Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1895)
I I » H ■»»< » ! M I H+++ +++++++++++++++-1H❖ The Wallace Circus. The Murder of Sears. 1 Sunday Law At Central Point. Edward Richards, aged 17, of Stock- This circus muchly advertised by the ton has developed into a wonderful gun LIFE DROPS Miss Emma Howard, Wells, Fargo’s i Louis Manuel Mareno and Garland Editor V alley R ecord .] 4» There is a Sunday law on the statutes owner as an honest circus, was in Ash shot. At the recent meet of the Stock- express auent in this city about 4 o’clock Semlerare the names of the two foot trickle from bottles of right ruedi- -> ! Monday afternoon received by telegraph pads arrested last week for tbe robbery of Oregon and though it is observed only land Saturday and gave a very good i ton Gun club he broke 98 blue rocks cines, rightly compounded. Your 4- physician will prescribe the proper <• ASHLAND, O r . .T hursday . Aug. 15,18Ü5. ' a new express rate on peaches from Ash- of Geo. C. Sears’ saloon below Cole’s to the extent in which people obey it by show. But like others it was as dis out of a possible 100. remedy for jour malady, andwe will | land to Portland and Willamette valley Station, just on tbe other side of the state the natural inclinations of their feelings, honest, grasping and thieving as it could Charlotte Neilson, the actress, was guarantee to supply the proper medi- T I points, the rate having been reduced to a line, on the Siskiyous, and for the murder every once and a while some one whose be and keep its bosses out of the peniten cine correctly prepared from the X PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. ■ general rate of 50 cents per 100 lbs. or of G. C. Sears and a murderous assault mind is built that way bobe up and tiary. Though advertised at 50 cents married to Joseph H. Neill, a wealthy freshest, purest and most potent 4- planter of Guatemala, at New York. the management shaped it around so shows some of his neighbors that he must 10 cents a box straight. The rate here on Kaspar Maeierhans, his hired man, drugs in the world. Purity in drugs, ❖ Cort ci Miller arrived from San Francisco tofore in force was $1 per 100 lbs. in lots on the evening of August 5th. that three fourths of those going in had They met less than a month ago on a do as he does or be d------ “-ned. like correctness in book-keeping, is + yesterday. Mr. LaRue, the stump-puller, was en to pay 60 cents. Short-change swindling railroad train and it was a case of love under 500 lbs and 75 cents in lots of 500 Coroner Schofield and a jury consisting absolutely indispensable. Medicines f Mrs. Ayers and Mrs. Kyle went to Coles Ins. or over, so that the 50 cent rate is of E. T. Bartlett, Tim Noonan, Geo. A. gaged by the Central Point town council was slyly carried on by all and J. H. at first sight. are not remedies without it. and cer-... tein yesterday. tainly no medicine prepared by us is 4. I quite a material reduction. The railroad McDonald, John H. Wright, Rufus Gole, to move the town jail to another lot and Harrison, the gentlemanly, red-headed Senator Quay of Pennsylvania has without this essential element of puri- 4- Have Crosby of Medford is visiting his I rate between Ashland and Portland and Jr., W. N. Kouns, C. Kraft and Jas. A. adjoining the town hall. Mr. LaRue press agent, is the chief of the light- just won his greatest political victory. l.z. ... | ty in its ingredients. We can • also •> family at Riddles. 1 Willamette valley points is 36 cents per Starkey, held an inquest over the re found it to his interest in the economy of fingered brigade. Wallace gets his good A strong combination attempted to pre Ryrs C Rl PTIONS supply all tbejstandard medicines rec- J name by flattering newspapermen. He bis time, to be at work on this job Sun 100 lbs. in lots under a carload, and 29 mains of Sears, who died last Thursday Miss Josie Pearson arrived from Drain ognized as the every-day reliables, : vent his election to the chairmanship of establishes an exclusive place in the best day and a Christian gentleman, H. H. cents per 100 lbs. in a ear load lot or — — .J — . — — — _ — — Izi* A lilAQ afternoon. They rendered a verdict to vesterday to visit her mother, Mrs. Mc and we carryfa very.complete line of I * C ar / fuli over. As the freight gets to Portland in the effect that he came to bis death by a dark, was so incensed at the breaking and most conspicuous part of the reserved the Republican state central committee, Donald. toilet articles, and sell at reasonable 4. seats as a press box, in which everything but these efforts were futile. Quay is C om po I prices. Money to loan, inquire of Lock Box 166, about 30 hours the railroad did all the bullet wound in the Lead, inflicted by a of the holy (to him) Sabbath day that he is free, and in which the clowns get off now more powerful than ever. coer'Aif MV caused LaRue’s arrest on a criminal peach carrying business so far this season, party or parties to them unknown. Ashland, Oregon. E. A. SHERWIN. •SV' until Tuesdav when Wells-Fargo shipped Drs. D. Ream and Ed. McConnell. charge for the breakage of the first day. their silliest jokes, and the players bow Judge S. O. Thacher died at Law Druggist and Stationer. £ J. M. Etner went to Sawyer’s Bar Tues 400 boxes. Tne Wells-Fargo rate applies examined the wound on Mareno’s finger Mr. LaRue was given an examination their most graceful smiles. Some journ rence, Kan., the other day. He was one to tn 93 a» ao oo n 009393930093000093939393 93 » day on mining business. alists, are like the noodleheads of the to all points from Ashland to Merlin, and pronounced it the work of a bullet, Tuesday, in which the prosecution failed ♦♦+++++++++++++++4 ”M'+'i*4'+4"J-4,->-J* “400” and get most fearfully inflated at of the most eminent jurists of the West. Ed. Eubanks, the commercial traveler, thus taking in the entire Rogue river evidently by an accidental discharge to secure a conviction. Thacher was a member of the constitu was in the valley this week. This calls to mind that there are nine such royal attention, and toacorrespond.- tional convention in 1859 and was also a peach belt. The fruit rate from Califor during the melee. The drunken Span Tom Kinney was up from Jacksonville nia points to Oregon remains the same. iard told John Wright while he was in 7th Day Adventists in one jail in Tenn ing degree forget the bru. al manner in yesterday on a business trip. An express rate of a cent per pound tbe woods that be was now a bad man, essee and some in Mississippi, Georgia which the Great Wallace takes every member of the South American com on peaches for 341 miles is considered having done a fellow up in a shooting ¡and Maryland from tbe enforcement of advantage of the innocient, the aged, the mission. A son was born to the wife of 8. P. Cum quite reasonable for this country and it scrape. Maeierhans fully and completely such laws as these, and I notice the blind and the weak and lame. Mrs. Lizzie Rutherford, a wealthy mings at Arcada, Cal., recently. insures delivery as well. The railroad identifies the Spaniard. On a complaint Catholic Total Abstinence Union Con The Yreka Journal says the Wallace and well-know« widow of Napa county, Mrs. Reid, the school teacher, has return rate is the same as last year, sworn to by Maeierhans, charging vention in New York last week shrieked circus flim-flammed a great many people recently married her hired man, Will uas moved from the i 0. o. f ed to Jacksonville from Portland. A. W. Jacobs and H. B. Stice, mana Mareno with murder and robbery in the for “a strict Sunday social law.” Here out of hundreds of dollars while at Yreka. iam Dalzell. Mrs. Dalzell was for many block into their elegant new quar Rev. Geo. W. Black has been in Califor ger of the Northern California Fruit killing of Sears, and Setnler with robbery tofore, the Catholics have largely attend The circus men tried hard to capture years a leader in San Francisco society. nia where be may be called to preach. ed to their own business, and permitted and' attempted murder in dangerously ters neatly and tastily fitted up in Atkin every dime possible, and some of them Her grown-up sons are indignant, to put Company of Anderson, Shasta county, i . Mrs. FredT. Fradenburg returned yester- have been in the valley for a week or wounding Maeierhans, the two footpads I others, an equal liberty and right. If, were not disposed to show any honesty it mildly, at their mother’s action. son block next door north of Postoftice, for day from a visit of t several weeks in Port- more purchasing all the Bartlett pears were arrainged before Justice of the however, they now propose to help along in doing so. The last issue of the Journal land. Ex-Governor John P. St. John of the un-American work of Sunday-law in Peace Howell Saturday. .Mareno bad the reception of their old patrons and warned the people against the “soap they could get for one cent a lb. They Engineer Chas, Barnum and family have purchased so far seven carloads and engaged James F. Farraher, who was in famies, and to decree how others shall game” which followed the circus through Kansas and United States Senator Till friends and the publie generally. moved to Oakland, Cal., today, where he the work of picking will commence at E. San Francisco to see the Spanish consult observe Sunday, they will find (bat they Oregon and before reaching Yreka sub man of South Carolina engaged in a de will run an engine. and Setnler not having an attorney, but have stirred up a bigger hornet ’ s nest stituted the “envelope game” therefore, bate on “Prohibition” at New York. K. Anderson’s on the 25th. He does not C. M. Forbes, a prominent ,________ citizen _____ of __ employ any Chinamen, but will employ wrote to one at Merced, Cal., the ex than they can Bmotber. No men living, finding a number of willing victims. The Tillman argued for the state dispens They are stocked up with and are dieplaying the Portland, died in that city Monday front women and will bring two expert packers amination was set for today, when both and no set of men, have a right to dictate envelope man of the circus, who carries ary system and the jury decided in his neuraleia of the heart. up to teach them how to do the job. were bound over to appear before the to any American citizen bow he shall on a game of chance for prizes by num favor. spend bis Sundays, provided always he bers placed in envelopes, raked in $200 reshest line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER Ed. Wilkison. the Medford butcher, has They will get their boxes in California, superior court. Archer Milton Huntington, adopted There was considerable talk of a lynch does not waste them in vice, or squander from a man named Tavlor, of McAdams IES AND PROVISIONS in the City. let a contract for a two story brick to re though the growers can put their labels ing bee at Yreka Monday’and Tuesday the hours in crime. place bis frame building. creek. It is claimed that Taylor counted son of C. P. Huntington, was married on. ________ The liberty of one individual to dedi out $200 which the circus sport told him- at London to Helen Gates of East Or Mrs. S. Brundage returned yesterday Applicants for Teacher’s Certificates. nights to take the four cold-blooded murderers out of the county ^iil and cate his Sunday to open-air sports, to could double by drawing a certain num ange, N. J. The bride is the divorced from a visit with her husband at the Pacific Leona Lee, Myrtilla Black, John W. Per hang them. The lynching party took innocent pleasures in wood and park mine on Klamath river. in an envelope, but instead of allow wife of Thomas B. Criss, a broker, and GIVE THEM A CALL- noil, Lillie Dodge, Lila Sackett, Hattie into their confidence several solid citi with wife and children—even to tbe ber ing him to draw, deliberately stole the daughter of Isaac E. Gates, C. P. Hunt Charley (Oregon) Coolidge, who is doing Gleason. Edith M. White. Jess Wait, Ella business at Chetco, on the Curry county Williams. Maud E. Downing, Laura zens and the better counsel prevailed. quaffing of a glass of beer and the eating money, and ordered Taylor to leave. If ington's confidential man. The murder of Perry, a popular man at of a sandwich—is just as sacred as the he had posted the Sheriff or either of his coast, was here the other day. Farrow, Belle Potter and Manela Gentry. Frank M. Pixley, who made the San Sisson, may yet arouse the slumbers of right of any other man to spend the day two deputies on the ground at the time, Go to Story A Egger’s tonsorial parlors Francisco Argonaut, died a few days Another Murder at Sisson. in Sabbath School and at church. And Judge Lynch. the circus thief could have been captured, for a shave, haircut or shampoo. They are There are 14 prisoners lying in the men and laws have no more right— but to wait until part of the outfit had ago. lie was one of the strongest char Manuel Perry, a pioneer Portuguese first class artists. Opposite plaza. citizen of Siskiyou county who keeps a Siskiyou county jail at Yreka. Four are legal, or moral, or constitutional—to de out to Montague was too late, al acters in the literary and journalistic Impure blood i« the cause of boils, pim saloon at Sisson, and an old man, a in for cruel murders and Siskij’ou county clare that this man shall not enjoy his gone though he may be caught at Redding. circles of the Pacific Coast. His oppo ples and other eruptions. Hood’s Sarsapar illa purities the blood, and cures these painter and paper hanger, got into a row has two people in Portland awaiting ex Sunday in bis own innocent wav, than The man swindled out of his $200 swore sition to the Catholic church made him Tuesdav evening over a game of billiards tradition to be tried for murder. Only* they have to affirm it to be a misdemeanor out a warrant, and the Sheriff' went out famous and also made him many ene troubles. and the paper banger stabbed Perry a few months ago an Indian murderer for the other to devote the greater part to Montague to catch the thief, but it is mies. Will C. Crawford and wife of Middletown, seven times Perry died from the in was lynched before be could be taken to of the day to listening to tbe preacher. CITY DRUG AND very doubtful whether hecandoso, on Iowa, were in Ashland this week visiting Mrs. Ferdinandez Iznaga, sister-in- When these rabid fanatics—no matter account of so many chances to get away, aaa^JEWELRY STORE relatives, he being a nephew of the Chap juries yesterday morning. The murderer the county jail. behind what Church ambush they distort with circus men to aid him. The first law of W. K. Vanderbilt, will marry is in custody. man family. Public Sale. the teachings of Christ—declare that section had gone out to Montague before Count Belazichy, a Hungarian noble Established 1884 Mrs. J. C. Durkee and Mr. and Mrs. B, J. Roseburg Stage Robbed Again. Saturday, Aug. 17th 1895. I will sell Liberty shall mean simply tbe privilege the Sheriff was notified. Another man man, as soon as she secures a divorce. Abbott were stopping at Colestein the past Roseburg, Aug. 14.—Yesterday after to the highest bidder for cash, at my of the American citizen to do only w bat from Etna was also tricked to a small The engagement has been announced. week. Mrs. Abbott will move to Portland noon the -Coos Bay stage, en route from residence on Woolen street, the following: they Bay he should be permitted to do, extent in same way, but the circus sport Mrs. htaaga is at Yankton, 3. D., and HAS MOVED INTO /. O. O. F. BLOCK. next month to live. Myrtle Point to this city, was stopped on One cook stove, one heating stove, all and no more, they mistake entirely tbe settled it by giving the man a number her suit for divorce comes up shortly. There were thousands of people in town Camas mountain by a lone highwayman. kitchen utencils, one extension table, two. temper of the freeborn American citizen from all parts of the country Saturday to There were four passengers, three men bedroom sets, six dining room chairs, if they think be will meekly submit to of circus tickets, claiming he made a Her husband will not contest the case. mistake in stating the supposed winning witness the circus. So many that they are and one woman, the latter being unmo one parlor set, six rocking chairs (three Wine grapes are bringing $12 a ton at DRUGGIST TO S. P. R. R. CO.| their arrogance. He will stand a great number. too numerous to mention. Healdsburg. lested. Although two of the men. Dan plush,) one feather bed, one plush center deal without complaining, but he draws The Roseburg Review, after mention Word comes from all quarters that the Cardwell and Barnev Mathews, of this table, one eight-day calendar clock, one tbe line most emphatically at any inroads The Bank of Palouse at Palouse City, ing several “short change” robberies, neatest and most satisfactory dve for col citv, had several hundred dollars with sewing machine (White,) two wire upon bis Bacred personal liberty. Wash., has suspended. oring the beard a brown or black is Buck them, they succeeded in hiding all but a springs, two wool mattresses, five stands the wholesale ticket swindling of the I WATCH INSPECTOR S, P. R. R. CO Is it not strange that the representa and ingham’s Dye for the Whiskers. Over 130 horses have been entered for Great Wallace Shows, says: This crook few dollars, w hich thev contributed to the —one book stand, one LaGrand piano tives of tbe various religious creedB— They are here and Vaupel, Norris A fund levied by the robber. The latter (new cost $500,)*large howl with gold fish breathing the air of Freedom in Free edness at the ticket office indicates that the race meeting to be held at San Jose Drake have them. Kid gloves, chamois was recognized as the one previously and stand, 30 y’ds Brussels carpet, 30 dom ’s holy land, and granted immeas the circus management was a party to it, in September. and dressed. Whites, tans, blacks, browns described bv the driver and carried him y ’ ds Ingrain carpet, 25 y ’ ds rag carpet, Natural gas has been discovered on urable liberty of conscience and right, of and that Mr. Wallace, who personally and grays. Call and examine. self in the same manner as at the hold lamp, looking-glasses dishes, and a worship-will band together in an effort manages the show, won’t do to trust. In Mary’s island, in the Sacramento river, Joe Zigler. formerly of the Shasta division, up last week. hundred articles will be sold not men to deprive other American cit enB of fact all the schemes for money catching near Woodland. but now braking on the Union Pacific out were worked inside the tents, and no tioned in the above, sale to commence at tbeir rights and their liberties? of Denver, arrived in Ashland Tuesday on Burglars have been busy recently in Death of Miss Gunton. doubt were part of the show outfit. In 1 o ’ clock. A. M illsap . Jusncx. a visit and some important business. raiding residences in the fashionable the principal side show, a very tempting Miss Amanda C. Gunton died at her Adams & Co. Auctioneers. J. E. Enyart and C. I. Hutchinson and home in Ashland early Monday morning Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., envelope game caught many of the un part of San Francisco. wife of Medford were old friends of Wallace, from an attack of hemorrhage of the Wimer Items. i says, "Shiloh’s Vitalizer saved my life. 1 wary, and one man lost $83, with which Assistant United States District At the circus man. in Peru. Ill., and had a big lungs received some weeks ago. The best remedy for a debilitated the sharper escaped. Another fellow at J. W. Osborn and family spent Sunday consider ’ system I it the torney Will Haight of Los Angeles died yisit with them in Ashland Saturday. ever used.” For Dyspepsia, the same game swindled Jim Winning funeral took place Tuesday evening, at the sulphur springs. Our First Installment Of recently of consumption. Liver or Kidney trouble it excels, «ice Something new, Crovenett, a fine water burial in Hargadine cemetery, Rev. E. ham of Olalla, out of $41, but the victim 75 cents. Sold by E. A. Sherwin. Mrs. Lizzie Cole of Colestein is visiting ’ For the third time in its history the proof dress goods that sheds water like a P. Childs conducting the religious rites squealed,” and Special Policeman John Levinsky, a pioneer merchant, “ duck s back. Five feet wide and just the and the M. E. church choir the song her Mother Mr3. S. Beers. French took the fellow in and forced him town of Madison, Volo county’, Cal., thing for a new dress or cloak. Vaupel, service. The deceased was aged 30 years C. C. Presley is home again and is slowly died recently at his home in Stockton, to disgorge. Mr. Wallace was present has been destroyed by fire. Norris A Drake. He opened a store at Jackson, Amador when the arrest was made, and tried to and has been a resilient of Jackson recovering the sight of his eye. An incendiary at Red Bluff, Cal., has J. H. Houston, Frank Waite, Mrs. R. A. county for ten years, coming here from The fires are fearful in the mountains county, in 1853. Deceased was a Mason. shield the fellow, to whose aid a number made three unsuccessful attempts to Emmett and two daughters, Mrs. Squire Indiana for her health. A large circle here and the smoke is thick as fog. A package of money supposed to have of circus men rallied, making s lively burn a business block on the main Parker and daughter, and Geo. Chase, wife Jimmie Robinson is improving under the been stolen from Wells, Fargo & Co. at scene for a few minutes. The circus was street. and family, all of Klamath county, attend of friends sympathize with the brothers and sisters in their sad loss. skillful treatment of Dr. Flanagan of Grants San Rafael, Cal., was found on a street eleaner than thte average aggregation of ed the circus Saturday. D. L Moody, a railroad employe who Pass. by a boy and returned to the express the kind, but that is not saying much, has. been in poor health for some time, The large run of salmon at mouth of Children Who Suffer as circus managers have as little use fpr Rogue nver has materially slacked off, but from scrofulous, skin or scalp diseases, Frank McCarvel has just returned from a office. committed suicide at Sacramento a few an honest man as a truthful one. good catches were made last week with the ought to be given Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med protracted visit among friends and relatives The annual convention of the Chris days ago. seine, at the mouth of the river. The t eison ical Discovery, for purifying the blood. at Central Point and Jacksonville. tian church of California at San Jose “A friend in need is a friend iu deed.” closes there on the I5th. The Stockton insane asylum directors For children who are puny, pale or weak, Messrs. Scott, Barros and Smith, friends "Discovery” is a tonic which builds up and relatives of Grandpa Laws, arrived was well attended and muoh interest A friend advised me to use Elv s Cream are considering the advisability of com Andy Payne put a big head on a man the named Steve Landers at Pokegama Mon both flesh and strength. What is said of it from Dakota last week, having come all the was manifested in churoh work by the Bairn and after using it six weeks I betievc mencing at once the remodeling of the myself cured of catarrh. It is a most valu old asylum. delegates. day. Landers had paid a $30 tine for lick for children applies equally to adults. As way with teams. appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets at able remedy.—Joseph Stewart, 624 Grand ing another man that day and Andy an The Gold Ball mine, on Evans creek is in Rev. George Wheeler was killed and work all the processes of digestion and nu No more licenses to sell liquor will be Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. didn’t have to pay any fine. operation, and rewarding the owners hand trition, rouses every organ into natural three others were injured in a railroad My son was afflicted with catarrh. I in Dayid Coppie. and family of Applegate action, and brings back health and strength. somely under the supervision of their ener accident caused by a washout on the duced him to try Ely’s Cream Balm and granted at Stockton by the present com missioners, who think that the city has returned yesterday from a visit with their In recovering from “grippe,” or in conval getic manager, Frank McCombs. the disagreeable catarrhal smell all left him. daughter, Mrs. Cecil Hammersley. at Po escence from pneumonia, fevers, and other Almost every one went from here to take Atlantic and Pacific line, near Grant He appears as well as any one.—J. C. Olm enough saloons. kegama. Mr. Coppie made the R ecord wasting diseases, it speedily and surely in in the "Great Wallace Shows” at Grants station, N. M. stead, Arcola, iIH.. Secretary Maclay of the Sonoma and office a pleasant visit last evening. vigorates and builds up the whole system. Pass, and we are sorry to say some of the Price of Cream Balm is fifty cents. William Irelan, Jr., ex-mineralogist Marin district fair reports a large num For all diseases caused by a torpid liver boys were taken in too, bringing home a Tbe fifth Annual Jackson County Sunday of California, has sued the Southern Pa ber of entries for the annual fair to be or impure blood, as Dyspepsia Biliousness, costly little bottle of cologne as a nioniento, scbool convention is to be held at Central A Woman Who Will Work. hpid at Petaluma. Point Sept. 3d and 4th. The opening ad Blotches and Eruptions, it gives most per some paying as high as $20 for the lesson. cific company for $75,000 damages for The main show was good but the side shows injuries received last January while a Wanted in every county to introduce the dress will be given by tbe President, Rev fect satisfaction. A terrific rainstorm paseed over Tuc were simply catch penny arrangements. Celebrated "Hygeia” Waists for all ages. son, A. T., and vicinity the other night. passenger on a train. F. G. Strange on Monday evening Sept. 2d. Medford Items. waist supercedes the corset, and has J. H. Armsden, the flagman at Sum This Surveyor R. 8. Moore and his assistants Butte Creek News. received the unanimous approval of the Between two and three inches of water finished tbeir work of sectioning a town Mrs. lsh is building a $1600 residence Miss Charlotte Williscroft is on the sick mit tunnel, was killed by an overland leading physicians of America. $3.00 outfit fell in a short time. Medford. ship of government land from Siskiyou near ' train recently while trying to save a 5- free. Any"energetic woman can make from list. Otto Ziegler, the crack bicyclist from station to Ashland butte, and left Monday Francis Fitch returned Wednesday from cent signal torpedo. He was about 60 $15 to $50 weekly. Send for circulars and San Jose, who has been racing this sea Mr. Willmoth has returned from Klamath for Klamath county to survey 17 townships i a trip to California. F G terms. HYGE1A M ’ ’ Co., county. years old and lived at Rocklin, Cal. of the Klamath reservation. son in the East, fell during a raoe the 378 Canal St., New York. W. 8. Crowell is spending the week at The Woodford sisters gave a dance Fri A sheepherder found the body of a Attorney W. I. Vawter arrived home I Colestein for his health. other day and broke his arm. Ever Brought to the Country day night. Sunday morning from a business trip to man lying in the brush near San Miguel, Chas. Nickell returned Sunday from Lameness usually results irom a sprain, Portland. While absent he succeeded in Ben Abbeloos is hauling his wheat to the Cal. The deceased had been murdered HOTEL OREGON or other injury, or from rheumatism, for effecting a settlement of tbe Dr. Stanley northern California and is now doing the Ashland mills. Willamette. and his body partially burned, An old which Chamberlain’s l’ain Balm is especi assignment at Gold Hill, the creditors re F. T. Fradenburgh.Prop. Miss Anna Young is reported on the sick ally intended and unequalled. It enords man called “English Charlie” is SUS- ceiving 35 cents on the dollar.—Medford L. B. Warner proposes the erection of a list but is convalescing. T James, Ashland T hursday — almost immediate relief and in a short time Monitoi. pected of the crime. two story residence on the lot he purchased M F Eggleston, City Dr Frank Greive, do eftords a permanent cure. For sale by E. Miss Alice Morine spent several days last The R ecord office was the recipient of a of J. D. Whitman. An unusual robbery occurred at Los C B Watson, do Jas Welch, R B week visiting John Nicholds’ family. A. S herwin . rich present in tbe shape of a tine box of B. F. Crouch went to Siskiyou Wednes Mrs I M Muller, Med G Cuey, Phoenix Claud White has returned from Siskiyou Augeles a few days ago. The Carlisle W N Luckey, City peaches of the luscious Crawford variety, day and met a nice looking lady from Geo S Parker, do Practicing a Fit. county, where he has been working the burial vault was broken open and the E Youmans, do attached to which were some splendid Oakland, Cal., who came up on a visit. G B Clark, San L Obs past summer. skull of Robert 8. Carlisle was stolen. A F Brown, 8 F blackberries. Tbe same was the compli Crossing City Hall park ono day a re I J Clark. Sac Dr. James Braden arrived this week from ments of the Beach orchard and they were Frank Brown acted as assistant post The dead man was a near relative of the H E Mitchell, Port Crit Tolman. City porter saw an Italian boy suddenly fall Indianapolis. Ind., on an annual business first-class. Riley Hammersley, flat on his back on the pavement. Sev O C Riches, do trip to his mining and other properties at master during Miss Amy Safford’s vacation secretary of the treasury. Gold Hill Mrs. R. P. Fabj. Sesti at soda springs. Rev. E. C. Wheeler, the Baptist evangelist Gold Hill. eral companions instantly knelt by his Five men lost their lives by the burn E O Parrott, R B Carrie Hammersley and Sunday school organizer, well known Mrs. A. M. Thomas and Miss Ella Pool, ing of the Transfer hotel at Pendleton, J H Boyd, S F Hon. J. H. Stewart will market 15 car Maggie Hammersley side, some slapping the palms of his in Oregon, was killed in a train wreck in Klamath county, went to Ashland last hands, somo rubbing his face. They New Mexico on August 8th. He traveled loads of Bartlett pears and is erecting the of Or., the other night. They were J? D. W W Smith Awf.Yka Lillie McClendon week after blackberries. Rose McClendon A S Ward, Oak in an evangelist car called The Emanuel, largest dry house in the valley to handle were all laughing very much, and after Taylor, William Struenses, G. Clack- E A Sherwin, City Thos Hammersley Boyd Tucker and Miss Lelah Fryer are built by the American Baptist Publishing his prune crop. a minute or two of this work the boy ling, Frank Budlng and “Old Wolf,” a J H Smith, Port M H Howell. City taking an outing on the Homes ranch in Society. He was an earnest, forcible worker The funeral of the late A. H. Simpson the Dead Indian country, with Charles Umatilla Indian. Several occupants of E O Ganatt, do G W Smith, do rose and in two or three more minutes and his loss will be keenly felt by the Baptist took place from the residence of his sister, Mrs G W Smith, do denomination. repeated the game, this time all being rooms jumped from the windows. The G W Smith, City Mrs. Skeeters, in this city Monday after Homes’ family. Florence N Smith, do F riday — serious, especially sowhen they noticed Rev. Robt. Ennis preached here twice fire originated in the oilroom. Tbe mills of tbe B. C. R. F. Mill Co., at noon, the burial being in Jacksonville cem W C Smith, do G W Smith, etery, Rev. A. 8. Foster conducting the i Sunday. His family are at Mrs. Simon’s Central Point and Eagle Point will resume that the same man was watohing them. Citv Marshal Mrs W C Smith, do Nellie Decker and A. Crites, youthful exchanging flour in merchant packages for religious services. He came to Jackson while he and Mr. Smith of Jacksonville go John N Smith, do W N Luckey. The boys who were doing the slap lovers, eloped from Los Angeles. They wheat this week. The company will pro county in 1852 and had many friends who i to the soda springs. His pard GW Smith, do ping and rubbing looked out from un went aboard a steamer bound for San vide facilities whereby farmers can reach feet sad at the manner of his taking off. O H Blount & wf.Cvi B C Desham Mrs. A. Pool and Mrs. Geo. Brown der their tangle of hair and grinned at the best retail markets in tbe valley and J M Booth, Jyille . started yesterday for the Dead Indian soda Francisco and when out at sea the cap E Youmans, City sell to the public direct. Special induce Shiloh s Cure is sold on a guarantee1 It ' springs and Thomas Nicholds and family tain was asked to marry them. He re W E Kang, Port the reporter a little at first, and then Ixniise T Jones, do ments to those who can effect the exchange cures Incipient Consumption. It is the • start today for the same place. Pittsburg Belle H Jones, do became serious again. fused because both were too young. J G C E Bryan, at water power mill at Eagle Point in large best Cough cure. Only one cent a dose. N euber, J ville R C Eccles <fc wf, "What is the game?” the reporter 25 cents.. 50 cts. and $1. Sold by E. A. Mrs. C. W. Taylor and family, Miss Cora The captain, on arrival at a port, noti Walt Williams, do quantities. Brooklyn S herwin Brown and her sister Bessie, Miss Amy fied the parents of the lovers and he re Chas Prim, do asked a newsboy who was also watohing. W W Nickerson, Safford and her brother, Jessie, last week Dean Clark, the lecturer, addressed a Barron "Dem kids is pract’cin a fake,” he ceived a telegram to perform the cere Bob Bybee, do Probate Court. went to the Dead Indian soda springs, •mall audience in Chautauqua Tabernacle Edear Williams, N Y R P Cornelius, 8 P Co replied. mony. Estate of M L McCall. Petition for order M McElroy, do I M Muller, Med in behalf of the A. P. A. Tueadav evening. Miss Sophia Simon has returned from a "A fake?’ sell real property granted. F L Cleland, Yreka J Bishop, do An attempt was made to destroy the He seemed to think tbe Roman Catholic to Estate visit with her brother Ed„ on Roundtop ot P W Stow. Silas J Day ap Her mother, Mrs. E. Simon, is with a party "Suro, having fits t’ work guys. Any C Burress, do W A Hemphill, S F church was a wonderfully powerful in pointed administrator and F R Neil, A N family of Mrs. Qulentani of Riverside. J j S o Wiley, ... icj , uv do old guy takes pity on' a kid wid de fits blackberring on the headwaters of Big An infernal machine in the Bhape of a F W Johnson, do stitution and would in a short time Soliss and J F White appraisers. L E Kingsley, K FllslJ E Enyart, Med and gives him a nickel. See?”—New capture tbe nation. He was silent about Estate of Christian Wintjen. H V Helms Butte. brass tube, presumably filled with pow J B Williams, Port R ” Kingsley, Lakevw York Sun. tbe power and influence of the protestant appointed administrator and T J Kenney, On Monday of last week the sojourners der, was dropped down the stovepipe, Miss Cad Austin, P Kingsley, Pa at Dead Indian soda springs had an enter with the result that a fearful explosion denominations. Mr. Clark on last even F R >eil and L L Jacobs appraisers. "Way up camp” S unday — Webster In the Water« Estate and guardianship of Ralph Mark. tainment, with John Olwell as manager, E A Sherwin, City J II Ralph, City ing commenced a series of lectures on Order made discharging guardian John W occurred which demolished the stove and Mrs. Taylor, Miss Sallie Murray, James River steamers went down to City W \V McIntosh, Port W N Luckey, , MV do Psychic Science. Tbe gentleman is a Mark. Blackford and Robt. Vining as committee and damaged the room. Fortunately E Youmans, do Point occasionally, during the war, Geo Reney •piritualist, which probably accounts for of arrangements, and H. T. Severance was the occupants of the house escaped in Joe McDaniel, Jvlle J Olwell, Cen Point with prisoners to exchange. As there tbe small audience to his A. P. A. lecture, Normal School Notes. orator. The evening was spent pleasantly. W R Coggeshall, W R Thurman, as tbe varied local protestant popes have The correspondence at present indicates Another night a dance was indulged in and jury. The perpetrators of the deed have Oak Bar Toronto. Canada were torpedoes In the river anywhere just about as much use for a spiritualist a large attendance. Students will be from the candy pulling was the event of the week. not yet been apprehended. Mrs U Cornelius,Port from Drury’s bluff to Trent’s beach, Jas Bell as they have for Leo of Rome. Lane, Douglas, Benton, Coos, Klamath, and below, their captains ran great Governor Budd has been compelled to R S Moore, Klam F Alex Rens, 8 F I was told yesterday by a man of good Marion and Jackson counties; character, of a diabolical plot to blow up a cease work, owing to poor health, and W Cole, Colestin J L Upham, do risks. On one occasion two boats were Tbe issue of July 16tb of tbe Horse Josephine, but not all can enter at the beginning. threshing machine, but fortunately was is now at Stockton. His physicians C E Call. Hornbrook E A Belden, do returning from City Point, fortunately Review, Chicago, contains a half-tone Finishing work on the main building, discovered B H Cole, Colestin F Arnold, do in time to prevent it. Janies picture of tbe Oregon trotter Klamath, such as hanging doors, putting on black with no passengers, when one of them have ordered absolute rest. The gov C F Young, G Hill W R Thurman Savage had just set his threshing machine together with that of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. boards, etc., is in the hands of the work by a stack of wheat owned by a Mr. ernor has overtaxed his strength In dis G Pankey,do E O Parrott, R B struck a torpedo and immediately went G W Smith, City Raymond. Tbe San Francisco Chronicle men. S aturday — on the old Janies Birdsey place charging the duties of his office and in down. A boat went from the other Cottages near the school campus are Thompson, F W Chausse, G Pass M onday — •ays that Klamath is one of tbe star trot 2% miles below Rock Point, and just as steamer and found the captain strug cipient cerebrsi meningitis is the result. wanted by families wishing to move to G W Smith, City W E King. Port ters on tbe eastern grand circuit and Ashland to school their children they were ready to start some one passed gling in the water, with a Webster's VV N Luckey, Pard Added to this the governor has acute Geo Owen & wf between the separator and the stack and also states that be was purchased by Ray Water pipe is being laid to conduct water discovered W R Thurman, Coles Unabridged Dictionary in his arms. As a large stick of dynamite stick rheumatism. The attending physician John Bowling, mond for $110 when almost a two-vear- into the main buildings. K C "Journal” F Y Mulkey, do in the stack and on looking around says there is no serious danger, but the he was pulled into the boat he said, "I old.—Ex. Arrangements are being made this week ing E Youmans. City Giard Leon, N Y found several small pieces, and upon tear did not have time to get it on.” He with parties to manage the Boarding Hall. governor must have several weeks of J A Whitman, Med W M Welch, Port SOUTHERN OREGN Karl’s Clover Root, the great Blood puri The Board of Regents and the citizens of i ing the stack to pieces several sticks were G F Merriman, do G W Collins, do thought he had seized a life preserver. absolute rest. fier gives freshness and clearness to the | found, enough to blow up all the thresh- Ashland in general have shown their great 1 ing machines in the country. The result I Jacobs, do G W Rogers, do —New York Dispatch. Coralpexion and cures Constipation, 25 cts.’ interest Achille Fournier, who is charged with G Isaacs, Jr., do in the Normal School by the busi was that Mr. T. did not have the grain W Rosenblatt, S F ¿0 cts. and $1. Soldbv £. A. Sherwin. ness-like way in which they have cleared threshed and Mr. S. lost the job of thrash having burned his buildings at Madera, S H Redfield, do A Oppenheimer, do the Normal propertv of debt and provided ing, but saved his machine and probably Cal., to obtain the insurance, has re D T Lawton, do H Ongerth, do Awarded Are You Ever Annoyed the necessary furniture and fixtures to fit the lives of several men. F Southwick. Mfld W Angle & son, do turned to: that town. Suspicious cir H W Hatch,Wgnr ck E C L Murray, 8 F Highest Honors —World’« Fair. by a buzzing or roaring sound in your the building for school work. Ashland, Or. cumstances indicated that the fire was A W Soliss, Jville Desks will be used in the recitation rooms W F Bran tel. Montg V Have you difficulty in hearing dis Real Estate. T uesday — of incendiary origin. A warrant was Mrs C Hutchinson, tinctly? Are you troubled with a contin and in the model school room, tables and Jane Hooker and A H Hooker to John ?wom out for Fournier’s arrest, but be Medford L E Kingsley, K Fils in the commercial department, and !___ ' . ue dropping of mucus, irritating the chairs New buildings. Normal, Croslin—6.31 acres in tp 37 s, r S w. $900. Mrs O Cranfill, do W N Luckey, City throat ana causing yon to cough ? Is your chairs in the chapel. fore it could be served he left town ana academic, business, music John Croslin to John Arnold — same: Mrs E Wilkinson, do E Youmans, do breath unpleasantly affected and accompan Two pianos will be in use at the Normal $562. and art courses. Review the officers were unable to locate him. Mrs T Payne, do building; the old one belonging to the A P Bradberry. Port ied with bad taste? Is your hearing less school classes; teachers’ training James M Weaver to Margaret A Weaver and a new one rented for the year. Geo S Parker, <lo O C Riches, do Later he returned from the south and ;»• «• acute? If so, you have catarrh and should school. Skilled teachers are Music lessons can be taken at the music —425 acres in tp 33 s, r 2 e; $2500. >%! 7 B W Freer.Cleveland will stand trial. His wife was also ar W N Luckey, City at once procure a bottle of Ely’s Cream wanted. State diplomas J W Lawton to Isaac A Mounce — lot 13, room or at the homes of the music students. C M Fries. Cen Pt C J Boyle. S F Balm. th. best known remedy. The Balm rested and charged as an accessory to Mrs E E Sayles.Stmn E D Ivory, Oak blk 13, Medford; $100. good in any county. Life z - i Busses will run between the railroad will give instant relief. diplomas wiihout further ex Nancy M Walker to Greenville S Epper the crime, but she was discharged, it Silas Steel, City depot and the Normal for all incoming Jas Welch, R B amination after 45 months students, and between the school and son—all of lots 5 and 6 and part of 1 and 2 being developed at the examination that G L Chau, Keno Mrs J M Etner. City experience in teaching. different parts of the city for all students blk 16, Medford ; $200. Mrs E Ayers,do E Youmans, City BORN. there was no evidence to show her com Board at hall. $1.75; lodg M T Goss to M ESwigert—placer mine in E D Barlow, N Y G W Smith, do wishing to ride to or from school. plicity. _______________ _ ing,50 cts. student iuMiisb- W ednesday — The manzanita brush will soon be cleared Grave creek district; $1. Leone Lee, Cen Pt WRIGHT—In Willow .Springs P/ecjnct. «way along the fence on the right of the ing bed clothing ami lamp. 8 V Haskell to M E Swigert—placer mine i IG W Smith, City Do you know, it you want to go East and Etta Lee. do .1 Family board. $3.00. Tui Aug. 10,1895, to the wife of Wm. Wright, boulevard, all the way out from the end of in Grave creek district; $1. J A Moody, wf A son,! \V N Luckey, do i desire a Pullman Tourist Sleeper, that you tion, $6.25. Board, lodging, O M Beamer to J R Beamer—land in tp i will be detained from 12 to 16 hours unless a sou. the board walk to the’canipus. On all high Edna mine T James, do I tuition and books j cr year, J i ground the granite soil will be a good walk 39 s, rle;$l. ill H Meed you take the Northern Pacific ? Remember T Payne. Med 1 LU«. * _______ $126- the year round, and the low places will be G Leon, N Y |T H Harlow. Port 1 that the Northern Pacific is the only hue MARRIED. I Ashland cannot be excell - covered with a board walk before the rainy Notipe to Creditors. running Pullman Tourist Sleepers through Otis Frierson, Tbl Rki A S Ward, Oak I ed in the state for fine wint- season sets in. Students wishing to walk Notice is hereby given to all parties know to the east without delay. Time and money F H Pendleton, do J H Boyd,'8 F I ers. pure water, health and 1 /' HORN - TH URBER - At residence of ! can have the opportunity of doing so, ing tnemselves indebted to the estate of saved by this route. For full information, S W McClendon.CtPVE O Parrott, R B good societ y. For ma uual or IE A Sherwip, Cjty Isaac Centers, near Yreka, August l~th, either a part or all of the school year. the late Philander Powell that all accounts time cards, maps, etc., call on or address, SS Gould. SF MOST PERFECT MADE. special information, address W S Wade, do IF A Kelton, 8 F 1895, bv Hon. J. 8. Beard, Superior Judge Those holding monthly bus tickets can use due the estate must be settled by Sept. 1, Robert Leonard, Agent, Ashland- Or. W 8 Bangasser. do J R Chausse, G Pass A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fres John P. Horn, of Honolulu. Klamath them for more or less than a month accord 1895, without fail. J. D. W illiams , *• T. VAN SCOY, bom Ammonia, Alum or any othsr adultaant ,G B Child, 8 F Administrator of oatate of P. Powell, river, and MjM Liza® L. Thuxbsr, W ing to the number rides takes, the tickets Give the “Record”« call when deunng Prof L D Minkler, President. South AiavrieW • • bsutg puachcd each tune« dBQsaasd. j mtimm iaiMlrtpnaUaa Ua«. Indian creek. 49 YMSTHB STANBA1A ♦ VALLEY RECORD. Express Hate on Peaches Reduced. WILLIAM HEVENER . . H F removal notice T. K. BOLTON’S ________ LI_________________ FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING OUE New STOCK OP DEY_>- ■<-G00DS IS’COMING IN NOW BIGGEST PRETTIEST VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE MYER & GREGORY MYER BLOCK Ashland, Oregon State Normal School DR I twcej F CREAM BAKING POWDffi