Y*- VALLEY RECORD.! The People’s Paper. ASHLAND, Or........Thursday, Dec. 12.1895. Indian War Claims. Senator Mitchell has introduced a bill to pension soldiers who served in Indian wars; entitling Indian war veterans to admission to soldiers’ home in U. S. on same terms as veterans of late rebellion. Congressman Hermann has introduced a like bill in the house and bills to re­ imburse Henry Judge for 90 equipments furnished Co. A, of the let Regiment of Oregon cavalry, late war; also making payment to II. W. Shipley of Table Rock for work done and materials furnished in the construction of a grist and saw mill at Nez Perce Agency in Idaho. Pensioning Wm. Russell for services in Rogue river Indian war of 1855-56, for disabilities incurred. For repayment to Plinn Cooper, 8. Hamilton and the per­ sonal representatives of the estate of the late James Cox, deceased, for money erroneously collected from them. The Standard Dictionary. Thia io the grandest work of the age and is the joint product of the best specialists in the world. It is backed and endorsed by the foremost scholars of the day. Prof. R. H. Chittenden, of Yale Uni­ versity, in Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette, N.Y.says: “In thia age of successful dictionary-making, the publishers of a new work of this description must have perfect confidence in the excellence of their production to warrant the large out­ lay attendant upon the publication of such a comprehensive and necessarily coetly volume. Careful examination, however, of ths sample pages now before ns gives ample evidence of the reasons for such a feeling of confidence on the part of the publishers. A dictionary made as this is, with the definitions written by such a large number of experts in their several departments can not fail of being of great worth, both to the scholar and to all people, young and old.” The popularity of Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy and the high esteem in which it is held leads us to believe it to be an article of great worth and merit. We have the pleas­ ure of giving the experience of three protni, nent citizens of Redondo Beach, Cal., in the use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudell says: "I have always received prompt relief when 1 used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.-’ Mr. James Orchard says: “1 am satisfied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy cured niy cold." Mr. J. M. Hatcher says: "For three years I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my family and its re - suits havealways been satisfactory.’’ E.A. tSaaawix. Real Estate. Will W Nickerson to W H Shepherd­ land in tp 39 o, r 2 e; $5. Rial Hinkle to J A Prichard—20 acres of placer mining ground in sec 11, tp 3-5 s, r 4 w; $120. Henry Greeg to same—quit claim deed to same property. Caroline Cardwell to Jermiah Nunan— land in Mrs Cardwell’s add to Jackson­ ville ; $25. Drusilla Meet et al to Pauline Hines— I 160 acres, sec 28, tp 38 s, r 4 w > $1057. Alex Orme to Chas Meier—an undivid­ ed ^ interest in and to the Tin Pan quartz claim, Galls creek district; $400. Alex Orme to Chas Meier—an undi­ vided *s interest in the Lime Py quartz claim, Miller creek district; $200. Michael Chavner et al to Wm McNight and Joseph Goldsworthy—Its 11, 12, blk 32. Gold Hill; $12.50.- James Markabury to same—an undi­ vided ,v4 interest in and to It 7, blk 14, Gold Hill; $076.50. A P Talent to Straube Bros—interest in Its 3, 4, 5, 6. 9,10, blk F, Talent ; $150. Michael Chavner to T K Roberts—It 13, blk 16, Gold Hill;$l. I A Mounce to Geo R Lindly—It 13, blk 13, Medford; $1150. U 8 patent to Edward Hendricks— 149.46 acres, sec 30, tp 38 s, r 3 w. U 8 to Theo Cameron—160 acres, sec 3, tp 36 s, r 1 w. MINING LOCATIONS. Samuel Murphy and R. A. Smith located on Dec. 5th mining claim in tp 38 s, r 1 w. Jacksonville Mining and Milling Co on Dec t>th relocated the “Excelsior” and “Vernon” mining claims on Jackson creek. 8.8. Smith on Dec. 6th located the "Hum­ bug” placer claim of 20 acres, in tp 38 s, r 1 w. Chicago ice dealers have organized a trust. San Luis Obispo merchants have or­ ganized a board of trade. The syndicate organized to control tho Chilean nitrate output has col­ lapsed. The annual meeting of the National1 Livestock Exchange was held in Chi­ cago last week. The Chicago Mining Exchange is al-1 most a certainty. The outline of the proposed exchange has already been agreed upon. Fitzsimmons and Peter Maher have signed articles to fight in New Mexico. Corbett says he will challenge Fitzsim­ mons if he defeats Maher. J. W. Mackay and Senator Jones have boen acquitted of the charge that they defrauded stockholders in the Consoli­ dated California and Virginia Mining company. Ths Chicago gas trust has won-» big victory. Judge Showalter of the Uni­ ted States circuit court rendered a de­ cision refusing to grant an injunction to prevent the several gas companies of the city from consolidating. The Woman’s Suffrage association of Arizona has been organized at Phoenix Mrs. L. C. Hughes, wife of the gov­ ernor, was elected president. Resolu­ tions were passed commending Gov­ ernor Hughes for his stand on the equal suffrage question. Apaches are pillaging and murdering again in the Gila valley, Arizona. The venerable Bishop Merrill ami his daugh­ ter were slain and scalped a few days ago by the savages. A late report says the bodies of four white men were found below old Fort Thomas. Erastns Mills of Quincy, Ill., has ar­ rived at Riverside after one of the most peculiar journeys on record On July 21 he left his home with a string of horses and a wagon and drove overland to California. The trip was made in five months and three days. Mills had no difficulty anywhere on the road. A Welcome Usher of’95. The beginning of the new year will haven welcome usher in the shape of a fresh Al­ manac. descriptive of the orign, nature and uses of the national tonic and alterative, Hostetter’s Stomach bitters,combined with the descriptive matter will be found calen­ dar and astronomical calculations absolut­ ely reliable for correctness, statistics, illus­ trations, verses carefully selected, and other mental food highly profitable and entertain­ ing. On ibis pamphlet, published and printed annually by The Aostetter Comp­ any, of Pittsburg, 60 hands are employed in the mechanical department alone. Eleven months s.re devoted to its preparation. It is procurable tree, of druggists and country dealers everywhere, and is printed in Eng­ lish. German. French. Spanish, Welsh, Norwegian, Holland, Swedish and Bohe­ mia. ___________________ cteorge Augustus Sula, the distin­ guished London journalist, is dead. The Kentucky legislature is battling over the election of a United States senator to succeed Senator Blackburn. Peter Conley, formerly inspector and during the last few months acting chief of police of New York city, has been appointed to the position. Lord Dunraven will be in New York next week in order to resume an in­ quiry a3 to the degree of immersion oi the Defender ia the race for the Ameri­ ca cup in September. Rev. Dr. J. S. Kennedy, pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian church at Seattle, lias accepted a call to the pastorate of St. John's church, San Francisco, made vacant by the death of Rev. D. Ilanson Irwin. x Mr?. Della Stewart Parnell, mother of the late Charles Stewart Parnell, is a mental and physical wreck. She is at a New York hospital. Mrs. Purnell is over 80 years old and probably will not live very long. Miss Soplionisba G. Harrison, second daughter of the late mayor of Chicago, Carter IL Harrison, and Barrett East­ man, son of Colonel F. A. Eastman of Los Angeles, were married recently at Chicago. The wedding was a sump­ tuous affair, about 3,500 persons hav­ ing been invited to attend. Patrick Wood, 42 years old, an incur­ able patient in a New York hospital, is attracting great attention among medi­ cal men. His skin lias lost all its elas­ ticity and he cannot move. Wood was a painter and two years ago his skin be­ gan to harden and he was unable tc work. He was compelled to go to the almshouse. lie cannot move and is positive that if he should fall out of bed he would break open. Probate Court. Estate of John Weiss. Order made for sale of personal property. Estate of Philander Powell. Order of final settlement made and administrator discharged. Estate of John W. Satterfield. Same as above. Estate of Wilfred Prefontaine. Johan­ na Ksrewski appointed administratrix, I Marvellous Results. and Thomas Carr, R. A. Cook and Alex From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunder Orme appraisers. Estate of Rilley F. Smith. Applica­ man, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permit­ ted to make this extract: "I have no hes­ tion made to sell real estate and citation itation in recommending Dr. King’s New issued. Discovery, as the results were almost mar­ The Klamath Falls (Or.) stage was held up again last week by a lone high­ wayman. This is the seventh time the same stage has been robbed. P. Callahan of Livermore, accused at Lathrop by Mrs. Nettie Kass of crimi­ nal assault, has been discharged. It proved to be a case of blackmail. The Fresno grand jury has filed an­ other report on connty affairs and sev­ eral officials are severely scored for ex­ travagance in conducting public affairs. The report of the Los Angeles health officer shows that there were 80 births and 129 deaths iu November. Con­ sumption was the principal cause ot death. Joel H. Albright, postmaster at Port Crescent. Wash., 1 km been indicted by the federal grand jury at Seattle for embezzlement. Albright is charged with defrauding the government of <775. A jury awarded Peter McGraw $3,000 in a suit for damages brought at Sacra­ mento against the Terry estate for $10,- 000. McGraw was injured by falling through a decayed wooden sidewalk be­ longing to the T erry family. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. velous in the case of my wife. While I was yastor of the Baptist Church at Rives unction she was brought down with Pneumonia succee.iing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive iheiu. A friend rec­ ommended Dr. King’s New’ Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results.” Trial bottles free at E. A. Sherwin’s drug store. Regular size .50 c t and $1.00. ___________________ The estate of Thomas H. Blythe at San Francisco has finally been given tc Florence Blythe-Hinckley, who is de creed by the counts to be the daughtei of Blythe and his sole heir at law. The case has been in contest for about 10 years and over 100 claimants scrambled for the property, which is now valued at $4,000,000. Ada McReynolds of Columbia, Tuol­ umne county, who confessed to a pri­ vate detective that her two brothers killed Station Agent Morris at Chinese Camp, was not held by the grand jury. She was prevailed upon by the detect­ ive to sign the confession for the pur­ pose of securing $5,000 insurance which the detective told her would go to her if it was shown that Morris did not commit suicide. Shortly after the girl was released from custody her brother Albert committed suicide in his cell by­ cutting his throat with a pocket knife. W. H. T. Durrant has been sentenced to be hanged for the murder of Blanche Lamont. Judge Murphy denied the motion for a new trial and sentence 1 Durrant, but did not fix a date for tho execution. Durrani’s attorneys gave notice that the case would be appealed. Many months will elapse before the case is finally disposed of in the higher court. In the meantime Durrant will be in the custody of the warden of San Quentin. When tho court was pro­ nouncing the death sentence Durrant Stood up and looked squarely at the judge and not a muscle of his face changed He was the least disturbed person in the courtroom. The annual coursing meet nt Merced is being held this week. AU the best dogs of the Coast are entered. Professor Perrine’s comet can now be seen from the Lick observatory by the naked eye. It is rapidly approaching the sun and will soon become an even­ ing object. Deafness Cannot be Cured The Southern Pacific railroad is ar­ by local applications, as they cannot reach ranging for several excursions from L« ts the diseased portion of the ear. There is Angeles to other Southern California only one way to cure deafness, and that is cities, the ol jtct being to give tourists by constitutional remedies. Deafness is an opportunity to visit various sections caused by an inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When of the state at small cost. this tube gets inflamed you have a rum­ The bill of intervention of 1h? federal bling sound or imperfect hearing.and when government to restrain the California it Is entirely closed Deafness is the result, unless the inflammation can be taken railroad coiuuirs«ion' fjrom, reducing the and out and this tube restored to its normal ttransportatiou charges of the Southern j condition, hearing will be destroyed for- Pacific company is before the United i ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed Stales circuit court nt San Francisco. ROYAL Baking Powder, Highest of all la leavening Strongth.-V. S. (lovarnaMit Rsoort. condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars,'free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Unsold by Drugfiits, 75c. THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. The increase in the bonded debt can The Republican national commit ter be compensated by renewed activity and met at Washington on Monday. enterprise and restored confidence. A President Cleveland has gone on a troublesome indebtedness would be can­ celled instead of the menace of unend­ hunting trip to Chesapeake bay. The first week of congress was occu­ ing bonds. “The obligations necessary to fund pied by the introduction of bills and this indebtedness would not equal in resolutions. amount those from which we have been Senator White has introduced a bill Mrs. Fitzgerald, an elderly woman, disappeared from Comax, B. C., three years ago and lier skeleton was found in the woods a few days n’-o. W. E. Panlscll, son of an ex-harlxtr commissioner who was once promi­ nently mentioned as a candidate for governor of California, was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment for robbing a faro bank at San Francisco. Mrs. 8. D. Smith of Kansas City sat­ urated her clothes with coal oil and then applied a match. She was horri­ bly burned. Sickuess had made her in­ sane. Her husband was badly burned in attempting to save his wife. John G. Thompson, a carriage maker at Milwaukee, married two women and attempted to keep them in the same house. Wife No. 2 was a “boarder” until Wife No. 1 found a marriage cer­ tificate in her room. Thompson is in jail The superintendent and seven opera­ tives of the Berry detective agency of Chicago, who on the night of Nov. 14 shot and killed Frank White while try­ ing to capture his brother, Clarence White, have been indicted for murder by the grand jury.________ Memorial Resolutions. W hereas death has again invaded our Lodge and claimed a loved Sister, a zeal­ ous and faithful member of our Order. Therefore be it f R esolved , that by the death of Sister Van Sant our order has suffered an irre­ parable loss, and we mourn for her with a depth of Borrow that always attends the departure of a good and true sister. R esolved , that we extend our heart­ felt sympathy to the bereaved family of our deceased Sister and that as a Mark of esteem in which our departed Sister was regarded by us, these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Lodge and a copy sent to each of the papers and one to the family of our departed Sister under seal of the lodge. Committe«. j E. J. F arlow . L eah C aldwell . E mma S tei 'H eksom . toast bread Following is a digest of tlio salient and keep it dry. There’ll be no danger of its molding. points of President Cleveland’s annual But moisten the bread with water, and see the result, me? sago to congress: in a short time it is covered with mold. It is just so The message is very lengthy, contain­ ing over 29.000 words, which would fill with consumption. Its germs will not grow in the ab tit twenty ordinary columns if pub­ relieved since 1884 by anticipation and in the senate appropriating $200,000 for lungs unless everything is suitable to them. Weak­ payment, beyond the requirements of the enlargement of the postuffiee at Los lished verbatim. ness, poor blood, loss of appetite, coughs and colds The message opens with a reference the sinking fund out of our surplus rev­ Angeles. Belgium has refused to surrender to tho importance of our foreign rela­ enues. often prepare the ground for the development of the “The currency withdrawn by the re­ Harry Russell, the postoffice robber tions and exigencies of the national germs of consumption. To destroy germ-life the sys­ finances at this time and the conse­ tirement of the United States notes and who escaped from Ludlow-street jail, treasury notes, amounting to probably New York city, to the United States tem must be kept in a well-nourished condition. Do quent determination of the president to less than $486,000,000, might be supplied authorities. confine his message to those subjects. not lose flesh. Great Britain has refused to submit The first subject of importance con­ by such gold as would be used on their with hypophosphites, as sidered is the disordered condition of retirement or by an increase iu the cir­ the Venezuelan question to arbitration, as proposed by President Cleveland. It a preventive. It furnishes the reinforcements neces­ affairs in China, following upon the culation of our national banks. “ I think they should be allowed to is­ is predicted that the matter will be­ close of the war with Japan. The con­ sary for the body to conquer in the easiest possible sequent weakening of the central auth­ sue circulation equal to the par value of come much more serious before a favor­ form. The oil is in a state quickly taken up and rap­ the bonds they deposit to secure it, and able solution i9 reached. ority of the government and the serious that the tax on the circulation should Congressman Hilborn of California outbreaks of the'old national spirit idly transformed into the organs and tissues. against foreigners is discussed. The de­ be reduced to one-fourth of one per has prepared a bill to be introduced in When you uk for Scott’« Emulstoa and roar draKrI«t give« mands of the "United States and other cent., which would undoubtedly meet the house providing for the erection of you a salmon-colored packet« with the picture at a man and all of the exi>ense of the government in ­ fish on it—you can trust that man with your prescriptions I a plant at the Benicia (Cal.) arsenal for powers for the punishment of the ag­ curred on their account. In addition, gressors and the compliance of the Chi­ assembling ordnance of the army and (O csau and >1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York nese government are related, as is the they should be allowed to substitute or navy. The bill asks for an appropria­ demand of the United States for a deposit in lieu of the bonds now required tion of $1,000,000 for the purpose. special commission to investigate the for security for their circulation those disturbances when they first broke out. which would be issued for the purpose Department of Music of State Nor- mal. The customary cordial relations l»- of retiring the United states notes and Those wishing to take music, either piano, tween this country and France have the treasury notes. ” 3X It is estimated that this would in­ voice, or organ, can see Miss Thomas, the been undisturbed with the exception of at the Normal building or at her crease the national bank circulation by teacher, the Waller incident. boarding place, Mrs. White’s, Corner of nearly as much as the currency retired^ Our relations with Germany are in­ First Ayenue and Spring Street. One hour ever recorded by Sherwin for 1895, fluenced by the delusive doctrine that Restrictions in the luw on the location lessons 50 cts. Lessons given at the school the internal development of a nation of national banks might be done away or the homes of the students. Everybody is promote'd and its wealth increased by with and branch banks authorized. An investigation of the accounts of wants to get the “ But there might not be the necessity a policy which is undertaking to reserve ex-City Treasurer Bollin of Omaha for such au addition to the currency.by its home markets for the exclusive use shows the amount of bis shortage to be of its own producers necessarily ob­ any new issues of bank circulation as at $30,000. There is u question whether first glance is indicated. structs their sales in foreign markets High grade goods sold at low grade prices. “The silver left in the treasury might the city can recover from Bollin’s and prevents free access to the products bondsmen because the date of the of the world. The desire to retain be gradually converted into fractional Everybody wants them. shortage is in doubt. Bollins and his coin. trade in time-worn rules, regardless of deputy are in jail awaiting trial. “The government receives no gold in the inexorable laws of new needs and Everybody gets them. changed conditions of demand and sup­ payment of revenues, nor would it if Use It m Time. ply, and our own halting tardiness to the revenues were increased. The re­ Sherwin says what he will do, and does what Catarrh • starts in the nasal passapes, af inviting a freer exchange of commodi­ ceipts are all in silver certificates, Uhi- fecting eyes, ears and throat, and is m fact, ties, and by this means imperiling our ted States notes and treasury notes. ” the great enemy of the mucous membrane. he says. From Now Until Spring A lengthy argument follows on the Neglected colds an the head almost invari­ footing in the external markets natur­ Overcoats and winter wraps will lie' in ably precede catarrh, causing an excessive ally o{>en to us, have created a situa­ impossibility of securing gold for the Get your DRUGS and HOLIDAY GOODS and of mucus, and if the mucus discharge fashion. They can be discarded, tempor­ tion somewhat injurious to American treasury from the present currency re­ flow becomes interrupted the disagreeable re­ arily, while traveling in the steam heated export interests, not only in Germany ceipts. The withdrawals of gold are sults of catarrh will follow, such as bad trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. tickets free, it is all the same to where they are perhaps most notice­ due to fright, and nothing will stop breath, severe pain across forehead and Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for them but a cure of the fright. It is de­ about the eyes, a roaring and buzzing sound speed and for safety, no other line can able, but in adjacent countries. the ears and oftentimes a very offensive compare with this great railway of the The vexatious points of the Bering nied that bonds have been issued to sup­ in discharge. Ely’s Bream Balm is the ack­ West. _________________ _ ply insufficient revenue. Sea question are referred to and the nowledged cure for these troubles. A. Carlson, merchant tailor, corner Main Prescription dep’t the best in Southern Oregon. The president then takes up the free failure of the arbitration tribunal to and Granite streets. provide for a means of settlement silver coinage question and says: “Were there infinitely stronger rea­ pointed out. The new code commission, created by I An appropriation for the completion sons than can be adduced in hoping that the last California legislature, will meet of the Alaska boundary survey is ear­ such action would secure for us a bi­ in San Francisco in January. Among nestly recommended. The importance metallic currency moving on lines of Causes Glands of the Neck tc the subjects to be considered is a recom­ of an international agreement as to the parity an experiment so novel and haz­ mendation by the prison directors that —Of The— Swell Up line of the 141st meridian, which forms ardous as that proposed might well an agent be appointed to assist freed the rest of the boundary, is dwelt upon. stagger those who believe that stability I This Trouble and a Case of Rheu­ convicts. , On Venezuela the message simply is an imperative condition of sound B. Selling, S. Kinsman and M. Schell, matism Cured by Hood’s. says that a statement of the interest money. partners in the horse slaughtering and “No government, no human contriv­ “ C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : and policy of the United States regard­ packing establishment near Portland, “Dear Sin: A little over a year ago 1 have been indicted by the grand jury ing tho boundary dispute was sent to ance or act of legislation has ever been Great Britain in July last. “The gen­ able to hold the two metals together in had a swelling come on the side of my for maintaining a public nuisance by Has received eral conclusions therein reached and free coinage at a ratio appreciably dif­ neck. I was in very poor health generally allowing refuse and garbage to accumu­ formulated are in substance that the ferent from that which is established and doctored two late on the public highway. traditional established policy of the by the markets of the world. ” months with the Since November, 1885, no Chinese A lengthy argument against the the­ This week government is firmly opposed to a forc­ family physician •w laborers or servants have been permit­ ible increase by any European power of ory of the government’s power to main­ who said my com­ its territorial possessions on this conti­ tain the value of silver follows and the plaint was a bllioui ted to work in Tacoma. Last week it nent; that, as a consequence, the establishment of a safe and stable cur­ attack. His treat« was discovered that a Celestial was em­ Embracing nearly everything in the line of United States is bound to protest rency is enlarged on in general terms. ment failed to help ployed in the home of Mr. Ri ggs, a new resident of that city, and the commit­ Furniture, These goods were purchased with against the enlargement of the area of The message cloces as follows: “I me bo I determined tee of fifteen has declared that the British Guiana in derogation of the have ventured to express myself on this to try Hood’s Sar­ spot cash, and will be sold at hard time prices. Chinaman must go. rights and against the will of Vene­ subject with earnestness and plainness saparilla. To my zuela; that, considering the disparity in of speech because I cannot rid myself great joy, the swel­ O^CALL AND SEE THEM. strength of Great Britain and Vene­ of the belief that there lurks in the ling on the side ot C. K. KLUM. C, B. CR1SLER zuela, the territorial dispute between proposition for the coinage of silver so my neck disap­ them can be reasonably settled only by strongly approved and so enthusiastic­ peared. I was ben- In Selecting friendly and impartial arbitration. ” ally advocated by a multitude of my Mrs. w. R. MaUernee eflted for my othei Hawaii is dismissed with a reference countrymen a serious menace to our , Meadow, wash. ailments. After Ashland, Oregon. to the uprising last January, the de­ prosperity and an insidious temptation taking three bottles of thé medicine,I ha vs mauds made upon the Hawaaian gov­ of our people to wander from the al­ not had a sick day since. I for one, rec­ - KLIM & CHISLER, Prop.’s ernment for the rights of American legiance they owe to public and private ommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to the affile- citizens concerned therein and the de­ integrity. It is because I do not dis­ t-t Wholesale and Retail Dealers in maud for the recall of Minister Thurs­ trust the good faith and sincerity of For your friends don’t ton. those who press this scheme that I have BEEF forget your own country The padrone system is denounced as imperfectly, but with zeal, submitted ted, knowing what It has done for me in % lespinsible for such manifestations my thoughts upon this momentous sub­ the past. My husband was afflicted with PORK against helpless aliens as the lynching ject. I cannot refraïn from begging rheumatism and had that tired feeling. MUTTON of Italians iu Colorado. them to re-examine their views and be­ He took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and found it BACON and Congratulations are offered on our liefs in the light of patriotic reason and -------- OF-------- Just the Medicine Needed. good relations with Japan in view of familiar experience, and to weigh again LARD her vast gains in greatness. Unimport­ and again the consequences of such We believe it will do all that is claimed for ant references are made to our rela­ legislation as their efforts have.invited. It, if given a fair trial. Both of us have s tions with Mexico, Nicaragua and Even the continued agitation of the used Hood’s Vegetable Pills and are well Freshest In all her glory. Just the thing for your Russia. subject adds greatly to the difficulties pleased with them.” M bs . W. R. M ad - and— I The recommendation for an abandon­ of a dangerous financial situation al­ L ebnee , Meadow, Washington. ■t. lîuftlts * 4» + Eastern Friends. ment of the Samoan agreement is re­ ready forced upon us. N. B. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ♦ ❖ ♦ Best Meats in Market newed. “ In conclusion, I especially entreat Hood ’ s Pills we purely vegetable, and ds Of Cuba the president says this gov sot gripe, purge, or pain. Sold by ail druggists. eminent must preserve international the people’s representatives in congress, • GIVE US A TRIAL who are charged with the responsibil ­ faith whatever the sympathy of our ity of inaugurating measures for the Photo - Gallery - Opposite - Hotel - Oregon, - Ashland, - Or, I citizens with the insurgents. —&O ’TO— safety and prosperity of our common The Armenian massacres are referred I country, to promptly and effectively to and every effort is put forth to pro­ conserve the ills of our critical finan­ tect American citizens. cial plight Fully half the message is devoted to “I have suggested a remedy which Medford, Oregon, a discussion of the financial situation. my judgment approves. I desire, how­ I »vary “ By command of the people a cus­ ever, to assure the congress that I am MANUFACTURE toms revenue system designed for the prepared to co-operate with them in Maker of protection of and benefit of favored perfecting any other measure promising AND classes at the expense of the great mass thorough and practical relief and that I First Class of our countrymen and which, while will gladly labor with them in every pa­ ^XFeed Stable. Of all kinds at shop at Phoenix. inefficient for the purpose of revenue, triotic endeavor to further the interests To Order. curtailed our trade relations and im­ and guard the welfare of our country­ peded our entrance to the markets of men whom in our respective places of Gold Hill, Oregon.. Cali at the world, lias been superseded by a duty we have undertaken to serve. ” French and Domestic Calf. PRICE LIST : tariff policy which is based on a denial G rover C leveland . French and Domestic Kip. of the right of the government to ob­ Domestic Calf Shoes .$ For Fine Riga and OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL struct the avenues to our people’s cheap English and Domestic Teams. Horses Boarded one night: French Calf Shoes.... xniB. currie brown, a nanusome at— Grain, living or lessen their comfort and con­ ---- and see our goods. ----- Hay 25 cents; grain 25 cents. French Calf Boots.... tentment, for the sake of according es­ wealthy woman of Keokuk, la., blew Cordovan. Fine hay and grain on hand and for Napoleon Boots.......... 12.00 pecial advantages to favorites, and out her brains in an Omaha hotel. Kangaroo. U^We will give yon a bargain. sale. John M. Kinkade, a Denver real es­ which, while encouraging our inter­ Riding Roots................ 15.00 Alligator. tate man, committed suicide by shoot ­ course and trade with other nations, Hunting Boots.............15.0q ing himself in the head. Cause not Porpoise. recognizes the fact that Amei ican self Choice Materials. Tan Leather. reliance, thrift and ingenuity can build known. and Finest Work, Richard S. Haines, a Northern Pa­ up our country’s industry and develop Patent Leather. Saddler its resources more surely than enerva­ cific telegraph operator at a Dakota station, has been arrested on a charge ting paternalism. ” — AND — But this and the repeal of the silver of embezzling $1,500. NEXT DOOR TO P. O. purchase law fall far short of curing the Apprentice Wanted. financial evils from which we suffer. 1 A lengthy review of the growth of SLEEPY, dull our currency follows, especially the languid and morose, is the way you feci when United States notes and treasury notes, your liver fails to do and the consequent endless drain on the its work properly; in gold reserve of the treasury. consequence you suf­ The president states that “among the ALL § KINDS § OF § RE fer from indigestion, a biliousness, and dys­ causes for this constant and uniform pepsia. You have a “don’t OFFERS THE.... shrinkage in this fund may be mention­ PAIRING § DONE care” spirit and a “played BEST SERVICE ed the great falling off of exports under The Well Known and Always Popular iiotel of Ashland. out" feeling, and everything tires you. the operation of the tariff law until re­ AND To set the liver in action, cently in force, which crippled our ex­ GOOD line of new goods sold reason LOWEST ZEdJLTES purify and enrich the blood, able. Work guaranteed, and ou IN NEW HANDS x « e ^> change of commodities with foreign na­ and to strengthen and vitalize American and .., prices will suit the customer. tions and necessitated to some extent the whole system, take Dr. To and from all Points East. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. European Plan Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ the payment of our balances in gold; covery. Having a peculiar The finest Dining, Sleeping and Tourist the unnatural infurion of silver into our tonic effect upon the lining || || || II Call and see us II || || Substantial Brick Building. + •F •F Rates: SI.00 and currency and the increasing agitation membrane of the stomach and bowels it cars In the world. Free Colonist Sleepers ". .’. Centrally Located. «J« 4* + 54.50 Per Day« for its free and unlimited coinage, which makes a lasting cure of all stomach, liver and observation cars on all trains. No -----and we will treat you wall---- and bowel disorders. By increasing the have created apprehension as to our dis­ blood supply, as well as enriching it, all the beat, dust or deserts on this line. position or ability to continue gold pay­ organs of the body are strengthened, and the Canadian Pacific Railroad CO’s are fed on pure, rich blood ments; the consequent hoarding of gold nerves Neuralgia is the “ cry of the starred nerves RESTAURANT AND BAKERY IN CONNECTION WITH at home and the stoppage of investments for food ; nervous debility and exhaustion EMPRESS LINE of foreign capital, as well as the return sleeplessness and nervous prostration are in •AJUaUiai" s EE bus to and from all passenger train TO of our eecuritiesjalready sold abroad and most instances the direct result of a starved the high rate of foreign exchange, condition of the blood. The true way to JAPAN and CHINA. S?re.^9Lail^nti Permanently is to take which induced the shipment of onr gold the Golden Medical Discovery ’’ which THE FASTEST AND FINEST ONUY WHITE E.MEI.OVEO to be draw i against, as a matter of was discovered and prescribed by an emi­ BOATS ON THE PACIFIC nent physician, Dr. R. V. Pierce, at present speculation. ” OCEAN. chief consulting physician and specialist to HEADQUARTERS FOR The history of the various bond tran­ the WILJ 1AM FOX. D, D, good InvMids’rfote1 and Surgical Institute, sactions which have been resorted to in Buffalo, N. Y. If you want a medical opin- HARDWARE, order to replenish the gold reserve is re­ nothfr1gOUr CaSC’ Wrfte hi“' Xt WiU C09t yOU STOVES and viewed and the constant subsequent fall­ A Book of 136 pages on " Diseases of the Have put in a ing off pointed out. Ashland, Oregon. Digestive Organ3,” will be mailed to any TINWARE. “ We are now nearly where we start­ address on receipt of postage, six cents. It New Stock of City Passenger TO ed and nearly all of the gold withdrawn contains names, addresses and reproduced FIJI AND AUSTRALIA lias been pawl out on United States notes, photographs of a vast number of people HONOLULU, and Truck Transfer The Shortest Line to the Colonies. who have been cured of dyspepsia, “ liver which still remain uncancelled. There­ complaint” chronic diarrhea, and kindred These steamers carry an experienced ----- All kinds oi treight, baggage fore I am convinced the only thorough ailments by the use of "Golden Medical Medical man, and a steawardess on every F ALL KINDS and GRADES household goods, etc., transfer- Discovery. ” And are prepared to furnish Miners’ Tools, Giant Powder, Caps and practicable remedy for our troubles I voyage. ed with promptness and safely. “LIVER COMPLAINT." and Fuse. A fine liue of Electric Cullejy, is found in the retirement and cancella­ goods at tho Hauling on a large scale con­ These steamers are in every respect Climax, Kalamazoo Co., Mich and a large and complete stock of Fishing tracted for,........................... tion of our United States notes, com­ Da. R. V. P ierce , Buffalo, N. Y.: superior to any ships that have yet sailed Tackle. Plumbing goods, and plumbing of few of my symptoms were heart­ I the Pacific Ocean. The route 300 miles all kidds done on short notice. All work monly called greenbacks, and the out­ and fullness after eating; sometimes pain WOOD FOR SALE standing treasury notes issued by the burn in my bowels and bad taste in my mouth; some­ shorter, than any other Trans-Pacific Line. guaranteed. government in payment of silver pur­ times I was feverish, with hot flushes over skin. For Rates, time tables, accommodation £^-Tin Shop in connection. ------ ICE IN SEASON------- Give us a call and After taking your " Golden Medical Discovery'' chases under the act of 1890. ” Iwasrelievql of all these symptoms end I feel and any information. Apply to, Will handle ice in Ashland during the First-class goods, and prices as low as the The method he proposes is an ex­ perfectly well. Yours truly, ALLAN CAMERON, smumer season. Delivered at your door we will treat you right. lowest. change for bonds, small and large, and 146 Third St. Portland, Or, every morning. MARSH & MITH, bearing a low rats of interest and for a GEO. Me L. BROWN, D. P. A. ^ÄF^Passengers delivered to any part of long term. Vsnc«VW| B. 0< Fokogama, Cat Take Scott’s Emulsion, The biggest sales “5 Big music box. ! Sherwin. Scrofula in the Blood J. P. DODGE, O pera H ouse F urniture S tore , e Stacks of New Goods CENTR AL MARKET HOLIDAY PRESENTS Hood’s5^” Cures Scenes and Views < SOUTHERN OREGON F. L. CAMPS, j. w. çox s WEEK BROS A ugust M ickelsen FURNITURE Furniture Store ANADIAN PACIFIC RY C , Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Sault Ste, Marie CENTRAL POINT, OR Ry. (Soo Line) ASHLAND HOUSE A D. H. MILLER WM. P. PARSONS, PROP. MEDFOSD, OR ! Canadian^«^ Australia Steamship CO. FOX & GOOD, MARSH & SMITH Builder’s Material General Merchandise, O Lowest Market Price. D. H. MILLER. ê / T - # < ♦ * U X