Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1895)
VALLEY RECORD. ASHLAND. O b . . ..T hursday . June 20.1895 Wagon Road Movement Progress. M. F. Eggleston, G. M. Grainger, R >bt. uarrett, the ex stage contractor and citv surveyor Jesse McCall went out over the AsLland-Klatnath Falls road Friday, held a meeting at Klamath Falls Monday eve ning and returned home Tuesday. They found much interest and enthusiasm taken in the progested improvement and shortening of this road and the citizens meeting at Klamath Falla was a repres entative one and took the matter in hand with earnestness and energy, J. D. Foun tain was elected president and Jos. G. Pierce secretary. Besides remarks by the Ashland delegation Capt. O. C. Ap- rfiegate, J. W. Hainaker, Mr. Reaves Mr. D ncan, W. B. Grubb, J. D. Fountain, Dr. Larrabee, J. G. Pierce, V. A. Dunlap, Judge Moore and others shed consider able light on the situation: J. W. Hamaker, V. A. Dunlap, and G. J. Farnsworth were appointed to act in connection with the Ashland committee in laying out a ronte. • Dr. J. A. Larrabee, W. F. Arant, W. B. Grubb, O. C. Applegate, J. L. Hanks, and O. II. Harsbberger were appointed a finance committee to solicit subscriptions in cash and work to aid incaryingon the enterprise. The Ashland committee were greatly encouraged and satisfied with the mission and will make a report to a citizen meet ing tomorrow night. The Ashland soliciting committee—R. P. Neil, Robt. Taylor, and R. A. Minkler report about $1000 subscribed in this city so far with splendid prospects yet ahead. The corresponding committee have re ceived some splendid promises from some of the solidest and most reliable firms in Portland. Since this proposition has as sumed such practical and tangible shape there is no hesitancy in getting aid and the outlook is fair to far exceed the anti cipations of the projectors of the enter prise. THE JURY DISAGREES. ( Three for Conviction and Nine for Acquittai—The Swingle Murder Trial Fails to Convict. Mining News. J. E. Kennedy and Geo. H. Tyler are in the Hornbrook neighborhood industriously prospecting for a good mine. John S. Shook is in from Klamath county looking un the mining propositions he and A. B. Ashman of Cincinnati and W. R. Os good of Indiana are interested in, with a view of further development. Mr. Shook is at the mines this week. J. H. Hutter went to San Francisco Tues day to buy either a three or five stamp quartz mill to be placed on the Hutter & Beekman quartz ledge on Jackson creek, which has been turning out some very rich ore of late, the last clean up realizing $1200. The mine has already earned more than the mill will cost. F. W. Hogg came over from Steamboat, where he and Grant Grary and M. O. Warner are developing a quartz ledge. He reports that A. A. Davie the Medford miller, has bought from Toms & Pierce the quartz claim adjoining the old Steam boat for $2000 and Davis is having his quartz mill moved to the mine, which is supposed to have been the mother of the old Steamboat. E. Sanderson Smith is working the old Steamboat ledge. Mr. Jordon of Los Angeles and Geo. Wertz are cleaning up handsome returns from their hvdraulicing of the mine on Brush gulch from which Chris Lansing took ont a $1200 nuggett last season. The Shearer boys, in their hydrauiic placer mine, on Rich gulch, are doing fine and found a $150 nuggett last week, The six men ground sluicing on Swamp gulch have received good returns. Steve Oyster of south fork of Applegate has sold his placers to a company of French men who are adding a big derrick to their hydraulic machinery. A 5-lb nug get was found recently in a placer mine on a tributary of Illinois river in Jose phine county. Yreka Journal.) Davis, who has a rich quartz ledge on the mountain about a mile back from the Klamath river, between Badger creek and Shasta river, pounded out $1,600 worth of gold in a hand mortar last week. His find promises to be one of the richest and most extensive ledges in Siskiyou county. The Empire quartz mill on Empire creek, Klamath river, was started up last week on quartz taken out from a new portion of the ledge, where but little sulphnrets exist to prevent saving the gold, as the quartz coptains free gold. After awhile concentrators will be procured to work the wide ledge con taining sulphurets, in order to save the gold so hard to separate from sulphurets. The Oak Bar stage driver brought a $96 nuggett to Yreka last week, found in the Robinson claim at Horse creek, where a new ditch is now being con structed to work these diggings to bet ter advantage. Songer A Dame are crowding work at the Pacific and McConnell mines at Klamath river, operating the derricks in both claims day and night, with splen did prospects of taking out considerable gold this season. From 34 tons of quartz crushed by Williams A Wadhams of Greenhorn $12- 00 in gold was realized, the sulphurets to be worked hereafter. Pokegama News. W. E. Cook is in the city. G. W. Marsh was down from camp this week. Johnnie Cook was up at the camp last week. Miss Nellie Wav of Shovel creek is stop ping with Mrs. Della Smitlj. Miss Gertie Purvis of Montague is ini- ployed at the Fargo restaurant. Jake Strobeck and Hank Anderson leave for British Columbia next Monday. John Wells, an old pioneer of Henley, died of heart disease at that place Monday. Walker Spencer, onr tonsorial artist, went to Yreka Monday and returned the next day. F. M. Judd has moved his jewelry branch from Marsh & Smith’s store to Albert Drum’s barber shop. Meek & Davis opened their new saloon Tuesday night and the supper gotten up by Sam Roop was something grand. Miss Annie Butler who has been attend ing school in Yreka is visiting her mother here. Miss Butler was accompanied by Miss Nellie Jtilev of Yreka. Miss Bertha Naylor received the largest number of votes at this place for Goddess of Liberty, and will no doubt be elected for the honors of that day. There is one more place to hear from. Medford Items If Yon Go Farther You Will Fare Worse. Judge Dunlap returned from his Cali- . fornia trip Tuesday. 1 ick Perry has gone to Sisson on accouat of an attack of asthma. Alex Ireland and his dogs have returned from tbe headwaters of Chetco river with his horse loaded with bear and paather hides. ELLS Everything FIRST «CLASS in Mrs. Hill and daughter, Mrs. W. I. Vaw- DRUGS and at Reasonable Rates. ter. are visiting Eugene friends and attend ing the commencement of the state uni Avoid Cheap John Drug-Storee. versity. •F4 ” F+4* Mrs Carrie Sletter, who has been visiting A. 8. Eride’s family at Willow Springs, has returned homeward to St. Paul via Los Sells Stationery Cheaper Angeles. than the Cheapest Man in this or any other town. J. Dameille. the 18-year-old son of J. K. Darneille, died Monday night of consump tion. He was buried in the Jacksonville cemetery Wednesday. The silver organization has reawakened interest in the populist club. At their meet ing on Saturday. June 29th, 8. 8. Pentz will deliver an address on “what should our money and banking be.” Everybody in vited. Taylor Payne has bought out the Chap pell truck business and gone into partner ship with Johnny Bellinger, making only TJAS MOVED FROM THE I. O. O. F. one truck firm in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Pavne moved to Medford from Jacksonville * block into their elegant new quar this week. ters neatly and tastily fitted up in Atkin C. B. Watson. W. N. Luckey, D. High and T. J. Howell were down from Ashland son block next door north of Postoffice, for Saturday assisting in the free silver meet he reception of their old patrons and ing. There was too much spee< h-making for organization, which has been postponed friends and the public generally. to Saturday of this week. J. A. Hanley and J. L. Demmer arrived home Wednesday from Klamath Falls, Tbev are stocked up with and are displaying the where they had been as witnesses in the Swingle murder trial. Demmer had the pleasure of being “held up” by the stage reshest line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER« robber in going to the Falls. 1ES AND PROVISIONS in the City. W. B. Million. 8. G. Eggers, E. A. Sher win, Clint Austin, Wm. Fox, F. D. Wag ner, J. H. McBride. H. J. Hicks, E. B GIVE THEM A CALL Mver, L. L. Merrick and Geo. Markle, a delegation from Granite lodge, Knights of Pythias of Ashland, visited Talisman lodge of this city Monday night. Mrs. Chas. J. Laird and two children ar rived Wednesday trom Little Klamath lake to visit her folks east of Medford, this being her first visit since she left the parental roof on her wedding day. Mr. Laird was for merly in the stage-driving business but is now a well-to-do stockraiser. SHERWIN The trial of Frank Swingle, one of the most pronynent stockmen and old settlers of Langell valley, for the murder in the Mias Hattie Gleason is visiting in Port first degree of his neighbor, Arthur Lan land. gell, the pioneer citizen and wealthy Mrs. W. H. Atkinson has returned from stock rancher on the 7th dav of last Sep her eastern trip. tember, occupied the attention of the circuit court for Klamath county, Judge Mrs. 8. B. Whittle has joined her hus band in Portland. Hanna presiding, from Wednesday of last week until Wednesday morning of R. L. Vining, the Tacoma merchant, ar this week. The evidence of 60 people rived this morning. was taken, though no one except the de Mrs. John Howell of Portland is visiting fendant and his bov saw the shooting. Woodville friends. Col. N. B. Knight, Webster A Hammond Vintie Beall has returned to Central Point and H. F. Murdock were attorneys for from school at Eugene. Swingle and Representative R. G. Smith assisted District Attorney H. L. Benson Hon. Rob Smith is to deliver the 4th of in the prosecution. The prosecuting at July oration at Woodville. torneys are said to have received $500 The Kiamath river is three ieet lower from the Langell estate and Hammond than at this time last year. says all the attorneys for tbe defense Ben Beekman, the Portland lawyer, is received $1750 for the defense. Tbe kill Visiting his folks at Jacksonville. ing occurred on »Beekman’s land leased I. F. Williams and family were up from by Swingle and adjoining a portion of Central Point Sunday on a visit. Langell’s land. Swingle and his 7-year- old boy, both on horses, were turning Dad. Hunsaker took a trip to Hornbrook some stock into the Beekman land pas yesterday—to see his girl, they say. ture, and while doing so Langell rode up Bert Clements of Central Point has gone Shil oh s Cure is sold on a guarantee, ft in a threatening manner at full speed to eastern Oregon for the summer. ures Incipient Consumption. It is the swinging a hatchet. Swingle mounted Janies C»eti. the Medford,capitalist, was best Cough cure. Only one cen; a dose. his horse to ride away, but not having in the city Tuesday for the first time. 25 cents., 50 cts. and $1. 8oldby E. A. on spurs, was unable to make rapid head S herwin , Joseph Dame went to Songer & Dame’s way against Langell, who was coming at river mines on the Klamath yesterday. him in full speed. He looked back at In Memorial». Langell when Langell was near him and Mrs. R. Everton of Grants Pass is stop To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and ping at the Shannon Hourfe for a month. caught sight of a murderous expression Brethren of Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. A A. M, on Langell’s countenance just as Langell Otis Helman and John and Mage Carter Your committee to whom was assigned said, “I’ll kill 'you,” and in another are developing a quartz ledge on Jackson the duty of drafting resolutions on the moment would have struck him. Swingle ereek. death of Brother M. L. McCall, would then pulled his revolver and swinging Geo. W Bailey and wife came in from respectfully report as follows: part way around in hi9 saddle, shot Lan Shake yesterday to visit Mrs. H.’s folks below W hereas , our home has been again in gell, killing him instantly. Swingle gave Phoenix. vaded by the messenger Death, and our himself up and has l>een lying in jail beloved Brother M. L. McCall removed J. L. Fielder, accompanied by his bride, from our midst: we are again admonished ever since. His boy was the onh* witness Taken Off Wells Fargo Express. was over from Little Shasta this week visit of the uncertainty of life, and the vanity Wells-Fargo have taken off their express to the scene and both told substantially ing friends. of all human pursuits; decrepitude and business on the Ager-Kiamath Falls stage the same story and the prosecution failed decay are written on every living thing, Wm. Nichols and Geo. Bradley have re line, making their last trip Sunday. The to impair the testimony very materially. and, around us, in that peace which the turned from their cattle drive east of the reason alleged is that ihe Klamath countv Considerable evidence of threats made world .cannot give, sleep the unnumbered mountains. officials are making no effort to capture the by Swingle against Langell’s life was intro dead. Wm. Deniff, foreman of the Tolo mine, perpetrator of the last three robberies of duced and the witnesses testimony was He was a good citizen, a kind and loving was in Ashland Monday. The mine is shut the stage. husband and father, and a true and faith impeached bv other witnesses. down for the present. ful brother; this is our tribute to his The prevailing sentiment in Klamath Killed by the Passenger Train. memory. The treasurer’s last call for county war county was that it was a cold blooded J. R. Rice, tbe “cowboy preacher,” who As Tuesday’s north bound passenger Resolved, That Ashland Lodge No. 23, rants pays them from Oct. 8,1888, to Dec. train pulled out of Glendale, a tramp murder and that the prosecution of the hold in sacred remembrance his many vir preached on the streets with his wife in the 10,1888. tues. and that we extend to the bereaved valley towns last week, was raised in Jack tried to swing under the train and onto case was a very weak affair. The Jackson and Josephine county fair the brake-beam. He miesed his hold Although Klamath and Lake counties family our united sympathy in their great sonville and was in his boyhood days the will begin Oct. Sth, having been postponed largest size as well as most incorrigible come up with a murder every periodically sorrow. and fell, the train passed over him and Established 1884-------- hoodlum in the county. He worked in to that date. Resolved, That this Lodge be draped in there have been no judicial hangings cut the top of his head, as well as his mourning tor ninety days; that these reso printing offices and hotels, his father being Crit Tolman and his bear dogs went to arms and legs off. He was killed in- since the counties were organized, though lutions be spread upon the records and a pioneer citizen. Dead Indian to-day to join John Griffin in tly.________________ there have been three or four fatalities O. O. published in the city papers and that a a big bear hunt. in the way of lynch-law. This trial will copy be sent to the sorrowing family. Mrs. T 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga T “The Rogue River Indians,” says B. cost Klamath county in the neighbor Mrs. Waters arrived from San Francisco says, ‘‘Shiloh’s Vitalizer saved ’. » enn'’ E. A. S herwin , Monday to spend the summer with her F. Dowell in a letter to the Port Orford hood of $6000. my d*®. 1 C. A. H itchcock , [ Committee. consider it the best remed- daughter, Mrs. Geo. White. Tribune, “have been gradually decreas svstem I ever for a debilitated The jury that tried Swingle were: H. W, A. H olmes . I DRUGGIST TO S. P. R. R. CO.|" ^.ol Liver or Kid- -ed. ’ For Dyspepsia, Nearly evervone needs a good tonic at ing ever since the whites settled among Giddings, Wm. A. Brown, J. B. Griffith, 75 cen ‘ - -•■ey trouble it excels. Price Resolutions of Condolance. them in 1852, Agent Skiuner estimated Fred Beck, W. D. Johnson, B. S. Grigsbv, this season. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the one .«a. 8old by E. A. Sherwin. W hereas , The great and Supreme Rule* them at 800 in 1852. Agent Samuel H. J. H. Baker, J. F. Hendricks, H. H. true tonic and blood purifier. of the Universe, has, m his infinite w*- ' Culver reportB that in November, 1854, I WATCH INSPECTOR S, P. R. R. CO. I Vallejo (Cal.) is to have a fine new Wood, John Simmons, H. McCoppin, Siskiyou statioh is now also a postoffice removed from among us oue o* .ouom, Ichool building. and Miss Alice Ager, the telegraph operator one-fourth of them had died since the H. S. Oden. Oden, McCoppin and Sim and esteemed Brothers •* , • our worthy treaty of 1853, after the war. Superin mons, were the jurors that stood out for and railroad agent, is postmistress. and > -“artin L. McCall; A crematory’ has been completed at tendent Palmer, about the same time, conviction. The jury were discharged W herf * 1 the Odd Fellows’ cemetery, San Fran W. J Virgin returned from San Francisco that one-fifth of the Rogue River Indians hel<* ■‘,8’ Th** l°nK and intimate relation at 10 o’clock a. m. yesterday. Judge Sunday and J. E. Pelton and daughter cisco. , . -with him in the faithful discharge of had died during the same time. J. Ross Hanna immediately proceeded for a new Ft SUO Mabel arrived from there Monday. pis duties, in this Chapter, makes it em The Seattle Shippers’ association is Brown, a treasury agent, in his report trial and Sheriff Fitch summoned a inently befitting that we record our appre Chas. W. Prentiss, nephew of C. P. Hunt after the Indians were on the northern boycotting the Northern Pacific rail —I— ciation of him, therefore ington, is up from the Sacramento machine reservation, reports that the Rogue River special venire of 50 jurors. The jnry is being drawn this morning and the trial Resolved, That the wisdom and ability road. shops on his annual summer outing. Indians and the Shasta Indians number begins to-day. which he has exercised in the aid of our Central Point, Nows. The Chinese have been expelled from WERE BOUGHT Mrs. F. T. Green arrived from Dunsmuir ed 554. He did not state how many of organization by services and counsel, will the orchards at Orangevale, CaL Sunday to pay her sister Mrs. C. F. Gegax, these were California Shasta Indians, and John Jacoba la working for Applegate be held in grateful remembrance; House and Lot in Seattle wife of the railroad man, a week’s visit. Resolved, That tbe sudden removal of The cut worm is doing considerable there were quite a number of them sur To exchange for acreage property in South Brog, at thpir mine, such a life from our midst, leaves a vacancy damage to crops in the upper San Joa An all-night social dance will be given at rendered to Colonel Buchanan in South ern Oregon, difference to be paid in cast) hy Wm. Gregory is building a $500 barn and a shadow that will be deeply realized by quin valley. Granite hall tomorrow (Friday) evening. ern Oregon. The census, taken in 1893 me. Call or address, “C. F.'' all the members and friends of Alpha Care of V alley R ecord , Ashland, Oregon. on bis farm this summer. Dance tickets 75 cefcts. Everybody invited. by the agent, shows that there were but Chapter, and will prove a serious loss to Amalie Reinelt committed suicide at Messrs. Cole and Dutcher of Surprise Dr. A. C. Caldwell returned to Grants 54 living, and none of them could read or the community and tbe public. Wimer Items, San Jose by sending two bullets into Cat, are here looking for a loca Pass yesterdav from a visit in Ashland. write, notwithstanding the government Resolved, That with deep sympathy for her head. A number of health seekers are camped valley, Dr. is a first-class dentist and is doing well had furnished good schools for them. tion - the bereaved family of the deceased, we ex at Bybee springs. there. press our hope that even so great a loss to San Francisco will provide one of the “In 1894, at the Siletz Agency, there The roller mill bought 1000 bushels of us all, may be overruled for good, by Him J. W. Robinson went to Grants Pass the o__p Miss Halcevon Whitmore, who graduated were 580 Indians. These consisted most first greatest Fourth of July celebrations this oooëcocooooo'0000000000000000000000 wheat of O. Harbaugh a few days ago for who doeth all things well. of the week. from the Ashland High School with her ly of the Willamette Indians, and the re year ever held on the Coast. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu class this spring, returned to her home at port is more favorable as to education Several of our young people spent Sun 60 cents per bushel. Thomas S. Louttit, the aged father of be spread on the records of this Chan Bonanza Friday. day at the Bybee springs.' Fred Fradenburg, tbe well-known tions than at the Grande Ronde Agency. The ter; a copy printed in each of the local ex-Congressman James A. Louttit of Chas. Kappler, who was figuring on start agent, in 1894, reports that there was 159 8. C. Sherrill it home for a short vacation, Hotel Oregon proprietor, was calling on papers and a copy forwarded to the bereaved Stockton, is dead. The deceased was a ing a big brewery in Ashland, has contract of them that could read and write, and will began teaching again soon. Central Point friends Tuesday. family. C. H. V aupel VAUPEL, i ed with G. W. Cooper for a $4OC9 residence of the whole number. 354 could speak J ames C < hisholm ,/- Committee. pioneer and made a fortune in early D N. Birdsev of Bolt, and John Woods Thos Davia oi South Butte creek was at his town of Etna. E lla D u days by forging mining picks. D unn R ice .) English, Since the allotment of lands to of Woodville were in Wimer to-day. Our Stock of Fine School Shoes buried in tbe Central Point cemetery Mrs, Dr. Force and Mail Clerk W. F. tne Indians on the reservation, there had A force of graders will be put to work Sunday afternoon. He died from diabets. Holcomb, Robinson <t Co. are running a The man who made a foolhardy at soon to construct the roadbed of the Bangasser went to McMinnville yesterday been born 59 children on the Grand to attend tbe funeral of their sister, who Ronde Agency, and the parents of these tunnel on their quartz claim on Jump-off- Mr. Dayja was an old settler. tempt to rob the Silvpr ^¡ftw (Mont.) died their this week. ( children desired land for their babies Joe with very encouraging prospects. Crops continue to look good. A good National bank has been identified as an Stockton and Lodi Terminal railway. Our country is fqll qf prospectors, and the rain would be a great benefit io corn and old Leadville gambler named Tom Hud The grading will be done by the com C. H. Chapman, a new comer, has bongbt At the Klamath Agency, the agent re Chas. Tilyou’s place near Central Point and ports the population, in 1893, to be 950 gold is here, so what is there to binder this late sown wheat. Hay is fine and every son. He w..s once an inmate of a Colo pany itself, no contracts being let. his wife »nd Mr. Tilyou, Sr., have moved Indians. Of these there were 442 males from being one of the richest mining camps body busy cutting and hauling, The Stockton Commercial association rado asylum and is a confirmed mor in southern Oregon. to Glendive, Montana. has decided to offer the Corral Hollow 'PO’RMER PRICES - • • and 508 females. They were improving phine fiend. Mrs. Geo. T- Hershberger, after linger Frank McCombs has several men em Sheriff Ijtne and wife. Mrs. Dickinson and very rapidly, and they had decreased a railroad rights of way and a franchise ployed opening up his placer claim on ing at death's door for many weeks, died The San Francisco grand jury, which ■ to the city. The railroad’s application W. A. Wilshire, register of the Lakeview little since his last report.” at 9 o'clock Tueadav evening. The fun Evans creek. Men of enterprise and c^piz land office left Ashland Tuesday for home eral takes plaoe Thursday at 10 o’c’ock aas btea investigating all sorts of things for a terminal site has been refused. by private conveyance. Wm. P. Parsons, who has made an envi- tai is just what we need. a, m. from the M, E. church •• K„*riai for six months, has presented its final Kate Flood, the notorious confidence Mrs. A. C. Spear of Woodville spent Sun School Supt. Ous Newbury was in town aols reputation as a restauranter in Ash report. Election frauds and the escape operator, now in jail at San Francisco, land. has taken charge of the Ashland day in Wimer visiting friends, and was ac Srv keR?v° M1“ th" Jacksonville ceme- Tuesday and has now officially visited all the schools in tbe county, except three, Hotel and is conducting it in a first class companied bv her little grand-daughter, the r»'! ’ V *'xr’ Kennedy will conduct of the perpetrators thereof is the sub has been operating in San Jose, where manner on the European and American 1 Miss Isabell Whitman of Central Point, which are not in session. .ngious services. Mrs. Hershberger ject receiving the greatest attention. I she stole a ring from Maggie Olsen and plan, conducting the dining room as ires- „ ... . ... .. „ ........ quar»- was an exemplary woman and was loved The courts are censured for not bring defrauded Mollie Hirsch out of $14. Anew time card will go into effect July taurant with meals at all hours. He is also . R. Collins has leased his .»>•- claim, and respected by all who knew her. ing the ballot box manipulators to jus 1st, which will bring tbe south bound pas continuing the bakery business. See his known fts the “little Dari*»» " ■_ ■ <S ' Fo«’* -■ on Jump-off The big wheat fields just south and Joe to Pool senger into Ashland about noon and the ad. in this weeks R ecord . tice. Police Judge Campbell is hauled „ - jer who expect to put Our town is full of preachers, Mrs. west of Moreno, Cal., have been badly i machin«”—, north bound at 5:10 p. m. F. H. Page, of the Portland comniis«’“?. same. -y on and commence work on the Owens is preaching and lecturing every over the coals for accepting straw bonds damaged by rust and the crop output C. Cunningham arrived from Ft. Klam house, for tbe release of swindlers. doing Jackson county this week evening this week in the Baptist church from that section will be considerably ath yesterday over the Ashland-Linkville looking was tbe fruit crop prospects for the Thomas Hennessy, a young man con reduced. to crowded houses. She is a wonderful Prohate Court. road’with a load of wool for consignment sea-on. up He says the only way for southern by Vaupel. Norris <fc Drake. Estate of Jas. Neathammer. Order made woman. Rev. J. R. Rice and wife will victed of highway robbery, was sen Or. gon fruit growers to get good prices far Conductors employed by’ the Southern preach at 10:30 and 3 o’clock Wednesday. tenced to life imprisonment by Judge «ale of real property. If the care of the hair were made a part their products is in thorough or"a;u*ation confirming Pacific company have been notified that Estate of Frederick ltitshard. Inventory Elder Brown of Slate creek, Josephine Wallace of San Francisco. There was of a lady’s education, we should not see so He engaged 2500 boxes erf pears from Cen many gray heads, and the use of Hall’s tral Point, Medford and Phoenix orchards. of appraisement showing property, both county, was here a few days ago. Rev. a prior conviction against Hennessy after July 1 they will be required to and personal, to the value of $151.75 S. B. Chastain was up from Williams furnish bonds of $2,000 each. The con Hair Renewer, a sure remedy. Mr. Page says his firm will be in this fruit real i approved and order made for sale of per creek yesterday. There '8 much good which and because of that fact the ductors kick at this new regulation. belt quite extensively this season. Mr. and Mrs. J, M. E$ner returned Tues sonal property. judge gave him the severest jienalty of day trom Jack's placer mines on Hungary G. J. Cowan, a representative of the Estate of Thomas E Cailev. Derille Cail- being done here in that quarter. The Oregon Pioneers at Portland, elect the law. Judge Wallace for several creek, where they have been all winter, to ed the following officers: President, ey appointed executrix under the will and Pittsburg Coal Mining company, is in years has made it a practice to give Story & Eggers, barbers. Ashland House ; ra-open their bouse in Ashland. T. H. B. Taylor and Miles Henry Failing( 1853),Multnomah county • J. W. Robinson. block. footpads the full limit of the statutes, Stockton looking for a suitable water appraisers. Mrs. Frank Bowers and daughter camo Vice president, F X. Matthieu (1842), Wakeman Estate of John Neathammer. Joshua An electric railway from Calistoga to Twenty years is the sentence he gives front site on which his corporation may in from Lakeview last week and returned Marion county; secretary, Geo. H. Himes Neathammer appointed administrator and erect coal bunkers. with her mother, Mrs. E, H. Lofftys, who (1853), Multnomah county; correspond John R. Smith, Joseph Scott and Wm. the Napa insane asylum will soon be all the robbers convicted in liis court. Instructions have been received in Will remain with her all summer. built. ing secretary, William Kapus (1853), Herriott appraisers. Portland to take an appeal from so HOTE L OR EG-QN J. B. Russell, the marble works man of Multnomah county; directors—T. T. In the Las Manzanitas school district A Ve’eran of the Mexican War Yreka arrived in ishland Monday from a (jeer, Marioncountv; William Galloway, much of Judge Gilbert’s order in the of Santa Clara county a trustee has F. T. I radenburgh, Prop. trip up the Klamath river and at Klamath Yamhill countv; Thomas D. Humphrey, Oak Harbor, Ohio.—“1 met Geo. O. Kim- Oregon Short Line railroad case as pro —T hursday — —S unday — Falls in tbe interest of his business. ney, an old veteran of the Mexican war. on been elected who cannot write his own Washington county, vides for the issuance of receivers’ cer W U Howe. 8 F ] F Hansen.Castle Aly the streets to day, who told ine that after name. Cha». S. Ailmen. formerly assayer of the tificates. © E W Conger, do J A Coy, Monte Carlo reading about Simmons Liver Regulator he A society of Native Sons and Daugh Robert McCallum, a young Scotch E K Anderson, Tal’t B Ashland inine, has returned to Tacoma © © © ] H Barclay. ?????? bought a bottle, and the first three doses The second trial in the famous con from G. F. Gund's mine in Idaho, to help ters of Oregon pioneers was organized in gave him immediate relief.”—Geo. Gosline. man, has started from New York to W N Luckey. City . T R Pavne, N Y © test brought by Mrs. Kate C. Carriger the courthouse Saturday evening. Tne bis wife take care of their pew baby giil. E B Myer, Ashland Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid; crosB the Atlantic in a 22-foot boat. His I M Muller, Med following officers were elected for the en the of Sonoma to break the will of her hus J A Hanley, do J M Gregory, do powder to be taken dry, or made into a only companion is a small Scotch ter Miss Jessie Gregory of Central Point left Ethel Riddla, Glen’dl A C Caldwell,Gr Pass band, William W. Carriger, came to an Yesterday for a two month’s visit with her suing year: President, W. W. Cardwell, tea. rier. Milla Riddle, Riddle W F Luckey. City brother, Frank Gregory, who is working of Roseburg; first vice-presidlnt, George end at Santa Rosa with a victory for i W Smith, do Lovejoy day was recently celebrated Mrs J A Hanley,Med G K. Quine, Riddle; second vice-president, a mine at Sawyer’s Bar, Siskiyou county. Butte Creek News. Mrs. Carriger on every issue. Mrs E Wilkinson, do : I L Williams, Ct Pt Miss Nancy Drain, Drain; secretary, at Alton, Ills., by various clubs bearing It n Haying is in full blast. >1 Otella Downing,Bs ’ tn The city council of Stockton has May Williams, Mrs. J. Nunan and daughter. Miss Jo. James A. Underwood, Oakland; treas his name. Lovejoy was the first martyr Etta Williams, ll passed an ordinance giving the San Joa Nunan returned Tuesday from a three i urer, Harrv T. McClellan, Hoseburg. Sheriff Patterson was over last week on to the cause of freeing slaves, and was E E Hanley, Med E E Savles, Steinman Leah Williams, ll month's tour in southern California for the official business. F L Southwick. i A Hermann. Rs Bg quin Valley railroad the right of way Tap ep.lqs, 2» cents per pair, at M. H. murdered Nov. 7, 1837. 0 latter’s health, which has been much im through the city. The company can Claude White and Porter Robinett are Mayfield. Cal Howell's boot and shoe shop, opposite I O J S Shook, Dairy proved, Eastern financiers assert that Presi E C Murray, 8 F And we have just received this week Five Cases haying in Siskiyou county. O. F. block. Mrs. Hunt. S F now begin the work of construction in dent Cleveland will be compelled to call W C Bevington, Duns C Farnham, City Section Fotenian John Clint and his crew the city. Matt Isb, having somewhat recovered, an extra session of congress of issue J DePangher, R B of Magnificent Lines of The 3d annual Chautauqua Assembly are burning up the grass in the railroad D R Billings, do George A. Sturtevant, district attor depot yards and premises so as to prevent will be held at Ashland, July 10th-19th. has returned to tbe Ish ranch, W N Fisk, Chicago Allie Farlow, P O more bonds before fall to relieve the danger from fire contagion during the dry Dr. Gunsanlus, James Clemont Ambrose, —F rdiay — John Greives, deputy assessor, is inter stringency of the treasury. Emma Howard. W F ney of Mendocino county, has been ar season. N E Britt. Newberg F W Johnson. S F Tlios. V. Cator, Mrs. N. W. Kinney and viewing the tax payers in this precinct. rested on a charge of voting illegally at The Venetian water carnival at Sant* O C Riches. Port W A Hemphill, do Mrs. Oscar Ganiard left to-day tor Oak other noted persons will lecture. Schools a local election. He is accused of vot Miss Millie Howlett came out from Med W N Luckey, City W B Pracht, City land to care for her busband who was of. Art, Music, Bible normal work, and ford with her mother Saturday, being quite Cruz was one of the most enjoyable cel ing in a precinct in which he did not re E Pettis, Port —M onday — taken to Fibolia hospital last week by Mrs. W. C. T. U. methods. District and ebrations held in California this spring. C side. J O Tolman, City J L Fielder wife, Pelton. Mr. Ganiard was improving ibis Countv Teachera’ Institute. Season Quite a frost hereabouts Saturday night. An aquatic program composed of many Y James. J’ville Little Shasta morning. Governor McGraw of Washington has tiekets$1.50 Beautiful camping grounds. Some of the corn, potatoes and beans were novelties was successfully brought off. G M Strand Jr, Port J A Hanley, Kim Fis pardoned Samuel B. Dusenberre, ex D. B. Worthington, ex-editor of the Klam Address, Mrs. C. R. Minkler, Sec. badly bitten. I M Muller, do E R Schiff. 8 F Grasshoppers have appeared in Sutter ath Falls Express, passed through Monday cashier of the Bank of Puyallup, who R B W N Luckey. City The remains of Thomas Davis of Upper and Placer counties, Cal., in countless J N H W Pinkston, borne time ago ( was taken sick with a for Chicago and Wisconsin for a visit in his Libersth. Stein E E Savles, Steinman was convicted of embezzlement in the Little Butte, were taken to the Central cramp in the siomach. followed by diarheea. numbers and are doing great damage to C T Boyle, S F old home. He will return to the coast in a I took a couple of doses of Chamberlain’s Point cemetary Sunday. J C Tolman, City fall of 1893 and sentenced to three years’ few months to locate. all kinds of vegetation. They are par E I) Ivory, Oakland M F Wight, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and imprisonment. Mr. Moore, of Sams valley, was through ticularly destructive to vineyards and G W Smith, City Kodiak. Alaska A heavy frost struck Klamath county was immediately relieved. I consider lithe this part of the country interviewing the A R Thomson. Wm C Durett .Jville There is trouble brewing in the Cceur Friday night, damaging vegetables very best medicine in the market for all such farmers on the subject orchards. subiect of machinery. —S aturday - Wm Faber, Albany d ’ Alene mining district, in Northern materially. Saturday was a very cold day complaints. I have sold »he remedy to Vincent Ross, postmaster at Hatzic, H S Spencer. “ Ben Edmondson and son Charles passed B. C., has been arrested for tampering F G Davis, Port and tbe “oldest inhabitant” says it was the others and every one who uses it speaks Idaho, between the Miners’ union and E F Shepard, do M 8 Wade, S F coldest weather at this time of year seen in highly of it. J, W. S trickler , Valley Cen through Tuesday with two loads of Big the law and order men in that section C Palmer & daughter ’ E Y Adams, Klam- with the mails. A Chinese alleges that Butte shingles for the valley market. that section for years. ter, Cal, For sale by E. A. S herwin . McMinnville i ath Falls, Or wlio have organized to protect the men he mailed a marked $5 bill to Victoria Mrs. Palmer, “ Y H Pinkston, R B who wish to work and the mine owners. Having used Chamberlain’s Cough Rem James Wiley, of Ashland, a prominent Express Messenger Jake Allenbaugb Prices from $4.00 to $18.00 per suit, and and that he received the same bill in populist, was here visiting friends and at C A Piper, Port E Hill. Port made his last trip this week to go into ihe edy in my family and found it to be a first- I Whisky is exterminating the Indians change in Ross’ store a few days later. W N Luckey, City G W Smith Citv mining business in Alaska. Tom Elliott class article, Iftake pleasure in recommend tending to business Friday of last week. •yk w they are all of the most beautiful patterns G WSmitb, do J B Hicks, 8 F ' on the mainland of British Columbia. takes his run to San Francisco and Mr. ing it to my friends. J. V. F oster . West Mrs. D. E. Hvde, president of the Jack- Ross has been released on $2,000 bail. 8 8 Goldsmith, Port I M Slater. Ft Jones we have ever been able to offer to the trade Tipton falls into Elliott's place,—Ashland port, Cal, For sale bv E. A. S herwin . son county W. C. T. U, lecturned in the Recently Chief George of the Capilanos Cloister, the favorite for tlio Grand Na W B Glafke, Port J W Conant and wife. was found drowned and later Chief and Portland. A school of methods will be conducted parlor of tbe Eagle Hotel Friday and Sat tional, will be ridden in the race by Es- Y during our long experience in the cloth- 8 Durkelspeil, 8 F Redding ll Mrs. Li. A. Millsap left on the south during Chautauqua, under the auspices of urday. George of the Seymour creek Indians cott, his trainer. P Borcharett, Frank Arnold, Oak ’ d ing business in Ashland. the Jackson county W. C. T. U. with Mrs. at bound train Wednesday morning for an Mrs. J. O, Saltmarsh, of Sterling, came W C Bevington, Dun met his death in the same way. A horse died recently at Upper Willow J H Boyd, extended tour of California and the eastern Ada W. Lnruh, National organizer, as over last Saturday to visit her parents; and Port L Wasserman, E O Parrett, K B . The Santa Clara town trustees have states. She will spend this summer at San leader. An hour, at least each dav, will be on Sunday Mrs. Saltmarsh, Mr. and Mrs, Creek, Or., that lacked only one month of C W Ransom, W F Bangusser. 8 F u Jose, Oakland and the seaside resorts, then given to this work, which will be free to all. A. Pool, a part of the Brown family. Mrs. being 40 years old. awarded the contract for constructing J Roberts, Peter Moore. Steinm The Departments of work to be consider C W. Taylor and family and our post farther south to tbe land of flowers, hoping About 500 horses and more than 100 A S Ward, Ager W ednesday — the municipal water works to a San ed are evangelistic, prison and jail work, mistress. Miss Amy Safford, took'a trip to to regain her health. W C Bevington.Duns Geo R Elliott, Chicgo Francisco company. The price is $42,- mother s meetings, and purity, “Y” work the Foree ferry, and had a picnic dinner. jockeys will be debarred from the turf T R Wilson, S F Louis Hall, Bort Assessor Geo. A. Jackson was in town and flower mission, physical culture & congress tracks the oom ing season. Our fine tailor made clay worsteds 000, including the cost of a steel tower. E O Parrott, R B E F Fav. “ Sunday and has the work of making the music, literature, scientific temperance in They report having had a pleasant time. The Columbus (O.) Driving association W H Mowat, Citv O C Riches, “ at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00 will more state census nearly completed and the as | struction. L. T. L. and mercy, capital and The Epworth League of Cyclers of the has changed tho date of its big meeting A C Caldwell, Gr Pas Geo E Anderson,Med Like a Sieve. sessment of the county well along. Deputy i labor, press work, narcotics, systematic First Methodist church at San Jose will than please you when you take a look at W N Luckey, City W N Luckev, City The chief function of the kidneys is to from Aug. 26 to 30 to Sept. 9 to 13. Assessor T. W. Bryant finishes up bis work giving franchise. no longer be known as such. The ma G W Smith.’ “ separate from the blood, in its passage of Ashland and vicinity this week and will P. J. Dwyer declares that no woman Fred Martin, “ Do you know, if you want to go East and through them, of certain impurities and T ubday — ________ jority of the members of the league, at them. They fit iully as well as any suit Levi Morris then work on Rogue river. be permitted in the future to bet on W B — desire a Pullman Tourist Sleeper, that you watery particles which make their final exit will Jinkins, St Lo ’ slH Leipsic, S F a recent meeting, voted the cycling an you can get made at a great deal higher There will be no preaching service in the will be detained from 12 to 16 hours unless through the bladder. The retention of any race track in which he has a control H G Brackenan, S F F L Southwick, do nex out of existence. Bloomers were price and are just as well cut, all the very ling interest. Presbyterian church next Sunday. Sabbath you take the Northern Pacific? Remember these, in consequence of inactivity of tbe W N Lucky, Citv Murray, Port E C Murray. the cause of the 6plit. school and prayer meetings as usual. Rev. I that the Northern Pacific is the onlv line kidneys, is productive of Bright’s disease, Byron McClelland, owner of Henry of Tom R Wilson, 6 F C Bateman’, Rsjbg latest.x^^E^ F. G. Strange goes to Seattle this evening running Pullman Tourist Sleepers through dropsy, diabetes, albumiduria and other Navarre, says if tho colt trains all right C Cunningham. L T A _ Caldwell, ~ J ’ Port — . — u James J. Corbet gave some pretty good to supply tbe pulpit of the First Presby to the east without delay. Time and money maladies with a fatal tendency. Hostetter’s he will be started in many of the leading Ft Klamath C A Piper, advice to the boys of the Olympia Club, terian church of that city for two Sundays saved by this route. For full information, Stomach Bitters, a highly sanctiened diu events in the west. H C Cunningham, do| when be was in San Francisco last. He This is his old charge and besides being tbe time cards, map«, etc., call on or address, retic and blood depurent, impels the kid Assemblyman Percy wants to define A Remarkable Cure of Klr umatism told them that the best way to get strong leading church in the city has 800 members. Robert Leonard. Agent, Ashland. Or. Our reason for being able to offer clothing at the prices neys when inactive to renew their sifting Westminster, Cal., March 21,1894.—Some was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that function, and strain from the vital current “stakes’’ so that no one other than tbo Gov. James H. Budd of California is still impurities which infest it and threatened owner of a horse shall participate in the time ago, on awakening one piorning, I tbev should arrive at manhood lusty and we do, is simply the fact that we do not sell one dollar’s DIED at the Klamath Hot Springs and is the found that I bad rheumatism in my knee healthy. Man v men who have been guilty worth on time, and you only have to pay for what you buy their own existence as organs of the body. distribution of moneys. most entertaining man ever there. lie is I so badly that, as I remarked to my wife, it of excesses and over-indulgencies, and have of the r ladder, gravel and retention a biblical scholar and loves to adorn his fish SILVERA—Near the Lennox plaoe. on the Catarrh A curious coincidence in names is shown would be impossible for me to attend to bus used the Celebrated Medicine “CUPI- of the urine are also maladies arrested or yourself, and not the bad debts contracted by other parties. stories and other tales with scriptural alle Klamath river, June 11, 1895. in ant child averted by this benign promoter and restor in tho fact that Charles Ferrier of St iness that day. Remembering that I had DENE” lived to give testimony of its won gories. Sunday he enlightened a commer of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Silvera. derful stimulating and curative powers. Paul was elected president of the Master some of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm in my ative of organic action. Malaria, rheuma cial traveler of Hebrew extraction on the YOURS TRULY, tism. constipation, biliousness and dyspep Horscshoors’ Protective society of Minne store I sent for a bottle, and rubbed the af •‘CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis- race instinct of “jewing down” and demon flicted parts thoroughly with it, according to sne of the body. In fact, it stops all losses. sia also speedily beneficial to tbe weak and sota. Ferrier is an old form of the word married . strated by reading the old tesiament that directions, and within an hour ( was com “CUPIDENE” is a powerful, harmless, nervous. farrier. one of his ancestors' had actually jew$d pletely relieved. One application had done vegetable Compound. It is as sure to dohrn Jehovah 50 per cent on one of his own FIELDER—RANOUS—At little Shasta, Karl’s Clover Root, tne great Blood puri J. D. Diekman of Klamath county is in the business. It is the best liniment on the strengthen the generative organs as it is to propositions The Governor's handling oi June 5, 895. by Rey. J. A. Van Anda, fier gives freshness and clearness to the the valley. market, and I sell it under a positive guar rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package John L, {'.elder and Mi$a £sn* ftkBdWi Cpmlpexion and cores Constipation. 23cts.‘ For a clean shave or hair cat and bath go antee. R. T. H akbib . Fur sale by E, A. $1.00; 6 packages $6.00. For sale by E. A. |W$ ptom» SROWUT« iMfWWi PERSONAE AND SOCIAL. ^¡—^Sherwin TRY SHERWIN. WILLIAM HEVENER II F REMOVAL NOTICE T. K. BOLTON’S CITY DRUG AND ^nsn^JEWELRY STORE A AS MOVED INTO I. F. BLOCK. . - WE ARE CLOSING OUT^S II ARE AT Call Before It Is Too Late. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. SPRING is i SPRING AND SUMMER CLOT I 1 I N O. 0. H. BLOUNT. CASH