VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. HO MONOPOLY I PRIBES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State ments Envelopes.&c. VOL. VIII. i f VALLEY ASHLAND, JACKSON Fiestcr Must Hang for Marder. Chas. Fiester, tbe brutal wretch who last May drowned his wife in a small pool of water near Merlin in the presence of their children, was convicted of murder in the first degree in the circuit court at GrantB Pass Friday afternoon, the jury being out 40 minutes. Geo. W. Colvig and R. G. Smith represented the poor, penniless and despised wretch and made the plea of insanity for their client. Very little evidence was introduced and it has been a very inexpensive murder trial for Josephine county. An appeal will be taken, of course, but as Fiester has no means or friends he will surely hang in the due course of time. Students at state Normal School, The following are the students from abroad who are attending the State Normal school: Marion county; Walton Cleaver from Reader, did you ever take S immons Mt. Angel and Willis English from Silver- ton. Benton county; Lizzie Palmer and L iver R egulator , the “K ing of A. C. Guthrie from Monroe. Clackamas L iver M edicines ?” Everybody needs .county; Lewis. George, and Ollie Thomas take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or from Oregon City. Lane county; Mattie diseased liver that impairs digestion Qnman. Mabel Reid, and Carrie George and causes constipation, when the waste from Eugene. Douglas county; Clarence that should be carried off remains in | Clements. Wvck, Chester and Anna Eester the body and poisons the whole system. and Ivy Berry from Drain; Anna Nelson Gardiner W. B. Cornutt from Riddle, That dull, heavy feeling is due to a froni Doiiie Davis from Camas Valley. Coos torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, county: J. P, McConnell from Bandon, and Malaria and Indigestion are all liver Josie Hancock from Riverton. Josephine diseases. Keep the liver active by an county; Dama De La Mater, Anna Fiester occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg Nora Sheehan, Eva Sill. Dottie Day. Dora ulator and you’ll get rid of these trou Colvig, and Lincoln Savage from Grants bles, and give tone to the whole sys Pass. Klamath county; Ida and John tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Stewart from Keno. Jackson county; from Medford; Abe Bish; from Central Point, ■Regulator is better than P ills . It John Harvey; iron. Gold Hill. Ollie Marks- dor« not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly berry, Jerome Fitzgerald; from Talent refresh?« and strengthens. Kitty and Percy Wells; irom California, • Every package has the Red Z Mollie Songer; from Washington, Clvde stamp on the wrapper. J. H. Tavlor. Grants Pass, Minnie Irelan and Wm. Zeiliu & Co., Philadelphia. • Sill; Medford, Myrtle Hart and Maisey Foster; Riddle, Clarence Cornutt. Vicinity of Ashland, Susie Homes, Bell Ross. Fred Homes, John Meliza, August Werth. Ashland, Jessie Wagner, Jean Sauve, Rosa Dodge. Anna Loomis, Lyle Watson, Louise Whitney, Nettie Reeser, Raphael WM. M. COLVIG, Lang. Hypatia Klutu, Gertrude Sutton, William«, Walker Peed, Effie ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Bertha Armitage, Nellie Bolton, Theresa Bryant, Bernard Spencer, Edith Gregory, Maggie Jacksonville, Oregon. Reeser, Paul Van Scov, Maud Gallant, Myrtle Granger, Melvin Van Natta, Victor Will Practice in all the Courts of the Mayer, Lester High, May Sutton, 8usie State. Martin, Lora Colton, George Henriot, Fred Neil. Collections promptly attended to. Advanced study. Julia Fielder, assistant in Normal, and Rosa Waters of Talent, music. 2^ HINMAN, D. 1». S, Part Normal or Business study, and Model school, Cortes Miller. Myra Homes Walter Parsons, Blanche Logan, Delos Foster and thirteen little folks entirely in DENTIST. tbe training school, all of Ashland. A large number are from Ashland and the Masonic Building up stairs, vicinity, and many more will be in soon from Coos, Douglas. Lane, Multnomah, over Post Office. Josephine and Jackson counties, Tbe en rollment will reach over 100 by Nov. 11, the opening of the second term. JQ M. BROWER M. D. The greatest need of the school now is the new dormitory for girls, which must be finished before the opening of the next PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, term. J unior . PRESSED BRICKS. COUNTY, OREGON, A FOUL ASSASSINATION. THURSDAY. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. OCTOBER 10, 1895. NO.'21. J I Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report RECORD. 8UB8CRLPTION RATES: One year.............................................. »1 75 8ix months ......................................... i i IO Three months................................ ..." to Advertising rates given on application. Changed jdands ! Cal. Eubanks, the commercial traveler, Frank Wade, the Boy Terror of Butte was here this week. Creek, Fatally Kills His Neighbor, Frank Marlow, Just to See Him Fall, Miss Jessie Rose has finished a successful term of school at Pelican bay. One of the mo«t dastardly and cold Joy’s for the Jaded. blooded murders ever perpetrated in Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Jackson county was perpetratsd last Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Watson went to Thursday afternoon in the stock-raising section of tbe county commonly called Portland Sunday to visit friends. The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Butte creek, the scene being near Her Ernest J, Arant was married at Roseburg mann Myer«’ farm on Salt creek, near Sept. 20th, to Miss Belle Champagne. Under the Management of Lake creek postoffice, and 11 miles cast B. F. McGee of Elliott creek has re of Eagle Point up Little Butte creek, and turned home from a visit at Gold Hill. 6 miles above Brownsboro. Frank Mining Items. September Weather Summary. Elmer Coleman of Phoenix is at Sunol, Marlow was returning home to his Cal., running one of Thos. F. Fish’s farnA. father’s place from a visitât Win. Daley’s Following is a summary ot weather ob John Waggoner, who bought the farm two miles away. He was alone and at Ashland during month of G. W. Stoops of Phoenix left for Klam walked the entire distance. He passed Williams mine on Hungary creek, cleaned servations PROPRIETOR. September, as reported by F. H. Carter, local ath county Sunday with a load of fruit. through the field of Hermann Myers’ up his race last week and realized $150 observer for the Oregon State Weather two weeks work with very little Service: Mrs. W. H. Mowat and two children farm a few hundred yards from his borne. from \ a /H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- water. Temp. Tein. I Pre. in returned Monday from a visit with Salem Frank Wade, who was at Myer»’ place ■■ pared to Entertain the Traveling Public Mill. Mean. ! George Parsley, who owns and operates inches. friends. with hia saddle horse and a 44 Winchester the River claim below Ash creek, is put 1 68 60.5 rifle, saw Marlow passing through the In First Class Style. Mrs. Kelsoe of Herling is entertaining 2 ting on a large force of hands, and the 62.5 75 her sister, who is up from California on field and asked Myers if that was Frank claim is paving, averaging forty cents to 3 78 (¡0.5 Marlow. Myera said yes, and Wade ----------- -o:----------- a visit. 4 70 58 got his gun, mounted his horse and the tub of gravel. 72 5 U2.5 James Morton and wife of Bonanza riding through the gate to the highwav Steve Jones and Wm. Hoffman made a 6 79 56.5 Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 came in last week to spend the winter at turned and started after Marlow, and test of eighteen hundred pounds of ore 82 7 6Ö Phoenix. swooped down on the poor footman and from their new ledge, of which they re 8 80 61 ----------- :o:----------- 70 9 60.5 Perry McDaniels is in from Lakeview shot him down like a fiend. No other alized $58. 50.5 10 59 motive than a desire to see bis victim after supplies and to yisit bis parents on Gold Hill Miner.] 11 68 55.5 .16 [^^bpecial Rates to Boarers and large parties of Tour- fall could have actuated the young ras Applegate. 12 65 57.5 .32 Hull & Beck, the well known Louse ists. cal. Wade soon made himself scarce in When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. 60 13 51 15 Charley Kringle, the butcher, was the neighborhood. Nothing was known creek placer miners, are enlarging their 66 49.5 14 over from Hornbrook Sunday visiting of his whereabout« by the entire neigh ditch and otherwise improving that 15 73 54 ----------- :o:----------- the boys. 16 borhood of pursuer« until he gave him sterling claim. Mr. Beck is so well ac 65 58 quainted with tbe ground that with a ftf 17 73 self up to Sheriff Patterson early Satur David Horn, the Hornbrook merchant, 18 foreknowledge of the amount of water 62 53 was in San Francisco last week on a day morning. Sheriff Patterson was available he can determine in advance 19 61 55.5 .08 off up Rogue river levying on property, business trip. 20 Fresh Eastern oysters, Turkey and Cranberry 56 48 .02 within one hundred dollars of the total and Deputy Sheriff A. L Parker went 21 61 44 Mrs. Stickle is up from Lake county, to the scene of the murder late Thursday season’s run. Sauce, Price 50 Cents. 22 72 50.5 Cal., visiting her father, John Grieves, of night with handcuffs. Saturday morn The Daisy mine at Jump-off-.Toe is 78 23 57 Central Point. 24 78 ing about 4:30 Sheriff Patterson, as he running on full time with a double Bhift, 60 25 60 79 Mrs. James Coeti has returned to was about leaving Jacksonville for Butte i aud the results must be entirely satisfact 26 86 67 Jackson county from her visit at the old creek to assist Deputy Sheriff Parker, ory. Something like twelve hundred 27 88 67.5 was met by J. W. Sevedge and B. F. dollars in amalgum came down the home in McFall, Mo. 28 89 67.5 Wade, accompanied by tbe son and other day for shipment, and shipments 85 29 69.5 Miss Kate Fries has finished a five murderer Frank Wade, who gave him . of that kind are frequent of late. There 30 83 66.5 months term of school in the Edmondson self up and Sheriff Patterson locked up i is no doubt about the genuine merit of district, on Big Butte. WHY ? Because your Liver and Kidneys young Wade in the county jail. Frank that mining property. Mean temp..58.1 : Max. temp., 89. on 28th ; E. L. Farra and family have come in Wade had gone to the home of Mr. Chas. L. Morton, the Galls creek Min. temp., 27. on 21st; total precipitation, are out of order. For years and years from Lake county to take charge of the Sevedge and made a great “bad man” ’ miner, is in town occasionally for sup- .67 inches; number of days clear 16, partly talk as to how he was going to kill the Tuffs farm near Grants Pass. i plies. Mr. Morton has been at work on cloudy 6, cloudy 8; dates of frost—light. housewives all over the country have county before he was taken. Mr. . Galls creek for several months and still 14th, 15th; killing 21st, 22d ; prevailing di Elda Wood, who was in trouble through whole used with best results and hiB father after bearing of has no desire to dhange location. The rection of wind, N W. the stage robbery west of Roseburg, for Sevedge the death of Marlow and knowing the tunnel now measures something over Nervous Shock. merly resided in Sams valley. sentiment that would naturally be en four hundred feet and the indications are E. W. J oy C ompany —Gentlemen: This Dr. H. McLean’s J. H. Beeman will build a two story gendered, advised the boy to go to improving with each foot of advance. is the first time I have attempted to write brick block on his lots adjoining J. W. Jacksonville and give himself up. As a Simpkins, White & Breeding, of Wood for three years. Have been so nervous and Marksbury’s place at Gold Hill. precaution against probable accidents in ville, have been realising handsomely weak that I have laid in bed for most of time. Grant Downing, Harry Bertt, Alex. running across people not in the habit from their bed rock cleaning operations the A friend who had taken your Sarsaparilla of going about wearing cheat protectors, in Rogue river near Woodville. Their Hunt, Prof. Middleton and others from sent me two bottles. The second one is Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it Sisson are doing the Central Point fair. they waited until 1 o’clock Saturday only uneasiness is occasioned by the fear most gone, and I have gained twenty morning, when the father and friend that high water will drive them out be pounds, and surely feel a new woman. I W G. Kropka returned last week from a started in a back for the county seat is the PEERLESS REMEDY ” for curing ailments of the Liver, fore they can clean all the bed rock al waspale—thin. No ambition. Had given business trip to Spokane. He met Capt. up, as I had tried so tuanv remedies and ready protected by their wing dam. Thompson and Ed. Drew, the nnniug men, with the boy murderer. Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright’s Wm. Daley came to Medford Thursday but found no benefit. If you care at that place. Tbe ever restless S. W. Hay, Sr., ¡8 doctors evening and swore out a warrant for the to publish this vou have my consent. Disease. For sale everywhere at gi.oo per bottle. Miss Carrie Cowles is visiting her sis arrest of Frank Wade for the shooting of fitting up his camp in Water gulch for (Signed) MRS. A. C. TILLMAN. < ter, Mrs. Dr. Lappeus, at Vina, Cal., Marlow and another against his brother, another season’s run. Mr. Hay has op- Alameda. Cal. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS. MO. while the Dr. is attending tbe California Lawrence Wade, for threatening erated the mine every year during the Harvey’s Share For Propaganda. State Medical conyention at Sacramento. Daley’s life, and that of the deceased wet season, with most satisfactory re- The following, from tlio Chicago In Liverine—the great Liver, Kidney and I Frank Marlow. Constable Isaac Wolf suits He contemplates enlarging the Constipation cure. arrested Lawrence Wade at his home ditch and thus making it possible to ter Ocean, is interesting: operate this valuable mining property My attention lias lxien called to an editorial H. J. Hicks and E. V. Carter went to and brought him to the jail at tbe county ' the entire year. O regon A shland . Dili You Ever Think in The Chroniclo which alleges that the dis seat. Lawrence Wade was arrainged San Francisco Sunday on a business trip, cussion now g'-ing on in the Illinois club was WOLF CREEK DISTRICT. i That you cannot be well unless you have before Justice of the Peace M. Purdin at pure rich blood ? If you are weak, tired, the latter in the interest of the Ashland Medford Saturday charged with being gotten up and i« being continued for the pe Joe Hebert has struck a good prospect Woolen Mills. Office—At Residence intersection of Me languid and all run down, it is because cuniary benefit of the gentlemen engaged in an accessory before the fact in the death on < Scoles gulch and ¡8 busy preparing it. Will you kindly publish the inclosed pa cbanic, Laurel and Main Streets, your blood is impoverished and lacks vital It is reported that Ex-Sheriff James of Marlow, the testimony of A. N. Farley i to operate when water comes. per, signed by Hr. Harv. y, which will show ity. These troubles may be overcome bv G. Birdsey waB stricken with a light being to the effect that some weeks ago that The Chroniclo is entirely mistaken? ] Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes pure, rich blood, Miller & Co. have run a bedrock tunnel touch of apoplexy recently at bis home I will add that Mr. Harvey stated to me sorie It is, in truth tbe great blood purifier. Lawrence Wade got a new Winchester J^R. C. W. BARR. near Gold Hili. to strike the blue channel, and after weeks before this debate commenced that he rifle and declared that he intended kill- 1 several weeks of driving have just struck would divest himself of nil pecuniary interest Hood’s Pills cure liver ills, constipation, J. Keir Hardie and Rev. Frank Smith, ing Frank Marlow and Wm. Daley before 1 in the book coutaining the official report of blue gravel, tbe roof of the drift. 1 biliousness, jundice, sick headache, indi ;he leaders of the Socialist Labor party the holidays. He was remanded to the the the discussicn. H unky G. Mil.lek . DENTIST. G. W. Brown, who has a quartz mine county jail to await the action of the gestion. of England, were on last Thursday eve- C hicago , July 16. on the top of Mount Reuben, has a 100- grand jury. Frank Wade’s examination < ning’s northbound train. Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow’s Block. Lake County’s Prehistoric Horse. I am about to enter into a debate with Mr. on the charge of murder was postponed I foot shaft and is taking out ore from a 5- Hon- of New York on the financial subject, G. II. Peters, Frank Strong, Jim to Monday, and upon the advice of his at- < foot vein, which is milling $25 per ton. A shland , O regon . I have latelv returned from a fossil which is to be printed in book form and from hunt on what I count the Great Oregon Stevens and Will Plymale came over torneys, Representative John A. Jeffrey Brazil & Hogan have run 150 feet of which, as by the business arrangements con from Yreka Sunday to take in the fair. and W. G. White, he made no defense i tunnel on their portion of the blue chan nected therewith, 1 am to receive profits from All work pertaining to modern dent- Desert, which has become famous to the •try. Painless operations a specialty. scientific world on account of the many J. E. Harmon came over Monday. and was bound over to appear before tbe nel, and have breasted mt on an aver the sale thereof. I do pot ’..-ish these profits fossils of extinct animals that-it contains jury. Conductor Chas. Brady is visiting at grand i age of 30 feet gravel, averaging 50 cents myself, but do desire that they be used in the cause I represent, where money is much —many of which have never been clas Pocatello, Idaho, where he will be mar Coroner Dr. D. M. Brower of Ashland i to the car. needed. Therefore I hereby assign all profits DR. JORDAN & CO.'S sified. On my recent trip in company ried this week to Miss Jennie Patrick of was sent for and upon arriving at the C. P. Church, of Portland has taken that I may receive from the sale of said book with H. J. Rinehart, who was my asso Dunsmuir. Their numerous friendB wiBh scene summoned a jury—Delbert Terrill, an option on 1100 acres of placer ground to Judge Henry G. Mill r of Chicago and W. GREAT MUSEUH OF HlTOii ciate and helperj we found Bome new and them exceedingly well. foreman, W. C. Stockam, C. E. Terrill, ' in the western part of Josephine county. J. Cheney of Philadelphia as trustees, whose L. C. Charley, Antonio Oleen, August I 1OM Market St., San Francisco I very interesting fossils that I had never it will be to require an accounting of L. Mevnear, of Iowa, who has been Esller—who held an inquest at the home The price to be paid is $45,000 and $5,000 duty | observed before. One is a foot of the Die, and upon receipt of the money to spend (Between 6th and 7th Sts.) ! has already been paid. visiting Elder David Brower and other the same in tile interest of the re-establish of the parents of Frank Marlow Saturday Go and learn how wonderfully you equine not larger than a small Shetland Dunkards the past two weeks, started on McKenzie Urquhart and C. E, Teblis ment ot silver and in tho educational cam are made and how to avoid sickness pony, and from the appearance of the morning, at which the evidence of Mrs. an<) disease. Museum enlarged with coffin joint the foot must have stood quite his return home Monday via California, of San Francisco and Russ Jc Phillips of paign which is being made for that puijrase. Louise Marlow, mother of deceased, and thousands of new objects. Admits- I reserve the right to substitute new trus vertical. The other foot,or part of a foot, well pleased with this section. Miss Lulu Marlow, a sister, Dr. W. B. Kerby have incorporated as the Mabelle I tees in case either or loth of said gentlemen • — — »on 25 eta. is hard to describe, being well sustained Private Office—same Building W. Q. Messner, wife, two daughters, Officer and Hermann Myers told the Mining Co. with $100,000 capital stock, should refuse or bo disabled to act. 1051 Market Street-Diseases of men: j by a strong joint and deep grooves. We and four sons ofFormasa, Ohio, are visit story of his death. Miss Marlow heard to operate a placer field on the Chetco. W. H. H arvey . stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin Messrs. Dietz & Co., have returned and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer- I also found the toes of some animal that ing their children at Gold Hill, Mrs. J. J. the shot and soon afterward heard some eury. Treatment personally or by letter. Semi j must belong to the ungalata or ungalate- Ullman, Miss Madge, R. and A. J. Mess one hallowing. She went in the direc from Kalama, Wash., to represent their , sail. All told we brought in quite a lot ner. Mr. M. bought L. F. Pate’s prop tion and found her brother lying on the ledge on Coyote. They have a promising Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment for 'bcok. - Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- road-side a quarter of a mile from her lode, but it needs developing. It is base. Long established and reliable practitioners. of bones of different animals, and among erty in Gold Hill. Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped I them a beast whose bones I had found Width of ledge six feet between walls, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson and Mrs. home. Frank said to her: “Lu, I am which are slate. Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, before but was never able to describe. shot, my back is broken. Run down bones were badly broken, but H. J. Hicks are in Salem this week, Mr. and get Henry Myers as auick as you Baxter Brothers are working on Scoles Chronic Sore Eyes and G ranulated Eye Lids. PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM I j The enough were gathered to see that he was P. representing Granite lodge, K. of P., can.” He said “Frank Wade came up gulch, getting ready for the winter run For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. is excellent tor all throat inflammation and j a singular beast, as the bones are short in the 15th annual session, and the ladies behind me and shot me in the back.” of water. They have come to the con to hobs F ownebs . being there on business connected with for asthma. Con and very crooked. Dr. Officer, who made the post mortem clusion that they have a good thing in For putting a horse in a fine healthy con sumptives will in These fossil beds were named by Prof. the Rathbone Sisters. examination, gave the expert medical tbe back channel of the gulch, which dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. variably derive Cope the eqiies, or equine beds of Oregon, Manuel Pareira is to light Ft. Junes eyidence, and introduced the ante-mor has not been touched before, and if the benefit from its They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure use, as it QUICKLY j because the horse predominated in num with electric light running his plant by tem statement made by Frank Marlow present prospect holds out they will put loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct water power at Moffat creek, three miles as follows: abates tbe cough, bers. There were two varieties of this in a pipe and giant on the claim next kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving renders expector animal. One was very large and clumsy, from Ft. Jones. He is arranging to Octobei 7. (midnight) 1895. season. new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 ation easy, assist while the other was small, and from his transmit heat, light and power to that I was passing through Myers’ field and cents per package. For sale by druggists. ing nature in re- organization must have possessed great town. S. J. Tutthill of this city will put Frank Wade rode up on me horseback— Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. For Sale at E A. S hbiiwin ’ s drugstore. s to ring wasted speed. the plant in for him to be in running horse was trotting, and said “Throw up The best salve in the world for Cuts, tissues. There is vour hands, Marlow” and 1 said no, I don’t Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever landscape of the uninhabited desert order in three weeks. 1 * 9 M ain S treet , O pposite P laza . Sonoma county (Cal.) vineyardists are a large percentage i is The have to throw up my hands. What do you Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, very deficient in variety, but it always of those who sup Roseburg Plaindealer, Oct. 3d : Miss want?” Then he fired, then jumped down Sores, jubilant. For the first time in 10 years Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi pose their cases to be consumption who are I possesses a certain grandeur and a sin- Rosa McClendon of Sams Valley, Jackson oil of his horse and pulled the pistol out of tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is good prices are being paid for wine T’-A.IJSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, only suffering from a chronic cold or deep ! gular charm for those who love nature in county, who has been visiting friends in i ruy pocket and throwed it down beside me. guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or grapes. Buyers are offering $14.50 and L one P ine . WALL R’-AZF’ZERO. GLASS. ETC. seated cough, often aggravated by catarrh. I all her freedom. Olalla and Roseburg tbe past few days j j I let on as though I was dead to keep from money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. 115 a ton for the grapes. ' getting the second shot. I took it to be a For sale by E. a , Sherwin. For catarrh use Ely’s Cream Balm. Both B uilding P apers , wrapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. returned to her home on this morning ’ s Nervous Prostration. 44 Winchester rifle that he shot me with. remedies are pleasing to use. Cream Balm, The students at Stanford university overland. Miss McClendon is a most He was about ten or twelve steps behind 50c. per bottle; Pineola Balsam, 25c. at I E. W. Joy Company—Gentlemen: The Growing Silver Sentiment. and at the University of California are Druggists. In quantities of $2.50 will de have suffered from a nervous prostration estimable young lady and made many me. I did not shoot at him or try to shoot. friends during her brief visit in this citv. commencing practice for the football The revolver contained four cartridges as I The Pacific Coast Bullion, a weekly liver on receipt of amount. from financial losses. Can say Joy’s Veg carry it with the hammer upon an financial journal of California, in refer games this fall. Butterworth, tho fam ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., N. Y. table Sarsaparilla has curedme. My liver, The cattle from the Dead Indian and always F rancis M arlow . stomach and bowels have been very in up this valley sold recently to J. C. enipty shell. Witnesses, Alex. Patterson, C. E, Terrill, ring to tho Memphis silver convention, ous Yale player, is coaching the Uni active, but since taking your remedy I am Mitchell of Sacramento amounted to 668 versity of California team. observes: Robt. A Neil, Lemon Charley. entirely well. All business men and women head and brought the sellers $15,600. Subscribed and sworn to before me this The silver sentiment- is gaining hould use it. Pleas-e publish. Samuel Kingston, a G. A. R. veteran, Mitchell, who has been buying cattle for 4th day of October, 1895. W. B. Officer, ground, and manifestations in its favor has just had removed from his leg a (Signed) M r . W m . H enry J ones . Jackson Co., Oregon Butte. Montana. years, says cattle will raise higher in Notary public. Hermann Myers testified: I am a resi alarm the bankers and money changers. flattened bullet which ho has been car price next year. Cattle in this section of Chimney Rock precinct, Jackson These classes set-k to affect silver de rying nearly 33 years. He received the List of Letters sold at 2’4 cents for steers and spayed dent county, Oregon, aged 35 years, occupation, monetization by meeting together and bullet jn the thigh just below the hip Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland cows as against 134 cents Inst year. farmer. I was well acquainted with Frank passing resolutions in favor of the nar at the battle of Fredericksburg while P. O., Oct. 7.1895: For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go Marlow, now deceased. That on the third row gold measure. Their selfishness is fighting under General Burnside. Foster, Miss Maggie Lake. Miss Rosa day of October, 1895, between the hours of to I. E. Deboy, Gold Hill. Jones, Mr U Orr, Mr Walter 12 and 1 p. m., Frank Wade came to me at too well known to have influeucce with A company has been organized at AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up Tbe leading exhibits of the county and my residence and said “My brother Law the non money lending class. The Mem Pauol, Mrs Jean Holbrook, Northern Arizona, for the for Sale or Rent.. district fairs and the state fair will be rence Wade has 160 posts and would sell Persons calling for same will please say Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. transferred to the Exposition at Portland them for $4 per hundred.” And I said. phis silver meeting is but a forecast of reclamation of 400,000 acres of arid land “ advertised. ” W. H B runk , P. M. Residence Lots for sale in when the fairs are over, and combined “Tell your brother I will take the posts.” what is to follow. “On with the dance!” along the line of the Atlantic and Pa- QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. A Cook Book Free. Pokegama, on reasonable cific railroad. The waters of the Little with the special county and town ex He got ofl his horse and put down his gun and said “ I guess I will go along with vou The Missouri World. “ Table and Kitchen ” is the title of a new hibits will constitute the greatest collec terms. Lots sold on tbe in Colorado and Puero rivers are w> be help you put on a load of corn.” As 1 AS LISTED a number of Bmall and large farms, from 20 acre« up, for Sala or cook book published by the Price Baking tion of Oregon products ever brought to ' and Published weekly at Chillicothe, Mo., stallment plan. Rent. Powder Company, Chicago. Just at this gether. It will be sueh a display of was hitching up my team Frank Wade is a People’s party paper that gives tbe utilized, looked up and saw Frank Marlow crossing j0^**Three houses and lota in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands “How to Cure All Skin Disease«.” time it will lie sent free if you write a postal general news and makes a specialty of natural products as could not be equalled LSO 2.000 ACRES of Choice mentioning the V alley R ecord . the field. He picked up his gun, mounted Simply apply “S wayne ’ s O intment .” N o Sugar and Yellow Pine Land for sale his horse and rode off towards the gate to Populist news, correspondence and internal by any other state in the union. This book has been tried by ourselves and medicine required. Cures tetters, Ou the Klamath River. Terms made is to one of the very best of its kind. Besides get into the road, and then followed him. speeches. It is not a local paper but is eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, Try Liverine for Constipation, sold under (Frank Marlow), who by this time had got suit on;application. Address, as iiood for ODe Btate as another. It is containing over 400 receipts for al) Kinds of a positive guarantee. For sale by B olton into the road. In about 10 or 15 minutes bands, nose, &c., leaving the skin clear, CHAS. COLE, {>astry and home cookery, there are many the druggist. pages, eight 24 inch columns to the white and healthy. Its great healing and I “CUPIDENE" Frank Wade came running to me on horse four Pokegama, Sigkiyou Co., Cal. lints'for the table and kitchen, showing how I Thl« ereatVegetable page. Price 50 cents a year (52 numbers). curative powers ¿repossessed by no other back and said “ Did you see it, did you see ___ _______ ____ VUalla-r.thepreecrti»- Silas Obenchain and Arthur Langell, to set a table, how to enter the dining room, Sample copy free. Missouri World, remedy. Ask your druggist for S wayne ’ s it? ” and I said to him “ see what? ” and he tion of a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner etc.; a hundred and one hints in every Jr., came over from Montague Saturday said, "I have shot Frank Marlow in self Chillicothe. Mo. L intmen ? vous or diseases of the generative orxiui«, such a.v Luet Manhood. branch of the culinary art. Cookery of the to visit relatives and see tbe fair. They detense and I guess I will go and give my I.momiiU, 1‘ulnsin the Back.beminal Kmissions, Nerroue Debility, Jritnples, Unfitness to Marry, Kibauxtinx Drains, Varicocele a»u very finest and richest as well as of the shipped 28 carloads of L. Gerber’s cattle self up” and turned and rode ofl’ in the ConstijKition. 11 stops all I ons «« by dar or nlfhk Prevents quick- most economical and home like, is provided to Sacramento and report that oyer 80 tiers of diwhanre, which If notchocked leads to Hpermatorrhaw aud direction óf his home. Before leaving, he for. Bemember "Table and Kitchen” will the horrors of Impoteucy. CVH REME cleaiuea Ute liver, the BEFORE At»D AFVEH kidneys _________________________________ ______ and the urinary onransol all impurities. be sent, postage prepaid, to any lady send carloads of cattle were shipped from said “I want you to go down and see him, <'OPII»ENK Rtren-thennand r'eitoresxinall weak organi. ing her her address (name, town and State) Montague last week. Heryford Bros, of you will find him laying beside the road The reason nufTereri are not cured by IKetor» la because ninety per cent are troubled with and his gun in the road. ” I went and got plainly given. A copy in German or Scan Lakeview are expected in Shasta valley Hava put in a Peoatnlitlw. CUl’IDENE 1« the only known remedy to cure without an operation. MOOtrvtlmoof. dinavian will be sent if desired. Postal this week with 1400 head of cattle sold Edward Esmond and we went down and alv A written Ruarant<-<> civen »ml money returned lr six boxes does not effect a permanent cur« |;.00a box,six fori’j.W, by mail. Send for fkek circular and testimonials. It is simply the purest Norway card is as good as letter. Address Price to Cook & Edson. Klamath county has found him as Frank Wade had stated. is not a secret remedy. Mrs. Marlow and his sister, Lu Marlow, Addreas DAVOL M EDICINE CO., P. O. Box 3OT6, Sun Frauciaco, Cal. e SODA. WORKS Baking powder Co., Chicago, 111. sold off more beeves this season than were with him when we got there and I Cod-liver Oil, the finest Hypophosphites, raid chemi FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. ever at an increased price, the prices this and my father. August Myers, and Edward cally pure Glycerine, all combined into a perfect Emul Remember A. Hinman, the dentist, oyer fall bringing $18 to $25 per bead. Esmond carried Frank Marlow to his At Yreka, Cal post office. home. sion so that it will never change or lose its integrity. San Bernardino sportsmen will build The jury found that the deceased, “Fran o : OCaOOOCOOCOCCCOQ-COO a figure “8” race track. It will be mod cis Marlow was 21 years old, a native of This is the secret of Scott’s Emulsion’s great success. BORN. 5 5 Dealer in 5 S eled after the tracks in Sydney and Mel California, and that he came to his death It is a most happy combination of flesh-giving, strength —The Celebrated^-!— from a gunshot wound inflicted by a 44 ND are prepared to till all orders on bourne, and will be located one-half Winchester in the hands of Frank Wade, ening and healing agents, their perfect union giving ^1—I — I — I—1 — I — I — I — I — I — I short notice. »***•* BOGG1S—In Gold Hill precinct, Sept. 26, Health 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Al Boggis, a daugh mile from the city. Amphitheaters will and we believe the said Frank Wade guilty Granite, Marble, them remarkable value in all be built at each end. Ono end of the of deliberate and premeditated murder.” ter. Give them a call. —AND— FERGUS—In Ashland. Sept. 27. 1895, to track will also be utilized for bicycle With one eye on tne clock, and the othei Freestone Monuments racing, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fergus, a daughter. on your plate, you cannot enjoy a meal Summer Resort, 1 When traveling east, you should take the and Copings. Philippe Seybert, a well-known young Northern Pacific, the only dining car line • Ts open for the T QQ MARRIED man of Kernville, Cal., was shot and from Portland; meals 75cents. Yon don’t . . . season of 1 OÌ7 Ü killed by William Archer, an equally have to get up in the morning at six o'clock, Hence its great value in Consumption, wherein it arrests Also agents for IRON FENCES. rush to breakfast and gulp it down in fif the wasting by supplying the most concentrated nour KNIGHTEN-WINNINGHAM—In Trail well-known young Indian. The follow teen Satisfaction guaranteed minutes, and then have to wait until 2 ■ creek precinct, Sept. 29, 1895. by O. J ing evening while Archer was being By G. W. MAYNARD- 3 o'clock for lunch or dinner. To avoid ishment, and in Anaemia and Scrofula it enriches and Willard. J. P.; Edward Knighten and transferred from the lockup to a safer or this, take the Northern Pacific; the only P. O. AddreBS : YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. Miss Polly Winningham. Hotel, Cottages andi In fact, in every phase of wasting , place he was shot six times by an un dining car route, the only line to the Yellow vitalizes the blood. Cal. Camping grounds. ) known crowd. lie died within a few stone Park and the only line running Pull it is most effective. Your doctor will confirm all we _______ (Good Rooms and man Tourist Sleepers through to the east The “ZEÒZEJQOK/D” Gov Reports moments. • ■ (Fine Meals. • without from 12 to 16 hours delay. For say about it. Don’t be persuaded to accept a substitute / —f®r your— show Royal Baking Powder Give the *• Record” a call when desiring full information, time cards, maps, etc., Mineral, Mud and Vapor Batta» for call on or address. Robert Leonard, Agent, Scott & Bowne. New York« All Druggists. 50c. and St« iTQB sajrUtof ta tfai job pnnttag lib«, Ashland Oi w the Sick and D1 mu M< ffdB BALE ST ALL DBUäGJWB. Baking HOTEL Powder OREGON, ABSOWTEEY PUBE FRED T. FRADENBURGH Per Day. jecial Sunday Dinner BACKACHE Professional Cards J. Liver ûïï Kidney Balm. ASHLAND MILLS SELDOM EQ CALED, NEVER EXCELLED. VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s. FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OI Stoves, Hardware , Tinware Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To H. C. MYER. Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. H S EVANS ASHLAND OB- PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. GOLD HILL, POKEGAMA 150 Choice H A MANHOOD RESTORED PARKINSON & WISE Scott’s Emulsion J. B. RUSSELL. TOLMAN’S J SPRINGS. A WASTING DISEASE ■■ The U. S. MVr/or tr ’t f