lhe corner-stone of the new Chris­ The attorney general of New York ^/Stockton expects soon to have a fac­ The Coming Tory War. Eugene Stanly, a convicted murderer, t state' has commenc 'd war on the to­ tian church at Santa Rosa was laid last serving a life term in the Montana peni­ tory for the condensation of milk. There is a time near at hand when Bunday. bacco truit. The Oregon Extension company of Se­ tentiary, killed himself recently. neutrality will not count. A story conies from Lee, Mich., that Peter Maher, who now calls himself attle has gone into the hands of a re­ Wheu that time comes, every man John Hawks, under arrest at Santa The People’s Paper. champion of tho world, Corbett having a 14-year-old orphan boy was recently Barbara for theft, is believed to be will be forced to define his position, ceiver. resigned the title, wants to fight Fitz­ "old for 14 bundles of cornstalks. If a friend to the people and to this I BTlie Citrus Belt irrigation district of The Western railroads have adopted wanted at Flagstaff, A. T., for murder­ ASHLAND, Or... .Thursday, Nov. 28, 1893 simmons. San Bernardino county has voted itself country, he must say so. ing a Mexican. It Is said that W. R. Kelly, assistant a proposition providing for reduced out of existence. If he is a friend to the English gold- Major Henry Oliver, president of the solicitor of the Union Pacific railroad, rates for the Christmas and New Year Columbia National bank of Tacoma, buggery and plutocracy, he will find it G. W. McNear, the San Francisco It is said that the missionaries in Ar­ will succeed Senator Thurston as gen­ holidays. grain broker, has purchased the Starr best to so state. has been arrested on a charge of em ­ menia are “fully satisfied that Secretary eral solicitor. Miss Clara Campbell of Ironton, O.r Flour mills at Vallejo. There wero times during the war be ­ bezzling $4,000. Olney is doing all in his power for them.” Brace Hayden of San Francisco has who received a $40,000 judgment against Reports of rich discoveries of golf! in O. Hoffman, assistant cashier tween the states wheu neutrality did We sincerely hope the deceased mission - been elected a member of the executive Arbuckle, the millionaire coffee man of Charles not go cither north or south. the Birch Creek district, Alaska, have the New Orleans Brewing associa ­ arias are included in this. committee of tho National Hardware of New York, for breach of promise, is tion, is $20,000 short in his accounts. If in the north, a man had to be a been received at Seattle. dying. association. friend to the Union cause or hunt his David M. Henderson, a Spokane He has disappeared. hole. A strong effort is being made to se- ’ Austin Corbin is at the head of a big Educational institutions should be last, school t^jicher, is under arrest for John Higgins, champion jumper of colonization scheme which has char­ If in the eouth, he was required to brutally beating a pupiL instead ol first, to encourage and foster cure a pardon for Hume Clay, the Bour­ tered a vessel to bring a polony of Ital­ the world, broke his leg in a theater at J. H. Colclasure, a well-known farmer the rowdy, rough and tumble, ridiculous bon county (Ky.) forger now serving a ians to this country. The colony will Los Angeles in making his renowned take sides with the southern cause or take to tho mountains. jump over two horses. at Meridan, Suttefr county, was nearly melee known as foot-ball. It is neither 10-year term. be located in Arkansas. The time is coming when every man gored to death by a mad ^ulL A new illuminating gas has been dis - Henry H. Leonard, aged 62, was mur­ healthful, nor dignified, nor valuable in Rev. J. B. McGraw, Methodist, of must define himself, as was required dur­ covered by Professor L. Balliet of Phil­ Stockton ladies have taken a hapd in any way, and will soon become as inde­ adelphia. Tho process is purely chemi­ Camden, N. J., denounced Miss Carrie dered at Wichita, Kan. His second ing those trying times. the movement to secure a congressional wife and her son are under arrest, Mead, a member of his congregation. cent as pugilism. In the south and west everyman will appropriation for the improvement of cal and the cheajiest known. charged with the crime. The young lady taught her sister to •Whitelaw Reid will spend several Kay’s woolen mill at Salem, Or., was be required to take sides with tho people Stockton harbor. lion. John 8. Herrin, the sheep man months in Arizona. His health is poor dance and aroused the preacher’s wrath. destroyed by fire recently. Loss, $80,- and declare his loyalty to tho American “ The authorities of Lick observatory Five hundred Swedes, Norwegians of this city grew up a straight Kentucky and hopes are entertained that the dry republic. report that the new comet is 84,000,000 democrat, but when the Cleveland crowd and Danes of Chicago are on the way to 000; insurance, $20,000. A bonus is be­ In the east the Tory sentiment will atmosphere will benefit him. took bold of the organization and put his their mother countries to spend Christ­ ing raised by the people of Salem to re­ be so intonse that, every one will be miles from the sun. Comforting assur­ The Kentucky court of appeals has mas. For over 80 years excursions of build the mill. ance is given that it will not strike the wool on the free list and the woolen man­ to pronounce for English ideas of earth. ufactures of bis eastern mugwamps in the upheld the statute imposing a 2 per this kind have been customary among P. W. Breene, president of the de­ forced and government or emigrate. protective tariff list it was too much of cent tax on each $100 of business done Scandinavians of the United States. funct Savings and Deposit bank of money State Auditor Grimes of Washington When that hour arrives, as it certain­ an exaction on bis democracy. He pen­ in the stato by foreign corporations. Leadville, Colo., has been arrested on a ly will, there died at Tacoma from pneumonia. He Southern California oranges will be are going to be hot times ned tbe following spicy letter to Henry Rev. Frank Hyatt Smith of Boston, on the market this season three or four charge of receiving deposits after the was widely known in financial and po­ Watterson’s publication, which he has who wrote scurrilous postal cards to in this country. The time is coming litical circles of the Puget Sound sec­ weeks earlier than usual, and the rea­ bank bad failed. taken for ages: wheu Toryism will be as unpopular in members of his former congregation, son is largely due to a late north wind William J. Fisher, a Tacoma dry America as it was during the revolution. tion. I received your paper of Nov. 15th re­ questing me to take it again. But I see has been adjudged insane and sent to and consequent dry and heated atmos­ goods merchant, was accidentally shot A committee of women appointed by What the final outcome will be we Epbrani is still joined to his idols, Cleve­ an asylum. by a companion while hunting. The have no means of knowing, but the the Good Citizen club of Santa Barbark pheric conditions. land and Free Trade. You have injured South Dakota officials have finished Fitzsimmons has again signed arti­ shot severed the arteries of his leg and American people must either defend this has filed a report with the grand jury the country financially more than the re­ bellion. You have destroyed the Demo­ an appraisement of the defaulting State cles to fight Corbett at El Paso, Tex., he will probably die. country against this modern invasion of declaring the Santa Barbara jail a dis­ cratic party. The people have spewed you Treasurer Taylor’s lands and find there on Jan. 10. Corbett has not yet signed, Lloyd Montgomery, an 18-year-o parttla Bristol, Herbert Plato and Theodore that urging legislatures to provide for Milwaukee line, caused by tho farmers business under the terms of a contract teacher, at tbe Noribnl building or at her Hubbard — wrecked a train on the New boarding place. Mrs. White ’ s, Corner of Instruction in the textile industries in holding their grain for a rise in prices. he held with Hirschberg & Bro. Mrs. and Spring Street. One hour Be Sure the state universities. It is a fact that They say tho prevailing price of corn Getz’s application for admission as a Yorlsrtjpntral line near “RbiAe. Epgb 'FmfrzAyenue lessons 50 cfs. Lessons given at the school neer Hager and twotlhi^C^re killed to Get Hood's. the finest weaves iu ull fabrics, silk, cot­ does not pay them for work of husking secopd-class member was also rejected, and Fireman Wagner and Mail Clerk or tbe homes of the students. thé only reason presented being her sex. ton, flax and wool, have yet to be im­ and marketing. Corn is being gener­ Sore throat. Any ordinary case may be ened and I am free from all pain. I cheer­ McCarthy injured. Hildreth confessed The Discovery Saved His Lifo. cured in one night bv applying Chamber­ fully recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to ported into this country from Europe, ally used for fuel. Mr. G. Caillouette. Druggist, of Beavers- but gave no reason for the crime. The lain’s Pain Balm as directed with each bot­ whoever wishes to enjoy health and com­ Eugene Del» was received with great ville, although we raise the finest cotton in boys removed a rail from the track and III.», says: ‘ To Dr. King’s New Dis­ tle, This medicine is also famous for its fort.” Miss R osa . S heldon , La Center, tho world and import exactly the same demonstration at Chicago when he was covery I owe my life. Was taken with La the train was thrown into a ditch. cures of rheumatism, lame back aud deep- Washington. N. B. Be to got Hood’s. and tried all tbe physicians for Alfred Neville, a carpenter, was shot seated and muscular pains. For sale by E. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co.,LoweIl, raw material in other fabrics that tho relensed from tlie Woodstock jail. Grippe miles about, but of no avail and was given Thousands of workingmen met him at Maas. Bold by all druggists, $1; six for $5. and instantly killed in a grocery saloon I A. S herwin . French and English make use of. But the depot and marched to tlio hall up and told I could not live. Having Dr. Hood’s Pills cure Nausea, Blok Headache, at San Francisco by a robber. Neville King ’ s New Discovery in my store I sent Kidney. we cannot make them up into such soft, where Debs delivered un address. Many Indigestion, Biliousness. 25c. per hex. for a liottle and began its use and from the was standing at the bar when two E. W. J oy C ompany — Gentlemen: I have durable goods as weavers abroad do. delegations from labor unions outside first dose began to get better, and after strangers entered and commanded the suffered from kidney trouble for two or The reason is that we lack skill. of Chicago were present at tho recep­ using three bottles was up and about again. proprietor to hold up his hands. He three years. I would have to get up in the It is worth its weight in gold. We won ’ t night to void my urine from ten to fifteen tion. I keep store or house without it.” Get a free ducked behind the bar and escaped to times. My sleep was disturbed, and I be­ It is awfully up hill work trying to Tlie lowest bid from Pacific Coast tial at E. A. S herwin ’ s Drug store. an adjoining room, leaving Neville alone came very thin and nervous. No appetite; reform old reprobates. The only way to firms for constructing a lightship for with the robbers. A shot was fired and bowels constipated. I have taken two bot­ The president and Secretary Olney de when the proprietor returned Neville tles and gained fifteen pounds. Sleep well. do it effectually is tocatcli them young, use off Flattery Rocks, Wash., was not expect the reply of the British gov­ was lying dead on the floor. The vic­ Have to get up about three times during before they have become confirmed sin­ made by J. F. Stephen of Portland for ernment night, and am very much better in every to this country's representa­ ners. Let the old reprobates go, and $69,(MX). An Eastern firm made a bid tions concerning the Venezuelan boun­ Ì tim left a widow and three children. respect. Will continue to take your Veg­ Sarsaparilla, for believe it will en- work on tho boys and girls. This obser­ of $63,000, but the cost of bringing the dary dispute and the Mouroe doctrine An electric car went through a draw­ etable irely cure me. (Signed) E. McNEILL, Receiver. vation is respectfully commended to tlit vessel around Cape Horn will probably in time to admit of its treatment in the bridge at Cleveland, O., and 15 people M r . E dward W. F rench , result iu tbe contract being awarded tc president’s annual message to congress. were killed. The accident was one of Stockton, Cal. Social Purity alliance. Stephen. TO THE It is understood the British cabinet is the worst that ever happened in that SHERIFF ’ S SALE. Secretary of State Headley created a now at work upon the reply, but the city. The car plunged into the open Few things in this life arc more small panic in the courtroom at George­ assembling of congress is so near that draw and down 100 feet to tho river. amusing than to have an individual put Court of the State of Oregon town, Ky., by attempting to stab At­ I it is not likely to be received before the It was dark when the accident hap­ In the Circuit before you as a great new truth and for Jackson County, pened and all night long thousands of torney John Brand. The men were on State of Oregon ex) himself as its discoveier something that opposite sides of a case on trial and first day of the session. When it comes people stood near the bridge as specta­ The re_l Henry L. Benson it will be made the subject of a special lias been familiar to you all your life. District Attorney for quarreled. After an exchange of words message. There are good reasons for tors of the work of recovering bodies. GIVES THE CHOICE OF the First Judicial Dis­ Headley drew a knife and made several tho belief that Premier Salisbury’s re­ Nearly all the dead are women anc^ chil­ trict of Oregon, Plain­ A girl says that a youth humped over flourishes with the weapon. Brand did i ply will be of a conciliatory nature, dren. A. W. Hoffinan, a groceryman, TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ou a bicycle looks like a monkey on * some clever dodging and escaped un­ I I either submitting the boundary dispute whose wife and two children were > tiff, vs. I limb. hurt. Headley was disarmed by court to arbitration and thus recognizing the killed, went insane wheu their bodies The unknown Heirs of William Alcoe, De­ officers and lhe case proeeedetl. applicability of the Monroe doctrine, or were taken from the river aud placed ceased, Defendants. They Are Making a Great Mistake. pide by side on the bank. The motor ­ Senator Peffer of Kansas Has collected preparing the way for such action later. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Senator Alleu < f Nebraska dolivertd Statistics on the cost of congressional So far as Great Britain’s reported ulti­ man is under arrest charged with man­ issued out of and under tbe Seal ! of the Said Court for the County of tho Labor day- address ut Butte,. Nou. | funerals, and early in tlie coming ses­ matum to Venezuela is concerned, Sec­ slaughter. J Jackson, State of Oregon to me directed On the silver quest b n l e raid: “If the sion ho may advocate a complete change retary Olney believes no ultimatum and delivered: Upon a decree rendered silver sentiment of the United States in the methods of conducting them. He was sent. by Said Court on tbe 13th day of Sep­ could be united for ono man, I think a wants the cost of the funerals much re­ Certain Republican leaders at Wash­ tember 1895, whereby the hereinafter des­ VIA cribed real property was escheated to tbe free silver president, could bo ejected, duced. Peffer wants less champagne ington, representing presidential candi­ State of Oregon anil duly sold by me as but it is very doubtful if anything of and more tears. Senators and repre­ dates, have come into possession of a in the hand of a Surgeon Sheriff on the 9th day of November 1895 SPOKANE DENVER tho kind will occur. I shall not be i - l A- sentatives appointed to represent the mass of letters and papers exposing tlie gives you a feeling of hor­ for the sum of $75.00 in compliance with ror and dread. There is prised to sec flvo presidential tickets iu houses of congress at the funerals of de­ plan of campaign of the McKinley meu. OMAHA no longer necessity for its on order of Sale made by Said Conrt on MINNEAPOLIS the field next year. I think that tbe dis­ ceased members, he says, have come to I The idea, according to these papers, use iu many diseases form-- the 13 day of September 1895. And AND AND erly regarded as incurable whereas by consideration of Said Court position to put a strictly silver party iu regard these expeditions as picnics, tor was to secure the delegations from the without cutting. I on tbe 21st day of November 1895 the tbe field is confined to the mining states, tbe special entertainment of themselves first eight states on the roll. It was ex­ KANSAS CITY Said Sale was ordered to be vacated and ST. PAUL The Triumph of and I am very doubtful of the wisdom ■t public expense. Absolutely no limit pected that as Alabama, Arkansas, Cali­ set aside and that the Said property to- Conservative Surgery wit: Lots 1 and 2 and the S E 1-4 of of tbe movement. Those who are urg­ is put upon commissary arrangements. fornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Dela­ the N w 1-4, and the N E 1-4 of the by the fact that ing it are making a great mistake. ware, Florida and Georgia responded LOW RATES TO ALL RUPTURE or ®reach> is now radically 8 jw 1-4 of Section 31 Twp. 32 South “Thero are many silver men who be­ in a solid phalanx for McKinley the re­ — • ~.ured Wlth°ut the knife and 11 1 East all in Jackson County, Oregon, without pain. Clumsy, chafing trusses can be be resold to satisfy the Sum bidden; at EASTERN CITIES, lieve tho Populist party is simply a sult would be to stampede the conven­ thrown away I They never cure but often induce Said Sale for tbe Said property bv A. temporary growth, and that it will soon tion in his favor, especially if the shouts inflammation, strangulation and death. J. Daley amniounting to $75.00 and in­ disappear with slightly changed condi­ L Fibroid (Uterine) and terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent of a properly packed gallery were added TUMORS. Ovarian others, /hen Baby was rfek, we gave ter Castorts. are now removed OCEAN STEAMERS tions. Therefore there are many who When «he was a Child, she criad for Castoria. to t he confusion. cutting operations. per annum from the 9th day of Nov­ urge the organization of u straight sil­ When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria. Tbe civilized and Christian world is PILE TUMORS. ?Trevei !arge' Fis- ember lb95 and for the Costs and Accruing LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS it.. i v. ’ tu a and otI,er diseases ver party, but they are making a great When she hod Children, she gave them Castm-ia horror-stricken over the reports of the ot f the lower bowel, are permanently cured with- Costs in Said Action. —FOR— in obedience to Said writ I will offer resort to lhe mistake, in my judgment. The Populist massacres of Armenian Christians by STONE !“the B*adder- knife. matter how large, for Sale on part* is as well founded and for its the Turks. In addition to the destruc­ Saturday, December SSth, 1S95, '*dl’outXcuttiugShed °Ut numbers as well organized and as de­ tion of lite whole villages have been At 2 o'clock p. m. at the front door STRICTURE .1« termined as s/ny other political party, burned, all the property belonging to of the Court House in Jacksonville. Ore­ gon, at public auction to the highest bid- and it has come to stay. Wo will not be Lorenzo de Ferrer was convicio;! of the Armenians has been destroyed or For Full details call on or address, ■’ der for cash all the right, title, interest absorbed by any other political party, bigamy nt Suu Joao. The jury was out confiscated and the survivors, mostly and estate that Said Defendants have W. H. HURLBURT, and we expect to open cur doors suffi­ seven minutes. men and women, have been left to in and to the hereinbefore described Gen’l Pass. Agent, ciently wido to admit all honest men starve. The distress is so widespread property. Ex-Supervisor II. Tillotson of San PORTLAND. OR. MOTHERS 8. PATTERSON, who want to see a reform iu our govern­ Jose has been acquitted of setting fire and the number in actual need of even Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. and those soon to ment ” a crust of bread is so large that relief become mothers, to his house. agencies have been established in Lon­ should know that WILIIAM FOX. D.D. GOOD Bud Ray, slayer of ex-Sheriff Crane Wbat The; Mean. don und New York, and an appeal is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite of Sparta, Mo., has been given a sen ­ What do the goklites mean when they made to the Christian world for aid. Prescription robs A Jgk. Have put in a of its tor­ say the government must retire lhe tence of 25 years. The New York committee is made up childbirth tures, terrors and greenback aud get out of lhe banking I Ashland, Oregon. New Stock of of men like Bishop Potter, Archbishop dangers to both How’s This. business? They ineim that the United We oiler One Hundred Dollars lor anv Corrigan, Morns K. Jessup, Rev. W. mother and child, by City Passenger States shall get out of the governing case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv H. P. Faunce, Jacob H. Schiff and Rev. aiding nature in pre­ paring the system Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure. business and surrender tho sovereign and Truck Transfer David T. Burrell. Spencer Trask, 27 for parturition. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo. O. Pine street. New York, is the treasurer, Thereby power to coin money and regulate tlio “ labor ” We the undersigned bave known F. J. And are prepared to furnish All kinds oi freight, baggage value thereof to the national banks and Cheney the period of for the last 15 years, and believe and contributions forwarded to him and household goods, etc., transfer- confinement are goods at the l>ay the national bunks interest on the bin 1 erfectlv honorable in all business will be distributed among the Arme­ ed with promptness and safety. It , , -- also promotes the money which tho national banks loan transactions and financially able to earn­ nian sufferers through a mixed com­ greatly , shortened. Hauling on a large scale con­ secretion of an abundance of nourishment to the public for such interest as avarice out any obligation made by their firm. tracted for........................... . . mission of American missionaries, Eng­ for the child. I I W est & T ruax , Wholesale Druggists, To 1 lish consuls and others. may dictate.—Silver Knight. Mrs. D ora A. G uthrie , of Oakley, Overton Co. . edo, Ohio. Tenn., writes: "When I began taking Dr’ WOOD FOR SALE flt^TGive us a call and Pierce a Favorite Prescription, I was not able to The “Record” does first-class job work. I W aldino . K innan & M arvin , Wholesale Lloyd Montgomery has now confessed stand ------ ICE IN SEASON------- feet without suffering almost death. Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, that he not ODly killed McKercber but Now I on do my all my housework, washing, cooking Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, also I.is father and mother. He says he sewing and everything for my family of eight Will handle ice in Ashland during the Í we will treat you right. ROYAL Baking Powder, acting directly upon the blood and mucous does not know why be committed tbe I am stouter now than I have beeu in six year«' summer season, Delivered at your door Your ' Favorite Prescription ’ is the best to take every morning. Highest of all in leavening surfaces of tbe system. Price 75c. per bot­ mudrer. His father slapped him and he before MARSH & SMITH, confinement, or at least it proved so with tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials began shooting and kept on until the f^-Passengers delivered to any part of Strength.— u. s. iWwwt Report. free. VALLEY - RECORD. growing time.1 That boy!— A little lad, all fun. A little chap, all coat A round cipher, not know­ ing whether the stroke will go up and make him six, or down, and make him nine. It’s growing time with him. fat. This fat must be in as constant He is burning up fat supply as the air he breathes. It has got to come from somewhere. If it does not come from his food, it must come from fat stored up in his body. He steals it and you say “ He’s getting thin—he’s growing so fast.” S cott ’ s E mulsion will take that boy, set his digestion at work, re-build that body. His food may not make him fat—S cott ’ s E mulsion will. , £e inftyon net Scott t Emnhion wken yon want it and not« ckeaj onhtitnte. Scott & Bowne, New York. i^UfeS EAST ROUTES B I Great Union Northern Ry. Pacific Ry. A KNIFE SAN SHERWIN is here to stay. Again SHERWIN CARRIES A WELL SELECTED STOCK -OF— DRUGS, STATIONERY, Miscellaneous and SCHOOL BOOKS, _AtJ>onestj3rices. E. A. SHERWIN. J. P. DODGE, ® FOX & GOOD, MARSH & SMITH (I peba H ouse F urniture $ tore , Hasj-eceived Stocks of New Goods Embracing nearly everything in the line of Furniture, These goods were purchased with spot cash, and will be sold at hard time prices. O^CALL AND SEE THEM. A ugust M ickelsen Maker of.......... First Class CALF SHOES are now in order, and the place to get them, of course, is at my office on Oak Street, the best equipped shoe shop this side of the Rocky mountains, the busiest place in hard times. A pair of light, perfect fitting shoes will add delight­ fully to your Sunday happi­ ness. APPRENTICE WANTED. Little fellows best fitted for the work. MOVED MISS JESSIE CLINT & CO. -HAVE MOVED TO — NORTH SIDE 0F PLAZAS ....WITH THEIR.,.. MILLINERY EMPORIUM AND DRESS'MAKING ¡PARLORS. ® © Ashland Ladies are fast finding out that H IB Clint’s a Fall Hat or Bonnet may O* be high grade and still be modest priced. H ASHLAND HOUSE The Well Known and Always Popular Hotel of Ashland. IN NEW HANDS^^^> UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Substantial Brick Building. . . . Centrally Located. the city. American and ... European Plan + .}. 4. Rates: SI.00 and ❖__________________ 4-___________ SI.50 Per Day WM. P. PARSONS. PROP. RESTAURANT AND BAKERY IN CONNECTION WITH HOTFL.e^ BUS TO AND FROM ALL PASSENGER TRAIN VK C. K. KLUM. WHITE me : LeF* YK. KM hloyhd C. B. CR18LER CENTR AL MARKET Ashland, Oregon. KLUM & CRIBLER, Prop.’« HaKSsiSlm]] NEXT DOOR TO P. O, t-t Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BEEF PORK MUTTON BACON and LARD Lowest Market Price. Pokegama, Cal. This week, ------- << General Merchandise, three were dead. ® —Of The— FRANCISCO. i 50c. and >«. REMEMBER - ONE - THING Heart is Stronger M ood’s Sarta- All Druggists. Freshest and— Beit Meats In Market. GIVE US A TRIAL > CENTRAL POINT, OR. ALL § KINDS § OF § RE PAIRING § DONE. GOOD line of new goods sold reason and ou able. Work guaranteed, A prices will suit the customer. II || || II Call and see us II || || —and we will treat you well—