Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1895)
VALLEY RECORD. Walked Off a Trestle and Killed. Indemnity Lands Already Patented Two Bilks Known Here. The W. C. T. U. Convention. Adolph Crnee, a Hungary creek miner to the Railroad Company. Dr. Waite and son, Harry Waite, The Jackson county W. C. T. U. has had been down at Hornbrook having a From the Yreka Journal.] alleged spiritualist mediums who were at taken the town this week, the second an time with the boys, and on Monday the Ganiard opera bouse several months ago are getting a very bad name in the papers. Harry, now in Denver operating under the name of Frank Hamilton, was was arrested there for getting money under false pretenses at San Jose, Cal. A spiritualist lady bad a sitting with him on a matter important to her, and while the medium was in an alleged trance the spirit told the lady she must make a sac rifice before she could secure the desired benefit from the other world. She agreed to make the sacrifice and Harry Waite, who is a slight-ot-hand performer, picked from ber a $500 diamond and saying it was no benefit to the medium made a pass with his hand that seemed to crum ble the diamond up into powder. He then left for Denver. The district attor ney of Santa Clara county refused to ask for requisition papers and Hamilton was discharged. Since the N. Y. Tribune has denounced Julian Rapport, the globe walker, as a fraud and imposter it has been discovered that be is none other than Charlie Kemp, the son of a mine superintendent of Butte county. Cal., where he was raised. He conceived the ide* while loafing aliont in Portland and his tour started from that place, jvbile his register started from Aurora. He “work ed” farm houses and stations where there were no telegraph offices and had his ego tism not tempted him to seek notoriety in country newspapers he might have kept right on with his fake. Medford Items W. L. Miller of Jacksonville returned to Oregon City Sunday. 8. F. Morine of Hotel Medford went to Ashland Wednesday. Mrs. Robt. Taylor of Ashland visited Medford friends Wednesday. Gold Hill is to have horse racing, foot racing and a dance on May day. The Barnebnrgs shipped a carload of their fine beeves to Salem Monday. The Medford public school observed Ar bor Day with appropriate exercises. John Reuter, a Portland medical student, is visiting his family at Jacksonville. Mayor Haskins and B. 8. Webb were over their telephone line to Ashland Saturday. Mrs. K. Kubli has been elected a delega tion to the state Rebecca convention from Jacksonville. Miss Bertie Jones and her escort were visiting Ashland Snnday. taking dinner at Hotel Oregon. Mrs. H. K. Hanna and son Leon returned to Oakland, Cal., after a visit with the judge at Jacksonville. Mis« Mollie Barneburg and Mrs. John Barneburg were visiting Ashland friends this week on horseback. Tbe ladies make a dashing appearance riding fiery steeds. The Eldrianna townsite boomers have sold $8000 worth of lots in.their paper city on Butte creek. The buyers are all in the neighborhood of Chicago. J. C. Hanna, of Rogue river is supplying the valley towns with some fine ornaments of various descriptions manufactured by himself out of the potter’s clay of Evans creek. John Nyswarner is delivering it. E. Henretta, of Portland, died in Med ford Tuesday of consumption, aged 35 years. He was accompanied to Medford by his wife and they had been there only five days. It’s all up with 1894, An expert in land matters having visited the land office at Redding, for tbe pnrpose of investigating the exact condition of railroad claims on lands in The Doctor Says So. the mineral sections of Siskiyou, fur 400 to 412 K St., nishes us the following as the result: AI) there been any chance, The J. G. Stuttz troupe is working toward Editor Journal: As the people are not I \ Lakeview. aware of it, it seems well enough to inform our Drugs would have t's them at this late day that a patent was is- Robt. Leonard went to Gold Hill yester Largest General Retail House on Coast saved it. All Prescriptions .U < 1° tbe ra.'lroa,l company on July 30th. day on business. Wearing Apparel of all kinds for men, •j ’ l a s^r*P of mineral land ten miles are prepared by Sherwin Wick Huff returned to Portland Monday wide through the western part of Siskiyou ! women, and children; Dry Goods, Shoes, from San Francisco. county. i Hats, Millinery, Valises, Furniture, Carpets, from fresh Drugs, and the Notions, Stationery, Silverware, It is presumable that a patent has also I Crockery, For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go Toys, Household Supplies, etc. been issued for a like strip on the east side. Physicians in Ashland prefer to I. E. Deboy, Gold Hill. It is now too late to lock the stable door, Catalogue Free. to have their prescriptions Pat Donohue has opened a general trad for many of our miners who may be on odd A handsome illustrated catalogue ing store at Sams Valley. sections between the 20 and 30 mile limits. about our goods and prices sent free to put up by us for that reason. No advertisement was ever published re any address Tens of thousands of cus Don’t forget to interview Dodge when in garding this application, and it is quite tomers find it profitable and satisfac Send your prescriptions to need of a sewing machine. tory to buy through this book. probable that other patents may issue with Wm. Patterson came over from the out notice. A large portion of the affidavits terms cash . sent down on lands in these limits are ot Enclose money for goods with order, and it Beaver creek mines yesterday. no avail. The land has already been pat to be sent by mail allow for postage. Any 8. H. Soule of Little Shasta was regis ented. A very few small tracts have been balance left over will be returned. tered at the Ashland House Friday. skipped, but they are not of innch conse If interested in any of the items be quence Max Muller has been elected assignee by low, order promptly, giving item num As for example, in townships 37, 40, 41 the creditors of Dr. Stanley of Gold Hill. and 42 N, R 10 W, every odd section is i ber. Ex-Assessor J. M. Childers of Sams gone; in Tp. 40 N. R 9 W. every odd valley, was here Saturday on a business section is taken but sections 25 and 35: in' 10 CHANCES TO SAVE MONEY trip. Tp 44 N, R 10 W, every odd section is taken : except a part of sections 25 and 27; in Tp 43 G94G. Summer Corsets, with open Chas. Tilyou, Jr. of Central Point has N, R 10 W, every odd section is patented ventilated mesh ; cool, light «’eight, per been joined by his father from Glendive, except 1, 13, and parts of 25 and 35. Mon. fect fitting and durable. Price, 50c. By a recent ruling of Mr. Lamoreaux, I Mrs. Gov. Moody has been paving her understand that a certain day will be set G947. Ladies’ percale Waists, et vliah son, Z. A. Moody and family of Talent, a for the hearing of testimony on such pro large sleeves, with laundried collar and Visit. tests as are filed on lands not already pat cuffs; pink, blue or heliotrope. Price, 50c. ented. On that day all the miners who Miss Ida Naylor has been paying Ashland have not already lost their claims will have G948. Black amber or shell Hairpins, friends a visit, tbe guest of Miss Kate to go to the land office and wait there until 3 inches long. Price, 15c dozen. Hansen. their turn comes to be heard. Probably in Bear Creek’s Bad Conduct. F. A. Davis, the mining man, left Satur the country affected in this county, and G949. Cream satin Table Linen, 54 in The banks of Bearcreek, which sweeps day for British Columbia to do some pros Trinity and Shasta, there would be 500 per wide. Special value at 32c yard. pecting. the greatest portion of the Rogue river sons to be*-heard at tbe least calculation. G950. White Nainsooks, in checks It seems therefore that the miners are in a Tom Chapman was in from Edgewood valley country, are not by nature ade very bad predicament, to say the least. and aatin stripes. Price, 6J^c yard. last week attending the Loomis-Dodge quate to the demands and each season’s Many valuable mines have gone to the rail wedding. "" i storms add additional damage to the fine G951. Childrens’ black or white Hose road company, unless their blanket patent bottom lands along its border for a dis Tap soles, 25 cents per pair, at M. H. could be declared void, which would be a I Supporters, with original Lindsay clasps, tance of 10 miles from John Grubb ’ s place Howell’s boot and shoe shop, opposite I. O. most difficult thing to accomplish. Price, 7L>c pair. above Ashland to the point where it em O. F. block. There is a hopeful view that one might take in the matter, that is that the railroad G952. Fancy Matting, 10c yard or $4.00 Miss Kate Hansen has returned to Ash pties into Rogue river. The valley along company will sell the lands for two and a py roll of 40 yards. All good patterns. land from a stay of some length at the Bear creek’s bed is so level as to allow half dollars an acre, as was stated b.v Mr. the high water free run in its drunken Table Rock farm. Mills. Or that they will enter into contract stagger to Rogue river and there is G953. Ladies’ low neek Corset Covers Go to Storv & Egger’s tonsorial parlors nothing but the banking of the whole with prospectors to sell lands to them at I of fine muslin, with 1 inch lace edging. for a shave, haircut or shampoo. They are stream at its weakest points the entire that price. first class artists. But it Is a doubtful case, as for instance, Price, 25c. COMPLETE LINES IN^^^ distance that will prevent continued should a mine valued at $50,GOO be found to G954. Ladies’ Muslin Chemise, open Howell’s $9 boots or shoes are guaranteed damage. To do this requires some syste exist on a certain quarter section, will the in front. Price, 25c. to give satisfaction and last a year. Oppo matic work and the outlav of several company sell it for $500? This is not an site I. O. O. F. block. G955. Ladies’ low neck sleeveless cot- improbable case, nor will it be an isolated thousand dollars. Among the sufferers Go to Gold Hill drug store for fine cigars bv last season’s ripping up was theE. E. case. Again, suppose the company be in ton Vests, neck and arm holes run with clined to do the hoped-for thing. What a tape ; cream color. Price, 15c. and pure liquors. Also watches and jew Gore and J. G. VanDyke places. Some elry. 1. E. Deboy, proprietor. would hinder some enterprising prospector thing like 150 acres of their fine bottom SEND FOR SAMPLES. like Haggin or Jones or Bowen buying up H. H. McCarthy and J. 8. Gill the Forest land assessed heretofore at $20 per acre a few dozen townships for their own use. creek mining men were in Ashland Sunday is now creek bottom and was assessed It would be a fine speculation. There are Fancy silks for waists. Price, 90e yd. Visiting G. W. Johnson, the assayer. Silk and wool suitingB, 50c yd. this year at $2.50 per acre. some mineral lands left in the northern Figured duck suitings, 15c. part of the country within twenty miles of H. J. Burrson, the Ashland gunsmith, Picked Up Local Items. the railroad. If the railroad company fails has been drawn on the U. 8. jury list that Handsome percales, 10c. to get them it will be because the people convenes in Portland on the 23d inst. Crinkled Crêpons, 15c. L. C. Miller on Galls creek has sold his are aroused to the real situation and under Dress ginghams, 9c. The only way to cure catarrh is to purify placer mine to Janie« Hop wood of Central different rulings of the Interior depart the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the Point. ment. The recent advertisement in the blood and tones up the whole system. WEINSTÜCK, LUBIN & CO., The social dance at W. E. Case’s in Anti Scott Valley News only referred to a few MFs. Will Rice came out from Portland I och district proved a good time for all little tracts which had been skipped in the Sacramento, Cal. Monday to visit her children at the home with a fine supper. A. Noah and Rogers blanket patent, and was a feeler on the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gilmore. Bros., furnished the musical inspiration. lands within the 20 mile limits. Another Miss Ennly Pankey, Miss Emma Wyatt course will now 1« pursued for the rest of i Mendocino county’s fruit outlook is In the supreme court: A. A. Fink, re and Martin Ferry of the Pelton district the lands in the mineral belt. The lists not particularly flattering at present. spondent vs. J. L. Waiters, appellant, were at the dance. sent to the land office will be comfortably Of late there have been many severe from Klamath; appeal dismissed on motion small probably, and contain three or four The Black Gold Channel Mining Co., are of appellant. sections of mineral land 200 niilei off in frosts and a large number of orchards continuing the development work in their Siskiyou. The list can only be published I have suffered. According to a report The Lake county agricultural association mines. The channel is 700 feet wide and 60 in one paper, and that will be the one from Anderson valley, one of the finest will hold a three days racing at Lakeview feet deep, which has been practically cross nearest the greatest body of the land. July 3d, 4th and 5th at which $675 in purses cut, and prospects satisfactory. The gold fruit-growing sections in that county, I will be hung up. is coarse and 1500 feet of tunnel has proven What A Word Will Do. there will scarcely be one fourth of an Landlord Gross of the Depot hotel is pre to bs first-class drifting ground. The re Byron reminds us that a word is enough average yield. paring to entertain the International As sult of the 1500 feet of tunnel has demon I. O. Q. F. Lodge at Gold Hill. to rouse mankind to mutual slaughter. sociation of Car Accountants who pass strated the channel to yield 30 cents per The Washington Dredging and Im Capt. A- D- Helman, W. W. Kentnor. Yes, there is power in a word—Marathon, cubic yard from grass roots to bedrock. through Sunday evening, Robt. Taylor, H. C. Myer and 8. B, Whit for instance, Waterloo, Gettysburg, Appom- provement company has filed articles of W. H. Norcross is setting out near Willow U. M. Damon of Medford is working a tle went to Gold Hill last evening to assist atox. Great battles these, but what a great incorporation, with a capital of $3,G00,- scheme to lease all the opera houses be springs school house, a half-mile from Tolo, Deputy G. M. W. I. Vawter institute a new battle is going on in many a sick and suffer 000, with Ellis Morrison, William F. tween Ashland and Portland and show one of the largest prune orchards in lodge of I. O. O. F. at that place. The fol ing body. In yours, perhaps. Take cour Hays and Frank Shay incorporators. Southern Oregon. There are 40 acre« of troupes through the circuit. lowing officers were installed: J. W. Mas age. You can win. Call to your aid Dr. Ketite prunes, and the trees are of the very terson, N. G.; J. W. Marksbury, V. G.; D. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It acts The objeot is to fill in the tide flats at Rev. and Mrs. Hurlburt of Multnomah est which Mr. Norcross selected from his 8. Youngs, R. 8.; W. H. Beidler, treasurer. powerfully upon the liver, cleanses the Smith cove, near Seattle, and construct county, formerly of Jackson county, are nursery and true to name. It took 4000 system of all blood-taints and impurities; Tbe lodge has 31 members. The Portland Steam Laundry. paying Mr. ana Mrs. Hogue a visit, Mrs. trees to plant the 40 acres. cures all humors from a Blotch or Eruption a ship canal from Elliott bay to Lake Hogup bping their daughter. Beeves for Chicago. The Portland steam laundry, the best to the worst Scrofula, Salt-rheum, “Fever, Washington by way of Smith cove and Grant Mathews and Mr. Nickelson struck Rev. Connell Cox was on yesterday’s some very rich pay on Foots creek last equipped steam laundry on the coast for A train load of beef cattle shipped by sores,” Scaly or Ropgh Skin, in short, all Lake Union. This is the third canal train to take charge of the Presbyterian Monday and it is in the same range with firet-claes work and the prompt dispatch Edson Bros., of Gazelle, passed through diseases caused by bad blood. Great Eat- project. church at Klamath Falls. Rev. Strange the rich pocket which was taken out by of business with accuracy and reliable Ashland Saturday for Chicago via the I ing Dicers rapidely heal under its benign One evening last week a girl known Especially potent in curing Tet- was at the depot visiting him. Alex Orme. safety, has established an agency in Ash 0. R. & N. This is tfie third shipment I influence. ter. Eczema, Erysipelas Boils, Carbuncles, as Nettle Chase jumped from a ferry land at the barber shop of Eggers A Story Mrs. Cooksey and Mrs. Gay came up from of cattle frpm the Shasta vallev feeding 8ore Eyes. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, B. F Carter is about to lay oyt some Central Point yesterday to visit Oscar Gan town lots joining the blacksmith shop, at in the Ashland House block and these grounds to Jbe Chicago market this Hip-joint Disease, “White Swellings.” aud boat at San Francisco and was drowned. Reopened, Refurnished and Completely Renovated. The following day the coroner received iard. who is improving and was able to Woodville, and put them on the market. gentlemen will be pleased ro receive your spring. Enlarged Glands. walk about the yard yesterday. a letter written by the girl in which she orders and guarantee satisfaction. Robt. DeLay, on Sardine creek, who is E. Mays, of the Portland Union Meat Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure permanently Meihase Bros, of Ft. Klamath delivered superintending the Ritter mine and took a Co., bought and shipped five carloads of constipation, biliousness, sick headache accused G. W. Dunn, a married man, of Butte Creek News. Under New Management SO head of Beeves to Pelton A Neil’s mar contract to put on the dump 1(K) tons of ruining her. “Nettie Chase” was a fie- ' I cattle from P. B. Beckley at Oakland, and indigestion. ket Friday driving them in via Jenny creek ore, struck a very good body of quartz Miss Iva Tucker has returned to Ashland Douglas couuty, Friday. titious name and the dead girl’s true road. They wilt deliver soother band May which prospects on an average of about $30 to visit with her sister Mr«. Charles Homes. Gold Hill Reins, identity k unknown. Dunn h- made 15th. FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. per ton. He has about 75 tons of ore on Lapd For Sale. Lewis Pankey has moved his family from a reputahonin place8 a se_ Mr. and Mrs. Lou Tucker have been to Shiloh's Cure is soid on a guarantee. It the dump and is grading a road from the Gold Hill on a business trip. Mr. C. T. Payne has for sale 300 acres of Mopnville to Gold Hill, cures Incipient Consumption. It is the mine to the mill, about % of a mile and will He was shot at in Val- land 3 miles east of phoenix. Good grain commence milling as soon as the road is E. Ray has been suffering.for ifie week ; Miss Dasey Stanfield is visiting friends in and fruit land, well supplied with water best Cough cure. Only one cent a dose. one girl and was severely beaten completed which will be about Thursday. past with a severe attack of neuralgia. 25 cents., 50 cts. and $1. Sold by Ashland Mediqrd, and wood- Will sell it too acres or to suit by the brother of a girl at Petaluma. He has started a cross-cut which will tap Drug Company. Prof. Wm. Freeman . ., . . .. . . Lin Clemens, of Medford, is the guest of purchaser. Good house on it. For further tbe ledge 70 feet below the main tunnel and Mrs. Helen Weber, the widow of Cap paid Gold Hi" - . -oj Central Point information inquire of C. T- Payne, Ash Bay« & Jeffrey, of Portland, who are re expects to have it completed in 30 days. the Rader family. • . u short visit yesterday. land, Oregon_______________ tain Weber, the founder of Stockton, membered here as railroad contractors on Mr. DeLay is formerally from Denver, Miss Edith White commenced her school F. A. Davis left Monday for Spokane, died in that city recently. She had been the Siskiyou tunnels, and who opened up Col., and an expert miner. Arm Taken Off • iq Rogue river Dist. No. 37 this, Monday, Washington,where he goes to take charge ailing for the past two years, bnt her the celebrated Cow creek slide, have made morning. an assignment for the benefit of their The Lady Buga. A young named W. L. Boydaton, of a large quartz mine. first serious illness occurred last Octo creditors. Miss Mamie Wood lias gone to Sisson to “■..lie beating hi« way southward on the Miss Neliie Ray opened a subscription ber, since which time she has been A letter has been received by the state railroad from Spokane, Wa«h., to visit school in the new school building, on Mon A petition is being numeronslv signed in board of horticulture very recently from visit her aunt, Miss Etha Griffith. Lake cognty asking for the pardon of Geo. William S. Crowell, a resident of the Fickle appetite, tired feeling, stomach There is considerable sickness in this his mother at Vallejo, Cal., came verv day the 15th, with an enrollment of twenty- gradually failing. General debility and nervous prostration caused her death. Jones, sent io the Salem penitentiary in Rogue river valley, who is the proud community among the children. near being killed at Steinman Saturday nine. 1891 for having counterfeit money in liis possessor of a splendid, clean, 1,6000 tree sickness and weakness can be Members from the various I. O. O. F. Mrs. Weber was born in Quebec, Can Abbeloose starts to-day for Portland iqorniim, As the freight train was pull possession. He was run down along with apple orchard, which he claims is almost on Ben ing out he leaped under the trucks to lodges of Bogue river valley met and organ ada, 72 years ago. She was a Miss Mur a business trip, some stage robbers by Bill Webb'and Tom promptly remedied by using get a seat on the brake beam. His feet ized a new lodge in Gold Hill, last night phy and an aunt of Barney Murphy, entirely surrounded by much older orch Miles. A. Pool<s team took a spin, with a plow not reaching the connection he held fast with 35 members. ards that are. unfortunately infested with attached, for a short distance but were not Dan Murphy and Pat Murphy of Santa C. A. Eliason wife and children left Tues some distance with his heels dragging on Charles Young has moved his saloon to | Clara and San Luis Obispo counties. In order to preserve the integrity hurt, day for Chicora, Penn., where Mr. E. owns scale. the track, but finally let go his hold and the building formerly occupied by H. A. ] oil wells. Robt. Leonard, the Northern of his own uninfested property, Mr, Cro Levi Dawson was here last week to have fell. His left arm was cut in two twice, Crvder, Mr. Cryder removing the post- | She came to California in 1844 and in Pacific ticket agent, routed them via his well asks the board to inform him as to a cancer treated. He Is in a bad fix. once above wrist and once below shoul office into the building formerly occupied , 1850 married Captain Weber and came road and the Wisconsin Central, Peter the efficiency of the Australian lady bug, to Stockton to live. R. A. Potter and wife have gone to Tolo der. Minding the advice of bis father, by Mr. Young. Harvey’s Baltimore A Ohio and the Pitts introduced some few years ago in Califor on a business trip. He has been making At least one life was lost and prop who was switchman at Vallejo before the burg & Western, A Plain Statement. nia to pre.v upon the cotton scale that at some substantial improvements in the strike, he carefully dodged the low break erty was damaged to the extent of thou one time threatened the utter extinction New Market, Minn. — “ Simons Liver Reg fencing line. Senator-elect McBride atil! occupiea on the caboose as well as the breaks on ulator cured me of Liver Complaint and ! sands of dollars by the bursting of the hia batchelor room in tbe state capital of the orange and lemon groves around It strengthens and builds up the enfeebled system, creates John Obencbain sent down here for $1 in the twelve cars that passed over him. Palpitation of the heart. I used many building. He dodges every attempt to and below hjanta Barbara to the Mexican «mall change and “Jack’1 sent him 100 Mrs. E. E. Sayles, of the railroad board other remedies, but. with no relief, until 1 Utica Water company’s reservoir, near line. The state board has in course of a good appetite and promotes digestion, clears the complexion and commit himself on public questions and pennies, John is getting in a good humor ing house at Steinman, found him imme began taking S. L. R.”—Wm Schultz, | Angels Camp, Cal. Without warning Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid; the 50 feet of the north wing gave way devotes bis time to searching out errands propagation a large colony of these val again. diately and did a good job in staunohing restores the body to perfect health. be taken dry, or made into I and the 270,000 gallons of water con that he can perform for the state when uable insects, but to date, is without any Miss Charlette Williscroft, who has been the flow of bleed. Dre. Parson and Son the powder to ________________ he gets in the senate. He announces definite experience in the matter of their stopping in Ashland for some time, taking ger were on hand hi a few hours and a tea. tained in the reservoir escaped with a Sold by all Druggists at gi.oo per bottle. one he has discovered, it being to have a operations against local scale or other music lessons, returned home last Friday amputated Boydston’s arm just below The Depot Blacksmith Shop. rush. Otto Lundt aud his sister lived pests, all of which will be known later on on a visit. harbor of refine established at Tillamook THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. Is in the hands and management of a about two miles below the dam, on San the shoulder. He is recovering nicely. when the matured bugs have been liber bay, Three families, who have been stopping practical blacksmith of many years ex Boydston has the appearance of being a Antonio creek, and were in the garden ated and begin to make “returns” for Hon. Wm. F. Herrin, chief legal coun themselves. The writer of this, however, in this neighborhood for a while, only tran- good man, though broke. He is 21 years perience. All work is guaranteed as when they saw the water coming. The selor of the Southern Pacific, was on Sunday was a resident of Southern California cient, leave this morning. Mr. Vermillion old and a member in good standing in first class and reliable, Call and see for sister escaped to higher ground, but her j evening’s train in a private car going to when the lady bug colonies were received for Lakeview, Mr. Charlton for Spokane the Spokane Bicycle club. yourself.________________ and Mr. Norris tor Sams valley. brother, who was 80 years of age, at Portland to look after the interests of tbe by the orcbardists of that section, and The Menlo Park hotel was burned to tempted to save $500 in cash and valu- company in the “overlap” cases which Th« Depot Hotel. A man by the name of Howlett, living on come up for a hearing there. Mr. Herrin remembers well, the thousands of com the Kellogg place, and his son-in-law were The ' i able jewelry which were in the house. J. A, Gross, familiarly known by the the ground Monday afternoon. Is a Janson Co., boy whose skill and talent mendatory statements that were soon here last week to prospect a mine, of soipe traveling house hud been a landmark in the vil Before he Could get out the torrent j public by his management of the pas brought htiu tq the front rank and he is current all over the land, as to the certain kind of mineral, that has bpen discovered Albany depot hotel for years, has pur pow the principal brains Mf this great rail efficiency of their use in annihilating, on the hank of Butte creek, but the water chased and is conducting the Deoot Hotel lage for many years. Loss, $15,090; in struck the building and crushed it to road corporation. His father, Hon. J. 8. not only the deadly cotton scale, but the was so high that they could not accomplish in Ashland in a first-class manner that surance $7,500. atoms. Although a large number of Herrin, and family visited him during the black and red scales as well, and it goes any thing. people have been searching for Lundt's insures success and the patronage of the Surveyors have begun work at Stock 30 minutes stay or the train in Ashland. without saying in those latitudes now, The Owen brothers, on Big Stickey. had traveling public which he respectfully so ion on the San Joaquin Valley railroad. body, it has not been found and is sup licits. Ha employs none but wfii»- neIp posed to have been carried into Mokel- Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn. that the brilliant and preditorv little bug a runaway one day last week. The horses ¿rUFST 11ST, JLT A luneh counter is conducted in the After the line through the city has been uiniie river, 20 miles distant. were hicned to a harrow, they took fright from the antipodes was the sole salvation *ys, “Shiloh’s Vitatizer saved my life. I fixed the route to the Stanislaus river consider it the best remedy for a debilitated of the thousands of pest ridden orchards and started to run but Lad not gone far waiting room ^>l tne depot in which is kept will be surveyed. It will take about a The mystery surrounding the iden system 1 ever used.” T For Dyspepsia, there, and its indiscriminate attack on before they jumped a ditch about eight fe*‘ oarames, oysters, etc., and over which is week to finish the survey at Stockton. tity of the young bandit arrested in Liver or Kidney trouble it _____ excels. Price the various scales there, safely presup deep when the harrow came loGse. The served 5 and 10 cent cigars. -V. horses ran about seven miles, going through 75 cents. Sold by Ashland Drug Co. Projects for the construction of ad California for the robbery of the station Lo, The Poor Indian. poses its hearty attack on the pests that four wire fences. They WQje considerably annoy and threaten the horticulture of damaged but will surviva, Three Klamath squaws who belong on ditional railroads between Los Angeles agent at Arroyo Grande, when $7,281 in the reservation escaped from and Santa Monica are becoming so nu money was taken, was solved in part by HOTEL OELECS-OlSr Oregon.—Salenr. Statesman. ThQ9- E. Nichols was in town recently that Klamath place and came here last week. merous as to be confusing. It is said the arrival at Spokane, Wash., of Cali and while there gave his idea of the way “Trust Timas* who have tried.” F. T. Fradenburgh, Prop. the populists ought to conduct themselves, One of them, known as Polly, made a that the old Los Angeles and Pacific i fornia papers. A picture of the un Catarrh caused hoarseness and difficulty • in order to secure the confidence of the complaint to the officers that she had railroad will be reconstructed into a known youth, letters found in his pos M onday — T hursday — " z*pN Neat Line of Men’s Suits at $4.00. speaking, I also to a great extent lost , people; that is, deal square and honest and been assaulted with a deadly weapon, line run by electricity. session and other circumstanoes show A. McCormick, Stktn < O C Riches, Albany in hearing. By the use of Ely’s Cream Balm i have the assessor assess all alike and not as but the pereon accueed justified himself that he is Charles Clayton Bump of Spo W N Luckey, City J 8 Meek, Port The first Brigade of the British forces dropping of mucous has ceased, voice and I has been the case heretofore to assess Mr. by claiming tbe squaw bad robbed him. Handsome Gray and Brown Suits at $6.00. W Goldman, do < G W Smith, do hearing have greatly improved. — J. W. Da . A's land at $1.25 per acre because he is rich, moving to the relief of Mr. Robertson, kane, one of the liest known young men — Yreka Journal. P H Dawson, 8 F J M Stevenson, Gdale of that city, a youth against whom a and assess land adjoining, of the same vidson, Att’v at Law, Monmouth, Ill. the British agent at Chitral, India, had C A I'iper, Port < C W Cottam, Port Blue, elegant square cornered Suits at $8.00. 1 used Ely's Cream Balm for catarrh and I grade, at from 12.50 to $10 per acre. That The O. P. Hoad's Keincorporation. an engagement with 5,000 Swatis who breath of suspicion was never uttered. H G Lohicke, Stktn 8 Schmeer, 8 F , has been done here in this precinct. have received great benefit. I believe it a The discovery has created an intense W N Luckey, City i G II Schumann, 8 F safe and certain cure. Very pleasant to Articles of incorporation have been were trying to block the Malakand pass. Fino Line of New and Stylish Hats G W Smith, do C J Bo vie. do filed with tbe secretary of state incorpor ' The enemy were put to flight after los sensation at Spokane and his mother is take. — Wm. Frazer, Rochester, N. Y. W A Hemphill, 8 F E D Ivory, Oakland Just Opened This Week. A new high school is to be built at ating the Oregon Central A Eastern Rail prostrated. Bump is a graduate of the Price of Cream Balm is fifty cents. of Jas Myers, Gridley C B Watson, City I ing - thirty killed by a charge - - cavalry. *■- - road Company; to construct and equip Santa Rosa. high school, served for a time as deputy E 8 Adams, Chicago E O Parrott, do Beautiful Fedora Hats worth $2.50 Loom is-Dodge. School Money Apportionment. city clerk, was a member of the Baptist G B Stiles, KI* Falls J P Clark, Hornbrk A silver convention will be held in St or purchase railroad, telegraph and tele phone lines from Yaquina bav to the Zrrx E A Sherwin, City H J Donnell. Utica everywhere—Our Cash Price $1.50 A pretty wedding took place last Panl in September. Following is April apportionment of church, an ardent sportsman and a fast eastern boundary of the state, thence to school money ($13,461.00) for Jackson bicycle rider. He belongs to one of the X A Janies, St Paul Thursday evening at the residence of F riday — A heavy snow storm blocked Colorado A P Bradbury, Port T uesday — Supt. of the City Water Works Ira C. railroads last week and killed lots of Boise City, and also branch lines, one county: Z*p\ leading families of Spokane, his father Fine Crush Hats for 75cts and $1.50 each C A Hermann, do F M Hagy, Port leaving the main line at Corvallis and No. dist Dodge, it being the wedding of his inter stock. .. 106 55 38 ............... Amt. recd. having built the Bump block. “ Mat- J 8 Carman, do W N Luckey, City terminating at Eugene, tbeother branch esting and amiable daughter, Miss Nellie 1........ .........$ 648 65'39............... .. 157 25 Move Lines are worth Doable the Money. G F Billings, do E G Ruby, Salem E. L. Fitzgerald of Oakland has been ing at or near Albany and terminating 2........ ........ 227 45 40............... .. 143 60 tie, ” the name signed to letters found L. Dodge, and Chas. L. Loomis, a stal F A Davis, Gold Hill R E Ringo, Gervais by the California officers, is Miss Mat- . .. 135 80 wart young man well ami favorably appointed Labor commissioner of Cali at Salem. The articlee specify the right 3........ ........ 155 30 41........ OT Williams A wf, C A Piper, Port Men’s Fine shoes, very nice line opened zMx. to purchase lines already built along any 4........ ........ 469 25 42............. .. 13190 tie Bishop. Bump’s sweetheart. Cincinnati W N Luckey, City known in this city. Rty. E. P. Childs fornia by Governor Budd. .. 122 15 5 ........ ....... 1535 90 43 ............... partof tbe proposed route, which includes this week, $1.50 to $3.00 per pair Fred A. Hines A wf performed the ceremony in the presence W 8 Wade, 8 F Frank Tofte of Los Angeles is under tbe Oregon Pacific. The capital stock is 6........ ........ 562 85 44.............. .. 11240 W F Bangasser, do San Francisco of some 35 relatives and personal friends. z>p\ .. 101 CO 7 ........ arrest for the kidnapping of a six-year- ........ 151 40 45 ............. Awarded F M Bevins. Gold H A S Ward, Oakland $300,000, and the principal office is at 8........ ........ 151 40 A nice supper was partaken of aud the sld boy. He claims the boy is his son. Fine line of Underwear and Dress Overskirts .............. . . 94 85 J H Thompkins, N Y J H Boyd, 8 F Corvallis. The incorporators are A. B. 9........ ....... 211 85 46 wedded pair received some handsome Highest Honors —World’s Fair» .. 141 65 17 ........ . S aturday — A F Zipf, do Sun Bernardino bids fair to have an Hammond, Edwin Stone and Charles 10....... ........ 170 90 48.............. .. 106 55 presents. Afterward they were treated W ednesday — J Gould, Port Q^ywe do not sell One Dollar's worth On 11........ ........ 124 10 «.............. .. 1321 40 to a vocal serenade by about 20 mem sil boom rivaling that of Los Angeles. Clark.________ ________ W N Luckey, City Lee Roberts, Phil* 92 90 Time—That is Why we can quote such J Porter, Port G W Smith, do bers of the King’s Daughters assisted by The oil oozes up through trodden Important Decision to Hard Up 12.. 163 10 13.. E E Sayles, Steinmn P C Scott, Sisson Gard Van Riper, Clarence Lane and ground. Farmers. Low Prices. 147 50 14.. /rx Frank Arnold, Oakld I C A Hermann, Ferd Strange, Judge Hiram Knowles of the United 73 40 Pendleton, Or., April 11.■'-Circuit Court 15.. Wash., D C H P Briggs, Port 98 75 10.. W G Cleveland. Ct Pt Jos 8 Gill, do Albert Hanson, wheelman of the Stock States District Court of Montana fell Judge Fee today rendered a decision af 17.................. 149 45 55........... .... 85 10 G Rinebart.Carson.Io i S F Morine, Med fecting over 100 farmers in this county. fifteen feet down an elevator shaft and ton-San Francisco boat Captain Weber, ........... . 137 35 56........... .... 133 85 W N Luckey, City J Kelly, Siskiyou Balfour, Guthrie & Company applied for 18 19.................. 176 75 57.......... .... 252 80 dropped dead at the wheel Saturday fractured his right hip joint. C. P Blair Brooklyn A D Kenyon, R B a receiver to takechargeof growingcrops John S. Prince, the bicyclist, won the on certain lands, the lands being under 20.................. 172 85 58........... .... 69 50 Edd Thorne, Boston morning. Apoplexy was the cause of J C Frazier, N Y ........ 83 15 59 . .. 81 20 S cmday — i H C Archibald, 20-mile race against three horses at Vue ' mortgage to the firm. The firm claimetl 21 his death. QO 289 85¡G0.......... ... 119 45 Miss Jennie Kearnes. Minneapolis de l’Eau Athletic Park, Santa Cruz, Sun ' the right to the custoday of the crops un 23.................. 81 20,61........... .... 106 55 Jacksonville H C Hinkle,M D', D, 8F SF Jud W. Waiverton, one of a merry 155 30 der a clause in the mortgage giving the 24.................. 92 90 62.......... Miss Mane Flymale. W 11 Rowland, Ogdn party of picnickers, employes of the day. Time: 1 hour 5 min. 6 sec. 25.................. 137 75103.......... .... 89 00 Jacksonville'W A Hemphill, 8 F mortgaged ths rents aod profits. Judge 1Toy laundry in Los Angeles, met a hor .................. 139 70 64.......... .... 53 90 The Little WotidcrWaiher. Jas Myers, Gridley Guy Talbott, do Fee denied the application, and will so I I 26 27.................. 116 30 65 ... . ... 71 45 rible death by falling over a 200 foot EO Parrott, R B Walt Williams, do J. M. Quinn of this city has been ap rule in every case in which the land is 28................. 63 65¡66......... .... 71 45 D T Lawton, Med precipice into Eaton’s canyon. W N Luckey, City ample security for the debt. pointed agent for Jackson countv for the 20 ................ 135 80:67.......... .... 85 10 ; A A Bailey, 8 F M Abrams, 8 F 30.................. 102 U5 68.......... .... 128 05 Little Wonder Washer and vyill call on 1) Cooper, Port Jas Myers, Gridley 'S IS D Fort The Depot Grocery born , 31........ .... 124 10 83 15 69 the people of Ashland shortly to intro F L Southwick, R B ¡Hugh McGuire, do E. F. Loomis lias bought the Depot gro 32 ................ 147 50',70.......... .... 75 35 duce this fine piece of labor-saving ma E O Parrott, do MOST PERFECT MADE. GRIFFIN.—At Medford, April 11, 1895, to chine that goes bo cheap and will save cery of A. C. Rice and is carrying a stock 33.................. 147 50 71.......... .... 102 65 F A Kelton, Banqutsl Mr. and Mrs, Henry Griffin, a daughter. Iyour household from the laborious worry of first class groceries and provisions which 34.................. 102 65 72......... .... 96 80 A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free v — are for sale at hying prices from a clean 35 ................. 219 6ö|73......... .... 159 20 fiom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. days. Save your and attractive place. Dont fail to call and 36.......... See the fine assorinient of ribbons that WENDT—In Jacksonville. April 14, 1896, i of miserable wash days, ....... 71 45 110 45,74 .. to Mr. and Mrs. H, Wendt, Sr., a ton, I order for Mr. Quinn DZKzLEO-oirsr bay® just arrived at My ar & Gregory’s, Quinnt t I : : : 40 YEARS THS STANDARD tab Loouiis in his mw hsadquartsrs. 87 » « »• t « i « » « 11 71 45 75........ . ..... 69 W ,, ASHLAND. Os .T hursday , Apr. 18,lbJa | | PERSONAL ANI» SOCIAL. evening about eight o’clock left Horn- brook to make Lower Coles that evening preparatory to returning to Hungary creek. He was admonished not to go in his inebriated condition but replied that he would walk that off before he got to Bailey Hill. Accompanied by his only companion, a faithful Newfoundland dog, he started for his destination on the railroad track. Early the next morning the track walker saw his body lying under the 90 foot Bailey Hill treBtle with his face in a small stream of water. He went toward the dead man but tbe dog, with his forefeet on his dead master, raved and snapped furiously and allowed not a sou! to lay hands on his ward. Coroner Schofield of Siskiyou county arrived on the scene Tuesday afternoon with a party. They lassoed the dog with a rope and hauled him up and fas tened him to a trestle bent and removed the body to Hornbrook, where the in quest was held and the jury found that Cruse came to his death by falling off the trestle. He was about 30 years old and being a butcher last year supplied the miners in the Siskivous with beef. He had several dollars in money, a pistol and other personal articles in his poeee- sion. There was a supposition that there was foul play but an investigation proved it without foundation. Thos. Jone* of Henley has made a good offer for the dog, which will be sold to cover the fun eral expenses of Cruse, who was buried in Yreka. nual convention convening in the beauti fully decorated M. E. church Tuesday and finishes its work today. All the officers and superintendents were present. The following committees were appointed: Credentials—Mies Inez Frakes chair man, Mesdames Newton, Kellog and George. Reception—Mesdames George (chair man) Millsap, Galey, Kellogg, Williams. Resolutions—Mesdames Kennedy,Kah ler, Halley. Palmer, Little. Mrs. Hatch and the secretary appointed to report for the papere. Committee on plan of work—Mesdames Russell, chairman, Hyde, Fisher, Sykes, Newten and Miss Parker. Reports of local unions read: Medford by Mrs. Van Antwerp, Gold Hill by Miss Ada Parker, Central Point by Mrs. Lucy Williams, Asldand by Mrs. L. E. Norris, Phoenix by Mrs. Kahler. The following countv superintendents of departments submitted reports; Mrs Kellogg on evangelical work, Mrs. Ellen S. Galey on Flower Mission, Mrs. Halley on hair Work, Mrs. Clara Odgerson Sab bath Observance, Mrs. Rose De Groot on Press work, Mrs. Belle S. Kennedy on mothers meetings. The credentials committee seated fol lowing delegates: State Pres.—Mrs. N. W, Kinney, Astoria. County officers—Pres. Mrs. D. E. Hyde, Ashland ; Rec. Sec. Mrs. Rose De Groot. Medford; Cor. Sec. Mrs. M. C. Hatch, Ashland; Treas. Mrs. A. P. Hammond, Medford. Vice presidents—Mrs. Addie Van Antwerp. Medford; Mrs. Sylvia Kahler, Phoenix; Mrs. Lucy Williams, Central Point; Mrs. L. E. Norris, Ash- land ; Misrf Ada Parker, Gold Hill. Su perintendents of department work—Mrs. E. Faucett, Medford; Mrs.E. E. Pratt, Ashland; Mrs. Addie Halley, Medford ; Mrs. Belle S. Kinnedv, Central Point; Mrs. J. H. Russell, Ashland; A. A. Kel logg, Medford; Mrs. E. C. Galey, Ash land. Delegates—Mrs. M. Ingledue, Medford; Mis. M. E. Wigle, Medford: Mrs. Isabel Bnge, Medferd ; Mrs. M.J. Reeeer, Ashland; Mrs. E. W. George, Ashland. Tuesday evening opened with song service, devotional exercises and addres ses of welcome by Mrs. Norris, Rev. Chuds and J. L. Downing. Mrs. De Groot of Medford responded. Mrs. E. Fisher read a paper on “liquor traffic a great hindrance to missionery work.’’ Wednesday Mrs. De Groot read a paper on Press work, which was ordered print ed in W. C. T. U. papers, as also was a paper by Mrs.Halley on “ Unfair Work.” Sabbath observance was discussed. Mrs. Halley discussed the suffrage question. On motion a committee—Mrs. De Groot, chairman, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Kahler, Mrs. Norris, Miss Parker— were appointed to take action and prose cute the Central Point fair ground liquor selling without a license case. Mrs. Norris read a paper on “The church in Temperance work.” Mrs. Kennedy’s article on mother’s meetings resulted in an interesting discussion. The question box was ably conducted b.v Mrs. Kin ney, the state president. Mrs. Faucett read a paper on narcotics and Mrs. Van Antwerp one on cigarettes, Mrs. Billings talked about Chautauqua work, and Mrs. Hyde on the Ashland guard. In the evening Mrs. Narcise White-Ken ney delivered a great speech making a convincing showing of the important progress made by the W. C. T U. Tiie convention closes its luteresting session tonight. Sacramento, Cal. H ^-^SHERWIN JJ SPRING and SUMMER LATEST STYLES, FIRST-CLASS GOODS, BED ROCK PRICES. © ©@Men’s, Boys’ and Chil ®@ dren’s Suits. \FURN/SH/NG ^^GOODS. 'MEN’S SHOES IN ALL GRADES. VAUPEL, IBB ASHLAND HOTEL, J. H. McBRIDE, Prop. Lost Energy, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial Blood Purifier. ^PRINQ BARGAINS o H •DR; B L O U N T A '•tA o À Á «• & Á À À À F CREAM 1 BANN6 POMDIR BLOUNT