prcORT). VALLE! RECORD ------ the » PLÆXJST AMD FJL2STCY zPitilSTTUsro-. ATO MONOPOLY PRICES. tfB^Give ns your order for Letter­ heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu- VOL. VII. ASHLAND, To Drain Goose Lake. The scheme to tap and partially drain Goose lake, which b situated partly in this stiite and in California ha^ several times been agitated and met by strong opposition. Now it comes up in the shape of a bill in­ troduced hy Geary in congress granting the right of way to construct a canal to the lower end of the lake, in a southeasterly and southwestern direction to upper Pitt river, for irrigation and other purposes. The bill is in favor of James Reynolds and gives him also a grant of land.’ two miles wide on each side of the proposed canal. the Serpent’s i TAGIOUS in all ltg gtag«, completely! n U onicnu eradicated by s. s. s. ow rUIOUn »tinate soree and ulcer» ' yield to its healing powers / the poison and builds up the system U»b.,IMUiM »attic due»« »nd its trutmcnt/J SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Gs. j, Professional Cards C- CALDWELL, MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE DENTIST. Chase Combination Dental Plates made With Go)* and Aluminum Roofs. Gold Millings inserted in Porcelain Teeth »peril at appearance. Gold Crown and Contour work a specialty. Office over the Bank. Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 a. m. and 4 to 5p. m. D. M. BROWER) M. D. PHY81QIAN and BURGEON, A.KL a X d , . ; ; O regon . Office—At Residence intersection of Me­ chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, MEDFORD, OR HARDWARE. FULL LINE Stoves, Tinware, Edged Tools, Glass and Putty, Miners’ Supplies ALL and see us. We are prepared to give you Sat­ isfactory Prices. Remember the place. C Central Point Items. Mrs. Cooksey and Mrs. Hershberger came back from Medford on a tie-pass Monday, the overland having treacherously deserted them. A school meeting, for the purpose of a 5 mill tax levy will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. There is an opposition here against voting a tax until times get better. Rev. W. C. Jenkins, who was visiting Rev. Chastain recently, has moved his fam ily to Medford from Vancouver, Wash„and will occupy the Baptist pulpit in that place for a year or more. The Populist club on Monday evening elected A. M. Ford, president; W.'W Scott, vice president; A. C. Parker, secretary; John Pelch. trea-urer. The club will meet Saturday. 7 p. nt. in Flippens hall. The protracted meeting adjourned from Sunday to the 31st. there being two accessions by baptism. Mr. Herrington and Mrs. Jas. Fredenburg. HIGH & When Others Fait Hood's Sarsaprilla builds up the shattered system by giving vigorous action to the di­ gestive organs, creating an appetite and Oregon. purifying the blood, it is prepared by modern methods, possesses the greatest 3TOH.Y. curative powers, ana has the most wonder­ ful record of actual cures of any medicine in existence, Take only Hood’s. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. 25c. Real Estate. W H Atkinson, et al, to E F Loomis; 20 acres in tp 39 s, r 1 e $1550. State of Oregon to Geo A Poland; 320 acres in tp 33 s. r 2 w $400. Mrs M L Stanley A W J Stanley to Addie Schmitt; property tn Woodville $250. W H Parker to Chas E Wolverton; 13.82 acres in tp 37 s, r 2 w $2230. A C Rice to E F Loomis; lot 10, blk D, R R add to Ashland $900. E F Loomis t<> Horace Rice; 12.98 acres near Ashland $1300. Elizabeth Thornton to J K Van Sant; property in Ashland $5. SHAVING * John P Dodge to Ira C Dodge: 2.28 acres AND tn tp 39 s. r 1 e. also lot 20, in blk 50, Sum­ to Ashland $200. • HAIRDRESSING mit U add 8 to Geo F Schmidtlein: 160 acres in tp 36 s r 4 w. PARLORS. Jackson Hockersmitli to A P Weiss—1 acre in tp 39 s, r 1 e; $500. Opposite Plaza. W P Benn to A C Rice—lot 10 m blk D Local Agents Albany Steam Laundry. R R add to Ashland; $1. Ira C Dodge to John P Dodge and Mary M. H. H owell . J ohn C onway . 8 Doage—2.23 acres in tp 39 s, r 1 e: $5. S Patterson (sheriff's deed) to James Long—294.36 acres in tp 36 s. r 1 e; $1066.84. DOWELL & CONWAY, The U. 8. Land Commissioner instructs the Land office Register at Lakeview, Or., in reference to the Morrow land case, that the swamp land claim of the state under and the Neal survey at Warner Lake Valley, has been rejected, as title to same has not THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE MYER’S been passed to the State by patent. All fil­ ings cancelled for reason of conflict with the State claim are reinstated, and all con­ HARDWARE STORE. tests between settlers and the State are BOOTS & SHOES dismissed. BOOT SHOEMAKERS, ------- THAT FIT YOU------- MABETO ORDER AT LOWEST LIVING RATES. ew work a specialty . neatly done. done, Half-Soling, N ’s pairing men 76 cents, ladies 50 cents. w 1RS. E. B. • CHRISTUM ------ DRESSMAKING PARLORS Opera Where she will be pleased to see her old friends and patrons. W. 0. JOHNSON. Water Street. General Blacksmithing. HORSESHOEING- A Specialty. emember the place , my oid Stand on Water street, just below the R livery stable. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8UB8CK1PT1ON KATE»: One year............................................... $14* 31 Çh&nged JHands ! Wm. Bybee is dipping his band of sheep. Gold Hill is being afflicted with birth-dav parties. Harvey Parker and wife moved Sunday to San Francisco. Grants Pass people will pay a 42)^ mill tax this year for all purposes. J. W. Cox and Miss Mary E. Noe were married at Jacksonville Jan. 22d. Miss Mamie Wilson is in charge of the Postal telegraph office at Gold Hill. A son was born to the wife of Elmer R. Oatman at Talent on the 24th inst. A daughter was born to the wife of Rich­ ard Sherlock in Chewaucan, Jan. 22d. Fine line of furnishing goods and neck­ wear at low prices at Myer A Gregory’s School district No. 37. on Rogue river, has levied a 10 mill tax to build a school house. J. Noonan Phillips and wife have returned to Myrtle Point, Coos county, from San E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. T HE Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest baking pow= der made. It has received the highest award at the U. S. Gov’t official inves- tigation, and at all the Great Inter national Expositions and World’s Fairs wherever exhibited in competition with others. It makes the finest, lightest, sweetest, most wholesome bread, cake and pastry. More economical than any other leaven ing agent »i The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Under the Management of 3 a! I OREGON. HOTEL FRED T. FRADENBURGH, Prop’r HO HAS improved the House and is pre­ pared to Entertain the Traveling Public in First Class Style. W Til •o:~ Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day ----------- :o:----------- Sp ecial Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour ists. —. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon, 91 ------------ ;o:---------- •- Special Sunday X>ixixxex*s. Fresh Eastern oysters,Turkey and Cranberry Sauce, Price 50 Cents. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 1OC WALL ST., NEW-YORK. ASHLAND A MT. SHASTA STORM. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. Alliance of Industrial Organizations. W. H. Spaugh, secretary of Lane county farmers alliance is sending out ' the following resolution adopted at their last convention: Resolved, that a com­ , mittee of three be appointed to confer ’ with a like committee of Grange to .elect i a time and place in Lane county for the holding of a meeting some time during the coming summer, ot farmers and lab­ ' oring men regardless of party, to disease the alarming condition now confronting the American producer. Levi Geer, R. P. Caldwell and F. M. Nighswander ap­ pointed as the committee. MILLS The Landslides and Avalanches that Glasgow, Mont., lately had a $40,000 Blockaded the S. P. R. R. fire. The two gas companies at Stockton The recent train blockade in the Mt. Shasta neighborhood left Ashland with­ have consolidated. out communication for five days and The First National bank of Anacor- nights. The News of Dunsmuir, CaL, tes, Wash., has failed. gives this description of the affair: The Southern Pacific is having a hard The biggest avalanche in the history of J. J. Mehan of the Western Union was fight with the snow an its line in the called to Petaluma. Cal., Saturday by the this countv came down the mountain Sierras. death of bis respected and venerable father just above Upper Soda Springs about 8 The Maze at San Jose has been at­ o’clock Monday morning, burying the at that -place. John Nave to be tives of the Masonic and other Secret with his m\ne there; owns most of the Mount Bradley, the source from which stock, and is entirely out of debt. We are the avalanche got its start, is a steep, amputated, a nd it is feared he is also societies, as well as the A. P. A., gath­ glad to of his good fortune.—Lakeview hurt internally. ered at th'e armory at Seattle Sunday bald mountain nearly two miles from the Examin'er. Arthur, t'ue 14-year-old son of George afternoon to denounce the pope’s bull in river. When snow once gets started on Palm er & Blair, who killed “Dutch that hoary peak the only thing that will M. Evans, a fanner living -near Fort reference to their organizations. Fully Henry ” Wynnes the Jump-off-Joe miner, stop it is to run against another moun­ Jones, CaL, was sent to carry in wood 3,000 people were in attendance and at and 'then took possession of his mining tain. As soon as the company found out for the night. He did not return and times broke out into wildest enthusi­ properties, were dispossessed in n suit what had happened they put all the men his brother went to look for him and asm. The speakers were Rev. John F. began before Justice W. W. Fiddler at they could get to work cleaning off the found him hanging by a strap .‘from a Damon, the pioneer preacher of Puget Grants Pass by administrator Sexton. track. They called into service all the rafter, dead. It is not known w hether Sound; John Bushell, of the Sous of The civil service commissioner will hold available men north of Anderson, and the act was accidental of premed itated. Temper .woe, and G. W. Von Fasten of an examination for applicants for Govern- had 150 men working on it Tuesday. m ent positions at Roseburg, Or.. April 29th, T. S. Spalding, a prominent me reliant Tacoma, .state president of the A. P. A. Tuesday, while the men were away to t'495. Any one wishing to becomes rail­ their noon meal, another wild avalanche of Woodland, Cal., had a narrow escape Another meeting has been called for 1 fray mail clerk or hold any other Govern­ came dow n bigger than the first one and from death by poison. He had. muscu­ next Sunday xt the Masonic temple. ment clerkship shotrld remember the date. spread out on top of it, burving the rail­ lar rheumatism and his phys ician in­ The American Beauty owes her prestige I—ELY’S CREAM BALM—Cleanses the Nasal China New Year let in on us last Thurs­ road track fifty or sixty feet deeper. Two tended to prescribe codeia, h istead he more to a clear complexion than to any Paa&Lge», 2Ailaya Pain and Inflammation. Heals day and everybody knew it arrived when it big pine trees, between four and five attribute. A cup of Pazks’ Tea will the Sores, Restores Taste and Smell, and Cure. wrote atropia Shortly after the dose other got here. The Japs are cracking it to the enable anyone to possess this. Il clears Johns on the other side, but in this land ot feet in diameter, plowed a trench through was swallowed Mr. Spalding t vas taken the skin xnd removes pimples and that sal­ corporation plutocrats, the heathen Chinee the hard snow and shot across the river, suddenly ill. He soon becan ie uncon­ low. muddy look. Parks’ Tea is used by A A the son of the flowery kingdom can crack it burying one end into the bank on the thousands of ladies for the complexion. scious and was with difficul ty resusci ­ to us. other side, and making two bridges Without being a cathartic it cures consti­ tated. He is out of dange r and his pation. Sold by E. A Sherwin. [ Gives Relief at once for Cold in Head. C. O. Major of the Standard Oil Co. was across the Sacramento. Jtmiy i*To th. Nottrilt.------- It it Quickly Abtc-'-td. I To give one an idea of the amount of rheumatism is cured. The American bark California was here last week and informs us that they |Wc. Druggists or by mail. ELY BROS., 6« Warren L_, N. Y.| have let a contract to G. W. Priddy to build snow that came down, besides what Clarence Lugi, a young m; at 20 years wrecked recently on the coast of Peru. a foundation for 19.000 gallon oil tank to be went into the river and was washed of age, of fine family at Redl suds, CaL, The vessel was known to many old pio­ placed on their Medford lots, which will be away, there is a body 1200 feet wide, 2000 has been arrested on a ch- urge of at­ neers who came around the horn in her tilled with oil as a base of supply tor their feet long and from 50 to 100 feet deep. tempted criminal assault on t hr 17-year- in 1849. Among her passengers were Jackson county trade. If men had been at work when the last old child of a prominent men :h ant. many men who became prominent in The people of Lane county saw a falling slide came down there would have been Freeholders elected last N ovember the history of the Coast. The Califor­ meteor falling from the skies on the 23d over a hundred of them buried under M ain S tbkkt , O pposite F laca . inst. It came from the west, and in four the snow, crushed to death or slid into the are engaged in drafting a nev r charter nia sailed from New York in July, 1848. or five minutes it was followed by about river. They were very fortunate in all for the city and county of 8 an Fran­ Tire house territories committee has IF’JLIZN’TS, ZP j AIJST TIERS’ TO T-S, four verv loud explosions m quick succes­ being out of the way. A number of cisco. Prominent features of the new reported a bill to regulate the li< iquor sion and the rumblings and reverberations shovels went down with the slide. Wed­ charter will be the transfer of the power WALL PAPER. GLASS. ETC lasted some minutes longer. traffic in Alaska. The effect or the nesday the company had about 300 men to appoint all municipal of J cers from measure will be to restrict tLat traffic Items like these show the ill adjusted working on it. B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. the governor of the state to> the mayor and it will confine the issue of licenses shape of the nation and make hard-up and One of the men went up on snowshoes starving peojole sick: William Waldorf and board of supervisorj, ? Jhe present to white people, thus preventing its in­ Astor has roiade a contract with a New to near where the slide broke loose. He system of electing supr rvisf >rs will also discriminate sale. Favorable action wras reports that the enow was between thirty I York florist toplace flowers to the value of also taken on the bill giving Alaska the $50,000 upon the tomb of the late Mrs. As­ and forty feet deep where the avalanche i I be changed. broke off, and the piece that came down ! Chamberlain’s CougI, Rented v is famous right to be represented in congress by a tor during th« s coming year. Mrs. C. N. Gordon, our school superin­ is only a speck compared to what is left for its cure of bad co jds. It opens the se­ delegate. cretions. relieves the lungs and aids nature tendent, has settled the question whether and ready to start at any time. Parks’ Sure Cure is a positive specific in Other slides occurred in the canyon in restoring the syst em to a healthy condi­ all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. By women are qualified to superintend schools of a county. We have in our possession above Shasta Springe bottling works,and tion. If freely used as soon as the cold has removing the uric acid in the blood it cures facts going t.o show that the schools of all trains were blocked. The rotary snow been contracted. • before it has become rheumatism. 8. B. Bashford, of Carthage. Klamath we re never before in a more pro­ plow broke down near McCloud Monday settleci in the sysV >m, it greatly lessens the 8. Dak., says: "I believe Parks’ Sure Cure ------------ : o :------------ gressive and satisfactory condition than morning and had to go back to Sisson. seventy of the at tack and has often cured excels all other medicines for Rheumatism now. Mrs. Gordon is an able, conscien­ in a single day v hat would have been a se­ and Urinary disorders.” Sold by E. A. The northbound passenger came up as vere cold. For sale by Ashland Drug Co. tious and bnsy educator.—Klamath Star. Sherwin. far as Dunsmuir Monday morning and The Age. published in Jewett, Ohio, says: was abandoned. Tuesday’s northbound “We carry but one patent medicine ‘ad.’ -------- THE-------- that of J. 'C. Ayer A Co.. Lowell, Mass., reached as far as Dunsmuir lour hours and would not do this were it not that the late. Superintendent Cooley had the rotary firm is as square in its dealings as anv bank, and its preparations of the very highest up the road headed south. He kept it class. The life of the editor’s better half moving and got down as fares the big was once saved by the use of Ayer’s Sar*a slide Wednesday, but the cuts had drift­ parilla. after the physicians had failed to ed in bedind him,and being as the rotary give her relief.” is a one-ender, and no turntable between C. 8. Sergent of Klamath Falls, for nine­ Dunsmuir and Sisson, he could not ge't of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, teen years a merchant, has made an as­ back to clean out the cuts. is a constructive food that nourishes, enriches the blood, signment ot his stock, notes, accounts, etc , At ten o’clock Thursday night they to Geo. T. Baldwin for the benefit of all his creates solid flesh, stops wasting and gives strength. It is • creditors including the Howe boundsman had the big slide all cleared from the track, and the rotary came down to judgement; liabilities $5300. the stock in­ for all voices at $3400, and notes and credits about Dunsmuir, turned around, started back $2500, making the nominal assets, about and opened up the road through to Edge* $7C00. This amount will, probablly, be wood. Friday all trains were moving on reduced to about V>56(i0.” The Express says the Shasta division. There was another the assignment was due to a judgement big slide at Kennet, which delayed the rendered against him as one of the bonds- nien of W. E. Howe, the defaulting county passenger that left here Tuesday morn­ like Conan my tion, Scrofula, Ananiia, Marasmus; or for Coughs aniE ing. It was cleared out Thursday night treasurer. Jackson Co, Oregon. and the road opened up in all directions. Colds, Sore j throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Loss of Flesh andl After snow-balling and wrestling with Superintendent Cooley and Road­ his older brother in Scott Valiev, Siskiyou General Debi lity. Scott’s Emulsion has no equal as county, Arthur Evans, the 13-yéar-old son master Mott deserve great credit for rais­ REAL ESTATE AGENT, of Geo. Evans went out to the wood shed ing the blockade in such a summary manner. It looked at one time as Nouris. Iment for Babies and Growing Children, and hung himself toa strap. His brother NOTARY PUBLIC and saw him hanging with hi s feet touching the though it would take them two weeks to • Buy only the genuine put up in salmon-colored wrapper. COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS ground, their father was immediately sum­ get the road open, but they had trains moned but came in time to carry the life­ running before the week was out. Se. ndfor pamplct on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. less body of his son to the house. It is AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up Thursday the morn broke fine and believed the boy was only playing a mock­ for Sale or Rent- » clear, and when the sun rolled over the hanging as he was a reader of detective Scott A Bow ne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $1. Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. stories and other trash an< i talked a great hills there was not a cloud in the sky. deal about bangings since Indian Billy He threw his beams across a landscape ■J QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES was lynched at Ft. Jones. covered with five or six feet of snow, and As Silver and Real Estate are both at a verv low ebb now is the time for home Dr. Price’s Cream Baidng Powder commenced the process oi causing it to dimiuish. Friday It looks as though the seekers to get bargains, as I will take silver in exchange, on or address me tor World’s Fair Hi^wt t Award. The BfieoRD sfi ves adverti»e*s xaoat value for their money. further particulars. stoma ware «ver tor sone time. JACOBS & VIRGIN, Prop s MERCHANT TAILOR, Opposite HOTEL OREGON FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To H. C. MYER. Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES. CROSS-CET SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. H. S. EVANS, ASHLAND, OR. PAPERING, ETC. MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE. PRAISE, ONLY, FROM ALL WHO USE AYER’S Hair Vigor “Ayer’s preparations are too well known to need anv commen­ dation from me ; but I feel com­ pelled to state, for the benefit of others, that six years ago, I lost nearly half of my hair, and what was left turned gray. After Using Ayer’s Hair Vigor several months, my hair began to grow again, and with the natural color restored. I recommend it to all my friends.”—Mrs. E. F rank - iiausek , box 305, Station C, Los Angeles, Cal. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o prepared by • o o DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. o o A yer ’ s Him V igor KOH SALK BY ALL DBUGGUZS. COUNTY, Published every Thursday. PAINTING, HAS MOVED HER Next Door North of House Block, JACKSON Chief of the County Papers. Six months ............................................... 1 M Three months......................................... 76 Advertising rates given on application. PRESSED BRICKS. Notes from Salem. Cheers for anti-Dolph speeches at Salem and hisses for those in his favor. Straws show which way the wind blows, but these indications are more in the nature of brick­ bats. The Salem Journal, Rep., of Friday said: “This afternoon two special cars of the Southern Pacific carried Senator Dolph and his lobby back to Portland. The men who were here working in the interests of the people probably walked home.” The official vote for governor of Oregon is as follows; Lord. rep. 41,139; Galloway dem 17.865: Kennedy pro. 1.982: Pierce Pop. 26.- Francisco. 123. Lord had pluralities in every county A daughter was born to the wife of Dep­ but live—Baker. Coos. Jackson, Wallowa, uty county clerk E. E. Smith at Jackson­ Harney—the last named gave Galloway a ville, Jan. 21st. plurality and tbe other four were for Pierce. A good 2nd hand piano for sale, cheap. Hon. Robt. G. Smith, the young Grants Address C. F. Shepherd, Ashland or Pass statesman, is spending his keen, wirey Jacksonville, Or. intellect advertising himself as a champion Rev. Dr. Gwynne is bolding a revival in of gold-bugisni and plutocracy. Bob being a lawyer evidently figuring that it will be the Medford Presbyterian church. He is a many years and probably after his bones splendid evangelist. are laid away io rot before the masses ever Mrs. W. K. Davis wife of the Medford get gumption enough to succeasfnly re­ wheelwright, is convalescing from an ill­ assert their rights and in the meantime he ness with lung fever. don’t propose to waste bis sweetness on the Missionary tea at "M. E. Church next Fri­ desert air when by accommodating his views he can have a better time on the side day evening—luncheon, fine music, recita­ of the brainless money bags without wit tions and amusements, all for 10 cts. enough to introduce an excuse for their The people in the neighborhood of C. P. existence. Cottrell’s place east of Medford aré petition­ Mr. Blundell is the author of a joint ing for the creation of a new school district. memorial asking the withdrawal of the Lakeview has been having a continuous proclamation of President Cleveland siege of sleigh-riding as well as rabbit driv­ which was issued nearly two years ago ing twice a week to exterminate the var­ reserving from public sale the Cascade mints. reservation. The memorial claims the Miss Mary Davidson of Medford is reservation is Unnecessary and useless t teaching a select school at Grants " Pass for all practical purposes; that the school ohe She is a graduate of Heald’s Business sections therein contained are liable to college. he wrongfully converted as a basis for Robt. Leonard, the rustling southern obtaining valuable lieu lands in other agent of the Northern Pacific, parts of the state for a nominal price; Oregon ticketed Dr. Wood ond son OTer his route also that within the reservation is much last week. land already taken up by settlers and A. II. Brous, recently of Medford, was much more susceptible of settlement. married on the 9th inst. at Knoxville. Iowa, The memorial is viewed favorably by to Mrs. Ella B. Murry, the ex-postmistress those who have seen it. of Swan, Iowa. KAME & GILKEY, Medford, A shland , ubtuu.N. VALLEY KEWKD pikes Scott’s Emulsion Practical Business Training School of Oregon. Our New Building istnow Completed. I. E. RIGBY, Principal. MEDFORD. Wasting Diseases - - DAN RICHARDS, H - - OREGON. GOLD HILL, 4