VALLEY RECORD VALLEY RECUR I ». VALLEY ------- THE FIXEST- T’LA.JZÎSr Axn fancy ZP-EÒUSTTUSTG-. -VO MONOPOLY PRICES ^Í^Give na vottr order for L*-tter- heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circo- ara, Etc. UMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSo^SSSj^ jg Is E ssential ^ ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published everv Tuursdav. E. J. KAISER. Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION It AT Kb: One year ..................................................... M Six nionllis .................................................. 1 VOL. VII ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY Three month«............................................. 17 75 Advertising rates given on application. G A X I Alt I«’- OPFIIX HOUSE. PRESSED BUICKS. Çhàrvged J4ands ! h- I s; run g Coiiiii.ittee l*«M'ntea F L. Camp’s ph*>to< advertise his work. ill«- I eaili-Tiap WnfureH «if the W. K. Price of Tolo was in Aeluaml iiil-• r G*niard, and Cit' A tian/liter win hern to fl*ewife<'fJ If you are troub ed with® , ('ollm'ihmtii W. J S*’i*'lli *t, repreRetitim L R *we in Sama valley. D c 30 * the uncii, on Fri ’ hv and Siturilsv «x A -Inn/liter was 1*0'11 tn fl e wife > f I. ■ 1 ert* *1 t.*e Gi*'i*r*i Grand On-ra H 'll««-. : I cat.*! tl.e -an«** *.f the tri uble that W Liwfon at Me*lf r*l on tin- 8'1». A Hon wan born to Mr. ami Mrs. Ct ;*s in *k*s this ele ant building a p sail I W. Wolters at Medford on th« 7«ti Eat. year blood is bad. A few bottles * f S. S. S. will J amt prn*»i>>l*’ *l«atli-trai>aml recommend roughly clean-« the system, r* move all im-J •"I tn* r* p Ute t** be minle to make it a -fe. b F. Morine ami famdv <>f T-•! * ir»' • »0V4, ^unties and build you up. AU manner of blem-^ Th> r«- was a c-*ll* *l nr eting of thee* uncil for their m-w Ariz *na Imme at U mple. 2 Sa'ilrdav aft* r**o n nt which the repoii Mi«« Minnie Pttikey an-l T*i'*a. I’a- k* •*t H.c i-**nimitt».e w . ih accepted. The re­ *>f Sa cs V dlev haVr been taking a i cU - it« use. It is the be-t blo*>d remedy on earth.-.* po’ t is hi 11* >w 8 ; of liieaal a. Thous >ndi who h *«e u-ed it ay so. & vnoiUM ««.«in*« mm* •• My blood was badly poisoned last tear, which got got »yW A«hl»nd. <>r., Jan 12, 1*95 —To the min­ Ttie best cabin»*! nhot *« al F. L Ca*>i • '- M — system out of n der—diseased and aconstantsourcey^ a constant source^6 —------------------------ or u'id menib. rs of 1 tie citv council of As* . •ii*lio will be continued until Dec 20th for •f suffering n<> appetite, no enjoyment of life. Two bott.’es^ brought me right out. There is no betterzy laml. *»r.-g..n: Gentlemen: — We. your remedy for Mood diseases y) c nim'iiee appoin'ed m examin" the build $2 per *l"ze->. -------------- JOHN • AViN. Dayton. Ohio w Mine N"»tie G’ov -r of M"Ifor*l w ■» realise on blood and -kin ois?ases mailed free.% in-- of scar G*n»rd would report a- SWIFT SPECIFIC LO., Atlanta,Ga. g I’o I ws; n irned at Yrek t recently t’f G •*>. F We * avc *-xa ined the building and find E ii ..’*.1 m of P >rtlaml. th t 'll*- roof tru-s * ends slre'igihening b> R'-v E. Fiahor of p.ilk <**-nntv in i> addiii'*nai ro I- and bolt« and the tru«se- r*'gi- ere*! t*« their proper place«. We rind charge o Die C'lriatian ci urcli at Me I- also i|i**i *m aci omi* of wood lin'd* l>eing f *r*l, hei’ig the n«w p iHtor. ROYAL BARINO ¿IfWtWlt CO., 106 WALL 8T., NE.W-YORK. used» er si re tront« me shrinkage of W. H B >8twi k wh 1 is t tk'n ’ on’ I *• >« h eh ha-c m ed the iron's of the build — -* :o:— ■ f goiil duet fr- m liia ri"h U *i’> b*w v _•* -anse t*>,«e t -. th-*t it will >*c neo- pfrterr *’r u rd, a-w-n: Sn d «v in A«'*l.**m. OAUIWKM e -arv i ri'in o'e s> tu** of the brickwork K. E. Phipps ia el-rking I'll J.ibi* \V. i.d - ren.’i'.en -veak places *>y iron anc’»- MECHANICAL AND Ol’ERATlVF ■rs^nnd *o*l • and h* re submit plan and R’lhi 118**11 at Wim»-r while t* e l;ilf- r le BI-METAI4.ISIS OIIG IN IZH. Alli.r.G 1IE MINING ITEMS. COURT I'ltOCEE DINGS. - i iii* a ion- f. i n»ce sarv repair * to make pushing along hia winter mining ent. r DENTIST. the I ui'ding safe for all purpose«. prim». Chas# t’ombinaiion Dental Plates m ule I specific ition« f.*r neees-ary repairs to \-li la nd Ri-anch «>f the American :o: Dtvidsoti Bros, of Missouri Flat hav«* CIRCUIT COURT. Cii’i-itv A«a°«8nr G.*o. A. J I’-kson L is with G !d ¡nd Aluminum Hoofs. Bl-m> tall«: league Ge h T.*tt«'th<-r struck another p* ck*-t, wut-ilmr or not as make opera Imu e building of 0«* ar Gan- Gol* F ings inserted in Porcelain Teeth i >r*l-ate for al pu p.«es: •n'V“*l fr en Ri.’U* rivT t<» M • lf*-»r I t<* D. D. Gio*l V«. Ashliml Minin’ C >.. et wnli 2‘!0 m-mlw-rs anil Holds ’«»0*1 as th ir $1800 om- of last su inner O per a. appearance. remain during his assessment of th* a).; to forei-loHe a I iborer’a li*-n Ju lg- A nchohs — T.«o anchors throngh build- Some lt *n-ing Free Silver M •«•!• remains to tie s-rn, blit ir**m ttie fir-t Gold vrown and «.’onlour work a specialty •• n-itv. meet for $556 75 ami •• * h I h J. P. Anl.-r in at fr nt of stage and gal ery floor a Office over the Rank Iitil».—J icksoti County l.ejj Hlat -r- mn ot dirt taken out just tfiore tiigl.t | «••n, def-« dm.t, r*-c< * vers fr.**ii compati« D putv Internal R ve* n- (’»Vector A. Estracting and unavoidable calls from 8 s I ioa n, with plates, nuts, and a' gle wa-hers > ¡1282, ami Cha». R pei $126 9 ). I >Hi 1 n«jt*‘|eaton and othpr free-sily-t was shirted up again a few days since. ■ Fred H«**een vs. P. J V’«nHnr*l*ti ‘ >»r $2277. M. BROWER ner of hui ding as -hown, 22 feet long % I 1'ttr,; to Het aside a asaignnient, l"a lera *>f thi“ place have organiz'd a fr* A inch round iron, nut ami wa-her complete. Sam Wdmott, a S.m Fr tociaco brewe*-, The Anac* nda mill has been running One anchor at west c.rner fa-lened to *aa taken charge of B ishf>*rd’a M'-*lf*trd «i'v. r L-avne, ple*lginv its members Io 'light and dav with v«-rv ''ratifying r<— | De'iilirrer overrule*! an I I femlant ziven PHYSICIAN and BURGEON, g d ery door a« show * % inch iron, nui •>rewerv ami will nave it brewing within -m»i»*>rt no one for office bnt ca*i*l'*late« suits. T’*e biotieer miner ‘‘Ja* k” Lv in-tiier time t*> file .in «' swi-r. i*i t iv *r of the free coinage **f silver nt D H. Miller va. J. W. Ifo•keramith ; A»« lo » d , O keg ** k . and ■ a-he-comp e e. a few weeka. mu is going to pipe on his <.*r* IVnl near < V'*r *non-v Jll'l m*'tlt bv *lefall‘t. C ipt.-L T. C. Niah, who will convert i.'tion of other natio 18. The officers <•$ iVilhamatiurg as well as at F* rns gulcti. fa-tein d to-lintel wi ll lag bolts, nuts and T. J Hamlin, et al , vs J. W. H a-ker* Office—At Residence intersection of Me­ >» complete, ancli r to l>e 1-inch H >tel Med for* I into a'three atorv struct I'm |<>H>*Ue are ; Messrs. Johnson A Knhli have l*een 1 smith. Same piix'eediiiva. i r und and J^x2*4x'i feet 6 inche«. ure in the npriiig, will change its nam»- chanic, Laurel and Main ¿streets. cleaning out the VVioetrout «life*» and are1 President, M F. Eivleafon; vice-nre«i Amanda Luckey vs. W. N. Luckey; Four anc or-ta-tened to floor joist in to H*»tel N i»h. lent, T. J. Howeli; treasnrer, W. N. building a rabin on tlieir placer claim divorce. Decree heretofore grant*-*! mod­ the main ball a- shown in plat, wiib nuts A. N. Solias of J ickaonville has heeo Lu*'kev; secretarv. G. W. Tr-f en ; ex*'*1 near Bridgepoint, preparatory to a set-to ified so as to allow plaintiff to temove to and washjrs complete, an* hor inch Cali'orni.« with the miner children. r**u ■*! ir *n 4 feel l<>ng, to fasten to j.*i«t ■ipp 'inted apecial agent Ot the State in- u ’ iv - committee, F. R >ncr, Rtbt. Tavlor, with Itouhiers and gravel. with book. aurance company of Salem to resille ill 0. B. Watson. Gen. W. Dunn, the nnlv Geo. W. D iane vs. L**vi Morris, et-al.; Mr. Cnhl oi Steaml*oat. and 0. A. Tat s-Es—Ten iron rods 1% inches bv I lie conn t v Beat. to foreclose a mortgage. Decree granted r-onh!lean representative from Jackson R se started yeater.lav for Grants Pas- i ah*nii 12 fee* long—nut« ami wa«hers for During the aix month« coiling Dec. ■■ nntv was bv reR**ln*1'>n invited t * H'l- i w th a hand of b* ef steers, Irmt! G- W. ami property ordered «*•!*!. both >-nil-, wn-lier-4xS inches hv 1*^ incn W. W. Tavlor, et al. v«. M. W. Wheel 31a’ t»p CollntV clerk’ h < fili'*' took tn Ir **« t* •• le*l lie. 0 1 Wednesday ever* WlD*tr. tit’s ranch on Tliomt>H 'n «'reek, e-. Eiul- of tliese r**d> upset for threads. Ten %-inch eve-l>olts pa-sing through $1457 10, the 1 rei: r ler.s $(il»4.*)5, *h*- in-, theO’h ¡list., a r-U«ing meeting ot w here Mr. Cohl • a-s ill qtt • » numb r er, et al.; equity. Judgment for defend­ tlm l**a*.’U-' wa« h* 1 I inthe*'i»v hall. The ant. holt in oi main brace 11s shown by p>at and all* r H’ h $297 75. I beeves being fell. PkOBATE COURT- fri-iene*! t >«ti"i or- by % inch p n 15 *nch- Frank Swn*-Ker the Fool’s creek miner * Bowing letter from Representative e- Ion., with uts ami wa-h rs complete. *‘B*ily” Pernol!, Bridgepnint’a popular Estate of and vuar lian-h:p of Peter K.. D inn was read: ind M ish 1*1, Wade, ttie Granta i*aa Ten -pliie-bl cks. 2x16 xl feet H inches luetctiatit, is tloing a thriviii' business, Simun. Ord« r made allowing guaidian to Ashland. Or.. Tan «th TM95. wood. I***lted -.vitli lour l«ol:*-% inches by 15 school tender, w*-re marrie*) recent!' at M. F '•'gi'le-ton. P’es A’b'and Branch too’ he s iva money isn’t us plenty as it mortgage cer*a*n land« the | o ne * f the brj.fe. indie- long. Estate of El>z *be’h Phillips, Order made ot tlm Nation'll Hi-Meta lie League—Dear »¿ight be. B ri - k woRK.r-4lri.-k work between piers Shiloh's (hire tn<* great Cough a- d Cr*.un -ir; Y ur-of the 7th inst at hand. confirming sale **f resi e- t'e. O v- of st»r*- iron's on Mam street and ov**r Cure, is in great d- ma* d. Pocket -ize con­ Mr. Wells who -was thrown by h-a Esta e of (’has. nffenl*aecber. Order of ing t" the fact that I have already made ar­ lint* I- ot Mine to he removed and re .laced, tains twenty-five do-e- *>ulv g5c. Cliil.lien Horse some time since and severely final settleim nt ma le. rangement'* 'o s art fo ’ Salem on the 9th also all brick window sills wheie found love it. Sold by A-lilmd Drug Company. in-t and al-o to s’op off alone the railroad, shaken up, still complains of some sore­ Estate of Rums '•orth. Same procted- A loose. in •«. Ttie dwelling house tin E ii'imlt B e- i <*ilt tie nnpo-aible for me t*> addr*'S8 'our ness. FÜLL Estate of Elizabeth J. Phillips. Tuesday. a*»n’B mountain ranch on Alltel >pe, * h -«- u ten 'tie on that evening P'e "*e express to B* yo**«l < < nipa* is**n LINE Mi-s Kite Harriot’s tern’ of school Match 5, 1895. «et for hearing of final -ettle- oied by Chua. B'ophv and chd Iren, a is vmtr league tnv heartfelt appreciation for 1 re the goo I qua’ities po««e-se*l by Hood’- ilie ho-*or conferred in their invitation and ••loses next Fi clay and an i rite rent ing ment. Sar-aparil a. Atsive all it puritie-ihe blood, • leatr*>ve*| l-y fire from a ilefectiv fl m a—nr? them that, while I have n**t a« vet program will he rendered by the pupils. There was no inaiirance. Iteal •■'Hlaie. ilitl trciiL’tlieuing th*- nerves; it regiUaies J t'c •* a’*le t • convince m' se'f that the Utiit- I he diee-ine organ-. >n vigorat s the kidneys John Beekmr to Frederick Wagner—nn- Tne dam-e on Christmas night at Ttie conteat of G. A. Tebli- vs. Chiron* e e*l State« alone cun re. u-*tr ihe price of an*l It>er. tone-a d Imil-fs up theentiresys- S.H'tb, foractiool slip-rintemleiit. of Siakt ilver. I t*e'i"ve we ah**u d u-*' our ever* R se’s hall was, as usuil, a greatsttecea«, d'vid-*l >4 interest in IGO acre« in tp 3< .«, r leni. i-uri-s .*-cr**ful«. Dy-p p-t i Catarrh am! V**I1 eoil'itv Was decl'le I in fav *r ing tim* 3 w; 7'00 i lieuimiii-ui Get Ho d’s and only Hood’s. Sheritfs deed to J 8 Sims—blk 17. Central bv 2 V'*t*R. Ttie canVHRsllIg Isiird hail I and« with n< *>n the «Uver question. Again will» tlieir feet to g m *h*w to Geo Brown—land in tp31 ferred upon me. I uni, verv trn'v vmtr«. jaundice.imlig* stion. -ick headache 23c. Another S'*eial hop is l*ill«-1. N. B. Knight, the Liwver «ml UE<>. W. DUNN. lav night at. the same place. Geo Br**.«n t*> Ed Wilk n*nn—land in tp stock-raiser, was 1 eiitit llenis. S'vrited sm-cct’es were «nad»' hv M. F. 31 s, r I e and 3ft s. r 1 w; $7560. . ’ Oman last week ■«• a a.-nat *ri d poa«il> li- Salmon have lieen quite plentiful in K ’ ♦•stnn, T. J. H"W«*I|, Frank William«. | Tli* C- Iilral point Belinola «eein qitite Wm B Roh, r's to J S 11 age v—8.02 acres I popnl ir. l’rof. Freenia*» haa Home 45 tv. Col Kni'til’s friends out thia w 1' C B W «lean, W. N. Lnckev and »there Thompson creek and ntimiiers ot g od tn tp 37 «. r 1 w; $ *05 10 w»nl*l le happy to a«e him endowed C V Mor i-**n io J W Cook—20 acres in mi Mie- G ii * s * mi atHiiit fi) ponila. mt 8*‘Veml of the speakers deplored tic lisii have lieen eaU’tit. A W--k ago v-«- with the high honor. a*-t that a republican representative-elect terdav the well known “t e lavoglte«” tp 39 s r 2 w. $1 We i*am that MissOiieG r*lon an*1 J M Rio«>m t*» Vincent Cook—20 acres in Ex-Senator Tli»o. Cameron and 'Ira. fr *>• .Ta' kson enntv a'-onl'l be so si u II "i. J. A. J ff'rirs and his long tri.-iid T. Mie. S s more *.f dama Vallee are doWlt K R *r>* rts, were sp-anng for them alt tp 39 s r 2 w : $1. witli thè im-aelea, which ih Hoinewhat Cameron returned to Ja.-ks**nvide la-’ ■••*1 Enrnp-'«*iiz**d as tn want tn consult s M C to Vincent Cook— 20 acres tp 39 s, Week fr* tn a atav of a* V ral weeks ii* Ent"pe first -it this late dav in the silv r d.«v an I toeir eaten is said to have lieen laMhionable ii*'W in timi l'cajitv. r2r;$1. P rtl.tnd, where Mrs C. was in th, « >it *’*”n. The following W’Wdutrnn «m sometiiiiw womierful. 8 M * '♦» to R A Cook—20 acres in tp 3S s, Il Hi-emH lik*' ohi lime« to a •«• two par­ '.amis cf a phvauiian. Tlieir man' Tne new year Las started in as if it r2 w: $1 li. 8'il HiirveyerH start iiut tr«»m town in •rlemis will l»e pleased t« know that t' e U S. senatorchip was unani>nouslv S M 1 'o to J W Co*>k—20 acres in tn 39 ». ot »»»•■I ; was g iug to give the |il.«cer miners a thè m ■r iing. At>p|eo„t h ’ for tlm min­ VIra. Cameroii’a health lum been great ‘•rte-olvcd. That it i** the sentiment of «now to make some money it water wi I r 2 « : $1 uto ieji' uh and C' ni ami Jones' for thè Iv improv.-*! thereby. S M Co t** Co'delia _ __________ t’ i- ineeti-*g that t’*e legia'ature of Oregon Io it, lot It lias l*een raining h | k I B'l**w L Ankeny— _ 20 peres* lieW ra |r. H I. in ti*S«s. r2 w; $1. Ttie ('level m l *l*-m *< t iti*' repnbli-nn •dmiild elec* a Uni'ed 'late* senator with mg coiitinu >ush t iou.ti ttie snow In- Sheriff's deed io Beekman A Ream «— Th R. R V. R. R. C ». ¡a making a intent cordi»le hdweeo ti e p *lni*'d w r* p o'u'nnet'd views in favor *>f the coinage disappeareii al»*ut s fist as it lell in ti e 208 12 an es in tp 33 s. r 3 w and tp 3 * s. r di itilile MIÏV» y n| th*'ir new line from pullers at GrmiB I’aa« seems to Woik • f lr*ih gold and si ver at the o d tim •- h»n *ad ratio 16 to 1; that we urge our vaileys, out a g'«i*i reserve is i*e|.| tu tt.* 2 w $81*00 Jai k so viil.- to Sims Valley via Central i* ely. The count V court ImH il|*|i‘>iiit*. I mountains winch reserves a length' llcaion Fox to A I) Ferguson—lot 3 bik 5 I’* ini M Illy Seem to think the romp nt Will. W. Fiddler, a goid ataml.ird *1* m*’- r* p'-i'sen’ative« t‘* support ,,» man not in -. a *■*>*•*< with the e resolution«. ’ ’ season. I ti.iuk it may s.ifelv lie s.ii 1 Ashland; $1*100. ineaus r.nd that grading will «•rat, jnalice of the peac- to aneceed A. S. The league open« w*th an enr*'l'ment n' tiirre are m ire placer mines at work thi« stani «■! ■ m:ii*ii*-e. The 1 tn erica h Bean tv nwes her prestige lfin names.»# the leadin? men of this com- winter ttiaii f.*r a great many vear«, 1 LtllvleV, who die*! two Weeks ago. ni' re to a * lear c* inplexi<s p.irlor piano, of reputai*!* ami uii'ler altachinent. Toe line started at I- awl $250,090 Gender. Mr. II. bherwin. Barg* r. V i « h R*.||e ul*i tie s*>ld oi*lv fo> Jam«-. Mr. E E. in .1 ti al lure, brami m-w; took first prz* from Cre8«'ent Cltv, Cal , ami readied it twin • r.-al -alate, niteriie'd. M r. It. J. Mr Have«. Mr It. Opposite Plaza. world *8 fair. For «ale or will trade on a within 2ft mil«-8 of Grat is P.n-8, rear al out $10:1,00 I tn $120.0 i M). T*iere is inv All Memphis, Tenn., turned out to bear < i ’ ’ ••• p r Mr. Itarry * .Maize. Mr. J. II. Kerhvviile when const ruction w.*ik was on«- inciimiiraiiceon ||.e pmp«-rtv, that ie Congressman Breckinridge lecture. Mrs. Local Agents Albany Steam Lam dry. • leal for t* wn lota; or hav, potatoes <-r a* ul down. a'lagi an, Mr T**ni Smith, Mr-*. <; \V.(2) a mor-jave given within the last f* u htl'.S. A good bargain, Well Worth ill- J. H. Ree gave a re<.e tio.i to the colonel Davis. Mrs. Mary Wil-on. Mrs. F -CLY’3 Cl?-AM HALM-Cleanses thoTToaal It is nil the tioURe at v Htii’Hiion. I (pure nt or write R ecord t Paul aul latia.injnrf.tion, Heals The Ashland frtft growers ass eiitioo m- t>’tis fo'-$9 00 which was sai*l to have be-n a magnifi ­ I’* rson« c.*l ing f**r sa**ie wil please sav thu bores, Liestures Taste and Smell, and Cures ,' ohn C onway ■ ■ilice, Abbiami. Oregon. ban elected Mayor J. R. Caeev to ml* 001 N *rth Tac*>mn aveiitl • and two oth r M. H. H owell . ••adv« rtised.” . W. II B runk . I* M. cent affair. p c*-* a of property. tl.e northwestern fruit erow’-rs ass >.-i:i K't ay Sow*«. Patrolman Edward Daddies was shot tion nniu I in«eting in !*• rtlaml the I s' I’apta'n Sweeney. U S A.. S.m Diego, It piidiatinsr Bridge Warrants. Three heini of slrav « W8 came to mv **l this month. It convenes with t:*e dead at Chicago wni e endeavoring to al.sav: ••Shil'di’ Catarrh iteimslv i- Bv • r ler nf the count v court of J.*8 i»Lce. De*-. 17. 1894. White ami black \meri«'an P**m*»l'»gieal association and a arrest two tn.eves. The thieves are ihe nr«i medii'ine I have ever found Ilia: -p..tle*i; niik tinier left ear ; I wo year« firat-clang fruit »X'dtnt iron A«l l iml ami l>- ire colllitv the prosecUtim.' attor*m« known and will be captured. wou’d du me any good " Price 50e. — It it Quickly A /*«'—' -d. ■a e by Aanland Diuz Company. • 1*1 ; i'l condition Owner Will please vieinitv will be exhibited to the visiting ha-* I i I complaint in the circuit con t ELY BROS., 66 Warren N. Nelson Whittaker, the millionaire r*'etr-*i*iiog 1 h*' *-OQ'itv tr-:isnr*-rv ao*i • ■all and get sanie ami p iv «•■•at *.f adver- lelei'Htea. iron man facturer at Wheeling, W.Va., Th • le-gislaiure a- * r*ff of that con'itv fr* m paving coil > ’ u-ing. W illiam B utleb , Acupof Parks' Tea at night, mo e< the pt. 27, 1890. for $3I7-"' has issued a puulic letter N'*«v that ihe Orego** legislature i< ;n THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE MYER’S 2l._. mil- s imrtfi of Aa'dand, Oregon. bowel- in the morni 'g wi luni' pain or. di- w >rr*-i*i8 iasu«l com’’**rt. It is a vrea' health giver aud infavorof tl.e S in Francisco Bridge C* . his candidacy for the United biates session ever' b. dv will want to read a new-- HARDWARE STORE. pap«r i rin ed at 8al- m, the capital They f >r putting in crit*a and building approac senate. lilood purifier. Sold by E. A. Sherwin. will ua*it a paper ihai gives all ihei ew.s. The American Book C*t. (the trilat) got • ms t ■ the Rogue river bridge at Granta James George, a qnarryman, while The8'ate-man i-just -itch a paper—brigiit, P ush . C.*n'*tv clerk Ch 'Un'or fai'e*! to awav with the school l**** k busimi-s in M ais S treet , O pposite P laza . carrying a lot of dynamite over his «pi«-y, active, energetic, well edi'ed. It reports the proceeding* m detail every the v**teof the at ite countv m-h ol eui»*T- make a re<-nr*i of the contract <»n tl« ---------THAT FIT YOU-------- shoulders in a guunysac* in the western •lav. not ••verlooking a single i’em 'n either intendentB. Our superintendent, G iih J- urnal, therefore it is enntended that FA l IJSTTS, » Newburv, vote*! witti the trust. Th*- tt «•'ssmng o'the warreuta was with-u suburbs of Chicago, stumbled and fed, ¡i* u e. Your senators and rep*e-emanv«-s T^Æ AT>~E were elected on a stated platform, pled-ed iitiioritv of law, ami thelast point is that the shock exploding the dynamite und Ore: Oman fought the trust without avail, to ea*r.v out certain po’icies ot reform You AT LOWEST LIVING RATES. as its fight brought mi <-*>nvii-tion to the tlo- countv was then above its constitu­ tearing the man to pieces. wil* want io watch their *'ou**se in tl*e 'egis- B uilding P apebu , Vv happing P appm and T wines . ARTISTS' MATERIALS. tional $5000 limit, of indebtedness when people, who recognize the Orcvonian as A Vienna journal says: The Japanese ature and -ee wl*erher«>r not they remai *ed the w .11 rants were draiyti, EW WORK SPECIALTY. Re­ a corporation, tiust l**ving | lutocratic * rue to their pledges The State-mini will envoys in Europe have been instructed pairing neatly do**e llalf-Soling, you all **f H is and more. too. foriii«a •died *>f the first-magHitmie, New •'nperviHors. to watch the chances among European give men’s 75 cent», ladies 50cents. new spatier ine'erv -ense of the W'-r*1 and The Wirth Phot** Co. have l*‘ii'*cd th* The fh]1r*Aiiig ¡a a lint of road hud 'T vi princesses to get a brine for the mi­ ewry aiv**ftbe week, T«*e daiiy i- ftrtca T- ler gallery and are prepare*! to fav. r t-e sors fi r 1895, appointed l*v the cou- tv kados heir. Failing to find a princess ni"iith. The hii: 12-page Weekly i« $J a public with the finest kind of pii-ture«. coii' t st toe J mu irv term : D strict N'* 1 they should seek a nobleman’s daughter '«■ar—Hire- months. JO:. Add*ess all *-otu- James Masaie, ioim*lv a p.isB-nger miinicalions ami make h II money.« payable \ F Hunt; N*> 4 M Bellinger; Nn ft, G«*** train brakeman, w «a visiting Ashland C Garrett; No 6, \V A Owen; N • 7. N or an American heiress. • o-'tatesman I'ublisbing Co.. Salem, Or. friends Sllinlav, the flrat time since th. On rl- y; No 10, G 0 Dunean ; N * 12, C Ex Governor Sylvester Pennoyer of HAS MOVED HER Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is f;*m**u- I strike. A h an example of tl e fi'-mlisli skvrrmiu; No 13 David Gilmore; No 14, Oregon has endowed Williams col.ege at manner in which Snot. Fdliii'-re is l*on*i- D ' tn Dngoan : N • 17, J H Mi 1-r; N • Wuhamston, Mass., with a scholarship for its * u e ot had colds. It opens ¡he se­ ditig the striking hove it will 1» 18. R Wri .'bt; N*> 37. Jo-G pp rt;N**35. of $3.500 in memory of his sun, whu cretions relieves ttie lung« and aid- nature in restoring the system to a healthy condl- noted that thia exemplary yi ttng man I W Vlaaterson ; N** 19, J is K-nne*l v ; N*. died there last term. The money is to lion. If freely used as soon as the cold has has been arrested <>n tiv- «liff-rent *'hnrge* 2. (' W Knighton ; N"27. J N atham tier; be used for the support of neeuy and been contracie.l am. i>efo e it has become «ince tile strike comniem'e*l ami is now N • lfi, J N Y"U'i ; N • 20. S E Du'i'ii'u- *n the s* slept. it gr* at y les-eti« ihe deserving students, preference being settled tint Ayer's Sarsaparilla, out of the great **ut on bail awaiting the pleasure of tl * '•>1*; No 21, ABiert Eaton; N • 23, J V evenly of the attack and has ot'en cured given Oregon students when such aie iu nuiniier of similar preparations manufac­ tn A 'ingle dav whs' won d have lieen a -e- S. P. company's hired Pinkerton tl 11 s K 'zur; No 11, N Hoatner; No 9, L A AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up vere c* id for sale bv Asiiland Drug Co. tured throughout the worl.l, wis the only until Ibev distort his action mt*» oliatrn*-- R »■ ; N > 25, W C Diley; No 20, Isia*-I college. tor .>-816 or Kent. medicine of the kin I admitted at the ting the U. N. Mails. Oi these flVe Char- H iriis; N • 29, D hü Ch pman ; N*> 30. W Three bouses and lots in the town of Gold Hili, all good bu.-iness stands. World's Fair, Chicago? And why was it g« s that he was Imunded at«* ut on for T Moore; N 31. W <» C .«ter; Jf 32. A B that, in spite of the united efforts of the months three ha I to lie *1*8 TliBSed ami * * C* arir .w ; N*> 22, O B D w»; K 3, A Al- QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES manufacturers of other preparations, the was fined $5 on another. He spent tu- for.f; No 33. E B M * er; N<»34. W K Price. decision of the World’s Fair Directors was As Silver and Rea) Estate ate l*oth at a very low ebb now is the time for home weeks in j ill uh tti a month ago. If tlier «eekera to get luiigains. hs 1 will take ai*ver in ex< iiange. Call on or address me for not reversed? 1« any retrihntiv justice <>n earth Fi-n'1 Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment further particulars. Fillmore should l«e roasted in a living Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- eternal hell on earth. '{heum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped When you are in a low state < f health, and on the verge of According to R ule 15—“Articles ©1 Parks’ Tea clears tne conin'exion. Mrs o GBEJTIUSEUI OF ABATOK'i tt.-.t uro in any way dangerous or o N. Me«ette of Le Roy. N Y.. says: "I lands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, illness, there is no nourishment in the world like ,'hronicSore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. oEnnsivo, also patent medicines, o have tried Parks’Tea and fin*l it ihe Le-i W51 Market St., San Francisco o remedy I have ever tried,” Sold by E, A. 7or sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. nostrums, and empirical prepara­ o (Eetvetn Gih and 7th Ets.) J Sherwin. tions, whose ingredients are con­ o Co and learn how won*ii TO HOSSEOWNEES. ¿a cealed, wdJ not be admitted to the o Sunday’s Oregonian sava Dun’s M»r- «■« made and bo* to «void »ickne.-*- For putting a horse in a fine healthy con­ o BEST IN THE WORLD. nd d.»ease. Mu-eum enlarged with Exposition,’’ aiid, therefore— chanttle Agencv yeater.lav r«*«**'ive.| >1 o dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. w*»arionod and tones up •tricturc. loss of manhood, di«ea»«s of the •»:’» ttie insurance of Chrisman Bma of Silvei .nd kklMTK Qui* Ely cured without the u**e of m* r- Because its proprietors had nothing to o new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 the whole f. stem. o RAINING. Fresco Painting. Calaomin- Lake. This is the llntiirtipia ’ e firm Irr«tm~~T psnooalb or by letter. Send conceal when questioned as to the for­ o cents per package. For sale by druggists. ine. Church De*»rating. Paper Hang­ Which Wat« burned * ut In the terribl* o For Goughs, Golds, Sore Throat, Fronchitàt, mula trom which It is compounded. For sale by Ashland Drug Company. ing and Carriage I’ainiing, g*> tu holocaust Christmas eve. The ii'Snr- o Long established and reliable practitioners Afcmw it is nil that it is claimed to be o Weak Lurgs, Consumption, Scrofula, Aaæcda, anceam'iiintH to $29*10. T* e Christmai'B We are in receipt of two handsome calen­ —a Coni ***u:i I Concentrated Extract ot o «itcceKNor to lUrk» «T Mel! title tutve amide mea s with which to tun dar- tor 1895. which were sent to u-tecenth o Loss of Flesh, Thin Babies, Weak Children, ard ............................ p n-lm-iship. S irs iparilla, and In every sense, worthy o all their debts. They have written t*» a r**tn the office ol (J. I. Hood .ft Co A A -CITY- the indorsement of this most Important o wholesale firm in this eitv expliitiim* your druggist for a coov and if hi« « Notice is hereby given fha' the umlei- EAVE ORDERS a» VanSant’« store committee, called together f*» passing o f that tlieir delay in settling their ac*-nm s is exhausted semi six cents in stamps forone 9igne«i, d«>ing l.usioess under the firn and look at wuik fur inspectiun. o It Lus our trade- upon the manufactured products of the o is Unavoidable. All their time has lieen ca emlar. or 10 cents for . w<>, 10 C. I Hou* I »lame of H veiw-r A L<>*mi**. have thi>- A o., L**weil, Mass. entire world. o ins k on taken uu in attending to the dead ami day dissolve*! |iartm-r-rii|*. E F L-mmu* o W«*nnde»i ill the 8triek--ti town. The Ducklen h Arnica Solve. Is retiring and W»tl. JJeV* nel e*intil>llin o Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. o Portland creditors ate |eni«-nt with th* J|. iMte business. u « H evenek , T iif . B est 3 ai . ve in ihe world for c firm, ami have **tfer— I t’lem ev.-rv ass'si Scott * N. Y, All Druggists. 50 cents end G I. Ur uses >**res. I’*cers. Salt Rheum. Fe'e* E F. Looxus. aH-*'iig«*/ <'«>ii*lie>. i>> Every Tia<* J"CD IB -b-* JR TUST Cj" o Sore«, «. Tetter, «‘híippwI Hands*. Cti|lb'ain-. ;. . • Ashland. Or.. D *’ 12. 1894 Admitted for £xMbition -• . ® ’ anew, (j* e l*cal i *hi»er has written to' Freight moved alxmt p>wr* at rates *,and Erqptiopá and pqdtivsly . RllSkjn . ...................................... _ ... T, them tltwt IhttV IMP order frotp hint t<> o-rii*. cures Pili a, or no pay required. It i» cuar- NUCE* TO SUIT YOU LG EK THAN ANY ONE El.*>h. any >xtrnt. M»w*«k'****'''Wfor« buying < piano or orgen don'i AT THE WORLD’S FAIR g tii’te»*! to give I'srteot sail fs'-ri'-n or money fail to 'W aiid hear the Kimball. (’. r'. ^oeoopopoogjqq^y^oo Fltv wood .*f all kind* *le*tvwre«i ar»' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder ie mided. Price 25 cents p* r Ooz. (JOOU R1rkrï*r1 HOTEL Made from the most BOILS ULCERS<»| PIMPLES, SORES OREGON Tha Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Under the Management of highly refined and ex pensive ingredients, CLEARED AWAY and leaves neither acid y ré SS nor alkali in the food Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Professional Cards ists. ^|ik‘Ciai Rates to Bi$ar REAL Why Was It ESTATE AGENT, NOTARY PUBLIC and COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS O Where she will be pleased to see her old friends and patrons. DR. JORDAN & CO.'S ETC BECAUSE Are You Fortified? — FOR — Scott’s Emulsion Bon aiift Sian PAINTING, all conditions of Wasting. Buy only the genuine! salmon-colon d -wra^cr. Ayer’SoXSarsaparilla H. J. HICKS. G L. LARSEN A CO. I ¡MGEIIX-FREIGHT _ _ _ .-.v, . — rf, L..LARSEN & CO. tra nsr sfbr . x \ • i ‘ lyiwu ai H»« te.«cal grus. > •___- ,, _______ TIL n M th? ft?ççr4 OftiÇf»