9 îïaÿsl il««« * VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING EVERY OF DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY VALLEY ® RECORD. PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments. Envelopes, tec. VOL. VIII. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1895. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: One year.............................................. >i 75 Six months ......................................... i 00 Three months........................... ......i 50 Advertising rates given on application. NO. 10. J The Drive of 1895 Moving. The driving of beef cattle from Klam­ ath county to outside markets is now fairly under way. Arthur JackBon, of Steel’s swamp, drove 300 head of beeves to Shasta valley this week, and Louis Gerber left Frank Adams’ ranch yester­ day with 400 head from Horsefly en route to Montague, Gerber informs us that there will be fully as many beef cattle in Klamath county this year as on any previous year, and that while boom prices do not prevail, the market is firm at present quotations, and our stockmen may depend upon fully as good prices as those of last year. Gerber will start an­ other band in about 20 days,—Klamath County Star. PRESSED BRICKS. GRAND MASTER WORKMAN. Highest qf all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Changed Jdtands ! The Circus is coming! Hon. Wm. M. Colvig of Jacksonville placed at the Head of the A. O. Mrs Walter Beebe returned to Junction U. W. Order in Oregon. Saturday. Miss Hallie Million is visiting Mrs. Cbil- The Oregon A. O. U. W. convention cott in Portland. at Portland wound up Friday by install­ Mrs. E. B. Smith is visiting her children ing tbe following officers: in Douglas county. Grand master workman, William M. Colvig, Banner lodge, No, 23, Jackson­ Joy’s for tbe Jaded. ville; grand foreman, J. D. Coleman, Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Pacific No. 17, this city; grand The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now John Hanimersley was in the valley last overseer, lodge, C. H. Stockton, Seaside, No. 12, week traveling for a Sacramento firm. Under the Management of Astoria. Newton Clark, Riverside, No. Mrs. Geo. Eubanks returned Friday from 68, Portland, grand recorder, and R. L. a visit with George’s folks in Portland. the W oman wins . Durham, Hope, No. 1, Portland, grand AND THIS IN AMERICA. Geo. Linn, the Eugene druggist, was receiver. visiting his injured brother at Jacksonville. Supreme representatives, W. W. Bran- The Supreme Court Gives Miss Ohio Coal-Miners Willing to Enter Stevens The County School Super- Canning Horse Meat At Portland. a State of Slavery. Miss Bernice Cameron of Uniontown re­ nin, Viola, No. 114, Pendleton; J. J. PROPRIETOR. turned home Friday from her Ashland Daly, Union, No. 35, Dallas, and and W. intendency. Oregonian, July 19. J Associated Press Report. visit. D. Hare, Hillsboro, No. 61; George H. The abattoirs of the Western Packing Spring Valley, Ill., July 5. — The com ­ Nellie M. Stevens, respondent, vs, J. L. W. V. Jones is the new postmaster of Durham, of Pacific, No. 17, Portland. appellant, from Union county: af­ munity is excited by 300 minere offering Company at Linnton are practically \ a /H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- The following special committee on the Carter, Woodville, Mrs. 8. Simpkins having re­ Reader, did you ever take S immons completed and ready for the business of signed. firmed. Opinion by Moore, J. This to go into voluntary slavery, if guaran­ subject of extra hazardous risks was ap ­ ■" pared to Entertain the Traveling Public L iver R egulator , the “K ing of slaughtering horses. No horses have case arises from the election of the plain­ teed, for themselves and their families, L iver M edicines ?” Everybody' needs been shipped yet. and none will be Miss Helen Strang is visiting Portland pointed : D. Solis Cohen, R. L. Durham, tiff, a woman, June, 1894, successor to comfortable homes, plenty of fuel and In First Class Style. take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or slaughtered before Monday. There will friends aud a sister in Union county, east­ Judge T. A, Stephens. They will report J. L. Carter, as school superintendent food, and servicable clothing. They rep­ at tbe next annual session of the grand ern Oregon. diseased liver that impairs digestion be no horse meat canned or utilized for of Union county. Defendant refused to resent the best element among the miners, ----------:o:---------- and causes constipation, when the waste food, excepting the hams and other John A. Baker of Big Butte was in Ash­ lodge. ‘ The sum of $400 was voted to be do- the and are willing to serve thus without a that should be carried off remains in choice pieces suitable for pickling and land this week and left Tuesday for Klam­ nated to the grand lodge of the Degree of n a ™ She *a wards. Cyclone Clothes Wringers, to the wife of Allen Hodges, twin boys. age of 81 years. He was the father of Mrs. to swing over tbe outside wajlg, Behind the proposition to perpetuate a was curative powers are possessed by no other for $2.10. Grindstones, 3c. per lb. C. C. McClendon of Sams valley and after Ask your druggist for S wayne ’ s monetary syBtem in this country, based Manufacturer of tin, sheet-iron and the burial Mrs. McClendon took her mother clearly on the outsjijp «fl the wall, but remedy. L intment on a single gold standard, is a proposition the rope broke before he was on tbe copper ware. Plumbing and job work Gives Kellef at once for Cold in Head. home with her. to perpetuate the National banks. In ■^pply int0 Nottrilt.-------- ¡t is Quickly A bwrbed. groqnd. |n the fall the convict was so done to order. « Secretary Hoke Smith has approved 50c. Druggists or by mail. ELY BROS., M Warreu bL, N. Y. The South Douglas Fruitgrowers’ As­ eturumd that he was unable to gain his fact, the National banks, in their indiv­ B. F. REESER. land lists as follows: Southern Pacific idual capacity, and through the Ameri­ sociation has been called to meet at feet for a considerable time. A trusty R eeser B lock : A shland , O regon . Myrtle Creek, Saturday, July 20. Offi­ reported to the authorities, and Case railroad, as successor of the Oregon & Cal- can Bankers’ Association, are bulwarks cers are to be elected for the ensiling was carried back into the interior to lfornia railroad, two lists aggregating of the single gold standard money. They 87,381 acres in the Redding and Marys­ realize that gold alone will not be accept­ year, and arrangements will be made to serve out bis time. ville land districts in California; North­ ed by the American people as the only accomplish more effective work tbe com­ ern Pacific railroad, 174,406 acres in the circulating medium, and therefore they ing season. A Pioneer’s Recommendation. M ain S tbeet , O pposite P laza . Lewiston, Idaho, land district. None of demand that the monetary prerogatives No gambling devices are tolerated around Mr. J. W. Venable, of Downey, a pioneer these lands are located in parts of the of Government be farmed out to them, (KLAMATHON) the Great Wallace Shows. of Los Angeles, County, Cal. ,says: “When­ country where mineral surveys were ap­ making private interests and not tbe ZPJYH n TTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, ever I am troubled with pain in the stomach pointed by tbe last congress. Competition in the flour mill business or with Diarrhoea I use Chamberlain’s public welfare tbe only motive for furnish­ WALL PALER. GLASS. ETC. keeps on apace. Tbe Karewski grist mill Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I ing a paper circulation to meet the re­ “ The Milwaukee. ” at Jacksonville, idle tor several years, has have used it for years, know it to be a re­ B uilding P apers , W rapping ||P apkks and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. The only railroad lighting its trains by quirements of business. been leased by W. H. Schmerker, the well- liable remedy, and recommend it to every The National banks are responsible electricity. The only railroad using the snown miller, and D. M. Simon of Eagle one.” For sale by E. A, S herwin , ------ Will Leave For------ celebrated electric berth reading lamp. tor the destruction of tbe greenbacks, the Point, who will turn it into a 100 barrell The coaches now running on “The Mil­ payment of tbe bonds in coin, the fund­ per daj* roller mill to start' up by 8ept. 1st. Go to Story A Egger’s tonsorial parlors waukee” are Palaces on Wheels. On all ing acts, the demonetization of silver, Klamath Hot Springs, Fred A. Cogswell, a well-known attorney for a shave, haircut or shampoo. They are its through lines the Chicago, Milwaukee & aud all the corrupt financial legislation St. Paul Railway runs the most perfectly in the country for the past thirty years. and citizen of Klamath Falls and brother first class artists. via Jenny and Fall Creeks equipped trains of Sleeping, Parlor and They have boycotted and discriminated of Senator C. A. Cogswell of Lakeview, Beraud, the artkt whose sketches ot Dining Cars and Coaches. “The Mil­ died at Shovel creek on the evening of July very M onday and F riday 17th while being taken home from Oakland, street life in Paris havo become so popu­ waukee" connects with all trans-continental agaimst every kind of money that prom­ after Train from South, and con­ Cal., where he had been for medical treat lar, does all his work In a cab, which, lines at St. Paul and Omaha. For lowest ised relief to tbe debtor class and pros­ Jackson Co., Oregon. nect with Ager stage at Klamath ment. 'j'he immediate cause of his death drawn up to the curbstone, forms his rates to any point in the United States perity to the industrial masses. They Hot Springs; and return Tuesday and and Canada apply to ticket agents, or was heart failure. are boycotters of tbe most cruel and Studio. Saturday in time to connect with both C. J. E ddy , Gen. Agent, merciless kind. REAL ESTATE AGENT, Alphonse Daudet has been more of a address The S. P. Co. will reduce the fare on Portland, Oregon. trains, Now we propose, through tbe Knights the Salem local train to three cents per traveler than most Frenchmen of letters, NOTARY PUBLIC and of Labor, Farmers’ Alliance, People’s j. R. EATON, Prop’r. For a Cold to Run into Bron­ mile in a few days. Tbe present fare and hit- approaohing visit to England is List of Letters party and all reform organizations, that COLLECTOR O«F ACCOUNTS between Portland and Salem is $2.10; said to be only tbe prelude to a long series Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland a boycott be placed on the notes of chitis or Pneumonia. under the new tariff it will be $1.60. of journeying^ P. O., July 21,1895: AS LISTED a NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up National banks, and on and after Sep­ The change will be bard on Salem mer­ Bessie Potter, the clever Chicago artist Beswick Mr J C Carlson Mr A J for Sale or Rent. tember 1,1895, our people be requested chants, and does not apply to tbe over­ who is kept busy executing portraits in Cubberly Mrs Fannie Haskins Mrs W __________ .. PARKINSON & WISE Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. and urged to accept no National bank ----- WITH------ land or the Roseburg local. plaster because of a special talent for Hrogstradt Mrs M E Jones Mrs Aze bills in any of tbe ordinary transactions Smith Mrs Alice (2) King Mr B F QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. Sheriff Patterson was up from Jackson­ catching exact and faithful likenesses of Plamer Mrs Mary A Thomas B T of business. National bank notes are ville last Thursday bolding down the her subjects, is to spend the spring and Webb A J legal tender between the National Gov ­ Have put in a new— AS LISTED a number of small and large farms, from 20 acre« up, for Sale or swindlers following the circus. A year ago summer abroad traveling and studying In Persons calling for ____ same will please i say ernment and the people and between tbe he kept down the skin-games following the Italy. Rent. W. H B __ runk P. ’ M. advertised.” ” 2 _ , 2. banks and tbe government, but not legal & SODA WORKS ?> same troppe when it exhibited at Medford. jD^^Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands Albert Bruce Joy, the English sculptor tender between individuals. The sheriff doesn’t run around bunting up who made a bust of Chauncey M. Depew Commercial reports state that the visi­ — i. ... ■■ ........................-T ,, , petty spite cases, but is always ready and Pokegama, Cal. “Early in the Winter, I took a ® recently, was the creator of the bust of ble supply of hogs in tbe country has de ­ Fowls anil Diphtheria. on hand when professional swindlers at­ severe cold which developed into © Professor J. C. Adams, the discoverer of creased. We, of Oregon, who are forced tempt operations. According to The British Medical 0-0^-000-00 - COO - - o z z = a an obstinate, hacking cough, o KLAMATH RIVER the planot Neptune, which was recently to occasionally fix our gaze upon the Journal, the rearing of fowls in Tnuis, TOLMAN’S t SPRINGS. very painful to endure and o J. S. Dillon and F. M. Anderson, of the unveiled In the great hall of St. John ’ s capital city of the state, are inclined to ND are prepared to till all orders on troubling me day and night, for ° Italy, has been almost abandoned owing United States geological survey, passed college, Cambridge, England, doubt the reliability of this statement. short notice. »•«*•* nine weeks, in spite of numerous b to tho enormous mortality caused by a -d-JThelCelebratcUj-l—; through Astoria with a pack train -----o remedies. Ayer’s * Cherry ■"*- Pec- o The Missouri World. disease characterized in tho formation and force of men, en route to tbe coast, o Give them a call. toral being recommended me, I for the purpose of making a preliminary 0h amber Iain’s Bye and Skin Ointment Published weekly at Chillicothe, Mo., of false membranes in the throat. Healthy Is prepared to;Accomodate the began to take it, and inside of 24 o Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- is a People’s party paper that gives the Among persons attending to fowls in o —AND— survey of that country. They will begin hours, I was relieved of the o Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped general news and makes a specialty of operation at Tillamook head, and will ^TRAVELING PUBLIC tickling in my throat Before I o Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Populist news, correspondence and Tunis a large number of cases prasent- Summer Resort, »TOURISTS and also survey Necarney mountain, Union o finished the bottle, my cough o Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. speeches. It is not a local paper but is ing symptoms of diphtheria occur. Loir »EXCURSIONISTS. peak, Sugar Loaf mountain, and other Is open for the O(A ** and Ducloux havo made a bacteriolog­ was nearly gone. I cannot speak o For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. points in that region . as good for one state as another. It is . . . season of 1 O v t) o too highly of its excellence. — BOARDERS HAVE ACCESS TO four pages, eight 24 inch columns to the ical examination of six such cases, and o TO HOBSEOWNBB8. Mrs. E. B osch , Eaton, Ohio. The funeral of the late Mrs. Anderson in one, a child suffering from severe SPRINGS FREE OF CHARGE. o page. Price 50 cents a year (52 numbers). By G. W. MAYNARD. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con­ o I Barlow took place from the Catholic church angina, with false membranes, which Sample copy free. Missouri World, | in Jacksonville on the 17th, Rev. Father Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral 0 o Chabst conducting the religious exercises. dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. Chillicothe. Mo. RATUS KUAbONAUUK were neither very thick nor very ad­ Hotel, Cottages and) „ They tone up the system, aid digestion, cura herent, they found the bacillus which Camping grounds, f Received Highest, Awards o Mrs. Barlow was born in Indiana and.was loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct « ____ (Good Rooms and I For further particulars, address: tlie oldest daughter of Gen. Joe Lan^ the kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving FAe U S. Gov't Reports they had observed in fowls. Tlie child AT (Fine Meals. Ml THE in* WORLP nwnw ’8 w FAIR ’ o Mexican war hero. Indian war fighter and resided on a farm where the fowls bad new life to an old or pye^workod horse. 25 show Royal Baking Powder been suffering from diphtheria for si* H. TRUITT, poooocoooooooooc.o»»JA»JLg candidate on the Breckenridge and Lane cents per package. For sale by druggists. Mineral, Mud and Vapor Baths for ticket for the vjcc-presidencv. With her sugriorjo all others., For Bale at E. A. B ux & wd P s drugstore. ib« can« to Oregon in 1853. SQQth*. th» lek and. Diseased. Beswick, California FOB SALB BY ALL DBUQGWTf. & HOTEL OREGON, absolutely pure FRED T. FRADENBURGH pedal Sunday Dinners ARLAND Professional Cards MILLS SELDOM EQUALED,NEVER EXCELLED. VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s. BACKACHE. J. B. RUSSELL. I f FOR MOST COMPLETE UNE OF Sta, ÏWffl, Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To I IT. C. MYER Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, I. GUNS. AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. ATARRH C C H. S. EVANS, P01$EqAMA| Express ASHLAND. OR. Stage PAINTING, ’’PAPERING, ETC. GOLD HILL, E DON’T WAIT Check it at Once H AYER’S Cherry Pectoral. — A a * O HOT SPRINGS HOTEL. I f