VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD EVERY MONOPOLY Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. ? PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads, State­ ments Envelopes,• prominent in Klamath history and sev­ have everything boys 13, girls 17, total 30. Average daily with the except­ money” is sweeping the country, and HINMAN, D. ». S, eral of them were signers of the treaty. ion ot a good mill ready, attendance, 445. Per cent of attendance, to crush the blue gravel. They may be mentioned briefly as The one that burned down last spring all that. This is the burden of every Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it 92. Number of visitors, 68. Cases of cor­ financial editorial and squib in every follows: poral punishment, 8. Tardiness of was too small for the amount of gravel is the “PEERLESS REMEDY” for curing ailments of the Liver, Tom Chocktoot—headman of treaty that they could get out with the force ol goldite paper in the country from day teacher, 1. Days absence of teacher, 0, DENTIST. to day. Of course it is a part of a con­ with Snake Indians, son of a former men they employed. Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright’s “The Common People,” head-chief of Yahooskin Snakes. certed plan to write and sneer down the A^In the Masonic Building up stairs, As Abraham Lincoln called them, do not Rev. Jesse Kirk (Kellogne)—educated The Observer gives the following de­ great movement to restore the money Disease. For sale everywhere at $i.oo per bottle. care to argue about their ailments. What Klamath Indian, one of the foremost scription of the mining boom at Kerby, of the constitution. orer Post Office. they want is a medicine that will cure them. leaders of the preBent nation occupying Josephine county : The business men of THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS. MO. Not only do organs and bureaus of The simple, honest statement, "1 know Klamath reservation, son of Chief Kel- Kerby are now experiencing an old time the gold ring persistently lie about the that Hood’s Sarsaparilla cured me,” it is logue, signer of treaty of 1864. mining boom and the little burg presents M. BROWER M. D. the best argument in favorof this medicine, Jack Palmer—educated Klamath, and about the same life it did in the 50s. state of public opinion in the United and that is what many thousands volun­ a leading man, eon of Chief Palmer, a Hotels are crowded, pack trains are load­ States, but. they constantly misrepresent tarily say. PHY81CIAN and SURGEON, signer of the treaty. ing, and the stores are crowded with men the situation iu Europe. The New York Hood’s Pitta are the best after-dinner Mosenkoeket—ex-chiet of Spragne riyer going to the mines in the vicinity A Evening Post, for example, has unblush- A silas *. O keoon pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c. Klamaths; signer of treaty, and scout in person cannot go toward any point of the ingly asserted that the movement in Capt. O. C. Applegate’s company, during compass and miss a mining camp. On Germany for the convocation of an in­ A Pioneering Incident, Modoc war. Althouse, up the Illinois river, down that ternational monetary conference had Office—At Residence intersection of Me Roseburg Plaindealer.] Le-lu—signer of treaty. Formerly stream, west of Kerby on Josephine or been practically abandoned by the im­ «hanie, Laurel and Main Streets, County Commissioner W. L. Wilson chief of the Kow-um-kans. Scout in Soldier creek, any direction one strikes perial government and that the parlia­ I and son, of Riddle were in town on busi­ Modoc war. mines and mines. It is thought that ness last Thursday. Mr. Wilson crossed mentary elections iu Great Britain had Chief George—chief of Modocs, signer fully 1000 men now are in the vicinity all the plains to Oregon in 1845, was with JQR. C. W. BARR. of treaty, in rang next to Schonchin actively engaged in mining or prospect­ not advanced the cause of bimetallism the company that took the Steve Meek's Loyal to United States during Modoc ing. Kerby is the distributing point for in the least. There is not a well In­ cut-off, and with them suffered the moat war. the whole region and is centrally located. formed man who does not know that indescribable hardships. At one time Lole-to-bux (Blow)—signer of treaty, the German government has not aban­ DENTIST. “How to Cure All Skin Diseases.” while in the desert had Meek been pres­ for several years head chief of Klamath ent his life might have been sacrificed to Simply apply "S wayne ’ s O intment .” N o doned its purpose to convene a confer­ nation. Scout for whites in both Snake internal Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. medicine required. Cures tetters, ence, and who does not know that the appease their anger at his desertion of and Modoc wars. A shland , O regon . eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, bimetallists iu Great Britain have been them. Mr. Wilson can contemplate on Henry Jackson—a leading man an -Jhi bands, nose, &c., leaving tbe skin clear, immensely strengthened by the success those paw sufferings whilst snugly ens­ Sprague river Indians. Formerly a Pitt white and healthy. Its great healing and All work pertaining to modern dent- conced in his Oregon home surrounded river slave; adopted into Klamath tribe curative powers are possessed by no other of the party, many of whose foremost •try. Painless operations a specialty. by all the comforts and conveniences of after he became free. Now tbe Croesus remedy. Ask your druggist for S wayne ’ s leaders are avowed advocates of the life. ________________ . , restoration of bimetallism. of the tribe; scout with troops in Modoc- L intment war. „ The movement for a return to the worK and legitimate charges. 1 Remember A. Hinman, the dentist, oyer to DR. JORDAN & CO.’S ask Honest Long John—formerly a Klamath chief post double monetary standard has also made for a fair share of your patronage. office. Satiisfaction guaranteed. No charge for prominent scout and ally of whites in great strides in Fiance. It is well known GREAT10SEUM OF 5 examination. Dr. Barr, the dentist, I. O. Modoc war.________________ that the French government is in hearty THE WOMAN WITH A PAST. 10M Market St., San Francisco O. F. building. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. sympathy with the movement for a con* (Between 6th snd 7th Sts.) For a young county, Klamath is sadly The best salve in the world for Cuts, Her Frequent Appearance In the Drama ference which found authoritative ex­ Ge end learn how wonderfully you Is Causing Discussion. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever are made and how to avoid sickness in debt. The semi-annual report of the pression in the imperial diet of Ger­ and disease. Museum enlarged with conuty clerk of Klamath county shows Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Several high olass English weekly re­ many. thousands of new objects. Admis­ Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi ­ that warrants drawn since March 31 sion 25 eta. _ . ., A dispatch stated yesterday that the tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is views havo joined the London Times in amount to $7944.50; warrants redeemed Private office—Same Building guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or exhaustive discussion of the modern so­ weekly statements of the Bank of ldsi market Street-Diseases of men; since same date, $2228.42; interest on money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ciety drama, or what Labouchere de­ France show a steady decrease in its strtaSeru, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin same, $1049 17. Outstanding warrants, For sale bv E. a. Sherwin. ■ad kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer. scribes as “realistic Magdalen plays. ’ ’ gold holdings and a steady increase iu sury- Trsataent personally or by letter. Sew) $62,612.55; interest, $12,195.84; making Circuit Court. Beerbohin Tree’s latest success, “John- its silver holdings. This certainly does the total debt $74,808.39. fcrbMk. f Barbara A Horn vs Dillard H Horn; div­ a-dreams, ” is the usual text employed, not indicate that that great financial Long established and reliable practitioners. Elden C. Ball and Miss Carrie Whitne y orce. Ordered that defendant pay $100 at­ but the subject has been made widely institution, eno of the greatest in the and Wm. D. Ball and Miss Pearl Wilson, torney’s fee into court for plaintiff and also were married on tbe 20th inst. at the home 120 per month to her during pendency of comprehensive. Mr. Tree was at first world, has any fear that silver will be of Edgar Ball, the Tuie lake stockman and suit, and that he be retrained from dispos­ somewhat resentful iu resisting the at­ discarded, as the gold monometallists PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM father of the grooms. Miss Wilson is the ing of or pledging certain property. tacks upon his piece. In his latest let­ proclaim. la excellent tor all throat inflammation and daughter of Samuel Wilson and Miss Manuel Silva vs Wm Redding; injunction. ter, however, he admits, for the sake of The truth is that, tho cause of bi­ Whitney the daughter of E. Whitney. Continued. for asthma. Con­ sumptives will in­ Thev are representatives of the leading Jeff Hamlin vs B B Gervais; wnt of re­ the argument, that the woman with a metallism is stronger in Europe today past has been too frequently upon the than it has been at any time since the variably derive families of Klamath county and enjoy a view. circle of friends who wish them much benefit from its large Wm. Robinson, executor of the estate of stage of late, but he affirms: “Certain demonetization of silver. And iu the happiness. use. as it quickly James Barnes, vs Thomas Curry. Order it is, however, that the best and strong­ United States the demand among the abates the cough, made that sheriff made deed to certain real The town boomers of Medford took a est dramatic work which this decade people for the restoration of free coin­ renders expector­ census enumeration of that city which CStfttCa ation easy, assist­ showed up 1859 inhabitants as against Elizabeth Stone ys B F Myer and J R has produced has been that whose sub­ age is more urgent, more widespread ing nature in re­ Gibson; to recover money. Judgment for ject some of your correspondents have and more intelligent than ever before. M ain S tbbet , O pposite P laza . storing wasted 1414 taken by tbe assessor. The worst $624.80 and costs. so severely reprobated. The inference, Where one man understood the question stuffed census in tbe ssiall towns of the E K Anderson vs W B Gray ; to recover tissues. There is I make bold to say, is obvious. It is ten years ago or three years ago ten un­ LPJLIJSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, a large percentage state was done at Grants Pass. Some money. Judgment for $590.15 and costs. of those who sup­ people are so in the habit of exaggerating E K Adderson vs H C Dollarhide; to re­ the epoch, not the actor or the author, derstand it now.—San Francisco Chron­ WALL PAPER. G-L2LSS. ETC cover money. Judgment for $674,70 and that is arraigned. The taste of the pub­ icle. pose their cues cases to be consumption who are that they begin to believe their own en­ costs. •nly su flaring from a chronic cold or deep larged yarns and carry their foolishness B uilding P apbbs , W happing P apbrs ABD Twixts. ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Davis & Son vs Jos H Martin; to recover lic is undoubtedly for discussion of such Mated cough, often aggravated by catarrh. to the height of snoasbing statistical problems, as is evidenced not only on Chamberlain’« Eye and Skin Ointment money. Judgment for $283.00 and costs. For catarrh use Ely’s Cream Balm. Both history in tbe face. The 8 P D pplication. Address, bear the discussion of the currency ques­ to one play, she would still have had an tho golden image which Wall street has Ashland Or Frank Neil, of Jacksonville, came in CHAS. COLE, town Monday on business, accompanied tion have departed. Hundreds who amount of elucidation altogether out of set up. The silver Democrats of Illinois Pokegama, 8iskiyou Co., Cal. tton of a fainou» French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner­ by Russel Alford, at whose place, about came expecting to see some new light proportion to her importance. But she had better rest their faith on Hinrichsen List ol* Letters vous or diseases of the generative organ«, such as Lost Matibood, is forced upon our attention with 6uch or Altgeld or Fithian or 6ome other of seven miles below town, he and J. R. cast upon the question by the secretary Insomnia, l'Kinsln th» Back,Seminal Emissions, Nervous Debility, Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland Tozer, 0. Coolidge and W. G. Kropke, of Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and persistent assiduity that people who do their numerous advocates of bimetal­ of the interior were disappointed by P. O., Oct. 28,1895: Constipation. 11 stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick- Ashland, were camped bunting ducks. Jiiss of discharge, w hlch if not checked leads to Bpermatorrbcra and not want to hear about her find their lism. Adkin Mr Fred hearing the stock arguments of the gold- Arnold R A Thev left for Aspen lake Tuesday.—Klam­ nrrnnr »r-ru all tba horrors of I mpotency. CIT PI OESIE cleanses theUver, th« Brewnand Mr B Misner W J The man who sits on the fence and UtruHL and kidnevs and tho urinary organs ot all impurities. ath Express. bugs presented. As an able lawyer rep­ opportunities of theater going seriously Walker Mr Lias CCPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organs. Williams Mrs J H curtailed. She has been elevated into a watches tho contest now going on in the The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled With Yreka News: Thus far a great many resenting a bad cause Mr. Smith pre­ cult. The leading doctrine of the new Persons calling for same will please say Prostatitis. CUPI DENE is the only known remedy to cure without an operation. WuC tesllmosU Democratic party between the friends iirominent men have been summoned be- pared his case in the best possible man­ Have put in a sis. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not effect a penuaueuk eur« advertised.” W. H. B runk , P. M. $;^0abox,slxfor|5.00, by mall. Bend for FRKKclrcular and testimonials. ore the grand jury to answer the question ner and presented it to the people with woman school, which contains a certain of the gold standard and the friends of as to their whereabouts on the evening of all the skill that he could command, number of effeminate males, is that the bimetallism cannot crpect the confi­ Address DAVOL MEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 3076, Ban Francisco, Ckl Angust 25th last. But they were all in bed FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. • SODA WORKS BORN. one thing worth living and working for dence of either rkwi’tbecause he lacks but he didn't fool anybody. early and the grand jury is pleased to find is free discussion of unsavory subjects either a knowledge of the question oi The excursion would have convinced so many of our citizens who retire with the —In Medford; Oct. 23. 1895, to birds Sunday evenings. any unprejudiced person that south by men and women. When a manager the courage to spt <, by Rev EL Fisher, Geo. W. Matney . ~ 1 ^CponS page. Price 50 cents a year (52 numbers). and Canada apply to ticket agents, or MARSH & SMITH, —ter your— to publish this VOU vou hav# bavp my consent. - an i Miss M.aaie Orsgg, both of Apple* •HOW Royal Baking Powddf 1 Sample copy tree. Missouri World, address C. J. E ddy , Gen. Agent, MRS. A.v.T|^A^ 'VTW «MWFWaFGv MME MY ALL DKVUWlöTB, Cal. Forttaadi Qragtnb GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Professional Cards MUTOW POKEGAMA 150 Choice absolutely pure FRED T. FRADENBURGH W Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. Special Sunday Dinners. BACKACHE Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver ASHLAND Kidney Balm MILLS SELDOM EQUALED,NEVER EXCELLED. VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s. FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF ta, Hardware Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To H. C. MYER. Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES. CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. H. S. EVANS,ÄSHLA“ PAINTING, ■PAPERING, DAN RICHARDS, ETC GOLD HILL, H A MANHOOD RESTOREDS» PARKINSON & WISE J. B. RUSSELL. MARSH & SMITH A General Merchandise, Lowest Market Price. Pokegama,