Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1895)
z IMPATIENT OF THE DELAYS OF JUSTICE. Mining Items. The Ashland School. News Items. The ♦ 'I I ♦♦<<♦<'»♦♦»♦4 4- l'< ' l'< '4‘ 4'»»4 ‘4"» 4-4 -4‘4-4-4-4-. The Henley ranch, fitted up by H. H. Our public schools will open next strawberries, second crop, were LI>E DROPS - + McCarthy and ruuning a giant has just Monday, September 2d. All scholars in exhibited in the show window of the Elk- MEDFORD EAST SIDE MILL ASHLAND, Or.. Thursday, Aug. 29,1895. Citizen« of Siskiyou County Hang been sold to Chicago parties. trickle from bottles of right medi- + attendance last year will be required to horn cigar store today. Four Murderers Confined in the cines, rightly compounded. Your + Is prepared The Oregon Road Club of Portland has Judge Reid and Judge Murry, of bring their scholarship certificates. Yreka Jail With Method aud Dis physician will prescribe the proper + to grind . . Non-resident scholars are required to been having a remarkable boom and is a Tacoma, below Boggs ’ mine on Eiliott remedy for your maladv.and we will T PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. patch—A Terrible Caution. most commendable organization. It now pay tuition in advance to the principal. Craham — creek will be ready in ten days with a guarantee to supply the proper medi- ? Below will be found a list of books and has 350 members. Good reads in Oregon About 1 o’clock Monday morning, giant. cine correctly prepared from tbe will be one of the live questions among the Waldo Klutn is home from Bly. supplies required by students in the people m the near future. freshest, purest and most potent + August 26th, a mob of 250 determined S Corn Meal, O Jas. H. Kinca'd has sold his interest several grades: drugs in the world. Purity in drugs, v Watermelons are plentiful and cheap. men gathered in Yreka from all sections in placer mines in Willow Springs dis Something new, Crovenett, a fine water like correctness in book-keeping, is + Pens and ink are furnished. A special Albert Millsap left on Sunday's train for of Siskiyou county for the purpose of trict to B. W. Huston, who with J. W. Chopped Barley proof dress goods that sheds water like a absolutely indispensable. Medicines T pencil with a hard lead should be provided lynching tbe four murderers in the Loa Angeles. duck s back. live feet wide and just the are not remedies without it, and cer-1 Ingram will put in a hydraulic to operate for drawing and used for that alone, if so county jail. thing for a new dress or cloak. Vaupel, tainly no medicine prepared by ua is + Mr«. G. F. Billings is at Colestein for a them. used it would last all year and more satis So quietly were their plans consum Norns & Drake. . without this essential element 6f furi- + ■hort outing. factory work could be done. And all kinds of grain. Will mated that the Sheriff and his deputies Terry Bros, and Durkey, at mouth of ty in its ingredients. We can also + SIBST GRADE. Bob Garrett was exhibiting on the streets Mr«. Mamie Dunn returned to her home received no warning whatever. supply all the standard medicines rec- J Steamboat, have completed a three mile also exchange Graham or at Chico. Cal. Slate with covered frame, slate pencil yesterday a photograph of a six horse rSCRIPTIONS ognized as tbe every-dav reliables, T Small groups from different sections ditch and their pipe and giant has thorough brace stage coach received from and sponge, lead pencil and some paper Corn Meal for grain. Harry Emery made a visit to Grants began to arrive on tbe outskirts of arrived. They will be ready with the and we carry a very complete line of J ¿FULLY Portland which be claimed was intended ruled like copy book paper, Eclectic Draw Pass this week. toilet articles, and sell at reasonable 4. Yreka about nine o ’ clock, stopping fall rains. for the Ashland-Klamath Falls stage line ing Book No. 1. Money to loan, inquire of Lock Box 166, everyone they met and compelling them CoMPouthloeû. For rates call on or address......... prices. _ ______ _____ that is to be in due time. cop h Y ’ •«> Quartz Ashland, Oregon. _ ___ ” _______ SECOND GRADE, Smith __________________ of Steamboat _________ struck E. A. SHERWIN, to remain with them. <- From the assessment made tbis year Second ____________ Reader, ____ slate ____ and pencil, pen A recent estimate of Portland's population At 1 o’clock the crowd having gath the main ledge a few days ago which is '. holder, — ------ ;--------------- :------- + ruled practice paper, rubber eraser, of railroad lands, it is thought the rail Druggist and Stationer 4. places it st 91,550. from three to four feet thick. He is run ered, they got an oid rail at the depot Eclectic Drawing Book No. 2. road company will only pay on what A. E. Matson has returned from! hi3 and carried it to Courthouse Square, ning the arastra night and day. The +++ ■fr+*5,4,+4-4’+4-4*++-í««J’+*5»+^»+•Î--I-4--1-+++❖ 4"í—r +4»++4,4"$~í,+4“i*,WH,*í,4,*í—í- third grade . they deBire to retain, and let the bal assays show an average of $30 per ton. Crescent City visit. placing it between two trees. ance go to the State, to become public Third Reader, Maxwell ’ s First Book in City Marshal Parks was called down A part of the smelting machinery for English, Fish’s No. 1 Arith., slate and pen- property after five years time, when no R. K. Sutton and party returned yester to tbe foot of Miner street about 12:30' the copper mines on Illinois river has ar I cil, pen holder, ruled practice paper, Trac- tax payments are made,—Journal. day from Crescent City. I Mrs. W. B. Myer and son returned o’clock by a sham fight between a rived at Grants Pass, and is now being j ing Book No. 3, pencil tablet, drawing pen • citizens of Portland have subscribed couple of men, and was then told that transported to its destination. The cap cil and rubber eraser, No. 3 Eclectic Draw- Monday from Colestein. >10000.00 to insure the financial success of there was more trouble down by the acity of the smelter will be 20 tons every ' ing Book. No. 2 Music Lessons (new edi ■ the Oregon Industrial Exposition to be Miss Elvira Victor, the teacher, returned Burgess place on Main street. The 24 hours, and will cost nearly $20,000. tion), Manson’s Spelling Blank. held there next month and whose manage IJAS MOVED FROM THE I. O. O. F. Oculist, Optician to Hillsboro yesterday. FOURTH GRADE. Marshal went down there, and finding ment contemplates a full exhibit of the Knox and Northup, San Franciscans Tommy Hammond returned home yes no one be returned, and then for the block into their elegant new quar Fourth Reader, Maxwell’s First Book in manufactures, agriculture, fruit, forests, terday from Dunsmuir. first time it dawned on him that there who bought Hanna, Klippell & Wilson English, Fish’s No. 1 Arith., Manson’s mines, fisheries, etc., of the great north ters neatly and tastily fitted up in Atkin interest in the Squaw lakes are putting 1 Spelling Blank, No. 2 Spencerian Copy west. C. K. Klam and family have returned was something wrong. He rushed to on a force of 35 men to open up the 17 Book Common School Course, No. 2 Music from their Crater lake trip. son block next door north of Postofiice, for No. 1 engine house with the intention of miles of ditch and new pluming neces Lessons New edition, No. 4 Eclectic Draw Geo. Markle, the blacksmith, had a nar Ed. Myer left on Tuesday’s train for San alarming the town by tbe ringing of the sary to work their 300 acres of placer ing Book, drawing pencil and rubber eras row escape last Monday while shoeing a the reception of their old patrons and Francisco to be gone a week. fire bell, but found that the ropes ’ had 1 ground with two giants. J. J. Kelly of er, Elementary Geog., ruled practice paper, horse. He had just put on two heavy ................................................. freight shoes on in front and was in the friends and the public generally. J. F. Cole of Colestein was in town yes been tied to prevent. He then went up Washington, D. C., M tb . Hawthorne, slate and pencil, good pencil tablet, s mall act of clenching the nails, when the horse towards the jail, firing a couple of shots Ex. Gov, Thayer and Judge Bellinger dictionary. terday en route for Medford. struck him on the forehead, which cut two to alarm the officers, but the mob had FIFTH GRADE. ugly gashes and knocked him down. Dr. They are «tocked up with and are displaying the The dance st Granite Hall last Friday already arrived, and in such numbers remain in the new company. Fourth Reader, Maxwell ’ s First Book in Parsons was called to dress the wound and evening was a social success. The Elliott creek section which a year English, Fish’s Arith. No. 2. Elementary took that the officers were powerless to resist. four stitches. He is confined to the J. W. Dunkin came up from Gold Hill Gradua'e of the A number of the men. all of whom ago had no placer mine will have five Geography, No. 4 Spencerian Copy Book house. reshest line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER Tuesday to spend a few days. Common School Course, ruled practice pa were masked, awakened Under Sheriff placers in operation this winter on ex 1ES AND PROVISIONS in the City. CHICAGO OPHTHALMIC COLLEGE per, pen holder, Reed ’ s Word Lessons, No. tensive scales. Geo. W. Boggs of Tacoma Radford at the Sheriff ’ s Office in the The Salt Lake county (Utah) Repub- Mias Alice Mathews of Gold Hill came up 5 Eclectic Drawing Book, drawing pencil ateeLAnil Hospital, put in the first plant. He has finished Court House and demanded the keys to Ashland by Saturday’s train. and rubber eraser. No. 3 Music Lessons ican convention has nominated Mrs. Ex-sheriff, B. Dean of Central Point paid from him. He positively refused to an extensive ditch with a capacity of New edition, good pencil tablet, a small jillio R. Pardee for the senate and Mrs. has opened an office at OKEGON HOTEL THEM for a few weeks only. Any and all who Ashland friends a visit this week. < open the door or give the keys up, tell 1600 inches, a pressure of 296 feet and a dictionary, Manson’s Spelling Blank, slate. E. B. Wells for the assembly. 300 foot dump, and after much work are afflicted with their eyes should improve SIXTH GRADE. Mrs. E. Churchill is building a cottage ing them that if they broke in tbe doors will start up in full blast by Sept, first John T. Jones, Henry Piper and James this opportunity. According to our best he would blow their brains out. Find Fifth Reader, Maxwell’s Introductory Heney have been indicted by the United authority on Main street in north part of town. there are 80 per cent of the people ing that Radford was determined not to with two giants and water to run the Lessons in English Grammar, Fish’s Arith. have some defect in their eyes, and J. A. Gross of the Depot hotel has been give them the keys, they went across year round. No. 2, Brooks’ Mental Arith., Comprehen States grand jury on charges of embex- who many suffer severely—not knowing the confined to hi« bed by illness this week. sive Geog., Reed’s Word Lessons, Man zling bullion from the mint at Carson, cause. to the jail and got on top of tbe stone Chronic headaches are usually Death of David G. Clark. ion’s Spelling Blank, blank drawing book, Nev., some time ago. Mrs. J. W. Bontrager ot Central Point wall which surrounds the jail. Deputy caused by astigmatism, and can be perma drawing pencil and rubber eraser. No. 6 re tamed Saturday from San Francisco. David G. Clark who died at his residence Sheriff Henry Brautlacht, who has been Some miscreant attempted to blow up nently cured by the use of lenses. Glasses Ashland Sunday last, was born in Stark Spencerian Copy Book Common School to order to fit each difficult case. Send to Parkinson <t Wise of Pokegama sleeping in the jail since the commit in the eastbound Northern Pacific passen ground No. 2 Music Lessons New Edition, Course, Ohio, in 1824. and at the time of Notice testimonials and recommends on Cal., for your soda water, sarsaparilla, etc ment of so many murderers, thinking county, a dictionary, slate, good tablet. his death was, therefore, 71 years of age. ger traiu on a recent night by placing circulars from well known physicians of i SEVENTH GRADE. Ashland will have a big crowd at the some one was escaping from tbe jail, Mr. Clark settled in business in Oregon in dynamite in a switch frog at Butte, our neighboring towns. fired two shots out of tbe window to the 50’s in Benton county. Corvallis being Soldiers and Sailors reunion Sept. 17tb, 22d. Call and have your eyes examined free of Fifth Reader, Fish’s Arith. No. 2, Brook’s Mont. Only the rear coach was dam alarm City Marshal Parks and Deputy the county seat. Previous to coming to charge., The Episcopal church is nearing a com- Sheriff Radford. He then opened tbe Ashland, a change made largely on ac Mental Arith., Maxwell’s Introductory aged. Nobody was killed. DRUG pletien as tbe plasterers have commenced doors and was immediately held up by count of his feeble health, he had been lor Lessons in English Grammar, No 7 Spen The daughter of Pahtuki, chief of the cerian Copy Book Common School Course their work. many vears an esteemed citizen ot Albany, Karl ’ s Clover Root, the great Blood puri ^¡ bbbp ^JEWELRY STORE the mob who took the keys from him and practice paper, pen holder, Compre Rev. Ennis of Roseburg filled tbe pulpit and entered tbe jail. Having no keys to Or. He became a member of the Masonic hensive Geog., Reed’s Word Lessons, Man Yokoyos. and Wahtoki, a sub-chief of fiergives freshness and clearness to the at the Baptist charch last Sunday,morning early in life and for many years son’s Spelling Blank, blank drawing book, the Sanols, have eloped. They fell in Comlpexion and cures Constipation, 25 eta.* tbe different cells, they were compelled fraternity was a prominent figure in that order." He drawing pencil and eraser, No. 4 Music ove while picking hops at Ukiah, Cal. 50 cts. and $1. Soldbv E. A. Sherwin. and evening. Established 1884 to burst the locks with sledge hammers, was P. G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Ore Lessons New edition, pencil tablet, diction The two tribes of the Mendocino In Mrs. Louisa Worthington has been Ed Farlow and W. G. Kropke left Mon which they proceeded to do at once. gon and a permanent member of the Grand ary. dians are at the point of war over the sentenced at H.-iii Francisco to serve a day for Pelican bey to spend two weeks Lawrence H. Johnson, who brutally Lodge. His remains were interred in Ash hunting ducks. EIGHTH GRADE. romantic episode. term of 25 years in St;u Quentin prison HAS I. O. F- stabbed his wife to death at Etna, on land cemetery on Tuesday by the Masonic Barnes’ Brief U. 8. History, Fish's Arith. Engineer J. F. Cummings is back on the Sunday evening, July 28th, was tbe societies and the O. E. 8. of Ashland ac Thomas Erskine, a farmer, was shot for the murder of Henry Baddeley, her No. 2. Brook ’ s Mental Arith., No. 7 Spen ran out of Ashland, taking Engineer first to receive the attention of the mob. cording to the prescribed beautiful and paramour, on Air. v 2, 1893. On her first ceremonies of Masonic burial. cerian Copy Book Common School Course, and then beaten insensible by Lung Barnum's place. They broke the lock from tbe door of his impressive Mr. Clark was a kind, courteous and practice paper, pen holder, Smith’s Ele Yuen near Sonoma, Cal. The Chinese trial she waa convicted of murder in the I DRUGGIST TO S. P. R. R. CO. | Misa Ada P. Thomas, music teacher of cell, and placing a rope around bis neck exemplary citizen. Sincere and gentle mentary Physiology, and Hygiene, Com- then committed suicide by shooting second degree and sentenced to 25 years’ the Ashland State Normal school arrived led him out of tbe jail and across tbe sympathy will be generously given to his Crehensive Geography, blank drawing limself in the left breast. Erskine’s imprisonment. The supreme court re by todays train. street to where tbe iron rail was laid widow and children in their great bereave ook, drawing pencil, rubber eraser, Reed’s injuries may prove fatal versed the judgment and granted her a D. R. Jones of Lakeview came in Tuesday between tbe forks of two locust trees. ment. Word Lessons, Manson’s Spelling Blank, I WATCH INSPECTOR S. P. K_R- <¿0. to take his daughter to the Sisters Academy Johnson pleaded for mercy, but tbe About 3,000 persons will be employed new trial. tablet, dictionary, Music Lessons No. 4. Expelled at Jacksonville. to harvest the hop crop in the vicinity HIGH SCHOOL. Monsignor Tosi, apostolic prefect of silent gathering gave no heed to his First year:—Maxwell’s Advanced Eng of Wheatland, Cal., and $106,000 will Alaska, is in San Francisco on business Everyone around Medford eats graham appeals, and be was quickly strung up, —every poison and impurity of your blood, and corn meal made by Edwin Russ’ new dying from strangulation in a few min by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical’Discovery. lish Grammar, Robinson’s New Elemen be paid in wages for the season’s work. connected with the Catholic missions of Then there’s a clear skin and a clear system. tary Algebra, bring Fish’s No, 2 Arith. and mill. See bis ad. utes. They returned to the jail, and Tetter, Salt-rheum, Eczema, Erysipelas, and The gold strike iu the Carbonate mine the territory, lie s.-.ys a party of well- Brooks’ Mental. Medford business men have adopted an next broke into tbe cell of William Null, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, Second Year:—Waddy’s Composition at Oro Grande, end of Cajon pass, Sail equipped British engineers and survey early closing agreement similar to that pre who shot Henry Hayten at Callahans, Tumors and swellings, and all blood, and Rhetoric, Eclectic Physical Geogra Bernardino county, assays $2,000 a ton ors is working o-i the boundary line, vailing in Ashland. on April 21st in a dispute oyer some Skin, and Scalp Diseases, from a common phy, bring Robinson's Alg. and journal, and has indications of being permanent. and he is of the opinion that the survey blotch or eruption to the worst scrofula — day book, and ledger for double entry Dr. A. Hinman of Forest Grove has been mining property. Null desired to make are perfectly and permanently cured book-keeping, Bryant & Stratton Common At the silver convention at San Fran ors are preparing a lino that will take a in Ashland this week looking for a location a statement, but time was too valuable these cisco a plan was adopted for immediate strip of country from Alaska for Cana to practice dentistry. to permit of any such preliminaries, and by In it. building up needed flesh and strength School Book-keeping. Our First Installment Of Tnird Year:—Robinson’s Geometry, county organization throughout Cali dian territory. C. P. Jones, street commissioner has com be was soon hanging alongside of John of pale, puny, scrofulous children, nothing Wadd ’ a Composition and Rhetoric, Barnes ’ pleted a long needed improvement, the son. Louis Moreno, who was charged can equal it. District Attorney Donnell of Los An General History, Steeles’ Popular Physics, fornia. Delegates are to be sent to the bridge on Granite street. with having killed George Sears on the national conventions of all political par geles lias instructed the board of super- Smith’s Studies in Eng. Lit. Delicate diseases of either sex, however Assessor Geo. A. Jackson was in town 5th of this month, waB then taken from C. A.H itchcock , Priacinal. ties next year to urge upon them the in ors to proceed in the Wright irrigation Sunday. He reports the county assessment bis cell and was soon swinging with induced, speedily and radically cured. corporation of bimetallic principles in district cases regardless of the decision in confidence. World’s Dispensary work nearly completed. Lameness usually results troni a sprain, Johnson and Null. The last and young Address, their platforms. Medical Association. Buffalo, N. Y. or other injury, or from rheumatism, for of Judge Ross in the United States dis O. W. Pennebaker has made arrange est of the four murderers to pay tbe which Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is especi The offer of the Union Iron works of trict court. Donnell says the supremo ments for a party to attend the Portland penalty of his crime, was Garland Party to Crater Lake. ally intended and unequalled. It effords Expedition by special car. Semler, aged about 19, who in company O. H. Blount and wife, Mrs, E. Tolman, almost immediate relief and m a short time San Francisco to furnish 60 men to court of California having decided the Deputy Sheriff Barnes came up from with Moreno was charged with having Miss Emma Tolman. Mrs. E, Barron, Mrs. eftords a permanent cure. For sale by E. speed the cruiser Olympia across the Wright Rut to be constitutional, it is Jacksonville Saturday evening to attend killed Caspar Meierhans at Bailey Hill, N. Shook and daughter, Wm, Schonnickson A. S herwin . Pacific will not be accepted by the navy pot at this time affected by the Rosa and Cash. Walker left Monday for two or the Labor Exchange meeting. on the 5th of tbis month. department. The Olympia will make decision. three weeks ’ vacation at Crater lake. Medford Items. A rope was placed around Semler’s General T. J. Reames of Jacksonville was the trip to Japan.ordinary mod- W. H. Muckinnon sent a letter to the Edwin Russ, East Side custom mill, irate rate of speed usual to the other in the city Tuesday to attend tbe funeral neck and be was led from tbe jail in bis Department of Music of State Nor Oakland board of education protesting chops all kinds grain for cash or toll, bare feet, and in a few moments joined services over the late David G. Clark. mal. vessels of the navy, ’ pgainst the intrusion of men on the Those wishing to take music, either piano, George F. Merriman, the blacksmith, has Tired women need to have their blood pur bis companions. About tbis time Sheriff gymnastic. exercises of young women George T. Johnston, who represented ified and enriched by Hood’s Sarsapailla. Hobbs, having been notified, arrived on voice, or organ, can see Miss Thomas, the purchased the shop formerally owned by w the scene, and starting tor tbe jail door i teacher, at the Normal building or at her Merriman & Purden. himself as a merchant of means of Phoe »cholars. He saya his daughter It will give them strength and health. place, Mrs. White’s, Corner of nix, A. T., secured a consignment of enough exercise at home helpi» , in°the Horace Reeser. Mrs. Hattie Logan and was commanded to halt, the command boarding First Avenue and Spring Street. One hour A Woman Who Will Work. goods from Murphy, Grant & Co. at housework and wants her -XCa^l from family returned home from Colestein where being emphasized by the display of lessons 50 cts. Lessons given at the school several revolvers. He was told that tbe Wanted in every county to introduce the San Francisco. The goods were shipped the school ,uymn«---.uu. The principal they have been camping the past week. or the homes of the students. Celebrated ••Hygeia” Waists for all ages. job had been done.” By this time tbe Quarterly meeting at M. E. church next “ criminatio 11 was exercised This waist supercedes the corset, and nas to Arizona and Johnston sold them at says that greater part of the mob bad dispersed Sunday. Preaching by T. L. Jones. Camp received the unanimous approval of the low rates for cash, With the money he QL his part in taking men into the girl’s Wimer Items. leaving only about thirty or forty men meeting at Central Point, Sept. 5th to 15th. leading physicians of America. $3.00 outfit guard, who soon left after the Sheriff Mrs. Lillie Cole of Cole’s station has re free. Any energetic woman can make from rame to California and went out on gymnasium. Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson and Miss Nellie on turned home. $15 to $50 weekly. Send for circulars and Catalina island, where he is having a O. W. Winthrop, employed in a cem Foss of Talent were on today’s train en arrived. Geo. Beers is home again after an absence lively summer outing. The offloers are etery at San Francisco, was acquitted The mob comprised men from dif terms. HYGEIA M’F’G Co., route to Sacramento to visit relatives there. after him. 378 Canal St.. New York. sections of the county, and were of several months in California. by a jury of the charge of having pois Rev. A. M. Russell came up from San ferent The home of XV. A. Allen was made well organized. A squad of 75 came Francisco last Saturday to spend a few A railroiul man named A. J. Collina, oned Mrs. Jennie Matliews while she Butte Creek News. the 17th by tbe arrival of a new weeks with friends and look after his peach along Fourth street from Scott valley and happy with a grievance against the Southern was visiting the graves of her children. daughter. Mrs. John Nichols was the guest of Mrs. Shasta valley roads, and others came crop. Pacific on account of his discharge, at Winthrop and the woman were friends Geo. Morine last week. Thomas Scott and wife of Glendale are Ever Brought to the Country the north end of town by tbe The bridge on the corner of Main and from visiting Mr. Scott’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins gave a dance at his new tempted to get into the office of J. A. and in the graveyard she asked him for Hawkinsville and Little Shasta roads, Granite streets is in bad repair and should J. L. Scott, residence last Friday night. fillmoxe, general superintendent of thè a loan of §75 to buy a bicycle. He re have the attention of the street comniis- while a number followed the Yreka Miss Bernetta Williscroft was the guest toad, at San Francisco, to kill him. He fused to let her have the money and she Miss Laura Carter has returned after a railroad track and wagon road from tbe «oner. protracted visit with her brother, who re of Octavo Howlett last week. was captured before getting a chance to became angry. Winthrop, to get away £J.- C. Stlce of the Northern California Montague direction, a number coming in sides in Oakland, Cal. Our school will commence on the nineth effect his plan. Collins came from Ari from a uw-agreeblo scene, took her little Fruit "<>• baa arrived and begun his pack on a band car. Just before tbe lynching Surveyor Brown, of Grants Pass, passed of Sept. Mr. Daly to act as teacher. ing operaturvs in the Page warehouse at a man with a team put up at Martin’s zona and had made threats at Los An child ar.d walked around the grounds. i stable, and said be would be back in an through Wimer en route for Junip-off-Joe Charley Thomas came in trom Klamath geles to kill high officers of the railroad He returned some time after and found the Depot. to do some surveying for the miners. L. Stewart moved in from Keno this hour. Tbe night hostler thought it county last Saturday after a load of fruit. company. the woman staggering, noticing that strange for a visitor at that time of night, Curtis Manning has returned from Rubin week and is building a house near J. P. she was suffering with cramps. It is Miss Mollie Riley was reported on the Gilmore’s, «o his children can attend the and inquired if someone was sick. He creek where he has finished mining tor the sick list last week, Dr. Stanfield is in attend Shiloh’s Cure is sold on a guarantee’ It supposed she took strychnine and died State Normal. answered, he came in for a doctor to see summer and expects to operate his ance. curesjncipient Consumption. It is the some hours later. J.T. Million, W, P. Parsons and son a very sick man at Pokegama. Return hydraulic claim here for the winter. Cough cure. Only one cent a dose. Mr. Willmoth has been putting on the best Henry Stout, who has been indisposed left Tuesday for a two weeks' outing at ing in an hopr and a quarter he apolo 25 cents., 50 cts. and $1, Sold by E. A. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., finishing toutches on John Williscroft ’ « Buck Lake, and other places of interest in gized to tbe early morning hostler, Bob for some time, was taken suddenly ill last bouse. S herwin says, “Shiloh’s Vitalizer saved my life. 1 Saturday with severe hemorrhage of the Klamath county. Morton, for not being on time, and soon consider it the best remedy for a debilitated lungs but, we are glad to say, is improvihg Miss Lottie Brown has been visiting the system 1 ever used.” For Dyspepsia, Lost. Tbe Odd Fellows of Gold Hill will dedi disappeared. Bob, knew nothing of the again. family of Geo. Nichols of Lake creek for the Liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price cate their new ball on August 30th with a occurrence then, and said no apology After the auction sale at A. Millsap’s 75 cents. Sold by E. A. Sherwin. grand ball. The best of supper and music was needed, as he was there to attend to © Harry Taylor and wife are camped at the past two weeks. •• Bybee ’springs this week. There are a will be furnished. customers at any and all hours. Mr. Martin of Trail creek is on the sick residence last Saturday afternoon, a purse ■; © © © containing $20.90 and papers still more number of families camped on the grounds The R ecohd for job puntine. list — an old complaint, he is said to be jq « The bodies were taken down by © G. H. Slover of Grants Pass spent a few tbe springs, which makes it quite a critical condition. valuable to the undersigned. A liberal days in Ashland working in tbe interest Coroner Scofield and Marshal Parks, near lively place to spend a few days. reward will be paid for the recovery of of field day. He returned home on Mon who removed them in a wagon to No, 1 The Depot Grocery Miss Edna Heart is visiting her father the same. Mrs. C. F. F rizell . A. M. McComber and Geo. W. Grayson, John day evening’s train. engine house, where they were laid side E. F. Loomis has bought the Depot gro Heart at the residence of his mother, We are overstocked and crowded prominent business men ot San Fran Mrs. James Wooley. cery of A. C. Rice and is carrying a stock Col. F. V. Drake has filed a motion for by side, making a ghastly looking sight. Jr., cisco, are in our midst looking for mining HOTEL OZRZEG-OJST of first class groceries and provisions which — Journal Extra. for room. The Racket Store stock a rehearing in the noted case of J. B. Eddy, Miss Millie Howlett came home from property and it is rumored that they are are for sale at hying prices from a clean railroad commissioner vs. H. R. Kincaid, Medford Saturday to spend two weeks about to buy the mine on Jump-off-Joe and attractive place. Dont fail to oall and The remains of young Semler were owned by Robinson, Lisco, Kline & Hogan. Visiting her parents and friends. secretary of state. F. T. Fradenburgh.Prop. which we recently bought will be see Loomis in his new headquarters. T hursday — H P Slice, Anderson Elmer Oatman and wife, of Talent, spent shipped to his brother’s borne at Merced, Mrs. J. K. Bell, post mistress of Browns sold at Racket prices cut in Thomison, Spok W Stull, do Bunday with B. F. Reeser's family. Miss his brother being at Yreka accompanied Normal School Notes. boro, and her brother James Culbertson Jno ¡i-. * * MARRIED. C J Boyle, S F G W Smith, Citv Lida Reeser returned home with Mrs. Oat by a lawyer, to attend bis examination twain * * * The "bee” last Thursday was not a were in Eagle Point Friday on business. * * * E I) Barlow, N Y Jas Welch, Sac appointed tor Monday morning August man to spend a week. large affair, but there were a sufficient John Young,our efficient road supervisor, I Robinson, 8 F A D Kenyon, Duns 26th. HUNTER—NESSLER—In Trail creek pre Aaaessor Jackson baa assessed the S. P. room The following potice was found pin- number to finish the work. The walk has been beautifying his residence; it looks H C Morrell,Jr, Eugn E A Shepard, Port cinct, August 11, 1895, by O. J, Willard, Look at a road bed at $10,000 per mile in thiacoun- as white as the houses in the Arctic re J A Whitman. Med S D Cooper, do way is now cleared from the city Bide- ned on Johnson ’ s back, J. P., J. A. Hunter and Arvilla Nessler. of gions. J A Wilson, Yreka J C Murray, do> a whereat the railroad officiate are con- figures. “Caution”—Let this be a warnjng to walk to the school building, and when F Bangasser, 8 F W G Martin. S F erably exercised. FULLER—SILVER—In Sisson, August Charles Taylor of Ashland has been visit J W Welch. all and it is hoped that all cold blooded the low places are covered with a cheap Haines, Port R B 29ch, 1895, by Rev. W. H. Gleason, Dr. Heavy shipment« of peaches from the murderers in this county will suffer like board walk, it wijl be a very convenient ing his brother Frank and settling up bis W C Bevington,Duns C A Hermann, do Frank Fuller and Mrs. Augusta E. Silver. Ladies’ Gentlemen’s and Chil Men’s and Boys’ summer coats way to reach the school in all ordinary business here, he spends to have poor A D Kenyon valley continue daily. The fruit this year wise. M onday — health. ia exceptionally fine, considering the times weather....... Those wishing tickets for dren’s shoes, fine assort and vests, all 25c to close. G A Beavis, S F W S Wade, 8 F tbe prices realized are fair. Tbe Journal iurther says: The lynch school bus can obtain them of Prof. V*n Joe Rader, his mother and sister, Clara, J H Richardson, Port S D Cooper DIED. ment, all sizes; very cheap. Ladies ’ and Children’s hose, F riday — Jas Murray. Port J. R. Beamer and family, residents of ing of tbe four murderers in the county Scoy or at tbe office of Billings and Geo. Morine and family and Miss Grace H L Sayles, City D Mathiot, do Stanfield started for the McAlister soda Ashland for several years past, left Tues- jail which took place at Court House Trefren. Tickets cost $1.50 and are good large assortment from 5c up. CLARK—In Ashland, August 25, 1895, Men’s and Boys’ straw hats at Fred Hansen, Tbl R J W Storms, City ^ar/ar Bandon, Coos county, where they Park Monday morning, can in no way for sixty ridea between the city and Springs last Wednesday. David G.Clark, aged 71 years. less than one-half original Jno Thomison Dr A Ninnian, Port Men ’s Balbrigan underwear, ■rill make their future home. reflect upon tbe officers ia the Court. Normal School, for the student, and W. C. Daley is getting out timbers to Dr Chas Hines, do P B Gallogher, S F ALLEN — In Jacksonville precinct, August cost. No one ia ordinary health need become Tbe information in the Null* case was twelve rides for a citizen. Students 2^ build an addition to his feed barn which O C Riches, do reduced to 25c and 35c. A 8 Ward, Oak 25, J895. Phoebe, daughter of Win. Allen, bald or gray, if as will follow sensible treat- filed on tbe 22d of May, and under his cents a trip or 5 cents round trip; citizen will greatly add to the convenience of feed L J Myers, S F J H Boyd, 8 F aged 18 years, 5 months and 11 days. O ’ alls — Samson, Eldorado, or Oxfords and Russets, all at aasnt. We advise eleanliness of tbe scalp plea of insanity tbe law gave him the 12>g cents a trip or 25 cents round trip. ing and sheltering stock for tbe winter. R Cole & wf, Coles E 0 Parrott, R B and tbe use of Hall's Hair Renewer. FRI8BY—On Camp creek. Aug. 21. 1895, W N Luckey, City Peliance — all at 50cts; full right to send where ever necessary to It is hoped that many of the citizens will Lake Creek Dist. on Butte creek is taking E O Parrott, K B just half price. Harry Frisby, Aged 6 years. J Ray Luckey, do G. W. Trefren left Tuesday to meet his secure depositions in suppertof bis de buy these tickets so as to aid in carrying considerable interest in the roads in way of F Arnold, Oakld assortment of sizes. twether L. 8. Trefren at soda springs. He fense, which could not be done in lesB the bus expense in order to hold the improvement. W. C. Daley, road com J B Williams, City August Bolle, LosG S aturday — T uesday — come over from Nevada with pack animals, time than allowed by the Court. This rates down for the students. Every missioner, has worked the men to an advan H W Roche, BORN. and has improved the grade very much G W Smith, City All goods as represented and and reports eastern Oregon very dry. was the only one of the four cases which small matter of this kind adds to the tage W T Perkins, G Pass Wheeling, W Va at the Lake creek school house. satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. In the contests M Grants Pass this week was at issue betoie tbe Superior Court. efficiency and popularity of the Ashland J F Cutsball, S F E Winkle, Spokane A company composed of John Daley and H E Jackson, Louisv J B Williams, City ihe Roseburg band carried off the $100.00 In the case of Johnson tb^r^ was a de State Normal. Lectures twice a month DOLLARHIDE—At Henley, August 1«, prise as against tbe Grants Pass band. tn urrerer to tbe information which was and music recitals, or some kind of wife her brother aud sister Bertha and John J P Barteline. Racine E D Barlow, N Y 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dollarhide, Roseburg got the prize also in the hose to be argued this week. The other entertainment about once a month Wyland of Antelope, Mr. Miligan and J Noreigo, 8 F H W Barron, City a son. family, Frank Smith and family, Mr. Tur raoes. prisoners, Stemier and Moreno, were to would be occassions for citizens to use pin, ot Antelope and Charles Turpin of Dr A Ninman, Port J M Wagner, do IIAIRFORD —At Pokegama, August 16, MYER BLOCK A Piper, do T G Reames, Jville B. F. Cummons paid tbe RxcoaD office a have their preliminary examinations theke tickets. Buying a bus ticket does Lake oreek started for Crater lake last C 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hairford, a Ashland, oregou. Walter Jackson, do GOB DeBar, Jville Visit one day this week, and brought with yesterday, it having been necessary to not prevent the student from walking Wednesday, daughter. I ' R C Muller & wf W N Luckey & son. him a basket of Jucious fruit which was postpone them to that date in order to when he wishes to do so. The ticket C Truax, Chicago City TAYLOR—In Medford, August 25,1895, to relished accordingly by the force. Come allow tbe attorney time to prepare a de would last that much longer....... For tbe “A Word to the Wise is Sufficient.” J Otto Guthman, Port G W Smith, do the wife of A. C. Taylor, a so«. agjn. SOUTHERN OREGON fense. The law in these cases is manda present the buses will leave main street 1 suffered terribly from roaring in my F L Southwick. Mfld T O Gladding, Port CLIFF —Near Medford, August 26, 1895, to James Matlock, of Portland, is in town tory, and tbe officers of the Court have near tbe post office at 8:30 in the morn head during an attack of catarrh, and be E C Murray, 8 F B L Gibbs, do the wife of George Cliff. a daughter. owd is looking at southern Oregon with a I I no alternative but to obey. In tbe case ing, and tbe school building at 3:30 in came very deaf; used Ely’s Cream Balm F P Reznor, Duns M K Rogers, Pa ■" "v — ■ i' ■ 1 view of locating, and has traded for two of Fredericks, who was banged at San the afternoon....Within a few days, and in three weeks ceuld hear as well as R P Cornelius, Stnm G H Mayhew, 8 F acres of land on Oak street, known as the A M McLeod, do F W Johnson, do ever,—A. E. Newman, Graling, Mich. Quentin a sfior^ time ago, the Supreme three or four convenient places will be Awarded W A Hempbill, do Stacy property. One of my children had a very bad dis O Burrest, do Court severely criticized the lower Court selected where students can collect., charge from the nose. Physicians prescrib F N Wood, do W ednesday — Mistiest Honors —World's Fair« Mrs. Grace Berry of Roseville, Cal., who for what it termed its undue h^ste. either on Main street or tbe beulevard, ed without benefit. After using Ely's Cream J 15 Muller, Mississip H Freeman A wf, Ashland, Or. has been visiting relatives in Seattle was on Neil Campbell readv for the buses as they come along. Central Point Balm a short time the disease was cured.— _/ ■ todays train bound for home and stopped Hattie E. Bristow, who has been stopping ....Prof. James Stormer has arrived O. A Cary, Corning, N. Y. John Qavagqq W J Freeman, do pff for a short visit with her sister-in-law, at Hotel Oregon, left on Monday’s south Thöa Röyce W E Dunn, Port Price of Cream Bqlip ip'fifty oents. New buildings, Normal firs. J. Crocker. bound train for Carson City, Nevada. from Corvallis, and is ready for his work C Noonan E L Howe, Boston it / - X academic, business, music in the Normal. Prof. J. J. Berry and Mrs. Bristow is formerely of Salem, where The Ashland quartz mill is running S unday — The niorr mg bell at the Ashland woolen Sam Isralsky, 8 F and ar< courses. Review W N Luckey, City W F Bangasser. do mill» calling the hands to their daily work, she has been in continuous work for nine Mrs. Taylor will arrive on Saturday and again on custom ores. classes ; teacher«* training years in tbe Indian school and is now in Miss Thomas on Thursday. .. .Students W C Bevington,Duns which ha» been so long silent, is a very wel A trial of the right to some property Ray Luckey, do school. Skilled leachers are h'v, the civil service pay. She asked for a are reporting every day, and will becom levied on by Constable John Real on the G W Smith do Jas Welch, Sacto come sound to those citizens eager for the U ' / ; wanted. State diplomas transfer, which was readily granted. Her ing in every month until after holidays. Hopkins place or Roper ranch was had be J Davis, 8 F A D Kenyon, Chicgo revival of Ashland enterprises. HB auv county. Life 1 work in the new field will take up Septem fore a jury in Justice Luckey’s court Tues W. T. V an S coy , Ppincipal. ' -- c E. V. Barlow, a young law student from ber 1st, 1895. / day. The jury found in favor of tbe de With one eye on the clock, and the other a New York who has been «topping at Wag A man by the name of Howard, a sur Real Estate. fendant, Harry Green, an old occupant of on your plate, you cannot enjoy a meal —_ experience in teaching. ner’s soda springs with his irisnd, Jesse veyor of Medford, it appears surveyed two Julian Ricard and Nelson Herbert to this ranch, and against the constable. When traveling east, you should take the t Board at hall. $1.75; lodg- Williams, for a few weeks, left for Portland road routes from Ashland to tbe Klamath Sulphur Springs Hydraulic Co—q c d to Attorney Brigga for the plaintiff and Wat Northern Pacific, the only dining car line ’ing,f0 cts, student iurnish- Tuesday. He will return in October. country, pnder official employment some mining ground in tp 36 s, r 3 w; $100. son for the defendant appeared in the case from Portland: meals 75cents. You don’t s/ ling bed clothing and lamp. J R Beamer to Elizabeth M Beamer which consumed tbe day and up to a late have to get up in the morning at six o’clock, >.1» Faniilv board. $3.(0. Tui- Burnside Post G. A. R. are very active vears ago, once in 1868 and again in 1874. hour at night. i Board, lodging, rush to breakfast and gulp it down in fif tn their preparations for the reunion to be He bos recently appeared in print to assert land in tp31 s, r 1 e: $600. Catherine Wooley to R R Winter—q c cl 23- Do yon know, il you want to go East and teen minutes, and then have to wait until 3 m AF v K«1 tuition and books per year, bald here beginning Sept. 17th and ending that there is no road over to that country If Is,. desire a Pullman Tourist Sleeper, that you or 3 o'clock fop lunch or dipner. Taavoid £ept. '4?d. The programme arranged as at all from this point. We suggest that ,24 acres in tp 35 s, r 1 w; $50. Mr. Howard inquire if there is any road Wm Byb?e to Beefcman & Reames—land will be detained from |2 tQ 16 hours unless this, take the Northern Pacific; the only A.-hlnnd cannot be excell- sures a gvod time for all who may attend. across the Cascades from here which he did in tps 36 and 37 s, r 2 w and 37 s, r 1 e; $34- you take the Northern I’acjnc? Remember dining car route, tbeonly line to the Yellow ed in the state for fine wint- not survey, or is the whole question of Mr 354. A “7 ers. pure water, health and A stick of timber passed through here on that the Northern Pacific is the only line stone Park and the only line running Pull . good society For manual or tbe 8. P. cars this week bound for Denver, Howard’s surveyed roads a legal fiction ? Martha and Geo R Hatnmersley to Jos running Pullman Tourist Sleepers through man Tourist Sleepers through to the east Having satisfied himself as to this, we ven I’, !’■> •' special information, address Hammersley—2 acres in twp 36 s, r 3 w; to tbe east without delay. Time and money without from 12 to 16 hours delay. For A pure Grape Geam of Tartar Powder, fa* Col. having a cross section of 24x36 inches $100. r » . and 68 feet long. That is to say it contain ture the further suggestion that Mr. Howard saved by thia route. For full information, full information, time cards, maps, etc., W. T. VAN SCOY, Same to E N WdLiams-lot 14, b’k 14, time cards, maps, etc., call on or address, call on or address, Robert Leonard, Agent. bom Ammonia, Alum or any othe$ a MMUN» ed 4898 feet of timber. It was a fir beam ■ubside in Ihe road discussion in which . President. IhviuMnviUnuiM Bppittvtl WrtYfiatafs. Gtoia HUI; $4U0. Ashland Or Robert Lemuura, Ageut« Ashland, Or, 40 YEARS TH1 STAND*» and clear of kaots, VALLE! RECORD. EDWIN RUSS, Medford, Or DR. B. C. BAIN, WILLIAM HEVEHEB F A CALL- GIVE REMOVAL. NOTICE T. K. BOLTON’S CITY MOVED INTO 1 O. AND BLOCK. ____ u_____ FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING OUE New STOCK OF DRY_>^ A^GOODS IS COMING IN NOW VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. FOR THE FUN OF IT! B ARGAIN0 ARGAINÛ of the XNe must have regardless price. fe>N MYER & GREGORY, State Normal School •DR; 1 BAKING PIMHII MOST PERFECT MADE. «