Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1895)
VALLEY K ECORD. THE MILITARY SPIRIT. [Special Correspondence.! While resisting arrest Dick and Z>‘ke Ex-United St a'es Senator Charles H. Crittenden were killed at Fort Gibson, Van Wyck of Nebraska died recently L T., by Ed Reed. at Washington of apoplexy. It is reported in Washington that the Frelei :ek Buda, a burglar, escaped from ji'il at Yreka, Cal., by* sawing the signal corps of the army will soon < <■ iron bars of his cell. supplied with bicycles. The annual report of Inspector Gen C. E. Hol art shot and instantly killed John Miller at Frescott. A. T. The eral Breckinridge of the army shows that it has attained a high standard of r£yn had a disjnte over 75 cents. Two Lb cks. iucln ’dng nearly all the discipline and that the officers gener c<-:nt...-rclal places of Gibbonsburst. O.. ally are competent. There has been a were burn. -L Tho less is from $250,000 marked improvement in the character of men seeking admission to tho ranks, to and the great care with which recruits At Albauy, N. Y., fire consumed are selected is evidenced by the fact $200,000 worth of property. J. C. Grif that only about one man in eight is fin, assistant chief of the fire depart found to possess the requisite qualifica ment, was fatally injured. tions. In one city alone over 8,000 ap William Young was hanged at San plicants for enlistment presented them Quer.tin for the murder of Pierre La- selves. testre in Monterey county in 1S94. The Commissioner Lamoreaux has re object of (lie murder was robbery. ceived no information of the operations At Chester, Pa., Fred Hurd shot and of Special Agent Brouckenborough in fatally injured his father. Hurd and California, but he says the reports of his wife quarreled, and when the son his seizing timber are no doubt true, as interf red his father assaulted him. he has been working in that direction Prairie fires have swept over several for some time. The commissioner says counties in Western Kansas and a large the worst timber depredation the de section cf Eastern Colorado. A greal partment has to contend with are in the mining districts, where the law allows deal of hay and grain was destroyed. timber to be cut for mining purposes. Francis Hinton, late manager of the The land office is in constant receipt of Milwaukee Steel works, committed sui complaints that mihing operators are cide in Paris by shooting himself. This stripping public lands of forests. One act is thought to have been dire to ill charge is that Marcus Daly, manager health. of the Anaconda mining property in Explosion of combustible material in Montana, has cut about 75,000,000 feet the candy manufacturing establishment of lumber. The commissioner recom of Charles Holman at Nashua, N. H., mends in his annual report that the law caused a fire which destroyed a block permitting timber to be cut for mining of property. The damage is $40,000. purposes be repealed and tha^ the for Emil Harry, a San Francisco boy, ests of those regions be put under a while riding on the brakebeam of a car forestry system. on the Southern Pacific line in Los An The report of the Nicaragua canal geles county, lost his balance and fell commission will embody the following under the wheels. His head was cut off. points: First—The commission will A fight occurred artong members of declare that the Nicaraguan route is by the French chamber of deputies during far the best for an interoceanic canal. a debate on a strike of glassworkers. Second—While the line laid out by the The house was in an uproar and several Nicaraguan Canal company is good in deputies engaged in fighting. Nothing some respects, a number of deviations from this line which will make the serious resulted. canal more feasible and easier to build A Storm at Sea »re recommended. Third—The railroad “Peace on earth, good will to men!’ D'*onl***«i Pap**r Religion and education have alwayt professed to carry this kindly messag ADULASI) Or. .. '<>>!«•!•• O<t.31. *« to mankind. Wo have been in the hah: of attributing the civilizing process» actiug on society to their influence. Wt Conjreesmitn Hermann »»■ in Gran • expect the gentle offices of peace to be P ass last week, ac«'omp..nie«i bv hie <»1« exercised by them if anywhere. But a tongue and flipper. Binger is a gr«at curious new movement has come up of late, fostered by church and school, man en siua’.l matton. which is not in accord with this tender The Lord, himself, will mak*e the greeting. It would be well, it 6eems to Thanksgiving proclamation in Oregon me, for the working people of the coun thia year. But it will be a dull docu try to inquire into it a littla Perhaps it is innooent enough, but a movement ment. Gov. I’ennoyer was the only of this kind in a republio supposed to se proclamation writer worthy of the name cure freedom and peace to all its citizens in Oregon._______________ alike looks strange, and its advocates ought to be willing it should be ir^esti- Some Oregon young men would have gated. I rofer to the unusual enthusi their hands full if a Kansas ruling were asm which has been inspired and is ” -in force here. A eourt there has held systematically being cultivated for mili that a man who calls upon a woman reg tary affairs and war scenes, and also to ularly and takes her to entertainments the organization of the boys of our land occasionally is legally engaged to marry into military bodies. “The United Boys’ Brigade of Amer her. The ruling is not without a grain ica” is the title of a new organization, of sense. ____________ ____ formed under the auspices of the vari The Oregon press is represented in ous churches, whose branches are spring San Francisco by Rev. A. N. Fisher, G. ing up in every city and town from the H. Peaslee, Frank Lee and Albert Pacific coast eastward to the Atlantia Toxier. Good men, no doubt, bnt not The boys are charmed with the idea, one of them is connected with a news easily lured by tinsel trimmed caps and paper.—Portland Welcome. military titles and strange visions of Fie for shame! and after these gentle warlike glory. There are companies, men have given the newspaper men of regiments, brigades and battalions, and the state such royal good times. What the boys are classified as privates, cor more do you want for $2, Bro. Burnett. porals, lieutenants, captains, eta They MB——S—— are drilled by regulation drill masters, A few years ago a general bowl went and they train with real guns that will up and down the state demanding a forest shoot and bayonets that can pierce. And as a companion piece a bill has reserve of the Cascade mountains. Now that the reserve has been made a large been introduced in congress that shall provide for the organization of the boys sized howl is roaring up and down the of the public schools into military state demanding the forest reserve be bands. Officers, trained in the regular lifted off. is about time that army, are to be appointed for each people making such loud bowls should school to drill the ambitions young understand themselves. We observe American whom the state undertakes to that our congressmen and senators are fit for practical life. This is not a law quite obliging and are thoroughly on as yet, but it seems to have met with Increases the discomfort of the voyager. general approval from the leading mem each side of the hewl. bers of political society. The grownup But even when the weather is not tempest uous he is liable to seasickness. They who sous of the middle classes have long traverse the‘'gigantic wetness’' should be IM THE SLUMS. been taught that the finest thing in the provided with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Mrs. Edholm and Purity Delegates world is to get into a uniform, be able which quiets disordered stomachs with speed and certainty. To the to keep step in the march to the sound gratifying See Life In Baltimore. hurtful influence of a tropic, malarious or of fife and drum and to handle a good, too rigorous or damp climate, as well as to Baltimore, Md., Oct. 17.—Mrs. Char baneful efiects of unwholesome diet and lotte Edholm led some of the Purity death dealing missile with grace and the bad water, it is a reliable antidote. Com dexterity. And now the children are to Congress delegates through the slums travelers by sea or land, mariners be brought into line and taught the mercial last night. miners, western pioneers, and all who have In one house all the girls were meek beauties of scientific warfare, and neither to encounter vicissitudes of climate and and respectful except one, who laughed child nor grownup youth nor proud par temperature, concur in pronouncing it the boisterously as the reformers sang the ent ever thinks what the existence of best safe guard. It prevents rheumatism and pulmonary attacks in consequence oi hymn, “Nearer, My God, to Thee.” large military bodies means or why so and cold, and it is an efficient defense Mrs. Edholm dropped on her knees be much exertion is put forth to stimulate damp against all forms of malaria, It can be de fore the laughing girl, and, placing her pended upon in dyspepsia, liver and kidney head in the girl’s lap, prayed earnestly. them. trouble, _____________ For the past 30 years the children in The girl stopped laughing and became A fire occurred in the University of defiant. She told Mrs. Edholm that if our publio schools have bad their edu she wanted to do any good she ought to cation saturated with war and military Virginia and the fire department was go to the factories and stored that grind glory, more or less, but of late this has unable to do much work. Valuable down a girl to starvation wages of $2 a been intensified. The battles of the civil paintings and books were destroyed. week and force her to use other means war are recounted o’er and o’er; scenes The damage is $30,000; insurance, $25,- for a livelihood. of carnage and bloodshed—things of 000. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mrs. Edholm talked kindly to the girl which the tender, growing minds should While prospecting in Oklahoma ter of mother, home and church, but she re mained defiant to the last. All the girls have no conception—are pictured in a ritory David Miles became crazed, and accepted cards to the Home for Fallen sheen of artificial splendor; those leaders he wandered along creeks gathering in war who could most successfully worthless sand, thinking it was gold Women. At another place one of the inmates harden themselves to the sacrifice of dust. He became violent and threat human life in order to sack cities or re ened to kill his family. Miles has been said bitterly: “You people talk very nicely to us duce forts are held up for their highest placed under restraint. girls when you come here, but you know praise and reverence; the deeds of the At South McAlester, O. T., Frank you wouldn’t any of you take us into past are made to excuse the wrongs and your homes to associate with your fami injustice of the present; deep admira Glover, a negro, shot and killed Frank lies. Oh, I know you people. I’ve seen tion and respect for great generals, great Messeck, a white man. The men had yatmkind before.” officials, great rulers, «re daily incul been drinking and playing cards. The negro accused Messeck of‘ cheating and Do you know, it you want to go East and cated; strict obedience to legal enact desire a Pullman Tourist Bleeper, that you ments, right or wrong; devotion to “in becoming enraged drew a pistol and will be detained from 12 to 16 hours unless stitutions,” whether they work good or shot him. you take the Northern Pacific? Remember Joseph Million, P. W. Paulson and that the Northern Pacific is the only line ill to the masses; boastfulness of a vague Ed Farlow of Ashland, Or., went quail running Pullman Tourigt Sleepers through superiority of the people of this country to the east without delay. Time and money over the people of other countries. hunting and while beating the brush saved by this route. For fqll information, Those things are carefully taught with Million received a charge of shot in the time cards, maps, etc., cal) on or address the multiplication table and the alpha face from Paulson’s gun. Million will Robert Leonard Agent, Ashland. Or. bet in every one of onr publio schools. be blind for life. Both eyes were de Alfred Robinson, a pioneer who in And now will come the discipline, the stroyed by one shot in each. Use it in Time. 1829 came around Cape Horn to the habits of obedience, the automatic mov Catarrh starts in the nasal passages, af peninsula on which San Francisco is ing and thinking which military tac bow located, died in that city a few tics establish. All this goes under the fecting eyes, ears and throat, and is in fact, the great enemy of the mucous membrane, days Mo. Robinson was a trader in head of “patriotism,” inculcating a Neglected colds in ’he head almost invari the territory 20 years before the gold “loveof freedom,” “feelings of chival ably precede catarrh, causing an excessiig flow of mucus, and if the mucus discharge discovery attracted the world’s atten ry,” eta becomes interrupted the disagreeable re tion. He married a daughter of the But it behooves that great useful class sults of catarrh will follow, such as bad prominent Spanish family, Noriega. —the working people—to ask whither breath, severe pain across forehead and Robinson became interested in strain all this tends, what kind of men and about the eves, a roaring and buzzing sound ship trade and was manager of large women will result from this sort of in the ears and oftentimes a very offensive Spanish land interests. He was born training, what use is to be made of them discharge. Ely’s Bream Balm is the ack nowledged cure for these troubles. in Boston in 1807. and what the object may ba We have The record for railroad speed over a The New York Central railroad pro accepted these things tacitly, as they poses to rnn a fast train from New have crept insiduously along, never great distance was broken recently by York to Chicago with the intention of thinking there could be danger. But it a special train on the Lake Shore and reducing the time from 25 to 22 hours. is time we began to make some inqui Michigan Southern railroad which ran from One Hundredth street, Chicago, The train is to connect with the new ries. Is that true patriotism which forever to Buffalo creek, Buffalo, N. Y., 510.1 fast train over the Santa Fe route to Los Angeles. By this connection the praises scenes of desperate bloodshed, miles, in 481 minutes and 7 seconds, at trip from New York to Los Angeles can worships relentless man killers, looks an average speed of 63.6 miles an hour. be made in 1)6 hours, deducting the two backward toward a murderous magnifi- This time included stops. Exclusive of and one-half hours’ layover at Chicago. oenoe instead of forward to a beneficent stops the run was made in 470 minutes The previous fastest long-distance train progress, and teaches men to hate each and 10 seconds, an average speed of in the world was the California limited other instead of dwelling together in 64.93 miles per hour. of the Chicago and Northwestern and hrotherly love? Can freedom loving men The relations of capital to labor, so Union Pacific systems, which made the be developed by drilling, disciplining far as these apply to strikes and lock ran from Chicago to S au Francisco, a and teaching habits of strict obedience outs, during the past seven and one- distance of 2,355 miles, in 85 hours and to our boys? Can we raise citizens im half years, are exhaustively treated in I* minutes. bued with the spirit of our forefathers by the annual report of Carroll D. Wright, teaching our children that it is better to United States commissioner of labor. endure hunger, robbery, oppression, The report shows that during those Professor A. J. Cook said: 1. V. wish to work for comb honey, and filial quietly than to be called “lawless and years Illinois had the largest number of low hives aro best. 2. I prefer thoreg disorderly?’ ’ Can we expeot to preserve establishments affected by strikes and nlar eight frame hive. 3. I doubt il the spirit of equality so dearly bought lockouts, there having been 10,060 of one uses a hanging frame if thero is by our ancestors by creating ranks and the former and 1,193 of the latter. New any better hive than Langstroth eight classes among those natural democrats York was second with 9,140 strikes and —the children? And most of all, why 723 lockouts and Pennsylvania third framo regular standard size. C. H. Dibbern replied: 1. Decidedly this growing desire that all the boys and with 8,219 strikes and 490 lockouts. The - so. 2. For extracted honey thero would young men of our country should receive leading cause for strikes was for in be little objection, but for comb honey a military training and be thoroughly crease of wages. . the bees have too far to travel. 3. I organized in compact, easily handled Hiram Evington and family went to think not. 4. Because Langstroth is bodies? Portland lately from Silver City, Idaho. The experiences of the past year have Sickness oc irred in the family and Ev standard, o. I should prefer ten frames shown us that military organizations are ington was unable to find employment. not over seven inches deep. Mrs. Jennie Atchley, Toxas, answer never used on the side of the working They were on the verge of starvation. ed*. 1. Too much comb and weight in a men. That is not what they are for. One child died and the father became framo that size for me. I do not think They are not all to be nsed fighting In ill. When hardly convalescent he went it would be as good. 2. Too deep for dians or watching foreign vessels either. to the river and jumped into it to take easy manipulation. If I wore going to There have been times in the history his life, but he was rescued by a bcat- change the Langstroth framo at all in of the world when the privileges of I man. An old acquaintance persuaded depth, I would make it shallower rather the few created such terrible conditions Evington to go with him to prospect than deeper. 3 and 4. No, for reasons for the masses that even the thoughtless for mines in Southern Oregon. He con stated above. 5. About seven inches luxuriant felt the social fabric tremble sented and they found a claim which deep, ten frames to a hive, and with beneath him, and at such times they they sold for $15,000. His wife received ray experience I would have a hive only have set some of their people to fighting a telegram from Dubuque, Iowa, say one story for either comb or extracted one another and amused the others with ing Evington’s brother had died, leav the spectacle, to make them forget. Per ing him $8,000 worth of property. honey. Dadant & Son write: We would nse haps this plan is to be tried again. All the messengers employed by the But I hope the working people of to I American Express company have been ten frames, say 12 inches deep and of Langstroth length. Our reasons aro that day will be wiser. If the boys of larger I furnished with rifles and revolvers to the queen always lays eggs in a circle, growth will wear the badge of a base resist train robbers. Under new rules ami she should bo ablo to lay as large servitude for the sake of the empty glory messengers are required, on coming in an amount as possible without having there is in it, let us save the children at from a trip, to remove cartridges from fo hunt For this reason a shallower least. Let us try to keep them individ their rifles and revolvers, examine the frame is objectionable. Another point ualized, strong in personality and char weapons and shells and report their ju favor of the deeper frame is in the acter, loving independence and a manly ! condition. The cartridges are not to «seed of boney over tho brood nest in freedom, not mere units of an automatic be replaced until messengers start on extreme cold weather, a3 the bees often collection, things that move and think their next runs, when the guns will be starve when tho honey supply fails In large bodies and at the word of com loaded to protect money and valuables abovo them. A frame woakl be mand. Or, if they must be drilled, let in their charge. The company advises better than any other if it were not that ns not have them too grateful, let us not its men to become proficient in rifle and it leaves too little room above for sur lose hold of their close sympathies and revolver practice and hints that in the plus cases, which compels tiering up affoctieBS, Military discipline may be future prizes will be awarded to the as useful on uw side as the other. best marksmen. Coo high. I azzjs M. H olmes , At Bay Shore, L. L, a few evenings Chicago. Catarrh Cannot be Cured since, the husbands of a dozen of the with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can ' most prominent women arrayed them- The R ecord for job printing. not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh seivss in feminine clothes and prepared is a blood or constitutional disease, and in Kidney. an oyster supjjer for their wives. The order to cure it you must take internal rem- E. W. J oy C om fam y —Gentlemen: I have affair took place in tho Congregational <edies. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally. and acts directly on the blood and suffered from kidney trouble for two or church and was given for its benefit. A r maoous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is three years. I would have to get up in the •not a quack medicine. It was prescribed i night to void my urine from- ten to fifteen 6tage had been erected upon which th6 riiy one of the best physicians in this country {times. My sleep was disturbed, and lfis cooks and waiters went through their tor years, and is a regular prescription, ft ‘ came very thin and nervous. No appetite; amusing unties. The men wore all sorts is composed of the best tonics known, com I bowels constipated. I have taken two bot- of waists, with large balloon sleeves, bined with the best blood purifiers, acting ' ties and gained fifteen pounds. Sleep well. directly on the mucous surfaces. The per ' Have to get up about three times during and skirts that were sadly in the way feet combination of the two ingredients is I night, and am very much better in every of their legs. One man, while carrying what produces such wonderful results in I respect. Will continue to take your Veg a lot of dishes, slipped and fell, kicking curing 'Catarrh. Send 'for testimonials, etable Sarsaparilla, for believe it will en- up a wonderful mess. The affair was a irelycureme. (Signed") *• free. success and the audience enjoyed it im Ma. E dward W. F rench , F. J. CHENEY <fc CO.. Props. Toledo, Stockton (Cal.' mensely. O. W4 by Pniggtats, prtw iic. now in use is not in good condition and the prospects of improving it do not seem satisfactory. Fourth—The con tinuous washing down of sand has con siderably damaged the work done on Grey town harbor. The condition of the soil seems to be a great bar to success ful work. Fifth—Government control of the canal is recommended and con gress is advised to make it a national undertaking. The commission, while it was not authorized to report on the Panama canal, visited the isthmus and the investigation was of great aid in comparing the geographical advantages of both places. FOREIGN NEWS. Chief Justice Hancock of Jamaica died at Kiugston of blood poisoning. It is reported that a compromise has been arranged in the Manitoba paro chial school trouble. Russia has placed an order with the Carnegie Steel company of Pennsyl vania for a large amount of patent car bonized armor. The census of the City of Mexico re veals 344,377 inhabitants and in the im mediate suburbs 146,735, making nearly half a million. The French cabinet has resigned as a result of the government’s defeat in the chamber of deputies during a debate on the Southern railway scandal. The Japanese government has decided to punish Miura, its ex-minister to Corea, for the part he took in the mur der of the queen of Corea. Students in a Turkish military school have been arrested on a charge of con spiring to start a revolution. They confessed and detailed the plot. The cholera epidemic of Honolulu is now scarcely more than a memory. The disease was conquered a month ago »nd it has been a fortnight since the last of the three scattering cases were reported. The epidemic cost 66 lives and about $65,000 in direct expendi ture. Probably $509,000 will be used within the next 18 months for sew*er construction and other sanitary im provements. A stream running through the town is to have its course changed and is to be confined within stone walls. All quarantine has been raised. Trade is active, travel is unrestricted, the schools are open and there is no longer a taboo on fish or other food. A great combine has been formed at San Francisco to control the lumber trade of the Pacific Coast. All the large dealers of that city are in the trust, but without the co-operation of the mills of the Northwest it would not be strong. Dr. John Rose concocted a plan with a man named Hoxey to kill Mrs. Rose and her father at Mesa, A. T. Hoxey informed Sheriff Orme of Maricopa county of the proposition, and the offi cer laid a scheme to capture Rose while attempting to commit the murders. The sheriff and a deputy went to the house and concealed themselves. Rose broke into the dwelling and then the sheriff ordered him to surrender. He tried to draw a revolver, but was killed by the officer before he could use it. Rose had expected to inherit consider able property after his wife and father- in-law had been killed. Mrs. Mary Robertson Squire is in town, LOOK OUT FOR BREAKERS AHEAD when pimples, eruptions, boils, * and like manifes tations of impure blood appear. They wouldn't appear if your blood were pure and your sys tem in the right condition. They show you what you need—a good blood purifier; that’s what you get when you take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. , It carries health with it. AU Blood, Skiff and Scalp Dls- ease«, from a com mon Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula, are cured by it. It invigorate« the liver and rouses every organ into healthful action. In the most stubborn forms of Skin Diseases, such as Salt rheum, Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas, Boils and kindred ailments, and with Scrofula, in every shape, and all blood-taints, no matter from what cause arising, it is an unequaled remedy. SCROFULOUS ABSCESSES. Mrs. B bli . r S wbbnby , of Z7af Top, Mtrctr Co.. Iv. Va.. Va., writes writes: • “ “About four years ago j took scrofula, and did everything that doctors and others prescribed, but only got worse. Several abscesses formed about my neck and breast, disharging a quantity of matter. I got so weak I could scarcely walk about the house. I read all the medical works I could get hold of, and, among the rest, read some of your works. You de scribed my case, and recommended Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery with his M rs . S wbbxry . ‘ Pleasant Pellets.’ So I procured some and commenced using them and soon began to mend. In six months my sores were all healed up. I am forty-five years old and believe I am as stont as I ever was in my life. X used about one dozen bottles of the • Golden Medical Discovery ’ with the * Pel- **** 1 i ’s Clover Root, tne great Blood pun Arthur G. Fletcher, a fi b commis i iiei Karl Sheriff’s Sale gives freshness and clearness to the sion deputy, v. as fine I F 3 fo stealing I Coiuipexiou and cures Constipation, 25 eta. 50 cis. and $1 bolilbv E. A. bberwin. grapes at San Bernardino. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon A tank steam *r for trai'Girrting oil r for Jackson County. Chu Gun. a Chinese saloon-keeper, John M. Clemens. Plaintiff.) will be p'ac d ’u service betv.-een Los and Irene Wilson, a mulatto girl, were vs. | Angeles aud San Franc s ■ > within a married recently at Stockton. Jos. S. Gill.C. H. Eggers. r month. H. P Briggs and H. H. Edna Schmidt, aged 18, whose father McCarthy. Defendants. J The railroad rate war whi' h has I :>en is a millionaire at Chicago, eloped with y virtue of an execution operating on tho lines between Pasa a coachman who had been discharged issued out of and under the Seal of dena and Los Angeles lc ought far-s by her parent. f-aid Court, to me directed, and delivered, down to 20 cents for the ronnd trip. d.-it»*d the 16th day of September. A D., Oliver de Gyarfas was sent to an in 18! 5, upon a decree rendered by Said Court, Directors of the Stockton insane asv- sane asylum at New York because he 400 to 412 K St., September 10th A. D., 1895. in favor of lum are trying to find a fund of $11.5 0 wanted to prevent the Marlborough- John .M. Clemens, the above t anted Plain which has accumulated from moneys Vanderbilt wedding. tiff, and against the afore Said Defendants taken from insane persons when ar for the Sunt of Six Hundred Eighteen and The Santa Clara Fruit exchange has 3.1-100 Dollars upon the several laborers Largest General Retail Hoose on Coast rested. lately been shipping two carloads of Liens, Set out in the Complaint of th« The salmon pack in Western Alaska dried fruit per day to the East. There Wearing Apparel of all kinds fer mtn, Plaintiff in tt e above entitled Case: and the women, and children; Dry Goods, Shoe«, has decreased 15 per cent this yea’ m is a good demand for California fruit in further Sum of Forty-Two and 50 100 Dol Hau, Millinery, Valises, Furniture, Carpets, lars for preparing fifing and recording the that of last season. In Souther. .nn the Eastern market, partly on account Crockery, Notions, Stationery, Sliverwar«, Said Laborers Liens, and One Hundred and Toys, Household Supplies, etc. Alaska and British Columbia the pack of the present lbw prices for even the Eighty Five Dollars Attorney’s Fees in is up to the average. Said entitled action: total IM5.88 and in best product. Catalogue Free. Officers of the Illinois militia have terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per A handsome illustrated catalogue A mammoth bell is to be cast for St. annum from the lOlh day of September, about our goods and prices sent free to been arrested for discharging firearms Francis de Saes church at Cincinnati. any address Tens of thousands of cus 1895. and also for the costs and disburse in the city limits of Chicago without a In ornamentation it will surpass all ex tomers find it profitable and satisfac ments to this date amounting to |15 00 and tory to buy through this book. permit. The offense was committed isting bells and will be the largest for all accruing costs. TERMS CASH. when a sham battle was held by the swinging bell in the world. It will sup Commanding me to make Sale of the following described property to-wit; Be Enclose money for goods with order, and if militia. plement a chime of 40 bells. The clap to be sent by mail allow for postage. Any ginning at this Notice and running 750 feet A big fire at Augusta. Ga.. destroye- per will weigh 640 pounds. balance left over wil. be returned. in an easterly diiection to East end center 44 houses which covered several bloc • <<ake: thence 300 feet couth to S K corner The grand jury at Peoria, Ill., has in If interested in any of the items be Make; thence 1500 feet west, to S W corner Hundreds of people are homeless. Tlier. dicted Simon Schafer of Chicago, mem low, order promptly, giving item num slake; thence 300 feet North to West end was a strong wind and the fire depart ber of the legislature, for offering to re ber. center stake; thence300 feet North to N W ment was unable to perform effective ceive a bribe. He introduced a bill to 37. Women’s Seal Plush Cape, high corner stake; thence 15*0 feet East to N K work. prohibit the feeding of slop to cattle. standing collar, Baltic seal trimming and corner stake; thence South 300 feet to East The New Jersey state federation of There is evidence that he tried to get silk lining, and 24 inches deep. Bnst,32 end center stake, and all situated in Section 2, Tp 38 South, Range 3 West of Willamette women’s clubs has refused at its session money from Peoria distillers to kill the to 42 inches. Price, $6.25. Meridian, in Jackson county, Oregon, to to take any action in the case of Mrs. bill. gether with the Stamp Mill, Engine and 38. New Style Double Breasted Jacket, fixtures thereto belonging, ana situate Florence Maybrick, serving a life sen R. Van Bergen, a newspaperman of in navy blue or black; twilled cheviot, and all known as the “Good Luck tence in prison in England for the mur Tokio, Japan; has arrived at Tacoma. neatly finished with braid trimming. A thereon Mine.” That the Said Laborers Liens be der of her husband. He says that when he left the Orient splendid winter varment, Sizes, 32 to 42 foreclosed and that tbe above described property be sold as upon execution at law; A company with a capital of $3 000.- both Russia and Japan were actively inches. Price, $5.00. That the proceeds of said sale be applied to 000 is being formed at Cleveland. O., preparing tor war. Russia has 100,000 39. All-W’ool French Serge Drees the satisfaction ef the judgment, attorney's for the purpose of purchasing 15,000 troops massed at Vladivostock, on the Goods; good weight, 36 inches wide, fees, costs and accruing costs in said action. acres of the best sugar cane producing Pacific coast of Siberia, while Japan is black, navy, garnet, cardinal, brown, Now, therefore, by virtue of said, judg land in the Hawaiian islands. The land purchasing naval equipment of all de green, tan and gray. Special value at 25c ment, order and decree, I have duly levied upon and will ofler for sale at public auction per yard. is located 15 miles from Honolulu. scriptions. on The striking garment workers of Miss Hortense Ayres, a school teacher 40. Special Vaiue in Black Figured Saturday, November 30,1895, of Seattle, punished children with a Rochester, N. Y., after a war of 10 Dress Goods at 39e yard. at 2 o’clock, P. M. at the front door of tbe piece of hose and she has been removed weeks, have decided to pack up their 41. Three Great Blanket Values. County Court House in Jacksonville, Ore from her position. She whipped a fl household effects and go to New York White blanket, full size, colored borders, gon, to the highest bidder for cash, accord year-old boy until he was covered with and Chicago, where places have been $3.48. Full size white wove blanket, for ing to the provisions of said decree, all of the right, title, interest and estate of the black and blue spots from his head to secured for the strikers. The employ amily use, $4 48. Wh>te California above named Defendants or either of them ers, when they heard of this, did all in made blanket, extra heavy, $5 38. his abdomen. in and to the above described property. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this 17th A disquieting report is in circulation their power to stop the strikers from 42. Plain-Colored Eiderdown Flan day of September, 1895. nels, for wrappers and children’s coats, in San Francisco that a large number departing, but without avail 8. PATTER8ON, The motocycle or horseless carriage >n pink, sky blue, cardinal and cream. of hydraulic miners propose to with Sheriff of Jackson County. By A. S. B arnes , Deputy. draw from the California Miners’ asso race from Chicago to Waukegan and Price, 30c per yard- ciation and form an organization of return, a distance of about 100 miles, 43. Handsome Tapestry Table Covers, their o,wn devoted exclusively to the will be contested on Nov. 2. There are about 50 inches square,fringed all around ; hydraulic branch of the gold mining to be 40 starters in the novel race, and blue and terra cotta and olive. Special it is expected that several motocycles value, 88c. industry. 44. Imported Floor Matting in fancy House Raising H. C. Sloan* of West Superior, Wis., will cover the distance in less than six representative from Douglas county in hours. Several motocycles from Ger mixed colorings; all neat patterns; 36 the last legislature, declares in an in many and France are entered in the nches wide. Excellent value in rolls of S and Moving. 40 yards for $4.00, or 10c per yard. terview that the people of that county race. Gove nor Budd has appointed Will All work entrusted to niy care done desire the formation of a new state out with dispatch, and on terms to suit of portions of Minnesota, Michigan and iam T. vv... of Santa Cruz as lieuten the times, bee the undersigned be Wisconsin. He says they consider this ant governor to fill the vacancy caused fore letting contracts and save money. SACRAMENTO, CAL. a better plan than the annexation of by the death of Lieutenant Governor Millard. Senator Thomas Flint of San Douglas county, Wis., to Minnesota. Oak Street, Ashland. p ALLEN No. 111. Patrick Callahan of New York made Benito county, president of the senate, a jump from the highest point of the thinks that he is bow lieutenant gov Poughkeepsie bridge into the Hudson ernor, according to the constitution. river, a distance of 212 feet, aud died The matter will probably be tested in from the effects of injuries. He had court. once successfully jumped from Brook Four Big Snccesses. lyn bridge. There was no wager on his Having the needed merit to more than The Well Known and Always Popular Hotel of Ashland. last jump and Callahan’s only object make good all the advertising claimed for was to gain notoriety. them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sa.e. Dr. King’s IN NEW HAND^s^» Mr. J. K. Fowler, secretary and treasurer New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs, American and ... of tbe Corinne Mill.Uanal and >tock Co..ot md Colds, each bottle guaranteed—Electric Corinne, Utab.inspeakingof Chamberlain’s Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. European Plan Cough Remedy says: “I consider it the snd Kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in tbe market. I have used many best in the world, and Dr, King’s New Life + Rates: $1.00 and + + + kinds but find Chamberlain’s the most Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these Substantial Brick Building. ’. .*. Centrally Located.___ 4- $1.50 Per Day prompt and effectual in giving relief, and remedies are guaranteed to do just what is now keep BO other in my house.” When claimed for them and the dealer whose name troubled with a cough or cold give this rem is attached herewith will be glad to tell you edy a trial and we assure you that you will more of them. Sold at E. A. SarawiK’s. tee more than pleased with the result. For RESTAURANT AND BAKERY IN CONNECTION WITH HOTFL.s*"^^*^^ •ale by E. A. S hkbwin . Another sensation has been caused in •«AdliUJ*" *•££ BUS TO AND FROM ALL PASSENGER TRAIN Eighteen distilleries and the office the Durrant case at San Francisco. It building of the old whisky trust have is a story aimed to prove the prisoner been purchased by the American Spirits an innocent victim. A man named ONCY IÎMPLOYEO XX’HITK Manufacturing company for $3,800,00u. George Reynolds wrote a letter to Cor Captain George J. Ainsworth, the oner Hawkins saying he proposed to well-known capitalist of Oakland, diet, commit suicide. It contained an ac- recently at Portland, Or. He had beet :ount of the alleged movements of Dur ant which would be of great advan ill for some time. tage to him if he could prove what is Chauncey M. Depew, president of th« New York Central railroad, denies tha stated in the letter. James S. Rhodes, a dealer in second- the Vanderbilts are endeavoring to st- t IVTT XU. OKLCGOX. cure control of the Union Pacific line land goods at Topeka, Kan., bought an The Largest and Most Complete Display erer made of the Resources, Industries The bean crop of Santa Barbara am >ld stove from Robert Giles, a civil en Commerce, Business, Agriculture, Forests, Mines, Fruit, Fisheries, Manu Ventura counties is estimated at 2,0t gineer. In cleaning the stove Rhodes bund $1 ,000 in greenbacks hidden in it. factures, and Transportation Facilities of tbe Great Pacific Northwest. carloads this year. He reported the find to Giles, who said Fine Music. Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rates that while he did not know how the on all Transportation Lines, money got there, he had been unable to find some money which he was sure his ADMISSION •’hen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. wife had when she died two months For Exhibit Space apply at the ago and which he supposes she had hid Single Admission............................ 25c When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Children Under 12 Years, . . lOc den in the stove. E position Building to When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Season Tickets ............................ $3 OO For the first time in 80 years some of When she had Children, she gave them Castoria the peaks of the Olympic mountain K. C. MASTEN. Secretary. U. H. HUNT, Superintendent. range in Washington are in volcanic eruption, and in one section large vol umes of fire and lava have been thrown 0. K. KLUM. C. B. CRISLER wiMiAxrox. d . ». eeo* David Shirpser, postmaster and store cut. Two mountaineers report that the keeper at Savanna, Cal., was killed in . ■sight of the volcanoes at night was one peculiar accident at night. He was ii >f grandeur, accompanied by heat so Ashland, Oregon. front of his store and attempted to g< ntense as to scorch vegetation for con around a wagon. In his haste he did siderable distance around. Ashland, Oregon. City Passenger not see a projecting post and it struck Hundreds of Chinese from Boston and KLUM & CHISLER, Prop.’« and Truck Transfer his chin. The blow was of such force Chicago have started for China. It is as to break his neck. relieved that the Chinese government -----All kinds or freight, baggage t-t. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harry Hayward, the condemned Min has missionaries at work in this coun- household good«, etc., transfer- ed with promptness and safety. neapolis murderer, has issued a state ry who are either appealing to the BEEF Hauling un a large scale con ment explaining the recently exposed patriotism or to the pockets of Mongo- tracted for....................... .... . • PORK plot to break jail. He admits there was ians who have saved money to return such a plat and describes it in detail, o China for military service or politi MUTTON WOOD FOR S-A.LJD but claims that the whole thing was en cal purposes. The Chinese who left re ------ ICB IK SZASON------- BACON and gineered by Deputy Sheriff Kierce for fused to give reasons for their depart- Will handle ice in Ashland during the LARD the purpose of making money and re jre. A prominent Chinese of Chicago summer season. Delivered at your door ceiving the favor of the authorities. says that many more of his countrymen every morning. will soon follow. Hugh Shepard, aged 21, has been sen Passeugers delivered to any part of the city. tenced to serve two years in the state Freshest Honest work and legitimate charges. 1 prison of Connecticut for horse steal and— isk for a fair share of your patronage. ing. He has figured in four elopements Satiisfaction guaranteed. No charge for Best Meats in Market. with young girls. On one occasion he examination. Dr. Barr, the dentist, I. O, did not have the money to pay the min O. F. building. ister for a marriage service, so he took up a collection in a saloon to get the give us a trial Medford, oregos, cash. M AN UF ACTU Attention has been attracted to the Ensenada (Lower California) robbery Causes Glands of tho Neck tc case by news of the severe sentence im Swell Up posed upon Seymour Jackson, the young Of all kinds at shop at Phoenix. English cashier of Godbe & Co.’s bank. This Trouble and a Case of Rheu* Jackson was charged with taking $3,0oo matlsm Cured by Hood's. in gold from the vaults on the night oi NEXT DOOR TO P. O. Call at “ 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maas.: March 20. He jwas sentenced to serve “ Dear Sin: A little over a year ago ] six years and nine months in prison ano had a swelling come on the aide of my to pay a fine of $1,071 or to serve 10« neck. X was in very poor health generally OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL days additional. and doctored two Leander F. Martin murdered City- -----and see our goods.----- months with th« Marshal Shultz of Tiffin, O., and a moo family physician ALL § KINDS § OF § RE- tried to take him from jail and lynch IV ^’e will give yon a bargain. who said my com him. The sheriff and his deputies re plaint was a billotu PAIRING § DONE. sisted the attack on the jail and kille< attack. Hla treat, two members of the mob. There is meat failed to help prospect of more trouble on account of GOOD line of new goods sold reason me so I determined the killing of the men. Martin has been able. Work guaranteed, and our prices will suit the customer. to try Hood’s Sar- taken to another county for safety. ; saparilla. To my Governor McKinley has ordered out the great Joy, the swel- militia to preserve order. ling on the side oi Mrs. Nellie Jones was found near the my neck disap depot at Lodi a few days ago suffering peared. I was ben- from strychnine poisoning. Physicians Mr«, tv. r . Maiiernee eflted for my othel attended her and she will recover. Her HEADQUARTERS FOR Meadow, Wash. ailments. After husband died three months ago at San -GO TO— HARDWARE, Francisco. She came to Stockton by taking three bottles of the medicine,I havl not had a sick day since. I for one, rec steamer and tried to kill herself. The STOVES and ladies of the W. C. T. U. took her in ommend Hood’s Sanaparilla to the affile- charge. A month ago she walked to TINWARE. Tracy and was returned to Stockton. Her last walking trip was to Lodi. She ted, knowing what it has don» for me in had attempted suicide on different oc the past. My husband was afflicted with casions. - * * •»<* ■ «I » rheumatism and had that tired feeling. He took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and found it F ALL KINDS and GRADES A Michigan merchant has evolved a _>ZTeed Stable. Miners’ Tools, Giant Powder. Caps novel advertising scheme, but is in Just the Medicine Needed. aud Fuse. A fine liue of Electric Cutlejy, doubt as to his right to use it. The We believe it will do all that is claimed for and a large and complete stock of Fishing Tackle. Plumbing goods, and plumbing of plan is to stick a round plaster on the It, if given a fair trial. Both of us have Gold Hill, Oregon all kidds done on snort notice. All work back of a silver dollar setting forth in used Hood’s Vegetable Pills and are well guaranteed. catchy language something to this ef pleased with ther’..” M bs . W. R.MAL- fect! “Send or bring me back to the lernee , Meadow, Washington. For Fine Rigs and ff^-Tin Shop in connection. Teams. Horses Boarded one night: First-class goods, and prices as low as the store of-------- where I’m worth $1.05. N. B. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ; 1 lowest. Hay 25 cents; grain 25 cents. Fine bay and grain on hand and for Joy’s for the Jaded. TRY US! Iiubin&.(9 B Sacramento, Cal. Contracting & Building Weinstock, Lubin & Co. ASHLAND HOUSE WM. P. PARSONS. PROP EXPOSITION CENTRAL MARKET FOX & GOOD, WEEK BROS, : Scrofula in the Blood FURNITURE Furniture Store CENTRAL POINT, OR A D. H. MILLER MEDÍ0BD, OR Hood’s^ Cures j. w. COX’S Builder’s Material O D, H- MILLER