Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1895)
Brat. ■■wr."?. RECORD. VALLEY VALLEY RECORD. EVERY DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads, State ments. Envelopes,&c. FOR THE BLOOD VOL. VII A Siskiyou Story by an Albany Man. Mr. A.D. Barker returned this morning from a visit with his wife and daughter at Ashland, and son Jesse at Hornbrook. In making the trip to the latter place he crossed the Siskiyous. In his inimitable style Mr. Barker tells of a thrilling experi ence, a very close call to a terrible acci dent, one that would have been aa serious as that of a snake swallowing itself tail first. The train was a very long freight, drawn by three engines,—Mr. Barker can tell you how long. In doing the horse shoe the engine came within an ace of running into the caboose and knocking the whole train down a high precipice. Mr. Barker escaped alive.— Albany Democrat. ASHLAND, JACKSON PRESSED BRICKS. COUNTY, OREGON, Those Swamp Lands. Salem, May 4.—The last application for repayment of the 20 per cent alledged to have been advanced on certificates of 1 sale of swamp land bv the state is for 1 83,282 acres, or $16.656. This claim is presented by C. N. Felton, assignee of H. C. 1 Owens. Since 1890 the state has been 1 asked to take back and refund the pay ment of 20 per cent on 278,893 acres, 1 amounting to $55,778. These claims for repayment of money on swamp lands is ' the result of the actions of the board of land commissioners daring Governor ’ Grover ’s administration. At that time 1 there was severe criticism of the board 1 for issuing certificates of sale to large I areas of vaguely described swamp lands 1 before they were listed as such by the interior department. The Government 1 1 agents were also accnsed of conniving with land speculators in securing large ' I tracts of the public domain under the 1 swamp land act. The legislative assem bly of 1887 appointed a joint investigating committee to inquire into the manage 1 I ment and sale of swamp lands. That committee reported that the business of 1 I the board was loosely kept and censured the board for issuing certificates of sale I to larze bodies of swamp land imperfectly described and not listed to the state by 1 1 the United States government. The re port intimates that of the 484,778 acres I 1 certified to H. C. Owens, the greater part is i not swamp land. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1895, Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report RECORD. ASHLAND, OREGON. A, FIND PRINTING OF VALLEY Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. » NO. 51. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year...............................................$2 50 Six months ......................................... j 50 Three months...................................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. Çhanded JAands ! Story & Eggers, barbers, Ashland House block. P. 8. Combs, the Eldrianna boomer, is in Chicago. Max Muller has been appointed receiver of the Medford distillery. Sam Clarey, the Hornbrook miner, was over the first of the week. Miss Etta Medynski of Medford is teach ing the Applegate school. The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now B. F. Taber built a new residence for Ed. Scheffelin on Foots creek. Under the Management of County Clerk N, A. Jacobs was shaking hands in Ashland Friday. I i Josephine Co. Circuit Court. EDITORIAL NOTES. James Linebaugh arrived from Eugene Josephine county vs Volney Colvig; ser Saturday to visit his brother. ust now everybody is thinking about Governor Turney, of Tennessee, has vice not complete. Motion to amend com taking something for the blood. Joy’s for the Jaded. plaint overruled. pardoned the Seventh Day Adventists Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. A Spring medicine as we speak of Navigating Rogue River. Lucy A Telford vs O A C R R. Decree ZPIELOZPILTETOIR,. it. And it’s a good thing to do, but you J. H. Whiteman, the abstractor, is visit- convicted and imprisoned in the Rhea for defendant. About six weeks ago a party of five ing relatives at Billings, Mon. want to get the proper medicine. If you Q&CRRvs G W Palethorpe. Contin county jail for working on Sunday. prospectors, Messrs Paine, Milner, War consult your physician he will tell you to Miss Cora Bedford has returned to Wood- ued for term. \1/HO HAS improved the House and is pre- ren and two others, started down Rogue Ville from a visit in California. A B Titus vs School dist No 3, Josephine river in a boat from Grants Pass on a There will be no Washington state fair pared to Entertain the Traveling Public county. Judgment for plaintiff for $225 The W. C. T. U. state convention meets in prospecting trip, with Gold Beach as Roseburg mnlrn - GOOD LIVED and costs. May 15,16 and 17th. this year. What ’ s the matter with Or in First Class Style. their objective point. News recently re laKua piEDiciNE Estate of M Josephson vs Jas Calvert. Steve Cornut and Ed. Wilson of Central egon abating the Salem nuisance and ceived from the party does not indicate Point Default and judgment asked for. have located at Pokegama. that they had a very pleasant trip. They ----------- -o:------------ Fanny Rice vs Dwight Rice; divorce. giving the tin-horn fraternity a rest. and that, because the liver has every Samuel Williams, the Josephine county Divorce granted. report the river very rough, and several miner, thing to do with the blood. If the liver has gone to South Africa. J H Ahlf vs C Stillenger. Judgment for narrow escapes were encountered on A California factory has just turned out is sluggish the system is clogged, the Mrs. Wm. Higenbotham died last week plaintiff. their way down. They were finally com blood becomes impure, and the whole of neuralgia of the heart, at Big Butte. Slate vs Jas McGuire; criminal trespass, a twelve-plow gang. It will be pulled by pelled to abandon the boat 70 miles from body suffers. Every medicine recom Tried, guilty; fined $50—paid. See the tine assortment of ribbons that a thirty-horse power traction engine and ------- :o:------- Grants Pass, and made th? remainder of State vs Jas Knapp; assault and battery. mended for the blood is supposed to have just arrived at M.ver A Gregory’s. the trip on foot over the hills. The dis will turn over the ground for a width of Dimissed. work on the liver. Then get at once the Ira Wakefield, the sage of Eden precinct, O^^Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour tance is generally considered 100 miles State vs W U llrown; larceny of dwelling. ten feet at one time. “K ing of L iver medicines ,” to the sea by river, but this party thinks has been undergoing a severe sick spell. He eseaped. Indictment found. ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. G. F. Billings attended the state Sunday W P Belding vs Ilammersley Mining Co. it is fully 130 miles. The river is rough school convention at Portland this week. Joseph Aurora : Gov. Lord has started Both pleadings overruled. and dangerous and that it can ever be The Depot Grocery L. J. Knapp, a Stevensville, Montana, at Nannie Barr vs Briggs Valley Mining Co. his pardoning machine already. He ----------- :o:----------- made navigable for any size or condition E. F. Loomis has bought the Depot gro Decree for plaintiff. torney is in the valley looking for a loca of craft they think is simply nonsense. takes all the unconstitutional salary he cery of A. C. Rice and is carrying a stock tion. J A Jennings vs Hattie Howel). Contin pecial Sun<d.ay Uinners class groceries and provisions which ued for term. can get, and in these respects acts just Cliff Payne left again Sunday for Patter- of ' are first When Others Fail for sale at hying prices from a clean State of Oregon vs R C Turner; indict like l’ennoyer. But he is a republican son Bros. & Payne ’ s placer miñe on Beaver ' It does its work well, and tones up the Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up the shattered Fresh Eastern oysters, Turkey and Cranberry and attractive place. Dont fail to call and ment for criminal trespass on mining claim. whole system. It is“ Better than Pills,” system by giving vigorous action to the di creek. see Loomis in his new headquarters. and that makes a vast difference. Verdict not guilty on both indictments. Tap soles, 25 cents per pair, at M. H. «nd can be had in liquid or powder. gestive organs, creating an appetite and Sauce, Price 50 Cents. W B Hurst vs Anaconda Mining Co. purifying the blood. It is prepared by Howell’s boot and shoe shop, opposite I. O. Real Estate. Sale confirmed. A Salem paper boasts that Marion modern methods, possesses the greatest O. F. block. Martha J McManus to Mrs M E Deni curative powers, ana has the most wonder 8upt. J. L. Madden of the Luckey Bart 1 son—lot 10, blk 40 Medford; $100. county is the banner republican county The Discovery Saved His Life. ful record of actual cures of any medicine mine has moved to Jackson, Amador F V Medynski to G W Bashford—lots 1 Mr. G. Caillouette. Druggist, of Beavers- of the state. Why? Because a majority in existance. Take only Hood’s. county, Cal. 1 and 2 in blk 2. Cottage add to Medford, and ville, says: ‘‘To Dr. King’s New Dis of the Marion county people feed at the lots No. 1, 2 and 3, blk No. 1, Ish add to covery III., Arthur Conklin has again located at 1 I owe my life. Was taken with La public crib and they hold their positions Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, and JJ) M. BROWER M. D. Medford, and lot No. 2, blk No. 1, and lot Grants Pass and is acting as ageut ot the ■ and tried all the physicians for do not purge, pain or gripe. 25c. No. 5. blk No. 2, and lot 4, blk No. 3. West Grippe Canadian Pacific, miles about, but of no avail and was given by virtue of their supporting the g. o. p. add to Medford, ti% of lot No. 4, blk No. 1, Oregon Better Than California. Miss Effie Armitage of Ashland is giving ¡ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, up and told I could not live. Having Dr. add to Medford ; $1000. splendid satisfaction as teacher of the Pros Cottage King's New Discovery in my store I sent Riddle Enterprise.] Instead of telling the country what he John Davidson to Alex Hunsaker — lots A shland , : : : O regon . for a bottle and began its use and from the No. 23 ar.d 24 in blk marked “D.” R R add first Southern Oregon has a wide reputation pect district school. does not “believe” about bimetalism, dose began to get better, and after Howell’s $9 boots or shoes are guaranteed to 1 Ashland; $150. 8 as a fruit-raising and mining section; using three bottles was up and about again. the secretary of agriculture would be to give satisfaction and last a year. Oppo Jas S Howard to O & C R R Co. — 18 acres Office—At Residence intersection of Me also as being blessed with one of the best It is worth its weight in gold. We won’t site I. O. O. F. block. j in tp 36 s, r 2 w; $160. chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, climates in the United States. But one keen store or house without it.” Get a free more useful if he recognized, as his pre Thos E Cailey to Derilla Cailey — 80 acres Ralph Bunch, the Medford society man. trial at Ashland Drug Co’s Drug store. decessor did, that he is the tail of the passing through the country, who is not is holding down a chair in Thos. Simpson’s near Goldendale, Wash; $1 00 1 J^AVIS & FORCE DENTAL co. acquainted with it and who has beard of cabinet and would do his best to keep Ashland barbershop. The Portland Steam Laundry. southern Oregon resources, cannot help John Grant and Miss Arizona Evans the flies off the administration. Public interest was divided the week (Successors to Caldwell & Davis.) asking why the country is worthy ot were married recently at Central Point by The Portland ateam laundry, the beat of tho Gould wedding between that such praise when nothing but mountains equipped ateam laundry on the coast for Rev. R. W. Kennedy. ' • I. 0. 0. F. B lock , A shland , O gn . and timber can be seen from the trains. The Salvation Army has followed the work and the prompt dispatch and another event—namely, the Van Peter Henderson has bought a barber- firat-clasa 1 SEAMLESS GOLD. Aluminum Crowns The Southern Pacific railroad passes shop at The Dalles and his wife has joined of 1 business with accuracy and reliable derbilt divorce. Our leading million example of tho Pope and issued an order and Gold Bridges a Specialty. through the poorest part of southern him in their new home. I safety, has established an agency in Ash aire families, whatever else their sins prohibiting the members from joining Oregon. One may leave the railroad at at the barber shop of Eggers Story Hon. J. H. Stewart, the Eden precinct land I any point between Eugene City and Ash fruit raiser, will have 30 carloads of pears in i the Ashland House block and these and shortcomings, have been thus far secret societies. The reason assigned is | gentlemen will be pleaBed ro receive your singularly free from domestic scandals. that every member is pledged to devote land, Oregon, and in less than a ten for market this summer. minutes’ drive in almost any direction Mrs. James Cunnyngham is out from orders < and guarantee satisfaction. In that respect they were a model to all his time, energies and money to the from the railroad may see some of the Portland visiting her’ folks, C, E. Wilcox But now support of the army, and therefore has W. E. Jacobs has returned from Puyallup, their fellow countrymen. finest farms, orchards and mines in the and family of Evans creek. Wash. I the record is broken in both the Van no right to be connected with any other Mr. and Mrs. B. Trainor now run the state. There are only a few mines to be Medford and Pokegama will both cele derbilt and Astor families. At the organization. seen from the railroad, those being only restaurant business in Medford and Have opened a new placer mines. Placer mining has been are domg a nice business. I brate the 4th. same time that the divorce of Mrs. G. W. Boggs & Co ’ s placer mining en Send your printing to the R ecord carried on in southern Oregon since the From present indications there will be William K. Vanderbilt from her hus terprise on Elliott creek is in financial straits. ( office. Prompt work and low prices. early days, but tho miners never turned The crew of 25 men have quit. trouble in camp of Republican clubs in the J. E. Cox has joined the carpenters at band is granted the petition of J. their attention to quartz until a few years The diphtheria epidemic having subsided < when they meet in Portland this month, work on Songer & Dame ’ s Pacific river Coleman Drayton for divorce from his ago and now southern Oregon can boast Phoenix the public school has been re- 1 mine. ASHLAND HOTEL BUILDING, of having some of the most promising at There is a large sprinkling of free silver- wife, Caroline Astor Drayton, is in opened by Miss Amy Cantrail. D. R. Mills has been elected president ot quartz mines in the state. ites among the delegates, enough to court, as well as her cross petition Geo. Ftcke and 8. Donaldson, miners of the Bank of Ashland with the following ("Geo. W. Vaupel’s old stand) the Jacksonville district, were in Ashland , directors: cause a lively fight, if not to dictate the Nervous Prostration. against him. All right minded people H. Ammerman, G. S. Butler, ND INVITE THEIR FRIENDS need F. H. Carter, H. B. Carter, D. R. Mills. E. must regret these suits. Divorce is justi tone of the resolutions. The Republicans E. W. Joy Company—Gentlemen: I last week going to Siskiyou county. ing a first-class shave or hair cut to J. H. Story, brother of A. W. Storv of V. Carter was re-elected cashier and F. H. give them a call. Remember the place, have suffered from a nervous prostration Ashland, fiable and necessary at times, bHt it of Oregon are split in two on the money is at his home near Gold Hill Carter 1 vice president. from financial losses. Can say Joy ’ s Veg -tf EGGERS & STORY. question, as well aa the Democrats. from northern California on a visit. etable Sarsaparilla has curedme. My liver, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Angle and Lew Ben ought not to be either justifiable or stomach and bowels have been very in Thomas Baldwin, who has been spending , der of Medford have moved to Ashland to necessary in families that have all that | nearer Mr. Angle's interest’s in the active, but since taking your remedy I am the winter with his son at Prineville, will be DR. JORDAN A CO.’S eiiurviY Southern Oregon, like all other mining entirely well. wen. nu All uusuieas business uici men and women return to Brownsboro in a fortnight. Jenny creek timber land belt. They are earth can afford to make them happy sections, has been cursed with a class of GREAT MUSEUM OF AIATOIY l8^ “8«11- M b . W m . H enry J ones . Fred Witt and Miss Nellie Moore of living 1 in the old Lieut. Swift house on main as well as honorable and olean moral (Signed) Woodville celebrated May day by getting street. 1 ly. People with the millions and the so-called mining men or imaginary ex 1061 Market St., San Francisco Butte, Montana. married. Judge Simpkins officiating. (Between 6th and 7th Sts.) I The newly elected officers of the Endeavor social standing of the Astors and Van perts who are in the habit of bonding as Mrs. J. O. C. Wimer and daughter of society . of the Presbyterian church are: Ge and learn how wonderfully you Stayton have joined Uncle Jake at Grants President, Miss Clara Mingus; vice pres derbilts ought to hold it incumbent on many mines as possible and making flat BORN. are made and how to avoid rickneea JJpss where he is running a feed store. and diaeaae. Museum enlarged with ident Bert Spencer; secretary, Fred Ulen; themselves to set a respectable example tering promises to the owners. This thousands of new objects. Admit- class of experts or confidence men usually Miss Louise Kubli has returned to Jack- treasurer, ' John McIntosh; corresponding si on 25 ctB. D e PEATT—At Athena, Umatilla county, sonville after spending the winter with her secretary 1 Miss Fannie Fox; superinten to the world. And whatever any crank contract as many debts as possible, and Private Office—name Building April 24,1895, to Mr. and Mrs. DePeatt, a sister, Mrs. Juage Watson, in Portland. may say the highest and best develop 1 dent, Mrs. E. E. Pratt. 10.11 market Street— Diseases ot men: daughter. Conductors Hansbrough and Houston, ment of society thus far is the family then go to some distant city to raise cap stricture, lose of manhood, diaeaaea of the akin Ed. Scheffelin and Alex Orme secured MLUIUMJ uuuuiuiuj nuiiuiuj and kidneys quickly cured without the use ot ner- FREEMAN—In Central Point, May 6,1895, ¡13000 out of 1500 lbs. of ore from their Little the latter accompanied by his wife, are off and a beautiful, wholesome, pure and ital to invest in the mines, but seldom <owrv. Treatment personally or by letter. Send to Mr, and Mrs. Will Freeman, a son. Jertha mine, near the Buncombe ledge on for the Atlanta convention. Conductor L. ever return. tor book. •** B. Hendricks is doing Houston’s train and loving family life. From it has sprung —In Medford, May 2. 1895, to the Foots creek. Conductor Al. Morris has taken Hendricks ’ Longestablished and reliable practitioners. TINKER whatever is best in social progress. The Woman’s Relief Corps will give a - wife of C. N. Tinker, a daughter. Towns are calling attention to their supper and “night-cap social” at Granite place on the Ashland-Roseburg freight. Hall, May 9th. Admission, 15 cents. Good Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Diago, solidity by the success they meet with There are at present six factories in MARRIED. The Old Reliable time guaranteed. Cal. says: ''Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy is this country manufacturing sugar from in disposing of their bonds. Probably, J. A. Lansignont, who formerly served a the first medicine I have ever found that FARNSWORTH—LANGELL — In Jack term in the penitentiary, from Jackson would do me any good.” Price 50c. Sold beets. Three of these are located in Cal when they have paid interest on these ifornia, two in Nebraska and the remain sonville, May 7,1895, G. J. Farnsworth of county, has got in again for stealing $47 by E. A. S herwin . ing one in Utah. A plant has been lo hondu for a term of years and the princi Klamath Falls and Miss Jesse Langell, worth of tools in Clackamas county. The Lakeyiew Rustler says F. M. Chris 215 Montgomery street, extending daughter of Hon. Nat. Langell, Circuit Congressman Hermann, the celebrated man, whose Silver lake store and hall went cated in Virginia, but ha« never been pal of them becomes due, their solidity Judge H. K. Hanna officiating. from Pine to Bush streets, San errand boy, has secured mail service from up in the terrible holocaust on the memor operated on (be name scale as the others. won’t be worth calling attention to. The Francisco, Cal. Business center of MATNEY—PEAROE at Herling, April 28, Atele to Lorella, Klamath county, twice a able Christmas eve, is erecting a new store The largest of these factories is the one man who never floats a note has the best 1895, Wm. Matney and Miss Grace V. week and back, to commence May 1st. 34x60, and has gone to Portland for a new at Watsonville, Cal., which baa a capac the city, convenient to all banks Pearce. J. F. Gaziev, Jr., the star orator and en stocc pf gooffs which will be opened the 1st ity of about 1000 tons of beets per day. credit, always; and it is the same with insurance offices and places of ______ populiqt worker qf Canyonville, is of Jurfe. The Chino factory consumes 800 tons. towns, amusement. Containing 300 rooms. BROPHY—McANDREW — At the resi ergetic The Roseburg city council removed Mar It was enlarged during the past season dence of the bride’s parents in Medford delivering a series ot speeches in Douglas “The Honest Money League” has just shal Carroll, on account of the dog im and now, perhaps, equals that at Watson precinct, May 1,1895, by Rev. L, P. Des county in behalf of the people’s cause. 4. f>. YOUNG, Proprietor. W. F. Crosby the wheat buyer has char pounding scandal, and appointed David ville. The other factories each average been formed in Illinois. It is opposed to marais, J. J. Brophy and Miss Rose C. TERMS—11.50, $2 and $2.50 per day. tered the steamer Farallón to run on the Clements his successor. Carroll refuses to about 800 tons daily. McAndrew. free silver at the ratio or 16 te 1 without Free coach to and from the Hotel Yaquiná route. This steamer was recently have his head knocked off that wav and on the San Francisco Puget Sound route. Roseburg will have two marshals until the international cooperation. The name DIED. Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment und^i- which this idea navigates, “The D. D. GOOD. A. M. Kerr, who built the valley tele courts pass on the case. WILLIAM FOX. phone line, is expected out from Chicago to Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salv. Rey. Father Desmarais bad the Catholic GAILEY—In Pleasant creek precinct, May improve the system and to also extend the church crowded with a very attentive audi Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipple^, v«*pped Honest Money League,” is enough to kill 4. 18JJ5, Prof. T. E. Gailey, aged about same to include Central Point in the circuit. ence and the Rev. gentleman preached for Hands, Itching Piles, ’ Frost Bites, it. Anything or anybody that proclaims 55 years. Chas. W. Fulton, the Astoria politician, a full hour on the divinity of Christ. The Chronic Sore Ej AaJ'Gianulated Eye Lids. its or his honesty as a card of recommen BOWER.—In Medford. May 1, 1895, tlie was at Grants Pass last week in the circuit Rev. Father congratulated the Ashland dation is, nine times out of ten, unworthy two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. court. He was also making himself popu people on their good attendance and fMp For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Bower. lar with the boys for a future remembrance. play exhibited in listening to the c^plaiitf. of support and undeserving. Virtue to hors F ownebs . BIGELOW—On Williams creek, April 28. Hats! So it is a hat you are after. Just lion of Christian doptrine fn>ni a Catholic never attaches titles or superi For putting a horse ih a fine healthy con 1895, of diphtheria, June, son of Mr. and call and see the stock Vaupel, Norris & standpoint, Father Desmarais will hold dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. ority over others. sezyfoae here again on Bunday, June 9th. Mrs. C. O. Bigelow; in the 14th year of his Drake have received. They will sqit and They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure please you sure. Direct from the factories. age. The proceedings brought by Dalton loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct J. L. Verier seems to be about the The Roseburg Review editorially de Wheeler against District Attorney Don- kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving meanest “cuss” in Oregon—and that’s clares E. Hofer of Salem and Senator’B. F. pell to force him to issue a warrant for new life to an old or over-worked horse Alley of Lane county the two most form saying a good deal. He has been ap idable rivals Congressman Hermann will the arrest of the editor of the Los An cents per package. For sale '.»y druggists. KINDS of Freight, geles Times on the charge of libel were pointed superintendent of the deaf, dumb For sale at E. A. Sherwin’« drug store. have m the next convention. and blind children of the state—a highly Mrs. J. P. Gilmore, accompanied by her dismissed by Judge Vandyke. The /•Baggage, household goods grandaughters. Misses Leda and Agnes Times' published an article severely Isadpre Jacobs, of San Francisco, who appropriate place for such a character— M ain S treet , O pposite P laza . etc., transferred with prompt Rice, arrived at this place from Ashland criticising Wheeler and others who ¿otc draws a salary of $10,000 a year as mana Friday, for a visit with her son, J. W. Gil ducted meetings similar tj, gpiriluaiistio ger of the California Canneries Company, and yet he persists in trying to keep Nel ness and safety. more and wife.—Riddle Enterprise. lie M. Stevens, who beat him. in the ZPJLIJSTTS, JPJLIJSrTZEIEòS’ TOOLS, seances, and. wjiM they requested the said the other day that “the canners in The R ecord does all kinds of job printing, Hauling on a large San Francisco alone will save this year election, out of the public school superin WALL IFJLZPZELL. GLASS. ETC. having the best type and machinery of any district attorney to issue a warr<vit for $250,000 in tin used in making canB tendency of Union county. Carter’s re office in southern Oregon. The very best the arrest of the proprietor df the paper scale contracted for. B uilding P apers , W rapping MP apkks and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. of city work at the lowest prices. All or he refused, claiming as a reason that through the reduction of the tariff. publican friends ought to sit down on Last year there was shipped out of this ders by mail attended to promptly. there was no merit in their demands. I state $3,500,000 worth of canned goods. him-:hard.—Alliance Herald. The Messenger lioys struck a rich pocket A burlesque of “Romeo and Juliet” This year I think we shall send $1,500,000 on Powell’s creek last week. They took Tho cause of the loss of the Spanish out about $1000 worth of ore which they re was produced in Oakland the other worth.” cruiser Reina Regenta should bo a duced on their arastra. The pocket at last night by a number of well-known soci Four Rig Successes. accounts had not “petered out.’’—Courier. ety young men. The title role was taken warning to all builders of modern cruis W. M. Colvig ’ s law office in the court Having tne needed merit to more than ers. She was so weighted down with V J FIT FOR A KUNG. by S. J. Taylop, who tips the scales house at Jacksonville has been converted make good all the advertising claimed for -3. CORDOVAN, into an office for County Assessor Geo. A. about 200. Juliet’s coetume in the third them, the following four remedies have heavy armapient in her bow that she FRENCH X DUMCLLKO CALF. Jackson and Mr. Colvig now has an elegant act was flu de sieole, ecaslsting of whito' reached, a phenomenal sale. Dr. King’s could not withstand storms. In our law office and counseling room in the Orth satin bloomers. Juliet ferine 6$ the New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs, THE BANE OF HUMAN LIFE, co? ^4*3.59 F ine C alf &K angarotl Colds, each bottle guaranteed—Electric American gunboats the Machias and block. / stage cn a bicycle. The and i POLICE,3 soles . Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach the Castine, from a similar reason, the Reuben Daw and Geo. Edsall of Phoenix Driven Out of the System by had a scrap, during whicti Kctasll polled a other characters were equally groteMue. and Kidneys. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the construction was so faulty that the ves 5D$2.WORKIN6ME)4 the Use of best in the world, and Dr. King ’ s New Life * -EXTRA FINE- knife. At the preliminary examination The farce was a great ¿uocete and had Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these sels had to be changed and lengthened. before Judge Dunlap at Jacksonville, Ed to be repeated._______-_____ '«2.<I.7=BOYS'SCHM.5HOQ THE remedies are guaranteed to ao just what is Too muoh science sometimes makes a sall was bound over to the grand jury in ■LADIES- List of Letters claimed for them and the dealer whose name $100 bonds. Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland is attached herewith will be glad to tell you thing top heavy. Hon. H. B. Miller is determined to be a more of them. Sold at E. A. S herwin ’ s . “For five years, I was a great Os < congressman and has moved to a more P. O., May 6, 1895: SEND FOR CATALOGUE O: ■ b sufferer from a most persistent ] Hobson, Mr. W. T. DeHaven, Neill favorable locality to plant congressional as W- L--D O UG O B-4OCKTOHUAAS5. blood disease, none of the various , O pirations, haying taken up his permanent Everson, Mr. W. C. Hogue, D. W. Over One Million People wear the John, W. P. residence at Eugene, where he purchased Elzwick, Oliver medicines I took being of any Q O'Donell, Wm. B. Engle, J. M. the Luckey property. help whatever. Hoping that ' W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes change of climate would benefit o ' Soloman. Mr. Edw. Glandon, Mr. R. A. Postmaster Eugene Protzman of Port o Al! our shoes are equally satisfactory Thomas, Mr. W. P. me, I went to Cuba, to Florida, , land and F. C. Hadley, a railway mail ser o They give the best value for the money. “ C ave S pring , G a ., May 21,1894. Persons calling for same will please say and then to Saratoga Springs, < o vice chief, were fishing in Rogue river They equal custom shoes in style and fit. ! “My baby was a living skeleton. The doctors said he was dying of Maras W. H B runk , P. recently and hooked so many of the finny advertised,” _ where I remained some time o Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. _________ ■ r • mus, Indigestion, etc. The various foods I tried seemed io keep him alive, but The prices are uniform,--stamped on sole. tribe that they alarmed their Portland drinking the waters. But all was o o N^rjous Shack, From $1 to §3 saved over ether makes. did not strengthen or fatten him. At thirteen months old lie weighed exactly friends as to their truth and veracity. no use. At last, being advised o If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by W-, JtoPCoMFAsr—Gentlemen: This what he did at birth—seven pounds. I began using “Scorr’s E mulsion ,” some by several friends to try Ayer’s o J. J. Brophy, of the vzell-kpo^p Brophy is E. the first time I have attempted to write times putting a few drops in his bottle, then again feeding it v ilh a Fi*>on: then Sarsaparilla, I began taking it, o: family, pioneers of Jabksdn county, and years. Have been so nervous and again by the absorption method of rubbing it iuto his body. The < l‘>< ( w mar and very soon favorable results °i Miss Rose McAndrew, the charming and for three O' that I have laid in bed for most of velous. Baby began to stouten and fatten, and became a beucH.tai^iiupled boy, were manifest. To-day I con o interesting daughter of Thos. McAndrew of week Medford, were married at the home of the the A time. sider mvself a perfectly healthy o .foil who had taken your Sarsaparilla a wonder to all, S cott ’ s E mulsion supplied the 01m o ! bride on May 1st. They have many friends sent friend I kennom W illiams .” man, with a good appetite and o me two bottles. The second one is who wish them much happiness and pleas most gone, and I have gained twenty not the least trace ot my former o ure in the married state. Jackson Co., Oregon. complaint. To all my friends, o pounds, and surely feel a new woman. 1 Mayor Sutro of San Francisco has bought was pale—thin. No ambition. Had given and especially young men like o the painting, “Crater Lake” by Mrs. J. D. up, as I had tried so many remedies and L * myself, 1 recommend Ayer’s Sar o o REAL ESTATE AGENT, Fountain of Klamath Falls, paying a hand doctors but foand no benefit. If you care saparilla, if in need of a perfectly o some price for the same to be placed in the to publish this vou have my consent. is especially useful for sickly, delicate children when their other food reliable blood-purifier.” — J ose o celebrated NOTARY PUBLIC and art gallery at the Cliff House. (Signed) MRS. A. C. TILLMAN, o A. E scobar , proprietor Hotel o foils to nourish them. It supplies in a concentrated, easily digestible This is the best picture of Crater lake extant Alameda, Cal. COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS Victoria, Key West, Fla.; resi o and as Mayor Sutro has been there this is form, just the hourishment they need to build them up and give them dence, 352 W. 16th St., New York. o indeed a high compliment to Mrs. Foun A Who Will Work. AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up' o tain’s artistic merit. ’ ........ Wanted in every county to introduce the health and strength. It is Cod-liver Oil made palatable and easy to. for Sale or Rent. FOR HALF BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Celebrated “ Hygeia ” Waists for all ages. For Rent o> Sale—acres of garden Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. 8 assimilate, combined with the Hypophosphites, both of wh\vj^ are This waist supercedes the corset, and has land, with house, barn and well, being a o part ot Walker place, south of the railroad. received the unanimous approval of the most remarkable nutrients. QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES LEGAL ZBT j JLLTIKZS Admitted for Exhibition C * . o leading physicians of America. $3.00 outfit Will rent for seven months for $4?. o free. Any energetic woman can make from AT THE WORLD'S FAIR o F. A. F ercus , Agent. Don’t be persuaded to accept a s.uDst^titic ! ; Of Every Description, at AS LISTED a number of small and large farms, from 20 acreB up, for Sale or $15 to $50 weekly. Send for circulars and X> 9 QO O O O O QO O OO OOP op 0000 op Rent. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder terms. HYGE1A M’F’G Co., Scott & Bowne, New York. AU Druggists. 50c. and SI VALLEY RECORD OFFICE, ^F*Skr«« homes and lots in the town ci Gold liill) all good business stands. $71 VanMl 8Lt New York. WWM’« Ptir Hfefaffi MMN «MÍDiHrtM* »>■ ■ i *. „ JU. ... 1 **- - •" ■- •- •. L’» i p J smnnoNs liver HEGULHTDH Baking HOTEL Powder OREGON, A bsolutely pure FRED T. FRADENBURGH Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day Professional Cards ASHLAND SELDOM EQUALED, NEVER EXCELLED. VIGIN & COMPANY, Prop’s EGGERS & STORI, Tonsorial Artists, Barbershop MERCHANT A TAILOR, Opposite HOTEL OREGON FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE Ob Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To II. C. MYER RUSS HOUSE Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION. CUTLERY FOX 5 GOOD, Oregon. Ashland, CITY PASSEAGER & TRUCK TRANSFER. H. S. EVANS, ASHLAND. OR. WOOD - FOE - SALE O W, L ouslas S1S H O i PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. Blood Poison MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Practical Business Training School of Oregon. Keep the Baby Fat. Our New Building is now Completed. M. E. RIGBY, Principal. MEDFORD. - - - - OREGON. E. B. SMITH GOLD HILL, Staffs Emulsion H Ayer’So^Sarsapaiilia » I I )