lagel Bis« VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD ASHLAND, OREGON. FINE PRINTING OF . t- Chief of the County Papers. EVERY Published every Thursday. DESCRIPTION. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. PRICES ! ine year..............••■•••••«•■••■••81 75 ix months .......................................... 1 00 Three months...................................... . t>0 8UB8CR1PTION RATES: NO MONOPOLY Give us your order for Letterheads, State­ ments Envetopes.&c. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, VOL. VIII. To Organize An A, P. A. Rev. S. B. Chastain, pastor of the Baptist church of Central Point, has been here several days. He delivered a very fine discourse at the Baptist church last Sunday morning and also in the evening. He goes to Pine creek from here and then to Lake City, hut expects to be with us again before he returns to Central Point Mr. Chastain is an A. P. A. man, and may organize a council here at some future time.—Lakeview Examiner. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY ‘Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SiMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) Eit all the benefits of a mild and pleasant xative and tonic that purifies the blood ■ad strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SiMMONS LIVER REGU­ LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active aad healthy, and when the Liver is in ■sod condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver Is preperly at work. If troubled with any of those complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi- daes, and Better than Pills. Broke Jail at Yreka. City Marshal Erskine Parks of Yreka was in Ashland Friday bunting for Fred Buddha, a mulatto, who, while lying in the county jail awaiting his second trial, jury having disagreed, charged with burglariz­ ing Rostel’s barbershop at Sisson, escaped last Thursday night. The prisoner was locked in thè cell formerly occupied by’ Wm. Null, one of the murders lynched last August. In some way he managed to pro­ cure a portion of a meat saw, with which he cut one of the steel bars near the lock and opened his cell. Once out in the main corridor, his escape was easily effected by sawing away two of the bars from an upper window. He has since been captured. ~ ’ “ ■ V V" " ' 1 ■ ' Lake County Beef Shipment«. Beef cattle are still moving out of Lake county. Felix Green started 410 more of the XL cattle for Gazelle last Sunday, making a total of 890 bead in the two drives this fall. John Coughlin has started two bands from Chewaucan, 310 passing through town Sunday and about 200 on Monday. These will be driven south to Honey Lake. George Jones drove to Honey Lake valley last week with about 450 head of beef. Brattain ¿Sff-EVEKY PACKAGE-®^ the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. & Lane went to Gazelle last week with 450 bead. Porter Bros, drove to the J. H. Zeiliu & Co., Philo., Pa. same place with 700 head, and George Durand took 250 bead. The Carr Co. took about 1000 to 1200 head from the Silver Lake country’, and the drive that went east last spring amounted to fully « 4000.—Lakeview Examiner. PRESSED BRICKS. Wheat is still 38 cents per bushel at Eugene. M. V. Pratt and family go to Los Angeles next week to winter. Mrs. D. L. Minkler returned Sunday’ from her eastern trip. Dr. and Mrs. Songer returned to the Pacific mine Sunday. P. J. Connelly, formerly of the Klamath Star, is in Los Angeles. Joy’s for the Jaded. Joy’s Vegetable-Sarsaparilla. Mrs. J. W. Gilmore of Riddle's is visiting Portland fnends and relatives. J. R. Butin of Poe valley was in the valley this week after supplies. W. H. Stout, of Evans creek was at Salem last week to see a lung specialist. Miss Carrie Anderson of Bly has been paying Jackson county relatives a visit. F. J. Harvey, late of Hotel Linkville, Klamath Falls, has moved to Gold Hill. Presiding EJder Jones and Rev. Geo. Kahler are in Lake and Klamath coun­ ties. S. Brooks of Wimer has been visiting , E. old his home in the Willamette valley, near ; Salem. The Trinity Guild entertainment will take place at the opera house Saturday , evening. s / MUCH INJUN TALK. S OCTOBER 31, 1895. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report The Klamath County Indians Seek­ ing to Have Their Rights Estab­ lished. Klamath Falls Express. | Tne reservation Indians, Klamaths, Modocs and Snakes held a general coun­ cil at Klamath Agency, last Thursday, to discuss and take action in regard to the road land grant, and boundary ques­ tions, so long matters of contention. The Indian agent, Dr. Petet, on the re­ quest of the Indians stated briefly the objects of the council, after which Allen David who Bigncd the treaty of 1864 as Mining Items. Boos-ki-you, and who was for many Will Q. Brown is in Chicago superintend- years head chief of the Klamath tribe, ing the smelting of a carload of test ore was chosen to preside over the council J{oin 4liddle nickel mine owned by the ami Jae, Willis, an educated Snake In- Grand M,ch-, company. dian, acted as its secretary. The road C. B. and I. O. Jillson are hauling their land grant takes nearly a hundred thous- hydraulic pipe on the Red Hill, just east and acres of land within the reservation of the Smith Harvey hydraulic mine, limits, to which the Indians had every and they will soon be ready for business reason to believe their title good. The They surely will get some good pay, as government in justice to these people there were very rich diggings all around ought to settle with the road company, I the hill in early days. -ho’KThe United States, aid in fact its allies in the artl,cI!® of '"corporation to mine for go d wars with other tribes. an.d other metals- _bny, sell and operate The boundary question arises from the ’n e8t?te ’ c.aP’.tal> indefiniteness of the treaty description of WOO ; 600 shares of >100each ; principal the boundary of the reservation, made at Plac® of business and office Bolt Jackson the great treaty of Oct. 14,1864, at which ; 1"corP[’rat°r®> C. J. Hall, J. W. date the government’s representatives, b'l,er8 and A’ Berlin. at the treaty council, were not conversant The Black Bear mine at Salmon river with the geography oi the country border- is now proving very rich, especially in ing the Klamath valley, especially north the Yellow Jacket extension and the and east, A settlement oi those questions new discovery made last spring. This so long matters of contention would be mine gives employment to a large num­ gratifying to both whites and Indians, her of bands, and is worked in the most The allottment of lands, a work now in systematic manner, to yield handsomely, progress under the efficient management It is destined to resume its old position of Maj. C. E. Worden, could be carried of years'ago as one of the best dividend to an earlier completion, and questions paving quartz mines on this coast.— which involve the races in serious troubles Yreka Journal. hereafter would be settled. tu di » t i • t rr » • . Capt. Ivan D. Applegate, who has long . Il?e ?lack Jack .m,"e Hen,ey 18 to been familiar with reservation historv, be 8tart8d «P.aKa’n by the same com- was unanimously chosen by the council P80?' There is no doubt but what the to assist the Indians in defending their H1"6 will Pfty its own wav, as it was re- interests before the departments. ported they had just struck good pay The nine representative men chosen " ,e" tbey clo8ed do»n last spring. The bv the council to take initial action on B atk Jack 18 °.?e be8t these questions were in Klamath FaI)b Prop^ties m northern California, M it is last Saturdav, with Capt. O. C. App|e J »he right place, and everythmg __ goes to indicate the same as the old Cot­ gate as charge d’ affairs, signing papers " , A1] ]iP fhn (not nf in presence of the county judge, C. S. ^nwoo<1 All lie at tne loot, oi .n been more or less the mountain Moore« Th.. JLDey davo &1I ¡n and are among the richest nrpinr» «-wzxm j s•• i«.y.«4u .t i | 8 in tills kiolclen otAto« Liiev b.£.v«ry.h taBre.,,, wi.b lb. «»pi- NO. 24 Advertising rates given on application. Changed |4ands ! Bakins. HOTEL Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE OREGON, The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Under the Management of SILVER WILL NOT DOWN. FREDT. FRADENBURGH Rest Assured of This, Notwithstanding the Lying; of the Gold Organs. Ever since President Cleveland took the field in opposition to free coinage— that is to say, from the day he wrote his letter to the Chicago bankers and business men—the gold monometallists have been greatly encouraged. Of course it was to be expected that the official and congressional cuckoos and the per­ sonal and political parasites of Mr. Cleveland would echo his sentiments and join the administration propaganda for “sound money.” But that was not the only immediate effect of the sudden movement of Cleveland. The Wall street gold ring at once saw that the administration crusade against silver could be turned to account outside of Democratic politics. The first step was to organize a lit­ erary bureau. While Cleveland’s Chi­ cago letter was still fresh the country was flooded with pamphlets and leaflets proclaiming the new gospel of “sound money.” It is always noticeable when such a literary and journalistic campaign is being forced forward by the use of money and is being directed from some central point that there is a dull same­ ness in the work. Hence it should not be surprising, for instance, that all the goldbug papers in the country are say­ ing and have been saying for two months and more that the “silver craze” is dying out; that the movement for independent free coinage “is on its last legs;” that the cause of “sound money” is sweeping tho country, and all that. This is tho burden of every financial editorial and squib in every goldite paper in the country from day to day. Of course it is a part of a con­ certed plan to write and sneer down the great movement to restore the money of the constitution. Not only do organs and bureaus of the gold ring persistently lie about the state of public opinion in the United States, but they constantly misrepresent the situation in Europe. The New York Evening Post, for example, has unblush­ ing ly asserted that the movement in Germany for the convocation of an in­ ternational monetary conference had beeD practically abandoned by the im­ perial government and that the parlia­ mentary elections in Great Britain had not advanced the cause of bimetallism in the least. There is not a well in­ formed man who does not know that the German government has not aban­ doned its purpose to convene a confer­ ence, and who does not know that the bimetallists iu Great Britain have been immensely strengthened by the success of the party, many of whose foremost leaders are avowed advocates of the restoration of bimetallism. The movement for a return to the double monetary standard has also made great strides in Fiance. It is well known that the French government is in hearty sympathy with the movement for a con­ ference which found authoritative ex­ pression in the imperial diet of Ger­ many. A dispatch stated yesterday that tho weekly statements of the Bank of France show a steady decrease in its gold holdings and a steady increase in its silver holdings. This certainly does not indicate that that great financial institution, eno of tho greatest in the world, has any fear that silver will be discarded, as the gold monometallists proclaim. The truth is that tho cause of bi­ metallism is stronger in Europe today than it has been at any time sipfie the demonetization of silver. And iu the United States tho demand among the people for the restoration of free coin­ age is more urgent, more widespread and more intelligent than ever before. Where one man understood the question ten years ago or three years ago ten un­ derstand it now.—San Francisco Chron­ icle. PROPRIETOR. W HO HAS improved the House and is pre­ pared to Entertain the Traveling Public In First Class Style. ------------ -o:------------- Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. ■■ -:o:------- - 1 [JÖ^”Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour­ ists.. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon ------- :o:------- Special Sunday Dinners . Amos Lundy of Sprague river was visit­ ing Jackson county relatives and friends last week. Fresh Eastern oysters, Turkey and Cranberry Brakeman Sam Henderson was out Sauce, Price 50 Cents. from Portland Saturday, the first time in two years. There are 170,000 lbs. of hops stored at Grants Pass waiting for a better price than 6>a cents. Judge Neil and son George and Owen Keegan left Sunday for a big hunting trip up Rogue river. WHY ? Because your Liver and Kidneys Fred W. Clift and Henry Stout of Klam­ Public School Report. are out of order. For years and years ath Falls will spend the winter mining on WM. M. COIAIO, Report of principal of Ashland public the Klamath river. housewives all over the country have for month ending Oct. 25, 1895. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, schools Mrs. Witt of Woodville is at Dunsmuir Number days taught, 20. Number of holi­ used with best results Jacksonville, Oregon. days, 0. Days attendance, boys 4464, girls to remain all winter with her daughter, Mrs. Maggie Kneeland. 4437,12, total 8901}2. Days absence, boys Will Practice in all the Courts of the 375, girls 389>2, total 764>«. Cases of The Shasta flver train will create addit­ business during the winter months co State. tardiness, boys 86, girls 64, total 150. ional ' Collections promptly attended to. Whole number enrolled on register, boys 1 southern California points. 251, girls 248, total 499. New scholars, Mrs. L. W. Rogers was called to Grants boys 13, girls 17, total 30. Average daily : Pass Sunday by the dangerous illness of D. S, attendance, 445. Per cent of attendance, her niece, Miss May Harkness. They may be mentioned briefly a good mill to crush the blue gravel. 92. Number of visitors, 68. Cases of cor­ Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it one that burned down last spring Go to Story and Egger’s tonsorial parlors poral punishment, 8. Tardiness of i for a shave, hair cut or shampoo. They are 1 was too small for the amount of gravel is the “PEERLESS REMEDY” for curing ailments of the Liver, J “sin nf ! ¿reaty that they could get out with the force of teacher, 1. Days absence of teacher, 0. first class artists. Opposite plaza. DENTIST with snake Indians, son of a former L. Gerber is feeding 490 head of beef cat ­ head-chief of Yahboskin Snakes. | “ en tbey em P lo y ed ’ Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright’s “The Common People,” tle which he will drive to his Sacramento Rev. Jesse Kirk (Kellogue)—educated I The Observer gives the following de­ In the Masonic Building up stairs, As Abraham Lincoln called them, do not slaughter bouse in about a month. Disease. For sale everywhere at Si.oo per bottle. care to argue about their ailments. What Klamath Indian, one of the foremost scription of the mining boom at Kerby, •per Post Office. they want is a medicine that will cure them. Austin Bish, who has been doing a leaders of the present nation occupying Josephine county : The business men of THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS. MO. The simple, honest statement. “1 know fruit business all summer in Klamath Klamath reservation, son of Chief Kel - Kerby are now experiencing an old time that Hood’s Sarsaparilla cured me,” it is county, was there again last week. logue, signer of treaty of 1864. mining boom and the little burg presents J) M. BROWER M. D. the best argument in favorof this medicine, Jack Palmer—educated Klamath, and about the same life it did in the 50s. and that is what many thousands volun- John M. ClemeDS bid in the Gill, Eg­ teerily say. gers and Briggs "Good Luck mine” and a leading man, son of Chief Palmer, a Hotels are crowded, pack trains are load­ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, signer of the treaty. ing, and tbe stores are crowded with men Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner mill at sheriff sale Saturday for >550. Mosenkosket—ex-chief of Sprague riyer going to the mines in the vicinity A O regon pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c. I am here to care for your teeth and give Klamaths; signer of treaty, and scout m person cannot go toward any point of the ▲•■LAMB. you value received for your money. Dr. Capt. O. C. Applegate’s company, during compass and miss a mining camp. On A Pioneering Incident, Barr, the dentist. Odd Fellows’ building. Modoc war. Althouse, up the Illinois river, down that Roseburg Plaindéaler.) Silver is still going up and those posted Office—At Residence intersection of Me Le-lu—signer of treaty. Formerly stream, west of Kerby on Josephine or County Commissioner W. L. Wilson deciare it is on account of the willingness of chief of tbe Kow*um*kans. Scout in Soldier creek, any direction one strikes chanie, Laurel and Main Streets. and son, of Riddle were in town on busi- ■ J span to accept the Chinese indemnity in Modoc war. mines and mines. It is thought that ness last Thursday. Mr. Wilson crossed 1 silver. Chief George—chief of Modocs, signer fully 1000 rnen now are in the vicinity all the plains to Oregon in 1845, was with C. H. Hoagland and family returned of treity, in rang next to Schonchin actively engaged in mining or prospect- J^R. C. W. BARR. the company that took the Steve Meek’s i to Langell valley last week from a visit Loval to United States daring Modoc | ing. Kerby is the distributing point for cut-off, and with them suffered the most with relatives and friends at Central war. thè whole region and iacentrally located. indescribable hardships. At one time Point. Lole-to-bux (Blow) — signer of treaty, DENTIST. “How to Cure All Skin Diseases.” while in the desert had Meek been pres­ Prendergast of Pokegama is erect­ for several years head chief of Klamath . ent his life might bave been sacrificed to ing H. a 8. residence nation. Scout for whites in both Snake . Sim Ply aPP'y "S wayne ’ s O intment .” No for J. L. Coyle at Horn ­ Dsatal Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. ______ ____ licine required. Cures tetters, appease their anger at his desertion of brook. Jim’s mother of Portland will keep and Modoc wars. * nternal medlcl A shland , O regon . itch, ’ 7944.50; warrants redeemed from his trip to Canada and escorted guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or exhaustive discussion of the modern so­ Private Office—same Building 1HI Market Street— Diseases of men: since same date, >2228.42; interest on Father Blanchet, vicar-general of Oregon, money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ciety drama, or what Labouchere de­ ggrietsr«, loss of manhood, disease« of the akin same, >1049 17. Outstanding warrants, to Ashland last ween. For sale bv E. a . Sherwin. kldnoyi quickly cured without the use of mer< scribes as “realistio Magdalen plays. ” «ary. Treatawnt personally or by letter. Send >62,612.55; interest, >12,195.84; making Geo. Durand, the pioneer cattle man of Circuit Court. Beerbohin Tree’s latest success, “John- torW. ► the total debt >74,808.39. southern Oregon, who makes his head­ Barbara A Horn vs Dillard H Horn ; div­ a-dreains, ” is the usual text employed, quarters at Yreka, departed last week for Long established and reliable practitioners. Elden C. Ball and Miss Carrie Wbitne y orce. Ordered that defendant pay >100 at­ but the subject has been made widely and Wm. D. Ball and Miss Pearl Wilson, an extended visit to Canada. torney’s fee into court for plaintiff and also were married on the 20th inst. at the home ¡20 per month to her during pendency of comprehensive. Mr. Tree was at first Francis Fitch of Medford was in town Edgar Ball, the Tuie lake stockman and suit, and that he be retrained from dispos­ somewhat resentful in resisting the at­ P1NE0LA COUGH BALSAM of Saturday and says he would like to put father of the grooms. Miss Wilson is the ing of or pledging certain property. tacks upon his piece. In his latest let­ Is sxceBent for all throat inflammation and daughter of «amuel Wilson and Miss bis hand on the man that started the re­ Manuel 8ilva vs Wm Redding ; injunction. ter, however, he admits, for the sake of port that he had left the state. Whitney the daughter of E. Whitney. Continued. for asthma. Con­ Thev are representatives of the leading Jeff Hamlin vs B B Gervais; wnt of re­ the argument, that the woman with a sumptives will in­ families of Klamath county and enjoy a Gen. J. M. McCall is enjoying a pleasant past has been too frequently upon the variably derive large circle of friends who wish them much visit from his brothers, R. T. McCall and view. Wm. Robinson, executor of the estate of stage of late, but he affirms: “Certain benefit from its William McCall of Washington county, happiness. James Barnes, vs Thomas Curry. Order it is, however, that the best and strong­ use, as it quickly Iowa, who came to see him Saturday. made that sheriff made deed to certain real abates the cough, The town boomers of Medford took a The school house at the splash darr. ost&te« I est dramatio work which this decade renders expector­ census enumeration of that city which Elisabeth Stone ys B F Myer and J R has produced has been that whose sub­ ation easy, assist­ showed up 1859 inhabitants as against near Keno, was burned down Monday B ■■ " M ain S tbbet , O pposite P laza . ing nature in re- night of last week. Jesse Walker was Gibson ; to recover money. Judgment for ject Borne of your correspondents have >624.80 and costa. storing wasted 1414 taken by the assessor. The worst conducting the school in the district. E K Anderson vs W B Gray ; to recover so soverely reprobated. The inference, tissues. There is stuffed census in the small towns of the ZFJLIJSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, Harry R. Barbour, who is with the money. Judgment for >590.15 and costs. | I make bold to say, is obvious. It is a large percentage state was done at Grants Pass. Some E K Adderson vs H C Dollarhide ; to re­ the epoch, not the actor or the author, of those who sup­ people are so in the habit of exaggerating railroad carpenters putting in 1700 feet GLASS. ETC. pose their cases to be consumption who are that they begin to believe their own en­ of sheds to keep the mountain from slid­ cover money. Judgment for >674.70 and that is arraigned. The taste of the pub­ •nly suflering from a chronic cold or deep larged yarns and carry their foolishness ing in on the railroad track this side of costs. B uilding P apers , W happing P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Davis & Son vs Jos H Martin ; to recover lic is undoubtedly for discussion of such seated cough, often aggravated by catarrh, to the height of smashing statistical Dunsmuir, was in Ashland Sunday. money. Judgment for >283.00 and costs. problems, as is evidenced not only on Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment lor catarrh use Ely’s Cream Balm. Both history in the face. The 8 P D & L Co vs Tolo Mining Co and j the stage, but in the lecture hall, in John Jamieson, well-known in southern remedies are pleasing to use. Cream Balm, Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- iOc. per bottle; Pineola Balsam, 25c. at J. A. Williams, while tunneling in bis Oregon as a brakeman, but now in the James McDonough; to foreclose lien. Dis­ magazino articles and in novels. The Rheum, »Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped missed. railroad office in Portland, was married at Druggists. In quantities of >2.50 will de­ and Mr. Wademan’s quartz mine at B F Myer vs M J Reeser and B F Reeser ; desirability of such a discussion is a tlands. Itching Piles, Bums, Frost Eites, liver on receipt of amount. Greenhorn, near Yreka, on the 22d inst. Roseburg on the 23d inst. to Miss Lilly to recover money. Dismissed. ------------- Sore - _yea Eyes and Granulated Lye Eye La Lids, matter of opinion. To go to the root of Chronic BLY BROTHER«, 56 Warren St., N. Y. was crushed by 15 tons of quartz and Gilliland. H L White vs O C Tiffany et al.; Par­ the whole matter, What is an immoral for sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. gravel falling on him. The evening pre­ Washington dispatch, Oct 23d: A tition of real property. Trial continued and TO HORS e T o WNXBS. vious he had fired a heavy blast and in change has been made in the star service heirs of O Ganiard substituted for O Gan- play? I hold that an immoral play is Jackson Co., Oregon. one which deals in a spirit of flippancy iard. the morning he was examining the effect between Applegate and Steamboat. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con* J W Merritt vs Cassatt »t Welch ; to re­ I with tliosa passions that are the very dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. of the blast by picking into the wall when Hereafter the mail will leave Applegate money. Judgment for >676.73 and central fact of life, which makes a jest They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure BEAL ESTATE AGENT, it caved down on him. It took two for Steamboat at 12:30 p. m., Tuesdays cover costs. hours to remove his dead body from and Fridays, and arrive at 6 p. tn. loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct NOTARY PUBLIC and of virtue, which flatters vice, which T J Kenney vs H Hinergardt ; to recover under a boulder and the debris. panders to the lower instincts of our kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving Through the promotion of J. H. Fillmore money. Dismissed._________ COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS nature, and whioh clothes the naked­ new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 With one eye on the clock, and the othei to the position of manager, the office of Nervous Prostration. cents per package. For sale by druggists. on your plate, you cannot enjoy a meal General Superintendent is left vacant and AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up E. W. Joy Company—Gentlemen : I ness of evil with transparent and allur­ For Sale at E A. S herwin ’ s drugstore. When traveling east, you should take the the nine division superintendents now have have for Sale or Rent. _ „ , . ing garments. I challenge any one to suffered from a nervoqs prostration full control and are personally responsible Northern Pacific, the only dining car line Three bouses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. from financial losses. Can say Joy ’ s Veg ­ point to a single passage of Mr. Cham - Morrison on the Fence. from Portland ; meals 75 cents. You don’t for everything on their respective divisions. table Sarsaparilla has curedme. My liver, have to get up in the morning at six o’clock, The silver Democrats [of Illinois] are QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. and bowels have been very in­ bers’ play which could be thus de­ Residence Lots for sale in rush to breakfast and gulp it down in fif­ The Oregon Baptist convention elected stomach scribed. ’ ’ active. but since taking your remedy I am represented as waiting anxiously for the following officers: President, Rev. G. teen minutes, and then have to wait until 2 Pokegama, on reasonable AS LISTED a number of small and large farms, from 20 acres up, for Sale or well. All business men and women The Times, in summing up the sub­ some friendly sign from Hon. William or 3 o'clock for lunch or dinner. To avoid T. Ellis of Balter City; vice president Key. entirely use it. Pleasepublish. terms. Lot« sold on the in­ Rent. . , ject, takes the side of the objectors, say­ R. Morrison, this, take the Northern Pacific; the only W. C. Jenkins of Medford; corresponding hould they will wait in (Signed) M b . W m . H enry J ones . jp^-Three bouses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stand« stallment plan. dining car route, tbeonly line to the Yellow'- secretary, Rev. Oilman Parker of Oregon ing: vain. “Horizontal Bill,” as Mr. Morri­ Butte, Montana. stone Park and the only line running Pull­ City; recording secretary, O. P. Coshow of “Wo have had a great deal too much son is familiarly called, has already LSO 3,OOO ACRES of Choice man Tourist Bleepers through to the east McMinnville. of the woman with a past, and too said enough to indicate that he is bowed Hoke Can’t Fool ’Em. Sugar and Yellow Pine Land for sale without from 12 to 16 hours delay. For For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go •a tbs Klamath River. Terms made to full information, time cards, maps, etc., to I. E. Deboy, Gold Hill. The last of the crowds that came to I many of her. If she bad been confined down in a worshipful attitude before call on or address, Robert Leonard, Agent, •ait misapplication. Address, I to one play, she wopld still have had an the golden image which Wall street has Ashland Or Frank Neil, of Jacksonville, came in hear the discussion of the currency ques­ CHAS. COLE, town Monday on business, accompanied tion have departed. Hundreds who amount of elucidation altogether out of set up. The silver Democrats of Illinois Pokegama, Siskiyou Co., Cal. tton of a fatuous French physician, will quickly cur« you of all ner­ by Russel Alford, at whose place, about came expecting to see some new light proportion to her importance. But she had better rest their faith on Hinrichsen List of Letters vous or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost Manhood. seven miles below town, he and J. R. is forced upon our attention with such or Altgeld or Fithian or 6ome other of cast upon the qupstioq bX secretary | Insomnia, I'sinsln the Back,Seminal Emissions, Nervous Debility, Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland Tozer, O. Coolidge and W. G. Kropke, of Fimples, Unfitness to Marry, Kxhausliug Drains, Varicocele ana I persistent assiduity that people who do their numerous advocates of bimetal ­ P. O., Oct. 28.1896: of the interior were disappointed by Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick­ Ashland, were camped hunting ducks. not want to hear about her find their ness of discharge, which if not cheeked leads to Spermatorrhoea and lism. Adkin Mr Fred Arnold R A hearing the stock arguments of the gold- Thev left for Aspen lake Tuesday.—Klam­ nreonr «r-ro all the horrors of Impotencj-. CVriDEKFcleanses Ute liver, tbs Brewnand Mr B Misner W J ath Express. The man who sits on the fence and bugs presented, As an able lawyer rep­ opportunities of theater going seriously otrUKt ANO Ar.cH kidneys and the urinary organs of all impurities Walker Mr Lias Williams Mrs J H CTPIDENF, strengthens and restores small weak organs. curtailed. She has been elevated into a The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled with Yreka News: Thus far a great many resenting a bad cause Mr. Smith pre­ cult. The leading doctrine of the new watches the contest now’ going on in the Persons calling for same will please say Proatali t ia. CUPIDENE Is the only known remedy to cure without an speration. MOO testimoni­ Democratic party botween the friends pared his case in the best possible man ­ ftrominent men have been summoned bs- advertised.” W. H, B runk . P. M. als. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not effect a periuaueiiieurs ore the grand jury to answer the question ner and presented it to the people with woman school, whioh contains a certain of the gold standard and the friends of 81.00 a box, six fur |5.00, by mall. Sendtor nncircular and testimonials. as to their whereabouts on the evening of all the skill that he could command, number of effeminate malos, is that the bimetallism cannot expect the confi­ Address DA VOL MEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 3070, San Francisco, Cat Aagust 25th last. But they were all in bed BORN. FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. e SODA WORKS one thing worth living and working for dence of either element because ho lacks but he didn ’ t fool anybody. early and the grand jury is pleased to find is free discussion of unsavory subjects either a knowledge of the question oi The excursion would have convinced so many of our citizens who retire with the —In Medford; Oct. 23. 1895, to birds Bunday evenings. any unprejudiced person that south by men and women. When a manager the courage to spt ¿.It Lis sentimouts. At Yreka, Cal. WOLTERS Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wolters, a daughter. A president exerts a largo influence It is reported by the San Francisco Cbron Georgia is practically solid for free coin­ desireB to have a little variety in the SARGENT — At Phoenix, Oct. 18, 1895, to icle, that Rev. Edward Davis, of Oakland, age. Notwithstanding the fact that the j way of a play which does not turn upon on legislation through the patronage ■coaooooaoosocoooocçoo Mr. and Mrs. Sargent, a 10-lb. son. 5 5 Dealer in 5 5 Cal., once known as the American Oscar railroads advortised the occasion ex­ adultery, he has to engage in a prolong­ which lio distributes and through the Wilde and who preached such an interest ­ LOCKYEAR — In Ashland, Oct. 27, 1895, Have put in a ed struggle with a playwright resentful D are prepared to fill all orders on ing sermon at the late state fair, will on tensively as a Hoke Smith day» with the of the excision of what he thinks the veto power. We cannot afford to take ZJ- i - i - i - i - i -I-I- i - i - i to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lockyear, a son. ■hort notice. chances on a man who is afraid to ex ­ New Stock of next Easter lead to the altar Miss Fayne secretary’8 picture on every handbill, press himself upon the leading questions Granite, Marble, Strahan, daughter of the Supreme Judge the majority of those who came were in finest thing in the piece. ’ ’ Give them a call. MARRIED. R 8. Strahan. It was a case of loye at first favor of free coinage and left stronger of tho day.—Omaha World-Herald. sight that occured a year ago. Freestone Monuments •‘The Milwaukee.” in the faith than ever.—Cordele (Ga.) Nervous Shock. The only railroad lighting its trains by FRAKES—ALLEN.—At Lakeview, Oct. Miss Rose McClendon, daughter ot C. C. Special. E. W. Joy C ompany — Gentlemen: This And ere prepared to furnish and Copings. electricity. The only railroad using the is the first time I have attempted to write 22, 1895, L. D. Frakes and Mrs. Nellie W. McClendon the Bams valley farmer and goods at the celebrated electric berth reading lamp. Alien. owner of Lewis P., was married last week three years. Have lieen so nervous and Also agents for IRON FENCES. The Missouri World. The coaches now running on “The Mil­ for W. M. Why bark, a young business man weak that 1 .have laid in bed for most of WINTERS—PUTNAM—In Yreka Oct. 22, to Published weekly at Chillicothe, Mo., waukee” are Palaces on wheels. On all the time. of Montague, Siskiyou county. Mrs. W. Satisfaction guaranteed 1895, Wmfred D. Wimers, of Idaho, and was one of the county’s best looking and is a People’s party paper that gives the its through lines the Chicago. Milwaukee & A friend who had taken your Sarsaparilla Abbie D. Putnam, of Pokegama. I amiable daughters and her many friends ieneral news «nd makes a specialty of St. Paul Railway runs the most perfectly sent me two bottles. The second one is P. O. Address : YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. W1LKIN80N—PLYMI RE—In Medford, j wish her much happiness. Tbe bappy pair ’opuiist news, correspondence and equipped trains of Sleeping, Parlor and most gone, and 1 have gained twenty BP^Give us a call and Cal. Dining Cars and Coaches. “The Mil­ pounds, and surely feel a new woman. I Oct. 21, 1895, by Rev. C. H. Hoxie, C. E. moyed to Montaguo last Thursday. speeches. It is not a local paper but is waukee with all trans-continental was pale—thin. No ambition. Had given Wilkins jn «nd Mrs. Annie Plymire. wo will treat you right. as good for one state as another. It is lines at ” St connects Paul and Omaha. For lowest up, as 1 had tried so many remedies and MATNEY—GREGG—in Medford. Oct. 19, FAe t7. S. Gov’t Reports four pages, eight 24 inch columns to the rates to any point in the United States but found no benefit. If you care 189 by Rdv El Fiiher, Geo. W. Matney MARSH & SMITH, j ticket agents, or doctors I q publish this vou have mv consent. JLaok of Appt«- E i D dy , Gen. Agent, WHiWJ) ^V.TILLMAI Professional Cards BACKACHE Dr. J. H. McLean’s ASHLAND SELDOM EQÜA1ED, NEVER EXCELLED. VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s. FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OE Stoves, Mwe 150 Choice 9 Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To H. C. MYER. Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES. CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. H S EVANS ASHLAND OR PAINTING. POKEGAMA MILLS PAPERING , DAN RICHARDS, ETC GOLD HILL, H A MANHOOD RESTORED^— PARKINSON & WISE J. B. RUSSELL. MARSH & SMITH General Merchandise, Lowest Market Price. I