V ALLEY RECORD. The People’s Paper. ASHLAND, Or....Thursday, Sept. 5,1ÍW6. T e largest wholesale clothing lions«: in Hie south failul thia week. Hardin, the democratic uumineo for i governor in Kentucky, has kicked the 1 Cleveland goidite plunk out of the plat- | form on which he was placed by the ; packed convention of the administration j ami sns t.e would not give up bimetal-i ism lor a crown. The Oregonian has never yet had the manhood to inform its readers as to the relative value of silver and gold prior to the demonetization of the former in 1875. —Eugene Guard. The Oregouiau has solid reasons for that omission. If the editor would assert his independence bv making truthful ex­ planations, the “tall tower” wuuld be in the hands of a receiver in a month. —Lebanon Advance. It is not amiss for jiopulist publications to speak ont for fair play when tbo gold- bug machine with John Sherman’s peo­ ple as feeders and the Cleveland-’Vail street crowd for a horse power begins to throw its chaff over that noted politician, Senator Mat Quay of Pennsylvania. Here is a sample of some of the stuff that is being blow n out which has the color of a “sound money” grist and which we have observed in a local county repub­ lican paper: “Quay’« record as a machine politician and general manipulator is so well know all over the United States that res­ olutions prepared by him and laudatory of hiB own efforts and abilities And adopted by theconvention, cannot change this well known character in the opinion of self respecting members of the party everywhere." “The Belf respecting members of the party” are advised that Quay’s offense is to be found in his knocking out the gold- bug ring recently in the second state in the Union, that he did not prepare any­ thing laudatory of himself in tbe conven­ tion, and that he and Don Cameron, who work in harmony, are tlie leaders of that wing of the republican party in Pennsylvania, in tbe majority in that state, which is in sympathy with and has Bteadiiy supported the silver or free coinage people in the western states. His position in Pennsylvania politics affords some striking analogies to that of Senator Mitchell in this state. The latest emanation from the office of the commercial agency of R. G. Dunn & Co., which irradiated the business world last week, is chiefly valuable in setting out in distinct view before the American people one of the moat unique types of a man who can “talk through his hat” with a degree of assurance and grace rarely, if ever equalled since Dickens gave the world tbe immortal Pickwick and the hardly less renowned Micawber. It is to be regretted the great commer­ cial agency absorbs tbe name of its bulletin writer within it« own, and thus conceals from the public so remarkable a personality, as is evidenced by bi« “finan­ cial reviews.” In generalization be is unrivalled, his style indicate« great breadth of imagination, and bis neatly shaped platitudes are quite as compre­ hensive a« those which are found in Bome of tbe best political and state papers of President Cleveland. He expresses some feeling of anxiety that in the rapid change for the better in the business sit­ uation “rise in prices and increase in business may go too far,” and then says: “A strong conservative feeling is find­ ing expression, not controlling the market of industries, but warning against too rapid expansion and rise. * * * But encouraging features have great power. Exports of gold continue, but are met by syndicate deposit« and are expected to cease soon. Anxiety about the monetary future no longer binders. * * * Im­ portant steps toward reorganization of the great railways give hope to investors. Labor troubles for the moment less threatening.” The foregoing is sufficient to indicate tbe character of the bulletin, which is worthless as indicating the industrial and business situation. Hop picking is in full blast in Sonoma Attorney General Harmon has apj L. L. Gill, a prosperous farmer of Governor Budd is steadily recovering Washington has been selected as the pointed Frank G. Finlayson of Los An- j county. - --r| Frasier valley, Fresno county, was re ­ from his illness. permanent headquarters of the Knights geles as assistant United States district' Colonel D. M. Burns has returned to cently robbed of by burglars. ' Sau Francisco and will take nn activo I ' part in the municipal campaign. Samuel Searle was killed by lightning and his o-year-old son was drowned the same day near Greenwich Point Beach, Conn. The dissatisfied stockholders in the Oregon Railway and Navigation com­ pany are contemplating proceedings to 6et aside the decree of sale. A proposition is on foot to build a I road from Seattle to Tacoma to be used exclusively by bicyolists. The projec­ tors hope to be able to eliminate tolls ami make it a free road. The territorial supreme court sitting at Santa Fe. N. M., lxas denied the ap­ plication of J. Addison Peralta-Reavis, claimant of the Peralta grant, to bo re­ leased on habeas corpus. The fifteenth reunion of the Society of the United States Military Telegraph corps and Old-Tiine Telegraphers’ and Historical association will be held at New’ York Sept. 11, 12 and 13. Residents of Sonoma county have prepared a petitiou to the secretary of the interior at Washington asking that the Indians in that county be confined to the Round Valley reservation. Twenty men were arrested at Penn’s Grove, N. J., on a charge of violating the neutrality laws in having organized a hostile expedition to go to Cuba. The men are from New York and Phila­ delphia. Reports come from Ventura, Cal., to the effect that Lima beans will be ready to pick in about one week. Eastern buyers are quite eager for the crop and as a consequence a number of large contracts are reported as having been made at unusually good prices. The W. C. T. U. of Atwater, a village eight miles from Alliance, O., has de­ nounced Du Maurier’s novel, “Trilby,” as immoral and has demanded it« re­ moval from the village library. The young people of the place want the book to remain in the library and both sides are circulating petitions. The strike of clothing makers at Rochester, N. Y., is growing and 20,000 men will be affected. The workmen claim that the bosses are sending work to other cities to be made up during the strike for union wages. The Roches­ ter strikers will persuade the tailors in the cities to which work was sent to go on strike for union wages. During an opera performance at Du­ luth, Minn., G. A. Thomas and Miss Josie Heverou, members of the com- pany, appeared on the stage in full dross accompanied J by a Methodist cler- gyinan. Tlie performance was stopped long enough for the couple to be mar­ ried, after which they appeared in the opera in costume. Leonard Forbes Beckwith is charged at New York with robbing the estate cf his insane brother Arthur. Tlie amount of defalcation is $155,000. The Beck­ with boys were prominent in New York society a few years ago. Their sister ¡3 the wife of Baron Leigh’s eldest son. Nelson M. Beckwith, their father, was once minister to France. Health Commissioner Kerr of Chi­ cago has begun action against the milk dealers whose product has been found wanting by the city chemist. In many case« milk had been skimmed and sold as pure. Other milk had been watered and skimmed, and there were instances where cream had been colored, lacking in butter or otherwise deficient. Mary Young of the old Tremont house at Chicago is dead. This hotel was the leading one of the city years ago before the war. The woman had attended to the wants of Lincoln, Douglas. Grant, Sheridan and other prominent men, and her recollections of their personal char­ acter was interesting. She was 87 years old and left $1,000,000 worth of prop­ artv _________ Swept by a Cyclone Of approbation to tbe pinnacle of popular­ ity Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has acquir­ ed a commanding position, which has occasionally made it a bright and shining mark for knaves, who seek to foist upon tbe cunnnunity spurious compounds in the guise akin to that of the real article. These are mostly local bitters or tonics of great impurity, and, of course, devoid of med­ icinal efficacy. Beware of them and get the genuine Bitters, a real remedy for ma­ laria, rheumatism, kidney trouble, dyspep­ sia. nervousness, constipation and bilious­ ness. Physicians of eminence everywhere commend tbe great invigorant, both for its remedial properties and its purity. A wineglass thrice a day will soon bring vigor and regularity to a disordered and enfeebled system. The annual convention of tho Ameri­ can Bar association is in session at De­ troit. Many prominent lawyers are present. The official call for the convention of the new Irish movement to be held at Chicago Sept. 24 to 26 has been issued by the executive committee. The new owners of the Consolidated Electric railroads of Los Angeles have determined to remodel the system and make it one of the best in the country. Santa C lara county pioneers will es­ tablish a literary bureau to oollect and preserve data in relation to the lives of members of the Association of Pioneers. General O. O. Howard and his brother have severed their connection with the Columbia Colonization company of San Berna-d no, which had the big Victor dam enterprise in hand. The total salmon pack of the Colum­ bia river for the season just closed amounts to 514,617 cases. This includes the entire output of 22 canneries and ia 54,807 cases less than were packed last year. A sensation has been caused in Sim Jose by the action of the board of edu­ cation in awarding tho contract for 150 School desks to L. Lion & Sons of San Jose at $1 a desk more than was bid by Weber & Co. of San Francisco. The award is denounced as a job. In pursuance of an order from the police court at Hartford, Conn., Deputy Sheriff Foote turned into the gutter 40 kegs of beer which had been seized from the Herold Brewing company under the recent liquor seizure act. Several hun­ dred thirsty residents were on hand, many of them carrying cans, which they scooped up the Leer with as it ran behind the curbs. The kegs had been seized from the delivery wagons of the brewery on the ground that they were being sold without a license. The beer had been held about a week in the am bulance room at the police station and was a little stale. The crowd grew so great that an officer turned a hose on them to clear the street. The Portland Evening Telegram is not at all pleased that the new play “The Silver Lining” has gained some free ad­ vertising from the usual Associated Press new« report sent out from Chicago Mon­ day night, and intimates that “tbe keen and practical telegraph editors of the country” will suppress news of a similar character In the future. “The Silver Lining” is a dramatization of free silver in politics, is intended to present faith­ fully the spirit of "Coin’s Finsncial School” and is likely to attract wide­ spread attention. It was presented at tbe Chicago opera house last Monday night before a large audience. It is claimed the play proved unexpectedly strong in dramatic interest, the company is a strong one and tbe stage scenery was very rich and somewhat novel. These facts with a few descriptive lines were sent out as “news,” as the A. P. agent thought, being simply an honest gatherer of that article called “news,” and not “a keen and practical editor” like the Tele­ gram man. We are loth to refer to the Telegram writer as stupid or asinine, but that be should evince displeasure toward tbe Chicago press agent for doing his duty and thereby incidentally ad­ vancing tbe cause of education of tbe people on the monetary question, is a most astonishing thing. We notice the dispatch referred to somehow got into tbe Oregonian on the third page. Tbe “keen telegraph editor” must have been off duty. Tbe Salem Statesman pub­ lished this dispatch with headlines, "Novel stage effect.” “Makes an im­ mense bit in Chicago," etc. We predict the play will be seen by more people than ever witnessed “Uncle Tom’s Cabin" or any other drama ever S tate of ohio , C ity of T oledo , placed on tbe American stage. Lucus C ounty , F kank J. C heney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. C he ­ The auction sale at London of Cali­ the ney A Co., doing business in the City of fornia fruit recently received by the Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and steamer New York was unfavorable be­ tbst said firm will pay the sum of ONE cause the market was glutted by French HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every of C atabrh that cannot be cured by fruits. Bartlett pears sold from 5s 6d case the use of H all ’ s C atarrh C ure . Mt 6s per half case, one exceptional lot FRANK J. CHENEY. selling for 7s 91. Peaches sold from Sworn to before me and subscribed in my 5s at 5s 6d per half case, one choice lot I presence, this 5th day of December, A. I). 1886. from Vacaville bringing 6s. Plums av­ eraged 4s 3d. Of a consignment of 136 A. W. GLEASON. { seal • cases all kinds too badly damaged to Notary Public, «•U except in bulk went at 2s 3d. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and directly on the blood and muctwus ROYAL Baking Powder, acta surfaces of the system. Send for testimon- Highest of all io ¡eavenlog I a I s free F. j. CHENNEY * CO.. Toledo, O. by »U Druggists, Ibc. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MONMOUTH, OR. Zella Nicolaus, who achieved notori- ' Templar. attorney for tho southern district of A Training School for Teachers. »TV Mayor McClintock of Ashland, Wis., ety by suing George Gould for $40,COO, I Joseph O’Malley, a telegraph opera­ California. Complete Eight Grade Training Depart­ tor at Whitewater, Wis., v>as killed by has made her debut as a theatrical star I I is charged with extorting money from ment, and Strong Professional and Acad­ Secretary Morton lias issued an order city VmpToyea.' a stroke of lightning while testing his at Philadelphia. emic Courses. to prevent the exportation of any beef Marie Burroughs, the actress, was wires. State troops are on duty at the Ishpe­ THE DIPLOMA of the School Entitles that has not been inspected and will a banker of Chatham, J. V. Lewis, ming (Mich.) mines, where the miners granted a diverce from her husband, . One to Teach in.any County in the State can 3 the exporters of horse meat to Louis Massen, by the San Francisco ; Ill., committed suicide by throwing are on a strike. Without Further Examination. iuc.i k the packages so that the nature of a train at Wauwe- himself in front of courts on account of infidelity. A Chicago paper says ex-Mayor Hop­ the contents will be apparent. Foreign tosa, Mich. Reuben H. Lloyd, the well-known kins of that city advised the great rail­ Board and Lodging, Books sad The Academy of Music, the oldest consuls in this country have made com­ Ban Francisco attorney, wras elected road strike in 1894. plaint oi these products being sent to Tuition, per year........................$150 deputy grand commander of Knights theatre in Buffalo, N. Y., burned re- The twenty-fifth anniversary of the their governments in bad condition. cently. Several firemen were injured Templar at Boston. The next conclave battle of Sedan was celebrated by Ger- Minister Ransom will soon return to Beautiful and healthful location. No by the collapse of a floor. will be held in Pittsburg. mana all over the world last Sunday. Mexico from Washington. His health saloons. There is a good demand for Miss Ella Leonard was burned to General Coxey, the Populist candidate The American Railway Union of Cin­ well-trained teachers: there is an over death by the explosion of a gasoline has improved to such an extent that he supply of untrained teacbera. cinnati sent a dispatch to Eugene Debs for governor of Ohio, spoke at Chicago stove while she was preparing a meal thinks he will be able to endure the Catalogue cheerfully sent| on applica­ assuring him of the loyalty of the peo­ the other day. A letter from Eugene St her home in Los Angeles. high altitude better than before. It is Debs was read attacking President tion. Address: ple to himself and his leadership. H. P. Loescher, the engineer’ of the understood that Ransom will endeavor Cleveland in a severe manner. Memorial exercises were held on Sun­ to induce the Mexican government to Lieutenant Governor Millard of Cali­ Gumry hotel at Denver, the scene of an recede from its position on the extradi­ P. L. CAMPBELL, President. day at Hinckley, Minn., in commemor­ explosion in which 20' lives were lost, tion of American criminals w-ho have ation of those who met their d< a .h by fornia, who has been in Michigan for has been charged with murder. some time, has returned to Los Ange­ fled to that country and announced the terrible forest fires of last year. Frank Bacigalupi, a Santa Rosa mer­ William Kline of Chicago, while div­ les. The lieutenant governor is afflicted chant, wTas stabbed in the back, proba- 1 their intention of becoming citizens. ing in the lake, struck his head on the with serious lung trouble. The Chinese minister had a recent bly fatally, by Peter- Crugaratti, whom William Blackman of Healdsburg, bottom and broke his neck. He was de­ conference at the state department with he had taken to task for insulting a Cal., celebrated his 99th birthday re­ ceived as to the depth of the water. Acting Secretary Adee concerning the girl. United States troops have returned cently. A number of old pioneer friends A collision on the Chicago Metropoli­ progress of the investigation into the from a fruitless chase after the rene­ joined in the celebration. Many of tan Elevated road resulted in the injury riots in China in which Americans were gade Apache Indians who have been off those present having passed three score of three persons. The collision occurred victims. The minister informed the de- Put off buying that piece of Furni­ the reservation in Arizona since last and ten, it was an interesting occasion. through the failure of the air brakes to partment that he received advices from Mark W. Harrington, late chief of Peking that the investigation was pro- ture which you are needing so badly, May. work. gressing satisfactorily, and he gave re­ The Methodists of Puget Sound in­ the weather bureau at Washington and any longer. Salt Lake police are looking for Car­ newed assurances that his government tend to hold a monster camp meeting in professor of astronomy at the Univer­ los Garcia, formerly of Oakland, Cal., would press the inquiry and punish the connection with the assembling of the sity of Michigan, has been elected presi­ who is believed to have stolen a §1,01)0 perpetrators. The statement made by Puget Sound Methodist conference this dent of the University of Washington at Seattle and has been installed in the bill from W. P. Smith in Garcia’s saloon tlie minister was in line with informa­ week. at Salt Lake. More rapidly with you by making tion received from Minister Denby and Feeling has again been aronaed in tlie duties of the office. Governor Moseley and a body of In­ confirmed ail he had stated. Professor William H. Ryder has been Roman Catholic diocese of Lincoln, the home more comfortable. Neb., by the renewed effort« of Bishop exonerated by the board of trustees of dian police have arrived at Chickasaw, The decision by the comptroller oi the A-J V/.L/VA1—< is selling goods cheaper tnat ever before. Bonacum to depose Fathers Fitzgerald Andover (Mass.) seminary on charges of I. T., to collect the 16 per cent tax on , treasury that the statute allowing white intruders. Trouble may ensue if Call and see him at Opera House Block. heresy, and the second inquiry into the and Murphy. double fees to United States marshals, tlie tax is not paid. soundness of the famous Andover creed The steam race yacht Yankee Doodle, districts attorneys and clerks in Wash, Eva Byers, aged 9 years, awoke from owned by McBride Bros, of Philadel­ is at an end. The decision in the pro­ ingten, Oregon, California, Wyoming, a sound sleep while on a train between phia, was damaged by fire while on a fessor's favor was unanimous. Montana, Idaho, North and South Da« William Caldwell Belcher, the emi­ Indianapolis and Chicago and walked kota, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and pleasure excursion so that the vessel ASHLAND, OREGN. nent and profound jurist and promi­ out of the car door. She fell under the Nevada did not apply to mileage has cannot again be used. train and a leg was cut off. .. , Dealers la .. caused much dissatisfaction among the A well-equipped and thoroughly or­ nent Mason, died at San Francisco re­ A bad wreck occurred a few nights officials. Previous to this decision ganized movement, having for its ob­ cently. He was a native of Vermont ject the placing of all fourth-class post­ and came to California in early days, ago at Pulaski, N. Y., on the Rome, double mileage had been allowed, ow­ masters in the classified service, is now settling at Marysville. Subsequently he Watertown and Ogdensburg railroad, ing to the greatly increased cost of approaching maturity at Washington. moved to San Francisco and became one resulting in the death of Walter Sisson traveling in the Western states and ter­ of Yonkers and the serious injury of ritories. The United States marshal of Resident« of Pennsylvania, New Jer­ of the leading lawyers of tho city. For two tramps. over 30 years Belcher was chairman of Nevada claims that mileage comes un­ sey, Delaware and New York were Hans and Knute Knuteson, the young der the head of fees, and he has sug­ the judiciary committee of the grand alarmed by a slight earthquake shock a farmers of North Platte, Neb., who gested that the matter be brought to few nights ago. Little or no damage lodge of California Masons and had robbed the overland express train on the the attention of the department of jus­ filled all the state offices in Masonry. was done. Union Pacific a few weeks ago, have tice. Major Richard Sylvester, the oldest The Rubio Canyon Water company been convicted and sentenced to serve a has contracted to furnish 50.000 gallons and one of the best known journalists term of 10 years each in prison. Job at Washington, died a few days ago. of water daily to the North Pasadena James Beckmeister fell from a five- He had been identified with the Wash ­ Work Land and Improvement company for ington Post as an editorial writer since ; story building at Cleveland, O., while the season. Cannot be permanently cured by the use Contracted its foundation in 1879, and up to a year i hanging a sign. His body struck John Matthew McGinnis, a laborer of In­ of opiates and sedative compounds. It is before his death he had scarcely missed I Nickson, who was walking on the side­ For. dianapolis, has learned that he is the a day from his desk. As a political walk. Beckmeister was killed and too deeply seated. It is caused by an heir of his brother, Daniel McGinnis, impoverished condition of the blood, writer he was looked upon by his con­ Nickson’s back and both legs were who died in Toledo, O., in 1890, leaving upon which the nerves depend for suste­ temporaries as an authority without broken. an estate valued at $750,000. F. Husing, a tailor, committed sui­ nance. . This is the true and only natural prejudice or partisanship. A widow Stockton battalion, N. G. C., is en­ and four children survive him. Sylves­ cide at San Francisco by shooting him­ explanation for nervouaness. Purify, en­ camped at Goodwater grove, in the San ter was bora in New Hampshire in 1830. self in the left breast while standing rich and vitalize the blood with Joaquin valley, under command of Cap­ Before going to Washington he was en­ near the grave of his wife’s first hus­ tain Johnson, senior company com­ gaged in newspaper work in Iowa and band. He was the father of five chil­ mander of the Sixth regiment. dren. Business troubles were the cause Missouri. Olaf Solomon and his two young sons Jacob Schaefer, the billiardist, has I of the deed. The bags which had contained the of Elk River were drowned in Hum­ filed a suit against the North Chicago boldt bay by the overturning of a skiff. Street Railway company for $10,000 $53,000 stolen from Wells, Fargo & Co. Solomon was an industrious farmer and for personal injuries. Should the in­ when the overland express train was and nervousness will disappear. Hood’s PLUMBING AND ROOFING- the father of seven children. His wifo jury to Schaefer prove more serious robbed in Yolo county, Cal., last Octo­ Sarsaparilla will give vitality to the blood died a year ago. than now appears the amount of dam­ ber, have been found near the spot and will eend it courting through ths Chicago Socialists carried a red flag in age« asked for will be increased. Some where Jack Brady, the bandit, said the veins and arteries charged with the life- a recent procession notwithstanding the weeks ago Schaefer was on a Garfield- gold had been buried. The money, how­ giving, strength building qualities which make strong nerves. If you are nervous, mayor had forbidden the emblem to be avenue trailer to a North Clark-street ever, was missing. R. T. Allen, a wealthy business man try Hood’s Sarsaparilla and find the same publicly exposed. Michael Schwab, one cable train. He had a dispute with the relief of which hundreds of people are tel­ (ton of a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner­ of the anarchists pardoned by Governor conductor, who threw Schaefer from of Omaha, shot himself on a New York ling in their published testimonials. Get vous or diseases of tbe generative organs, such as Lost Manhood. Central train near Buffalo while return ­ the car. In the fall his right arm was Altgeld, was one of the speakers. Insomnia, I'ainsln the Back,Seminal Emissions, Nervous Debility. Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and ing home after taking his daughter to Constipation. J t stops all losses by day or night. Prevents quick* The Son« of V eterans will hold their broken near the wrist and the surgeons öld, an Eastern college. He was taken to a m as of discharge, which if not checked leads to Hpermatorrhoa and annual encampment at Knoxville,Tenn., took out three pieces of shattered bone. hospital and was rapidly recovering Because Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the only ■sre-nor ..... nc-v-ru ail tbe horrors of Im potency. t'l'PIDENE cleanses tbe liver, Ike ULrunt. ano Mr.trt kidneysand the urinary organs of aU impurities. from Sept. 10 to 19. This is the first Until Schaefer’s arm is strong enough when he secured a bottle of carbolic True Blood Purifier prominently in the CTTPIDEXE strengthens and restores small weak organa The reason sufferers are not cured by D.-ctors is because ninety per cent are troubled with meeting by the national organization to for him to resume practice, it will not acid and swallowed its contents. The public eye today. Sold by all druggists. Prostatitis. CUPIDENE Is the only known remedy to cure without an operation. «000 leetlmonA be known what result the injury may be held south of the Ohio and Potomac A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect a permanent «Ug dose killed him. |LU0a box, six for J5.00. by mall. Send for fkkk circular and testimonials. Hood’s Pills J™ ÄÄÄT als. rivers, and like the G. A. R. encamp­ have upon his billiard playing. Address DAVOL MEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 3076, Ban Franctaco, Cal. ment to be held at Louisville, Ky., it The state fair at Sacramento begins Mrs. E. E. Davis, of San Mmguel, Cal. FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. marks a new era in national history. says: “I am trying in a measure to repay this week. We Must Lead tlie Way. Commander in Chief W. E. Bundit of the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough While I think international bimetal­ John Kerley of Phoenix, A. T., per­ Cincinnati has made every preparation Remedy for tbe great good their remedy has ished of thirst on the Yuma desert. C, B. CRIBLER C. K. KLUM. lism most desirable, and while I admit done me. For years I was a constand suf­ and has been ably assisted by his staff ferer from weak lungs and bronchial as­ San Jose’s board of trade is about to that tlio nonassimilation of the curren­ and by the people of East Tennessee. thma. My rest at night was disturbed by a begin an agitation for a new charter for cies of commercial peoples will be, as it backing cough, so that I felt miserable the Have put in a Members of the Association of Manu­ greater is now, a serious obstacle to internation­ part of tbe time. Many remedies that city. facturers and Wholesale Dealers in Pro­ recommended by friends were tned, none al commerce, I am confident that there Alto Knull, a well-known miner liv­ New Stock of Ashland, Oregon. prietary Articles and members of the of which proved suitable to my case. I did ing near San Andreas, blew out his is now no other way in which it can be not experience any beneficial results until I National Wholesale Druggists’ associa­ accompllished but for one strong, rich KLUM & CHISLER, Prop.'« began takingChamberlain’s Cough Remedy. brains recently.__________ tion are arriving at Denver to attend Alter two bottles of tbe large size have been and enterprising nation like the United For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go States to take the initiative and reha­ the annual convention. The discussion used I am pleased to state, my health is to I. E. Deboy, Gold Hill. t-t Wholesale and Retail Dealers in And are prepared to furnish promises to be exciting and interesting, better than it it has been for years. Tbe bilitate silver within its own jurisdic­ soreness has left my lungs and chest and goods at the for a serious problem confronts both Preparations have been made to care tion. BEEF 1 can breathe easily. 11 lias done me so associations. A proposed plan for the much good that I want ail who are suffer­ for 300,000 people during the encamp­ Silver was demonetized not by inter­ PORK distribution of proprietary articles to ing from lung troubles, as 1 was, to give it ment of the G. A. R. which wiH be held national conference, consulting the the trade is to confine the sale of manu­ a trial.” For sale by E. A. S herwin . MUTTON at Louisville, Ky., in September. If a whole world’s advantage, but by sepa­ factures exclusively to jobbers. By this 3S|r ’ Give us a call and larger number comes they will find the rate local legislation contemplating the BACON and THE SILVER DOLLAR UNIT. plan it is argued that the business can accommodations ample for all demands. advantage of single nations. It must be LARD be bo controlled that no goods can get A b Baay Method of Disposing of One of The citizens’ committee has done its remonetized in the same way. We have we will treat you right. into the department stores or cut-price I work with the idea in view that the wasted 15 years iu importuning Eng­ the Goldbug Fallacies. drug shops. Efforts will also be made : MARHS & SMITH, While for a number of years Govern­ pleasure of the occasion to the veterans land to reconsider a policy that has in­ at the convention by the wholesale or L. B; Prince has been in New Mex­ depends upon their comfort while in the flicted heavy burdens upon her own de­ Freshest dealers of the large Eastern cities to ico as chief justice and governor and is city. The free quarters to the G. A. R. pendencies and operated unfavorably Pokegama, Cal. and— break the rebate prioe system. prominent in western matters generally, posts making application for them are upon her homo agriculture, manufac­ said by those who have attended former tures and trade, while the rest of the Best Meats in Market yet he is equally well known in the east, having been for many years in the encampments to be far superior to any­ world has been sinking deeper and deep­ assembly and senate of New York and thing of the kind ever before offered. er into gold monometallism, paralysis Wien Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. The eighth triennial meeting of the of industry and shrinkage of values, ac­ specially remembered for his efficient GIVE US A TRIAL When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. grand chapter of the Order of the East­ curately registered by a corresponding work in the prosecution of the corrupt Medford, Oregon, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. judges—Barnard, Cardozo and McCann ern Star was held at Boston during the depreciation of silver. If now, with our —in 1872, and in connection with the grand conclave of the Knights Templar. largo supply of coal, our established When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. william fox . », d . coos reforms in the constitution in 1875 and The following officers were elected for manufacturing plant and the superior MANUFACTURE. the mercantile affairs of New York city. three years: Most worthy grand matron skill of our workmen, we remonetize He twice received formal votes of of the general grand chapter, Mrs. silver and bid for the trade of Asia, Mary E. Partridge, Oakland, Cal.; most South America and Mexico, England Ashland, Oregon. “Thia here beer," remarked Mr. Dis­ thanks from the New York chamber of worthy grand matron, Mrs. H. H. will not be six months in following our Of all kinds at shop at Phoenix. commerce. mal Dawson, “is what might be called City Passenger Governor Prince is a special student Hinds, Stanton, Mich.; most worthy as­ example. —George F. Talbot. • reg'lar society affair." sociate grand matron, Mrs. Hattie Ew­ of the financial question, and therefore, Old People. “You don’t say?" »aid the barkeeper. and Truck Transfer. Call at ing, Massachusetts; right worthy as­ “Yes, I do. It is sorter low neck, of course, a strong bimetallist While in sistant grand matron, Mrs. Grear Hart, Old people who require medicine to reg ­ high collar ball.”—Cincinnati Tri buna. New York the other day he said to a Minnesota; right worthy secretary, Mrs. ulate the bowels and kidneys will find the ---- All kinds oi freight, baggage newspaper man: true remedy in Electric Bitters, This med­ OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL household goods, etc., transfer- “You remember that a couple of Lorraine, Pitkin, Ill.; right worthy icine does not stimulate and contains no ---- and see our goods.---- ed with promptness a nd safety. The Tehauntepec railroad has finally months ago there was a great discussion giand treasurer, Mrs. Harriet A. Cran- whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a Hauling un a large scale con­ tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on tbe been completed from the Pacific ocean in Chicago as to what was the unit of brack, Iowa; worthy grand conductress, stomach and bowels, adding strength and £W“We will give you a bargain. tracted for........................... . . to the gulf of Mexico and is now open value under the original coinage act of Edna L. Hedges, Montana; associate giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding to the traffic of the world. The railroad Natue in tlie performance of the functions. 1792, which embodied the views of conductress, Laura B. Hart, Texas. is 180 mile« long and haa iron and steel Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer WOOD FO.R SJLT j R] Washington, Hamilton and Jefferson. and aids digestion. Old people find it just viaducts and bridges. It follows a direct ------ ICE IN SEASON------- They made large bets on the subject, exactly what they need. Price fifty cents line from the gulf of Tehauntepec on some contending that the unit was in per bottle at E. A. S herwin ’ s Drug Store. Will handle ice in Ashland during the the Pacific ocean to the gulf of Mexico Skid Fashioned summer season. Delivered at your door silver and some in gold, and finally the on the Atlantic coast and traverses the —compound cathartic every morning. Can’t Stand the Test. pills. ,fblue pills,’’cal­ most northerly isthmus between the two matter was referred at one of the clubs O^Passengers delivered to any part of The gold advocates say : “Donot agi­ omel or other mercu- bodies of water. Built by the Mexican to Judge Vincent, who rendered a de­ the city. rial preparations, tato the money question. It will destroy cision which was no sooner made than government, the roadbed and equip­ should not be used in confidence, now returning. ” This is a it was controverted. ment are most substantial. There is these days of enlight­ ‘‘The joke is this—that the good peo­ ened medical science, practical confession that the gold stand­ but one tunnel and the maximum grade HEADQUARTERS FOR when it is so easy to ard is a mistake, an error, and rests up­ KLAMATH e RIVER is only 2 per cent The government ple of Chicago never thought of looking get a purely vegetable on confidence as its main support. No at the coin itself to see whether it said wil) operate the line as a national road HARDWARE, pill in concentrated form, sugar - coated, nation can maintain a sound or stable with equal privileges to all transporta­ anything on the subject STOVES and ‘‘Now, here,” said the governor, tak­ in glass vials, at any monetary system resting mainly or tion companies. At present all traffic store where medi­ largely upon confidence. Jefferson pro­ ing out of his pocket two finely pre ­ has to be lightered at both termini, for TINWARE. cines are kept. claimed the truth when he said, “Error served specimens of our early coinage, the harbors are not yet completed. Dr. Pierce was first is prepared to Accomodate the “here are two silver dollars, one of 1795 to introduce a Little Pill to the American is not dangerous when reason is left Trouble has again broken out be­ and one of 1802. On the obverse of each people. Many have imitated them, but none free to combat it. ” If the gold stand­ *A* «-TRAVELING PUBLIC tween the Kalispell Indians and settlers C Ì > +TOUR1STS and are the word ‘Liberty’ and the date, and nave approached his “ Pleasant Pellets ” in ard cannot stand the ordeal of the full­ along the east side of the Pend d’Oreille true worth, or value, for all laxative and + EXCURSIONISTS. F ALL KINDS and GRADES est discussion and severest criticism on the reverse, ‘United States of Amer­ cathartic purposes. river in Idaho, which the Indians claim Mintra’ Tools, Giant Powder, Caps and suste liu itself in the fullest confi­ BOARDERS HAVE ACCESS TO is part of their reservation, but which ica. ’ Now look at the edge, where the Once Used, they are Always in Favor. dence of the people, it is only because and Fuse. A fine liue of Electric Cutle-iy, milling is placed on more modern coins. and a large and complete stock off.Fishing in reality is government land. A large SPRINGS FREE OF CHARGE. Assist Nature a little now and then, with there is not sufficient gold in the world Tackle. Plumbing foods, and plumbing of delegation of the settlers came to Spo­ What do you see? a gentle, cleansing laxative, thereby remov ­ all kidds done on short notice. All work and being annually produced to supply “‘One dollar,or unit Hundred cents. ’ KATESS KEAMONABEE kane, Wash., and said they were driven ing offending matter from the stomach and all tho demands for its use as the only guaranteed. “If the Chicago brethren had only bowels, from their farms by the Indians, who toning up and invigorating the liver fW“Tin Shop in connection. For further particulars, address: threatened them with death if they thought of going to the coin itself as a and quickening its tardy action, and you money of final payment and redemption. remove the cause of a multitude of —Senator F. M. Cockrell. First-class goods, and prices as low as tlie dared to return. The Indians forcibly witness, they would have seen in a mo­ thereby distressing diseases, such as headaches, in­ H. TRUITT, lowest. took possession of the homes and prop­ ment that the silver dollar was the unit digestion, or dyspepsia, biliousness, pim­ Expensive Maintenance. by this direct statement imprinted in ples, blotches, eruptions, boils, constipa­ erty of the settlers and told them that Beswick, California The efforts already made to maintain tion, piles, fistula and maladies too numer­ such were their instructions from In­ its very substance. the gold standard have burdened the "You know the silver dollar never va­ ous to mention. dian Agent Bubb. The settlers are pre­ If people would pay more attention to people with $100,000,000 of ten year 5 ried in weight in the United States from paring to go back armed and in force properly regulating the action of their and say they will drive the Indians out the foundation of the government to the Bowels, they would have less frequent per cent coin bonds and $62,400,000 30 to call for their doctor’s ser­ year 4 per cent coin bonds, issued in of the neighborhood. The Indians are demonetization in 1878, when it was occasion vices to subdue attacks of dangerous dis­ time of profound peace. ugly and the settlers are determined worth $1.03 in gold dollars. —p The Celebrated24— “When the change in ratio was made eases. The annual interest and the principal and serious. Trouble will ensue unless That, of all known agents to accomplish in 1884 it was the gold coin that was this purpose, Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets of these bonds must be paid by the peo­ Health troops are sent to the soene. altered, not the silver dollar. are unequaled, is proven by the fact that ple, and when paid np to the maturity —AND— Kidney. “The latter was always the immuta­ once used, they are always in favor. Their of the respective bonds will amount to E. W. J oy C ompany —Gentlemen: I have ble standard of value till struck down secondary effect is to keep the bowels open $28< ,’.'80,000, principal and interest, Summer Resort, suffered from kidney trouble for two or by the monopolists who desired a dis­ and regular, not to further constipate, as is which amount will be the actual cost to the case with other pills. Hence, theirgreat three years. I would have to get up in tho Is open for the 1 QA night to void my urine from ten to fifteen honest, constantly increasing single popularity, with sufferers from habitual the people of maintaining the gold stand­ . • • sfelaon of lOJjO Residence Lot» for sal» in ard thus far. times. My sleep was disturbed, and 1 be­ standard, in 1878. When- the ‘unit’ constipation, piles and indigestion. They absolutely rwr Sufialo, N, tlw m«1t drt DIMM. PrttitMh BisUjW Cfc, CtL