very valuable services, witnesses re Ashland. ceived $199.80 and board of prisoners in The Butte creek cowboys and the Ashland jail cost $102.86. normal dudes will play foot-ball at Medford Saturday. The administration of justice is not Mrs. G. J. Farnsworth returned home to much of a success at its best in the way Klamath Falls Sunday from her visit at of meting out the righting of wrongs. Jacksonville. But the courts usually make a stagger at Oscar Carpenter, the lime man of Med dealing it out just to keep up appear ford, spent several days in Ashland and ances, if for nothing else. In the case of returned home Tuesday. the cold-blooded murderer, Frank Wade, Special services in M. E. Church next whom all the believers in capital punish Sunday morning and song service in the ment thought nothing but death would evening. Ail are invited. right the wrong be did to another human Nervous women will find relief in Hood's being, the prosecuting department of the Sarsaparilla, because it eu riches the blood court failed to even make the pretense. The district attorney accepted the offer and thus strengthens the nerves. Jack Garvin and son were in town yester of the assassin, and the grand jury ac day from the quartz mine at head of Ap cepted the confession of the weak and impotent prosecuting attorney, that he plegate which they are opening up. was simply an old hen, capable only of Mrs. John Wells of Bly. is in to spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. G. W. drawing his salary. Just what effect this will have on the vicious class of peo Owen and other relatives and friends. ple in this district who always carry a Dr. Barr, Dentist I. O, O. F. block. Miss Mary Jacobs daughter of ex-Sheriff A. 8. Jacobs, is up from Central Point to spend the holidays with Ashland friends. Dr. Walter Farnham, who is home from Illinois, where he has been practicing med icine,leaves next week for Portland to locate and practice in that section. C. Cunningham, who took bis sister home to Ohio, returned Tuesday. His son Howard came in from Ft. Klamath to take him home. Mrs. R. Jorgerson and infant, who have been visiting her father, L. Henderson, at Woodville, returned home to San Fran Stage Robber Arrested. I^e Oliver, a man under 40 years old, who has been about Klamath Falls for some years, principally engaged as a team ster, was arrested at Lakeview for robbing the Ager stage. He nsed a horse shod with three shoes of one kind and an odd. which led to his being suspected. He was leaving the country. C. N. Gordon, who captured and con victed stage robber A. C. Frick, now doing 5 years in the pen, made the arrest and is coming this way with his prisoner. Thoy will be on this evenings train for Commissioner Wade’s office at Grants Paes for arraignment and preliminary examination. Though dismissed at the hearing be fore tho U. 8. commissioners at Rose burg, the U. 8. grand jury this week in dicted Albert Pool for complicity in the Cow creek canvon train robbery with Jim Pool and John Case. The specific charge against Albert Pool is that he participated in the robbing of the mails, July 1, 1895, and that by means of a dangerous and deadly weapon assaulted Postal Mail Agent Hermann, a id put his life in peril. A bench war rant was issued for his arrest and for warded to Deputy United States Marshal Shambrook, of Douglas county, who ar rived in Portland Monday with the pris oner. He had quite a bunt for him. In some way Pool had learned ef the bench warrant being issued, and kept out of the way. He was found about three miles east of Wilbur, and, when arrested, said his only object in keepingout of the way was to avoid lying in jail till the trial came off. He intended to deliver him self up in time for the trial, which has been set down for Tuesday. He was arraigned on bis arrival, and pleaded not guilty. United States Attorney Murphy on Monday moved that the indictment against the other two men, and all three defendants be tried together. Mr. Card- well, counsel for the defendants, opposed this motion and asked for a separate trial for each of bis clients. Judge Bellinger concluded to try all three together. The City Election. The annual city election Tuesday, pass ed off serenely and peaceably. For three of the offices there were two candidates nominated, while for the balance of the places, including the three ward council shins, there whs only one nominee in each case. Th« nominees of the first convention received lian<isome majori ties. Mayor Dodge, Marshal Jones and Street Commissioner Willits are each elected to fill new places. Conncilmen W. B. Million and C. B. Crisler will add some fresh blood to the incoming board while Councilman Schmidt succeeds him self. Recorder Berry, Surveyor McCall and Treasurer Carter remain anchored to I tbeir billets “for life or during good I behavior.” The council last night can vassed the returns, which show the fol lowing figures: w ï I * * GIRIMI SIU! < I FIRST WARD— FOR MAYOR J. P. Dodge, (R)................. R. P. Neil, (Citizens’)....... MARSHAL. C. P. Jones, (R)................. G. W. Smith, (C)................ RECORDER. Milton Berry, (both)......... 4* TREASURER. E. V. Carter, (both).......... BOOTS and SHOES STREET COMMISSIONER W. L. Johnson, (C).............. B. R. Willits, (R)................. « . . . . 8URVEYAR. J. A. McCall, (both).. W. B. Million.. & 'A •i!i ” rti a ’ ilhtT! • V SECOND WARD—FOR MAYOR. J. P. Dodge R. P. Neil.. •.«-• ••• * • ♦ +4- S'................................................................. tt COUNCILMAN. •Ä- o I CLOTHING and HATS • MAMMAL, c. P. Jones..................... . G. W. Smith.............. . & 4- A A WW A AAA .K i t " A AAA.A “ F 8 * • "S ’WW • ’8* 8 W © ~ „ © © © ■& /’ft'-. T RECPBD«R. Milton Berry....................... TRKASURKR. E. V. Carter.............. .......... STREET COMMISSIONER. W. L. Johnson.................... B. R. Willits.................. . NOTIONS, Etc SURVEYOR. We are agents for any book, paper or J, A. McCall....... . ............. magazine published in this country or COUNCILMAN. any other and receive enbecriptions for C. B. Crisler.......................... tbe same at tbe publiehers price. THIRD WARD—FOR MAYOR. A shland N ews C o . J. P. Dodge At the Sign of the Golden Owl. R. P. Neil... MARSHAL. Man Killed at Montagne. A stranger attempted to swing under C. P. Jones.......................... the south bound passenger train at Mon G. W. Smith..................... RECORDER. tague Saturday evening to take a ride on the brakebeam. He was in a slightly in Milton Berry..................... toxicated condition and lost his hold. treasurer . In falling on the track the trucks went E. V. Carter................... over his body and bounced him about STREET COMMISSIONER. in such a manner as to mangle up and W. L. Johnson................... scatter his body along the track for some B. R. Willits..................... . distance. SURVEYOR. As much of the remains as could be J. A. McCall ........................ gathered together were placed in a box COUNCILMAN. and the coroner held an inquest. There was no way of recognizing the corpse, W. J. Schmidt..................... but it is presumed the deceased was a TOTALS. man who had just served time in the For mavor, J. P. Dodge. (R), received Yreka jail for petty larceny. 267, R. P. Neil, (C), 140. Dodge’s majority I ■ih z> W- à ¿D Coes al cost o A À /'rpx gun to meet some enemy, can only be ■É- conjectured. A more open official con zy\ fession of the total failure of the courts could not have been made mors trans parent. During Prof. Benson’s term the citizens of Lake county got so exasper ■O • ated at his chronic weakness that they z>p\ took a criminal out of tbe county jail and adorned the entrance to the court boose 127. with his carcass, and when tbe district For marshal, C. P. Jones, (R), 288; G. W. Dr. W. W. Stanfield, formerly practic attorney came around the only thing for (C), 115. Jones’ majority 173. him to do was—draw his Balary. Will ing medicine at Eagle Point, who had to Smith, For recorder, Miltou Berry, (both),379, that be tbe fate of the next man slayer retire because of tbe passage by the re For treasurer, E. V. Carter, (both) 382. in Jackson county ? A lynching bee is no cent legislature of stringent laws against For street commissioner, W. L. Johnson. his school of physicians, has been practic (C), 133; B. R. Willits, (R), 270. Willits’ credit to a half-way rational and civilized cisco Tuesday. community, bnt such extra ordinary ing law at Dunsmuir for several months. majority 137. Ö Z*p\ For surveyor, J. A. McCall, (both), 383. Mrs. Belle Riley, who has been visiting occurrences invariably follow in the wake He returned to Medford Tuesday to re main all winter. Doc is a staunch re her brother and sister, W. V. Lippincott of a series of crime and tbe bolding of and wife of Medford, left yesterday for her important positions by nice soft Miss publican and was president of the Eagle Suggested From Granta Pass. -/T'. home in Chicago. Point republican club. However, he Rogue River Courier.] Nancy’s of the male sex. doesn’t take kindly to the dose of medi Tbe robber who bolds up the Ager Chas. Damon, of Medford, who has ■' t The grand jury made their final report cine given him by the g. 0. p.’e last stage in Klamath county, evidently finds been off south with tbe Moore-Boyle to the court Wednesday and were dis winter and denounces it as “ class legisla it necessary to rob the vehicle daily in troupe for some months, returned Mon charged. tion” with as much invective as a farmer order to make wages. He has success day on the flyer. a The report is as follows: does wh ose home and possessions have fully accomplished tbe feat eight times Remember A. Hinman, the dentist oyer z*p\ To the Honorable Circuit Court: We, been taken away from him by per centum within tbe past few weeks. It must be post office. the grand jury, duly empaneled for the and per cinchum. getting a little monotonous for law abid The democratic state central committee December, 1895, term, respectfully sub ing people over there and outsiders will It Saves Lives Every Day. is called to meet in Portland, Tuesday, mit our final report. naturally ask. what the taxpayers of that fli We carefully examined all cases that | Thousands of cases of Consumption, county January 7, to make arrangements for the are paying their , .money out for- » A -r came before us and returned bills where | Asthma, Coughs, Colds, and Croups i are campaign of 1896. one half the diligence was used in the evidence was sufficient, in our judge- cu,reiJ ,,8Y. by Shiloh’s Cure, For If hunting this lone robber that is bien Steve. Jones of Henley moved his family do so. We ha™ visited the sale by 1 •K- Bolton-_________ nially gone through to get elected, this to Medford yesterday to spend the winter. ] ,-r < bold fellow would have been behind tbe He and Wm. Hoffman are building an different county offices, examined their Real Estate. Vaupel, Norris A Drake are » books and find them neatly kept and in arastra for their rich quartz ledge'. bars long ago. best values in dry goods show o ® ring 1 h Call for Committee Meeting. Sarah Parker to Mrs M A Parker—lots good order. We visited the county jail onvears. Call on them. pin Ashland At tbe Presbyterian Church next Sab and found it in good condition. We 7 and 8, Gold Hill; $250. A motion tor a nonsuit, in the case of bath there will be a Christmas sermon in recommended that the hose that is at 8 Speas to L H Settles—1 acre in tp 37 There will be a meeting of the popu A stay of execution for 20 days has ex-City Treasurer Boggs, on trial in Ta the morning, and the Choir will give a tached to the county jail be taken in s, r 1 w; $175. list county central committee at Medford Christmas song service in the evening, been granted Theodore Durrant by coma for making private profit from pub 8 Patterson to Sterling C Minnick, when not in use. We visited tbe county on Thursday Dec. 26th at one o’clock p. Marion Carey returned from Linn county hospital, found it in good condition and Sheriff’s deed to lots 4, 5 and 6, tp 38 s, lic funds, was overruled. His trial took Judge Murphy. Durrant will not be • m., for the purpose of considering a prop- 8unday accompined by his sister. Miss the inmates express themselves well r 3 w ; also 80 acres in tp 38 s, r 4 w ; place this week and closed Monday, the taken to San Quentin in consequenoe of j Something Brand New For I oaition for a newspaper. lawyers arguing the case Tuesday. He the stay. Bertie, and his cousin Miss Mattie Cobble, $685.95. AU populists are invited to be present — who will spend the holidays with Miles satisfied with their treatment. Being no was charged with receiving interest on Parchment Edwin Drew to Pearl Hooper—lot 5, J. D. Clowdis has secured judgment and give us the benefit of your council. further business before the grand jury Carey and wife. city money deposited in banks by him blk 51, Summit add to Ashland; $25. Celluloid Novelties. Real Ostrieh FRANK WILLIAMS, we respectfully ask to be discharged, for $5,500 against the Fresno Flume and Col. Peter Harvev, of San Francisco, the Albert Lawrence to Julius E Miner— while city treasurer. Chairman county central committee. N. L angell , Irrigation company for injuries result efficient and popular general agent of the Feather Boas. Fancy Sofa Pillows Later.—Tbe jury disagree. 160 acres in tp 33 s, r 3 e; $750. J. H. G uy , ing from being gored by a bull belong Baltimore A Ohio railroad west of Chicago, ■ Nellie Russel to O & C R R Co — water J. M. L ofland , and Head Rests.............................. was on Sunday’s train for a trip to Port- J There was more lip-work done against ing to the company. ditch right in Cougar gulch, tp 40 s, r 2 A. H. B oothby , Assignee ’ s Notice land and tbe Sound. 1 the popular winter apfftts — shooting George D. Smith, a member of the 0; $1, W. F. W ilkinson , Hon. J. H. Stewart will soon ship a car Joseph Shoemake to D Cameron—the craps, draw and stallion poker, and other quartet of forgers at Portland, accused In tbe matter of the assignment of Myer A W. A. P atrick , load of apples to London, England. Some Eclipse quartz mine; also the Little gambling games—in Ashland than in all of forging the will of Nancy Love, has J. J. H olt . Gregory, insolvent debtors. of bis fine pears have reached London and Giant claim in Foots creek mining dis the other towns in the valley combined. turned state’s evidence and will testify tbe bloody Henglisbman wants a taste of otice is hereby given that I The local W. C. T. U. sent Winfred Medford Monitor: On Saturday night trict ; $50. •ome of Stewarts apples. against his accomplices. on December 7, 1895, the undersigned Elizabeth E Ayers to H T Chitwood— Crowson and his father, G. W. Crowson, Sheriff Patterson placed an armed guard was appointed assignee of the estate of J. D. Spencer, editor of the Modesto Bishop B. Wister Morris, who assi sted inside the jail to protect bis state prison property in Ashland; $600. down to the grand jury to have the whole Myer A Gregory, tbe above-named insolv Rev. Wm. Hart in dedicating the new Epis Seven Shades of Silk for E M Allen to J A Pritchard—land in town indicted. The grand jury closed News, died recently after a long ill ent debtors, heretofore doing business at copal church at Grants Pass Sunday was in i | ers, During the night one of the guards <0 its work yesterday without indicting ness. He was well known in California Ashland. Jackson county, Oregon, under tp38 e, r 4 w ; $1. went to the window and was startled by Ashland and preached in tneir church in Fine /rrn rtfl Sheriff of Jackson county to John M anybody in Ashland for this popular politics and had served two terms as and by virtue of the act of tbe legislative seeing two men on the outside. He this city Monday evening. vice, yet it indicted influential parties at assembly of the state of Oregon, entitled Line of Ponpons. Silk and Wool Ashland polled 411 votes at Tuesdays city awoke the other men and for the rest of Cletnmens—the Good Luck mine in tp 38 Medford, CeBtral Point and Jacksonville. clerk of the supreme court. “An act to secure to creditors a just divis ’V ' 'V Mittens far Ladies and Children. election, more than ever cast before at a the night they were on the alert, expect s, 3 w; $600. Charles H. Shattuck, head of the E. ion of tbe estates of debtors, who convey i John M Cletnmens to E C Brooks and Department ot Music of State Nor J. Shattuck printing inks house at £an to assignees for the benefit of creditors,’’ town election. Manv old time voters did ing an attack at any moment. Evidently not go to the polls. The large yote is due to mischief was brewing, for at the sheriff’s Edward Spencer—same; $800. Francisco, died very suddenly a few approved October 8, 1878 and the amend mal. an increase of population. T K Roberts to E E Phipps—undivided ments thereto approved February 4, 1885. residence Mrs. Patterson beard footsteps Those wishing to take music, either piano, days ago. He was 38 years old and All creditors of said insolvent debtors are The 8. P. has thrown out 500 track walk on the rear porch during the night, but % interest of lot 13, blk 16, Gold Hill; voice, or organ, can see Miss Thomas, the popular in business and social circles. hereby notified to present their claims, un ers in order to reduce expenses. None of thought that it was the two deputies, $125. teacher, at tbe Normal building or at her The citizens of Grass Valley, Cal., der oath, to me in Ashland, Jackson the track walkers on the Siskivou moun who roomed there. The deputies, how F J Downing to W H Patrick—10’^ boarding place, Mrs. White’s, Corner of Biggest Line of Handkerchiefs county, Oregon, within three months from tains, Cow creek canyon or the Sacramento ever, bad not left their post at the jail acres in tp 36 s, r 2 w; $250. First Avenue and 8pringStreet. One hour held a mass meeting and protested the date hereof. river canyon are discharged, however. I AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES I i during the night. A large and some lessons 50 cts. Lessons given at the school against the consolidation of Company MINING LOCATIONS. Dated this 9th day of December, 1895. | TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. | or the homes of tbe students. Circuit Judge W. C. Hale of Klamath what excited crowd gathered at the court H. C. MYER, Assignee. H, National Guard, with the Nevada Robert Boyd and J W Mee on Nov 25 yard Sunday expecting the prisoners to Falls arrived Monday to ait in the case City company. The protest was Bent located the Terra Firma placer mine in A^_Call and See Them. against Geo. E. Neuber, indicted for be put aboard the train at that point, but Farris’ gulch mining district. to Governor Budd. DIED. We are not making much fuss about it keeping a gambling house. Judge Han the officers in charge, having their sus Hugh O’Neil on Dec 10th located a Chin Hane, one of Sacramento’s most picions aroused by the happenings of the water right of 262 inches on Palmer na did not wish to preside in this case. nor have we got FAUCETT-In Medford, Dec, 14, 1895. notorious members of the Chinese high previous night, got their prisoners out creek. Dr. Barr, dentist I. O. O. F. block. Mrs. S. E. Faucett, wife of L. H. Faucett, before train time and took them to Gold binder fraternity, was hanged at Fol J T Payne on December 11th located aged 59 years, 2 months and 20davs, About all the offenders at this term of Hill, where they were placed on the the Pedro placer claim in Applegate som penitentiary for murdering a Chi Tbe burial took place at I. O. O. F. ceme- tbe circuit court plead guilty. Some wag traiu. The guards who accompanied district. nese. It was the first execution in that try east of Medford, Monday. She leaves a has therefore declared them loyal populists them were Sheriff Patterson, Deputy husband and six children. Mrs. F. was a W F Kruger on December 13th located prison and was entirely successful. —they want to help the county officials Sheriff A. C. Parker, C. F. Shepherd and sister of tbe Webbs. She died from the ef a placer claim in tp 35s, r 3 w. make a big record in reducing the county John Dy ar. Three months ago 16-year-old May I A Gavitt, et al, on November 15th lo fects of an operation performed for cancer debt. between here and San Francisco, last Friday. Brown of Marysville at the sight of her cated Arizona quartz mine in Ashland Mrs. King, of Butte City, Mon., sister of but we have got as fine a stock of A Pretty Face older sister Minnie in the agonies of a Tbos. Short, the blacksmith of this city, is the resnltof a healthy physical condition. district. BORN. sudden fit lost her power of speech. after a visit in Jackson county started for is but skin deep” yet it depends on If you’re in doubt whether your trouble The case puzzled the physicians until a CLEAN boms Sunday. She was accompanied as , I "Beauty clear complection, free from wrinkles and is Indigestion or Dyspepsia, just take a few FRESH far m Portland by Peter Harvey of the B. I a hollow GADDI E—In Jacksonville. Dec. 15, 1895, week ago when May’s aunt placed ¡jer cheeks. Health always brings PLAIN doses of Simmons Liver Regulator it will A O. R. K. to Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Caddie,a daughter. pnder the care of a specialist at Sun i wealth of beauty. A healthy state of the settle the whole question. “I have tried MIXED pJohn Winders, an employe of the Sugar I system comes with Doctor Pierce’s Favo Simmons Liver Regulator for Dyspepsia HUKILL—In Eden precinct, Dec. 8, 1885, Francisco. The girl's total recovery Is and FANCY pine Door A Lumber company, in Grants rite Prescription, Its a medicine prepared and find it just the thing to relieve me. A to Mr. and Mrs. C. Hukill, a son. now assured. _ ass, Tuesday lost his left arm by getting it for woman's ailments—it cures those de small dose after meals is sure to prevent In •......... " ■1 I I 1 Frank Hassley of Los Gatos was sen caught in one of tbe planers. He is 22 rangements and weaknesses which make digestion.”—8. 8. Perkin,Sharon, Ga. "Itis ' ' * ' A Natural Beautifies. years old, and has been in tbe employ of woman’s life miserable. — HAVE MOVED TO — tenced by Justice Beggs to serve 15 the best medicine to aid digestion. ”—J. J. I the company a long time. A woman who neglects to take proper Black, Duncan, Arizona. Karl’s Clover Root Tea purifies the blood months’ imprisonment in the county exercise is particularly prone to excessive and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. jail for beating his wife. Judge Lori- Dates, Figs, Oranges, Editor R ecord : —Please call the attention congestion, debility and a sluggish circu For sale by T. K. Bolton. Probate Court. ---- I of the teachers of tbe county, to the fact lation. This is the time we advise the "Pre gan.of the superior court at San Jose ....WITH THEIR.... that tbe State Teacher's Association will be scription.” In all derangements and dis Rosanna Wilson vs Andrew J Hamlin, HOTEL OTòEG-OlSr has ordered Hassley’s release because A^Nuts and Notions held at Portland beginning on Jan. 1st, 1896, placements of the spécial organs which et al; contest of will of Eliza J Hamlin. there is a technical error in the com and will continue through the 2nd and 3rd. result in “signs of inflammation,” in Continued until Jan. 20, 1896. as can be found in Ashland. Call F. T. Fra denburgh.Prop. mittment. Hassley has served five Gus N ewbury , Co. Supt. catarrhal discharges from the lining mem Estate of Thus. Whelpley. Order made and see what you think about it. and in distressing irregularities— for additional allowance to Margaret T hursday — W A Hemphill. 8 F months. AND DRESS MAKING ¡PARLORS. Gus Landers, after an absence of several branes, this medicine effects pertect and permanent W R Kingsolver J A Harvey, City long years, arrived last evening to remain cures. ’ Geo, W. Jenkins, editor of the Santa Whelpley. G W Smith, City M Simon, do Maria “Times,” Cal., is speaking of the in Ashland this winter, He has been Estate of Jas G Birdsey. Will admit J J Ullman, G Hill D M onday — knocking about the whole United States, various ailments of children said: "When ASHLAND NEWS CO., ted to probate. Mrs Fannie Birdsey ap JI shland Ladies are fast finding out that Albany Democrat: Lloyd Montgom E B Moore, Racine, W I S D Cooper. Port my children have croup there is only one and was conductor on astieet car line in pointed executrix, and James Braden, C M Reddish, 8 F J R Smith, Baltimore ery’s trial is set for 1 o’clock Tuesday. patent medicine that I ever use, and that is At the sign of The Golden Owl. Cleveland. Ohio, this sutumer, * * at Clint’s a Fall Hat or Bonnet may John Compton and L Tucker as ap C A Hermann Ore C 8 B Martin, Port Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It posses Masquerade ball on Christmas night by The prisoner continues sane and yester- praisers. G M Henry, N Y E Solomon, do ses some medical properties that relieve the be high grade and still be modest priced. esbla^j Hose Co No. 1. Don’t fail to be on . day stated to the sheriff that he guessed H R Barbour, Duns little sufferers immediately. It is, in my J R Neil vs Rice Benson; Confirma F A Kelton, 8 F and. A (u>pd time is insured to all who ! he ought to be hanged, and had rather J H Boyd, do 8 C Ervin, Ager opinion, the best cough medicine in the piajr attend. Jhe management is first- - be than go to the penitentiary. He is tion. * Sheriff’s sale confirmed. Ward. Milpitas E O Parrott market.” If this remedy is freely given as State vs G E Neuber; indictment for A F S riday class. Excellent costumes are to be had, getting pretty well fixed in bis mind the — F M Johnson, R MS soon as the croupy cough appears it will running a gambling bouse. Defendant and splendid music wjjl be given. ! greatness of the crime which he did and W D Owen, Boston F L Southwick, do prevnt the attack. It is also an ideal rem M C Miller, St Joe W R Thuripan, Hbk edy for whooping cough. There is no Sunday morning found southern Ore he certainly is right in thinking he ought arraigned and bonds placed at $100. J N Gotcher vs Rial Benedict; to fore O E Pettis, Port M B Carey danger in giving it to children, as it con gon mantled with snow, there being to be. He nhould plead guilty at 1 OOD FARM, S20 acres, in T Keoyle, 8 F A Schadt, Duns tains nothing jnjurious. For sale by E. A. about three inches of tbe beautiful in Asb- o’clock Monday, eave the county the close lien. Dismissed. Sherman County, Oregon, for State vs A E M Rosecranz; indictment H A Pritchard, Port A Fitch, Klam F S herwin . h»n<L The mountains were loaded with the expense of a trial, which can only end in property in or near Ashland, Or. article. Tha weather was cool and some hia conviction, and be banged at an early for forgery. Plea of guilty entered and F W Cornee, Rosbg J S Shook, Dairy F B Blan miow remiun>d ¿he ground in the valley defendant sentenced to two years im H C Boyd, 8 F D H Yeago, Snow T uesday — until taken off by a rajn last night and to day. Let Linn county set the world an prisonment in the penitentiary. A DOLLAR is a mighty sensible thing to have example in prompt justice. Awarded G II Randell, Seattle ■ F Hansen, Tbl Rock usiness property , farm day- J M Lewis, 8 F T R Blanton, City land or timber land in Lewis around your clothes, because you can never be Highest Honors—World's Fair, Th« ladies dormitory of the State Nor Knights of the Maccabees. If the bar association will keep at work J D Sivils, Sacto G W Smith, do County, Washington. See ............ pial school *t Drain caught fire from the L I) Minkler, do “broke” while you keep it. But a dollar hoarded Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. The State Commander writes us from till it eliminates all incompetent and un R Cole, Coles furnaces Sunday and was destroyed. The J Seegel, 8 F F W Worcester, S F Mrb all escaped, but scarcely any of the Lincoln. Neb., as follows: "After trying scrupulous members of the profession, F Arnold, do does no good to the hoarder. Put your dollar in A R Monteat h contents were saved- The citizens of Drain 1 other medicines for what seemed to be _ a the number left will be proportionately F 8 Price, Oak J Chisholm, Ashland a SUIT CLUB. Money grows only in use. How t ÿ yery small, but sufficient. — Portland in mass meeting subscribed $100 for the ; very obstinate cough in our two childrpn G M Straud, Jr, Port ; W O’Donoughue, do immediate relief ot the unfortunate girls, we tried Dr. Kiog’s New Discovery and • at • Welcome. The Oregon bar association J H Dyer J B L^acb, do to use your dollar to the best advantage—invest ÿ jha total loss is $2500. the end of two days the cough entirely left would soon find its hands full of work if H C Cunningham, B atupday — Ashland, Oreg n. in a Suit Club. Anybody can spend a dollar and : Ft Klamath Jamas Welch has resigned bis job as them. We will not he without it hereafter, it ever commences running its nose J Roberts, Port E D Ivory, Oak brakeman on the Ashland-Red Bluff pas- as our experience proves that it cures where around in southern Oregon, The repu H McGuinn. do t get rid of it, but not everybody can spend a dollar + C J Boyle, S F ' senger train and is now on the San Fran all other remedies fail.”—Signed F. W. tation of the “profesh” dpwn this way is L Gerl’nger, Fort + Stevns, State Com. — Why not give this great 6Bruiqbaugfi, S F G M Straud, Jr, Port -:- cisco police force. Chimmie makes a yery somewhat shady. and be made richer by the bargian. Take a tip V -> medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and iinuosing appearance In his new uniform, H Wending, do F A Kelton, 8 F $ from the undersigned—join our Suit Club—satisfy ♦ C W Tipton, Port 1) Burton, do poiiea cap and bit of a sbilalah. “The trial bottles are free at E. A. S heiwin ’ s W D Gill. 8 F H E Opdycke, City fraadotu of the city” is his inducement for Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and 1.00. MARRIED. I yourself by thorough examination of the goods W ednesday — J E Ransom, Chicgo Ashland friends to come down and look at 1 T R Wilson, 8 F W I Vawter, Med The “Record” does first-class job work. him.___________ _ that yov are doing well in joining, and above all S C W Tipton, Port POWELL—PATTON — In Jacksonville, E O Parrott + “hang on” to your dollar until you “get Cleveland on Venezuela. There seems to be a shortage of beef T R Wilson, 8 F Dec. 18th, 1895, by Justice Dun'ap, Thad- T James, City into” our -:- + A S Ward, Oak The President on Monday sent a red cattle in Fugene and vicinity, and butch dens L. Powell and Miss Laura M. Pat H Spencer, do E Teesdale, Pprt Yours Truly, ton, both of Ashland. S unday — hot message to congress on the Vene ers are looking for a small famine in that ❖ Suit Club. W Carey The happy couple are two of this city’s J Israel, 8 F zuelan question in which he upholds the line before spring. They are scouring and highly respected young people F L Hnnter, do -- J K Jackson, N Y Monroe doctrine and practically tells the country and buying up everything worthy The Taitor. and hayg the best wishes of a large circle of C A Hermann, Or C L M Brown, do congress to declare war against England tbev can get-which will make goo^ beef, friends. They J H Boyd, S F left today for their future O C Riches, Port Un » [Most Perfect Made. if she steals any o! Venezuela that don't nnd cannot find enough to meet their home at Dunsmuir, where the grdom is • FM Donahue, do M D Jones, Sbtlton Cor. Mi belong to her. demands. p Gibb«a>, to toroaotits flnaaa. 40 Ygsrs Oft SUadard. 'A V o -É- vi* MYER & GREGORY, They Are Here CHRISTMAS. * Nice Line of Zephyrs N FANCY WORK- « « * * * * » » * » / The Best Stock < * VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. ! _ ______________ . I MOVED MISS JESSIE CLINT & CO. NORTH SIDE 0F PLAZA MILLINERY EHP0R1HM For Sale or Trade! Ashland Suit Club. G I B •DIV F CREAM BAKING POWDIR I . T. W. BRYANT, Valley Record For CARLSON, Job Priuting J5-. JI J r.......