Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1895)
Justifiable Homicide. Family Troubles of a Mining Man. GENERAL NEWS. TOUCHED OFF AGAIN. If You Go Farther You Will Fare Worse. Lee Browning, aged 21 years, shot and The following dispatch tells of the Karl ’ s Clover Root, tne great Blood puri Held Up by Three Men, Who Rob troubles of Uncle Charley All men, for killed William Tracy Monday morning This Time the Bohl Knight of the fier gives freshness and clearness to the Road Makes a Double Play and Coiulpexion and cures Constipation, 25 cts.• Every Car—The First in Oregon. merly assayer and foreman of the Ash- in the Wolf creek mining district, Jose A8HLAND, O b ...T hursday , July 4, 1895. phine county. The trouble grew out of I land Mining Co. ’ s mill : Robs Both Stages. i 50 cts. and $1. Soldbv E. A. Sherwin. The train was held up about 10:15 Seattle, June 26.—Chas. S. Allmen, a i ownership of a mine and Tracy and his Last Thursday night as the stage from I o’clock Monday night near Riddles, about Stockton will grant the right of way 30 miles soutl. of Roseburg, The train l Tacoma mining man, well-known on the 1 two partners came upon Browning who , Ager to Klamath Falls was wending its for a railroad to tî e water askod for by PERSONAL AND SOCI AU ¡fired. Dr. Kremer, who held an inquest Pacific slope, seems to have a just cause j tortuous way over the Topsy grade and was coming down Cow creek canyon at the Corral Hollow Coal company. the rate of about 25 miles an hour, and of grievance against a woman he married, over the dead man as coroner of Jose I arrived three quarters of a mile bevond Frank R. Neil was up from Jacksonville .was not far from the mouth of the canyon. if his story be true. About a year ago, phine county, reports that the coroner’s j the top of the hill, Driver Jake Har- ■ t>Jack Dempsey, the pugilist, is seri ELLS Everything FIRST-CLASS in yesterday. DRUGS and at Reasonable Rates. The road runs through very wild, rugged Allmen, who is rich and 4-5 years old, jury found that it was a justifiable honai- i mon.y and his only companion, Repre ously ill at New York from spasms of Our People cannot afford to miss this region, the stream being near the track met a pretty widow, named Scott, in Ta I cide. sentative Harry V. Gates of Washington the heart. His recovery is doubtful. Assembly. county heard the Btern command halt Jim Lawson, the Madera (Cal.) out Avoid Cheap John, Drug-Stores. on one side and the mountains rising coma. and learning from her own lips that Snake Charmer Poisoned. issue from behind a tree alougside of the law who killed his child, attempted to Andy Carter, the old pioneer and soldier, very steep on the other. The sides of her husband wa6 dead, proposed, was ac Two snake charmers have been trap- road. “Thats him,” said Jake to is here again. the canyon are very rugged, and covered cepted, and the couple were duly married. 1 pin» kill his wife and twice escaped from and hunting snakes all spring about Later AJlmen found that be was the W. J. Paul, the pioneer and capitalist of with a dense forest of large trees and an woman’s fourth husband, and that the Tnle lake and the famous lava beds Gates, whom he had been regaling with jail, has been recaptured. Sells Stationery Cheaper the tales of former hold-ups and was almost impenetrable growth of under Yreka, died Sunday. Crop reports from the state of Wash than the Cheapest Man in other three were living—one in Scotland, where the Modoc Indians made their pointing out the spots where they occured. brush. Thos. V. Cator has just written that he last stand for liberty against the encroch- ington say that the wheat yield this this or any other town. and one in British Columbia, while the At the request of the robber they threw Though the moon was high, it was expects to be here July 13th. ment of civilization. There is the great shaded by the high timbered bluff, and whereabouts of the third was unknown. est rattle snake breeding ground on the out the mail sacks, then dismounted. year will be up to the average. Weather Ad. Graham and Bob Shaw have returned the track lay in darkness. Allmen applied for and got a divorce, The legislator cut open the mail sacks conditions hate been favorable all the continent and a few years ago a snake from the Beaver creek mines. Robbers put a small dynamite cart and then went to Montana. Last April was killed there that bad 42 rattlers and with the driver’s knife while the driver season. held the horses. J. W. Jarvis has been engaged to teach ridge on track, which exploded, and made he received a dispatch from his much- Tramps and bad characters are being a button. These two men have turned the Boulevard district school. The highwayman then compelled them driven out of Sacramento as fast as they aloud report. The engine before stopping married ex-wife that a son had been born the serpent product into a profitable in to him. He returned to Tacoma to em to turn their pockets inside out, the driver are arrested. They have a choice of Father Clem has returned from liis holi ran over a large one which broke the dustry, catching the snakes alive and ness band exhorting in California. flange of engine tracksand stopped train. brace the son and see that he was prop shipping them to a Chinese firm in San yielding 15 cents and Gates $2.15. They leaving town or going to jail for six erly cared for. Since then, however, were both marched up the road about Morton Lindley, the Gold Hill mining Conductor Kearney was going down Francisco who supply China doctors on months. man, returned Tuesday evening from a trip step of head end of day coach to see Allmen says he has come into posession this coast and in the Flowery Kingdom thirty feet, with instructions not to move Los Angeles merchants are endeavor to San Francisco. cause of trouble when he met three men of evidence to show that the woman has with the snakes, the substances of which or look back. The robber then returned endeavored to involve his estate. He 1J-AS MOVED FROM THE I. O. O. F. Levi EAgon has finished a fine large running alongside train. With an oath also denies the infant, and will ask the are used in the practice of the heathen’s to the mail and assorted it and pocketed ing to secure steamer service with Pan the registered letters. He put out the ama. The Chamber of Commerce is of barn for E. B. Barron on the latter’s farm one said “get back and stay there,” tak court for an order disinheriting the child profession. *■■ block into their elegant new quar lights on the coach, after which he re ing an ineffectual shot at Kearney who at foot of Siskyous. There is only one way of taking these sumed his Btation, ordered the passenger fering inducements to isthmus steamers alleged to be bis. immediately locked himself with about to stop at Wilmington. ters neatly and tastily fitted up in Atkin The Chautauqua lectures and instructors I snakes alive and that is the snake char write that they will be on band to fill their $100 of the company’s money, in the I’Akam Letteken Accidentally Shot. mers business. He bunts them down and and driver to load up the mail and take Stuart A. Greene, who confessed to son block next door north of Postoffice, for their seats. They did so, and held an ladies water closet until the ceremony places on the program. Adam and Will Letteken went deer hunt after arresting his attention and catching interesting conversation with the robber the murder of Julius Petrie, an aged was over. The robbers took engineer the reception of their old patrons and ing Tuesday 8 miles east of Ashland. Adam the snakes eye the snake soon surrenders Mrs. Dr. Force returned Tuesday from Frenchman, at Marysville, Cal., has McMinnville, where she had been called by Jap Waite and Fireman Ev. Gray off was roiling rocks down hill to scare game his self-control to the charmer who then upon various topics, including stage-rob been sent to prison for life. Miller, his friends and the public generally. engine and made them go to express car out of brush. His shot gun was accident bandies him easier than Gleason, the bing as a business, for one and a half the sad death of her sister. where Messenger Ralph Donohue obliged ally discharged the contents and gun wadd horse-trainer, reduces to docility a hours, when the stage bound from Klam accomplice, has been sentenced to hang. Tom Roberts and wife have gone on a ing through bis side. He was taken to the ath Falls to the railroad at Ager came George Frohm, a carpenter, while They are stocked up with and are displaying the visit with relatives in Douglas county and them with a gold watch and valise. They house of Mr. Wright, a sbeepherder. Dr. vicious broncho. upon the scene and was baited three working on the Hartford at Mare Island did no further damage there. Entering Tom’s mother in Portland. These two snake charmers have caught Brower went to the scene and dressed the feet from the other stage. There were the mail car the accommodating clerk, The Sunday school rally on next Wednes C. A. Hermann, threw up bis bands. wound. He says there are hopes of his re- and shipped alive 80 snakes to the bay no passengers aboard and the driver, Geo. navy yard, fell from a scaffold and covery. reshest line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER city this season. They bad four at Mar Humphrey, threw out the mail sacks and, struck on his head on the granite bot day will be a success if one can judge from The robbers opened up a tremendous lot reports of schools received. ple’s livery stables at Klamath Falls with after sorting out the mail, the robber tom in the ship. His injuries are fatal. IES AND PROVISIONS in the City. Mr. Letteken was raised in this of greenbacks from the registered mail. which they attended to give a public ex ordered both stages to proceed. Miss Allie Thornton of Dunsmuir was Bunching their proceeds with fireman, country and his mother and brother hibition Charles H. B. Graham, aged 17, son of their art in handling snakes visiting Mrs. Sheridan Thornton this week in front, followed by engineer and William now live on Emigrant creek. robber was very cool throughout of a well-to-do surgeon who died re and will spend the 4th at Grants Pass. right off the grass at the celebration tc- the The He married Miss Effie Provolt, daughter affair and made no effort to disguise express messenger the main robber put A good appetite and refreshing sleep are them into day coach and ordered the of E. N. Provolt, a farmer of Williams day. The main expert was working with his Vflice. He bad a horse tied near the cently at Ontario, Cal., fell from a his pets one evening last week at the essential to health of mind and body, and few passengers to stand up and hold up creek, and they have one child, aged He did not ask for the express brakebeam at Yuma, A. T., and was Btables and after having three crawling place. these are given by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. about three years. He is a brother-in- box, evidently being aware that Wells- killed. Graham and three other young bands. The robber wae last with a big about his face and neck reached into the Fargo Joseph G. Pierce, editor of the sprightly gun and a sack. The passengers all law of J. W. Coakley of this precinct. had taken it off a week ago on ac men were beating their way East. box for the fourth one. A lot of boys count of his frequent assaults on its Klamath Falls Express, arrived in the val complied gracefully. The French societies at Los Angeles A Special Sale. crowded about and in some way be pick- treasury. ley Tuesday to spend the 4th with his Jack-' Sheriff Fitch was in the next car—the desired to participate in the Fourth of The Hargrove Sisters, milliners, are of i ed him up in an unprofessional manner sonville girl. smoker,—and Brakeman A. T. Morian put July celebration, but the committee of fering tor the next ten days at greatly re ' and the snake sent bis fangs into the The acquittal of Frank Swingle for the arrangements refused to allow any but Wm. M. Holmes, secretary and manager down all the blinds. Sheriff Fitch got be duced prices some fine flowers and frames. of the flouring mills at Central Point and ■ hind the water closet and intended to kill Call and see them at their millinery head fleshy part of bis left hand between the killing of Arthur Langell again demon the American flag in the parade and the thumb and fore-finger. The charmer strates that the laws of the state for the Eagle Point was in towu Monday on a the robber as he came in. but was dissuad quarters in Myer block on Main street. ed by the passengers. Fitch was the first needed no physician. He bad been bit suppression of naan-killing are of no Legion Française will not take part. business trip. man taken hold of by robber and con ten five times before and proceeded with force and effect in Klamath county, Mining News. Mrs. Driscoll, an old and miserly In cases where dandroff, scalp diseases, tributed $75 and watch. The robber felt of falling and grayness of the hair appear, do Fitch’s clothes and pulling the sheriff’s re John S. Shook is still in the county look his old remedy, killing the snake, remov where prominent stockmen have killed woman, died recently at Cloverdale, not neglect them, but apply a proper rem volver from his breeches pocket said, ing after his mining interests. G. T. Glen- ing the gall bladder from his back, cut each other off periodically for the past Cal., leaving considçrable property. She edy and tonic like Hall’s Hair Renewer. “that’s a pretty thing; I’ll take it.” Seeing denning of Osgood, Ind., one of his part ting open the wound and laying the gall twenty years; and though an attempted lived in the most frugal mànuér and ^ obbb ^JEWELRY Judge Hanna was up from Jacksonville Brakeman Morian, robber said “where is ners. is expected out to look at the situation into it, which sucks up all the poison. lynching once resulted fatally, there has was supposed to have been very poor. conductor? ” “ In hind end. ” “ Get in with a view of further developing their The charmer missed a piece of fang, Monday to meet his son who arrived on Established Í884- never been a judicial hanging and only however, and before he discovered it, had one conviction with a short term in the In her clothing was found $1,400 m gold the evening train from Oakland, Cal., to here” said robber and he pushed Morian in Gold Hill mine. visit him during the circuit court vacation. front of him. his system poisoned, and his arm has penitentiary. The shooting code in in little bags sewed to the linings. The procession was unmolested until sec Jeff and John Devenny came over Sun Aden Packard was severely bit in the face ond tourist was reached. Robbers had to day from W. W. Walters & Co.’s quartz turned black up to his shoulder blade. The grand jury of San Joaquin cen Klamath county still prevails as against last Friday by Mr. Waterman’s dog. Dr. threaten porter several times before he mill, which is in lull operation on $25 ore. the fiendish and brutal capital punish sures the board of supervisors of tha* House and Lot in Seattle Parsons was summoned and cheesed any opened the door. They robbed everybody on Salmon river. Walters is in Trinity a possible damage of blood poison. The boy except women; were in no hurry and took county developing a fine cement prospect To exchange for acreage property in South ment barbarism. Any well-to-do citizen county for conductlug businesg out there that can hypothecate enough also owned by his company. loose and extravagant manner jjæ re ern Oregon, difference to be paid in cash by is improving slowly. DRUGGIST TO S. P. E"R. CO.| their time. of this world’s goods with which to raise port says supplies for ;ounty institu. me. Call or address, “C. F.’’ I While main robber was working a coach R. M. Garrett and A. R. Thompson are R. 8. Moore, the well-known Klamath from $3000 to $8000 need ppt lose any Care of V alley R ecord , Ashland, Oregon. ions have been pm J prices higher county surveyor, assisted by Will Nickerson I one confederate went alongside poking his at work on the Beekman <t Huffer quartz sleep about the condition of bis neck than the ia at work surveying a little over a town I gun at passengers from outside while other mine on Jackson creek, having a contract market School of Methods. atcîî inspector s P. R. R- oyer a killing scrape. But woe unto the ship of government land in about Siskiyou | stood on platform protecting bis partner to take out 50 tons of ore and doing some In connection with Southern Oregon man that steals a plug horse! . ^^.xs Blank, ex-secretary of the B’nai from the rear and as he finished coach, crops-cutting. J. H. Huffer returned Sun station for the government. I both confederates were promptly on hand day from Sfjn Francisco wheye he bought a phautauqua. The prosecution in the second tr! * r B’rith association at San Francisco, Wednesday, July 16—Crusade Service, Senator 8. A. Holt was up from Phoenix at other end. The outsiders kept up a fire 3-stamp mill and steam outfit which will Frank Swingle tor the murd»- , Organization of Class. Monday, on a business trip. Miss Ivy Car of dynamite cartridges and yelling, which arrive this week and be put to work. committed suicide by turning on th® Thursday, July 11—"Mothers Meetings.” roll, of Atwood, Ill., who is visiting G. Y. frightened passengers into submission. gas. Some time ago he was compelled Thomas James the well-known mining "Purity.” Heaton’s family will pay Mrs. Holt, who The robber was pleasant and agreeable, • -*m®n cannot be expected to make good a big shortage in his ac Friday, July 12—"Y,” “Flower Mission,” tn hoi • ’ is au old friend of the Carroll family, a 1 keeping up lots of conversation and never expert has been engaged to develop the -iu up the alleged dignity of the law counts and he was about to be expelled visit this week. injuring anyone. Pnilman ’Conductor coal mining proposition on Commissioner “Physical Culture." 8. Furry’s land four miles east of Medford Saturday, July 13-Scientific Temperance, that takes a man’s neck for it when the from the order. The W. C. T. U. of Jackson county will Norris threw himself into a berth and bonded by L. G. Porter, W. I. Vawter, Wm. Instruction. ntfver have a better opportunity to get > pulled it in after him, and has his money Slinger, Capt. J. T. C. Nash and two Port Sunday, July 14—Gospel Meeting at 3 p. m . , state’s agents fail to impress them with The University of California athletes the conviction that the state’s attorney posted along the line of Department work j yet. land men. Mr. James on Monday put two Sermon by Mrs. A. P. Mead, Slate Evange surely knows itself and means business. -who went East and gained numeyotîs Alter finishing their work, the robbers than at the School of Methods, during the i shifts of men at work driving a tunnel in list. " A pusillanimous course in prosecutions victories received a royal welcome on Chautauqua. Fine camping facilities ara told the engineer not to proceed north I on the vein to prospect it for 500 feet. Mr. Monday, July 15-Bifil^ heading on destroys a juryman’s confidence and their return to Oakland and San Fran offered at Ashland, also board at reasonable for one hour. They then shot out the ¡James has a thorough knowledge and ex Tithing. “Narcotics.H rates. The white ribbons will doubtless head light and started north, firing five perience in mining enterprises and will Tuesday, 4qly lq-"Suffrage,” Question leaves the law vindicated in such cases cisco. A reception was held at the take advantage of these privileges. shots, which appeared to be a signal. only as they vindicate themselves, Olympic club in the latter city at which bring out the property in good shape if tlje Box. Thos. V. Cator’s date at the Chautauqua The engine was so disabled that it took coal is tb?re. Wednesday, July If—“The Press,” “Lib though they be managed after the fash the students were eulogized to the skies. is Saturday, the 13th, at 2 o’clock. People three hours to reach Riddles, about four ion of a sheep-herder attending to his Ernest Green, formerly of the Ashland eramre." Professor George Davidson, who has from down the valley can come and return miles distant. There the engine was mine Thursday, July I8--,‘Loyal Temperance flock. It requires more force than is was over from his placer mine on on the cars the same afternoon. Co-oper turned and backed to Boseburg. F. Plot- Hungary creek Monday. He is cleaning Legion,” “Our Relation to Dumb Animals.” possessed by Prof. Bensen to enforce the been in the geodetic survey for 43 years oooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ation is the topic and the producing classes Friday, July 19—“Capital and Labor.” up a fair yield from a three months run, of a biennial session of sap-heads, and who has had charge of the work on cannot give attention to a more vital and ner, a Western Union lineman, had $50 after At some time during Assembly a child- edicts which he will go prospecting a quartz drunks important subject. Mr, Cator will remain or $60 in his pocket, and the robber ledge. * • , Frank‘Brown,on Bdmble:^/i I rel?,s oieeting connection Salem. and chumps that conyene at the Pacific Coast, has been removed ‘^f will be ,n held e‘a in in connection from office by General Duffield, the in Ashland and southern Oregon for some , asked him if he had any money. He re Bee creek, is doing first rate on bis all the a temperance chalk weeks and will probably make a few more I plied only a few dollars, which he intend year round proposition and the China talk and L. 8. L. drill; also a meeting for head of the department. The reason speeches iu th.« valley after the Chautauqua. , ed to keep, and talked the robber out of company operating E. E. Sayles’ mine young ladies at ?. A Wise Conclusion. which time r reform nlcI L ume Jeto™ ' dress, given is that expenses must be cut down ' ........ .... exer _ Our Stock of Fine School Shoes West Corinth, Maine.—“I doctored for and the older men must go. Professor Do you know, if you jvant to go East and searching him. above on the same creek have a fine out- JLpf '?8 a”d CF desire a Pullman Tourist Sleeper, that you The train consisted of one mail car, look, working all summer with plenty of nthPr enhi^t<,dIfCiUS.Sed *n connectl°n with years for Biliousness, but nothing ever Davidson is 63 years old. helped me like Simmons Liver Regulator. will be detained from 12 to 16 hours unless ; one express car, smoker, one coach, two water. > * . Chas^Sears is along in his >.£vj.l£tion >e?Lende? to every I shall take nothing else hereafjy^.”—N, M. you take the Northern Pacific? Remember . tourist cars, and two sleepers. There clean upand’Wm. Thompson has com-i nna The case of Mary Berger, the Eugene menced cleaning up the season’s run on iK)th wnlMn wluch 18 iree ad~ Oakman. Your druggist sells it in powder (Or.) dressmaker accused of sending ob- that the Northern Pacific is tfce only l/nc , hi. firw min« i Dotn mfcn antl women. or liquid; the powder to be taken dry, or running Pullman Tourist Ülaepers through I were about 50 passengers. Stilly Riddle, who lives near Riddles, Sééné ’matter through the mails, came FORMER ERICES... Also an invitation to anyone to atteud made inle a tea. to the east without delay. Time and money Dr. and Joseph vaiucj Dame, who have an •> y ---- session, of the class «. Songer auuuwoupu nuu uoyc —----- » w|](Jhyr TTT members u* iu to a sudden termination at Portland. ■aved by this route. For full information, states that three men who have been time cards, maps, etc., call on or address, working for some time atNiehols station, the Pacific and Quinne mines leased, “vliRk, Smut in Corn* , . Before the defense had finished its testi 13 miles south of Riddle, and a short 'aie dos, no» bed rock in the Quintie §s%n oi an^our will be held each Robert Leonard, Agent, Ashland. Or. mony Judge Bellingei* ordered the jury The smut in corn will reproduce it» mine Thev have heen (?r®Il<)on> to.,be announced later). Sheriff A. A. Fitch and T. C Waters as distance south of the point where the . McConnell ijonnen mine, mey nave Deen Extra meetings will appear on bulletin self the next year if sown with seed. It to bring iu a verdict of not guilty. on bulletin robbery occured, dissappeared yesterday. <»uard arrived in Ashland Monday over the ; troubled with waler from drifted ground, board. 6 is a little remarkable that there should Wheu the verdict was announced the AQjland-Klamath Falls route with John One usually wore a white hat with buck which has kept the work back to some A da W allack U nruh , Conductor. have been so much smut last’ year in friends of Miss Berger Indulged in a Üettarjpks, an 18 year old boy, whom they skin band, which corresponds with the extent, but they have recently put in a : M rs . D. E. H ydb , County Pres. ■took to the penitentiary, Judge Hale I white hat worn by the robber who went bulk head and have the water under' view of the character of the season. The vigorous clapping of hands. Miss Ber having san Usurea him for one year. Waters through the coaches, and which was to- control. They expect to get on the old commonly received opinion is that wet ger is the woman who was accused of Medford Items will ride back frQfP McMinnville on the weather makes a smut year, but we are having sent through the mails obscene channel worked by McConnell, and if Dan Driscoll horse ¿toler. in Kla,u»th ¡ - , . . , , • •, J. A. Whitman was in Ashland Monday ¿ountv bv Hendricks’ partner, who has , They are thought to be hidden in a cave they can manage the water they will on business, hearing of a great deal of smut in spite letters addressed to herself. Her ob - * . * to the pen _ c fronT ___ ’ ‘xX ___ county- i j nnnr U n anana r\( fho been' iint YamhiH near i lb® scene of the UrvLl.iin hold-up. have some very rich ground. The Pacific | of the abnormal drought. As has been ject, it was said, was to make it appear eighteen or twenty feet i mineJs ’ ' down ’ ’ ' ‘ ‘ _ . he^visU irUowa! returned Monday from said, the seed of smutted oom will un that another person was slandering her. -?ihu ’ At 10’5 on the evening ot July 10, and they have an open cut eight feet sriU be held at Ashlam « u 11895, the California north bound express Four blocks of wooden buildings in J. A. Hanley returned Sunday from a doubtedly contain smut spores. It is Jamfi8tP^e^ri_'''lr2nPj train, No. 15, waB stopped by robbers long. This is one of the richest claims trip to Shovel creek. the Mission district at San Francisco also true that the ground will contain Thos. V. Cator, Mrs. N. W Kinney and about ej ht miles 80Utb of Ri(](fle8 at th0 I , on ““ the riyer. They have taken oqt the .Dr. W- Jones and family spent Sunday them and make a smutty crop the next were burned the other night. The fire other noted persons wUllectur.e. ”“,*„' cTeek" canvon canyon Douglas K ‘ ro '“ "I ’?“ set «“ of «' timbers ‘'"J?1 and have will lecture, Sibool. bcbopls i “ month of '*c„w Cow creek Mn< *toone season, although perfectly clean seed is started in Carrick, Williams & Wright’s of Art, Music, Bible normal work worii and moD. 2! ¿f vow "2 TheTmail Sj! (8ecure( 8ecured [ 17 ounces^of Art Music ca,nyon. was vougias ounces of gold. gold, These men Visiting Ashland friends. ot Art, Music 1 rid dm M wag. county, Oregon The mail car was rob- have Rpent a t dealbof m, procured. box factory on Fifth street, between W. C. T. U. methods. District and 222 ^’ several’ pack® S oT Sed have spent a great deal of money rigging Geo. W. Barron arrived Tuesday to com Count; Teachers’ Inst tute Xw'1*1/ P’ckag,eB of reg,8ter®d up their claims, and are . Bryant and Brannan. A stiff wind was mence celebrating the 4th. The only way to get rid of smut that County Teachers ’ Institute. Se^on ! «P their c airns and are descrying of Countyleatners insuiuwj. oeatuu niatter and a number of passengers rob- a„PPaaa _VroVn i ltufus Cole was over from the Siskiyou we know of, says the Iowa Homestead, blowing and the flames spread rapidly. tickets$1. u 0. Beautiful camping grounds. of amounts varying from five to oue 1 S1:cce88* re»a eWSt 1 mountain Monday on busmess. is to put land that has grown a smutty Every piece of apparatus in the fire de Address, Mrs. C. R. Minkler, Sec. | ¡jUn(]re(j dollars. A gold filled hunting Wm. M. Holmes, manager of the B. C. I ca8e watch, with a star on back, bought Hon. J. 8. Herrin was down from Ash crop into some other crop than corn for partment was brought into service, but BORN. R F. mills and.A. A. Davis of the Med.ord frQm i)ej}ro8ky groe., jewelers, Redding, land Monday on a business trip. a year or two. Smut left on the ground it was several hours before the fire was Will were both in town Monday. Jokes „ , taken from Rev D L Mai- FERGUSON.—In Ashland, June 21,1895, will produce smut the next year and in under control. The water supply was Lawyer Parker and his family will camp aUwit mill-trust were not in order as the Gal*> was ! ,en K®v* u' ?* Mal, to Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Ferguson, a daugh in the Chautauqua grove again this increased quantity if the ground again not sufficient to run the engines to their fuitiers have been for weeks laying awake I jorne and twenty-five dollars in gold I summer, moving after the 4th. ter, 11-lbs. X>f nights $gi»ring on where to get wheat to coin ; from Sheriff A. A. Fitch of Klamath be put in corn. To get rid of it, there full capacity. The losses will aggre supply the towu trade with flour. Last county, Oregon, a 38 caliber Colts revol- PUCKETT—Near Shake, Klamath county, W. H. Parker, and Ed. Worm an and fore, it is necessary to change the crop, gate over $1,000,000. Many poor people year’s short crop and th* increased milling Ver, blue steel barrel, black handle and June 2G, 1895, to the wife of P. 8. Puckett, daughter Miss Jessie have returned from and tho corn smut will then die out be were mado homeless and their house in the valley have robbed the miller of a «20 in gold coin. It is supposed there I Colestein for the celebration. a daughter. cause it cannot subsist on any other hold goods were burned. It was the surplus crop to manipulate tqe price of were three ___ "™.L L. men L implicated bat only one Mrs. Chas. J. Laird and two children re- host than corn. By cleaning the ground greatest conflagration in San Francisco flimis 1hnaveBChad)rthimffierst""oveTaVi- epteM thp care and is described as l turned to Little Klamath lake Saturday in this way and then getting clean seed in many years. Butte Creek News. ’ after a pleasant visit with her family, M. rel ” and we are very much pained( ?)to follows. Frombve feet eleven inches to Miss Henrietta Morine is stopping with smut can be eradicated. A. Casters. A $6,000,000 dredging contract be relate they spanked it to ’em with great six feet in height, native born American, johq Miller’s family at Brownsboro. ' vv.^w with vyiLii n iv, pleasure and satisfaction. I pleasant voice a clear uug ring IU to it, tween the Seattle South Canal and the Geo. Justus, and his crew who have been Liberty school house had a hat trimming Pullets or liens. light complexion, light mustache, hair for W. W. Taylor’s saw mill at Lake Washington Waterway company At A Pokegama, grand cele- cut close, light grey or blqe eyes, rather social and, dance and supper June 21st. logging Al UACRaUJU, there VlACi C w V» ’ . ?U — be — a y ———----- Dead indian arrived Tuesday to spend the “ Pullets excel for eggs, hens for any and the Bowers Dredging company was The affair was conducted by Misses Zuda bration and picnic, under thé 5U8P\ee® 4th. After cutting about 75.000 feet more round shoulders, hands hard like a labor the A. O. U. W., assisted by theciu’AD8* ing man, weight about one hundred and Owens, Lydia Owens, Maud and Julia Hill lumber Taylor will move his mill to his thing else,” says a writer for Farm signed a few days ago by C. H. Pres and was a success. Poultry, who explains as follows: Start cott, president of the dredging com timber land on Dry creek. The principal feature of the day will be 8eve2?tv pounds, high cheek hones, upper a log railing match in the raging Klam jaw projects °ver the lower one, bridge Miss Temple of Central Point closed her H. F. Wood, formerly a contractor and ing out in the spring of the year, pul pany and vice president of the Northern ath river between 1 and 4 p. m., in which of nose swolen as though poisoned with school iu the Antelope district last Friday builder of this section, but now holding a lets in the average case lay many more Pacific railroad. The Seattle company ' • • • • • I Ct A A VA V that AA C* V All 11 V A"_A A • Stevens I and night Mr. gave a dance to prominent position in the building and eggs than hens and are not so persist had already signed. It is the largest active loggers from Maine, Michigan, 1 blue overalls with jumper, show the high apprec ireciation they had of her carpentering force of the P. I. Co. on Mt. And we have just received this week Five Cases Wisconsin, and other states, inclnding poison oak, red vest or checkered cotton | services as a teacner. light checkered Shasta division, arrived 8undav to spend ent in sitting. In summer the balanoe dredging contract ever awarded to one native Californians, will take part, to shirt, _ A _ . — — I— ** i - a 4» v. It r», w heavy stogy shoes about number 8, of July week with his old friends and is about even, and in the fall the hen, firm in this country. The contract calls of Magnificent Lines of G. W. Smith of Yankee creek has about 4th afford one of the most exciing events ever neighbors. The Southern'Pacific Company and for the excavation of 35,000,000 cubic as a rule, lays the first part before she sixty stand of bees and has taken out 6C9- witnessed in California. The little Shasta Wells, Fargo & Co. will jointly pay a re Brass band has been engaged to furnish ward of $2000 for the arrest and convic lbs. of honey this season. He is one of our Among the numerous persons who have molts, the pullet the last part after yards of earth, of which 9,000,000 yards live men that don’t believe in sending off been cured of rheumatism by Chamberlain’s she molts, it usually being the case are to be dredged from the waterways music for the day, with grand parade at for things that can be raised at home. Pain Balm, mention should be made of that the pullet is the first mol ter. This through the Seattle tide lands and 26,- 10 a. m. The exercises will comprise tion of each of the robbers. R. KOEUPEB, Mrs. E. H. Lewis of Butte creek has a Mrs. Emily Thorne, of Toledo, Wash., who leaves the chances in favor of the pullet 000,000 yards to he taken out of the vocal music by the glee club, prayer by Manager lines in Oregon. tidy that was made in A. D. 1771 by her says: "1 nave never been able to procure Chaplain, Rev. L. M. Burwell, reading three-mile canal connecting Lake Wash great great grandmother, she raised the any medicine that would relieve me of rheu as a winter layer. declaration by Miss Abbie Putnam, and ington and Puget Sound. This City Council Proceedings. matism like Chamberlain ’ s Pain Balm. I With the spring hatched pullet a flax, spun the thread and wove the tidy, and orations by judge D. J. Toohy and Monday’s meeting.] and in weaving it wove in her own name have also used it for lame back with great great deal lies in the individual, for will cut through a bluff 2QQ feet and E. Danforth, both of San Francisco, success. It is the best liniment 1 have ever some are naturally more enterprising fôr half a mile. The excavation a Present: Mayor Casey and Councilmen and the date of the manufacturing of the used, and I take pleasure in recommending and grand Master Workman and grand Neil, Cordell, Fox, Gillette and Vaupel; tidy. it to my friends.’’ For sale by E. A. S her than others, and taken miscellaneously place will be done by slultflng. lecturer of the A. O.U, W. After dinner absent, Schmitt. There was another fire near the mouth they would not do a bit better during company has five yeats in Which to do athletic sports, base ball games, foot Reports of City Marshal Smith, Recorder of Butte creek, this time it was Mr. New win . the yyinter months than an equal num the work and expects to keep thq large races of all styles by fat men, Blim men, Berry, Street Commissioner Jones for June man’s fence. Some one put out fire in the Real Estate. dredgers bûsy on it for most of * that “ boys, girls, and young ladies for prizes, accepted. tail and the result was a lot of fencing Geo H Andrews to John A Smith—lot 13, ber of early molters at any age. Hens time. The earth excavat City Treasurer Carter's report far quarter j fox III te also a turnout of the Calathumpkins, was destroyed. Mr. Givens repaired the blk 43, Medford; $75. throw stronger and more vigorous chick June 30th approved, showing edging climing a greased pole, catching a greased ending Kate F Hoffman to A Gangwisch—lots 1, ens than pullets, are more experienced 2,000 acres of tide flatÿ. vouchers for payment of ten coupons of $15 damage although he denies having put out 2 and 3,blk 56. Jacksonville; 1300. pig, log rolling match above stated, and each for interest on city hall bonds due the fire. and less foolish. Hence a greater per company is planning tq build a third extensive display of fireworks in the May 1st. Mrs. L. W. Owen of Durham, Butte cent of their eggs will be fertile. They dredger to be thed in filling in the To- Probate Court. evening. Ordinance 165, regulating repair and con creek, Cal., and Miss May Goss the singer of Margaret Hauser. Inventory are better mothers and usually better coma date and on government work. Brady, the train robber, is still at struction of sidewalks and streets, was gave an entertainment Monday night. The of Estate appraisement, amounting to $1976.50, sitters. In a word, pullets for layers, music was fine. Miss Cora Brown and adopted. large and the several hundred men hunt Eva T. Cook. Prices from $4.00 to $18.00 per suit, and The council ordered $400 transferred Mrs. C. W. Taylor, our star musicians, as approved. old fowls for breeders. ing him in Shasta county have not suf from Estate of John Neathammer. Inventory the general fund to the water tund to sisted in the affair. Mrs. Owens delivered Mrs, Eva T. Cook of Gloucester, the tliey are all of the most beautiful patterns fered any serious injuries. The constable be applied in payment of interest due July a lecture on “Love, courtship and mar of appraisement amounting to $311.55 ap HOTEL OREGON newly elected department president of proved, and sale of personal property or who discovered Brady, ran awav after 1, 1895, on water works bond. riage.” Tuesday night. we have ever been able to offer to the trade the Woman’s Relief Corps of Massachu dered. F. T. Fradenburgh. Prop. emptying his gun. His deputy also fired City warrant No. 191, on street fund, hav Last Saturday as Miss Mattie Taylor during our long experience in the cloth- setts, is a very popular member of the all the shots in his revolver, and return ing been lost, another warrant was drawn. daughter of C. W. Taylor, went out of the T hursday — S unday — Shiloh’s Cure is sold on a guarantee* It Bills ordered paid: order and has long been devoted to the F L Hunter, 8 F W C Bevington.Duns ing to town wanted the coroner to go cures Incipient Consumption. It is the X ing business in Ashland. door she discovered a large rattle snake out and hold an inquest, as Brady was Electric light Co., lights for June $147 00 1 coiled up on the porch, and calling her best Cougn cure. Only one cent a dose. T J Kenney, Jville W N Luokey. City work for the veterans. She has delivered G W Smith, salary for June ....... . 50 00 1 Wm M Colyig. do I Sinsheimer, N Y all shot to pieces. A few hundred yards I T C mother, she brought the gun to bare on 25 cents., 50 cts. and $1, Sold by £. A. W N Lackey. Citv many Memorial day addresses through (' TlnHo'o “ •* Dodge, . 50 CO his D S Sears, Med snakeship and sent him to the land S herwin from the scene of the battle, there were C B Watson, out the state and is described as a gen . 15 00 where E E Foster, 8 F Ex D H Miller, do all the good snakes are. She killed four men chopping wood, who had guns E V Carter, . 15 00 one a short “ for the quarter J H Boyd. 8 F The Price of a Dead Indian. tie and kindly woman, possessing great C A Piper, Port time ago with a hatchet, cut in their cabin close by. Instead of seeking Milton Berry, Recorder’s fees.......... . 28 05 E O Parrott. R B Rox E Smith, 8 F executive ability and much enthusiasm It is asserted by a correspondent from G the aid of these men, the constable and C I’ Jones, labor on streets.............. 11 50 ting him in two in the middle. W Smith. City Sam Isralsky, do Our fine tailor made clay worsteds in good work.—Woman. J. J. Fryer and family. Boyd Tucker and the Klamath river that the Indians of H J Cox, 8 F his deputy skedaddled for Redding at H C Myer, material for water works 18 05 A J Tillotson, do the western end of the county have 10 65 Vol Stickle and wife went up Rogue river “ F riday — at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00 will more F L Southwick, do railroad speed on foot. They succeded Robt Taylor, “ Wagner. Printing..................... 6 75 on a pleasure and fishing trip Sunday and organised and taken an oath to enforce W P Smith, Port J M Hansbrough, C, B. CHISLER. C. K. KLUM. about as well, however, as the San Fran J Fred than please you when you take a look at H Hnrn, labor on water works.... while there a little girl of George Stowell's the ancient law existing among them in J A Canning, Albany Minneapolis /rpX. V Z»pX Zrf cisco police in catching murderers.— A E Matson, blacksmith work........ 5 4 25 35 about four years old fell into the river but reference to collecting indemnity money C Minkler A F Zipf, S F them. They fit fully as well as any suit Yreka Journal. H C Messenger, lumbei................... 2 80 was rescued by Miss Lelah Fryer. About for the death of Captain Billy Dean who W N Luckey, Citv E O Parrott, R B, 2 00 the same time J. E. Stickle and wife were was lynched at Fort Jones last winter. Geo A Beavis. 8 F A San Francisco man who has been up W P Parsons, board of prisoner....... M onday — you can get made at a great deal higher at Klamath springs relates some quite J Ralph, cleaning hose cart and room 2 Off fishing in Butte creek and a few moments Our informant states that $500 is the F J H Manning, Port F L Southwick, Mfld Ashland, Oregon. price and are just as well cut, all the very Total............................................... ■ after they returned to the house, they Jno Thomison, Spk W N Luckey. City amusing accounts of bow Governor Budd /rp\ /*T<\ ________________ $369 00 missed their little Varian aged about 2 years, price demanded by the Indians for Cap D Mathiot. Port W Jackson, Port catches trout while taking the new curé latest. KLIM & CRISLER, Prop's and upon searching for her found her in tain Billy, and unless this price is forth H G Sahlstrom, do J A Whitman, Med for gout at the Springs. The favorite re- ) A man named Smith who had a dif- the water up to her waist, fortunately there coming they threaten to pick off, one at a A T Lipman, S F R Cole, Coles L ■ort . for the ~ ----------— is oyer — . Governor on _ Shovel i ficulty with a man named Johnson about was but little current or the child would time, every man who had a hand in the Alex Martin, Oak H W Hatch. M. D., Wholesale and Retail Dealers la. Roost, ’’ where two weeks ago at Pokegama, was struck have been washed off and drowned. creek, near “Buzzard’s Roost, Mrs R W Parker, agner ex lynching. Our reason for being able to offer clothing at the prices trout can be caught by a dam sight. It on the bead with a bottle, but the injury Berkley, Cal Hall Barclay, Talent It is the opinion of many that if the Mrs W G BEEF C A Hermann, Port Cure for Headache. was from this point that Budd issued his did not seem to be serious enough for the Indians undertake to carry out their F W Johnson, 8 F we do, is simply the fact that we do not sell one dollar’s Arnold, Pert famous order forbidding the National constable to make an arrest, nor was any As a remedy for all forms of Headache threat it will be the signal for their entire W A Hemphill, do Frank PORK F W Johnson, 8 F worth on time, and you only have to pay for what you buy Guard to shoot on the Sabbath, yet he ' complaint made. Report received yes- Electric Bitters has proved to be the very extermination in that locality, as the S aturday — MUTTON caught trout on Sunday. i terdav, however, states that Smith is in best. It affects a permanent cure and the underhand methods of the noble red J B Williams, Port C S Briggs, yourself, and not the bad debts contracted by other parties. Emmetsburg, ja most dreaded habitual sick headaches vield I T uesday — Mosenkosket, a Modoc Indian who was bad condition and likely to die. His as to its influence. We urge all who are af man have made him very unpopular W N Luckey, City BACON and F A Cook, Port () C Thornton, Port a conspicuous figure in the Modoc war, sailant, Johnson, evidently fearing dan flicted to procure a bottle, and give this in the western part of the county.—Yreka G LARD. A Taylor, flp gerous result, skipped out a few days W N Luckey, City News. and a friend to the whites, was severely remedy a fair trial. Incases of habitual J Daut. Phila J C Blunt, 8 F YOTTELS TRULY, ago, taking the freight train fer the low constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv injured last week, says the Klamath C W Sherman, Port H A Burke, do Fine Place to Rent. er country.—Journal. ing the needed tone to the bowels, and few Freshest Star, by * horse which ran over him, T Caldwell, do II P Clark, do The Saxeman property. 2% acres A Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., cases long resist the use of this medicine. and— breaking three of his ribs and bis collar O C Riches, do W W Krner. Port says, “ Shiloh ’ s Vitalizer sayed my hfe. I choice fruit orchard. Good 7 — room Try it at once. Large bottles only Fifty W 8 Wade, 8 F W F Bangasser, 8 K Best Meats in Market bone. He was under Captain O. C. Ap consider it the best remedy fora uebilitated cents, at Ashland Drug Co. houae. Apply to E. E. Demiug on W F Bangasser, do E D Ivory*, Oak plegate’s command at the fiery front, and system I ever used.” For Dyspepsia, adjoining dace. F A Carter, do Lewis Kingsley, K F the Captain and his command respected . Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price For your job printing call on the R ec - Crit Tolman. City R S Moore, do 73 cents. Sold by E. a , Sherwin. him for his merits. obc . We are equipped to knock prices. The l-Recoid” for fine job printing. A C Bandale,-8 F Burrel Short, do VALLEY RECORD. OUR TRAIN ROBBED. SHERWIN «^■^Sherwin TRY SHERWIN WILLIAM HEVENER F GIVE THEM A CALL- REMOVAL. NOTICE T. K. BOLTON’S CITY DRUG AND STORE HAS MOVED INTO I. O. O. F. BLOCK.^^^ I "I W urn . BEFORE THE RAISE WE ARE CLOSING OUT^ 11 jux $1.50 ARE NOW GOING AT 90CENTS Call Before It Is Too Late. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE SPRING © _ © © © is © 1 a SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING o 0 CENTRAL MARKET. 0. H. BLOUNT GIVE US A TRIAL. 1C AS H