VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. «0 MONOPOLY PRIBES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments Pnvelopesu&c. VALLEY EECORD. VOL. VIII. Railroad from Montana to California. Articles of incorporation of the Cal­ ifornia, Idaho and Montana Railway CouiDanv have been filed with the sec­ retary of Wyoming. The company proposes to construct and operate a railroad commencing at or near Butte, Mont., and running through the states of Montana, Idaho, Nevada | and California to San Francisco. The directors of the company, who are the incorporators, are nine in number. They are: Moritz. Lippman, the New York banker; Therdore Voorhees, vice- r»’*aident of the Reading svstem, and William Harker, Philadelphia; Ernest E. Dicker, president of the Little Rock road, Cni -ago; H. C. Woodworth, H. A. Woodworth, and H. H. Daniels, Denver; C. R. Shaw, Caldwell, Idaho, and J. M. Clark, Boise City. The capital stock of the company is $30,000,000. ASHLAND, JACKSON PRESSED BRICKS. COUNTY, OREGON, J. H. CARTER KILLED. THURSDAY. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: OCTOBER 17, 1895, NO. 22. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report An Old Resident of Evans Creek Grants Pass has scarlet lever. Mistaken for a Deer and Killed by Remember A. Hinman, the dentist, over His Brother-in-law, Frank Am­ post office. Mrs. H. Klippel of Medford visited Port- ' nions. land relatives last week. Evans creek was the scene of a fatal , shooting attair Friday evening, Oct. 11th, Arthur High has returned from a visit1 which resulted in the death of J. H. Carter, with Canyonville relatives. and old time resident of that section and Coun*v Auditor F. Franz of Del Norte I brother of Rans. Carter, also a well known ASHLAND, OREGON. nneyear................................................ $1 75 Six months .................. . ...................... 11 00 Three months...................................... . 50 Advertising rates given on application. Changed fiends ! Baking HOTEL OREGON, Powder The Hostelry Southern Oregon is now of Famous I citizen of that section. county attended ^he fair. The Carters live about 14 miles from Under the Management of Joy.’s for the Jaded. Woodville up Evans creek near Wimer Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. i postoffice. J. H. Carter and Francis Mrs. Henry Kubliand Miss Ada Cameron i Ammons, aged about 21 years, were out deer hunting and young Ammons mistook are visiting Portland this week. Commissioner's Court. Adelbert Terrill, juror Marlow inq 1 20 for a deer aiid *hot him. The charge 1 20 The following bids for running Rogue Anthony Olsen, do........................ . Miss Helen Strang has returned from a Carter went through his neck and ranging down ­ 1 20 river ferry were received: J H Caton,$240: W C Stbckam, do............................ visit with relatives in Union county. ward became lodged in right side, killing Jno Felling, $198; J M Black. $200; A A L C Charley, do............................... PROPRIETOR. 1 20 H. E. Childers and Miss Francis Jones him dead. 1 20 Hall, $200. John Watkins being the lowest CE Terrill, do.................................. were married at Medford on the 9tb inst. Ammons came to Woodville; took the bidder, $171, was awarded the contract. August Edler, do............................ 1 20 \ a /H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- 3 00 Petition of J E Stickel, et al, for removal Ernest Noble, sawing 6 cords wood I’rof.’M. E. Rigby and Miss Lizzie Hillis midnight freight train for Grants Pass and wired Dr. Brower, of Ashland, coroner of of Rogue river ferry continued till next Geo A Jackson, services as assessor 2121 00 of Wimer were married on the 4tii inst. ■■ pared to Entertain the Traveling Public Dr J B! of claim for autopsy Jackson county, this morning, who left for term. Dr, E- I’. Geary of Medford was elected Woodville on this afternoon’s train to hold Reader, did you ever take S immons on body of Simpson, dcc ’ d .......... 15 00 A Rogue River Indian Fighter. Bond of Emil DeRoboam, keeper of In First Class Style. grand cbancelor of the K of I’, of Oregon. an inquest. The dead man about three count*- Ixvrx R egulator , the “K ino of 8 Furry, commissioner’s services.. 10 00 hospital, examined and approved. Gen. A. V. Kautz, who did military years ago married the sister of this W II Bradshaw, do ......................... 11 oo L iver M edicines ?”’ Everybody needs A. H. Maegley of Portland is visiting his O Russell, W T Moore and W J Gregory service in the Rogue river Indian wars, family ■o: at Jacksonville, who will return with Ammons, but soon after left her. They appointed to assess damages in Whitman take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or died recently and now comes along two Bucklen's Arnica Salve. have since been divorced. Ammons fives road matter. him. diseaaed liver that invpairs digestion with his mother, stepfather and family near The best salve in the world for Cuts, Assessment roll accepted and approved. and causes constipation, when the waste Puyallup Indians contesting his will and Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. W. R. Oberlin and wife of Yreka went to Bybee’s springs. Petition for load made by A J Florey re­ Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever that should be carried off remains in declare that while stationed in that Portland Friday to visit their married Coroner Brower summoned E. E. Phipps, jected. Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, country as a lieutenant the general lived ------------ :o:------------ daughter. lhe body and poisons the whole system. S. Simpkins, Wm. P. Hillis. W. H. 8tout. and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ Bills audited at Oct. term county court: Corns, That dull, heavy feeling is due to a with their mother, a full-blooded Puy­ J. H. Messner, andJobn Hillis as a jury, tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is Mrs. W. 1. Vawter and children and Mrs. allup Indian, and that he never made A J Florey, Ji’lorey, spikes, road dist 32 ...’$ 75 flt^iPSpecial Rates to Boarers and large parties of Tour“ torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, to give perfect satisfaction or Hill are visiting Rev. C. M. llill at Oak­ who found that “Jay Hugh Carter, a native H Klippie, lumber, road dist 4 7 45 guaranteed of Ohio, was aged 41 years, 1 month and 28 money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ists. Malaria and Indigestion are all liver anv secret of the relationship. land. Cal. Jno Clements, work on bridges 26 50 When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. The young halfbreeds’ names are Nu­ days, and that he came to bis death from W C Leever, bridge material..., ¿¿leases. Keep the liver active bv an 8 »5 For sale bv E. a . Sherwin. James Thornton is enjoying a visit from gent and Augustus Kautz, and they will a gnti-shot wound in the neck and body occaicQual dose of Simmons Liver Reg­ U Uever. “ .......... 4 00 Silver tlie People’s Money. claim a share of the general’s property, his brother John Thornton of Port Town­ tired by the hand of one Francis Ammons, W ------------ :o:------------- Ben Higinbotbaiu, work on Big ulator anu you’ll get rid of these trou­ send, Wash. who mistook him for a deer. ” which was bequeathed to his widow and It looks now as though you might as Butte bridge ............................... 5 00 bles, and givd tone to the whole sys­ her two daughters. They are both bright W. J. Virgin was over in northern Cal­ Francis Ammons, Geo. Beers, Edw. G. H Klippie, bridge lumber, dist 9... 7 15 well try to reverse the course of the Special Sunday Dixixxexrs tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver ifornia this week on business for tlie Ash­ Tayior, Mrs. Nancy Carter and Dr. Brower Olsen Bros, lumber, dist 14............. 29 00 rivers as to get the masses to have any­ and well educated. Nugent being in ­ Regulator is better than P ills . It gave testimony, from which it gleaned that land roller mills. Bros, •• dist 30............ dustrial teacher at the Warm Springe 4 98 Fresh Eastern oysters, Turkey and Cranberry Carter came to Ammons’ home Oct. 11th Olsen Bros, does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly “ dist 30............. 38 11 thing loss tbau free coinage of silver at reservation, in Oregon. Gen. Kautz Sheriff' Fitch and Dr. Boyd were m town and proposed a deer hunt. They went up Olsen refreshes and strengthens. 10 50 a ratio not less than 16 to 1, as it was Sauce, Price 5Q Cents. seems to have studied in bis earlier life Friday on route to Salem with an insane Evans creek to a point on the wagon road Dailey ak point to the left of the gulch, stop ­ an «Jacksonville, Oregon. o 20 operation for the winter run. used with best results Whitman road the producer and caused him to believe ped and listened. Hearing a noise below J W Richardson,viewer T Anderson, viewer Whitman Slugged ut Central Point. Hon. J. D. Congblan. the Silver lake in the brush he looked and saw what he 2 20 there is certainly something wrong in Will Practice in all the Courts of the road............................................... lost 175 tons of hay by’ sponta­ thought was a moving object, which he Chas. Anderson, a young man reared in stockman, 2 20 our financial system, and a majority of State. John Hockersmith, do ................... Dr. J. H. McLean’s neous combustion last week. took for the deer he had wounded, or shot Jno Bohl, chainman Whitman road 2 00 those in the cities interested in him are this county and of highly respectable Collections promptly attended to. parentage, being the son of J. A. Anderson 2 00 “Joe Hooker.” the wonderful racehorse at, he whistled at it but it moved on. Am­ Fred Fick, do ................................. beginning to believe with him, as they of l’lioenix, slugged a man at Central sire, died at Theodore Winter’s farm, nions drew down his gun, aimed and fired. J H Whipple, bounty on panther Seeing nothing more he threw a cartridge 9 Liver Kidney Balm. Point about 10 o’clock Friday evening. Washoe, Nev., on Oct. 2, aged 23 years. 50 find when he is prosjterous all other ............................................ HINMAN, D. D. S, in his gun and started down the hill. When R scalps It was at first believed his victim would 5 00 classes are prosperous, and when he is Biekerstedt, do ............................ It is rumored that Ex-Supt. H. Cooley of 10 feet of the place where the object was Geo O DeBar, examining Jno Toll, die. The affair took place on Main street, depressed the balance of mankind is or Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it the injured man going to Hall’s saloon the Shasta division has purchased an in­ last seen, Ammons saw Carter lying on the 5 00 soon will be. insane............................................ terest in the firm of Sisson, Crocker & Co. » ground with his face turned toward him from the Central Point hotel when he was 5 00 J W Robinson, do ............................ is the “PEERLESS DENTIST. He went to him and found Carter was Dan Richards, bringing Jno Toll to REMEDY ” for curing ailments V4 of the Liver accosted by Anderson, who asked him to Gold is the money of about 4,000,000 ------- -------------------------------------- Lilt UIVLI, The Gold Hill orchestra will give a grand The gun was a 40.65 Winchester. loan him some money. 17 70 Jacksonville .................................. of our people, while silver is the money ball tomorrow evening at Woodville. dead. Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright’s The man replied. “I have no money to Rllfus Phelps will supply the supper at his This is Ammons’ story. board of R G Kemp of 65,000,000. Yet the liionet of the the Masonic Building up stairs, loan He lmniediately summoned the neigh­ J DeReboam, to such as you. If I Would loan you hotel. 2 50 and wife ....................................... bors and R. Carter, eo. Beers, Ed. Tay­ A J Dailey, lumber, road dist 16.... Disease. For sale everywhere at $1.00 per bottle. over Post Office. money you would never pay it back.” 2 30 65,000,000 must bo destroyed to appease 0. B. Hardy, who spent considerable lor. Lewis Sivers, Ike Sivers and Francis A Whereupon Anderson struck tfie man a 9 74 the greed of the 4,000,000. J Dailey, do ............................... THE OR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS. MO. powerful blow over the forehead with the money in'the Gold Hili' district several Ammons went to the scene and brought 8 Patterson, salaries of sheriff and p M. BROWER M. D. butt end of a whip. The man sank to the years ago, is operating in mines at Salt the body to Ranson Carter’s home. 333 33 deputy ........................................... History of the Ratio. Coroner Brower reports that it was with­ Grant Rawlings, salary recorder... 116 66 sidewalk as if dead. Anderson had bor­ Lake, out doubt purely an accident. The number of grains of coined silver rowed the whip that day from Mr. May- Angle A Plyniaie. mdse to Jordan 15 00 Wells & Slade, the Sprague river stock- PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, field, son of Rev. J. H. Mayfield, and cut men. have taken a band of fine horses to equal to one grain of coined gold is Jones v Otten, mdse to Mrs. Mc- Big Sticky Items. it off for use as a billy. 11 90 called the ratio. This is an arbitrary Ferson........................................... southern California, having a market for * O regon A shland . Anderson immediately jumped on a 200 head. Dunning & Campion, coffin for Pre­ • • F. Morgan and Will Patten spent last horse not his own, and struck out for Med­ fontaine ......................................... 10 00 enactment of law. The original ratio ford, where he met Mayfield, had a conver­ Will L Miller and his bride of Oregon Saturday and Sunday at Ashland. I A Webb, coffin for Belle Reynolds 10 00 3,000 years before Christ was 1 to sation with him. went to a saloon and took City are visiting Col. J. N. T. Milier and Lane Wyland of Lake creek was down J W Marksbury, coffin, E Gale..... 1 50 1. Julius Csesar, emperor of Rome, in Office—At Residence intersection of Me several family at Jacksonville. drinks, and going with Mayfield to on Big Sticky recently on a business trip. A S Hasleton. acting coroner at in­ chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, the year 45 B. C. fixed the ratio at the hitching post at Wilson’s blacksmith on body of illegitimate child 0 00 12 to 1. This ratio was maintained for Dr. J. A. Bowdom came in from Klamath G. C Roberts and daughter, Miss Lulu, A quest shop, mounted his horse and struck out Falls last week and after a vi-qt with his Foci, constable fees, illegitimate for up the yalley, presumably for Cal­ son, W. E. Bowdoin, left Sunday for San spent last Saturday with Sam’s valley 3 20 1,249 years throughout the civilized child............................................... friends. J~)R. C. W. BARR. ifornia. Dr W B Officer,autopsy illegitimate world until the fall of the Roman em­ Francisco to visit his daughter. The injured man was named James Mrs. Calvin Owens and daughter Ina 10 00 pire, A. D. 1204. The ratio fixed by the child.............................................. Dr. C. Vronian has returned from his visited at W. J. Gregory’s for a couple of J J Fryer, juror’s fees, illegitimate Stevens, aged 40 years, and liyes with his family near Gold Hill, where he is engaged traveling expeditions in the interest of Dr. days last week. 2 00 act of the United States congress of child"............................................. DENTIST. Ward’s remedies and is getting his Sardine in mining. 2 00 1792 was 15 to 1. The French ratio at S F Robineti, do ............................... John Schneider and bride made a flying Joe Steckel. do................................. L ater .—All previous reports as to the creek placers ready for the rainy season. 2 00 that time was 15j2 to 1. In 1837 con­ trip to Medford last Sunday to see Mr. S.’s H T Severance, do.......................... Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. death of Stevens are without foundation. 2 00 gress changed the ratio to 16 to 1. The Rev. F. G. Strange presided as chairman little son, Johnny, who is quite ill. He is recovering from his wound. A war­ ot the southern Oregon Presbytery meeting A shland , O regon . 2 00 John Asphol, do............................. rant is oat for Anderson and the author­ at Roseburg last week. The Presbytery’ 2 00 chief reason for remonetizing silver at Antelope Literary Society has been re­ Wirt Pool, do ....... ....................... ities up and down the fine have been voted to meet in Ashland at its next spring organized and is thriving quite well although Mrs John Dayhack, witness, ille­ that ratio now is that it would be in ac­ V*. All work pertaining to modern dent- notified. as yet the membership is quite small, 1 50 cordance with existing law and would gitimate child............................... meeting. ' ' •try. Painless operations a specialty. 1.50 not require the calling in and recoinag* James Watkins, do......................... Gen. H. B. Compsoq, state railroad com­ John Schneider and family have moved H 0 Messenger, bridge lumber dist Ike Lehnherr Was Murdered. missioner, was on “Moutlay's train for San to Jacksonville to spend the winter. Mr. 22 10 of any of the gold and silver coins now ................................................... Oct. 10.—The coroner’s jury Francisco (p visit his daughter, after which Banger has moved to the place vacated by A 33 8 Hasleton, justice fees, state vs in circulation.—New York Mercury. DR. JORDAN & CO.’S in Roseburg, Mr. S. the ease of Isaac Lehnherr, whose he goes to his Klamath county stock ranch 8 15 Caton........................................... remains were found near Peel Ito remairra couple of weeksjan business. Henry Gregory, of Langell valley, is A Pool, const fee. state vs Caton... 19 00 GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOM! charred 4 40 Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment postoffice last night; in the debris of a spending a few days with his paren s and O 8 Waldon, witness, state vs Caton Sam Veatch is now conductor on the 10*1 Market St., San Francl«co burned barn, brought in a verdict today 7 20 Is unequaHed for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- Salem local, and Lee Hendrtcks and Fred is also doing business with Medford mer­ Lee Caton, do.................. . .............. (Between 6lh and 7th Sts.) 3 30 Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped ■ Lillian Gage, do............................... of premeditated murder by a person or Wall are running on the overland between chants. Go and learn how wonderfully you persons unknown. Testimony elicited Roseburg and Portland. Ad have moved 3 30 Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Gage, do...... ......................... J. W. Smith has been very busy for several Neil ... made and how to avoid sicknes. 1 20 W Asbpole, juror, state ys Caton.. and disease. Museum enlarged with at the inqueet implicated certain parties, lip in the line of promotion since the re­ weeks grinding cane, but now has about J J Fryer, do............................... . 1 20 Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. cent retirements from the service. thdhsand* Of new objects. Admin but no arrests have been made. The finished. He makes excellent sorghum 1 20 For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Steckel. do.................................... __ sion 25 ct*. Miss Johnson, daughter of L. H. John- j and all who patronized him this year appear J J A circumstances indicate that a foul murder 1 20 Jones, do .................................. TO HORS^OWNEBS. Private Office—Same Building well satisfied. 1 20 H T Severance, do.......................... 1051 market Street— Diseases of men. was committed. The body shows a bullet son, who butchered the life out of her j For putting a horse in a fine healthy con­ 1 80 stricture, los* of manhood, diseases of the «Sin was fired from a position above Lehnherr, mother in her presence at Etna, Cal., for Supt. Gus Newbury visited schools on J Watkins, do................................. and kidnavs quickly cured without the use of mer- entering his right shoulder and ranging which her father was taken from the Yreka I Big Sticky and at Eagle Point last week. G Brown, do.................................... 1 20 dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. «nry. Treatment personally or by letter, bend jail and lynched, has gone to Warner i x\.s a county officer Gus is assuredly a suc­ F Brown, do.................... (.............. 1 20 They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure downward, passing out of bis left side. valley’ to spend the winter with a friend, cess, and if ever he is a candidate again we L Ayers, do..................... .'.............. tor bcok- * 1 80 loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct Mrs. Jacob Messner. 1 20 kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving Ileal Estate. will wager that he receives a large majority T Coy,do......................................... Long established and reliable practitioners. 1 20 new life, to an old or over-worked horse. 25 The old German who left Grants Pass to of votes, and that regardless of politics. 8 Dailey, Jr, do............................... Mary A Gould to Wm Lyttleton—4.74 go down Rogue river on a mining trip, was G Simpkins, justice, state ys W A n O ld M aid . acres in Ashland: $1. 0 55 cents per package. For sale by druggists. Herriott........................................ B Stanlev to J T C Nash—lot 8 in wrecked and nearly drowned -at Wm. PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM blk Harriet For Sale at E A. S herwin ’ s drugstore. 7 50 — Whipple, const, state vs Herriott Crow ’ s place. He committed suicide on an . “ How to Cure All Skin Disease«. " 20, Medford; $750. H McGinnis, witness, state vs is excellent ior all throat inflammation and Geo Markle to J S Silsby—lots 18 and 19 island jn the river-by shooting himself in Simply apply “S wayne ’ s O intment .” N o R Herriott Try Liverine for Constipation, sold under 3 10 ......................................... the breast. His corpse was found two days i internal medicine required. Cures tetters, for asthma. Con­ in blk A. R R add to Ashland; $1000. a positive guarantee. For sale by B olton 2 90 John Smith, do ............................... afterward and buried. E V Carter, adm’rof estate of SB Galey sumptives will in­ eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, Geo Badleyj do............. 2 70 the druggist- variably derive and Mrs Ellen C Galey to W H Silsby—1% While engaged making a coupling on bands, nose, &c., leaving the skin clear, Charley Critton, do......................... 2 90 In Up Until fettled lliglit. benefit from its acres in tp 39 s. r 1 e; $1. Conductor D. Agler’s freight train in the white and healthy. Its great healing and 2 70 Win Churchman to Mary A Stewart—160 Ashland depot Saturday night, Brakeman curative powers are possessed by no other SA Booker, do............................... use. as it qricKLV ‘ ‘ The silver question will never be 2 70 T H B Taylor, do ........................ - abates the cough, actes in tp 37 s, r 1 e- $5. Al- Veatch lost thirends -tn-thv-rtvreB. last remedy. Ask your druggist for S wayne ’ s S Simpkins, justice, state vs Ennis 8 15 dropped in America until free coinage renders expector­ Elizabeth Forsythe, et al, to Wm Lyttle­ fingers on his left hand. He is a brother of L intment — Whipple, const, state vs Ennis... 50 75 is passed, ” said Senator Vest of Mis­ ation easy, assist­ ton—lands in Jackson county; $1. Conductor Sam Veatch and a nephew of R. 7 00 J D Stevens, witness, state vs Ennis Liat of Letters Mrs K M Denison to Spencer Childers— M. Veatch, register of the Roseburg land ing nature in re­ 3 50 soni i to a representative of the Asso­ Ada Cooksey, do ............................ storing v.asted t lot 2 in blk 14. Medford ; $1250. Remaining uncalled far in the Ashland i z I office. . . • 8 50 ciated Press at Carlsbad. F T Fradenburg, do......................... . tissues. There is ! Thos Dungy to I) Cameron—undivided 7» M ain S treet , O pposite P l > P.O., Oct. 14,1895; 3 50 J W Hays, do .................................. “The people of the east,” he contin­ i interest in the Eclipse mining claim in Foots Father Filanchet, the priest formerly ip a large percentage Bigham, Jas Ross. Jno E 1 50 A J Barlow, do ............................... creek dist; $50. charge ot this parrish, but now of Gervais, of those who sup­ ued, “believe it will be dropped as busi­ T’JLHSTTS, T’A.HSTTERS’ TOOLS, Schmott, P J 7 60 Geo Davis, do.................................. Wui. Lyttleton to C A Eliason—4.74 acres and who holds the highest position in the Cliff. Mrs G pose their cases to be consumption who are ness revives, but the overwhelming Webb, A J 7 Hoorin. Z A 60 H H Walters, do ............................ affairs of the church in this state, next to only suturing from a chronic cold or deep in Ashland; $2000. Hyde, Wm White. I M sentiment, in all the west and south is 3 45 W-A-IOIL PAPER. G-LJLSS. ETC. A S Jacobs, justice, state vs Noble. . United States to Wnt Churchman—160 the archbishop, that of vicar-general, was seated cougb. often aggravated by catarrh. Westin, ES 3 50 in favor of free coinage. I believe it A C Parker, const, state vs Noble.. on Monday’s train for San Jose. Cal. He Monroe. A P (2) For tatatrh Use Ely’s Cream Balm. Both acres in tp 37 s, r 1 e. B uilding P apers , W rapping P apkes and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 2 35 Persons calling for same will please say A S Jacobs, justice, state vs Wade E M Dennison to S Childers—lot 2, blk will make a call on old Jackson county remedies are pleasing to use. Cream Balm, 5 00 will surely bo passed in time- The David Lynes, const, state ys Wade “advertised.” W. H B runk , P. M. friends upon his return, 50c. per bottle; PiUeola Balsam, 25c. at 11, Medford; $1250. I 5 00 whole of the money power of the east Geo Hershberger, do .................... Druggists. In quantities ef $2.50 will de­ o pL>^bur i° Barnum-lots 5 Ex Sheriff Shattuck is “left” on melons 3 65 and tlie banks eveiywhere will un­ Circuit Court. M Purdin, justice,state ysT Howard liver on receipt of amount. ,K I? ?ie^Ioru ’ >r -N -i this year and will not try that industry any I Woolf, const, state vs Howard... 7 M doubtedly piake it as difficult as possible Thos Taylor & Co vs M H Hanley; to re ­ • J t Overbeck toSussanna f Neil land I Qre Reason: They don ’ t ripen till it ’ s ELY BROTHER«, 56 Warren St., N. Y. J R Howard, witness, state ys T cover money. Judgment for $268 20. in Jackson county, $200. ... cold enough for an overcoat and tberail- 2 10 and try to turuish n striking object les­ Howard..................................... • W R Jamison vs Miehael Riggs and wife; i/kan,\ uiA-e*s0O ° * Lewis lot in road is shipping in early watermelons from Mrs Ella Howard, da ................ ... 2 10 son. Easterners say we in the west and to recover money. Judgment for $116.90. : ! co , . the Sacramento to Porjland at the same A N Soljss, dep (list gtty, state vs south do not understand the question. T V Medynski vs P B Theiss and G W I Do oles ° KosannaCole-80 acres in tp ra®es°it charges T(„u f/onl this rity He 11 00 But there never was a question more HowarJ................... Bashford ; dissolution of partnership Con­ ! 7,^.’ .„at. _ has about 15 carloads in the field now.— 5 00 fully discussed or moxe carefully stud­ M Purdin, justice, state vs L Wade Jackson Co., Oregon. tinued until Oct b Patterson to 8 E Patterson—land in paas (’•mirier 9 95 ' Jackson county; $5. Grants Pass touner- J R Neü vs Rice Benson; to foreclose I Woolf, const, state vs Wade. ... 1 70 ied. There is not a farmer in my con­ Dr E P Geary, witn, state ys Wade S G Wortman to E A Wortman—80 acres Judge Hanna has sentenced Chas. Fies- mortgage. Decree granted 1 50 stituency who Í6 not fully prepared to in tp ipoi i ter, icr, wbo.drowned vvnu,uiunncu uh nnv in m a pool < of water Samuel Phillips vs Helen Hord’s estate; A N Farley, do............................... 37 s. r 2 w , «pivn $100. ’. his -) wife 6 50 discuss intelligently all the bearings of .......................... _ Merlin Mav 1th, to be hanged " . Ion Fri- ordered that H E Ankeny be given posses­ Henry Peek, do............................... Josephine I’oe to A L Churchman —lots .... 5 near a 8 Hammond, dep dist atty, state and 6. blk 10, Medford ; $250. day, y, Nov. No^. 29th, 29th,'between Between 10 a. m. in. anc and 2 p. m. sion of the premises purchased by him. 10 00 the question, and the same state of ys Wade....................................... Court adjourned until Oct 21st. P W Olwell to A Weidner—land in I in the county court yard at Grants Pass. 5 10 affairs exists throughout the southweeL “ M Purdin, justice, state vs F Wade Phoenix; $1....................................................... He had nothing to say. Sheriff Hiatt will X- t AS LISTED'A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up 9 00 I Woolf, const, state vs F Wade... Nervous Shock. Andrew Weidner to Mark Baker—1 acre no doubt get this job during his term of Witp one eye on the clock, and the othei a 1 for bale or Rent. 5 70 in Phoenix; $26. office. It was a oold-blooded inurder and K. W. J oy C ompany —Gentlemen: This Lulu Marlow,witn. state vs F Wad;e on yoqr plfite, you cannot enjoy a D>' a i Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. 5 70 ____________ J 1) Whitman to K M Skeel—1 acre in tp Fiester has no money or friends. is the first time I have attempted to write Hermann Myers, do............... traveling eazt, y you tte p?>_ should s^ul<1 take the Residence Lots for sale in its When 37 s. r 1 w; $200. 1 for three years. Have been sb nervous and A N Farlev, do... .7.. Northern Pacific, the ¿ming car line fine ‘ onl- 7 Tuning QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. The K. of P. grand lodge at Salem weak that 1 have laid in bed for most of Dr W B Officer, do........ ................. M W Skeel to F K Deuel—1 acre in tp 37 PoksRama, on reasonable from Portland; — meE'.-sfó Y’ou don’t — ‘.s "5 cents. You A S Hammond, dep dist «tty, state elected the following officers.: .Supreme s, r I w : $261. ■ ............. - >-s_ - r .- _ — ------- the time. have to get the morning at six o ’ clock, terms. Lots sold on the in* 5 00 AS LIFTED a number of small and large farms, from 20 acres up, for Sale or vs F Wad«...... ....................... M E Roberts and W B Roberts to J SI representative, Al Waddle; Dr. Geary, of A friend who fiad taken your Sarsaparilla 5 00 rush to_ breakfast and gulp it down in fif­ staliment plan. Rent. ' ' , . llagey— 8,62 acies in tp 37 s, r 1 w; $905.10. Medford, G. C. ;'T'iirnei't)liver, V. G C.; sent me two bottles. Tne second one is A N Soliss, iio.................................. teen minutes, and then have to wait until 2 5 00 probate.blanks .............. houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands M Bake» to M M Coleman—30 acres in tp Qti8 Patterson, G. P ; —Sargeant, G. M. most gone, and I ’ have gained twenty J A 1< N Neil, or 3 o'clock for lunch or dinner. To avoid Soliss, dep dist atty for inquest lso 2.000 acres of choice 38srlw;$500 of E.; G. F. McConnell, G. K. R. & S.; pounds, and surely feel a new woman. I 10 60 this, take the Northern Pacific; the only Frank Marlow .......................... Sugar and Yellow Pine Land for sale in Wk 24aMed7oÄ; W C 10 -Gre^r, G. M. -af A.; •Harry School, G. was pale—thin. No ambition. Had given A Pool, const, F Marlow inquest.. 7 30 dining car route, the only line to the Yellow­ Ou the Klamath River. Terms made to up, as I had tried so many remedies and 15 00 stone Pfirk and the.only line running Pull­ D M Brower, coroner, Marlow inqu A Hurd to Hydraulic Mining Co—100 L G.; Chas. Fellows, I® Ar. 1 he doctors but found no benefit. If you care suit onjapplication. Address, 12 20 man Tourist Sleepers through to the east Dr W B Officer, autopsy, “ i acres in tp 38 s. r 3 w; $1. membership of the order in the state is to publish this you have my consent. CHAS. COLE, 1 70 withoqt from. 12- to 16 hours delay. For Lulu Marlow, witness Marlow inqu J W Curry, Wm Angle and F M Plvmale 3800, and is prosperous. The annual (Signed) MRS. A. C. TILLMAN. (hll information, time cards, maps, etc., Fokegama, Sigkiyou Co., Cal. Alameda, Cal. Louise Marlow, do.......................... to T < lurry and S P Conger-100 acres in parade was a fine one»'- cajl on or address, Robert Leonard, Agent, tion ot a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of *11 ner­ Table Rock Mining district; $1. > - --------------- Hermann Myers, do....................... & Ashland Or vous or dlKcases of the (eperalive urnuis, such ns Lost Manhood, An Indian’s Love Story. o O Johnson to H J C Butler—land in tp Liverine—the great Liver, Kidney and Insomnia, fainsin the Back,Seminal Kmlsstons, Nervous Debility. 35 s. r 2 w; $1. Pimples, unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and Peckwan Bob (Indian) ¿vriting from Constipation cure. ARKINSÜN & WISE A del la Palethorpe to J A Neal—lot 23 Moreck, Constipation. 11 stops all losses by dav or night. Prevents quick- up the Klamath, to his cousin, tnssof discharge, which If not chected leads co Spermstorrbwa and For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go in blk Q, R R add to Ashland; $2000. ne-mae* --- arvru all tbe horrors of ImpoteecF- CITIM MEN E cleanses the liver, th* Butcher Jdhnney of this place in part to I. E. Deboy, Gold Hill. * ■' _ BtfOHt AND Al-.trt kidnevs end the urinsry organs of all impurities. Wait for the Blue Jayes at the Opera says: “I-» a girl up here. If she CUPIDEXE strengthens and restores small weak organs/ I bouse Give the ‘ Record” a pall when desiring The resson sufferers nro not cii.-eernianeQl*Cir< nervous Prostration. box, six fcr $5.00, by mail. Send for frkk circular and testimonials. I wk) let you know alter.a while. South 1’robate Court. battle from the start, but with tlie right kind of weapons $L0Oa ^Adr. ^s DAVOL KIKDICUiE CO., P. O. Box 3076, Ban Francisco, Cat E. W. Joy Company—Gentlemen: I Fork i/* gQoii.'place and she is a good e SODA WORKS Estate of W T Davis; inventory appraise­ properly used it can be overcome and the. insidious foe FUR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. have suffered from a nervous prostration woman. She has sotpe land, good house, from financial losses. Can say Joy’s Veg­ some cow*, some pigs, some horses, and 1 ment. Approved- « Guardianship minor heirs of Dolly Carter. vanquished. Sarsaparilla has curediue. My fiver, Hope, courage, proper exercise, will­ I At Yreka, Cal table stomach and bowels have been very in­ think it’s all good to marry her.”— •Inventory of appraisement. Approved. Estate ot Christian Wintjen; order made power, and the regular and continuous use of the best J.. B. RUSSELL. tOLMAN'S Ï SPRINGS. active, but since taking your remedy I am Crescent CitvNew«—* *- -, •■' O^CLQOPQO;