I VALLE! RECORD VALLE! RECORD. A8HLAND, OREGON. FINE FEINTING Chief of the County Papers. i OF EVERY Publish*! every Thursday. DESCRIPTION. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. NO MONOPOLY PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State ments. Envelopes, &c. VOL. VIII. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY-, OREGON, ---------------------- -....................... An Editor Gone Wrong. The following paragraph from the Willows, Colusa county, Cal., Journal will be sad news to many southern Ore gon people who knew the subject well as a brilliant man with a pen: P. J. Connolly, whilom editor of the Klamath Star, Linkville, Oregon, is in hock at the county jail. Connolly, or “Pete the Poet” as he is familiarly called, has for the past few days been fishing for live suckers with bis three card monte” paraphernalia and did so well that he celebrated his success with a full- grown jag, the result of which finds him in limbo. Connolly is an exceedingly bright fellow when whiskey is not the ' compass of bis sailing, and he has the reputation of being a brilliant writer. He will be convalescent at the expiration ’ 'Almost everybody takes some laxative of five days. medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS Not the Kings Daughters. L iver R egulator (liquid or powder) It has been circulated about town that ret all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxativo and tonic that purifies the blood the Kings Daughters were in pardner- and strengthens the whole system.«“And ehip with the W. C. T. U. in the bread more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU and cake stand on the plaza. Such report is not true. The Kings LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is in Daughters are a charitable organization, gpod condition you find yourself free from and as such does not believe in running Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- in opposition to a man that is trying to Headache and Constipation, and rid of make an honest living. Tbe writer is as strong for temperance that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. as any member of {he W. C. T. U.,but Good digestion and freedom from stomach belives in giving the baker a chance. A K ings D aughter . troublas will only be had when the liver Is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER Make Yourself Strong REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi If you would resist pneumonia, bronchitis, cines, and Better than Pills. typhoid fever, and persistent coughs and colds. These ills attack the weak and run /«••EVERY PACKAGE-®^ down system. They can find no foothold Has tho Z Stamp in red on wrapper. where the blood is kept pure, rich and full of vitality, the appetite good and digestion < J. K Zeilin & Co., Fhila., Pa. < vigorous, with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the one true blood purifier. PRESSED BRICKS. f 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1895. NO. 26. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: one year.............................................. u 7» Six months ......................................... 1 M Three months....................................... 50 Advertising rates given on application. ---------- ---------------------- ■■■■......................................................... ...................................... Pennoyer on thé Elections. Portland Oregonian,] When first approached by an Ore gonian reporter and asked for his views concerning the elections, Governor Pen noyer at first absolutely, refused to say a word. He preferred to saw wood. Later he halfway relented, and said : “I have nothing to say in regard to politics. When I left office, I determined to hold my peace, and I have done so. Why should I aay anything? The con tinued depression of business and fall in prices furnish stronger arguments against the British single gold standard policy than I could possibly present. If the people don’t heed those they won’t heed mine, “It is an al»olute fact that this country, through its financial policy, is in a worse state ef subjugation to Great Britain now' than it wsb in 1776. I will only say that when the national republican convention meets, a sense of gratitude should impel it to pass a resolution of thanks to Presi dent Cleveland for his efficient services in disrupting and overthrowing the democratic party. But that party itself is realy to blame. Sindbad the Bailor, Sfter he had shaken tbe Old Mau of the aea from bis shoulders, was not foel enough to let hi in crawl up there the second time. But the democratic party was.” Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Changed fiands ! Robt. Ralph is at Klamath Falls to locate. John Sisemore has returned from a trip to Kentucky. Mrs. J. H. Turner returned home to Dunsmuir Sunday. C. B. Watton was at Jacksonville Tuesday on professional business. Mrs. G. W. Stoops has been visiting rela The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now tives and friends in Portland. Under the Management of Joy’8 for the Jaded. Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Miss Marie Robinson of Vacaville, Cal., is yisiting Central Point relatives. Representative Jeffrey’s Address. It is a curious commentary on nine S. W. McClendon has sold his Central Grants Pass Courier.] Point drug store to Dr. Patterson. teenth century civilization—that, too, in FÜEÔOZPZRÆETOIR,. Between 40 and 50 persons assembled G. W. Gates and wife of Chehalis, Wash., at the court bouse Saturday evening to America—that a railroad company hag are visiting Butte creek relatives. listen to a speech on “the political issues just completed a set of “robber prool \ a /H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- of tbe day” by Hon. J. A. Jeffrey, mem mail cars” for service between New Geo. Nichols, the Butte creek stockman, pared to Entertain the Traveling Public was in Ashland Saturday on a business ber of the legislature from Jackson trip. county. Mr. Jeffrey ¡8 a very boyish York and St. Louis. After nearly In First Class Style. looking orator and would pass for 17, 2,000 years of preaching the gospel of Josephine county is investing in two though perhaps he is 23 or 24. How righteousness and peace, after nearly a Pauley steel sells for the county jail to'cost -------- :0:--------- $2500. ever, he is a very smooth talker and century and a quarter of the most Beems to be pretty well read on tbe Pop- progressive and enlightened republic Ex-Gov. Moody was here Baturday and uliBt side of tbe great issues to come be Sunday visiting his son, Z. A. Moody, and the sun over shone upon? the railway family. fore tbe people in ’96. ■■ ■ :o:---------- company has built for passing over the He was introduced by W. C. Edwards Peter Betz, who has been in Shasta yalley and proceeded to remark that tbe peo all summer, has returned home to Jackson oldest und most thickly populated por Oß^Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour ple of this country all agree that “there tion of this Union mail cars with no county. is something wrong. ” He said the ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. T. D. Gilmore, assistant railroad agent at People’s party were in accord with the windows and only one door, and that a Medford, ate dinner with his folks in Ash ----------- :o:----------- A Klamath Indian Legend. platform adopted at Omaha on July 4, heavily barricaded one, for fear of train land Sunday. In the distant ages before man inhab ’ 92; that they wanted free coinage of robbers. Night and day the imprisoned Mrs. Babcock of this city is spending the pecial Dinners winter with Col. W. J. Martin and family ited the earth—before the earth was, both gold and silver at a ratio of 16 to mail clerks must receive illumination Kemush, the Primeval Old Man inhabi 1; that there was no silver party neces at Jacksonville. Fresh Eastern oysters, Turkey and Cranberry ted the universe. He created tbe earth sary, as the Populist bad esposed all that from artificial light because train robbers Mrs. O. Coolidge has gone to Sacramento and then placed thereon a race of beings the friends of silver could ask for. attack the men through the windows. to spend the winter with her daughter, Sauce, Price 50 Cents. known as Indians, making bis son Aisb- Each of the old parties is merely Mrs. Geo. G. Ogg, isb ruler over them. This ruler made living on its past history, but the Popu Brave words and noble were those ut L. A. Esteb and family of Lakeview are bis home near the beautiful lakes of list party grasps the present situation tered by young John Mackay when he in the valley this week en route to their Klamath which skirt the eastern base of and its existence means something. new home at Roseburg. A hundred years ago the democratic took cliargo of the Paris end of the Post the Cascade mountains upon the Pacific C. C. Ragsdale, after renting his ranches coast, and when in the early years of party came into prominence because al Telegraph Cable company, “What Hood’s Pills cure liver ills, constipation, to T. J. O’Hara, returned home to Colusa bis reign a terrible famine fell upon his there was a demand for it; more recent- ever I shall undertake in telegraph af county, Cal., last week. biliousness, jaundice, sick headache. people, be implored Kemnsh to relieve 1}’ the republican party sprang into ex fairs it shall be right aud clean from Edgar Ball, the Tule lake rancher, their suffering, whereupon the ruler of istence because the old whig party dared WHY ? Because your Liver and Kidneys top to bottom, with a due appreciation Minin* Items. brought a fine lot of wheat to Montague the universe caused a wall of rocks to not face the question of slavery. from his place last week. of the worth of every man, whether by are out of order. For years and years He said old parties never could afford rear itself across tbe river Iulalona WM. M. COLVIG, Z. A. Moody at the Edna mine on the Seventeen hundredths of an inch of rain which connects the lakes, Upper and to cope with living issues, but rather my side or in the struggle for rivalry. ” railroad traca near Ashland is driving a housewives all over the country have Saturday night. But a heap more is Lower Klamath. Then he caused a spent their efforts in reconciling differ One of tho unfathomable mysteries of ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, tunnel, being now in on the ledge 60 fell prayed for by the farmers. ences. “ Principles are always disturb great wind to blow from the south, driv feet. The formation is porphry. used with best results this life is that such a modest, usoful, Jacksonville, Oregon. W. P. Squire and son Paul have complet ing all tbe water of tbe upper lake to ing elements in old parties” who “point The American Bar river claim below ed the assessment work on their mine and wards its northern confines, leaving the with pride” to former achievements. capable and clean young man should Will Practice in all the Courts of the Hornbrook realized considerable gold returned to Ban Jose Monday. bed of Iulalona dry, so that tbe Indians “Time honored principles” he said have been taken out of life—taken, too, State. dust from their recent clean-up of a Frank Netherland has gone into the could scoop up the fish, and thereby re “were what the republican party is at in so tragic a way, when there are week’s run. Tbe gold is coarse, many blacksmithing business at Talent with that lieve their hunger. Ever since that present Hying on and democracy is not Collections promptly attended to. thousands of idle, rich youths who are nuggets going from $20 up. Forty men experienced mechanic, J. B. Dyer. time the wind has blown tbe river dry able to die. are employed there, “Wages are going down, down.” He mere cumberers of the ground, living Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bostwick have re when ever the people were in need of HINMAN, D. D, S, succor. While on earth relieving his related Ingersoll’s yarn about the darkey on the money their fathers and grand J. M. Hicks and L. V. May are put turned to Applegate from Colusa county, Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it people Kemnsh became enamored of his who said he worked all day and stole all fathers amassed, hundreds of young fol ting in pipe on their placer mine on Cot Cal., and will winter in this county. son ’ s wives and attempted his destruc night and couldn ’ t make an honest tonwood creek, and a crew of five men lows whoso death at any time would Jeff Bell and Peter Barneburg returned is the “PEERLESS REMEDY’’ for curing ailments of the Liver, DENTIST. were sent over this week to prosecute Saturday from a business trip to Langell tion that he might become possessed of living even then. This, he said was the leave tho world better off. them. One day he asked Aishish to dilemma of the working people todav, the work vigorously during the winter valley where Jeff owns a stock ranch. Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright’s take off his clothing and climb a small “Volume settles values.” He said if under the superintendency of Mr. May. I am here to care for yqnr teeth and give lV“In the Masonic Building up stairs, No territory where extraordinary Disease.^ For sale everywhere at Ji.oo per bottle. tree lo get for him the fledgelings from there was a large amount of money in Phillip Mullen and Joseph Bandies you value received for your money. Dr. a lark’s nest, and while his son climbed circulation, wages and prices would go mines of precious metals have not been over Post Office. are down this week from tbe Olalla Barr , the dentist, Odd Fellows’ building. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS. MO. he caused the tree to grow so high that up. He referred to the panics of 1857 suddenly discovered has got on in the Rev. N. S. Buckner and family have been Aishish country in Douglas county, where they could not descend ; then he at under a 22 per cent tariff ; to that of ’ 57 are prospecting, Mullen reports that it visiting Henley relatives while en route tired himself in Aishish’s garb and went under a 25 per cent and to that of ’73 world so rapidly as Oklahoma. In the M. BROWER M. D. their new home, Los Angeles, from Rose is a great placer field of ancient wash to to his home, but Aishish’s wives knew under a 48 per cent and ’93 under the years since she has been organized she burg, and high channels. There is no foreign that he was not their lord and one only tariff to prove that bad times has established a state university, ac PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, L. B. Applegate and family of Klamath consented to go with him. But Aishish McKinley wash and tbe boulders are all of the bed had no connection with tariff, but that quired a population of 275,000 and ac county baye moved to San Jose for the rock of the country. Though worked on ASHLAND. O regon a small scale for 40 years no pipe has winter, where their children are attending was not left to perish in the tree, for scarcity of circulating medium was the cumulated taxable property to the two great butterflies brought him food sole cause. school. ever been worked in the country. “The old parties favor corporations. amount of $10,000,000. Great prosperi A Carlson, a San Francisco merchant and water for a time and finally placed Oklahoma. H- J. Hicks has put on 5 more stamps tailor, was in Ashland this week looking him in a basket between them and low There are but two parties now asking ty awaits Office—At Residence intersection of Me * II - ered him to the ground. He returned tbe suffrages of the American people — to his 5-stamp quartz mill at railroad for a location. ebanic. Laurel and Main Streets, Such scandals in high life—the very home intending to wreak vengance on the Populists and the Twins. crossing in Ashland and added other im a Clarence Knotts and wife of Clackamas “The initiative and referendum would highest of high life tool Isn’t it awful? provements in the way of first-class county have located near Gold Hill, where his father. He knew that Kemush’s C. W. BARR. death would follow the burning of his be safeguards against vicious legislation Soon middle class people will no longer machinery that now makes his plant they baye relatives. pipe, so told bis little son when his when the Swiss method was adopted in complete and capable of saving as large Go to Story and Egger’s tonsorial parlors a per cent of gold as any quartz mill in for a shave, hair cut or shampoo. They are grandfather come to visit his home, America. Populists are in favor of consider it respectablo to associate with that he would hide and that he must fraternal government while both old the 400. the country. Besides the milling of first class artists. Opposite plaza. DENTIST. run up and snatch the pipe from his parties favor monopoly and a wage certain ores from the Ashland mine, this Gen. John H. Dickenson, famous as the grandfather and throw it in tbe fire. slavery.” Mr. Jeffrey spoke for about The new congress will have to deal new mill is doing custom work, Dental Parlors in Odd “Fellow’s Block. lawyer who defended Durrant, passed Kamush came soon after and tbe child an hour. with some of the most serious questions A shland , O regon . Messrs. Grayson & McCumber of San through the valley the past week, having did as his father had directed whereupon that have been on in tho United States visited his father in Portland. Nervous Prostration. Francisco, have bonded the Anderson- the Primeval Old Man fell to tbe earth since the civil war. A daughter was born to the wife of Thos. E. W. Joy Company—Gentlemen: I ah work pertaining to moderndent- Holyoke quartz mine on Williams creek +++♦ and expired. Many years after Kemush stry. Painless operations a specialty. ♦ and have put 7 men at work on devel A. Rogers, formerly of Ashland and brother came to life again and proceeded against have suffered from a nervous prostration of Wallace Rogers, at Blue Canyon, near ' financial losses. Can say Joy’s Veg It looks as if some very rich gold opment. They have 50 tons of ore now Fairhaven, Wash., Oct. 10th. his eon. He daubed tbe sky all over from table Sarsaparilla has curedme. My liver, on the dump, which will be put through with pitch and set it afire. The sky stomach and bowels have been very in mines were about to be developed up Mrs. W. I. Vawter and her mother, Mrs. turned into a lake of fire, but Aishish 5-stamp mill on the property. If DR. JORDAN & CO.’S the active, but since taking your remedy I am along the Alaskan line. Hurry up that the crushing is satisfactory extensive Hill, who have been visiting relatives at and his people remained unharmed dur entirely well. All business men and women boundary survey. Cal., returned to Medford Sunday. ' GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY hoisting and pumping works will be Bet Oakland, ing the fearful conflagration, and the hould use it. Please publish. Mr. Vawter went to the Siskiyous to meet Ashland, Oregon. + (Signed) M r . W m . H enry J ones . 1OM Market St., San Francisco up. The new company will be satisfied them. only living thing which was in any wise International politics promises to be Butte. Montana. with an abundance ef $4 rock. (Between €th and 7th Sts.) hurt was the Mud Hen, which put its + Drs. Patterson and Geary last week re lively in this country, with the Cuban, Go and learn how wonderfully you + About 25 men are employed at the moved one of the bones ot* the right band head out of the waters of the Lower October Weather Summary. are made and how to avoid cicknew + Venezuelan and Hawaiian questions all Klamath and a burning drop of pitch fell Following is a summary ot weather ob aud disease. Museum enlarged with Illinois river copper mines at present. from W. R. Buck of Tolo. This is his sec thousand* of new objects. Admis- The smelting plant has all been hauled ond operation and the old man stood it npon it and stuck there leaving a crimson servations at Ashland during month of pressing at once. spot which bas ever since marked it as October, as reported by K. H. Carter, local »ion 25 eta. „ . in over the 4-foot grade built from Deer like a veteran. .... The best line .... Private Office—same Building the only living thing injured in the great observer for the Oregon State Weather creek and preparations are being made Geo. W. Smith, foreman, Levi Broad 1051 Market Street- Diseases of men: Chamberlain’« Eye and Skin Ointment IN SOUTHERN OREGON. ■tricturs, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin for roasting ore, about 500 tons of which sword, Dan Driscoll. R. A. Alford, C. T. conflagration of Kemush .—Klamath Falls Service: Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mcr- lie on the dump. The roasting process Silvers, N. 8. Drew aud Fred Melhase con Express. Min. Mean. Precip’tn Max. Date. Temp miry. Treatment personally or by letter. Send stitute the Klamath county grand jury Temp. in inebes. Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Temp precedes that of smelting. The company ♦. * forKOk. r- An Enigmatical Bill of Fare, Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, ♦ is fixing to put a wire suspension bridge this term of court. 48 64 • • . 80 1 Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye lads. ♦ Agricultural Implements_ For a dinner served on tbe Dining Cars of Long established and reliable practitioners. across the Illinois river as tbe present .... 46 58 70 2 Grants Pass merchants are engaged in the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Rail ❖ For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. 39 56.5 74 • • • 3 bridge is only temporary and will wash raising $1200 (the mine owners to raise $800) way, will be sent to any address on receipt ♦ 82 36 59 to build ai-mile wagon road to connect of a two cent postage stamp. Apply to 4 out tbe first time the stream rises. TO HO33EOWNEBS. 36 57.5 • • • 79 5 town with tbe Hammersly mine at Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM The Black-Gold Clement Co. on Foots that For putting a horse in a fine healthy con 38 58.5 79 • • • 6 head of Jump-off-Joe. Agent, Old Colony Building. Chicago, Ill. is excellent tor all throat inflammation and creek have a large crew of men employed 69 59 dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. 79 • • • 7 W, E. Jacobs and Clif Payne, of the Ash Garland Stoves and Ranges. + 40 57 74 4 • • 8 They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure for asthma. Con drifting. They are at present sinking an land Indian War Veterans’ Meeting. + Foundry, have returned from Etna 44 56.5 • • • • 69 9 sumptives will in air shaft. The air has become so bad it and Ft. Jones where they put in Tutthill loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct The Indian War Veterans will meet 35 56.5 • • • • 78 10 variably derive is impossible to work in tbe 1200 foot wheels for Jenner’s mill and Perry’s electric kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving 40 61 • • . • 82 November 16, at 1 p. m., at Walla Walla. 11 benefit from its tunnel. new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 light plant, respectively. 38 58 . • > 78 12 use, as it quickly Seattle, Skokane, Olympia, Wash., and SAWS, : GUNS, : AMMUNITION, : CUTLERY. cents per package. For sale by druggists. V 82 44 63 • • 13 abates the cough, E. T. Fields, night operator, has returned at Portland, Hillsboro, McMinnville, The Shearer boys have lately made a + 60.5 82 39 • • For Sale at E A. S herwin ’ s drugstore. 14 renders expector good cleanup from their placerat Steam home to Oregon City accompanied by his Salem, Corvallis, Eugene, Roseburg, Ash * 42 65 88 15 ation easy, assist boat. family. G. M. Cuts, who has been in Yam land, Jacksonville and The Dalles, Ore + •W++4-+4-i-++4-í"í"}-4-’{-4"M"t-i"{-++-:-+++++-4"í"t-++++++4-+^.¿-^-?++¿-++ With one eye on the clock, and tbe othei 43 58.5 74 16 ing nature in re- hill county, has returned to Ashland and gon. These various camps will memor on your plate, you cannot enjov a meal .... * 42 57 5 73 17 JJ- s to ring wasted resumed his old position as night operator. Swinden & Haynes have completed ialize congress and urge tbe passage of a When traveling east, you should take the 43 60 77 18 tissues. There is their ditch and other necessary improve Rev. Father Desmarais will hold divine Northern Pacific, the only dining car line 44 58.5 73 19 a large percentage ments at the Oscar creek mine and are services in the Catholic church at Ashland bill granting pensions to the Indian war from Portland; meals 75cents. You don’t 69 42 55.5 • • 20 veterans who served in defense of the of those who sup next Sunday morning at 9 o ’ clock at 9:39. have to get up in the morning at six o'clock, 43 56 69 • • • 21 pose their casos to be consumption who are now awaiting the fall rains. Morning sermon will be preached on the North-Pacific coast from 1847 to 1856, rush to breakfast and gulp it down in fif 34 51 68 • • . 22 only snftering from a chronic cold or deep The Antone Miller placers on Althouse subject of "Purgatory.” Everybody wel inclusive. Forty and 50 years have pass M ain S tbekt , O pposite P llza . teen minutes, and then have to wait until 2 33 50.5 68 • • .« 23 seated cough, often aggravated by catarrh. creek have been sold to a Tacoma Co. ed since the stirring times incident to a come. or 3 o'clock for lunch or dinner. To avoid 69 31 50 24 For catarrh use Ely’s Creain Balm. Both frontier life and Indian domination, when this, take the Northern Pacific; the only KAJLJSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, 32 51.5 25 71 The Oregon Water Supply and Mining remedies are pleasing to U3e. Cream Balm, It isn’t every day that an Oregonian gets dining car route, tbe only line to the Yellow*- 35 52.5 70 ... « 26 50c. per bottle; Pineola Balsam, 25c. at Company, of Tacoma, has bought an ex a chance to fall heir to an estate and a for a constant watch had to be maintained to stone Park and the only line running Pull 36 53.5 • • • • 71 WALL PAPER. G-LJLSS. ETC 27 Druggists. In quantities of $2.50 will de tensive tract of placer ground near eign title besides, but J. H, Storey, formerly protect homes and family from the torch man Tourist Sleepers through to the east 34 52.5 71 ... a and tomahawk. Congress bas never 28 liver on receipt of amount. of Butte creek has done so and is now es Browntown, Josephine county, and will B uilding P apers , W rapping P a phis and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. without from 12 to 16 hours delay. For 30 48 . . • 66 29 ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., N. Y. immediately equip the property with a quire of Barrington and Magistrate of the granted pensions to tbe volunteers, their full information, time cards, maps, etc., 28 47.5 • • 30 67 same county in old Ireland. widows or orphans. Congress will be call on or address, Robert Leonurd, Agent, large hydraulic plant. 29 48 31 67 Newman Fisher, ex-county treasurer of asked to recognize the rights of Indian Ashland Or Mean temp.,56.1 ; Max. temp., 88, on 15th ; this county and for many years a merchant war veterans in the soldiers’ homes, List of Letters Min. temp., 28, on 30th; No. of days clear 26; of Jacksonville, was visiting in the county also. Detroit approves cf Mayor Pingree, “We are glad that congress has provid jartly cloudy 5. Dates of frost—light, 22, Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland last week and wft for San Francisco Sun :!3, 24, 25; killing 29, 30, 31; prevailing direc anyhow, however the great ea ‘ern edi day. He has just closed out his business ed a home for worthy G. A. R. men,” P. O„ Nov. 11,1895: at Centralia. Wash., and is spying out a said Mr. TtA. Wood yesterday, “but tion of wind, N W. tors may snub him, or he Would not McDonald Thos J Perry H new location. why not extend the same right to Indian Old papers, just the thing for wrapping have been nominated for a fourth term Winning Mr W W Senator A. C. Cogswell and wife rode veterans? Here in 1855 and 1856 • imposes, for sale at the R ecord office. as mayor. Jackson Co., Oregon. Persons calling for same will please say from Lakeview to Klamath Falls on their war there were combined against tbe whites 1 )nly 25 cents a 100. advertised.” W. H. B runk , P. M. bicycles last week. Mrs. Cogswell is the 20 Indians to every white person. We The use of kites in tbe weather serv first lady to make that trip on a wheel. were absolutely shut off from outside ice may not pan out to be of such incal The quantity of iron and steel used They will visit their daughter, who is at Bucklen's Arnica Salve. tending tbe convent at Jacksonville, and help. Why should not these men who in the construction of the huge armored culable benefit as certain individuals The best salve in the world for Cuts, then go to Portland. defended thiB country against such odds Residence Lots for sale in Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever be provided with a pension, and a home battloship Indiana is something almost expect, but it is certain that carrier Pokegama, on reasonable Roseburg, Nov. 9.—The preliminary ex if need be? Let veterans all over this staggering to think of. The new Ameri pigeons can be utilized for the pursuits Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, A8 LI8TED A NUMBER OF BMALLJAND LARGE FARMS ’from] 20 acres up Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi amination of Ed. Dompier, the half breed, Northwest meet on November 16, and terms. Lots sold on the in for Sale or Rent. can ship armor, which has been pro of both^ieace and war to a much greater for the murder of Isaac Lenherr last tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is stallment plan. Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good buiinen Hand». guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or month was held this afternoon. He was speak out.”—Ore gonian. nounced tbe best in the world, is placed extent than has ever yet been done. refunded. Price 25 cents per box. released from custody after a short ex LSO 2,OOO ACHES of Choice money For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go 18 inches thick around the Indiana’s This was abundantly illustrated during QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. amination, no evidence implicating him in Sugar and Yellow Pine Land for sale For sale bv E. a . Sherwin. to I. E. Deboy, Gold Hill. any way being brought out. the heavy fall storms on the lakes. At water line. The armor that protects the Ou the Klamath River. Terms made to AS LISTED a number of small and large farms, from 20 acres up, for Sale or Senator Cogswell, who was defeated for heaviest guns is 17 inches thick, while Long Point, on Lake Erie, there is no suit on^application. Address, Rent. DIED. mayor of Lakeview last year, was elected to CHAS. COLE, Indian Territory has a large negro that for the revolving turrets i9 15 telegraph station. Steamers of tho Buf ®WThree houses and lots in tbe town of Gold Hill, all good business stands that position last week by acclamation. Pokegama, Siskiyou Co., Cal. Will T. Boyd was elected recorder, Harry population. Some of the blacks were at inches thick. The Indiana’s biggest falo and Cleveland line are sometimes TURNIDGE—In Chimney Rock precinct, Bailey treasurer, and 8. F. Ahlstrom, J. 8. first slaves of the noble red men. But guns are 13 inches in diameter, and if driven to tako shelter under the point Nov. 4.1895, of cerebro spinal meningetis, Field, H. R. Heryford and T. J. Magilton, Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. councilmen. It was voted to let the four when the slaves in this oountry were they and her smaller cannon were fired while a storm rages. There is no means Turnidge; aged 15 years, 1 month and 17 egged cattle run at large. emancipated these became freedmen off all at once they would hurl forth in meanwhile of communicating with the days. , Capt. W. W. Saunders, the Albany and still lived among their former mas a single instant over three tons of lead owners of the line in the cities named, COOK—On Foots creek, Oct. 26, 1895, murderer pardoned from the Oregon peni tlon of u famous French physician, will quickly cure you of ail Der- and they are naturally uneasy. So they ----------- ------------ of . •*- ------------------------ Vona or a. clist'ases tbe geoerative oqnkut, bucu ns Lott Manhood. Little Minnie, second daughter of Mr. tentiary by Gov. Pennoyer, has been re ters. The black and red blood in many and steel.___________ _____ Insomnia, Pains in tbe Buck, tioininul ¿tuhBioim. Nervous Debility, Have put in a and Mrs. R. L. Cook. have taken the precaution to train car stored to fall citizenship by Gov. Lord, up- cases intermingled. There are numerous Fimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhaustrng Drains, Varicocele and In speaking of th» Indiana exposition , on recommendation of Uov. McGraw of half breeds in the territory who are part Constipation. 11 stop« all loMa by day or night, Prevent! quick* rier pigeons and havo them carried on IK-ssol discharge, which If not checked leads to Spermatorrhoea and Washington, Saunders now practicing law of 1900, commemorative of the terri BORN. HEFORF ANO AF**ra ail the horrors of I mpotency. <’II PI cleans! tbe liver, tba @ SODA WORKS at Spokane. Verily Saunders seems to negro and part Indian. After the war torial organization of that common the ships belonging to tho line. It was □ ltuhl and ATiLrt kidneys and the urinary organs of ail impurities. ; be a gubernatorial pet and hypnotizer. C'UPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organs. a carrier pigeon that thus brought news many negroes migrated to Indian Terri The reason sufferers are not cured by Ductors is because ninety per cent are troubled with —At Missouri Flat, Josephine Mr. and Mrs. Max Pracbt are doing tory from the southern states, swelling wealth, The Globo-Democrat has the of tho safety of the City of New York Proatatltia. CUPIDENEls the only known remedy to cure without au operation. 6uu0 testimoni At Yreka, Cal. MILLER gall to say: “Indiana may well take after tho uewspap.-is had reported that als. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect a perxuauent cure county. Oct. 29,1895. to Mr. and Mrs. F. f’ay Pans and Max is hobnobbing with the |1.00 a box, six for f 5.03, by m»lL Bond for r kick circular and leaiinionlala, M. Milier, a son. eading Frenchmen from President Faure the number still more. Many of them steps to advertise itself more vigorously. Address DA VOL. 9MEDICIKE CO., P. O. Box 2070, San Francisco, Cal. ogqoqoooqooqoooooooooo it was feared she v. as lost. The brave are the tenant farmers of the landown down. As the French are in the habit of WHITE—In Medford, Oct. 31, 1895, to Mr. discussing matters with numerous and ex In spite of its quiet ways, it is sixth little bird was lelen.-ed from tho New FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. ers. But the court of claims at Wash and Mrs. O. W. White, a daughter. citable movements ot the different limbs of among the American commonwealths N D are prepared to fill all orders on HORN—On Gall s creek, November 1,1895, the bodv, not to mention a large force of I ington has decided that the black men in population, and the elements that York at Long Point and made* its way short notice. «•.*.* wind. Max is surely able to make himself in the territory have just the same rights to Mr. and Mrs, D, Horn, a daughter. through torriblo wind and rain to Buf halt-way understood among the French. HP“Give them a call. as the red men, and that all are citizens have made it great ought to be better falo. CLAWSON—At Hen’.ev, Cal., Nov. 3, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clawson, a Bring your 'ob printing to the "Record.” alike. Conseqnently the Cherokee freed known to the world. ’ ’ S $ Dealer in $ S Nervous Shock. daughter. men will share equally with the Chero Mrs. W. B. Meek, who resides at Camp E. W. J oy C ompany —Gentlemen: This Ï-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I A Convincing Argument. kee Indians in the distribution of mon tonville, Cal., says her daughter was for sev is the first time I have attempted to write MARRIED. for three years. Have been so nervous and One of the best arguments you can eys paid to the nation by the United eral years troubled at times with severe weak that I have laid in bed for most of Granite, Marble, cranws in the stomach, and would be in offer for the merits of your goods is that States for the sale of lands. V-' B and Moving suciMgony that it was necessary to call in the time. Freestone Monuments WIMER—GEYER—In Grants Pass, Nov. fou havo sufficient confidence in them a physician. Having read about Chamber A friend who had taken your Sarsaparilla 4, 1895. Robert Wimer and Hilda J. to make you willing to advertise them. | “How to Cure All Skin Disease«.” sent nie two bottles. The second one is lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Copings. Geyer, by Judge Chiles. Simply apply "S wayne ’ s O intment .” No she concluded to try it. She found that it most gone, and I have gained twenty All work entrusted to my care done •-Printers’ Ink. ■ internal medicine required. Cures tetters, always gave prompt relief. It was seldom pounds, and surely feel a new woman. I with dispatch, and on terms to suit POTTER-MILLER—In Jacksonville, No eczema, itch, ■ all eruptions on the face, necessary to give the second dose. “It ha9 was pale—thin. No ambition. Had given Also agents for IRON FENCES. the times. See tbe undersigned be vember 4, 1895, by R. 8. Dunlap. J. P., only 9aved us lots of worry and time.” up, as I had tried so many remedies and Satisfaction guaranteed fore letting contracts and sav« Roscoe Potter arid Miss Elsie Miller. The U. S. Gov't Reports hands, nose, &c., leaving the skin clear, not white and healthy. Its great healing and she says, “but also doctor bills. It is my doctors but found no benefit. If you care money. SPLARTIN—PATTY —At Grants Pass, curative powers are possessed by no other opinion that eyerv family should have a to publish this vou have my consent. P. 0. Address : YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. show Royal Baking Powder I l\l Nov 7,1995, R. L.Splartin and Miss Nora (Signed) MRS. A. C. TILLMAN, remedy, Ask your druggist for S waynk ’ s bottle of this remedy in the house.” For Oak Street, Ashland. D. ALLEN.. Cal. Patty« L£ BY ALL DRUGGltiTB. Alameda, Cal« 1 FOR LtNTMXNT, superior to ell others, / sale by E. A. S herwin . GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Baking HOTEL Powder OREGON, ABSOLUTELY PURE FREDT. FRADENBURGH Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. 8v1.x1cla.3r BACKACHE. Professional Cards Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver—Kidney Balm. D. ASHLAND pi». MILLS SELDOM EQUALED, NEVER EXCELLED. VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s. i 1 H. C. MYER^^ i+ | i i ! HARDWARE and TINWARE j • ♦♦ • • • I I MINERS’ SUPPLIES I I • • . a I • • • ... e H. S. EVANS,ASHLANDOE • • . • POKEGAMA • PAINTING. PAPERING, ETC. GOLD HILL, 150 Choice H A PARKINSON & WISE A MANHOOD RESTOREDSS RESTORED — I J. B. RUSSELL. Contracting & Building 1 Tin-