Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1895)
A Call for a Meeting. Death of M. 1». McCall. The Ft. Klamath Creamery. Pokegama Items. If Y om G o Farther Y om Will Fare Worse. There will be a meeting of the County Martin Lawrence McCall, the well- The painters are putting the finishing S. B. Gardner, who with Fred Mel Central Committee of the People’s party known surveyor of Ashland, died at his bas? and Fred Looslev constitute the touches on William Kirwin’s new house. of Jackson countv at Central Point on home on east Main street Tuesday eve board of directors of the Ft. Klamath F. M. Judd of Medford has opened a Have put in a ASHLAND. O r ..T hursday . Mav 16. 189’ ning of cerebral meningetis. Mr. McCali creamery, a joint stock company, was in jewelry shop in Marsh & Smith’s new store. Saturday Mar 25th 1895 at 1 o’clock p. tn. /q'X T It is desired that there be a represen was taken down with la grippe three Ashland Saturday eu rout? home with 50 largest log ever cut by the Klamath tative from each club in the county. New Stock of weeks be'ore and had about recovered head of mi k cows from Coos bay, going R. The L. Co. ’ s mill scaled 2184 feet and was 63 Club» that have not elected their precinct PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. when attacked bv the new disease, to via the Djad Indian road, inches in diameter. committees will call a meeting, name a which he soon succumbed. He was 54 Their plant cost $1800 laid down at ❖-Î-Î--1-4- ELLS Everything FIRST-CLASS si Miss E. A. Putnam has opened a mil precinct committee and elect a chairman Story A Eggers, barl>ers. Ashland House years, 6 months and 15 days old, and Ager, and besides a 15-horse power boiler linery shop in the postoffice and has put in DRUGS and at Reusottable Rates. of the same,as the chairman of each com block," leaves a wife and 6even children the old and a 10-horse power engine, there is a a fine stock of new goods. + y; I + xA V- 4. mittee will be a member of the County And are prepared to furnish est being Jesse A McCall, city surveyor Sharpies sb-am separator, fwo 500 gallon Miss Lulu Fendai has gone to I’o- ............ Prof. Rigby of Medford gave a lecture at Cetftral Comniitte, according to plan of of Ashland. Ttie luneral takes place I cream vats and an 800-gallon receiving • goods at the Avoid Cheap John Drug-Stores. kegam ». Pokegama Saturday night on astronomy. state organization. from the residence this afternoon in vat. The total cost including buildings, He is trying to organize classes. R. Beswick, the capitalist, went to Yreka charge F rank W illiams of Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & etc., is $4000. They commence buying yesterday. G. L. Nutlev of Klamath Falls has pur Ch’mn P. P. Co. Central Committee. A. M. of w hich he was a respected mem the milk of 500 cows, while th? range of Sells Stationery Cheaper E. Reinhold’s shoe shop and will Ashland, Or., May 6, 1895. Mrs. Alice smith is at Grants Pass this ber. the section can easily supply 1500 cows. chased than the Cheapest Man in open a harness and shoe repair shop. week v s ting fri* n Is. fc^TGive us a call and Their milking season will run from 7 to 8 this or any other town. Buying Our Beef Up- Ftne Place to Rent. 8. H. Small has put about $1500 in a new Pi kn?y Pickens was in Ashland from months. When all in running order two The Saxeman property. 2^ acres we will treat you right. Senator Beckley of Douglas countv has men can run the creamery. This cream cottage in upper Pokegama, preparatory to Table Rock Saturday. choice fruit orchard. Good 7—room bought up eight ca> loads of cattle in Jose ery was to start up last week. They ex his faniiiy coming on or about July 1st. Mrs. P. Griswold returned yesterday phine county. MARSH & SMITH, Marsh & Smith have about 10.000,000 feet house, Apply to E. E. Deming on pect to dispose of their first lot of goods from a Grants Pass visit. J. C. Loneighan of Weiser, Idaho, is in in southern Oregon, particularly Rogue of logs on the skids waiting for the tram to adjoining place. For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go Jackson county and wants to buy 500 Pokegama, Cal. river valley, bringing their stock in by bank at the river. They are for the Klam to I. E. Debov. Gold Hill. The dog show at San Francisco last head of cattle, a trainload. He and Wm. team over the Ashland—Dead Indian ath R. L. Co. week was the best exhibition of canines Mrs. Wm. Myer and infant are visiting Ulrich were on Applegate a few days ago. road which is the nearest point to the H. 8. Prendergast left Thursday last for her family in Sams valley. They are making arrangements with J. railroad from Ft. Klamath, being20 miles San Francisco to receive medical treatment ever held in California. for injuries sustained by falling front the A dividend of 20 per cent is about to B. W. Houston was up from Willow W. Wiley, the stock-shipper of Phoenix, shorter than the Ager route. new church in Pokegama. He is in a criti lie paid to the depositors of the defunct to buy them. Springs precinct vesterdoy. cal condition. Electing a Rose Queen. Percy Davis of Crook county is receiving First National bank of San Bernardino. J. A. Colver, now of Central Point, left and branding cattle near Eagle Point. He G. E. Dean of Grants Pass arrived in The contest for this position is becoming yesterday for San Francisco. Frank Wells has been sentenced at has about 500 head of one and two year old interesting and promises to lie an excit Pokegama Sunday on his bicycle. He will Santa Cruz to two years in San Quentin Fox <t Good will deliver ice to your door steers which he will take to Crook county go down the Klamath riyer on a trip. It is ing event at the close. The opening bal every morning this summer. in a few days. reported he has an eye on going into busi for the burglary of a house near Wat yesterday started off with 30 votes for ness in this enterprising town. sonville. Pelton Bros, of Sams valley have started lot Yreka will celebrate the 4th with a fund Kate Hansen, 14 for Susie Martin, 13 for a band of 500 head of cattle for their Crook of $70o and the Red Bluff band. A man named W. S. Donnelson, alias The Klamath R. L. Co. shut down the Nellie Stanley, 10 for Emma Howard, 5 Residence Lots for sale in Hon Tod Cameron was up from Jackson county stock ranch. for Carrie Roper, 3 for Allie Farlow, mill last Thursday, on account of scarcity* W. K. Crow, has been arrested at Sac of logs. The mill has run steady for eight rament«) for a £2,000 postoffice burglary ville Monday on a business tnp. Pokegama, on reasonable Hallie Million, Maud Gallant and Fannie One World at a Time. months and after some necessary repairing J. G. McDonald returned to Tolo Sunday terms. Lots sold on the in Katie Kehrn Smith will deliver her Markle, and one apiece for Carrie Austin, is done will probably start up in about three at Colville, Kan. front a visit at Tolman’s springs. The California Homeopathic Medical lecture on “What Secularism has done Jessie Wagner and Lula Fendai. Other weeks. stallment plan. Rev. J. 8. Smith and family arrived from for Woman’’ at Ashland City Hall, candidates will be trotted out and the society is holding its nineteenth annual LSO 2,000 ACRES of Choice I Thursday, May 23,1895. at 8 o’clock p. m. ! real fight will come in at the close. One Any one who has ever had an attack of session at Del Monte. Fifty delegates Independence yesterday on a visit. StA Sugar and Yeliow Pine Land for inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice with voung lady has three meu who will pnt Taylor Payne, riding deputv sheriff was She is secretary of the Oregon Secular Mr. J. A. Stamm. 220 Boyle Heights. Los are in attendance. < sale on the Klamath river. Terms With the T I r- -i o up this way Tuesday on an official trip. Union, founder of the First Secular in $50 worth of votes to elect her. Votes Angeles, over his fortunate escape from a Finest Lincs of The Van Allen fruit cannery at made to suit ou application. Address are 5 cents apiece. Church of Portland and lecturer of the siege of that distressing ailment. Mr. Healdsburg, Cal., was totally destroyed , S K. Bradford, the assayer. came up CHAS. COLE, Stuium is foreman of Merriam’s confection by lire, entailing a loss of $6,000. There from the south on Sunday evening’s train. Silverton Secular Church. Everybody Celebration and Horse Races. Pokegama, Siskiyou Co., Cal. ’er Brought to Southern ery establishment. Some months ago. on is invited to come and hear what Secul W. I. Nichols, formerly of the Ashland arism is and what Secularists teach. It There will be a grand 4th of July cele leaving the heated work room to run across was no insurance, so far as known. acadernv. is practicing law at Santa Barbra, will do you good. You will be glad you bration and picnic dinner at the Central the street on an errand, lie was caught out Oregon, made to Our Or John T. Jones, whose examination for Cal. Lost, Srayed or tolen the rain. The result was that when bullion embezzlement at the Carson came, no matter what church you belong Point, fair grounds to be held under the in der for this season, Rev. F. G. Strange Jacksonville to, or whettier you belong to any. Katie auspices of the Central Point People’s ready to go home that night he was unable Tuesday and baptised Rev. R. Ennis’s little Kehn> Smith stands at the head among party club. There will be a program and to walk, owing to inflammatory rheuma mint is in progress, lias returned to WHITE 3-YEAR OLD HEIFER, tism. He was taken home, and on arrival Reno, Nev., from San Francisco. girl. marked upper crop left ear and split Branded and the leading lady thinkers anil orators of Representative John A. Jeffrey will de was placed in front of a good fire and in right. N K monogram on left hip or The insurance rate war is in full oper Mrs. D. E. llvde went to Roseburg Tues- j to-day, and no one should miss an oppor liver the principal speech. thoroughly rubbed with Chamberlain’s Bought at the ■ Xvry stifle. $2.50 for any information which re day to attend the W. C. T. U. state conven tunity to listen to her eloquence and i Aside from this on the same day there Pain Balm. During the evening and night ation at Healdsburg, Cal. The local sults in the finding of same. tion. logic. As a founder of the Oregon plan will he horse-racing in the afternoon un he was repeatedly bathed with this liniment, combine is no longer in existence, and W. N. KOUNS. For 25 Per Cent Less Coles, Cal. W. B. l’engra. the Lane county pioneer, of Secular Churches and Secular Sunday der the charge of local sports. A grand and by morning was relieved of all rheu local agents are meeting the cut rates. matic pains. He now takes especial pleasure is dead. He was a brother-in-law of Judge Schools, she has a national reputation. time is on the boards and further and Ten sacks of mail matter for the Brit Prim. fuller particulars will be given out later in praising Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and ish war vessels Royal Arthur and Wild ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Admission free to all. always keeps a bottle of it in the house. on. ________________ Mrs. B. S. Barclay of Talent is entertain For sale by E. A. S herwin . Swan are stored at the Monterey (Cal.) In the matter of the estate of Martha The Reunion in September. ing Mrs. Crarv and Mrs. Hogg of Ashland, No 4th of July in Ashland. postoffice awaiting the arrival of the Wells, deceased. this week District Commander Abe Axtell of Medford Items The proposed 4th ot July celebration cruisers. Notice is herebv given that the under Grants Pass, Senior Vice Commander this B. B. Griffiths of Henley was here Martin 1>. Childers, ex-sheriff of Klam in Ashland has fallen through with. The has been duly appointed by the The first car of green deciduous fruit signed 1 ath countv, and well-known in Jackson G. C. Noble ot Medford, Past Com mander old soldiers did not want to hold their week. Countv Court of Jackeon county, Oregon, county, where he was raised, died at Salem F. M. Stewart of Phoenix, District Ad reunion until September and the citizens A. 8. Hammond went to Klamath county to leave California for the season of 1895 sitting in prohate, administrator of the last week. jutant J. R. Casey and other old soldiers did not want to have a celebration to be Wednesday. was shipped from Vacaville on May 9 1 estate of Martha Wells, deceased. and sent to Chicago. It contained 1,750 The Yreka R. R. Co. shows a balance of met in Ashland Saturday and started , followed so soon after by the Chautauqua Grant Eggers, the Ashland barber, is pay All persons having claims against the $690.14 earnings over expenses for the year going the preliminary arrangments for and then the reunion, making too much ing his folks a visit. boxes of cherries. estate are required to present them to the the soldiers reunion in Ashland in Sep festivity so close together, and were con just ended. An attempt to reduce the salary of undersigned at Ashland,Oregon, properly Gen. T. G. Realties went o California tent with the Chautauqua and Re-Union. Tuesday on a short trip. District Attomev II. L. Ben«on went to tember. the grand secretary of the Ancient Or vertified as bv law required, within six Lakeview yesterday where circuit court Central Point Items. Wm. Ulrich was in Portland last week on der of Foresters was defeated at San months from date hereof. opens Monday. All persons interested in the success of the WM. F. SONGER. Jose. The salary was fixed at $2,100 Mrs Cooksey is visiting her son in Sams i Chautauqua Assembly and in keeping the business with two carloads of meat. T. F. Chapman, the Gold Hill mining valley. Administrator of the estate of Martha grounds in good condition, are invited to per annum. E. L. Bashford was over in Siskiyou man. went to Oakland, Cal., Monday to Wells, deceased. at the Chautauqua grove. Wednesday. county this week working up the beer busi visit his family. Health is good except the whooping cough I meet Changes have been made in the fac Dated May 13, 1895. May 22d, at 8 o ’ clock a. m., for the purpose ness. among the children. ulty of the University of the Pacific at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson were at of a ‘‘general clean-up.” Please bnng a Mrs. Geo. Hershberger, who is very sick rake, shovel or hoe. This is strictly a “free Miss Clara Hurst has gone to Ashland to San Jose. M. S. Cross, professor of Jacksonville Saturday visiting Sheriff Pat with Brights disease, is no better. terson and family. will offering” as the assembly has no funds take charge of the Hotel Oregon dining Greek and Latin, has been appointed ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. that purpose. Many of the Ashland room. Mr. Henderson of Washington gave two for J. B. Hutch has gone to Josephine county dean of the college. have signified their intention to serve Fred. T. Fradenburg, the enterprising In the matter of the estate of Giles and Mrs. P. H. Donoghue is now running lectures in this place lately on spiritualism. a ladies picnic dinner to the laborers. We hope landlord Miss Maude Moore, an estimable Wells, Sr., deceased. of Hotel Oregon, was in this He will lecture on socialism Saturday eve that the Arlington hotel. all will be interested in this matterand section Monday. young lady of Santa Clara, Cal., aged Notice is hereby given that the under turn out and help. Conductor Geo. Lvnde and wife left Tues ning at citv hall. 1 has been duly appointed by the W. M. Holmes has bought a block of town Jacksonville is figuring on a city water 20 years, has eloped with Jose Ramon signed day for Oakland. Cal to attend the funeral works system and the trustees have engi Arguello, a dissipated man of middle county court of Jackson couutv, Oregon, The Well Known and of Mr. Lynde’s mother. lots in western part of Central Point and Mr. Hibbard Found Dead 1 neer W. E. Coul figuring on the costs and age who was divorced from his wife sitting erect a residence thereon immediately in probate, administrator of the 1 Jacksonville, May 13.— Mr. Hibbard, Dr. F. H. Gwvnne, Synodical Missionary will Always Popular will preach in the Presbyterian church next l>esides making other improvements. 75 years of age, who came here from plans. nine years ago. Arguello has a daugh estate of Giles Wells, Sr., deceased. All persons having claims against the Hotel of Ashland Rev. 8. B. Chastain has handed in his Portland five or six years ago, for his Sabbath morning and evening. Geo. Parker and Fred McCulloch were ter at Los Angeles who is as old as the as pastor of the Baptist church health, and has been residing on Little seeing the Ashland bloods Sunday and estate are required to present them, duly Ira Wakefield paid the R ecord office a resignation this place, and will make an extended Applegate, 19 miles from Jacksonville, escorted Sibley and Warner down from the girl with whom he eloped. verified as by law required, to the under plea«ant visit Tuesday. He is convalescing of visit soon to his birth-place in Tennesse and Granite city. signed at Ashland, Oregon, within six front a siege with kidney troubles. left the house of J. F Garrison yesterday, The Presbyterian general assembly 1 the south. months after date hereof. Jacob Neathamer reports that he lost where he has been living for the past will convene at Pittsburg this week. E. J. Farlow went to Bailey Hill yester The town trustees of Central Point have Wm. F. SONGER. three years, on an errand, and failed to $7200 instead of $5600. as reported, by some day to meet Mrs. Farlow and son who ar granted Simon Jacobs, city treasurer of Butte, a franchise for electric lights and a return. Search was instituted for him one who discovered the biding place of his Administrator of the estate of Giles rived on the.evening train front Red Bluff". water system for 25 years to W. E. Coul, money. Mr. Neathamer has a clue to the Mont., committed suicide recently. He Wells, Sr. iS. & O' Curt Purkevpile and family, of Lane provided he does $2000 worth ot work there to-day, and he was found dead only a thief. He is having considerable trouble Was short in his accounts. Dated May 13, 1896. short distance from the house. He had county, are visiting the old home at Central on in the next 18 months. and is advertising his wife, having left his The commission appointed some time Point. Curt is the railroad agent at Spring The People's party last club meeting elect apparently fallen over and died without bed and board, be will no longer be respon The subsidy of $500,000 to be given by field. ago by President Cleveland to examine the people of Seattle to the Seattle and ed the following officers: President, L. C. a struggle. The remains had not been sible for her debts. molested in any way, and no inquest is the plans and route of the Nicaragua Lake Washington Waterway company, Capt W. F. Songer was at the countv Rodenberger; vice president, A. M. Ford; Populist Club Meeting. seat last week on business concerning the secretary, A. S. Jacobs; treasurer, H. H. thought to be necessary. He is supposed canal has left Mobile, Ala., for Grey which is to fill in the tide flats and ex There will be a special meeting of the town. e’tate’s of Giles Wells, Sr., and Martha Clark; marshal, W. A. Mann. The club to have died from heart disease. The de is in flourishing condition. Rates Wells. $1.00 and ceased had many friends in East Port Ashland People’s party club at the old cavate a ship canal from Lake Wash Substantial Brick Building. C. W. Ward has been convicted at ington to Puget Sound, has been com Centrally Located. $1.50 Per Day. Jerry Kinney and Geo. Hershberger were land, who will be pained to hear of his club room at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, May Arthur Johnson, the butcher, is in San Stockton of bribery and sentenced to 10 pleted and work will begin according Francisco this week. He will move his arrested Sunday on a warrant from Grants sudden death. Inquiries concerning 21st, to elect a county committeeman. All populists are respectfully invited to years' imprisonment. Ward was super to contract on May 23. family to Los Angeles to reside in a few Pass charging them with larceny. They him, directed to Philip Gleave, Jackson have returned from the Pass, the prelimi ville, will receive attention. weeks. attend. intendent of the county hospital and nary examination having been continued The Umatilla Indian Chiefs Peo and E. E. D eming , Secretary secured the adoption of plans for the Young Chief have returned to Pendle Mis» F.ffie Terrill, one of Jackson county’s to get witnesses. There is probably some Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tenn, 'ONLY WHITE HELI* EMPLOYED. enterprising teaebers, left yesterday for other motive back of the accusation, and ays,‘‘Shiloh’s Vitalizer saved mv life. I new hospital by bribery. Circuit Court. ton, Or., from Washington, where they Klamath county to teach the Tule lake the case is not expected to stick. consider it the best remedy for a debilitated Andy Patton, a plumber at Tacoma, Gotcher vs. R. Benedict; to fore school. • system I ever used.” For Dyspepsia, , close lien. Demurrer sustained and plain while working in the cellar to a drug interviewed Secretary Hoke Smith and Sibley and Warner. Indian Commissioner Brown. Accord Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 1 tiff given 30 days to file amended com Mrs. B. J. Baker and three children were store probably drank an arsenic solu ing to the report of the chiefs, the sec in Ashland Monday. Mrs. R. is the wife of plaint. Ex-Congressman Joseph C. Sibley and 75 cents. Sold by E. A. Sherwin. one of the late publishers of the Lakeview Gen. A. J. Warner, ttie distinguished I Wm. Ulrich vs. N. A. Jacobs and J. L tion, thinking it was whisky. He was retary promised to pay them the $200,- Mining News. Rustler. Wooldridge; injunction. Motion for same found unconscious near the drug store. 000 due from the sale of lands in cash, free coinage men, were on Bunday’s [ Mrs. W. J. Plvmale. John Boyer. K. north train. M. F. Eggleston, president | r. C. Howard, a Colorado miner, is pros overruled- Martin Thrush was murdered at Ash instead of building houses for them. Sterling Mining Co. vs. Philip Gleave and Kubli and wifeand W. I. Vawterare attend of ttie Ashland Bi-Metallie league, went j pecting the Willow springs and adjoining Fickle appetite, tired feeling, stomach Ellen Hards; equity.Temporary injunction land, Wis., and the murderer served An Indian, while Ashing off the coast ing the Odd Fellows convention in Salem over the mountain to meet them. Sibley ; districts. on the coroner ’ s jury at the inquest. Cas dissolved. this week. of Mendocino county, near Fort Bragg, sickness and weakness can be is smooth in manner and wears a good : Sam. Carlisle and Ed. Brooks of Talent F. V. Medynski vs. P. B. Theiss and G. W. E. Jacobs, accompanied bv »'red Bur natured smile during conversation. He are prospecting for a quartz ledge in the W. Bashford. Defendant given time to file Emmet and Thrush's widow have been found a pearl that is likely to prove arrested. It was first supposed Thrush very valuable, It is a large “pink promptly remedied by using ns», left this week via the Wa’do road and speaks in an easy drawl and out of one , Sampson creek section. amended answer. Crescent city for a trip through Humboldt corner of his mouth. There is lots of j Jack Garvin and son and Frank Robinson Pelton & Neil vs. Chas. H. Hosley et al.; committed suicide, pearl,” perfectly oval in shape and county. Cal. to foreclose mortgage. Judgment tor$1460.- Jabez Balfour, ex-member of parlia weighs a little over 10 carats. This is magnetism about the man and he makes ' left Talent today with four pack horses 67 and decree granted. Jacob Kahn was here last week buying warin personal friends. Gen. Warner loaded with grub, for Big Applegate on a ment, who swindled the poor of Eng no doubt the largest pearl ever found on hides. He came in from Ft. Klamath. J. looks 7 feet tall, is of a very large, raw- prospecting tour for big gold. land out of millions of dollars in con the Pacific Coast. It is now in posses James J, Corbet gave soipe pretty good C. Friendly was also in Jackson county on boned frame. He is of a very active and J. N. Williams, the expert representing advice to the boys of the Olympia Club, nection with the Liberator Building so sion of John Smith, a prominent citizen hide business. energetic temperament and of serious dis Capt Jas Carroll of Alaska and San Fran when he wqs in Bart Francisco la»t. He Al»e Axtell, district commander of the position. Tney both did lots of talking cisco has experted the Cameron & Ennis told them that the best way to get strong ciety, has been extradited from Argen of Fort Bragg, who prizes it highly. Old Soldiers and Sailors Reunion, was in and handshaking with the large crowd mines at Waldo. Josephine county, and was to avoid all exoesses In youth, so that tine and is now in prison in London, Mrs. Sarsman, the wife of a Douglas bonded them for 30 days. If sold they will they should arrive at manhood lusty and awaiting trial. A-hlsnd Saturday and made the R ecord county (Ney.l farmer, was murdered re at the depot and the train bell rang just bring $30,000. office a pleasant cal). healthy. Manv men who have been guilty It strengthens and builds up the enfeebled system, creates The supreme court of Louisiana has cently and the house set on fire in the as Warner had worked into almost a big of excesses and over-indulgencies, and have A. E. Buttner, auditor of the O. & C. People with hair that is continually fall speech on the measuring value of money. reversed the decision of a New Orleans absence of her husband. The latter re used the Celebrated Medicine “CUPI- a good appetite and promotes digestion, clears the complexion and ing out, or those that are bald, caft stop the Senator Cwllum of Illinois was on the Mining Co. left Monday for Portland, ■DENE” lived to give testimony of its won judge which was favorable to prize turned to his home, which is six miles falling, and get a good growth of hair by Salt Lake and Denver, having been derful stimulating and curative powers. fighting. The supreme oourt deoides north of Genoa, and found the dwelling same train in a private car. He wasn’t restores the body to perfect health. using Hall's Hair Renew er. so fresh. In fact he kept shy of meeting called to the latter city to interview some •‘CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis that the recent boxing exhibitions in on fire. He extinguished the fiames and Major Quincy A. Brooks formerly of this anyone that might mention the silver mining men who are figuring on the pur sue of the body. In fact, it stops all losses. Sold by all Druggists at $1.00 per bottle. county is an enthusiastic free silver advo chase of the O. & C. mine. “CUPIDENE" is a powerful, harmless, $ew Orleans were grize fights and such discovered the body of his wife under a cate and is organizing Bi-M»ta!ic leagues at question. He is one of those interna vegetable Compound. It is as sure to are prohibited by law. bed. She had been killed with a hatchet. ! THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. tional straddlebugs whose position once The sale of the Kubli mine on Galls strengthen the generative organs as it is to Port Townsend and on the Sound. It is suspected to have been the work of The citizens of Kansas City, Mo., are defined cannot stand anv interrogations. creek to a San Francisco syndicate was rebuild and regenerate yoq. Trial package Karl’s Clover Root, the great Blood puri fier gives freshness and clearness to the Gen. Applegate, Judge Howell and Robt. not consumated laft week as reported. $1.00; 6 packages $5.00. For sale by E. A. amused at the polngs of the new board a tramp. No robbery was committed, of police commissioners of that place. so far as known. Complexion and cures Constipation. 25 cts., Taylor, however, succeeded in catching Other members from San Francisco are SUEBWIJi.________________ the old foxey straddler back of the train expected up from the city this week, 51) cts. and $1. Sold bv E. A. Sherwin. The board was appointed by Governor Charles McCallum, who lives in th» Ileal Estate. held him up against the car. The when it is expected the deal will be Marv Jane Sutton to Mary E. Walswortb Stone against the opposition of the Bachelor valley, Mendocino county, has Dr. Hatch, a prominent San Francisco and —lot No. 1, blk 28, Ashland; $500. physician and an old friend of Harry .Ten General and Judge started in on him, made. newspapers. So far the board has ap brought news to Ukiah of the serious Susie Allen to Sara R Fox—U acre in pointed as police officers a museum wounding of Eddie Briggs, an 8-year- ders. the mining man of Wagner creek, ar while Robert acted as bottle holder in Wm. Patterson came over from Patter rived Tuesday to take a look at the mines. case of a fainting spell. Senator Collum son Bros. & Payne’s placers on Beaver Ashland; $1. Albion C Squires to Jacob A Lyon—20 freak, an ex-candidate for congress and old boy who lives with his parents on Judge AV. H. Reid, the Tacoma citizen remained on the fence during the whole creek, with a lot of gold dust. They acres an Irishman with a cork leg. tbe south fork of Eel river, near the in tp 37 s, r 1 w. conversation and only partially commit who is heavily interested with C. O. White have been working about a month and Colusa county line. His injuries were in the Tolo mining Co, returned home Mon ted himself on the state of the weather. The Florida senate has passed the bill realized $1000 in coarse gold and nuggets caused by an attack of an immense bald day after being at the mine several weeks. prohibiting prizefighting and glove con DORN, without a clemup and with a run before Three Wants, eagle and resulted in the boy's loss of tests in that state, giving sheriffs power Julius Fitten, the well-known jockey, was them tuat will last till December. They ‘•Reason’s whole pleasure, all the the left eye and serious injury to the struck by an unruly race horse and thrown to arrest offenders without warrants, COMPTON. — Near Brownsborough, May are opustingon a back channel struck joys of sense, violentlj* to the ground, at the Yreka track right. 8, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Compton, making all participants alike liable, the last fall, and will make a barrel of money Live in three words, health, peace, Friday, rendering him unconscious for a twins, a boy and a girl, weight six and a offense being deemed a felony punish this reason. and competence.” The New York Times recently stated time. half and five and a half pounds, respect So says the poet. Competence counts for And we have just received this week Five Cases able by a fine of $2,500 to $5,000 and im that there was a deal with Governor ively. Songer & Dame have completed the Matt. Fairchild, son of Hon. John A. little when one is sick, and peace Is disturb prisonment of not more than five years, McGraw of Washington whereby, in Fairchild, who was killed last winter in ed when health is upset, so that the poet fixing up of 'beir machinery and appa of Magnificent Lines of Nevada county by a land slide, was reburied rightly places health first To have good ratus for working the McConnell & HOTELOREGON or both fine and imprisonment, at the consideration of the $1,000,600 capitul ct Yreka Tuesday, the funeral being largely health you must have pure blood. From Quinne river claims in the Klamath, discretion of the court. building contract going to friends of F. T. Fradenburgb, Prop. attended. the blood the system receives all its material near mouth of Humbug creek, and are his, he made the Security and Trust At 3 of the trustees of Co T hursday — growth and repair. The best blood pun now crowding operations day and night C A Hermann, •• Shiloh s Cure is sold on a guarantee. It of company’s bank of New York the fiscal lumbia college recently President Seth tier is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov Joe M Lewis. 8 F W N Luckey, City cures Incipient Consumption. It is the which is world-famed and sold every without any intermission, by employing C W Stratton, Port G W Smith." ■ “ how formally offered to assume person agent of the state of Washington Mc best Cough cure. Only one cent a dose. ery, where. is a sovereign remedy for all a large number of bands for day and R M Donahue, “ « ws r» ally the cost of erecting the new library Graw denies there was a deal and says 25 cents.. 50 cts. and $1. Sold by E. A. diseases It due to impoverished or impure night shifts. The engine used for the R Pjestoti, Ore City S herwin . building, the estimated cost of which is he favored the Security and Trust bank blood, as consumption, bronchitis, weak derricks and pumps, is of 25-horse power, W N Lucke;/, City W 8 Wade, “ $1,000,000. President Low said he de because it has invested in Washington ung<. scrofula, o d sores, skin diseases; and Edwin Scott, business manager of the and lifts a steady stream of GO inches for G W Smith. W F Bangasser, S F Portland Daily Sun. was on Monday’s train kindred ailments. sired the building to be a memorial to warrants. the sluices, in addition |o working the A D Kenyon, Duns H Pinkston. Sisson T H Benton. S F for San Francisco on a 10 days business Phil Kelly, Palouse his father, the late Apsel Abbott Low, The ttrand Court of Foresters at San Delicate diseases of either sex, however sipage pump for keeping the claim dry Jas Quirk, Berkley A Dequits, 8 F trip. Mrs. Scott went to San Francisco on and also operating the electric light plant whom President Low described as “a Jose decided to allow no court to initi induced, promptly, thoroughly and per- FL Southwick. Mayfi M onday — the steamer. maneiitly cured Send 10 cents in stamps 1 illuminating the claim at night......... G Bunch, City merchant who taught his son the. value ate a member for a less fee than the H L McClane, Mustering Officer Manon Stewart of for large illustrated treatise, sent securely Austin & Co., of the Greenhorn blue R Ballard, 8 F Braden mine of the things for which Columbia col minimum fee allowed by the grand su Phoenix, assisted bv members of Burnside -ealed in plain envelope. Address, World’s gravel mine near Yreka, find the pay J A H W Bellinger. II G Brockman, 8 F lege stands.” TrusLee William ftcher- preme court. No member will be al-1 and Chester A. Arthur Posts, will institute Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main improving and the gold coarser as the G W Bashford, Med Port F A Kinney, Port a new G. A. R. Post at Central Point on Street, Buffalo, N. Y. merhom announced that lie would be lowed a benefit for more than 26 con “ Jay Gould, “ tunneling extends westward, or up the C W Haines, Saturday of this week. McKnight “ . rjaponofble for the erection of a natural secutive weeks. It was decided that no G W Smith, City creek. The average yield is about $1,000 County Commissioners Court. King, (of the) Candy W N Luckey, “ Dr. J. Guv Lewis, a well-known mining court shall allow a funeral beuefit, if al-, science building to cost $300,000. a week, but the prospects, with the good Prices from $4.00 to $18.00 per suit, and Pull Isles. man. died at his home at Sparta, Or., last May term. | R Foley,'8 F lowed at all, for less than $5,0 UOK more supply of water at present, give assur S B Gardner, Bandn John : The University of California athletic night, after a brief illness, of erysipelas. It was ordered that Rhoda Miller and ance of still better pay.—Yreka Journal. ET Piercej 8 F ' O Wood Kerry, S F team which went East to compete with than $75. A resolution, was adopted, to w Al ^ie.y are ^ie mosfc beautiful patterns Dr. Lewis was supeintendent of Oregon’s Mr*. R. 8. Morgan be allowed assistance to H O I’arrott, R B C J Büvlö. ’ “ exhibit at the World’s Fair. the end that there, shall be no religion? Joe Leoy, S F other colleges in field contests defeated A? V “ we have ever been able to otter to the trade the amount of $5 and $6 a month respect Butte Creek News. J H Pinkston, RB F Aplin, Redding ceremony of any kind when an offi«»<r j8 Princeton by a score of G1 to 50. Prince Capt. A. D. Helman left Sunday for the ively. F riday — C C Gamble, “ -00'$-^ during our long experience in the cloth- Mrs. A. J. Florey is quite sick. Dr. Stan G J Hume, N Y Application of M. N. Long for rebate on Odd Fellows state convention in session at ton lia«l a good advantage in that there installed or constituted. T uesday — field is in attendance. Salem this week. Miss Minnie Rockfellow taxes paid by II. L. Sayles was denied. ing business in Ashland. The two men who roblx j the Clear O C Riches. Port W C Bevington, Duns 1 were 25 men in tlieij toaui against 11 of Petition of M. A. Houston and others for accompanied hint to »¡»end some time visit Mrs, Rolson of Jacksonville has been visit W N Luckey, “ A J Paul, Port Lake stage near Napa, Ca l., last week i the Califpym^nti. Tue. Princeton beys ing Portland, Salem and The Dalles for her a road in Table Rock precinct, as also that ing Eagle Point friends. L J Myers, 8 F E G Sprawl, Tacoma 1 treated the University of California were run down bv 'u posse. The officers of E. N. Williams for a road in Gold Hill health. Mrs. Minnie Dcuvaul has returned from N M Singleton, Port J M Shelby, Port precinct, were denied. I athletes ip royal fashion, Th6 visitors iq Sse were Under Sheriff Brown J H Boyd. 8 F R M Uouabue.’V Sheriff A. A. Fitch and Marshal Tiffany John llavs was allowed $10 for transpor Medford to remain awhile. F A Kelton, “ were cheered first U^t iw Ova Thr*- W. N Luckey', City lee District Attorney Boll, J. N. True came up fr m Salem Sundav and left in the tation of bis child front deaf mute school. Mrs. G. W. Apger is in a very critical E O Pgrrott. R B rt W.Sitntb, “ afternoon by t am for K'amath Falls. The resnjt - *J’ and J. Williams of Napa. When the In the matter of the road in Jackson creek Our fine tailor made clay worsteds A 8 Ward, Nàpa' Sóuthwí L £ S 1 F F L Southwick, They saw Ex-Treasurer W. E. llowe in the district petitioned for by T. J. Kenney and condition with cancer of the stomach. officers cams upon the bandits a lively to tliH ** a surprise A J MtìPbee.Bt Papi EC Murray, ’ “ penitentiary and report him as fat a* a others. R. 8. Dunlap. Jas. Elliott and G. Mr. Laggart, who has been living on at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00 will more SÀTCRDAY— A p Xenyqii, Hu . ms is the first sea battle took place and both highwaymen bear aud apparently enjoying life. The M. Love appointed viewers and R. W. Ken Rogne river, near Flounce rock, has moved i m - mi a't-v'-" L L Gilbert. City to Talent; ■ . officialsand prisoners like Howe first-rate. nedy surveyor. ■ ..ornia team has competed in were shot, one fatally. The bandits are than please you when you take a look at Harry Rees, Warreu The road in Jacksonville precinct prayed me intercollegiate games. Next Satur •‘Buck” English and Breckinridge, Iwth them. They fit fully as well as any suit ljo you know, if you want to go East and tr ~ -j Mrs. A. M. Thopias, who has taken up a W M M p I r Ä —vAY desire a Pullman Touri-t Sleeper, that you for ■ by D. B. Soliss and othere was es homestead in Klamath countv, is visiting fid Suiomon day the Berkeley boys will meet the notorious criminals v.’lio have served you can get made at a great deal higher , . rteid, 8 F Eagle I’oiqt. n ’’ " will be detained from 12 to 16 hours unless tablished. University of Pennsylvania athletes. terms in tbe Oregon and California M. Perry,road supervisor, was ordered to J 8 Danner, 8 F you take the Northern Pacific? Remember price and are just as well cut, all the very J. 14. Layman is over fr eui jv»- ,. oniith, City Walter Jackson. Port Another victory for the Californians is penitentiaries.___ _ ______ that the Northern Pacific is the only line open road between lands of John 8isemcre a visit to i}ia PhUd-tm. “ C A Piper, Port OU Riches, looked for. , running Palman Tourist Sleepers through and Pelton Bros., lead ng toward Gold Hill. prosperous in hi-• ■cegama on 1 atest.-<^^wn^ Did You Ever reporU times A P Bradbury. “ .... 8, Patterson, ta^-u lleator, made his re W N _____ Luckey, city to the ea«t without delay. Time and money E H Knapp, Cinci’nt G W Smith," “A friend in need is a friend in deed.” Trv Electric Bitters as a remedy for your section. saved by ths route. For full information, port of co lections of 'axes forlsfM, showing W A Hemphill. 8 F .’ ” Pinkston, ‘ R B If not. get a I k »tle now and get time cards.maps, etc., call on or address, $79,548 01 as collected and p » m — .u. simón, t Linkswiler, L. L. Jas Mvers, Gridley J M 11 Posner, A friend advised me to use Ely s Cream troubles? T. . ‘ , L. -. JJnkswiler $22,472.50asstii'- vver and 8 F relief This medicine has been found to be Robert Leotard, Agent, Ashland, Or. ... . ecled. Our reason for being able to offer clothing at the prices Balm and after using it six weeks I believe ■?>ailey were in Jack- A F Zipf, 8 F A Harris, “ peculiarlv adapted to the relief and cure of A. J. Wais, an old time character and Masterson wfr/’»15" -W‘ >1Jean and J* w sonville last Wednesday. myself cured of catarrh. It is a most valu all Female Complaints, exerting a wonder T R Wilson.” CJ Boyle, “ pioneer, wa: arrested for insanity on coni- W. Kennedy able remedy.—Joseph Stewart, 624 Grand iul direct influence in giving strength and we do, is simply the fact that we do not sell one dollar’s viewers R Charley W lkenson. who lives on the Plv- Jas Hendricks, N Y Jas I»h, Berkely p'aint of tberoad sttperviser of Evans creek petitioned 10c by J Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. H J Charles,Hankstn F A Kelton. 8 F pirHhe prnPose', r°ad hl,rhoplLC?’ r®tu™ed ffroin to the organs. !f vou have Loss of worth on time, and you only have to pay for what* you buy 1‘ut‘e, where and broughtto Jacksonville, where be was r Mv son was afflicted with catarrh. I in tone oy j. g . Lirdsey and others. S unday — [Sam Isralskv, “ Appetite,Uoii’tipation, Headache. Fainting he has been looking after his stock interest. given an examination by Judge Neil Mon duced him to try El/’s Cream Balm aud Spells, or are Nervous Sleepless. Excitable, yourself, and not the bad debts contraeteti by other parties. 1 M J Davis, Port E Hobart, Mrs. J E. Stickle who has been troubled I A W Gnsey, Salem Ed Coyie, day and was pronounced sane and not a the disagreeable catarrhal smell all left him. Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, T''p"nrY'^raT7*rh.r. fit subject fo the asylum. Walls is pro uJ^1\anSC!iS'i on.°.“e ot her e.'’es. had it ; F D McCullough, Slle ! Soda Springs He appears as well as any one.—J • C. Olm Electric Bitters is the tnodicino you need. YOUTIRS TZEÒTTLY, er to?'tw nty yearf y i7d d “ ’ ® l>een i a teach " nounced no cazier than he ever was by al! well.ed a Urd lv" Slie ia Seeing along very Geo 8 Parker, Medfd stead, Arcola, Ill. Health and Strength are guaranteed bv its ,hal ‘¡'ne Price of Cream Balm is fiitv cents. who saw h inlt Jacksonville. He has been have ha /neated . I ! Wm Connor, Port use. Large bottle» only fifty cents at E. A. having a siegaof la gr ppe. Now I ni entirely f-om ?1Ieadncflle- Dav:a and Mike Mayfield, of the Vaupel, Norris <fc Drake have received an S herwin ’ s Drug Store. The R ecord does all kinds of job printing, Goto J. P.O, ' Ue at^h ’lfrVa,tIherin»a«d branding cat-1 having the best type and machinery of any exceptionally fine line of spring and sum Howell s $9 boots or shoes are guaranteed tie at th D. P. Mathews place. Thev will! office in southern Oregon. The very best mer clothing and gents furnishing goods J inw W hundred bead that" they | of city work at the lowest prices. All or- for thjs season's trade and the general turn- to give satisfaction and last a year. Oppo 1 site X. 0. 0. F, block. bl» down of prices for goods. dwt by mall attended to promptly. I VALLEY RECORD. MARSH & SMITH SHERW/N^^ S Lowest Market Price <fe=-Sherwin TRY SHERWIN. POKEGAMA VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE ARE IN THE RING 150 Choice A tliiiu Jobber’s Prices. STRAWS, FELTS AND WOOLS. Call and Examine Our Knock Down Prices. HOUSE SHLAND IN NSW HANDS AND UNDSR 'N-MANAGeMENT. New ~>.J. R. TOZER, PROP’R Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial Blood Purifier. SPRING SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. A-&- <> 0 ■0000 0 0 0 0 0* 0.' I 0. H. BLOUNT. GASH