Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1895)
VALLET RECORD. The Soldiers Reunion. Mining Items. Death of Mrs. Barlow. 3^OT2E j X- i OTòZEjQ-OItT Mrs. T. S. Hawking, Chattanooga, Tenn.. Commander Abe Axtell, of the district Mrs. Barlow, mother of Deputv Inter- _ _ Beekman A Huffer’s new quartz mill is If Y om G o Farther You Will Fare Worse. says, ‘‘Shiloh’s Vitalizer saved my life. 1 *.2_____1 -r» x— .. - - — ' soldiers reunion was in Ashland this I ____ F. T. Fradenburgh.Prop. ------------------------ A.'J. - . Barlow, i : bei,1K Put UP on tbe,r Jackson creek ledge. consider it the best remedy for a debilitated ASHLAND. Ox .T hursday , July 18, 1895. week arranging for a big time for the re- I national Revenue Collector T hursday — S unday — died Tuesday of | A Simmons placers al system I ever used.” For Dyspepsi isia, ---- c*L VI>V Morning U1JIUU LF1 at the The home Cameron P M Devlin, Jville i union in Ashland Sept. 17th to 21st, Cash Walker, D F, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Pri ’rice her son at Gold Hill at an advanced age. Waldo have just finished a handsome clean Dr DeBar A fam, do | inclusive. Senator Mitchell and Con- Mrs Hxrlnw wou a «» awowo KI« Sketen. Or PERSONAL. AND SOCIAL. Mrs. Barlow was venerable pioneer up for the season’s run. H H Clark, Cen Pt Horace Pelton,Gid H 75 cents. Sold by E. A. Sherwin. i gressman Hermann expect to be there. [ lady of Orrgon and came to Gold Hill , F King. Port The Sonoma county grape crop is not I Wm. Deniff, foreman of the Tolo Mining Hattie Sisetuoie, do ¡Commander Axtell has appointed Rev. several mont hs ago from Snokane, Wash., Ralph Moon has returned to Sams valley . Robt. McLean district chaplain. , Co. had 15 tons of their ore crushed in the ; J R McKnight, do W N Luckey, City Up to the average this year. from Portland. to make her home with her son. Ashland quartz mill last week which yield ' j Fannin. Phila G W Smith, do The oil men of Los Angeles are ar J R Pendleton A wf. ed over $10 per ton. A A Whiteman & wf, That Wagon Road. Miss Angie Mullen, a photoartist is visit A Frightful IXVHUCUV. Accident. 4-J-M-4- ELLS Everything FIRST-CLASS is ranging to form a combine. Table Rock Cen Point ing Ashland friends. Kinney A Provost, representing the Judg- U M Damon, Salem A C Spear, Woodv i The Ashland-Klamath Falls wagon, James Linn, son of D. Linn of Jackson- DRUGS and at Reasonable Rates. General Schofield is investigating the creditors on Saturday bid in the Ash K S Bean, do Joseph Dame went over to his river mine road improvement keeps on apace and ville met w ith a terrible accident at Med- ■ ment Mrs C Manderville, land mine and water wrights at Sheriff sale army posts in the state of Washington. W V Lippencott A wf.| on Klamath river last week. the finance committee has secured $2000 ford Monday afternoon about 4 o Salt Lake *r 4*^*i*4* Avoid Cheap John Drugstores. o ’ ’ clock, clock. tor $21,523.43. The injunction proceedings Medford Dora Knowles, Jville Clifton E. Mayne has been indicted at {hereabouts. Robt. J____ ___ ,______ ______ Taylor, who went to I — He — Was . helping the crew of the R. R. V. instituted bv Attorney Driggs were set as Mrs I A Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Neuber of Jackson | hereabouts. Portland with Ultora' nt .. - do Wallace Woods, Med San Diego for bribing city officials. Portland with letters of introduction I R. R. do their yard switching and make ide by J tidge Hanna. ville visited Ashland Sunday. Mrs H A Galloway .do A M Smith. Port from local merchants to Portland whole up the train to run back to Jacksonville. Vessels drawing 20 feet of water now A Adelaide Beebe. Cy W Rosenblatt, S F ALONG THE KLAMATH RIVER. Mrs. Hooten returned to Gold Hill Mon sale merchants has seen allot them and Sells Stationery Cheaper L L Freeman,Cen P cross the Eureka bar with ease. In arranging the coupling the air brakes C W Ransom. Port day from a visit in Shasta county. The third cut at the Benz Bar mine, C C Beekman, Jville each firm has offered to give the road a became set and the coupling bar over than the Cheapest Man in JCMur-ay, do ; Sacramento merchants have decided near Honolulu, Klamath river, has been C A Hermann, Rsbg H B Miller, G Pass Miss May Davis has returned home to substantial lift. M. F. Eggleston and the cow catcher of engine jammed itself this or any other town. commenced, with prospects of still better to organize a chamber of commerce. R B Dilwortn,do Merlin from a visit with Ashland friends. Citv Surveyor Jesse McCall are expected right though the thigh of his leg, mash R M Donovan , do yield than lrom the two former cuts to C A Shepherd A fam, ¡Sam S Goldsmith Robert Blythe has been arrested at Major Brockenbraugh returned Sunday to finish the work of planning the road ing it badly. The bone was pushed Ashland, Emma Howard Victoria, B. C., for abducting a 15-year- from an official visit to the U. S. land office bed and deciding on the changes soon through and stuck out of thigh. He was bed rock. This is considered the best Dr DeBar A fam. Jvill; |T James at Lakeview. old girl. and it is expected the actual work of im taken home on the same train where claim on the river, but the Chinese W N Luckey, City working it never tell bow much they G E Neuber & wf,Jvill Max Muller, Jville Grant Crary has returned from the provement will begin soon. Gail A. Swan, city councilman of Dre. Robinson, Geary and Waite reset take out. Geo H Robinson, J H Beecher, 8 F hospital at Oakland, Cal., and thinks the the injured limb. Prescott, A. T., committed suicide re Chicago The force at the Empire quartz mine, Opens Sept. 2(1. F W Johnson, Chic ,F Weeks, Med physicians are about through with him. cently. Financial difficulties. on Empire creek, Klamath river, under W 8 Wade, S F Prof. W. T. Van Scoy will open the C Riches, Port A carload of Jacksonville people came up Ashland Started on New Wheat. the Superintendence of Wm. Steele, son W F Bangasser, do >O Rev. A. C. Hirst of San Francisco has State Normal School with a full J A Whitman. Med yesterday to hear their native son, B. B. ! Joshua Patterson brought in the first of the late Judge Steele, is now doing Mrs C 1 Hutchinson. Clara Colvig, Jville been elected president of the Chautau Beekman, talk to the Chautauqua assembly. ' corps of teachers Sept. 2d. Medford I Agnes E Devlin, do wheat of the season to the Ashland Rol considerable dead work in order to strike qua society at Pacific Grove. You cannot be well unless your blood is i ler mills Tuesday. The mill started up t»ie ledge low down, with belief of secur Mrs I C Hamilton, do • J R Sechrist, S F The Creamery Men Here. TJAS MOVED FROM THE I. O. O. F. The state law compelling barbers to J B Horner, Corvallis | E R Manzy, do pure. Therefore purify your blood with ; E A. Parks and F.P. Richey, of Somo yesterdaj’ with the additional of a double ing rich pay. G W Smith, City close their shops at noon on Sunday is the best blood puntier, Hood’s Sarsaparilla. block into their elegant new quar E E Sayles. Steinmn The Lee Hung Co. on Klamath river, W H Gore A wf. Jvill nauk, III., arrived in Ashland yesterday set of Milwaukee rollers. The 35-horse E D Ivory, Oakld to be tested in San Francisco. just above the mouth of Humbug creek, power Tutthill moter is in readiness and L. L. Freeman and wife and Mrs. C. H. 1 on the creamery proposition. They J A Whitman, Med C J Boyle, S F ters neatly and tastily fitted up in Atkin Ercanbrock of Central Point are at Coles- have been at Portland studying the will l>e put to work today from water has one of the richest riyer claims in the J E Enyart, do The United States courts have de F A Kelton, do son block next door north of Postoffice, for tein for a several weeks stay. F riday — cided that British Columbia cedar must M onday — market and visited the Albany and supplied by the upper main of the city ceuntv, but no one can find out what W J Bennett. Med amount is realized. A mining expert water works, which will greatly help out W C ocvmgion.uui Bevington.Duns be admitted to this country free. the reception of their old patrons and Ex-Gov. Z. F. Moody was out from Salem j Salem creameries, so that they are well- this week on a business visit with his son, informed as to the situation. These the power from the mill race wheel and offered tbe company $10,000 for it, but W C Bevington,DunsiBob Galloway. Med H. B. Humphreys, a mail carrier of friends and the public generally. C Vroman, Gold H " .......... G W Smith, City the price asked was $40,000, and no one Z. A. Moody, of the Golden Fleece mine. gentlemen are thorough creamery men, I to run their increased facilities. G W Smith, City Sacramento, has disappeared. He has W N Luckey, do believes it could be bought for that sum. Robt. Taylor left Monday for Portland to ; being interested with Mr. Powell of W N Luckey, do been a postal employe for 12 years. They are stocked up with and are displaying the Karl’s Clover Root, tne great Blood puri There is at least 8 to 10 feet of bed rock G M Willard, Seattle 1‘ R Graff. Sacto attend the annual state convention of the Elgin, Ill. They are accompanied by D R Henderson A wf. fier gives iresnness freshness ana and clearness to tne the gravel, over 40 feet wide, that shows Mrs N W Kinney "er John Woods, a brakeman, fell under A. O. U. W. which convened in that city | Mr Beaver Dam lr. Beverage, who .8 looking at the , Conilpexion and cures Constipation , 25cts. ‘ gold to the naked eye. yesterday. T James, Med nnnntrv. m _ J <•« i » A. * i-» . a locomotive while coupling cars at country. A P A Bradbury, 50 cts. and $1. n Soldbv E. Sherwin. The Davis ledge near mouth of Shasta F Arnold, Oakld re,s^®st n“® of STAP<-E AND FANCY GROCER Eureka and both his legs were cut off. Astoria John Van Horn, and two of Loretus Van river on the Klamath, still continues to E O Parrott, tt B IES AND PROVISIONS ia the City. * Ij 8 Dtiffy, St Louis Horn’s children, arrived this week from Jacksonville Girl and Country Boy. Med fortl Items. A. B. Hammond, the Montana capi S aturday — prospect well. It is what is called a ¡H EColeman, Toledo Phoenix. Arizona, on a visit with relatives Gold Hill Miner.] talist, lias purchased the Seaside rail Miss Mollie John has returned home to blanket ledge, the rich pockets being G E Grant, Port Billy_Corbett, Chic and friends. Jacksonville girls are somewhat fresh. Williams creek from a visit with Jackson- found where it strikes an upwright ledge. y JAKirkhain, ? rk ¿rkb?in’ do t Í? A Piper» Port road at Astoria, Or. He intends to ex GIVE THEM A CALL- A Kanes creek blood visited there on the J. W. Day of Mason county, Wash., and ------- Sr Iii1'r(>lldtray’ P. — honx W R Hall, s F I ville friends. tend the road to Globe. The ledge extends along the surface 1 W Geo. D. Young of Partland, both attorneys Fourth and amused h'mself, while strob N Luckey, City | 'John Lindsay, do Col. R. F. Maury and family and Mrs. about a quarter of a mile back of th» CFS epherdAfm,Cy| J H Bovd, do at law. arrived in Ashland this week to ing the streets by whistling “The Fatal W. Bainbridge, a well-known printer, Fay, Jr., are at the Dead Indian river, and runs in waves, up and down, G W Smith, do open a law office. ;urs o S n nut, iviea Wedding.’’ He was passed by a young James Mrs R Hill, Med was drowned while bathing at Vancou soda springs. with sulphureta of iron underneath, next J M Marksbury, G II EO Parrott Dandruff is an exudation from the pores lady who commenced singing the same ver, B. C. His wife was present at the J O Booth, Grants P J A Whitman, Med |V m . ii uivLuaii, âvaclx Mrs. J. W. Merritt of Central Point goes to the base rock. This ledge is supposed of the skin that spreads and dries, forming air and who incidentally asked him how time, but was unable to help him. Blanche Booth, do J ’ ” E Enyart, do to Portland and the seashore this week to to be a continuation of the Burleson ledge scurf and causing the hair to tall out. his potatoes were turning out. He was Amy Booth, do G F Merriman, do Reports from Port Townsend speak of at Ash creek on opposite side of the E Hall's Hair Renewer cures it. too bashful to tell her then, but now he remain some time. I' Barlow, N Y A J McLeod, do Klamath . fierce forest fires raging in the Olympic Arrin L. Davis and Miss Rose N Brooks J B Williams, Poit wants it given out that he is digging T uesday — Mrs. Dixon of Newport, Yaquina bay, The Burleson ledge is a blanket ledge, A M Boliss, Jville have been granted a license to wed by mountains, south of the straits. The has been paving Mrs. Geo. Hines of Jack them out. G E Anderson, Med County Clerk Jacobs. worked by Wm. Booth, an experienced J H Devlin, do sonville and her son on Williams creek a damage has already been very large. W N Luckey, City yisit and returns home in a fortnight. The Chautauqua Assembly. Wm. M. Colvig, the Jacksonville lawyer, miner, and underneath a lining of gold A C Caldwell. G Pass G W Smith, do The Farmers’ institute of Orange and W W Kayse. Seattle The 3d annual assembly brought large has gone to Portland to attend the A. O. is found, which yields handsomely but Mrs W H Laurence, A. N. Towne, general manager of the 8. St Paul adjoining counties met a few days ago F W Johnson. S F P. died suddenly Tuesday of heart disease. crowds of people to Ashland every day, U. W. convention, as alsd W. J. Plymale difficult to save on account ot tbe sulph- F T Mix A2cliildren. CITY DRUG AND P P Prim. Jville at Santa Ana. Professor Cook of Po urets. Manager Koehler and E. P. Rogers went while the camping grounds in their and Adam Schmitt. C St • ’ Paul,Mrs ' P P Prim, do ^ov^JEWELRY STORE down yesterday to attend his funeral. Songer & Dame, working the old Me* A T Caldwell, Port , Mary Estell, the 16 year old daughter of grove assumed the aspect of a tented ”—1 ¡Mrs S M West, Med I mona college conducted the institute. 1 Prof, James W. Storms, a graduate of the village. Large audiences attended all J. W. Redden and wife, who died Saturday Connell & Quinne and Pacific mines on Silas Steel, St Paul | B B x_»cc<wuai At a juvenile birthday party given at ------- Established 1884------- Port NIT Beekman, Agricultural College at Corvallis, has re the lectures. The management was was buried in the I. O.O. F. cemetery Mon the island in Klamath river, at mouth of E B Myerheimer, do I J T W Day, '• do the home of A. L. Johnson seven chil cently been chosen as professor of natural splendid and everything has passed day afternoon. Rev. E. J5. Thompson con- Humbug, are werking high bed rock, day J _____ C Anibros, ¡G D Youne. IG D Young, do science in the State Normal School at Ash along satisfactory. The financial end ducting lhe religious rites. Evanston, Ill W A Hemphill, S F dren and several adults were poisoned HAS MOVED INTO /. O. O. F. BLOCK. and night, with a large force employed. land. C M Hill. Oakld II A Webb & wf, Med by eating impure ice cream at Portland. Thev expect to take out considerable has been very successful as well. The “ A little farm well tilled. J C Coppage, Phila W Robbins The lives of two of the children were Mr. ann Mrs. Gen. B. Jacobs of Wallowa course of lectures have been particularly money lrom the gravel near the surface, 8 Goldstein, Chic ¡FSherv. A little cellar well tilled. despaired of and all are very ill, but it countv and Jesse Iniblex s wife daughter interesting and instructive and to one supposed to be the debris accumulated IbRUGGISt TO S. P. R R. CO.| ” A little wife well willed.” L L Jacobs & wf. Jvll Wallace Circus is probable that they will recovei'. end nephew of Union county are in Ash who has attended the assemblies for the from the wash of Humbug creek. This What would you wish a man better than F L Southwick, Mild N Denher land for their health and with a view of IE Leio past three seasons, ttie one prominent that? The last is not the least by any firm haB expended about $7,000 in put E C Murray, S F Dr. Orvis, city and county veterinary locating. I WATCH INSPECTO r ’ s . P, R. R.TTH feature is the marked growth the liberal means, but how can a wife be well willed ting in machinery to work the claim, R P Cornelius, Sisku'.CC Beekman <C fam at Stockton, killed and dissected a fine Geo. H. Robinson, the contracting agent and advanced ideas of the times are if she be the victim of those distressing and it is now well rigged for successful W H Mowat, Ashld C A Foster. N Y looking cow in the presence of of the Great Wallace Shows was here this making on the hoary headed errors I maladies that make her life a burden ? Let l operation. J B Wvland, Eagle Pt F J Flynn, Port of the council and board health of I taer take Dr. Pierce’s Golded Prescription Geo W Black week arranging for the appearance of his u . City -• * ¡MrsN Langell The old Lime Gulch claim at Klamath R Î5 B tented aggregation in Ashland Saturday, of the past. Nearly all ths speakers I and cure all painful irregularities, uterine 1 river, below the Pacific mine, is now W Williams, Iiimius, k If Silver^toi that city. The cow a family ani. ' F Silygrstppe. S F touched on the industrial question and disorders, inflammation and ulceration, pro W R Stevenson, Í Aug. 10th. Port (T “ M ' Ward. .do paying very well, and tbe Chinese com- G R Child, strange to say, they did not fear to han _ _ lapsus and kindred weaknesses. It is a ?hiìó,sr WFBanga Ud a cou- ' perfect* hei41th^’but „ . Bangasser, do The Pokegama base-ball nine has defeat boon and a blessing to women. Thousands , pany working it, keeps a Urge force em- \Y‘A Forbes. Med i W S Wade, do j._, oa. The tuberculin test was ed the Yreka nine in a match game. Thouerh dle without gloves the plutocracy that is are , ployed. WEDNESDAY — in the bloom of health through using it J H Huiler. Jville the chief town of Siskiyou, Yreka invaria riding the country to death. The assem-1 when otherwise thev would be under the aod showed that the animal was The Fort Jones claim below Honolulu, T James. City Dr H W Hatch,T-’ t diseased. bly gets the stuffin knocked out of its base blv demonstrates that the preachers are j sod. Are you a sufferer? Use it, or some W N Luckev, do Hall Barcle- on the Kl>tnsth, is now being opened ball players financially wakening upto the divinity day we may read— W Smith,"do One of the largest contracts ever let by a Chinese Company with expectation G l L DrD-^ ur .,>ar <fc wf S. F. Sheffner. representing the creamery of science and the real philosophy of' A little wife self willed, *• F *. P Avvaaiiwi Reznor, f UH Dun» 1'- of doing well on reaching bed rock, this E Wolcott, at one time on the Pacific Coast was Christ. Cburchianit.v is evincing a , department of Baker & Hamilton left Tues Rosewood coffin early filled, Mrs W J ?'.ymale, Jv Chas Medford ...cmuiu muunc. Monitor claim having paid exceedingly rich on imma G F Merriman, day for Sprague river to talk up a creamery desire to become converted and a few Spite ot doctor well skilled. recommended by the Los Angeles board Med plant for Bly. H« will return to Ashland more Chautauqua assemblies like this striking the regular channel of pre-his W SCrowell, Med of public works for the paving of Main G W Rogers, do G W Rogers, do Ovarian, Fibroid and other Tumors cured i toric data, before the river shifted from tn a few weeks. one and the rapid tide of evolution will without Mrs Mary Peter, Jvill Chas W Wolters, do street from Ninth to Thirty-seventh. sureerv. Book, testimonials and Mrs B Ne w bury. do Sa ni Morris Two of Grants Pass’ jolly girls. Miss see some stereotyped barbarisms pass references, mailed securely sealed tor 10 its ancient bed.—Yreka Journal. The lowest bid was that of the Union G E Neqber L L Gilbert, Ashland Paving company, $11.80 per lineal foot, Lillie Barrie, the assistant postmistress, away and their places filled with higher cents in stamps. Address, World’s Dispen House and Lot in Seattle W Williams, do TG ReaniesA wf and her friend, Miss Edna Sherer, returned and nobler ideas. sary Medical Association. Buffalo, N. Y. and it was a warded to that company. Lqngell, do i W C Clark, Med home Monday from a two weeks visit with To exchange for aepe^g^ H^p^tv ip South Space forbids an attempted review of Ashland friends. W C Bevington,Duns The expense will be something over ern Oregon, diuervpqe to ofc ¿laid in cash by Wm Hart, Circus so many great and able speeches. A DIED. } F Hummel, do Mrs E E Sayles, Stn $150,000. rpe. 0*11 or address, “C. F." Bob Donovan. Sam Goldsmith and about brief digest would do the lecturers an B Williams, Soda SED Barlow, do Care of V alley R ecord , Ashland, Oregon. 40 other drummers left town for the north injustice to those who have not heard the Ransom Stokes, a wealthy rancher on Monday evening’s train. lectures. The association must here^ ¡GANIARD.—In Ashland, Julv 13, 189.5, The Big Show Coming. ‘‘Trust Those wh<> have tried." and surveyor, disappeared from Sunny- Oscar O. Ganiard, aged 63 years, 5 One of the several pair of China pheas after make arrangements for the printing Mr. Geo. H. Robinson, General Contract Catarrh caused hoarseness and difficulty dale, Wash., July 4, and several days months and 15 days. ants turned loose last spring by the gun and sale of these distinguished docu ing Agent of the Great Wallace Shows, was in speakiim. I also to a great extent lost after his body was found riddled with • • WE ARE CLOSING OUT^S Mr. Ganiard has been battling with in club turned up on Burnett Million's farm menta for the public benefit, as so many the city this week arranging for lhe Big i^eattog- By the use of Ely’s Cream Balm this week with a brood of 16 young ones as of the ideas advanced should be pre death for the past several months, being Shows which will exhibit here Saturday. dropping of mucous has ceased, voice and buckshot in a pile of logs near his house. large as valluy quail. afflicted with soroeis of the liver and August 10th. Mr. Robinsqn, who is one of hearing have greatly improved.—J. W. Da Stokes was shot in the back. Fred aud served. finally succumbing to bright’s disease. the oldest aqd hqst kuqv?n‘ agents in the vidson, Att’v at Law, Monmouth, Ill. Charles Kindling, two young men who Our Stock of Fine School Shoes Story A Eggers, o( the Ashland barber- At the annual election of officers and |le was a native of Michigan and was circus business, having been identified with I used Ely 's Cream Balin for catarrh and have been in prison for burglary, are ■bop bare bought out Le<4er High’s shop opposite the plaza and will run both places, directors the following were chosen; With the Oregon pioneers who crossed the larga show» of the country for twenty- have received great benefit. I believe it a under arrest on suspicion. Stokes haA and certain cure. Very pleasant to David John ion remaining with them. Mr. President, G. F. Billings; vice-president, the plains in 1852. He settled in south five years past, informs the R ecord that safe *n< trouble with them some time ago. —Wiu. Frazer, Rochester, N. Y. ___ x.uvuvsier, n, i Miss Alice Carson of Grants Pass; secre ern Oregon where he carried on mining the expenses of the Great Wallace Shows take.— High intends xeaying Ashland. ZFOIEôlSÆIEZR, PRICES... run from $3.200.(X) to $4,«J0.Gq per dav, the Price of Cream Balm is fifty cents. tary, Mrs. C. p. Minkler; treasurer, F. M. B. McDuffie, president of the Santa in Josephine countv. Six years later lie larger part of whiph aqru is expended in the The usual services at the Presbyterian H. Carter. In the board of directors, Barbara Board of Trade, is in receipt of church next Sabbath. Rev. J. V. Milligan returned to Michigan where he was mar qty wbyr« they exhibit. This is a tidy THE AMERICAN INDIAN. ARE will preach in the morning, and President Dr. D. M. Brower represents the Dnnkard ried tp Miss Lucinda Ganiard, who Has figtne. and in dull tinXes like these the show a proposition from outside capitalists NQW GO/NQ E. N. Condit. of Occidental College, Los church, T. J. Howell the Baptist, James been hjs faithful, loyal helpmeet and should be eagerly welcomed anff Ijbwalty offeiing to erect a handsome and ex There are few instances of full blood Angeles, will preach in the evening. Chisholm the Episcopal, E. B. Smith wife in all the trials and triumphs of life. patronized by all classes of tfea community. The Modern “Big Qircpsv is an institu ed Indians entering tho learned profes tensive modern bath house, with all im E. A- Carter was in this week from Klam the Christian, J. M. Luark the Presby Three children were born to them, only proved facilities, opposite the end of the at ath and Lake counties where be is buying terian. Mrs. E. C. Qalev the Congrega one of whom, Mrs. J. E. Pelton, is living, tion pecplia^ to ^iperica. The old world sions. boulevard, on the site occupied by the | bides for Jacob Kahn of Portland and is tional. and J. L. Downing the Methodist. Mr. qaniard catped qn taming, mer »bows’ ar«l sipall comparatively, and the Tho skin of the Indian is thinner than doing a good business. He lett again The directors at large are G. B. Watson, chandising and milling at §ams Valiev manimotb concerns we have arq thovoughtv that of either the white or the negro present establishment, providing the Characteristic of piir coqntfy and our peo Tuesday for the scenes of bjs labors. city will give them an advantageous B. R. Willets, J. R. Casey, D. R. Mills and Gold Hill for many years, and eight ple, and even if to« lion the fence is and more easily torn. lease and make certain other conces Prof. T. K. Roberts, publisher of the an^ John R. Norris. vears ago the family moyed to Ashland, sometimes h»fta«r than the lion in the cage, Disease, misfortune and death were sions. Prompt action will probably be lively Gold Hill Miner, spent last week in first purchasing thQ White feulphur uo mari'visiting tbe up-to date, Three-Ring Ashland attending the institute, the Chau Winter Items. Springs Hotel and property, then building Circus has ever been heard to sav he did generally, according to Indian theology, taken. tauqua and «o a bevy of young ladies. The get his money's worth over and over attributed te the influence of evil spir- a handsome home residence in Ashland not Health is unusually good here for this The land office officials take it for R ecord acknowledges a pleasant call. again. Long may the Great American season of the year. on 1st Avenue, besides accumulating Circus wave, and continue to delight and granted that the case involving the own Col, and Mrs. Edward Hill came up from There is a mound on the banks of Mr. Brainard, of Mt. Tabor, Or., is here valuable real estate all over the city. dazzle the young and the old with its “.mul Vkiah. C*J., Saturday and are stopping at Mr. Ganiard also erected the Ganiard titudinous monopoly of (d that is magnifi Brush creek, Adams county, O., which ership of lands in Los Angeles county, Mrs. A. W. Angle’s. The Colonel’s friends visiting his uncle E. S. Brooks, recently decided in favor of the United cent and raai,veUou3' on this mundane will be pleased fo know tbat be will remain W. E. Sherill and J. M. Watts made Grand Opera House, the largest structure sphyre.?,'to ’ borrow the language of the represents a serpent in the act of swal States by the federal circuit court, will in the interior of the State, which stands hereabouts for some Ungtl; ot time this Granta Pass tired first of the week. lowing an egg. be appealed to the supreme court by the as a monqtpent jo bis ‘ public posters. trip. ■ - ' <|. ■«!■. ... ■ * — - The farmers are yety busy having, and spirit and enterprise. The funeral on Coronado, in 1040, found tho pueblos Southern Pacific Railroad company. L. L. Jacobs, of the firm of Reames, crops are above the average I believe. A Woman Who Will Work. Sunday afternoon took place from *’)e of New Mexico densely populated, and The grant in question was an overlap White A Co. of Jacksonville and deputy Several of our young people spent__ Wanted in every county to introduce the qther explorers notod tho presence of ping one. It is not probable that the last family residence, the burial being in aonnty treasurer, accompanied by Mrs Celebrated “Hygeia” Waists for all ages. Jacob« and their little daughter spent Sat Sunday picnicing at the Sulphur springs. Ashland cemetery. The services were This waist supercedes the corset, and nas the cliff dwellers in Colorado and else lands will lie thrown open to settlement urday aud Xiupday in Ashland visiting M. J. Lee has sold his placer claim on conducted bv Rev. G. W. Black, assisted received the pnanimous approval of the where. until the matter is decided in the court frieuds and attending tfje Chautauqua. Jtinip-off-Joe, to J. H. Lisco and J. L. by Rev. E. P. Childs. leading physicians of America. $3.(X> outfit of last resort. Lake all other savage peoples, the In .. Ganiard one of ..... In the death o( Mr. the free. Any energetic woman can make from Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Sizemore, Mrs. Logan- Philip Horn of Fresno has received Sieemore and daughter, Miss Hattie Sise- J. M.Sqwashof Humboldt county, Gal. I m#yked characters of the industrial life $15 to $50 weekly. Send for circulars and dians had very little idea of laying up for the future. They lived from hand to word from Tamaqua, Pa., that he is en rnore. and Horace Pelton of Sams valley. was here last week,’ looking fpr mining and upbuilding of southern Oregon has terms. HYGEfA M'F'G Co.. Henry White ami family of Rock Point, property. 3;8 Canal 8t„ New York. ■ passed •«« — TI — — - - mouth, rarely making adequate provi titled to the possession of an estate val away. He ~ -- was an eminently and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kenney came up sion, even for tho winter. ued at $37,000. He is a wagon-maker practical man and the mty and countv Why the Heathen Rages. Dennis Means and family are out from Sunday to attend the funeral of the late of Fresno and has been carrying on a the mines oa Jump-off-Joe, for a short has lost the advantage of one of its most Oscar Ganiard. It is a singular fact that most of the Editor V alley R ecord :—Along with vacation. © ~ useful citizens. In their loneliness and small business for a number of years. Geo. H. Andrews, son of Thos. Andrews, other free-thinkers your correspondent American tribes retain traditions of their © © © bereavement the familv have the sym Six years ago a relative died and left G. F. Sniithline andfaniilv, of Woodville, arrived last week from Fresno, Cal., where attended the lecture given at the Chau coming to America from some other © him a valuable piece of property, but he has been manager of the Postal Telegraph were in Wimer Sunday, visiting the family pathy of a large circle of friends. tauqua building on Monday evening, country. Most of their traditions point office in that city for two years. After a of J. W. Robinson. entitled, “The Fool in Politics,” by the ed toward the northwest as the place the executors of the estate could not Butte Creek News. visit of seyeral weeks with relatives and Mrs, W. P. Hillis and daughters Misses find him and were about to abandon the much advertised James Clement Am whence they migrated. Miss Mamie Wood returned from Sisson friends be will resume fils position, which Lizzie and Mary and Miss Eachins are brose. of Chicago ; expecting to hear search when they learned that he was last Tuesday. is a handsome job. The great temple in tho City of Mex at Fresno. camped at Sulphur spring. something new. witty, instructive and Ben Abbeloose. returned from a trip to possibly a broad minded discourse. But ico was a stone structure of five stages, Prof. J. B. Horner, one of the solid and Shasta county, Cal., on Tuesday of last O! When C. Reiser of Santa Cruz, now earnest educational workers of the state Real Estate. or stories, 800 feet square at the base wbat a disappointment. week. was in Ashland last Thursday looking in 80 years old, was a boy in Russia one of Rice Benson to Alice V. Welch — 10 acres and 120 high. There were eight simi The jokes were very wormy chestnuts, on tbe Chantauqua and attending the in tp 34 s, r 2 w; $1. Harvesting is in full blast and it is “nip made comical, only by the facial distor lar structures of almost equal rizo in his toes was frozen, but it never gave Reachers institute. Prof. Horner holds an Engene L. Atkinson, executor of the and tuck” between the harvester and the tions of the very ugly mug from which important position with the State Agricult estateofW. And we have just received this week Five Cases the oity, and nearly 2,000 much smaller. him trouble until a year ago, when the H. Atkinson, deceased, to E. grasshoppers to see which will get the best ural College at Corvallis. pain became so great that amputation they emanated. It was one of the most K. Anderson—undivided of lots 7. 8 and of the crops. The state of the monuments in the narrow-minded, sectarian and bigoted Mississippi George Wimer and family met with an 12 and part of lots 9 and 10; also right-of- of Magnificent Lines of valley indicates that there was necessary. Instead of Reiser being While Joseph Rader was useing a grapple harangues that it has ever been my mis way for water ditch on same and including relieved the pain in the foot continued accident while coming in from Murphy last hay fork the spring failed to work and in re must have been a dense population, de Ashland Wolen Mills buildings; $4500. fortune to be compelled to listen. week. The king bolt in the carriage broke and blood poisoning set in, until to save Riley Hammerslev to Martha Hammer- adjusting the fork he stuck the needle and the occupants fell forward, while the Although tbe lecturer announced him pending largely on agriculture and hav his life amputation of the leg below the through hi« foot, penetrating the sole of team ran down the road with the front part sley—lot 14 in blk 14, Gold Hill; $1. bis shoe. He put some liniment on it and self as ready to punish Ingersoll and ing comparatively civilized institutions knee was necessary. It is doubtful if ”ne Michael Chavner, et al., to Martha Hani- is of tbe wagon. No Serious damage was every one else who dared to doubt the and government, at the time when the can recover owing to his advapr^j age. getting along all right, mersley—67.40 acres in tp 36 s. r 3 w; $1'30. done.—Grants Pass Observer. B. F. Carter to G. W. Wilcox—land in tp Robert and Walker Lewis and Lee Par existence of the Bible God by death, and greatest mounds were built—St Louis James G. Fair’s will, whi<h was Btolen John Devhn, Jr., and A. N. Soliss drop 36 s. r 4 w ; $105. son went out on a hunt last week, return by cutting off their power to propagate, Globe-Democrat. ped in Saturday, These intellectual lights B. F. Carter to G. W. Wilcox—land in tp ing on Thursday. They went as far as it seems that God himself is not so fiend from the county clerks office in San of Jacksonville did iiot, however, allow the 36 s. r 4 w; $25. Flounce Rock but killed’no game. An old ish. After taking a good look at the Francisco, has beer offered to the exec heavy weighted guns of art, philosophy, Gin Lin to Wong Foo—land in Jackson man in that vicinity killed a deer and Reverend gentleman I for one could not STAGE GLINTS. utors named t^erejn jor a consideration science ana political economy at the Chau ville; $500. divided with them, so they did not have to help thinking that, if all future earthly tauqua to prevent their showing a consid M. chavner, M. A. Pryce and M. J. go hungry, It is ruinorod that Maud. Adtims is to of $5,000 Private Detective Curtin is inhabitants were compelled to be formed erable appreciation of the more tangible Chavner to H. E. Barnhart—lots 7 and 8, 1 le ’ gent endeavoring to negotiate the marry Richard Harding Davis. after tbe model of J. Clement Ambrose, Wilbert and Roy Ashpole. Willie and articles of baauty floating about in balloon blk 32, Gold Hill; $50. sleeves. J. L.jDemmer'to Lorenz Demmer—tract in Merrill Brown started for lhe Dead Indian or made to resemble charitable. Intel Job» Draw ta booked fur th«? V*-Qde. reward for the return of the document. soda springs on Thursday of last week. lectual, magnanimous Robt. G. Ingersoll, 37 s, r 2 w; $500. January 28 last loss of the will was dis J. W. Marksbury, of Gold Hill, Welborn tp Theresa M. 8. Wood’s family also started for the if left to the suffrages of women as well yiJla theater, London, tor JIftjr • 2 Demmer to J. L. Demmer — tract covered by a deputy county clerk and Beeson. Jr., Dr. Danielson, J. W. Miller, In “A Love Knot,” ’ ' McAllister springs about the same time no trace whatever couid be found of Capt. W. Rawlings, County Recorder Grant in tp 37 s, r 2 w; $500. and a number of our young folks expect to as men, it would be easy for eveq a polit Little Mabel TaJ’.'df0rrO| child actress, when or how it was abstracted from the ical fool to vote the right WAY- Rawlings. Deputy County Clerk E. E. go this week. Smith, Sheriff Patterson, Senator Holt. G. W. Tilden and S. W. Bailey, the Ii this is the Chautauqua style of edu has ken £pX'.^ed to play Rosetta in the envelope in which it was filed. Wh:le Dr. Stanfield was on his way up cating . the masses, i( this is the sort of A Rii> £>or ¿ife” company. Representative Jeffrey, Ira Wakefield. A. two submarine divers and wreckers of Among tne numerous persons wno have 8. Jacobs and other prominent populists Portland, who left some two weeks ago Little Butte c-eek to visit a patient, his dog rot people are to pay for and have their Prices from $4.00 to $18.00 per suit, and from down the valley attended Thos. for the scene of the Brother Jonathan “Coxev.” got after a rabbit and in his hurry intelligence insulted to boot, it were well “The Maid of Erin” is the title of a been cured of rheumatism by Chamberlain’s ran against the horses hind legs, and ’ as Pain Balm, mention should be made of V. Cator’s lecture Saturday. they are most beautiful patterns wreck, with the intention of possibly re quick as a flash he commenced to kick, that intelligent, liberal minded people comic opara being written by Stanislaus Mrs. Emily Thorne, of Toledo. Wash., who Miss Minnie Walker, one of Ashland’s covering a part of the treasure which tearing away the dashboard, throwing the understood tbe matter and did not allow Stquge ami Julian Edwards for W. A. «ays: “1 have never been able to procure we have ever been able to offer to the trade fairest daughters who has been livihg with went to the bottom with the steamer, old Doctor out onto his head and shoulders, themselves to be humbugged by the fa'we Bquly. any medicine that would relieve me of rheu her mother. Mrs. John Wells, at Sprague have been obliged to abandon their on the rocks, bruising him quite badly and claim of “unsectarian, intellectual treats” during our long experience in the cloth- like Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I Jessie West, formerly with “Shaft matism river, Klamath county, was married on the project on account of the northwest trade demolishing the buckboard to a consider have also used it for lame back" with great advertised to catch the haatbens penny. ing business in Ashland. evening of the 4th inst. to Will Smith, son able extent. No. IQ,” was especially engaged for success. It is the best liniment 1 have ever of Kx-Judge G. W. Smith, a merchant of winds prevailing at this time. These P bo B ono P ublico . used, and I take pleasure in recommending the Boubrette part in “ An American A young man by the name of Winkle, Bly. Ala rge circle of friends wish them a winds subside in September, and it is the it to my friends.” For sale by E. A. S hkk - £a"ppy married life. Mr. and Mrs. Smith plan of the men to return then and make who is living with Indian Jo Brown, started Shiloh’s Cure is spld on a guarantee' it Hero.” wis . on a hunt with Jo B. and as he Retting ave taken up their residence at Bly. cures Ircipicht ConsumpUur ' a thorough search of the ocean bottom When William Gillette’s new play, into the wagon, he having placed his double best Cough cure. Only ope eent off Gold beach in the hope of finding the Hon. Thos. V. Cator who came to Ash barrel shot-gun, loaded with twelve buck- j 25 cents., 50 eta, (ad it. Sold by a dose« “Secret Service,” is produced in Lon Atlanta's Leading Womaiv £. A. don next winter, it will have a cast of land on Wednesday of last week and de hulk of the ill-fated steamer. shot in each barrel, in the front and with S herwin Our fine tailor made clay worsteds Mrs. Joseph Thompson, who has been livered an address before tbe Chautauqua the breech resting on'the dash board and American actors. Assembly Saturday afternoon bad a splen at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00 will more elected president of the board of women (be barrels resting on the seat, he placed Big Butte News, MAK1UEI). did visit with his many Jackson countv “The White Rat,” the new melo managers of tho Atlanta exposition, is than please you when you take a look at his hand over the muzzle of the sun and John A. Baker was in Ashland the past drama by R. N. Stephens, will have its friends made a year ago and left Tuesday just then the horse started, causing the a very beautiful and accomplished afternoon for home. He and Frank Wil SMITH—WALKER.—At Rlapiath Falls, gun to discharge, the contents of one barrel | week on a business trip. liams went to Gold HUI Monday op a fish Julv 4, 1895, by Rey. Connell Cox, Miss passing througli the palm of his hand, tear * ^m JihRniber8, Jr., and wife have go»», first production in August, at the Na woman and is described as a woman of them. They fit iully as well as any suit tional theater, in Philadelphia. ing trip. Mf. Cator tyquld like to have striking personality, of culture and re you can get made at a great deal higher Minnie Walker, daughter of Mrs. John ing away the flesh but breaking no bones. to i t. Klamath to work for John Irwin. taken al trip to Crater lake ana tbe cele finement aud the possessor of an indom Wells, of Bly. and Wm. W. Smith, son The programmes of several of the Lon brated fishing grounds of Klamath county, Janies Baker auc^ of Wood river don theaters contain notices positively itable will. She has a marvelous apti firice and are just as well cut, all the very Did You Ever of Judge G. W. Smith. bpt was deterred therefrom by an import the 4th viriuni relatives and friends Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your spent ant law suit at San Jose. prohibiting the wearing of hats by wom tude for business aud is never at a loss at Big Butte. troubles? If not. get a bottle now and on questions that como before board Jacksonville Lodge No. 10,1. O. O. F.: The infant daughter of Andrew Stanley, en occupying the high priced seats. relief. This medicine has been found to be Funkiaa or Day Lilies. _____ Amato Ward Tiffany, who has been meetings. At a spacial meeting held on the 11th adapted to the relief and cure of son-in-law of Robt. Wright, died of whoop There are few more beautiful or peculiarly all Female Complaints, exerting a wonder ing cough last Thursday. Our reason for being able to offer clothing at the prices inst. W. F. Shawver, D. D. G. M., in (tarring in “Lady Blarney,” goes with I Misa Hetty Tarker. stalled the following officers for ttie en more useful plants to the gardener tfeag ful direct influence in giving strength and the “ A Fatted Calf ” company next sea The infant child of Coul Gearier, aged Miss Hetty Parker of Lancaster, Pa., we do, is simply the fact that we do not sell one dollar’s suing term: Jas. A. Wilson N- G.; J. W (hose known as fnnkias or sometimes tone to the organs. If vou have Loss of about one year; died at Brownsbmool fever son to play the part of Mrs. McCann. Appetite, Con’tipatlon, Headache, Fainting caused by whooping coq^^ recently received the congratulations of worth on time, and you only have to pay for what you buy Dyar V. G.; A. N. Soliss Rec. Sec.; K. hemerocalluses. Meehan tells that they Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Forbes Robertson commences his sea many friends on the occasion of her Kubli Treas.; John Arnold R. 8. N. G.; will grow in the deepest shade if not Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Ilfinqls M<iuig Co. is preparing to son at the Lyceum theater, London, ninetieth birthday. Sho was housekeep yourself, and not the bad debts contracted by other parties. Jas. Cronemiller L. S. N. G.; Chris very dry and flower profusely, taking Electric Bitters is the n’.edicine you need. dig The miles of ditch tapping Josephine and Ulricb R. S. V. G.; F. E. Bybee L. S. V. care of themselves from year to yoar, Health and Strength are guaranteed qv its Ounyon creeks in this countv and by fall §tpt. 1.4, with “Romeo and Juliet.” er for President Buchanan during his Large bottles only fifty cents at E, A. fully 1000 acres of rich placer ground will Mrs. Patrick Campbell will be the Ju administration and after his retirement G.; Fred. Luv W.; N. A. Jacobs Con.; • > but will still be thankful for a little S dte. herwin ’ s Drug qtore. G. N. Lewis i. G. be at tbe mercy of several gi*Jit». hl. A. liet to private life. Mrs. Harriet Laue John I fertilizing material being placed around Stevens, in charge of the ooh , will have son, niece of President Buchanan and William F. Owen, who has retired them. They aro very wall known undei? Lon Jennings shipped last week 171 the engineers op tfie ground next week. Fine Place to Rent. mistress of the White House during his from Augustin Daly ’ s company, will be tho common uam^- of **day lilies, ” a bales of hops to London, Eng. It took Experts claim that this series of placers will The Saxemsn property. term, was among Miss Parker's recent be the richest in Southern Oregon when | • member of Julia Marlowe-Taber ’ s three cars to carry them away. Thi( name, however, which some are en- choice irait orchard. _C__ fully under wav. The base of operations ; oompany next season. He will play guests. flavoring to supplant by another com- was the last of the crop of *94. Mr. Jen ia not far from Kerby. . nings doesn’t know what the hope will Falstaff to the production of “fieory i Joy’s for the Jaded. tjjeu uaa»y “plaatato lily." ________________ | IV,” I The Bucurd office for job yrimins. Joy’» Vegetable Sarsaparilla. I SHERWIN ^æ^Slierwiii TRY SHERWIN. WILLIAM HEVENER II F REMOVAL NOTICE T. K. BOLTON’S BEFORE THE RAISE I ci $1.50 90 CENTS Call Before It Is Too Late. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE SPRING is SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING 0. H. BLOUNT ¡CASH