The corner-stone of the new Chris­ ^/Stockton expects soon to have a fac­ Eugene Stanly, a convicted murderer, The Coniine Tory War. tian church at Santa Rosa was laid last tory for the condensation of milk. serving a life term in the Montana peni ­ There is a time near at hand when Sunday. The Oregon Extension company of Se­ tentiary, killed himself recently. neutrality will not count. A story comes from Lee, Mich., that attle has gone into the hands of a re­ When that time comes, every man John Hawks, under arrest at Santa | j That boy!— a 14-year-old orphan boy was recently The People’s Paper. ceiver. Barbara for theft, is believed to be will be forced to define liis position, cold for 14 bundles of cornstalks. ■ A little lad, all fun. wanted at Flagstaff, A. T., for murder­ If a friend to tho people and to this @Tlie Citrus Belt irrigation district of The Western railroads have adopted ASHLAND, Or... .Thursday, Nov. 28, 1SÍ*3 San Bernardino county hits voted itself A little chap, all coat country, he must say so. a proposition providing for reduced ing a Mexican. out of existence. If he is a friend To the English gold- Major Henry Oliver, president of the A round cipher, not know« rates for the Christmas and New Year G. W. McNear, the San Francisco Columbia National bank of Tacoma, buggery and plutocracy, he will find it It is eaid that tho missionaries in Ar­ holidays. ing whether the stroke will best to so state. grain broker, has purchased the Starr menia are “fully satisfied that Secretary Miss Clara Campbell of Ironton, O., has been arrested on a charge of em­ go up and make him six, or There were times during the war be­ Flour mills at Vallejo. who received a $40,000 judgment against bezzling $4,000. Olney is doing all in his |»ower for them.” tween the states when neutrality did Reports of rich discoveries of gold In Charles O. Hoffman, assistant cashier down, and make him nine. Arbuckle, the millionaire coffee man We sincerely hope the deceased mission­ the Birch Creek district, Alaska, have of the New Orleans Brewing associa­ not go cither north or south. of New York, for breach of promise, is It’s growing time with him. aries are included in this. If iu the north, a man had to be a been received at Seattle. tion, is $20,000 short in his accounts. dying. He is burning up This fat must be in as constant friend to the Union cause or hunt his David M. Henderson, a Spokanp i Austin Corbin is at the head of a big He has disappeared. hole. Educational institutions should be last, school tocher, is under arrest for John Higgins, champion jumper of supply as the air he breathes. Colonization schemo which has char­ If in the south, ho was required to instead of first, to encourage and foster tered a vessel to briug a colony of Ital­ the world, broke his leg in a theater at take sides with the southern cause or ; brutally beating a pupil. It has got to coinc from somewhere. If it does not come Los Angeles in making his renowned J. H. Colclasure, a well-known farmer the rowdy, rough and tumble, ridiculous ians to this country. The colony will from his food, it must come from fat stored up in his body. take to tho mountains. jump over two horses. at Meridau, Sutter county, was nearly melee known as foot-ball. It is neither be located in Arkansas. The time is coming when every man Henry H. Leonard, aged 62, was mur­ He steals it and you say “ He’s getting thin—he's growing i gored to death by a mad ^ull. healthful, nor dignified, nor valuable in Rev. J. B. McGraw, Methodist, of must define himself, as was required dur­ Stockton ladies have taken a hapd in ' so fast." any way, and will soon become as inde­ Camden, N. J., denounced Miss Carrie dered at Wichita, Kan. His second ing those trying times. the movement to secure a congressional Mead, a member of his congregation. wife and her son are under arrest, cent as pugilism. I11 the south and west everyman will ' appropriation for tho Improvement of S cott ’ s E mulsion will take that boy, set his digestion charged with the crime. The young lady taught her sister to be required to take sides with tho people Stockton harbor. at work, re-build that body. His food may not make him Kay’s woolen mill at Salem, Or., was dance and aroused the preacher’s wrath. Hon. John S. Herrin, the sheep man and declare his loyalty to tho American i “ The authorities of Lick observatory of this city grew up a straight Kentucky Five hundred Swedes, Norwegians destroyed by fire recently. Loss, $80,- republic. fat—S cott ’ s E mulsion will. t , report that the new comet is 84,000,000 democrat, but when the Cleveland crowd Be tut e you £tt Scott't Emulrion when you want it and not a cheap ouhtituto. and Danes of Chicago are on the way to 000; insurance, $20,000. A bonus is be­ I11 the east tho Tory sentiment will took hold of the organization and put his their mother countries to spend Christ­ ing raised by the people of Salem to re­ bo so intense that every one will be miles from the sun. Comforting assur­ Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and >f. wool on the free list and the woolen man­ ance is given that it will not strike the mas. For over 80 years excursions of build the mill. forced to pronounce for English ideas of ufactures of tiis eastern rung warn pa in the earth. P. W. Breene, president of the de­ this kind havo been customary among protective tariff list it was too much of I funct Savings and Deposit bank of money and government or emigrate. State Auditor Grimes of Washington Scandinavians of the United States. REMEMBER - ONE - THING When that hour arrives, as it certain­ an exaction on his democracy. He pen­ Southern California oranges will be Leadville, Colo., has been arrested on a ly will, there are going to be hot times died at Tacoma from pneumonia. He ned the following spicy letter to Henry on the market this season three or four charge of receiving deposits after the in this country. The time is coming was widely known in financial and po­ Watterson’s publication, which he has circles of the Puget Sound sec­ weeks earlier than usual, and the rea­ bank had failed. taken for ages: when Toryism will be as unpopular in litical ia here to stay. tion. William J. Fisher, a Tacoma dry son is largely due to a late north wind I received your paper of Nov. 15th re­ , America as it was during the revolution. questing me to take it again. But I see A committee of women appointed by and consequent dry and heated atmos­ goods merchant, was accidentally shot i What tho final outcome will be we Ephram is still joined to his idols, Cleve­ by a companion while hunting. The havo no means of knowing, but the the Good Citizen club of Santa Barbark pheric conditions. Again land and Free Trade. You have injured Fitzsimmons has again signed arti­ shot severed the arteries of his leg and American people must either defend this has filed a report with the grand jury the country financially more than the re­ bellion. You have destroyed the Demo­ cles to fight Corbett at El Paso, Tex., he will probably die. country against this modern invasion of declaring the Santa Barbara jail a dis­ cratic party. The people have spewed you Lloyd Montgomery, an 18-year-old Europe or prepare to be slaves. It is grace to the county. on Jan. 10. Corbett has not yet signed, out of their mouths over and over. You Mrs. Nellie Massie shot and killed her CARRIES A WELL SELECTED STOCK but says he will fight the Australian. boy, is in jail at Albany,.Or., on the fight or slavery. This will be the issue haven’t as much sense as Jonah had when Dan Stuart contracts to put up a purse charge of killing his father, mother and as sure as fate, and it will come, in all husband, William Massie, at San Fran­ the whale spewed him up. lie made tracks —OF— for dry land, and you are making yourself cf $20,000 and to forfeit $10,000 to the Daniel McKercher. Young Montgom­ probability, inside of two years. Murk cisco. Massie was a baggageman on ready to be vomited up again. The Amer­ the Los Angeles express. Mrs. Massie principals if he fails to bring off the ery protests his innocence. He has a our prediction !—Southern Mercury. DRUGS, STATIONERY, ican people will give you a good dose next bad reputation. claims the shooting was done in self­ fight. time. You have reduced the tariff to the Miscellaneous and The steamer Bandorille was wrecked Where did I get that dredful Cough? defense. destruction of many industries in the The first petroleum refinery in Cali­ United States. You go to other lands for No matter; the great question is, how sbal on the Umpqua river bar and Captain Coroner Campbell of Los Angeles has fornia is to be erected at Puente, be­ the cheat» labor ot paupers, while our peo­ I get rid of it? Use THE 1’1 NEO I. A BAL­ been indicted for perjury in having SCHOOL BOOKS, tween Los Angeles and Pomona, on the J. J. Winant was washed overboard SAM, ple are in need of employment. When the a soothing combination of the renie- A t honest prices. and drownei The Bandorille left San sworn to unjustifiable claims against line of the Southern Pacific. Repre­ government runs behind financially you . dies nature has put in the pine and other sell bonds to England and then you have sentatives of the Standard Oil company Francisco two weeks ago with merchan­ 1 balsamic trees. It cures the intiammation the county. The whole matter hinges gall enough to ask a taxpayer to support and tickling in the throat and if taken in on the right of a coroner to hold an in­ have been there for two months and 12 dise for Oregon ports. you. Never; 1 don’t expect to see you un­ I will prevent the spread of the disease Four girls were burned to death in a time carloads of material for the buildings til the great day when you will get your due. to the lungs. Ely’s l’ineola Balsam is quest without a jury. fire in a clothing factory at Chicago. i strongly recommended in cases of asthma. have arrived. Good Bye. J ohn >8. H errin . Ice wool, slipper soles with yarns, silk cents is the price. Tell the and woolen mittens for ladies and children, Over 1,500 settlers w’ere in the rush There were hundreds of women and Twenty-five at Vaupel, Norris A Drake. Tho cotton states ought to be happy at the opening of the Nez Perces reser­ girls in the building and they became neighbors about it. panic-stricken. Several jumped from this year, for though tho crop was not vation in Idaho. Most of the claims From Now Until Spring The llest Money. were taken up, however, before the the windows and were badly injured. so largo tho price has been high enough The currency should be that which is valu­ Overcoats and winter wraps will be in Wash Wool bright .was convicted at able to a state and of no value to any other fashion. They can be discarded. temiKir- time set bj’ tho government. Squatters to return big profits. Tho course of —Of The— arily, while traveling in the steam heated McKinney, Tex., of murdering a man country.—Plato, B. C. 250. took possession of claims several days Cotton ought to convince any person trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee 1’ie milling states, the special entertainment of themselves j first eight states on the roll. It was ex- Said Sale was ordered to be vacated and ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The Triumph of European Plan and I am very doubtful of tho wicdoin Kt public expense. Absolutely no limit I peeled that as Alabama, Arkansas, Cali- set aside and that the Said property to- __ _ Conservative Surgery wit: Lots 1 and 2 and the S E 1-4 of of the movement. Those who are urg­ is put upon commissary arrangements. ! fornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Delà- the N w 1-4, and the N E 1-4 of the lusl!2ted the tact ‘hat ing it tire making a great mistake. i ware, Florida and Georgia responded iAJTSlU! Substantial Brick Buildinq. Hates: SI.00 and ❖ LOW RATES TO ALL ❖ RUPTURE or breach, is now radically S w 1-4 of Section 31 Twp. 32 South . .*. Centrally Located. “There are many silver men who be­ SI.5(TPer Day in a solid phalanx for McKinley the re­ 4* • '“red without the kuife and I R 1 East all in Jackson County, Oregon, pain. Clumsy, chafing trusses can be lieve tho Populist party is simply a EASTERN CITIES, sult would be to stampede the conven­ without thrown away ! They never cure but often induce i be resold to satisfy the Sum bidden; at i Said Sale for the Said property by A. temporary growth, and that it will soon tion in his favor, especially if the shouts JutlamniatioU’ strangulation and death. tt'ariau, Fibroid (Uterine) and i J. Daley ammounting to $75.00 and in­ disappear with slightly changed condi­ of a properly packed gallery were added TUMORS, P-ib_r ira rtek, we gave ter Castorta. •«u . * niauy others, are now removed terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent OCEAN STEAMERS tion*. Therefore there are many who When ‘•he was a Child, she crisd for Castoria. to the confusion. Xiirl cutting operatious. per annum from the 9th day of Nov­ LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS RESTAURANT AND BAKERY IN CONNECTION WITH HOTEL urge the organization of u straight sil­ When she became Miss, she clang to Castoiia. : The civilized and Christian world is PILE TUMORS h, ” vev er large, Fis- ember lb! »5 and for the Costs and Accruing *, f|1“ 1 tula and other diseases O^EE BUS TO AND FROM ALL PASSENGER TRAIN ver party, but they are making a great When she had Children, she gave them Castori*. I horror-stricken over the reports of the ot tne lower bowel, are permanently cured with­ Costs in Said Action. —FOR— In obedience to Said writ I will offer out pain or.resort to the kuife. mistake, in my judgment. The Populist massacres of Armenian Christians by i STONE jn thc “ladder, no matter how large, for Sale on part • is as well founded and for its , r Js crushed, pulverized, washed out the Turks. In addition to the destruc­ Saturday, December 2Sth, 1S95, removed without cuttiug numbers as well organized and as de­ xx r-i lTic tion of lite whole villages have been STRICTURE HIiI.lJ KM l’l.OYlilO At 2 o’clock p. m. at the front door ° f Urinary. Passage is also termined as ;/ny other political party, burned, all tlie property belonging to »7 i i yiVL. removed without cutting in of the Court House in Jacksonville. Ore­ of cases. For pamphlet, references gon, at public auction to the highest bid­ and it has come to stay. Wo will not be Lorenzo do Ferrer was convicted of the Armenians has been destroyed or hundreds For Full details call on or address, ,aJ Particulars, send ro cents (in stamps) to der for cash all the right, title, interest absorbed by any other political party, bigamy at Fan Jv.s?. The jury was out confiscated and the survivors, mostly Ma7id8^nu“a7oMACa’ AsSO^Uou’ C. K. KLUM. and estate that Said Defendants have W. H. HURLBURT, C. B. CRISLER and we expect to open cur doors suffi­ seven minuted. men and women, have been left to in and to the hereinbefore described Gen ’ l Pass. Agent, ciently wide to admit all honest men starve. The distress is so widespread property. Ex-Supervisor II. Tillotson of San TORTLAND. OR. MOTHERS 8. PATTERSON, I who want to see a reform luour govern­ Jose 1ms been acquitted of setting lire and the number in actual need of eve» Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. and those soon to ment. ” a crust of bread is so large that relief become mothers, to his house. Asliland, Oregon. WILIIAMFOX. D. D. GOOD Bud llay, slayer of ex-Sheiiff Crane agencies have been established in Lon­ should know that What Thej Mean. don and New York, and an appeal is Dr. Pierce ’ s Favorite KLUM & CRISLER, Prop.’« What do the goldites mean when they of Sparta, Mo., has been given a sen­ made to the Christian world for aid. Prescription robs j A l Have put in a childbirth of its tor ­ say the government must retire tho tence of 25 Years. The New York committee is made up tures, terrors and greenback and get out of the banking Ashland, Oregon. New Stock of How’s This. of men like Bishop Potter, Archbishop dangers to both t-t Wholesale and Retail Dealers in business? They menu that the United We offer One Hundred Dollars for anv Corrigan, Morns K. Jessup, Rev. W. mother and child, by City Passenger States shall get out of the governing case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv H- P. Faunce, Jacob H. Schiff and Rev. aiding nature in pre- BEEF Faring the system Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure. business and surrender tho sovereign and Truck Transfer David T. Burrell. Spencer Trask, 27 or parturition. PORK F. J. CHENEY it Co., Props., Toledo. O. Pine street, New York, is the treasurer, Thereby “labor” power to coin money and regulate tho We the undersigned Lave known F. .1. And are prepared to furnish ---- All kinds oi freight, baggage MUTTON value thereof to tho national bunks and for the last 15 years, and believe and contributions forwarded to him and the period of household goods, etc., transfer- ALL § KINDS § OF § RE pay the national banks interest on the Cheney goods at the Inn 1 erfeclly honorable in all business will be distributed among the Arme­ confinement are BACON and ed with promptness and safety. I Sidney which tho national banks loan transactions and financially able to earn­ nian sufferers through a mixed com­ greatly shortened. It also promotes the Hauling on a large scale con­ secretion of an abundance of nourishment LARD to tho public for such interest as avarice out any obligation made by their firm. tracted for.......................... . . mission of American missionaries, Eug- for the child. PAIRING § DONE. W est A T ruax , Wholesale Druggists, To lish consuls and others. may dictate.—Silver Knight. Mrs. D ora A. G uthrie , of Oailrv, Overtoil Co edo, Ohio. Znn ', *ntes i " “’ben I began taking Dri WOOD FOR SALE jprFGive us a call and GOOD line of new goods sold reason Lloyd Montgomery has now confessed Pierce » Favorite Prescription, I was not al>le to W aldimg . R innan & M arvin , Wholesale The “Record” doee first-claes job work. Freshest ------- ICE IN SEASON------- on my feet without suffering almost death. Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, able. Work guaranteed, and ou that he not only killed McKercher but stand Now I uo all my housework, washing, cooking prices will suit the customer. and — we will treat you right. Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, also Ids father and mother. He says he and everything for my family of eight Will handle ice in Ashland during the ROYAL Baking Powder. acting directly upon the blood ami mucous does not know why ho committed the sewing I am stouter now than I have beeu iu six years Delivered at your door summer season, ’ Favorite Prescription ’ is the best to take Highest of all in leavening surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot­ mudrer. His fat father slapped him and he Your MARSH & SMITH, I Best Meats in Market. before confinement, or at least it proved so with every morning. VALLEY RECORD. The attorney general of New York I state his commenc ’d war on tho to­ bacco trutt. Peter Maher, who now calls himself I champion of tho world, Corbett having resigned the title, wants to fight Fitz-' simmons. It is said that W. R. Kelly, assistant solicitor of tho Union Pacific railroad, will succeed Senator Thurston as gen­ eral solicitor. Brace Hayden of San Francisco has been elected a member of the executive committee of tho National Hardware association. A strong effort is being made to se­ I I cure a pardon for Hume Clay, the Bour­ bon county (Ky.) forger now serving a 10-year term. A new illuminating gas has been dis­ covered by Professor L. Balliet of Phil­ adelphia. Tho process is purely chemi­ cal and the cheapest known. Whitelaw Reid will spend several months in Arizona. Ilis health is poor and hopes are entertained that the dry atmosphere will benefit him. The Kentucky court of appeals lias upheld the statute imposing a 2 per cent tax on each $100 of business done in the state by foreign corporations. Rev. Frank Hyatt Smith of Boston, who wrote scurrilous postal cards to members of his former congregation, has been adjudged insane and sent to an asylum. South Dakota officials have finished an appraisement of tho defaulting State Treasurer Taylor’s lands and find there is still a shortage of $140,000. Taylor’s bondsmen will have to pay this. At Stony Point, Ky., the cabin of Gibson Armstrong, colored, was de­ stroyed by fire. His three daughters and a niece were burned to death. Jim Wright, his stepson, is suspected but cannot be found. Judge Reynolds, assistant secretary of the interior, in his annual report rec­ ommends legislation which will define with more certainty tho pensionable rights of minor children under the act of June 27, 1890. Father Dominick Wagner, the priest of St. Mary's parish at St. Joseph, Mo., who abducted Miss Maud Steiilel ami afterward married her to escape tho penitentiary, has been acquitted of the charge of embezzling church funds. The general assembly of the Knights of Labor which has been in annual ses­ sion at Washington adjourned sine die to meet at Rochester, N. Y., next year. The boycott on national batik notes or­ dered by Master Workman Sovereign was indorsed. Melville T. Roberts, ex-president of the Thirty-first National bank of (,’hi- cago, which failed during tho panic, has been arrested for perjury. C. V. Packer, ex-president of tho defunct Park National bank, is also under ar­ rest for perjury. growing time; SHERWIN SHERWIN E. A. SHERWIN J. P. DODGE, Ì ìpera H ouse F urniture Heart is Stronger »IVCU1IVOO I MX*,* Stocks of New Goods vivaiHVOQ A ugust M ickelsen BOOTS & SHOES Mood’s ««»•«<». ures C MOVED MISS JESSIE CLINT & CO. NORTH SIDE OF PLAZA S ^MILLINERY EMPORIUM f B ROUTES ! Great Union Northern Ry. Pacific Ry. A KNIFE ASHLAND HOUSE WM. P. PARSONS. PROP SAN FRANCISCO. CENTRAL MARKET FOX & GOOD, MARSH & SMITH CENTRAL POINT, OR. General Merchandise, Lowest Market Price. A Strength. —IU. S. Report- tle. Bold by all Druggista. Testimonials i began 6hooting and kept on until the me. I never suffered so little with any of a» free. , three were dead, children *« I did with my laM," r i f^Passeogera delivered to ar.y pnrt of th« city. □3 109.2 Pokegama, Cal. II || || II GIVE, US A TRIAL Call and see us II || || —and we will treat you well—