VALLET RECORD. VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments. Envelopes, &c. VALLEY RECORD. VOL. Vili ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1895. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers* Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year............................................. |1 75 Six Months.......................................... 1 (10 50 Three Months....................................... NO. 30. Advertising rates given on application. X A Klamath Man's Would-be-Bride. The Same Old Story. PRESSED BRICKS. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report The 7th stage robbery on the Ager- San Francisco, Dec. 4.—Miss Chita Klamath Falls route and tbe usual bold­ Bob Baber was hereabouts last week. Jackson, the young woman who told a ing up place, the foot of Topsy grade, story regarding what she saw and heard Representative Jeffrey was in Ashland i took place Wednesday night of last week. Friday. in the St. Nicholas drug store half an SIMMONS It was the east bound stage, John Camp­ hour before the body of Eugene Ware, Medford will have a city election Jan­ the murdered clerk, was found by Police bell driver and only one passenger, Mrs. Dr. Wright of Klamath Falls. “Halt; uary 7th. man O’Dea, December 14,1894, is in ser­ throw out the mail sacks” was complied A. Carlson, merchant tailor, corner Main ious trouble. She is to be called upon tn with, and the driver also cut tbe letter and Granite streets. answer a charge of grand larceny, and pouches and emptied their contents on daring the preliminary formalities con­ Geo. W. Colvig is the new city attor ­ /I X The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now the ground. The robber then com­ sequent to the accusation she has been ney of Grants Paes, manded Mrs. Wright to give tip her an occupant of one of the cells at the city Under the Management of RECUUTO parse and money which she did, but also Richard Rogers is the new foreman of prison. gave the robber a “piece of her mind” the Hammersley mine. The man who accuses Miss Jackson of about the kind of business he was en­ Silvers’s Slippery Congressman. W. L Townsend has opened a barber­ robbing him bears the name of Samuel Mining Items. gaged in. The driver and passenger shop Jackson. He lives near Klamath Falls, Washington Dispatch, Dec. 4.] in Medford again. A. E. Hildreth went to Tolo Saturday were then ordered to walk down the road Or., and came here in search of a wife. Representative Hermann, commenting to get out two car loads of ore from the Mark Whipple of Woodville is attend­ He embodied bis wants in an advertise­ a short distance, during which time be PROPRIETOR. put the letter mail in a grain sack and ing school at Drain. ment which he inserted in a daily paper. on the story that the silver knights were Eagle Nest mine to be worked by the going to lorce every candidate for elec­ Hicks mill. ©Almost everybody taka« some laxative throwing it across his horse, ■ mounted %a/H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- T. Stanley went to Grants Pass Friday Under the name of Emma Cleverly, Miss tion in Oregon to pledge himself unre­ medicine to deans« the system and keep ths and rede up tbe grade. He soon disap­ to visit his son Sherman. The Pacific mine, which has been Jackson answered the advertisement and " pared to Entertain the Traveling Public blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS peared and after loading on the empty was selected by Jackson as the one whom servedly for free silver coinage at a ratio worked during the past season by Messrs. rof 16 to 1, said that so far as he was con ­ Billy Bateman, the Medford sport, In First Class Style. pouches and paper mail sacks the driver Songer & Dame, closed down Thursday LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or. powder) he wished to marry. While making ar-, get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant with bis passenger proceeded on their went to Pokegama Saturday. rangeraents for the wedding'%tnma is cerned he would have nothing to do with of this week. The mine has been paying I the scheme, adding: Ia*atiV0 and tonic that purifies the blood way. Tbe driver’s statement as to the ----------- ;o:----------- The state teachers association meets at said to have picked Jackson’s pocket, 1 “I am a republican, and will stand on handsomely and work will be lesutned robber is substantially as follows : as early as possible next year. and strengthens tho whole system.WAnd and he bad her arrested. Portland Dec. 26th, 27th and 28th. tbe republican platform. We cannot get more than this: Sl^MONS L|VER RECyi “He wore a light colored cow-boy hat, Baker City, Or., Dec. 5.—A clean-up Rates, $2.00 $2.50 Per Will Plymale, the Yreka printer, went Klamath Indian Agent’s Report. , along in any other way. We can’t be di­ LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and duck overcoat. Appeared io be was brought in trom the Virtue mine to Jacksonville Sunday to pay his folks a vided, and the majority must govern in Washington, Dee. 4. — Marshal Petit. and healthy, and when the Liver is iq about 5 feet 8 inches tall; weighing about •---------- :o:----------- this evening. It is a huge retort, and is United States Indian agent at Klamath, I party matters. I have my views, the worth $22,000. The fineness is a fraction good condition you find yourself free from 150 pounds, with broad shoulders. Had visit. Malaria, BiliousQOSS. Indigestion, Sifk^ rather heavy mustache, and spoke in Silas and Ed. Kilgore of Langell valley makes a straightforward, common-sense ! Bame as other men, but I can’t express over 19.25 per ounce. The output is the 2:??’ special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour­ Headache and Constipation, and rid Pf clear tones, using good language but did are in Los Angeles with a bunch of report of his affairs at his agency to the them against the majority of the party, result of 25 days* run. The vein never ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. commissioner of Indian affairs. Since he 1 especially as it is only by republican suc- presented a finer showing. that worn out and debilitated feeling. no unnecessary talking. He rode a dark horaea. has charge, the Indians have been at I cess that prosperity can be brought back Shese are all caused by a sluggish LiveF, colored horse, but while holding up tbe ----------- :o:----------- Messrs. Humphreys, Quigley & Billups Mrs. Benn and the Luckey children work making an effort to build them­ to the country. The success of repub­ ood digestion and freedom from stomach stage he Btood behind a large bowlder.” are still doing development work on the arrived from Oakland, Cal., Friday to selves houses. The Bawmill has been re­ lican principles is the first great object of troubles will only be had when the liver remain. Catarrh in the Head, paired, and lumber is being manufactured the people; and when we succeed it must Commodore mine. Their new raise is Is properly at work.' If troubled with any up about 28 feet, which is 66 feet farther Is due to impure blo«d and cannot be of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER Dr. F. W. Van Dyks, of Grants Pass, for tbe Indiana’ use. Repairs have been be upon a platform of the majority.” Fresh Eastern oysters, Turkey and Cranberry in the hill than the old raise. The ledge REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi­ cured with local applications. Hood’s Sar­ is in New York for the winter studying made on the agency bqildings and tbe Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. saparilla has cured hundreds of cases of will average about $30 and is two feet school buildings. This ia what he has to cines, and Better than Pills. Sauce, Price 50 Cents. catarrh because it purifies the blood and his profession. The best salve in the world for Cuts, | wide. There are 75 feet of stopes in say about irrigation and the reclamation Bruises. in this way removes the cause of the dis­ Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever; sight on the upper level. This mine was jar-EA’ERY PACKAGE-^ When you drink tea get the best—Itq of lands on tbe reservation ease. It also builds up the system and Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Bas the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. prevents attacks of pneumonia, diphtheria Wend-it will please you. Tajip no Qtfcer- “In studying the topography of the Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi-, discovered on the 8th of July last. There J. R. VftnSant, As^ian^, *•«(, £. Zoiliu * Co.. Phila., Pa. and typhoid fever. country, I am convinced that a ditch can tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is has been $3,000 taken from the mine, J. L. Castle has been in tbe valley be constructed across the southwest guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or and there is more than $75,000 in sight, Hood's Rills become the favorite cath­ looking at the stock market with a view corner of the reservation that would re­ money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. | there having been only 120 tons of ore artic with eVery Wfio trips them. 25c. of shipping to Portland. crushed, and notbing but development claim from its present aridity six town­ For sale by E. A. Sherwin. work done. There will be two levels still ships. I have reported that 90,000 acres Sams Valley Items. Prof. E. Phipps has become asso­ Big Sticky Notes. lower, ODe at a depth of 100 and the other WHY ? Because your Liver and Kidneys A brave yoRth froip California carried ciated with T. K. Roberts in the publi­ of swamp land on the Big Klamath marsh W. F. Moore, our genial read supervisor, 200 feet. A force of twelve men are em­ could be reclaimed by lowering the chan ­ cation of the Gold Hill Miner, away the rose pf our valley but the lillie is replanking the Central Point bridge. are out of order. For years and years ployed on two shifts, and two amlras WM M. DOIA IW, nel of the Williamson river. This would still blooms. John Weaver, one of the largest prune firovide a fine quality of grazing and hay Rollin Smith and wife spent a few days are kept running constantly, Ttiis is housewives all over the country have Miss Florence Herrick of Portland is growers at Myrtle creek, ¡8 shipping hia without doubt one of the best mining ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, spending and to be allotted to the Indians, with­ last week y¡siting relatives near Medford, the winter with her sister Mrs. F. dried fruit to Columbus, Ohio, used with best results Miss Effie Anderson of Medford is spend­ properties iq the state. A quartz mill out which a number of them will be com­ T. Wheeler. Jftuksonville, Oregon. pelled to accept land that will not pro­ ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. Rollin will bp eicUed at the mine iu the spring. A, Reynolds has taken hia mother, Our voting people are talking of flavine Smith. \ I Gold Hill Miner:] Will Praetice In all the Courts of the a grand masquerade ball on Christmas at who lives at Central Point, to Marys­ duce hay or grazing. The land on this Dr. J. McLean’ reservation that does not produce grass ville, CaL, for medical treatment. F. R. Moore and wile and Htt^ KaH spent I J .A. Bouse, representing the California State. Moonvilie and a jolly time is expected. ia worthless, except it be timbered. It Thanksgiving at St^pben vornutCs in Cen ­ Mining Exchange, has for some weeks Collections promptly attended to. R. H. Whitehead has secured from the has been estimated by a civil engineer tral Polflt. - Horace Pelton has had his residence and been making a crucial test of the Black other buildings repainted and they now east the sale of Medford’s $7500 school that the school grounds at the ^gency 5E2 Kidney Balm. Mrs. G. C. Roberts and daughter, Miss Gold Channel Company’s property on present a very attractive appearance. bonds, bearing 7>» per cent interest. could be irrigated and made a beautiful Nellie were interviewing Jacksonville mer ­ Foots creek. Thu result has been fully HINMAN. D. 1>. S, The prospector is on the alert in the hills John Henderson of Lakeview was in greensward at'a small cost. I would rec­ chants last Saturday. up to e^peeiatirons. A short time siuce Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it around our little valley. But one twenty ommend ■ that thia improvement be Forest Moore, of Big Sticky made a busi­ Mr. Bouse was called to San FranciBco. dollar piece is known to exist in the neigh­ the valley last week visiting Sliley Ham- made.” ness trip to Ashland recently., and was' He remained there but a day or two. is the “PEERLESS REMEDY” for curing ailments of the Liver, borhood, and so since the rains the miner mersley, of Gold Hill, and other friends. DENTIST. Some trouble has been encountered in absent a couple qf days. " Coming north on Friday’s train, he must come to the rescue, Misses Minerva Naylor and Kate Bel­ dealing with the stockmen who graze cat­ Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright’s Air. and Mrs. Hornby, of Eagle Point, stopped in (his vicinity a day and then A subscription school is now in full blast linger of Jacksonville precinct, took Sat­ tle on the reservation, but |he agent ex­ and ' Lewes Matney of Applegate spent went to Seattle, accompanied by Milo P. ^M£~In the Masonic Building up stairs in the Pankey district school house Prof. urday’s train for San Francisco to remain pects to obtain peases unfeh will bring Thanksgiving with the faqiily qf A< B- Disease.For sale everywhere at $1.00 per bottle. Ward, who had algo just returned from Chas. Fitzgerald is the teacher. A singing for some time. Over Post Office. Creed. about aup ¡cable gelations. school is now organized at Moonvilie. Prof. San Franoigeo. While all parties con­ THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS. MO. There has been no drunkenness among Jfoe Racon, well known here during Fitzgerald is also tbe leader of'tflis. A P, Creed and John Smith, Jr. made a nected with the trade are decidedly reti­ Messrs. Olsen Bros, the popular sgw mill the last da^a of the overland stage the Indians, and advancement toxyard trip tq Bybee's place on Rogue river, last cent, it is clear that a valuable piece of Fpday, and returned with a nice little band mining property is about to change men after a fine season's run are removing coaches, died at tbe home of hia sister in civilization is apparent, M. BROWER J|. D. of sheep which they had purchased. bands. We shall be glad to note the their mill to Kanes creek about one half San Francisco recently. mi'e from Gold Hill where they will soon Neutral Point Fair, J. W. Smith has returned from a hunting sale, (or the prospective buyers will Mrs. G. C. Fafnswoyth came in from PHYSICIAN and SUllGEOff, be in shape to manufacture lumber again. Salem, Or,, Dec. fj.—Secretary J. H. expedition, in which he met with the best doubtless put a large force of men at The best wishes of tfle people pf jhis section Klamath k'aHs Sunday to spend the holi­ Downing has submitted to the governor success. J. W. is a fine shot, and if there work. This ground is rich in coarse days with her folks, Hon. Nat Langell ■» O heoon A shland go with them? tbe seoond annual report of the First is any game to be had, is sure to gel some. gold, running from 12'A cents to $6 per and family, at Jacksonville, We notice the idea of Labor Exchanges Southern Oregon District Agricultural So A few of our young people attended the cubic yard. The population of Douglas county ac­ ciety. The appropriation for this society Thanksgiving ball, given by the Central l>eing frequently spoken of lately. Home of Office— At Residence, intersection of Me­ these saw mills and even some ranches in cording to the census of 1895, by Asses­ was $600. There was left on hand, from Point club, and report a first class time. and Skin Ointment ibis section have had to carry out mucn of sor Sterling is, males 7988; females, 6571. chanic, Laurel and Main Streets. An excellent supper was furnished by tbe Chamberlain’^ tbe idea. An organzied effort should be Total, 14,559. Number of legal voters, tbe appropriation for 1894, $134.20. The Baptist church. Is tbr Eczema, Tetter, Salt- amount paid out in premiums this year made and we hope will be made whatever 4,364. ‘ Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gregory staged for was $767.77, the amount paid over and practicable. May success attend the one in last Saturday whdie'they will Handsj Itching Piles, Bums, Frost Bites, JJR. C. W. BARR. Robert R. Hayes has sold his race above the appropriation on hand being California Ash*'nd. spend th« wifiter ’visiting relatives and Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lads. $33.57. Tbe summary of the receipts and horse, Black Alder, to W. W. Cardwell, Sams valley we learn carried off several fpenfls.' We wish them a pleasant visit, For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. '«H for 1895 are aa follows; premiums at the district fair. Some of them of Roseburg, for the sum of $500. The expenditures and a safe return, Receipts- . .................................... ' TO HORSE OWNERS. being as follows: Best peaches—Horace horse will be trained during the winter DENTIST. A surprise party was given James Owens Pelton. Largest and best collection of oil by Elza Pickard, of Eugene. Brrfyancp’'ieeel license CQqceik For putting a horse in a fine healthy con­ wife, Nov, 23. They were agreeably paintings—Mrs. F. F. Wheeler. The best 8'onaries, etc............ . ........... $2,409 05 and dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow’s Block. surprised too, for they were expecting a James 4. Sterling, assessor of Douglas specimens of ^r| work silRfl Rs R’Ufstefl State appropriation left from 1894 134 20 tone up the system, aid digestion, cure ^ siila ^ p , Q megon . flowers and fancy work Qi various kinds— county, is already out in a card announc­ State appropriation for 1895.... 600 00 chivari. Dancing was indulged in until They twelve o’clock. Excellent music was loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct » R_ Miss Emily Pankey. ing that he is a candidate for office as a furnished by Ross Moore, a first-class kidney qi^c->'d«rta and destroy worms, giving member of the state board of equalization »11 work pertaining to modern dent- Total...... .... .$3,143 85 violinist, of Central Point, and Alfred new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 4- Trying the “ Shasta Flyer. ” from tbe second judicial district. stry.gjPainless;operations a .specialty. I cents per package. For sale by druggists. Smith of Big Sticky. Expenses— 4- Roseburg, Or., Dec. 5—The Shasta Ax O ld M aid . James W. Marksbury, the Gold Hill Expense warrants...................... $1,095 25 For Sale at E A.8 herwin '6 drugstore limited passed here this morning in two merchant and chairman of the Populist Premium warrants ................... VÂ Tbe secret of a speedy cure in sickness sections. The custom has been to change county executive committee, spent Sun­ Purse warrants........................ . . 1,343 00 lies in selectiug the proper remedy and . Ice wool, slipper soles with yarns, silk DR. JORDAN & CO.’S engines here, but this morning.tho trains day in Ashland with his daughter, Miss Î Ashland, Oregon. that is difficult to do unless one is sure 1 and woolen mittens for ladies and children went through, engines having been sent at Vaupel, Norris & D^ke, 4- what tbe ailment is. But one thing is sure, 1 GREAT MUSEUM OF ARATOMT to Green’s station, six miles south where Ollie Marksbury, who iq gttonqiug the Total......................................... »3,208 02 had : the liver been actively at work sick , state normal sehoioh Deficit ........................................... $ 64 17 1OM Market St., San Francisco The IdpMik'. law Has Given tho Hebrew the change was made. This was done to ness could not eave come. It is then al (Between Cih and ‘¿tn bW-j 8$ Kc.v.u- oh Uu and o..u off uu uwc. The fair was held near Central Point, ways safe to take Simmoqs V.’Vr R^gUla-1 HARDWARE and Kaco Vigor and Hardihood. prevent people getting here. 1 Grants Paes Courier:—The children of + 4- Go and learn how wonderfully you jumped from the train a mile Chas. Phillips, whose wife was burned October 8 to 12, inclusive. The secretary tor'which keeps tbDHv&r well regulated’ It is indeed not a little singular thqt ❖ are made and how to avoid ekknese south of here, J « • •• I Liar f 'nvior o a or SJ » 1 xr o »• Iolm aw « •» an + came back in a rather I ja8^ Christmas at Silyer Lake, arrived says in his report that the exhibits were and ail poisoii S'xpelled from the system. and disease. Museum enlarged with 1 Ouum ui iiviw , and auu v<*u + Christianity, in taking from Judaism .... The best line .... week and were ® tak taken out ,t to >erev laBt we ,ek Rn ,d wer .*P oat o much larger in quantify than last year thoueands of new objects. Admit j^u dilapidated wuu.uud. condition The other pas- here Criminal Business at Roseburg. ’ its highest spiritual conception, should sion25ct«. Hcncprs sengers for thia this n place walked from ^.e^b.v Saturday, where they will remain and were neyer excelled in quality, and -I- IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Private Office-Same Building Circuit coqrt is in session. N. A. Fos­ so havo slighted tho wonderful body qf with tbeir .father. Mr. Phillips is inter- fie fh(hk$ (bat tfle fair was a success. 1051 Market StreeS-Disewes of men; Green’s. ter is being tried for seduction under' hygienic science which the Mosaio law „ ' _ t « ested in tbe Gold Basin proposltîoà. ttrlctare toes of manhood, diseases of the skm Grants Pass Observer : James Cooper, ' . T' ; . . . promise of marriage, Mrs. Hamilton embodies. The explanation, however» and kidneys quickl y cured-without the use of mev* Raify Health Laws, ESy^Ttwatinent personally or by letter. a commercial traveler, furnished a little Qne prisoners of tho county j lil, Patterson, a widow living near Oakland probably is that Christianity undertook + + Don ’ t eat so rapidly, Agricultural Implement? excitement at tbe depot Thursday morn- who was there at the time of the arrest being the complainant, Foster’s wife I + Sit on a chair and be quiet after eating. has arrived on the scene from Woodburn I to deal with tho matters supernatural, Long established and reliable practitioners ing. Mr. Cooper was on the flyer and of Htemler and Moreno, now claims that I + intended to get off at this place, but as Btemler made a full confession of bis Your stomach is not a coal bin. and is also prosecuting him for adultery. while Judaism, whether Micient or mod­ + they only slowed up without stopping he Built to him of the killing of Sears and When you feel uncomfortable after eating ern, is concern.ed »v.i'fy with mundane af­ Foster was convicted of seduction. ' I a difficult taek. The sample cases Merihans, but before he will tell tbe you have eaten too much, and you need Lucien Wolf admits, Judaism PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM had J. F. Rose was convicted of assault to fairs. . e Garland Stoves and Ranges, + were landed all right, but the man, the whole story, he wants some componsa- Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. ♦ commit rape and sent to the penitentiary, is really a sort of positivism. Ita alm is excellent lor all throat inflammation and bystanders say, turned completely over tion.—Yreka News. t If you suffer from rheumatism watch the against W. H. Redfield is tho attainment of happjpcss in this for asthma. Con­ three times, fortunately however, he re- Klamath county is now clear of all her sheets. Don’t get between them; if damp , for Indictin?n^ ♦ sumptives will in­ selfing liquor without a license; re­ world, whereas 4-4-4-4-4-i-4-4-4-4-V4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-J-4-4'4-v4-4-4-4-4-4-4-:-4-4-4-4-4-d-4-4-4-4-4"?4"l-4":-4- Keep flies out of your house; they are with a dangerous weapon upon Rosa Elkton now supports a Covote Club, ment and O.^Swanston took 2W head out ing supernatural ipceulation to the Akers, ______ _____ __ renders expector­ genu carriers. ation easy, assist­ well officered and equipped^ for business. I of Sprague river for Gazelle. Klamath realm of tho unknowable, tho intensity Wear flannel undergarments, Klamath County's Assessment. ing nature in re­ The bounderies Comprise sufficient ter-[county has marketed 7000 head of beeves Eeep. yoqr feet warm; your head cool. Salem, Or., Dec. 5.—Klamath county’s of its worldly philosophy is tho greater. storing wasted ritory to take in 5000 head of Sheep, and I this year at good advancing prices, Tho wisdom and energy of the Jews, When your blood is thin you feel cold in assessment roll was received at the secre­ tissues. There is in order to keep their treasury supplied Qrants pass phseryer: A. Lempke, the least change. When your blood is thin tary of state’s office today. Tbe sum mary in fact, have been centered for years a large percentage with the necessary funds to meef the __ of those who sup- required bounty, a tax of twenty cents (he veteran saloon man oh Main street, take Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla; it will is as follows; upon the re-enforceme.Rt and protection M ai » S tkket , O pposite P u za . Sose their cases to be consumption who are per hundred head has been fi^ed. Since appeared before the council and asked make your blood red, rich ftud thick, Value. No. of all their natural fcrees. And thus it nly suffering from a chronic pold or deep their organization they bayé succeeded that measures be taken to prevent God’s Acres cultivated land ... 32,600 ? 117,185 I is that they anticipated tho riper results PAINTERS’ TOOLS, Yes, it whl do to take Joys Vegetable Sar­ Acres unimproved land. .305,765 seated cough, often aggravated by catarrh. in capturing a coyote each week. 774.188 I Regular Army from playing their drum Foy catarrh use Ely’s Cream Balm. Both 2 10090 of sanitary science, while still tho hang­ Miles of railroad bed inside the building as jt serioqsly inters saparilla now. WJkJLIL PAPER. G-LJYSS. ETC. When you get off your bicycle after a Horses and mules.... Remedies are pleasing to use. Creani Balm, 69,973 ing gardens of Babylon wcro a world’s 5,010 fered yvitb his business, No one could November Weather Suiiiniary. kOc, per bottle; Pineola Balsam, 25c. at long warm run, put on a coat. 128,559 12,855 Cattle .......................... wonder, and while, from tho temple of B uildino P apers , "W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 14,438 Druggists. In quantities of $2.50 will de­ a summary of weathpr ob­ stay there, he said, on account of the 7,614 If you are going on a trip take Joy s Vege Sheep and goats........ Bolus, Chaldean priests charted tho racket. servations at Ashland during month of liver on receipt of amount. 2,550 1,273 Swine......................... table Sarsaparilla. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., N. Y. November, as reported by V. H, Carter, local 136,699 heavens and calculated tho occultatiqp.ft Imp. on deeded land. Melhase Brothers of Ft. Klamath have Strange food makes strange stomachs. Town observer for the Oregon State Weather 37.667 of tho stars. This Mosaic law, so do- and city lots... just commenced feeding 100 head of fine Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the Service: 46,715 spisod of tho gentiles, Vyis given to tho on town and city lots.... ——----;— | steers for March delivery to Neil & Pel- stomach, cleanses the stomach, and renews Imp. 24,325 Imp. on lands not deeded........ . Max. Min. Mean. 1 reap tn loni o f Ashland. They will also winter Date. Temp Temp 91,855 Hebrew race tiyU vigor and hardihood Merchandise and implements.. Temp. in nc les. | s;x and BeVen hundred head of the stomach, 380 wbicl\ brought it safely again and Money ....................................... No appetite? Take Joy’s Vegetable Sar­ 60 I 1 34 I 47 stock cattle. It needs but a glance at saparilla. Keen appetite. Notes and accounts.................. , i again through persecutions that must 54 ¡ 2 36 45 10 SW? havo rooted out weaker people, and to- H’hold furniture, carriages, e(? their improvements and mode of doing 51 24 Î 37.5 3 Accept notbing but the genuine when you Jackson Co., Oregon. business to fully understand their suc ­ 50 20 ! 4 35 $1,546,372 day, when the foremost savants of the ask for Joy ’ s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Gross yaiucitMm .................... cess. — Express, 50 24 5 37 50,015 nineteenth century aro painfully search^ Exemptions. ............................. REAL ESTATE AGENT, 6 51 23 37 ing out tho genesis of disease and labo­ An Enigiuatical Bill of Fare, 56 23 39.5 7 « NOTARY PUBLIC and $1,496,357 DENOMINATIONAL NAMES. Total taxable property.......... riously devising remedies, tho immunL 58 8 24 41 For & dinner sstved on the Dining Cars of Polls, 443. _______ _ ________ 57 9 2« 42.5 COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS the Chicago, Milwantfee * St. Paul Rail­ ty of the Jews in tho midst of pcstilepo© The Brahman’a faith..was thus called way, will be sent to any address on receipt 33 40 10 .17 onco more indicates tho roason of thei» 46 because it was supposed to be originat­ of a two cent postage stamp. Address, 77ie U. S. Gov't Reports 11 21 35 A8 LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up Residence Lots for sale in •V ’ survival and emphasizes the triumph of 12 43 Geo. H. Heanord, Generat Passenger 39 35.5 for Sale or Rent. ......... . ed by Brahma. show Royal Baking Powder fykegama, on reasonable, 13 — - 46 28 37 their sanitary systeuk Agent, Old Colony Building, Chicago, Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. r The Gallican church was the church 14 54 38 40 .C3 terms. Lots sold on tbe in­ No other been willing to ao- superior to all others. 38 46 15 54 of the Gauls, or French. It was founded QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. stallment plan. oept such a discipline, and no other rac^ Liat of Letters 32 38 16 44 by Pere Hyacinthe. Commissioners’ Court. Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland ’ therefore, exhibits similar vitality anfl 52 26 39 17 AS LISTED a number of small and large farms, from 20 acres up, for Sale or lso 2,000 /I cres of Cho.ce The Sabbatarigns were so called from P.O., Dec. 9,1895: 56 28 42 18 Willis Townsend’ji double assessment exemption from epidemic diseases. Mod­ Su^ar and Yellow Pine ¡.and for sale Rent. Baldwin R F Johnson Mrs Emma 64 32 48 19 their observing the seventh day as the of $8 waB remitted. ern teachers of hygiene insist always Oz. the Klamath River. Terms made to jt^Three houses and lots in tbe town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. Masters A A Wood Mr L 61 20 31 46 Ih'the matter of the road petitioned for upon tho observanco of system in these sabbath. Their founder was named Bra- suit on application. Address, 41 34 48 21 .09 Persons calling for same will please say by A- J. Florey et al. Tbos. Rilev, John boune. CHAS. COLE, matters, and they havo reason, for th« 45 22 25 35 .05 “adv^tised,” . SpermatorrhCM, End OF ZFIJSTE LJLJSTJD Monthly hospital report was approved L intment orrnne* »t-TU t-.ll the horrors of I mpotency. (TPIIiEAE cleanses the liver, the Mean temp.,39 4; Max. temp., 64, on 19th; founded. UtrwHt» gjdneys and the urinary organs of all impurities. A number of bills were audited, Min. temp., 19, on 23, 24; Total precip. in. On Emigrant. Creek, CVriDENE strengthens and restores small weak organs. The word atheist comes from two The reason sufferers are not cured by Ik-ctora is because ninety per cent are troubled with The store of Vaupel, Norris & Drake in­ 1.13; Total snowfall in. 1.0; No of days Greek words signifying “no god. ” Au Prostatitis. CUPIDENE Is tbe only known remedy to cure without an operation. JuutiiestlmouF V/4 miles from Ashland. On this land clear, 12: partly cloudy, 6; cloudy 12; pre­ dicates, in tbeir new winter stock thç Tapiçi als. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect a petmaueut«UC< Scandal is the dread of fools and the are two tine soda springs. 30 acres unde vailing direction of wind. N W. atheist is a disbeliever in the existence progress being made every yea? ip the |;.oo a box, six for 15.00, by mull. Send for free circular and testimonials cultivation and fence, price 15 dollars per manufacture',' e°d introduction of better contempt of the wise.—Clulow. Remarks: Average November rainfall of any deity. Address DAVOL nEDlCINE CO., P. O. Box 2076, Sau Francisco, Cal. acre. Call and see Frank Williams over 1.85. Normal mean temp, for November £o’ods at lower prices. Their establishment FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. A sentence well couched takes both The Campbellitea furç sq called from is kept loaded with a full second band store, next door to post office. 43.1. line Ashland. Alexander Campbell, the founder of this of the best in the markets and many ar­ the sense and the understanding.—Felt­ ,* ■• ••__ :----------------------------------------------------- -— denomination. The uame is not accept­ ticles never before seen in Southern Oregon. ham. _________________ prices show a downward ten­ DIED. ed bv its members, who consider it of­ 1 Their dency again this year. & Samuel S. Patterson, sheriff of Wy­ SSris., fensive and call themselves “Chris­ and § § Dealer in § § andotte county, Kan., died recently. Wets., HOBBS—In Rock Point precinct, Dec. 1, tiana.” $1.00 pec With one eye on the clock, and the othei He was widely known for his gfeat 1895, Bernice, infant daughter of H. J. yuadbntauoao. on your plate, you cannot enjoy a meal The sect of the Nazarenes was named When and Celestine Hobbs; aged 4 months. traveling' east, you should take the bravery. _______ _________ T his G be -T C< B promp crura Have put in a new^»^ Raising from Nazareth. Its members were Chris- , j Northern Pacific, the only dining car line „ where all others tail. Coughs, Croup, ©ore Becieti.ry Herbert iu, his annual re ­ Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Co.uffh and Granite, Marble, f lan Jews — that is, Christian believers, ; from Portland; meals 75 cents. You don ’ t BORN. Asthma. For Consumption it. no rivals who, nevertheless, practiced the vows , hs\e get up in the morning. at six o’clock port reconju yn b u material ncrease in has SODA WORKS e cured thousands, apd wAl CURE YOU If H H and Moving. the navHe ; ays the United States is > taken 4 • 1 l-j-:__ o» t _ rush to breakfast and gulp it down in flf- Freestone Monuments’ in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar­ and ceremonies of Judaism, bt. Louis j een minutes, and then have tq Wi»it untiT2 lamentably deficient in warships and antee. For a L>mo B jc M or Chest, uae PLYMALE—In Medford, Dec. 6, 1895, to Globe-Democrat. ! or 3 o'clock for lunch'or dinner. To avoid cruisers. His recommendat 011s call for SHILOH if BELLADONNA PL.ASTER.25 c . and Copings. the wife of Gabe Plymale, a son. At Yreka, Cal. All work entrusted to my care done ' _ ___________ _ 1 thia, take'tiMR Northern Pacific; the only • V** with dispatch, and on terms to suit STEVENS— In Medford, Dec. 2, 1895, to ww • .. »-< « m ' dining car route, tbe only line to the Yellow- an appropriation of about $10,000,CQQ. SUlLOtf ATAHBH CgOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO O~ë the times, bee the undersigned be­ Also agents for IRON FENCES. the wife of W. B. Stevens, a son. 4 DC WorluS rfair Tests stone Park and the only line running Pull- The estimate for the Qxp.pnaes of the ÜI aawa «- c ♦Kv*r\ivt.A t.hA fore letting contracts and save I» f man Tourist Sleepers through to the east Satisfaction guaranteed department for the coming fiscal year PRIDDY — In Medford. Nov. 29, 1895, to money. - « showed 00 baking powder without from 12 to 16 hours delay. For ND are prepared to till all orders on the wife of O. W. Priddy, a son. ve you Catarrh ? This remedy ia guarao- “i, etc.. is $19,000,000.______________ short notice. «•»*<* aa mm m ezi amj */ In leav» full information, time cards, maps to cure you. Price,fi0cts. injectorfree. P,O. Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. .Oak Street, Ashland. D. ALLEN. SO pan or SO great W /«V* caU Qn or addpeM| BobWt Leonard, J Agent, BENNETT—In Medford, Dec. S, 1890, to Ths “Record” does flrst-claM job work. •OLD BY Ei A. SHERWIN. Gal. the wife of W. J. Bennett, a daughter. •^tftJJve them a c«U. jtangpaworas Itaytat. Ashland Or ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■* Çhanded ÿJands ! Vi Baking HOTEL Powder A bsolutely pure OREGON, FRED T. FRADENBURGH GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Day. and Special Sunday Dinners. BACKACHE Professional Cards i • . H. s Liver * SELDOM EQUALED,NEVER EXCELLED. ___ 2 VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s. ♦ t * * : i i : i ♦ ♦ i t H. C. MYER^^ TINWARE I I MINERS’ SUPPLIES I H. S. EVANS, PAINTING. POKEGAMA 150 Choice PAPERING. DAN RICHARDS, 47 ASHLAND. OR. ETC. GOLD HILL, H A *< ’ MANHOOD RESTORED A BARGAIN ! 80 ACRES PARKINSON J. B. RUSSELL. Contracting & Building WISE House e A syV ^¿¿^^REMEOY.