Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1895)
X ■ B m |«) Bru. VALLEY WORD- VALLEY VA FINE PRINTING OF EVERY nFscffi PTION. PRICES ! NO MONOPOLY Give us your order for Letterheads, State ments, Envelopes, &c. How’s Your Liver? VOL. Vili. THE KLAMATH R. R. RECORD. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. » Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. ASHLAND, PRESSED BRICKS. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, USING DEAD HORSES IN FRANCE THURSDAY, JUNE’ 6, 1895, NO. 3. J Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Basset and Baldridge Start out with Bud Johnson was over from Pokegama Every Part of the Animal is Made Their Scheme. last week. Into Some Useful Article. Baking SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year............................................... $2 50 Six months ......................................... I M Three months....................................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. Changed fiands ! DI Red Bluff News.] Waldo Klum is at Sprague river for the In France, when a horse reaches the J. M. Bassett of Oakland, and Cvrus summer. age of from 20 to 30. it is destined for a For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go chemical factory; it is first relieved of Baldridge, director and financial man ager of the Oregon, California and Idado to I. E. Deboy, Gold Hill. its hair, which is used to stuff cushions railroad, reached here Wednesday. Mr. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. and saddles; then it is skinned; the Is the Oriental salutation, Bassett, president of tho road, will prob Morrison of Etna recently. hoofs serve to make combs, says the knowing that good health ably remain but a day or two. but Mr. Fox & Good will deliver ice to your door Boston Post. cannot exist without a Baldridge will interview our citizens and every morning this summer. Next the carcass is placed in a cyl The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now healthy Liver. When the will ask them to subscribe $300,000 to J. Vann returned to Pokegama Sunday inder and cooked by steam at a pressure the road, taking s I ock therefor. The from a trip to Linn county. Under the Management of Liver is torpid the Bow of three atmospheres; a cock is opened money will be expected to be paid as Henry Martin has returned to Pokega which lets the steam runoff; then the els are sluggish and con called for by the directors of the road ma from a visit at Medford. The S. P. and Mineral Lands. remains aro cut up, the leg bones are LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. stipated, the food lies but will not be asked all at the same sold to make knife handles, and the The following letter from Land Agent E. Sanderson Smith was in Portland time’ and will be two years before the in the stomach undi- coarser—the ribs and the head—are ” ells concerns southern Oregon people Engineer Chas. F. Lewis and F. Mar whole amount will be called in and at that last week on a mining deal. also: made into animal black and glue. fested, poisoning the ion Tyler, fireman, have resigned their Wm. Patterson came over from the time second mortgage bonds will be given The first are calcined in cylinders, and FROPRIETOH. San Francisco, May 15, 1895. positions on the Jacksonville branch lood; frequent headache to the stock holders and if the cost of Beaver creek mines Sunday. the vapors, when condensed, form the Editor of the Trinity Journal, Weaver railroad and M. M. Gault is acting as building that portion of the road which ensues; a feeling of lassi Joy’s for the Jaded. chief Bourse of carbonate of ammonia ville, Cal. Dear Sir:—My attention has both fireman and engineer. Engineer will cross the mountains to the east of us Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. HAS improved the House and is pre- tude, despondency and' which constitutes the base of nearly all been called to an article in vour paper of Lewis will accept a position on the San I is not too great, first mortgage bonds will James McLeren, an O. P. conductor, amnioniacal salts. May 11th, in which advice is given to Joaquin valley railroad. Many personal ed to Entertain the Traveling Public nervousness indicate how be given. Mr. Baldridge stated to a New« spent Sunday down Oak street. There is an animal oil yielded, which the people of your section of the country friends will regret his departure. > the whole system is de in First Class Style. reporter last evening that the road will be Henry Bleecher is looking after his makes a capital insecticide and a vermi to resist all attempts on the part of the Elmer Applegate and Frank M. Ander built, and the rates, both passenger and stock ranch in Klamath county. ranged. Simmons Liver fuge. railroad company to obtain patents to son arrived from Stanford University last freight will be one half or nearly one half ----------- o:------------ The bones to make the glue, are dis agricultural land within the limits of the week where the latter graduated in ge Regulator has been the J. P. True will soon erect a new $1200 those charged by the 8. P. Co. solved in muriatic acid, which takes the grant to the California and Oregeix,rail- ology, receiving a title of B. A. Mr. An means of restoring more The terminus will be toe northerly residence on his Griffin creek farm. derson belongs to the U. S. geological Miss Victor, the teacher, left Saturday phosphate and lime away; the soft ele road company. side of the bay and the road will run up people to health and ment, retaining the shape of the bone, Permit me to say to you that the only survey and will spend the summer with for her home in Washington county. the valley about midway of the foot hills nappiness by giving them is dissolved in boiliDg water, cast into way in which the railroad company can Prof. J. g. Diller and party in the state --------- :o:--------- and the 8. P. Co.’s right of way, crossing Geo. L. Davis of Medford goes to Coos squares, and dried on nets. determine whether a piece of land was of Washington. Mr. Applegate is mak a healthy Liver than any that road at Red Bluff, provided the county soon to sell some of his fast horses. The phosphate of lime, acted upon by granted or excepted from the operation ing a special study of botany. above mentioned amount is subscribed DhiEllr ^pocial Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour r agency "known on earth. Fred Goodman, the Bailey Hill trestle sulphuric acid and calcined with carbon, of the grant, ¡ a to have its mineral or For Rent or Sale—6)4 acres of garden in stock, and will then run northerly and watchman, was here Saturday evening. produces phosphorus for our Jucifer non-mineral character considered by a It acts with extraor ists. When in Ashland don t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. land, with house, barn and well, being a easterly, opening un a new and fertile matches. competent tribunal. The railroad com part ot Walker place, south of the railroad. dinary power and efficacy. Fred Barneburg and Ed. Warman of country, to the south side of snake river The remaining flesh is distilled to pany does not claim all the land it at Will rent for seven months for $42. Medford worshiped with Ashland friends --------- :o:--------- NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED, which stream it will follow eastward and Sunday. F. A. F ergus , Agent. obtain the carbonate of ammonia; the tempts to list by any means—but the As a général family remedy for dyspepsia. will connect with the Chicago, Burling resulting mass is pounded up with pot listing is the only way in which a judi The Vailey telephone is being extend Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc., I hardly ever Mrs. Witten of Marion county is visiting pecial Sunday ton & Quincy and the Chicago and a?e anything else, and have never been dis her mother, Mrs. J. B. Standard, and ash, then mixed with old nails and iron cial determination can be reached as to ed to include Central Point and the line Northwestern. It is estimated that the appointed in the effect produced; it seems to of every description; the whole is cal its mineral character. family. is being built quite a distance from the Fresh Eastern oysters, Turev and Cranberry oe almost a perfect cure for all diseases of the cost of the road including rolling stock cined, and yields maginficent yellow Your suggestion that the miners of telephone lineB. The new instruments Btomach and Bowels. E. J. Faucett, who lias been attending will not be over $15,000 per mile. If crystals—prussiate of potash, with which your section should organize and ap put into the system last week have im W. J. M c E lbot , Macon, Ga. Sauce, Price 50 Cents. the road is built on the survey which the school at Portland, is at home in Medford tissues are dyed a Prussian blue and point some one to act for them is heart proved the service a great deal. The line for vacation. company would lik^ to select, Red Bluff iron transformed into steel; it also forms ily approved. There is no conflict be will be extended to Grants Pass in the Peter Wison, of Elgin, Union county, cyanide of potassium and prussic acid, tween the railroad company and any fall. will be the only town of any size now es The company contemplate putting was visiting his brother-in-law, B. R. tablished, through which the road will the most terrible poisons known in mine owner anywhere in the state of in city ’phones if they can secure enough pass from the bay to the mountains. This Willets Sunday. chemistry. California. Representing the railroad business pledged. is the route the company would like to The Methodist camp-meeting at the company, and speaking on its behalf and All the Close Bros, except Al. Close Nervous Prostration. build on but they have preliminary Central Point grounds has been post by its authority, I beg to assure you and E. W. Joy Company—Gentlemen: i the citizens of Trinity county that the were discharged at the meliminary ex surveys of different routes to the north poned to September. D. M. BROWER M. D. and south of us. If Red Bluff can secure Howell s $9 boots or shoes are guaranteed have suffered from a ervous prostration* railroad company is not seeking to ob amination before the U. 8. commissioner the crossing of this road it will surely be to give satisfaction and last a year. Oppo- from financial losses, Can say Joy’s Veg- tain land that was not granted. It fullv on charges of counterfeiting. People etable Sarsaparilla has curednre. My liver, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, who saw all of them in court with their site I. O. O. F. block. a splendid thing for this town. stomach and bowels have been very in recognizee the fact that mineral lands a The people of Eureka are also interested John Whalan, employed on O’Neil’s active. but since taking your remedy I am were exempted from the operation of the several families say they represented a A shland , : ; ; O regon picture entirely opposite to the figure in the road and from a letter received by work train, dropped dead at Sisson on entirely well. All business men and women grant. It is ready at all times to meet they cut with their brass band serenad Mr. Baldridge from a citizen of that plaee Tuesday of last week. should use it. Please publish. the miners of your section and adjust ing saloons and “singing” “Mary Kel Office—At Residence intersection of Me it is learned that $500,000 will be sub (Signed) M r . W m . H enry J ones . any difficulties which may exist as to the ly’s Beau.’’ Chas. Rauous was down from ___ ______ Idaho cbanic, Laurel and Main ¡Streets. Butte. Montana. scribed by the citizens there if the road Saturday to see about getting onto the mineral or non-minerai character of Geo. Schmitt who was drowned in the reaches that place. Mr. Baldridge is a railroad carpenter crew. land. We shall be happy to receive any Fine Place to Rent. ocean at Crescent city was a member of J^AVIS & FORCE DENTAL CO. pleasant, agreeable and thorough busi The Saxeman property. 2% acres assistance the mining population can Talisman lodge, Knights of Pythias of The Medford bicycle club has let the ness gentleman. He will commence to afford. choice fruit orchard. Good 7—room day talking to our citizens in the interest contract for a new 4 lap track to G. W. (Successors to Caldwell & Davis.) If the land is mineral, it was not Medford, and the lodge sentC.O. Da house, Apply to E. E. Deming on Lewis of Medford for $95. of the new road. granted, and the company does not ask mon and Myron Skeel to Crescent city I. O. O. F. B lock , A shland , O gn . II. W. Snowgoose of Keno is visiting his adjoining place. for title to it. If it is agricultural land, for the body to give it burial at the home The Well Known and sons in Ashland. He is one of the leading Gold-Bug Jacksonville. SEAM LESS GOLD. Aluminum Crowns Mining News. it was in law and in good faith granted, of his family—Jacksonville. W. H. Wood Always Popular populists of Klamath county. and Gold Bridges a Specialty. Jacksonville dispatch in Oregonian: Jacksonville, June 1.—C. O. White, and the company is entitled to it. This bury, at whose hotel Schmitt stopped (¡o to Gold Hill drug store for fine cigars An investigation into the prevailing sen and superintendent of the Tolo Mining Com is the plain common-sense view of this says lie jumped into the ocean on the Hotel of Ashland pure liquors. Also watches and jew timent here among republicans and busi elry. 1. E. Deboy, proprietor. pany, was in town today and reports the matter, and it will appeal to all fair- night of May 22, caused by despondency over being out of work. ness men generally discloses the fact that B. Allen and E. B. Curry and fam richest strike ever made in the McDon minded and honorable men as being With one eye on the clock, and the other unlimited coinage of silver is not believed ily O. went ough ledge, which is included in the just. Your people do not wish the agri to Klamath county Saturday, your plate, you cannot enjoy a meal to be consistent with the idea of parity the former taking a load of fruit. Tolo placer purchase. It will be remem cultural land, which is absolutely agri on When traveling east, you should take the between the metals, and the action of the bered that many rich pockets have been cultural, and has no value whatever for Northern Pacific, the only dining car line Eugene Walrad has been appointed quar OTEL IN GOOD LOCALITY for young mens’ convention in voting down antine officer to examine fruit trees, etc., taken out of this ledge by McDonough, mineral, held out of use and occupancy. from Portland; meals 75cents. You don’t the silver résolutions and electing only its discoverer, during the past 15 years, It is well understood in this department have to get up in the morning at six o'clock, sale. Will accommodate about coming into the state according to law. much of the ore being as rich as that of that in many sections of the country rush to breakfast and gulp it down in fif sixty- people. Two sitting rooms, sound-money delegates to the national Chas. Dogsdon, a pioneer of Oregon, minutes, and then have to wait until 2 good dining room, the best of spring convention at Cleveland is highly com fell dead from heart disease in his mine the famous Gold Hill. Mr. White reports the mining interest is paramount; that teen or 3 o'clock for lunch or dinner. To avoid mended. a ton of rock already taken out, with there would be no prosperity but for water in the kitchen and can be put near Riddle, Douglas county, last week. no indication of the pocket being ex mining activity, and the railroad com this, take the Northern Pacific; the only in all the rooms if so desired. House Under the auspices of the A. O. U. W. hausted. From the sack of ore exhibited, pany will gain on the transportation dining car route, the only line to the Yellow MARRIED recently painted. Insurance paid for Pokegama will have a grand celebration on it would be impossible to estimate its side of the account vastly more than it stone Park and the only line running Pull man Tourist Sleepers through to the east three years in advance. Julv 4th. All are cordially invited to at value per ton. It is simply immensely will lose in the way of mineral lands without from 12 to 16 hours delay. For Substautial Brick Building. Rates $1.00 and Will trade for stock, or part cash. tend. SCH AUMLOEFFEL—PEMBER.-In Ash nil information, time cards, maps, etc., Centrally Located. rich. lost to it by encouraging mining. $1.50 Per Day. Terms easy. Address C. W. H. Mills, of the S. P. land depart land. Oregon, June 3, 1895 at 9 o’clock p. Another pocket of gold and silver ore Your article, unintentionally perhaps, call on or address, Robert Leonard, Agent. Care of V alley R ecord , Ashland, Or. ni. Wm. Schaumloeffel of Sacramento, ment, and family were at Sisson and was taken from the Beekman <t Huffer puts the railroad company in the atti Ashland, Or. Cal., and Estelle F. Pember, of Ashland Shasta springs in their private car re- 1 ledge on Jackson creek lately, which is tude of attempting to acquire title to John Westlake, R. B. Ketchum and Oregon, were wedded at the residence of cently. i much richer in gold than anything yet dis land not granted. If your people will W. Long, of Ashland, have been over the bride’s parents corner Main and Hel covered in this ledge. No estimate of the Mrs. James O’Farrell, wife of the mer- ! value of these finds can be made on account yield to the statements I make, that gen examining the mines near Crane Lake. £W“0NLY WHITE HELP EMPLOYED. DR. JORDAN & CO.’S man streets. , the rock being rich in both silver and erous confidence, which I of course know They are highly pleased with the indi The ceremony was performed by Rev. chant at Gale, Klamath county, Las re- of GREAT OF ANATOMI G. W Black after which the young couple turned home from a visit with a sister in gold. ( Emil Holden, a scientific German for mvself they deserve, and will meet cations, having had one assay made with left on the morning train for San Francisco, Portland. i miner, has discovered a silver and gold- the railroad company in a spirit of per the result that they have sent Mr. Long 1051 Market St., San Francisco where they will spend their honeymoon. (Between 6th and 7th Sts.) Prof. David Starr Jordan of the Stan- j bearing ledge on the divide between .lack- fect fairness, the apparent difficulty be back to Ashland to make arrangements and Galls creeks, about four miles from tween it and the people who desire to to bring in machinery to develop the Go and learn how wonderfully you Thev will reside in Sacramento where both ford University and a few friends were son : are well known. Mr. 8. is a Southern Pacific Jacksonville, which is said to be the largest prospect for mines will disappear. Fully mines should the assay prove favorable. are made and how to avoid sickness on Friday ’ s train for the Yellowstone ' machinist and holds a fine position in the and most valuable discovery ever made in conscious and disease. Museum enlarged with that no wrong was intended to From persons who have examined the National Park. thousands ot new objects. Admis Sacramento shops. The bride is an accom southern Oregon. The ledge is 30 feet wide sion 2a eta. plished and interesting lady, the daughter and h^s been traced a distance of 6000 feet. any man, I am willing to meet person rock, we learn that the prospects are R. II. Elsey was placed under $1000 1 Private Office—Same Ku tiding good for Lake county Boon to be counted of Mrs. J. K. Van Sant of this city. bonds at Dunsmuir to keep the peace, six A large number of assays give the average ally all persons interested in this ques as one of ttie mining counties of the 1051 Market Street— Diseases of men: value of the silver per ton at 50 ounces and tion, either as individuals or in their stricture, loss of mauhood, diseases of the skio months and not kill Friday George, as be $8 < of gold. More prospecting is being done associated relation, and shall be only too state.—Lakeview Rustler. and kidneys quickly cured without the use ot mer BORN threatened to do. in southern Oregon at the present time happy to do so. cury. Treatment personally or by letter. Send Nervous Shock. Prof. I’. A. Getz, now of the Ellensburg, than ever before. tor took. 0 m I enclose for your better information GRIFFITHS—In Poe vsllev, Klamath Wash., state normal school, has been re An Applegate correspondent writes: E. W. J oy C ompany —Gentlemen: This Long established and reliable practitioners. the circular issued by rayself as head of county, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffiths, a engaged for the coming year and his salary About 60 miners are at work in Steamboat the first time I have attempted to write son. increased to $2400. ‘ i district opening up placer mines, and the thi« Department of Field Agents. The is for three years. Have been so nervous and Governor Budd, of California, replies prospect is good f«r turning out consid instructions therein contained disclose weak that 1 have laid in bed for most of DUNN—Near Ashland, June 2,1895, to Mr. favorably to an invitation to attend the < erable gold. J. T. Layton’s Farris gulch clearly the view of the railroad com the time. and Mrs. Geo. W. Dunn, a son. Oregon fair in September, and will be and Williamsburg hydraulic mines are be pany on this subject. A friend who had taken your Sarsaparilla ing operated with old-time vigor. booked for an address. Believing that if you are fully aware sent me two bottles. The second one is B. A. Knotts found a pocket near his res of the true intentions of the company I most gone, and I have gained twenty President C. H. Chapman of the state idence in Kane creek district a few days represent, you would fully approve them, pounds, and surely feel a new woman. I university delivered an address to the since, which yielded abont $400. was pale—thin. No ambition. Had given I have the honor to remain, graduating class of the Medford public up, as 1 had tried so many remedies and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Your obedient servant, school Friday evening. 3 doctors but found no benefit. If you care W m . H. M ills . Mrs. Ada Morris of Tillamook, accom The best salve in the world for Cuts, to publish this vou have my consent. (Signed) MRS. A. 0. TILLMAN. panied her brother, E. E. Selpb, the Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever , .Woodware and Tinware he only V Alameda, Cal. The Depot Grocery lawyer, on his recent visit te their old Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi E. F. Loomis has bought the Depot gro home in Jackson county. Probate Court. tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is Wm. McAllister, of Seattle and an old guaranteed to give perfect satisfactiou or cery of A. C. Rice and is carrying a stock 1EDAR WASHTUBS for 60e. and up- of first class groceries and provisions which In the matter of the estate of M. L. Mc pioneer of Jackson county is visiting the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. are for sale at hying prices from a clean Call. Mrs. Alena itted at the y wards. Cyclone Clothes Wringers, McCall appointed ad For sale bv E. a . Sherwin. scenes ot other days as the guest of his for $2.10. Grindstones, 3c. per lb. and attractive place. Dont fail to call and ministratrix with bonds fixed at $4000, and nephew, Lawyer Parker. E. V. Carter, R. F. Neil and J. E. Pelton i.S~ Manufacturer of tin, sheet-iron and Pioneer Methodist Preacher Dead. see Loomis in his new headquarters. appointed appraisers. copper ware. Plumbing and job work “ Bay Dick, ” a swift-footed Klamath Rev. J. L. Parrish died in Salem last Ac i ^ icac / done to order. county horse, has been taken to the Wil week. The Oregonian says of him: Pushes Only the Dead Loads. —ELY S CREAM BALM— Cleanses the Nasal V A Woman Who Will Work. lamette to enter the Portland races. He Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals B. F. REESER. We think Rev. J. L. Parrish was, at Klamath Star.] Wanted in every county to introduce the tho Sores, Besiures Taste and Smell, ana Cures steps in high places only. the time of his death, the oldest of the R eeseb B lock : A shland , O regon . Celebrated “Hygeia” Waists for all ages. “ Why do you charge more for the car Hats! So it is a hat you are after. Just early pioneers of Oregon, though several This waist supercedes the corset, and has call and see the stock Vaupel, Norris & remain who were in Oregon before he riage of wheat than you do for the car received the unanimous approval of the riage of cattle ” inquired a man of C. P. Drake have received. They will suit and came; notably Rev. J. S. Griffin and the leading physicians of America. $3.00 outfit please you sure. Direct from the factories. widow of Rev. Elkanah Walker, both of Huntington. free. Any energetic woman can make from “ Because, you d —n fool, ’ ’ was the reply, oives Heuer at once lor Cold in Head. J. 8. Pickett, who came to Canyonville Washington county. Mr. Parrish came $15 to $50 weekly. Send for circulars and “ the cattle can walk if we push ’ em too Apply into the Koetrfte-------- It ,e Quietly A bv-'-ed. terms. HYGEIA M'F’G Co., that Ayer's Sarsaparilla, out of the great from Beatrice, Neb., in 1877, died last to Oregon by sea, entering the Columbia 50c. Druggists or by mail. ELY BROS., 56 Warrea L..,N. Y. 378 Canal St., New York, number of similar preparations manufac week, leaving a wife and six children. river iu May, 1840. He came as an aux- hard.” (KLAMATHON) tured throughout the world, was the only 8. B. Whittle’s first wife was his daugh ill iary of the Medothist missionary party. In each wing of the ostrich 26 long List of Letters medicine of the kind admitted at the ter When he came there were less than 100 whito plumes grow to maturity in eight World's Fair, Chicago? And why was it Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland months. In theinalo these are pure white, Jeff Bell and family left Saturday with adult male citizens of the United States that, in spite of the united efforts of the 100 head ol cattle for east of tho moun in tne Oreron country, which then includ P. O., June 3,1895: while those of the female shade to ecru or manufacturers of other preparations, the tains to go into the stock raising business. ed, besides the present state of Oregon, Brandon D C Dyer F R gray. " M ain S treet , O pposite P laza . decision.of the World’s Fair Directors was One three-vear-old in the band weighed the whole of the present states of Wash Hutchinson Mr F C Hess Miss Ella ----- Will Leave For----- The perlopbthalmus, a native of the Moore Mr Harry L Newman Mr Rute not reversed? ington and Idaho, and large part of the 1320 lbs. Malayan mangrovo swamps, is the only Quinn Mrs John Ross Mr E A Klamath Hot Springs, Some Brownsboro stock men complain present state of Montana. Mr. Parrish Rhinehart J B BECAUSE fish which breathes with its tail. If the ZPJLIJSTTS, ZPJkTJSTTIEZRS’ TOOLS, Veel Dora that thieves are running stock out of the was among the active men of Oregon’s Persons calling for same will please say tail be painted over with oil or varnish, via Jenny and Fall Creeks According to R ule 15—“Article« OS WALL PAPER. GLASS. ETC. o country with considerable regularity early history, but lived a quiet and re advertised. ” W. H B runk , P. M. the fish dies of suffocation. that are in any wav dangerous or o tired life during his last twentv-five B uilding P apers , W rapping -P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. and method siuce the prices ot cattle are very M onday and F riday In thoir native haunts tigers are divided offensive, also patent medicines, o years. He drove the first spike at East looking up. after Train from South, and con nostrums, and empirical prepara o “How to Cure All Skin Diseases.” into three classes — the game killer, the o nect with Auer stage at Klamath Mrs. Fred Learned and son, who have Portland in 1869, at the beginning of tions, whose ingredients are con o Simply apply ‘‘S wayne ’ s O intment .” N o cattle lifter and the man eater. The lat Hot Springs; and return Tuesday and been stopping with her folks, James Mc railroad construction in Oregon. cealed, will not be admitted to the o internal medicine required. Cures tetters, ter is almost always an aged beast, whose ______ ______________ • O; Clendon and family in Sams valley for Saturday in time to connect with both Exposition,” and, therefore— eczema, itch, ail eruptions on the face, teeth and claws aro no longer serviceable. Real Estate. oi nose, Ac., leaving the skin clear, trains. the past two years returned Saturday to f Because Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a o P W Olwell to Margaret OJwell—blk 28, hands, white and healthy. Its great healing and Chamberlain'« Eye and Skin Ointment o Colusa county, Cal. Central Point; $1. medicine, not a nostrum, and not o J. R. EATON, Prop’r a patent powers are possessed by no other 11 W Gender to L G Gender—the Linch curative Hon. H. B. Miller delivered the Mem Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- secret preparation. | o remedy. Ask your druggist for S wayne ’ s Pin Mines, tp 39 s, r 1 w ; $L. o orial address at Medford on Decoration L intment Rheum, Saild Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Became its proprietors had nothing to o N Lewis to J J Howser—1 acre in day. Besides the G. A. R. and W.R. C. tp Annie Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, conceal when questioned as to the for o 37 », r 1 w; $1. the K. of P , I. O. O. F. and Rebekah Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. o Josephine Poley to Lucinda Adams—lots mula Irom which it is compounded. Herr Sauer, the German pianist who -:o:- o lodge took part efficially. 28 and 29, blk B; also lots 29. 30 and 31, blk has won so much success in London For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. •^Fc* IS THE BEST. Became it is all that it Is claimed to be o M. R R add to Ashland ; $300. L' La f IT FOR A KING. Tho Trail creek farmers will have this to hors F ownebs . —a Compound Concentrated Extract of o to Alice Kane—lots 1 and 2, blk lately, agrees with Paderewski that . CORDOVAN, seasons crop harvested by a machine in M. E R C R Kane Sarsaparilla, and in every sense, worthy o Brahms “ is not a great composer for For putting a horse in a fine healthy con o add to Ashland; $1. Fl'NCHAtNAV.ELLED CALF. their own section, Harvey Richardson the Indorsement of this most important o J 8 Cantrell to C F Morris—160 acres tp the piano. ” dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. 4.s3.sp Fiat C alf UO iigarooi -------- THE-------- invested in a new and improved thresher 35 s, r2 w; $1000. committee, called together for passing o They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure The London Daily News speaks of loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct ^3.5P?0l!CE,3 SOLES. which ho will run this season, W H and Lucinda Pullen to Josephine upon the manufactured products of the o o Poley—lots 28 and 29. blk B, and also lots Messrs. Abbey and Grau’s opera com kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving entire world. _ o \ j <-260$2. WORKINGMENS A. T. Bell and Wm. Pruett have re 29. 3Ó and 31, blk M, R R add to Ashland; pany as tho “Jean de Reszke troop." new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 o - extra tins - turned to Jackson county from Reno, o $1000. The London season will last from May cents per package. For sale by druggists. .MzsXYs'SraMLSwa o Nevada. As farming in that section is o 13 to Julv 17. For sale at E. A. Sherwin’s drug store. •i. ADIES- done by irrigation these Oregonians had Spain may bully the Cubans, but when o to learn the business partially over again. it comes to Uncle Sam, “hands off” is the BESTP0Na0,A. • Admitted for Exhibition • o o Rev. Father Desmarais will hold divine policy she will have to adopt.—Philadel o • SEND FOR CATALOCUE services in the Catholic church at Ashland AT THE WORLD’S FAIR o .. ^XV-L.-OOUCiLAa. on Sunday the 9th of June. Morning ser phia Press. «—• . er . ockton . mass . 5 o o o ooopoooooooooooooooo f Spain Is an old offender in this matter vice 8:30. Evening lecture on the “Funda Over One Wlfilcn People wear the BEWARE mental Doctrines of Christianity”? :30 p. m. of firing on the American flag. She de W. L. Dûügîas $3 & $4 Shoes Everybody cordially welcome. serves to be made an example of for the of Imitation AH our shoes are equally satisfactory trade marks A Portland paper says that the firm benefit of other hot headed nations.—Bos They give the best value for th ï money. ton Journal. and labels. of Dittenhoffer, Haas & Co., wholesale They eq-ja! custom «hets la style and fit. agents furnishing goods and clothing The only satisfaction the American peo Their wearing qualities ere unsurpassed. The price- arc vniferrn,•••«tamped on sole. dealers, is now settling from business. ple have so far out of the firing of the From $1 to $.1 s-vedl ever other makes. ....THE.... The timeB are such the management Spanish cruiser Conde do Venedito upon if your de'iler canr.ct sunniv vou we can. Sold by deems it wiser to discontinue trade than the Allianca is that she never touched us. it would be to continue an active busi —New York Advertiser. L B. SMITH ARTIST ness Jackson Co., Oregon. * career. If Spain insists upon holding us re I. L. Hamilton and 8. F. Morine have sponsible for the various futile insurrec REAL ESTATE AGENT, dissolved partnership in the Hotel Nash, tions that have taken place in Cuba, she Has added another chair to His may force us to instigate one that will be at Medford, shortly and his family going NOTAR YPUBLIC and Old Reliable Establishment and to California for his wife’s health. Frank successful.—St. Louis Globe. is better prepared than ever to COLLECTOR OF :ACCOUNTS It is perfectly well known that the Span Morine is now sole proprietor and is an accommodate the Shaving pub- Costs no more than inferior package soda— enterprising and genial landlord. D. W. ish officers when clothed with a little au AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni Crosby will remain with the house as thority disregard laws and violate agree for Sale or Rent. chief clerk and Ham Wolters will tend ments in order to show that they have au versally acknowledged purest in the world. Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. bar? thority.—Baltimore Amorican. HOT AND COLD BATHS. Spain may keep Cuba If it can, but it QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. Kaie only by CHURCH & CO., Hew York. mustn’t fire upon tho United States flag Sold by grocer« everywhere. The U, S. Gov't Remember the place AS LISTED a number of small and large farms, from 20 acres up, for Sale or when it floats over a vessel on the high Write for Araz Hammor Book of valuable Recipe»—FREIu show Royal Baking Powder seas, especially when she carries Uncle Rent. iW’Thrre houses and lots in the town of Gohl Htil, all good buainvM stands Barn’s malls.—Clovalaud Plain Dealer. Opposite the Plaza. WEflfor to •Uvtim, _ Hr HOTEL OREGON, ABSOLUTELY PURE f FRED T. FRADENBURGH Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Oay ASHLAND Professional Cards VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s. FOR SALE rySHLAND 1 in HOUSE ^ goo - 1 HANDS ftND UNDCR ^MftNftGeMENT.^ NSW R. NEW TOZER. PROP'R.Z MUSEUM FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE Oí J Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To II. C. MYER Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, In Hardware. A C CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS- AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. ^PAl uD’Sj F POKEGAMA Express 7 t Why Was It u Q F VANS ASHLAND’°K- Stage E PAINTING, PAPERING, ETC MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE. Practical Business Training School of Oregon Ayer's™,Sarsaparilla Our New Building is now Completed 1. E. RIGBY, Principal. Insist on L. V. HIGH, MEDFORD GOLD HILL, MID WflK SOPA TONSORIAL in packages H Reports OREGON. H