Z VALLEY RECORD VALLEY RECORD. VA FINE PRINTING EVERY OF DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments, Envelopes,&c. VOL. Vili. A PRESSED BRICKS. The County Central Committee Meet­ Janies Rood, the miner, has gone to New­ ing Endorses the Omaha Platform castle, Cal. Ed. Saltmarsh killed a large panther at and Invites the Free Silver men Sterling last week. to Join the Populists. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. COUNTY, OREGON, A Liberal Lecturer. Kate Kehm Smith, the leading spirit of the free-thought world of the Pacific, lectured at the city hall last Thursday evening on the topic “What Secularism Has Done for Woman.” Gen. E. L. Applegate in a few remarks introduced the lady to a crowded audience. There were many ladies and a good sprinkling of orthodox Christian ladies present. Mrs. Smith opened and closed her ser­ vices by reciting a poem at each end. The lecturerheid the close and undivided attention of her audience for two hours as she dissected the scriptures as being woman’s friend. After pointing out the marked and self evident advancement of women the past several years in the various avenues of business, law, educa­ tion, sciences and moral works, the lecturer called up the opinions of the early Christian fathers on “woman’s sphere,” drawing a sharp and decisive conclusion that the “new woman” of to­ day should resent with righteous indig­ nation the villanous and shocking esti­ mate placed upon woman’s character by the writers of the scripture. She re­ ferred to the suggestion made toward compiling from the scriptures every ref­ erence made concerning women an I printing it as the “Woman’s Bible.” Mrs. Smith said the idea will never be acted on by the ecclesiastical authorities, for no matter how much “the Adams in the pulpit” may desire to flatter the “new woman” the early Christian writers opinion of women, compiled in one volume, would be so obscene to the public mind of to-day that Buch a book could not be circulated through the gov­ ernment mails ot auy Christian nation to-day. She quoted considerable from the scriptures on the subject and asked the ladies what they thought of the 10th commandment that catalogued them with a man’s horses, cattle, etc., aB property. After finishing her lecture Mrs. Smith outlined the plan of her Secular Sunday school. She has organized one of these schools at Silverton, McMinnville and Portland. The scheme is the teaching of ethics—morals, manners, and good prin­ ciples on the basis of the reasons for them; botany, geology and other branches of the sciences are outlined in the lessons prepared by Mrs. Smith, the plan being similar to the regular ortho­ dox Sunday schools, excepting the sub­ ject matter. The lessons do not “tear down” the established churches nor berate the Bible or Christian people, but teach respect for all opinions and insti­ tutions whether you agree with them or not. Texts, expressing fine sentiment, are taken from Confusius, Buddtia, Christ, Mohammed and other renowned religionists and philosophers. These les­ sons can be had by addressing the author at Oregon City, Or. There is consid­ erable talk of organizing one of these Secular Sunday schools in Ashland, to be onducted Sunday afternoons. Several liberal Christian people who do not desire to have their children attend free-thought lectures that mercilessly dissect an old established creed have expressed a willingness to send their children to one of these moral training schools, believing that the orthodox Sunday school lays too great stress on creed and and not suffi­ cient instruction in ethics from the stand­ point of reason. Mrs. J. W. Howard of Lakeview is visit­ The county Central committee of the ing Jacksonville friends. People’s Party met at Central Point, For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go Saturday May 25, 1895 and was called to j to I. E. Deboy. Gold Hill. order by the chairman, Frank Williams, Ida Hwacker of Gold Hill has gone i After tiie general business was disposed to Miss Seattle, Wash., to reside. 400 to 412 K St., of a committee—J. Treseler, J. A. Jeffrey, S. Engledow has returned to Gold Hill and S. M. Nealon—reported some resolu­ tions. Some thought they were not from the state of Washington. Joy’s for the Jaded. strong enough, and the committee asked Largest General Retail House on Coast Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. that two more members l>e appointed on Wearing Apparel of all, kinds for men, it. The chair increased the committee to Rev. W. W. Ramsey bas returned to Des women, and children; Dry Goods, Shoes, which the resolutions were referrei back Moines after a visit in Medford. flats. Millinery, Valises, Furniture,Carpets, and reported as follows: Crockery, Notions, Stationery, Silverware, W, E. Phipps is teaching the unfinished Toys, Household Supplies, etc. Resolved ; 1st, That we, the represen­ term of the Wimer district school. tatives of the People’s Party of Jackson Catalogue Free. J. W. Hays of Gold Hill was visit­ county, reaffirm our unalterable adher- ing Mrs. Harrisburg relatives last week. A handsome illustrated catalogue j enee to the principles laid down in the about our goods and prices sent free to John Kearnev is up from Cow creek can­ Omaha platform entire. any address Tens of thousands of cus­ tomers find it profitable and satisfac­ 2d, We have no fight to make against yon visiting Jackson county friends. tory to buy through this book. Miss Anna Morris ot Talent has gone to the Free Silver Party and wish it God­ TERMS CASH. speed in the disruption of both old Colusa county. Cab, for the summer. Unclose money for goods with order, and It parties, but consider it too narrow for Mrs. John Attebury of Forest creek has to be sent by mail allow for postage. Any populists to stand upon, and invite all had an operation for cancer performed. balance left over will be returned. true friends of reform to co-operate with Dr. E. Van Hasslacher is over in Salmon If interested in any of the items be­ us in overthrowing our present policy river, Siskiyou county, exporting a mine. low, order promptly, giving item num­ whereby wage slaves are being made of The Observer says it is reported Kerby, ber. us all. Josephine county, is to have a newspaper. 3d, Being the first free silver party in G990. Women’s white lawn Waists, Mrs. Trumbull, a daughter of Jacob Neat­ with double rutile over shoulder, the ruf­ the field, we deprecate the efforts of any hammer I party to rob us of our first rights there visiting. is up from Humboldt county, Cal., fle embroidered in colors. Price, 75c. G991. Bates’ celebrated white Bed I and deem it tbe duty of all free silver J. 11. Cunnvngham and wife have return­ Spreads, tor double beds, handsome de­ advocates to come to our ranks. ed to Portland from a visit with Evans creek The resolutions were adopted unani- signs. Our special price 90e. relatives. ’ mously. G992. Striped wash Silks, soft and Brownsboro will observe decoration day, After adjournment of county central lustrous, fn pink, blue and fancy stripes; committee the county executive commit­ the public schools to take charge of the six yards will make a stylish waist. tee convened. The business of the meet­ exercises. Price, 25c yd. ing was the resignation of the chairman, Mrs. L. S. Craw of Albany has been visit­ G993. At a price below value we offer E. P. Hammond. J. W. Markebury was ing her son. (lie locomotive fireman, at the ladies’ good quality muslin Drawers, elected chairman of the executive com­ Depot.hotel. with yoke bands, tucks and 2 inch em­ mittee, A. M. Ford secretary, and I. W. Ralph Moon of Sams valley is under­ broidery ruffle. Price, 38c; postage, 4c. Thomas treasurer. J. W. Wiley was ad­ going treatment at the Portland hospital G994. Pink, blue or brown apron ded to the committee to fill the vacancy for rheumatism, i of Hammond’s resignation as a commit- Ginghams, at 4c yd. John and Lee Vincent of Table Rock, accompanied by their families are doing the G995. We have just 900 women’s and | tee man. coat at Crescent city. misses’ black cotton Mitts, imported by Cameron & Ennis’ Placers Sold. us direct from Germany, to sell at the Howell's $9 boots or shoes are guaranteed Senator T. Cameron and Frank Ennis special price of 12c per pair. to give satisfaction and last a year. Oppo­ have sold their Galice creek, Josephine G996. Boy’s heavy cotton knee pants, county, placer mining property to Bent & site I. O. O. F. block. dark colors, ages 4 to 13. Price, 19ceach. I Alexander of Colorado for $25,000. This Mrs. O. A. S'earns died recently at their G097. Women’s fast black cott in Hose mine has been successfully worked by home near Klamath Falls, leaving a hus­ spliced heels and toes, 3 pairs for 50c. hydraulic machinery for many years, band and three children. Superior quality for the money. The 3-stamp quartz mill on the Black and has annually paid a large dividend to G998. Fast colors in Women’s black its owners. The same persons bought Jack mine near Hornbrook was burned or tan cotton Gloves, all sizes. Price, lac the Captain Ankeney mine, lying imme­ down early one morning last week. Mrs. 8. Van Tassel and Mrs. Gertrude diately above the Cameron and Ennis pair. Barclay and two children returned to Ash­ property, of II. E. Ankeney, for $2500. G999. Men’s white laundried Dress land last week from Sacramento, Cal. Shirts, best Wamsutta muslin bosoms, This mine has not been worked for many years, on account, mainly, of the great Sunday Oregonian: Colonel E. DePeatt. reinforced. Special value. Price, 72c. interest centered in the Sterling property, of this city, has returned home after a fort­ G100. Men’s elastic Suspenders, wire bought later by Captain Ankeney, and to night’s trip through the Umatilla country. buckles, braided ends, with drawer sup­ which he devoted his entire attention Every man having a beard should keep it porters. Price, 15c; postage, 3c, until his health failed, but it is known to an even and natural color, and if it is not so be a good paying proposition. Bent & already, use Buckingham’s Dye and appear WEINSTOCK, LU3IN & CO., Alexander will at once put up a new saw­ tidy. Sacramento, Cal. mill, enlarge and repair the ditches, and H. L. Gilkey of Medford is entertaining 1 fit up the two properties with the best his parents, Wm. Gilkey and wife of Mon­ modern machinery, ami expect to have tesano, Wash., and his brother A. J. Gil­ everything in readiness for extended key. operations by the close of the dry season. Under the auspices of the A. O. U. W. Pokegania will have a grand celebration on For Rent or Sale—6% acres of garden Julv 1th. All are cordially invited to at­ land, with house, barn and well, being a tend. JQ M. BROWER M. D. part ot Walker place, south of the railroad. Wm. L. Townsend has retired from the Will rent for seven months for $42. barbering business at Medford and with W. F. A. F ergus , Agent. J. King have purchased James Coeti’s PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, W. E. Jones of Indiana has moved to saloon. A shland , O regon Medford and will soon be joined by his Nervous Prostration. James Gardner, the Keno hotel keeper, family. He is the father of Mrs. C. C. Plet­ and family came in this week for a short E. W. Joy Company—Gentlemen: I visit among his people at Wilderville, Jose­ have suffered from a nervous prostration- Office—At Resilience intersection of Me cher. froni financial losses. Can say Jov’s Veg­ phine county. ctianic, Laurel and Main Streets, Sarsaparilla has curedme. My liver, Fox & Good will deliver ice to your door etable stomach and bowels have been very in­ every morning this summer. active, but since taking your remedy I am jyiVIS & FORCE DENTAL CO. Mrs. Fred Farmer, wife of the Westing­ entirely well. All business men and women house air brake expert, passed through Sun­ should use it. Please publish. (Successors to Caldwell & Davis.) (Signed) M r . W m . H enry J ones . day from St. Paul to visit her father, Maurice Butte. Montana. I. O. O. F. B lock , A shland , O gn . Renner, of Yreka. Alfred Fish of Big Sticky, Jackson county, SEAMLESS GOLD. Aluminum Crowns' A Silver Lake Monument, left some time ago to visit his uncle in San and Gold Bridges a Specialty. W. J. Masterson, the agent of the Red Francisco. He was found dead on the high­ Bluff Marble Works, and A. Lessing, the way near Chico, Cal. undertaker, returned from their trip to Miss Katie Chapman who has been at­ Lake last Saturday where they tending the deaf anddumb school at Salem, Silver had been to see about the erection of a has returned to her home at Williams monument to the victims ot the Silver creek to spend her vacation. Lake fire. The committee at Silver Lake, OTEL IN GOOD LOCALITY for Milton Jones, a Yreka boy and son of the who have the subscription list in hand, Ex-Sheriff of Siskiyou county was in Ash­ sale. Will accommodate about land this week en route from Seattle to have raised about $1300, and wish to erect sixty people. Two sitting rooms, Pokegama to visit his aunt, Mrs. Meamber. a monument that will cost at the railroad good dining room, tl.e best of spring $2300. The monument under contem­ water in the kitchen and can be put i Hats! So it is a hat you are after. Just call and see the stock Vaupel, Norris & plation is to be 9 feet square at the base, Sick and Nervous in all the rooms if so desired. House Drake have received. They will suit and 20 feet high, and will weigh 31,000 Ib8. recently painted. Insurance paid for please you sure. Direct from the factories. This grand obelisk is something that three years in advance. would stand for centuries and proclaim Will trade for stoek, or part cash. Dahl Fiester, a brother of the prisoner to future generations the story ot that who is held for wife murder, was up from Terms easy. Address C. Salem last week to visit his brother in the fearful Christmas eve.—Lakeview Ex­ Care of V alley R ecord , Ashland, Or. Grants Pass jail to see what he could do for aminer. You may ba easily and quickly cured him. Fine Place to Rent. by taking DR. JORDAN & CO.’S Mrs. Chas. Haight, accompanied by her The Saxeman propertv. 2X acres children and niece. Miss Ida Haight, of choice fruit orchard. Good 7—room GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY Little Shasta, Cal., have been visiting rela­ house, to E. E. Deming on 1051 Market St., San Francisco tives and friends in Jackson and Josephine adjoining Apply Dlace. counties. (Between 6th and 7th Sts.). Go and learn how wonderfully you Old People. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Walker and two are made and how to avoid sickness O “ I have Ixeen a victim of terri ­ children, of Bly. are paying Ashland rela ­ Old people who require medicine to reg and disease. Museum enlarged with tives and friends a visit. Mr. Walker will ulate the bowels and kidneys will find the ble headaches, and have never o thousands of new objects. Admis­ o take J. P. Walker’s Jersey herd to his true remedy in Electric Bitters, This med­ found anything to relieve them o sion 25 eta. Sprague river ranch. Private Office—Kame Building icine does not stimulate and contains no so quickly as Ayer’s Fills. Since o 1051 Market Street— Diseases ot men: o whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a I began taking this medicine, the Dr. E. Kirchgessner of Medford was stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin attacks have become less and c elected a delegate to the national associa­ tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on tbe and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer­ o less frequent, until, at present, o tion of the Eclectic school to meet in Wau stomach and bowels, adding strength and cury. Treatment personally or by letter. Bend for book. m months' have passed since 1 o kesha, Wis., at the late meeting of the giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. o Oregon state association. have had one.”—C. F. N ewman , o Long established and reliable practitioners. Ivlectric bitters is an excellent appetizer and Dug Spur, Va. o James Stevens and Wm. Plymaleof Jack­ aids digestion. Old people find it just ex­ o sonville went to Yreka Sunday where the actly what they need. Price fifty cents per “Having used Ayer’s Pills with o termer and Isaac Wright, recently of Med­ bottle at E. A. S herwin ' s Drug store. great success for dyspepsia, from o ford, start a new saloon, and Mr. Plymale which I suffered for years, I re­ o County Treasurer’s 3d Notice. will work on the Yreka Union. o solved never to be without them ------------- - o Jacksonville. Oregon, May 23, 1895. in my household. They are in- o Go to Gold Hill drug store for fine cigars Office of County Treasurer of Jackson deed effective.” — Mrs. S allie © and pure liquors. Also watches and jew­ county. elry 1. E. Deboy, proprietor. M orris , 125 Willow St., Phila­ o Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the county treasury for the re­ delphia, Pa. o F. A. Falkenburg, head consul of the demption of all outstanding warrants pro­ Woodmen of the World, was on last Thurs­ tested from September 8, 1888, to October “ I 1 always ' . use Ayer’s Pills, and o day’s north bound train and stopped off at 8,1888. Interest on same will cea e after tik thein excellent.”— ___ Mrs. — G. © , .Woodware and Tinware.. think o Medford to pay the local camp there an of­ the above date. P. W atrous , Jackson, Fla. M. 8. W elch , ficial visit and give them a talk. County Treasurer. By L. L, J acobs , Deputy. l EDAR WASHTUBS for COe. and np- Chas. Fiester, the wife murderer, was > wards. Cyclone Clothes Wringers, formerly a member of the police force of List of Letters for $2.10. Grindstones, 3c. per lb. Salem. He was born in 1843 in Livingston. Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland Manufacturer of tin, sheet-iron and Iowa, and was married to his murdered Received Highest Awards o wife in 1865 at Woodburn, Oregon. Her P. O., May 2.7 1895: copper ware. Plumbing and job work AT THE WORLD’S FAIR? maiden name was Brown. Blackurn R L Calef A L done to order. Curtis E J Dolev Mr Joseph B. F. REESER. Gilbert Orson Hershberger M Moore Dr A Naugh Mr Robt R eeser B lock : A shland , O regon . ; Wan John i Persons calling for same will please say advertised,” W. H B runk , P. M. Sacramento, Cal. Professional Cards FOR SALE HEADACHEP A yer ’ s P ills In Hardware, Ayer’s Pillsj C L. V. HIGH «3. CORDOVAN, A. TONSORI AL FRENCH*. ENAMELLED CALF. " u.- 3.-J F ike C alf &K aksmm . I $3.4? FCUCE.3S0LES. 32. WORKINGMFN’S J W’ FÜR THE BLOOD Real Estate. ....THE.... IS THS BEST. Y. FIT FOR A KING. . i -EXTRA FINE- !S2.$i.7?3CY5'SCH00LSH0a ARTIST Has added another chair to His Old Reliable Establishment and is better prepared than ever to accommodate the Shaving pub- lic. * * * • , * •LAPIE3- HOT AND COLD BATHS SEND FOf? catalogue : i'W-L-DGU GL A3> ergcktoilmass . Reiueml er the place— I Opposite the Plaza. Over One .Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Alt our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the tc :t - aiuc for the money. They equal custom Shoes in style and fit. Their wearing qualities ere unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,---stamped on sole. Front $l to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. bold by E. B. SMITH POfcEQAMA (KLAMATHON) Express Stage ----- Will Leave For----- Klamath Hot Springs, via Jenny and Fall Creeks '■u>, • FÜK SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. very M onday and F riday alter Train from South, and con­ nect with Ager 6tage at Klamath IL-t Springe; and return Tuesday I Saturday in time to connect with both trains. E J. R. EATON, Prop’r. ust now everybody is thinking about taking something for the blood. A Spring medicine as we speak of it. And it’s a good thing to do, but you want to get the proper medicine. If you consult your physician he will tell you to J ffinfrn a HOOD LIVER IdlYU 3 [HEDICIHE Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. JACKSON JACKSON COUNTY POPULISTS. JUNE NEWS ASHLAND, OREGON. J Matilda K Yonker to Mrs Gracie A Hel­ man—lot 21, Woolen’s add to Ashland ; $1. Elizabeth Young to Kate F. Hoffman— lots 1, 2 and s, blk 56, Jacksonville; $220. Allen Hodges to Anna Engledow—lot 15. blk 16, Gold Hill: $200. B F Myer to F J Hicks—9.13 acres in tp 38 s, r 1 e; $800. L C Raimey to Thos W Stewart—40 acres in tp34 s, r 2 w; $150. Jacob S Hardesty to G G Heaton—5 acres in tp 39 s.r 1 e: $1700. Geo 8 Briggs to Ella M Briggs—2 lots in Galloway add to Medford: $1. W P H Legate to Lizza Legate ; lot 10, blk 10, Medford; $1. A D Helman to Thomas Berridge—2.20 acres in tp 39 s, r 1 e ; $500. O Cent R R Co to O&CRR Co—all rolling stock, right of way, etc, in Oregon; $800,000. Nervous Shock. E. W. J oy C ompany —Gentlemen: This and that, because the liver has every­ is the first time I have attempted to write thing to do with the blood. If the liver for three years. Have been so nervous and is sluggish the system is clogged, the weak that 1 have laid in bed formosLof blood becomes impure, and the whole the A time. friend who had taken your Sarsaparill body suffers. Every medicine recom­ sent me two bottles. The second one i mended for the blood is supposed to most gone, apd I have gained twenty work on the liver. Then get at once the pounds, and surely feel a new woman. I waspale—thin. No ambition. Had given “ K ing of L iver medicines ,” up, as I had tried so tnanv remedies and doctors but found no benefit. If you care to publish this vou have my consent. (Signed) MRS. A. C. TILLMAN, Alameda. Cal. and It does its work well, and tones up the whole system. It is “ Better than Pills,” snnmoNs liver REGULATOR nd can bs had in Uqv'4 nr powder. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: One year...............................................|2 50 Six months ......................................... j 50 Three months...................................... ’ 75 Advertising rates given on application. THURSDAY, MAY 30, Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Föwder absolutely pure LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Doc. Graham, a veterinary surgeon of Chico, while coming to Ashland from Klamath county in a cart, met with an accident at Howard’s station, his horse lading on him. Dr. Brower was called and repaired the injuries. Join Edsall, while at work logging at W. W. Taylor’s mill in Deal Indian, had sev­ eral bones below the knee and the thigh bone broken. The accidental breaking of a chain caused a big log to tall on him. He was taken home to Phoenix, A. J. Gillette, the assistant railroad agent at Medford and Miss Mary E. Coleman, daughter of John Coleman of Phoenix were married at the bride’s home, May 22d, by Kev. Robt. Ennis and are spending their honeymoon in the Willamette. J. S. Griggsby had a warrant sworn out in Justice A. 8. Jacobs’ court at Central Point for the arrest ot his son Lee for throwing stones at his father. Represen­ tative J. A. Jeffrey represented the state and had the case dismissed. It was a family row. Í I SILVER SAND-BAGGED. The Oregon Republican League Clubs Controlled by the Gold-Bug Wing. Changed fíands ! HOTEL OREGON, The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Under the Management of FRED T. FRADENBURGH PROPRIETOR. The state republican clubs met in state convention at Portland last week and HAS improved the House and is pre- elected nine delegates to the national *■ pared to Entertain the Traveling Public meeting at Cleveland, Ohio. The gold ticket carried the day bv a two to one in First Class Style. vote, the relative strength being gold- bugs 688, free silverites 326. Tiie dele­ •o: - gates elected are: Delegates at large—Thos. Tongue of Washington county, Geo. P. Hughes of Marion, J. C. Carson of Multnomah, Dr. •------------ :o:------------- M. H. Ellis of Linn, R. F. Anderson of Baker, and C. A. Sehlbrede of Douglas. ¡jj3FS|>ecial Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour­ First congressional district—Dr. J. N. Smith of Mai ion county, F. W. Mulkej' ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. of Lane, J. B. Davis of Yamhill, and H. •E. S-nith of Clackamas. ----------- :o:----------- Second congressional district—M. Ba­ ker of Union county, J. H. Huddleson of Multnomah, Samuel Elmore of Clatsop, Speciail Deputy Game Warden G. J. Farns­ and Malcolm A. Moody of Wasco. Fresh Eastern oysters, Turey and Cranberry worth has notified Cook &Co. that a fish- The Oregonian tells the defeat of the way must be placed in the dam below free silverites thus • Sauce, Price 50 Cents. Chase’s—the fish being unable to mount When the convention reassembled a the obstruction, thereby being prevented few minutes after 8 o’clock, the gallery from reaching the epawning-grounds of was filled to overflowing with spectators. the Upper Klamath waters. , A band of music filled the orchestra rail New York, May 24.—At today’s session and discoursed music while the delegates of the Democratic Editorial Association of were taking their seats. Chairman Beek­ New York, resolutions were- adopted that man called the convention to order and the democratic press of this state pledge then announced the result of the baliot itself to oppose any legislation looking to fur delegates to the national convention the free and unlimited coinage of silver. from the congressional districts. There was only one negative vote. At t’nis juncture the anticipated silver I George W. Boggs, owner and projector of resolution was sprung on the convention, the large Elliott creek mining enterprise, and, although ttie silver men were evi­ arrived last week from Tacoma. The saw­ mill to cut the flume lumber will reach dently organized to push it through, it Jacksonville by thefirst freight. Mr. Boggs did not take the convention five minutes will take personal control of the work and to show that a decisive majorit}’ bad no expects to complete all necessary prelimin­ patience with free-silver theories. M. F. aries and nave the mine in operation with Eggleston, of Ashland, was recognized by two six-inch giants by July 1. the chair, and made a brief speech, in C. B. Linebaugh who came to Ashland which he referred to the financial issue about 18 months ago from Lane county pending. He then made a motion, in with his family in the hopes ot benefiting the form of a resolution, reading it from his health, finally succumbed to the rava­ a slip of paper he held in bis hands. The Well Known and ges of consumption and died at his home He read as follows: Always Popular Sunday night The funeral took place ’“Resolved, That we declare ourselves to Hotel of Ashland from the M. E. church yesterday afternoon. Mr. Linebaugh was 37 years of age and be unalterably opposed to the single gold’ standard, and demand the immediate re­ leaves a wife and four small children. The following teachers have been selected turn to the constitutional standard of for the Grdnts Pass schools: C. 8. Price, gold and silver by the restoration by this principal; Miss 8. A Wilson, assistant government, independently of any foreign principal; Miss Minnie Tuffs, 7th grade; power, of the unrestricted coinage of Mrs. Belle Huden, 6th tirade; Miss Lou both gold and silver into standard money, Crockett, 5th grade; Mrs. Martin.4th grade; at the ratio of 16 to 1, and upon terms of Miss Carrie Farr, 3rd grade: Miss M. E. exact equality; the silver coin to be a full Griffiths, 2nd grade; Miss Mary Griffith, legal tender, equally with gold, for all and Mis3 Louis May Davis, 1st grade. debts and dues, public and private.” Sam Brown, the boy murderer of Doug­ Amidst great applause, Mr. Eggleston las county, walked out of the Roseburg jail moved the adoption of the resolution. on Tuesday midnight of last week, the Shouts arose all over the ball, and sev­ Substantial Brick Building. jailor neglecting to lock the cell. Early in Rates $1.00 and the morning he arrived at J. R, 8utherlins, eral motions were made to lay the reso­ Centrally Located. $1.50 Per Day. lution on the table. 12 miles from Roseburg, where he ate breakfast and left about 7 o’clock. He was Some one moved to refer the resolution surprised at his sudden release and had no “to the committee on resolutions, yet to plans of escape and thought of giving him­ be appointed.” The chair put the motion, self up. He was arrested in the evening bj’ but before the vote was taken, F. D. WHITE HELP EMPLOYED. Feudal Sutherlin at his house and returned Winton, of Astoria, moved to lay the res­ to jail. olution on the table. There was a storm Corlies Merritt, so well-known by every seconds, and Chairman Beekman ex­ man, woman and child in this city, has at of last given in to the oft suggestion of a claimed in a loud voice: “All in favor thousand lady’ friends: “Whv don’t you of the motion to lay on the table, say get married.” It was done at last in Salem aye.” Saturday night and the fair bride was Miss There waB an instant storm of “ayes” Jeanie Penney of Portland. -They will live that shook the building. at Salem. Everybody is glad that Corlies “All opposed, say ‘No,’ ” he Bhouted. at last succumbed, and we wish them much The free-silver men sent up a shout, but success. j it was a weakling compared with that Wiliiam Mackey, an old Coast range uttered by the anti-Bilver men. logger, disagrees with Professor Johnson “The motion is carried,” promptly an­ in the latter’s statement that the “weep­ nounced Chairman Beekman, and the ing spruce” is found only in one spot in silver issue was settled once and for all the world to-wit, in the Siskiyou moun­ in the convention. tains. Mr. Mackey’ has seen the tree Instantly there was a mighty shout more than once both in the Yaquina and that shook the old theater building from Coos bay regions. One of them, 100 feet pit to dome. The anti-silver men stood high, with long, slender, leal-covered up on chairs and hugged each other, limbs dropping to the ground, he says, waved their hats, handkerchiefs and is a beautiful sight, canes, and veiled to their tiearts' content. Fred Ritschards, a jeweler in Jacksonville Several silver men endeavored to get for the past 20 years, died Fndav morning. the recognition ef the chair, thinking, He was buried Saturday in the Jacksonville perhaps, they could, in some way, get cemetery, under the auspices of Chester A. the convention to reconsider its vote. In Arthur Post No. 47, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was a member. The the meantime, while the cheering was deceased enlisted in the infantry service being continued and the silver men were until the end of the war. He participated clamoring for 1 ecognition by the chair, in 16 different engagements, among which Mr. C. B. Moores, speaker of the last were the Wilderness. Antietam and Gettys­ house of representatives, mounted a burg. He was a native of Switzerland, chair, and shouted at the top of his I upright and honorable, and had many’ voice: warm friends. “Mr. Chairman, I move that this con­ -ELY’S CREAM BALM— Cleanses the Nasal Gold Hill Miner: William Haninierslev vention adjourn for the purpose of spend­ Passages, Allay h Pain and Inflammation, Heals and others have been operating the ledge ing the balance of the evening in speech­ the Sores, Restores Taste and Smell, and Cures above Water gulch, on Rogue river, three making and music.” miles from Gold ___ Hill. Their clean-up for ___________ __ TbiB motion meant that the silver men thirty days amounts toover $600. On Tues­ day. Mav 21. B. A. Knotts, J. II. Way and had been met on a square issue and J. H. Knotts discovered a ledge in Mr. defeated, and that, if the convention ad­ Knotts’ wheat field, near his home, From journed, they would have no further Gives Relief at once for Cold in Head. Apply intn the Xnetrilt.-------It is Quickly Abenried. this ledge, in a single day, they secured hope of giving vent to their pent-up 50c. Druggists or by maiL ELY BROS., 66 Warren b„, N. Y. fully $1,500—and the end is not yet. The feelings. golden treasure was found at the grass­ Chairman Beekman announced Mr. roots. One piece of the rotten quartz con­ tains at least $100, and is clearly one-half Moores motion to adjourn, and by the gold. These fortunate gentlemen are crush­ same vote that defeated the silver reso­ ing their product in hand mortars. Each lution the convention decided to adjourn. one can readily clean up $100 in a day. M ain S treet , O pposite P laza . The Depot Grocery A Woman Who Will Work. E. F. Loomis has bought the Depot gro ­ Wanted in every county to introduce the Celebrated “Hygeia” Waists for all ages. cery of A. C. Rice and is carrying a stock KA-IJSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, This waist supercedes the corset, and has of first class groceries and provisions which WALL PAPER. G-JLJLSS. ETC. received the unanimous approval of the are for sale at liying prioes from a clean leading physicians of America. $3.00 outfit and attractive place. Dont fail to call and B uilding P apers , W bapping ^P apebs and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. free. Any energetic woman can make from see Loomis in his new headquarters. $15 to $50 weekly. Send for circulars and terms. ‘ HYGEIA M F’G Co.., 378 Canal St., New York. Chr.mberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- With one eye on the clock, and the other on your plate, you cannot enjoy a mea 1 Rlieum, Solid Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped When traveling" east, you should take the Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Northern Pacific, the "only dining car line Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eve Lids. from Portland: meals 75 cents. You don’t For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. have to get up in the morning at six o'clock, TO HOBSE"bwNEBS. rush to breakfast and gulp it down in fif­ teen minutes, and then have to wait until 2 :o: For putting a horse in a fine healthy con­ or 3 o’clock for lunch or dinner. To avoid dition try Dr. Cady ’ s Condition Powders. this, take the Northern Pacific; the only dining car route, tbeonly line to the Yellow­ They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure stone Park and the only line running Pull­ loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct man Tourist Sleepers through to the east kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving THE without from 12 to 16 hours delay. For new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 ull information, time cards, maps, etc., cents per package. For sale by druggists. call on or address, Robert Leonard, Agent. For sale at E. A. Sherwin’s drug store. Ashland, Or. Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day ASHLAND SELDOM EQUALED,NEVEIÌ EXCELLED VIRGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s. SHLAND IN ñ HOUSE HANDS AND UND€R ■*^MftNftGeMENT. NSW New R. TOZER, PROP’R. FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF I I. C. MYER Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. H. S. EVANS, PAINTING, ASHLAND, OR. PAPERING. ETC. MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE Practical Business Training School of Oregon. For Thin Chil Children are always thin and pale when they do not assimilate enough fat. This seems strange, perhaps, but it is literally true. Unless there is a healthy as­ similation. of fat food the blood becomes depleted, tissues waste away, vitality becomes low and the body languishes for the need of proper nourishment. Scott ’ s Emolsion is useful to children, especially in two ways, ft is Cod­ liver Oil emulsionized, thus being easily a.: imilated and rendered palatable, with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda added to tone up the nervous system and nourish the bones. This combination of these potent nutrients is just what thin children need to give them flesh, color and vitality. zNlmost all children like it. Don t be persuaded to accept a substitute! Scott & Bowne» New York. All Druggists. 50c. and 31« Our New Building is now Completed. 1 E. RIGBY, Principal MEDFORD OREGON. GOLD HILL, k Jacksen Co., Oregon. REAL ESTATE AGENT, NOTAR YPUBLIC and COLLECTOR Or ACCOUNTS AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up for Sale or Kent. H Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. AS LISTED a number of email and large farms, frem 20 acre6 up, for Sale or Rent. ^OF*Ttiree houses and lota in the town of Gold Hill, all good busintts stands >1 >•<