CHINA another bonanza k ; nq gone . Tue People's Paper ASHLAND Or Thnrsdav. ,l«n 3. I»¥ Beware of Widow«». A curious law case came up lately iu un eastern city. A young Lady instigat­ ed proceedings to have a guardian up- pointed for her younger brother and sis­ ter on the ground that her mother, a widow, was not a proper person to guide ♦ heir tender years. The mother was 55, it was said, but only looked 80. That of itself was exasperating enough, for what woman who had a growuup daugh­ ter iu society has any right to look ouly 80 years old? Tho ? rgritved daughter testified that her giddy mother flirted with a number of men. Fire flashed from her eyo as she told how the willow bud drnuk bevr with this young man and sat upon the perch in tho evening with that one and <>« -upied tho bark seat of a earring with another one during a drive, flhe had al o sat upon a sola and fed one of her adorers pov»corn, putting it into his mouth with her own fair bands. Evi­ dently no widow who will feed a man popeurn i> u fit person to be the guardian of her children in the opinion of this virtuously indignant daughter. But tho cuormity of the giddy mamma's of- fonses was brought to a climax when tho daughter east down her eyes aud re­ marked modestly: “I ought to say, chancellor, that all tho men my mother flirted with paid me attention. ” That was evidently the heart of the matter, Tho mother, who was 55 and looked only 30, had cut the daughter out. Si-S.a.tur JamM O. Fair DI m taditvaly. 111. Kurtnn^ Ei Unital Bint« Senator Jam« G. Eair, one of tbe famous Bonanza kings, died suddenly a few night« ago at the Lick H om « in Ban Erancieco. Four y»ari ago hie nhv»ici»n informed him tl at Bright'» diaeaae of the kidney, had lai i hold of him and the senator knew what that meant. He continued to man­ age hie v»«t buaineea interests, however, tautii within Are ortH of th? stRicrin- tendenta of Indian schools, received at the interior departuieut. indicate grow­ ing interest in the education of the In- «liana and test ill»*» to the good work ac­ complished by those institutions. 1 cn on medical authorities nre mak­ ing uud piuiestb against girls playing f »tball. Seeley, the cony < ted emb^sdar. is fo­ isting tho officials of tho Shoe and Leather bank oi New Yura in birmg^l- •*uing ont his books. The first railroad in the country to mbdtitnto electricity for steam will l>e he l altimoro and Lehigh, or the old Maryland Central, which id now being • xtci.ded to Y- re, Pa. •Superintendent Byrnes of the New York ponce force has sent his reaigna- i«>n to Mayor Strong. The resignation *ansed a great sensation in themetropo* is. Byrnes has been at the hea I of the olico force many years and is pr ibably ne greatest doteclive in tho world. The uperintendeut saj's he does not wish to and in the way of a reorganization of «ie police force as suggested by the i-vxow investigating com nittee. Tho Delavan house at Albany, the decca of J’« 1 licians and the center of a 1 big New York state po.itical events or 40 years past, wus destroyed by fire toe oihetr night. Nearly «very commercial h uie in Ntwfuundlan i has been forced into in- olveiny. There are not more than four olvent housei in the colony. A capias has been issued at S giniw, •lich., on complaint of Mayor Mers ion, brthearreut of HtV. William Kaight, astor of the First (bugregationa« uurch, who has been most vigorous m ringing accusations of dishonesty and □competency again t ihe city officials. Jainages of $5,00 i are ask ?d or. A general complaint against the issu- uice of government rations to Indi ns .s made in the unnual reports of age its. Captain P. II. Ray of the Shoshone igency, Wvo., says: "They will never become self-supporting as long as the government gives them the semblance «f support; neither can they begin to iccuuiulnte property as long as the sup- Iv of the necessaries of life is solely in the hau s of wh te traders. ” I I Marring« » f »r 1H9I. All the truHing clubs of Berlin have i Jan. 2. 1891 l’a -ey II. Tucker, Chas. I. I ¡ et n ai. ' L d end will erect a fine- llulllt'M. i.v vgriipp; d ten !. i i tho west eml of Jan 4, Din M Olson IL A. Noo'<. e • •X •« Jan. ♦•. R««-e (»’Bn« n. I dw>«rd Murphy, A i.iinilierof American trolling ••• Jan. 10. Martha A. C’liilders, Tnuma» A. iior.i - Lavu been entered. Hai ru’d. Tho Sirnu vistablo has sold to Charles GeruxliH Oden. Wm. D. M««ore Jan. 15 Julia Fra «cea A len. I*. W .Stewart. IL Lbnilhcf Chicago» yearlingcbuituut Jan 20. Emma Law Ed Smith. filly by Onoudaga, dam Sea flhell, f«>r Jan. 22. Maggie May Oidakera, Chas. N. f t, 500 Tho filly went three furlongs on (iregg. ¡ 0 link in thirty-five and Feb 1, Vphruze T. Callaghan, John W. t ' !•' Armstrong. thrce-qunrti r seconds.—Horseman. Feb. 5. Margaret! Rosenbrought, Sylvester Parks’ Cough \vrup cures Cough», Colds Waller. a*i«l <\>hsuii)| non. Mrs. Catherine Black, Feb. (J S. M. Tur* er. Geor. R. Neil. • 4‘ Le Ru>, N Y., says: “I look one boU Feb. 12. Susan F B iii I. t , . E. Bmler. de of Parks’Cough Syrup. It »cted like Feb 11, Ada Murzan R. B. Bryant F«b. bi. ii. l>abetle Uuleman. Jesse L. Cal­ magic. >t«»ppe«l mv cuiigh and 1 am per- ell m w.’ Sold by E. A. Sherwin. vert. 'I're-sa McKee. F. llubbauL Jr. Feb 17. Jesse E. Hee-on. J mies E Garvin, l eb 20. Lilly M. Uranu s. Ebcn W. Carver. Feb. 21. A«la M. Bur«-. Herbert S. Mills. Feb 24. Lizzie J. Nickolsun, Edmonson M. Lever. Feb. 28, Bed McNeil. Geo W. Daley. Jr. Mar. 7. Hances E Shumaker, I. E. De Roy. Mar. 10. Ena >hu«,kley. A .1. McLeod. Mar 20, Ida Wnc«-x..l. H. Bedlie <1. Mar. 24, France« R. Wiisht, Meiry Hill. April 3. Kaiy Ander««»n. II. B S ephenson Eiuma It ’White, L M spirker. Apr 6, Lucinda L Wil-on. D R. D. Davis. Apr I.itlie B'-ck. Chas Kii pjr. Brshie M. Broil-. Francis G. Ph male. Apr. 9. Rachel Mamun, lames Shirt- Apr 10. Ellie E irnheart. Frank »Stevenson. Lizzie Shut. Ge«»'te W Williams. Apr. 12, Lizzie J. Miser, Joseph L. Win h- ele \pr. 18, Mattie Sutherland. Cha«. Million Apr. 21. Mary Wvant. Jefferson D. Wil«*ui. I Apr. 27, Grace E Hammond, John 11. I urner. Apr 28. I’antieS. <’owle- E tiut E Witte, «'ailierioe A. McDonald. Artou Nichols. Mav 2. Minnie Owen-. Will J. Freeman. 3. Mav F. Jones. Fred A. B iss. do 4. Mele-ia Barnuin. Janie« Howerton, Do You intend to make any - do 9. Nettie M. Bruns. C. »Manin. do. 12 Nannie J. Uffeiibacker, W. 11 Ven­ able. • • • • Christmas Presents? • io. 21. Fannie Blan’on. Janies Adam«. do 22. Be le Nvnwa ier. i>. K. Guddard. An Unfortunate Inhorltanob— Hew We are now making a dozen do 23 Julia Noe, Frftnk M. Armstrong. do 25. Mattie E. Bou«si:m. Win P. Khodes. It Was Destroyed. elegant presents «io. 28 I.miie Smith. C M. Wolgamotc. ng. «io. II. Ada M. Dilon. Titos .1 Smith O^At the old Tyler Gallery, Ashland, Oregon. d«». 14. Mary Pool <’ha.H. F Nichols. Haine J. Hay. J II. eem m •o. 16. Mary D. II111«art F. F. Du an. paring 1 i : ih been entirely cured. Rood's Rsr- do 27 Omega App ega e. II. D. Ileed • lo. 28, IL .M Will Merimau. raparilla I have found of greut help to my Dollariiide. T. F. Hendricks, Hood’s Pi'.*3 nre hand made, and perfect «io. II. Annie Ortb. L. C. Si-emore. «In. 15. Ida Fo-ter, .1. II. Fr»m« h. In proportion and ap|>earance. 25c. per box. d". 2C. Amelia Pech, Henry Albei*. do. 25. Mrs. Hann i M. Teller, J. \V Simp­ ASHLAN ID, OPMIG-Oisr. son. Th»'. F. Oakes, Henry V. Paine. Henry C. I ms «, Lucy Rohin«on, Ira Walker, RECEIVERS. do 29, Mamie Dav. Ilenr Dox. Reopened, Refurnished and Completely Renovated. «lo.Sl. Mary .1. Bowman, Wm Gee. ■- _x~_-i.-------- Under New M ’nagement -^-.==77?»^ Sep 3. Mary Neiheriand. E I C emens • In. 11. Helen Picken-, Fied L Harding, F3EE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. d««. 12 Adda Wiggins, I. A. M mice. do 17. Lizz e Vi n ton, Josiah P«»well «Io 19. Marv M. Conley. John R. Vine» nt. do. 20. Berthia O-born. E II B. Taylor. •I««. 2». Ida Maine . A S Creed d«». 2-*\ Anna Farlow .1. W. Slinger. RAILROAD Oc . 2. Ann eVanllardenburg. Ge<« L Clift. 250 AUBES. F. W. SETTLF.MIER. Florence E. McDonald. (’. W Murphy, J. it. SETTLEMIER. 4,(XX),000 tbs as, do. 3. Alice N Phipps, F«ancis L. Caton, do. <>. Annie Swr sen. Thomas Hill ESTABLISHED 1863 «to 8. Snianth « Wimer, Dennis F Lvncli. Nellie M. Bird-all. Frank M Tryer. do. 9. Gra« e E. Virgin. F. M. Drake d«». 10. Minnie A Weav* r. D. E. Phippt. «io. 12, Della 1'«»ok. IL F. Whetstone. Ague- Gearhart. B. J. Anboit. d<» 13. Evie Chambers. Bill Bateman, d ». 18. Emmie L. Godfrey. Burnie F. Rags dale. do. 20. Lena ClinborskL A A. Anderson. •b •. 22. Rebecca A. Cook. David L. do. 23. Alice«’. McUullock F. R. Dickev. do. 27. Emma A. Abbott. Gu«i Edlund. We carry the largest and most Complete d«.. 30, Florence J. Dowell, Daniel Whet- smne. Elanor M. Glenn. Thomas H. Simpson. Assortment of Decidious trees on the Coast. Nov. I. Mrs. s .1. Fisher. A. N Farley, do. 2. Lillie ' ruson. Carl Herif rd. ■ lo 9. Ella Klini’le. llenrv Meger. do. 10. Maggie Noah. U. G. Engledow. do. 13 Ida Gib-«>n. P A. Knobls. do 14. Eva Pankey, J G. Co «ley. d • 10, Sadie Ober, John J. Meehan, sr. paül d«». 21 Maggie Tice, .1. A. Brandenburg. Lizzie C. Critcnlow, Oliver L. Sargent, MINNEAPOLIS do 23. Eliza Moore. Sumu- I J. Eva is. do. 27. .Mury Moore. Thomas .1. Wright, DULUTH______ do. 28. Ola Hen-ley. Wm. R Bvruin FARGO__ Nannie Johnson, Wa.laee < ¡albreath. Dec. 1, L. D. Grow. Al Hopkins. GRAND FORKS TO Clara Savage. Henry Wood*, d«». 8. Ella _____ Lewis. R. *. _______ Huestis. CRo «R-.rov do 16. Mrs ........................................ ... 8 Rockfellow. A .......... D Helman, • 10 19. Julia Irene Hatch. Levi M Eag««n. WINNIPEG • lo 23, Mrs barali Bateman. J Neath immer. HELENA sn4 10 2G. Maglie Sutherland. .1 W Hb« «re«. We warrant all of our trees to be as represented, and d«. 27 Madida ( arter,.I um L Hanimersley. BUTTE Alice Sutton. 11 • Sayles. HARDWARE, STOVES and RANGES, Mining ^Supplies JANNEY & PROVOST, OREGON ASHLAND, Ex-Police Captain John L. Stephen sou of New York has been sentenced to three years and nine months' itnpriron. ment and to pay a fine of $I,IHM>. He was couvict-d of accepting a bribe while iu charge of the Fifth precinct. C. F. Ricks, tile embezzling cashiei of tho Singer Manufacturing company of Chicago has l>eeu arrested in Ger­ many after a long chase. Paul Schutt, a well-known saloon man at Omaha, was found dead in an ice box a few days ago. He had attached a rub­ ber tube to a gas jet, connected it with the faucet of an ice lx>x, then turned on the gas. jumped into the box, which closed with a spring lock, and was dead in a short time. Edward R. Carter, transfer and cou­ pon clerk of tho National Bank of Com­ State Insurance Commissioner Hijr- merce of New York, baa confessed to gins has brought suit against the Mu­ emliezzling $80,800. Carter has been in tual Relief association in the superior the service of the bank 29 years. He court at Santa Rosa to have the associa­ began stealing two years ago. tion restrained from continuing busi­ Three prisoners in the Ohio peniten­ ness. The commissioner stat«» in the tiary at Columbus attempted to kill J. complaint that the company has been B. Temple, a guard. Temple shot aud doing business in violation of the law, killed two of them. in that it never took out a license and Mrs. Riette Pike has been arrested at never received a proper certificate. Denver on a charge of burglary. She T*e Cliff House at San Francisco broke into several houses while the in “A word t*» ihr wise is Hiifficienl.” burned to tho ground Christinas night. mates were away and stole everything “I suffered terribly from rearing in tny This was the most famous resort on the 'rend «luring an attack of (-atari), and h*- portable of value. Pacific Coast. Every prominent visitor After a chase of two years during came ven «leaf, u.-ed Ely’s Cream Ba hi nd in three weeks c uld hear as well n> who came to the city was entertained which the detectives circumnavigated ■ver.—A E. Newran. Graling. Mich. there. Presidents, princes, peasants and the globe one of the greatest of modern One of my chi dren had a very bad di— paupers have sat on the balconies and pre­ harge from the n«»e. 1 Physicians “ criminals was arrested at Cincinnati the witlHdit benefit. Aber using El ’> watched the sportive seals as they other day. The man arrested was W. (, -«•ribrd ’ reain Balm a short nine the disease wa* climbed cn /he rocks and then slid into A. Lippert, alias W. A. Lazard, a native cured —U A. Carey, ('«»ruing, N. Y. the water. The property belonged tc ef Hamburg, Germany. Lazard went to Price of Cream Balm is fifty cents. Mayor Adolph Sutro, who will imme­ Cai>o Town, South Africa, and becarni diately build a modern structure on the A Western Society has been organ­ a merchant prince. He Bpent money site. lavishly and cut a great dash. He wa ized at Chicago. An)’ person who has Deputy Constable George C. Morgan a bold speculator and amassed a gigan lived seven years west of the Mississippi made a reputation for bravery and quick is eligible to membership whether a tic fortune. Reverses came and hi action oa a recent night at flanta Aim, wealth disappeared. He continued liv­ resident of Chicago or not, bur only and the result was a dead burglar. Mor­ ing high, however, and one morning resident« of the Windy ( ity can vote or gan, in company with two brother offi­ was missing. It was then discovered hold office. The society pro oses to fur­ cers, observed two men enter the resi­ that he was a forger to the extent ol nish clubrooms as headquarters tor dence of 8. C. Wright and an attempt half a million dollars. Ths victim.- Western people, and it is intended to was made to arrest them. The burglars make the club a bureau of information There is a shortage of $70,000 in the were two l.xtal banks. took to their heels and were not over­ accounts of City Treasurer Adams of Charles E. Johnson was shot by hie regarding the country this side of the taken unt 1 they had run two miles. Brooklyn wife, Ida F. Johnson, m tho offico oi ;reat river. Following are the officers One of the men, who was possessed of a »f the club: Mrs. Alice Houghton, for- Pope Leo has isansd an edict warning Attorney John Malley at Galesburg Winchester rifle stolen from the Wright Catholics not to beoome members of the LIL, and is now in a precarious condi nerly of Spokane, Wash., president; J. residence, leveled it at Morgan and com­ Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and tiou. Mrs. Johnson, alleging brutality 4. Jone3, vice president; H. M. Haney, manded him to throw up his hands. Sons of Temperance. and intemperate habits, had begun sep -ormer I y of San Francisco, secretary. This Morgan did, but in one hand was a L M. Whitney of Oregon, C. M. Mac- Severe snowstorms swept the entire arate maintenance proceedings. Aitor pistol which immediately went off. the .ensie of Montana and K. M. Goodwell country ea.t of the Mississippi last ney Malley got them together to eft ci shot entering the burglar’» breast, kill­ f Colorado were elected directors. The week. Iu many places extreme cold ac­ n reconciliation. While they were aioni ing him instantly. The other robber ■resent location of the club is South companied the bHzzard. Numerous the woman drew a revolver and firei was captured, but neither have beeu lark street. casualties ars reported along the Atlan­ two shots, one taking effect. .She gan identified. tic coast. The etonn was heaviest in herself up. Piles! Plica! licit ng Piles! After five days’ triul of the case at New York and Pennsylvania. S ymptoms —Moisture: intense itching an Marysville wherein William Riant was The United states vessels Bennington tinging; most at night; worse by scratch* charged with murder it went to the ng. If allowed to continue tumors form, and Grant have been sent out to search jury, and aftei two hours* deliberation 'hich often heed and ulcerate, becomini- for derelict colliers which were caught very sore. S wayn . ’ s O intment 'tops the resulted in their returning the verdict in the receut storm while coming from When Baby was aide, we gave her Caatorta. telling and bleeding, heals ill *erati< n, and of guilty, fixing imprison men ♦ for life When she was a Child, she cri?d for Castoria. ■ n in st case* removes the tumors. Seattle to San Francisco. Ai as the sentence. Riant, who is an old Iruggi.ts, or. bv mail, for 50 cent». Dr At the preliminary examination of When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. man, killed his neighbor, William Lem- Swayne A Son. Philadelphia. mous, on Oct. *27 laid aud brutally iuu - Elta Stokes at Visalia, chaiged with as- When sba bad Children, she gave them Castoria Chicago is feeling tho fair boomerang. tilaled his laxly. Hatred of each other mult to murder Will Smith, the South­ It» oommert a and manufao urin . re - bad existed tor over 80 years aud fre­ ern Pacific detective, March S, 18911, •rd for 1FM ^bows a sharp • oc me from quent threats had been made. The kill­ while resisting arrest for the Armona 1888, and the totals are much smaller ing was so brutal, eveu by the defend­ «tation robbery, the defendant wm held Great Fal.s (Mont.) has voted bonds o' han those of lf92, both in volume and ant's tale, that the jury could uut find to answer. Bail. $2,500. A mob of 100 negroes caught Jim ’ iOO,000 for the erection of a high scho.. raltte. The decadence was general, I h. re «»tlierwise. Several jurors remarked I building. icing but few exceptions to the rule of that it was only his extreme age that Chockley at Tullahoma. Tenn., took free from pests. Send for special prices on large lots An attempt was made a few night* liuiinished buxines,. The activities of him to the woods during a blinding had saved his neck. Catalogue free. Shiloh’s Cure :ne cre»i( Couuh and Croup snowstorm, »tripped him and whipped ago to blow up with dynamite the Ital­ he country ull around were slow, n"t W. F. Baird, th*? uoted forger of the him nearly to death and ordered him to ian hotel, owned by John Be chines, at .laving revived from the panic of 1893, ■ tire, is in $rreat d- maud. Pocket >ize con- aim« twent.v-tivr do-'«« «»nly 5c. Cbildron TO Madera bank and John Brown colony, leave the country. While drunk he left Fresno. J. H. SETTLEMIER & SON md in the case of Chicago he w .s a ore it. Sold by Asliltin«! Drug Company. CHICAGO_ Juis been arrested, the supreme court his wife one night, while she was sick, wooihwrn . n for falling back even w k - iiing T on having overruled his appeal, and lie will and when he retnrned 24 hours later she pose to adopt a plan of the systematic nore than tl.e average for th • whole of be taken to the Fresno jail for 80 days, was dead. Grace Filkins is to play Nell Derry In PlüLtDIJaPlHA inai k ting of petroleum. A refinery u he UniiedState«. Dnrin{ the two years at the expiration of which he will be Nh V YORK md more the energies of the peoji e ;ho ' Shore Acres” company. A copy of “ My Country Tis of Thee, ” also contemplated. tak*m to the penitentiary to serve a six ThoNellie Chandler Women’sorches- \ND ALL Vancouver (B. C.) is terrorized by >• have been strained to the uttermost, years’ sentence. Baird was convicted in the handwriting of Rev. Dr. Samuel fliere hud been an expansion of enter­ 1 ra is now on tour. There are 16 players POINTS E\ST an i SOUTH gang of highwaymen, burglars and fire iu Fresno county two years ago on two Smith, who wrote the hymn in 183$, is tion of a famoiw French physician, will quickl i.v cute you of all ner- bugs who have found their way to th« prise aud capital, an enhancement of a it. nge1,l'ZH,lve "rKang, such aVLost Lost lifauhooA MauhooH, charges and sentenced to six years on now on the way to Rome, the gift of For information, time cards, maps and Insomnia, I siinsln the Bnck.foeruinul Emission!*, Nervous Debility valuations which in tnanv caa •. reenlted city by way uf Puget Sound. David Secor Pell of Bridgeport, Conn., Maurice Darrymoro and Virginia tickets, call on <»r write Pimp I nfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drnliis. VaricoreU ¿.ft the first and tlnee vears on the second CoLS'.lnation. it stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick- tn an inflation, and a filling up with Ihe new trial of the case of Charles to the pope for the Vatican library. It rned will tlar jointly in “ The Dane- charge. The supreme court bad sus­ A. I». CHARLTON, i ^ i 0 1^'*'hnrtr•'» w*»*<‘h *f notchecked leans to Hpermntorrhce» an< population and material, a part o .g Girl” next scuson. BEFORE ano AFTER • 'the horrorsuf Impotenty. < 1'! tained the appeal on the s»-cond charge is not the original manuscript as has E. Lee against the Southern Pacific which waa temporary in presence or Assistant (»eneral Passenger Agent, rtrnmnw» * »*. a,,fl thn ifinary organs oi all knpuritie.d. CITPIDENE strengthens and restoros Ftnall weak organs. 1 A manager, call’ng tho attention of and ordered it set for retrial. Baird is been stated. Mr. Pell said in an inter­ company f r $50,000 damages came u P ortland , orkgon . use. With the close of the fair there , The reason sufferers nre rot cured by I «errors is because nlnetv per rent nre trnnbtrW »«tk bitlrrly disappointed in the decision of view: “The author of 'America,’ Dr. at Los Angeles a few days ago. L«*« was an ezodue of peop e and a corre . aveing companies to tho ate rat tions CUPIDENE Is the only known remed v to cure wii bout u.*i opi ration 5000 *■—»«—-rnt was a brakeman and was mutilated b} Smith, who was in the same class with ala. A written iguerant«*e given and money return«*! if hut boxes does not effect a MrmtnMitMM his house, states that it is lighted the court, as he had hoped for a retrial, |1.00a box.s’x by mail, fiend for ftiek clrfiiinr an«l testimonials; psrmaueotsaf» -ponding shrinkage i.i the amo nt of I confident that no jury from Madera Oliver Wendell Holmes, is now living the cars. On the first trial he got a ver provision needed for the who e. A vast • it li gas. Address DA TOE 9IKDICIN E CO., 1». O. Box 3076. Ran Francisco. Cal. Jhr AWe by diet of $25,000, but the court thought i in Newton, M»v. He is 88 years old. county would convict him. T It rewski is going back t lEnrlnn^, TYSTJLAlSriD DEtXJG- COMF amount of residence, office anti otuer Dr. Smith and I were together at the • ! excessive und granted a new trial. and ha is booked for n recital in Gias- Since it is *>neof the fundamental prin World's Fair. Dr. Smith wrote out five | The American Railway Union at Spo- business room was vacated. There wa, cipl s of p «litiiutl economy, that the more copies of 'America' for me, which were I i kane declared a boycott against theSpo more of all this than wits required by I ow next month. Ilo is to play in 6cv- ?S. CORDOVAN, la»M»r it r« qn res tn obtain a dollar th* seut to Russia, Denmark, Spain, Italy I kane Review and several labor union- the people who remained, one resnlt of ti«l provincial towns. \ rRCNCHaCNAMCUXOCMr. m r«* Vilnanle th«» «l««llar is, we an »gesf and Japan." ‘‘A Student of Salamnnca, ” adapted 1 indorsed it. The Typographical unioi which was a keen com|>etiiion for ten­ q4.' JAP I ihl C ab &K ahmh N l that all official swlariea of over $2.(XX) I»* ants which reduced rents all over tho I in tho Italian by Alexander Salvini i protested ngiinst the boycott, and th The pope at noon on Dec. 28 in the ■ cut down ohe-half, so that the Value of S iiif *3-WPOLICE, 3SOLIS. I Crenr d’Alene Miners’ union went fur citv except to thoee nnder contracts, I <1 Pani Kester, has just been added to throneroom of the Vatican received the the dollar will be still further increased. I Salvii.i’s repertory. officers of the United States cruiser De­ | ther and issued an order to merchants which they could not refuse to bout r. It may be Mtfely said tha. the case of In addi ion to "Ole Oleson,” ”Pctc We aaw »ix Brillen tl .ge living iron, troit. which recently arrived at Naples . i that unless the boycott is raised the <2.*i.z?BonSaMMa the state of North Carolina versus Hall '••terecu” and a few other alliterative the niHHla of ahipe in Portland liarlair with the Vatican relics exhibited at the merchants will be boycotted. A T •cs. •X.AX3IE9« thia week, but not an American dag. World's Fair. The American officers ues, there is a Swedish comedy on the Four young ruffi ins, who were stand- In an opinion of the supreme court ju-t 13'^ s ’^A. Tue Briliah shipa are Imre to get the in­ were presented by Mgr. O’Connell, who Sled baa had no parallel. Deputy Sner o.vl styled "Swan From Sweden ” terest We owe tnem Hlid they get it in the expressed in their name and in the name in on the corner of Union park at Spo­ iff Hall, standing just inside the North shape of our thirty cent. We are a of President Cleveland thanks for the kane, saw a Chinese peddler passing in Carolina line, fired and killed Andrew BRO C KTON^MA». his wagon, when' one of rhe four. Ste blight set over here. And the talk ib y«50 F0R A CAS Orison, a prisoner, who was Over One Million People wear the Saved His Life W jw 50. FOH_A Cft5£ IT WILL NOT CURgJ^ that Oregon must seni n repuiiliran papal participation in the Chicago ex­ phen Peters, raised a rifle and with th* into Tennessee. Hall wm tried and con ­ —by a fortunate dis­ W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Anacrrrpflhlo Laxative and NERVE TONIC, to the U. S. senate thia winter.—Purl- position. HI« hoiineoa replied in terms remark. “Just see me plug him,” fired covery in the nick of victed of murder lu North Carolina. k>ld by Drugginf»or sent hv mall. 25c..60ix« of great affection and praised the pro ­ lami P. P. Pout. The bullet struck Wong Jek under th» time. Hundreds of All our shoes are equally satisfactory ind $1.00 per package. Samples free. gress, activity and liberty of the United armpit and he fell out in the road in a On appeal this was reversed on the give the best value for the monev. We Carry .111 Kinds of Fersons suffering They T*1® Favorito TOOTS POWBtt equal custom shoes In style and fit. A startling discovery was made in the States. The audience lasted half an dying condition. gronnd that -in the contemplation of rom consumption Thev jra V for t ho TactU and UreathUlQ, Their wearing qualities are unsurpaseed. ZHLA. IR, ID W A I?, E, Bubtrcasuvy tho other morning, mid as a hour and at its conclnsion all the offi­ the law "Hall was in Tennessee when have had the pro­ The prices are uniform,—-stamped on sola. Sohl by ASHLAND DRUG COMPANY. gress of the disease From Si to 8 3 sived over other makes. result nil people are warned against the cers went to Cardinal Rampolla, the Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbaum o the killing was done. He was then ar­ STOVES, If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by stopped, and have <20 goldpiece, as the “sweater” is at papal officer of state, and presented their I San l.uia Rev, Cal., was troubled *itb n rested and held as a fugitive from jus­ been brought back to lame back and rheumatiMn. He u-e> GLASS, PUTTY work again. compliments. Later the officers dined < hamherlainS I’ain Bam and a prompt tice. The governor of Tennessee then life and health by the RACKET STORE. (’ i-hier Srout received nsack contain­ at the American college. The ball waa ■cure “Golden Medical ___ was __ _______ 1VI sent a requisition lor Hall. Hall ap­ effected. ... He -ays he baa _„ since .... Miner’s Supplies, Discovery" of Dr. ing $5,000 in gold coin from a lunik on decorated with the stars and strijies. ad’i-ed many oi bis friend» to try it and all plied for a discharge, but Judge Below Pierce. Sheriff's Sale. done ».. have »M>ken highly of it refused to grant the application. He Third stiv« t., ho weighed each Among those present were: United Yean ago TIJSTWJ^IUE, V. Pierce, row chief ’ u ' _F__ 8 1 an __ rug^Co. piece U'fc.ri? accepting it and found five States Embassador Wayne MacVeagh; I then applied to the supreme court, and I consulting physician ,------- to the Invalids’ Hotel a.f In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon EDGED TOOLS rjHcal Institute of Buffalo, N V., -ided ‘ and Surgtc_: doable eagles each £1 short. Careful ex­ H. R. Whitehouae. secretary of the le- i The result of the Ultimatum uttered ihe court by a majority of one f«»r .lacksun C««unt.\. amination shows that they bad all been gation; United St tes Naval Attache by the citizens of Fresno to the Traffic be must be discharged bee u no i»y. : recognizing the fact that consumption was «'■■I ROPE essentially a germ disease and that a rem­ Ing been in Tennessee at ths i.._ of the edy which would drive the germs and their Fred Otten. Plaintiff*, 1 remilled. General Hardy and Rev. Dr. Riordan. association of ban Francisco in conns. vs. : Suit to foreclose a Reuniting gold coin is tho Infest trick , tion with the proposed va.ley railroad silling he cannot be a fugitive from poisons from the blood would cure consump­ ; A. Koester and r mortgage. Call and see us. Re­ tion, at last found a medicine which cu red gd Before a Full Head of Steam ■t the men who find counterfeiting too Lucinda Koester, | projected from Hau Francisco is awaited justioe. Justice McRae joins in ths dis­ per cent, of all cases, if taken in the earlier I lefendants. member the place, Is gathered by that trenienrinndv destruct ­ sent on the ground that if in the con- • dan. r« us. They go to a large city and with much intermit by the merchants oi stages of the disease. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION deposit a sum of money in tank and a ive engine, malaria, poi on the brake* with Los Atige es. 'Ihe ultimatum, which templation of the law Hall was in Ten- | The tissues of the lungs being irritated by Hostetter's Stomach Ritters, which will order of sals. i>-ued __ out _ __ of _____ and few days later draw it out in $20 gold- I check H* progress and ave t disaster. will be delivered to Manager Leeds of •lessee nt the time of the killing he can ' the germs and poisons in the blood circulat­ u d« and r the real of said Circuit Court of the through them, the germs find lodgment piece«. Tin >e they put into a lathe and Chills and fevef, bilious remit»ent. dumb the Traffic association by a committee not be tried in the courts of North Caro­ ing I Suite <»1 > >re_'«»n for the < ’ • unty of Jackson, there, and the lungs begin to break down. trim off tho milling, which they care­ ague and ague cake are prom pt’v relieved uf Freiuo merchants, sets forth that it lina. In the same contemplation of the Soon the general health begins to fail, and I -la cl the 17ili «1 «v of Dec*tuber, 1894. upon Medford, Oregon. t is found useln* to longer wait for .aw he mnst be a fugitive from justice, the person feels languid, weak, faint, drowsy i «lucre«* re«-pe< ific which is aho comprehensive family medi­ I 91. in of Fre-l Otten and against the worth of gold in the operation. As the cine. speedily u-eti 1 m case* of «ID pepsin, operation, to begin from San Francisco for be can not now be found in Tennes­ and confused. 1»• v nan-ed Defendants for the sum of ( This is the time to take Dr. Pierce’s Gold­ coin is not mutilated, but only slightly biliousness constipation, elck head «rhe. tho jteopla of Fresno will l>e urged to see, but in North C'ern ina en Medical Discovery; it drives the germs Three Hundred an«t Eighty Dollar-($380.00) ' iiti i’i'ere-i tin r«-on ir« m the 15fh «fay oi 1« dticvd in diameter, the coins art' read* nerv.nireie-««, rheumatism and neualuia. cwt their lot with Los Aug»!«, aud the and poisons from the blood, and lias a sooth­ Against the hurtful rffrets of of «udden now'» Th«.? ten per cent, per j ing effect upon the dry cough. In cases of fnlv 1.892. ai the ■•'v juissvd on the stores and in market, changes of temperature, exposure in wet southern pert of the state, work fur a amnim. a «1 f«»r the further sum of Fifty We offer One Hundred Dollars tor any B’25‘overy ’’ is invaluable. where inoi“y is not weigbid when re- weather, close application to laborious road to cui.nect with the bants Fe sys­ Golden Medical Discovery” increases the DuliHrr ($'0.00) iittoriiey’s fees an«i his eosta i case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv P ark O bfhity Pin.« will reduce your reived. mental pursuits, and oiher influences tem at Les Angeles and stand in with ' tlaU'» Catarrh Cure. nd di-bur«« inents and expen-es of sale, amount and quality of the blood, thus invig- welyhi PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 The wife of the “sweater” In dies prejudicial to health, it i« a meat trust* boil them Californians in a demand for I F. J. CHENEY ACO.. Prop«.. Toledo. O. orating and fortifying the system against dis- c nmiainlina me to make -ale of the fol- jh » ii ' «I* a nmnih. NO ST A RVIN'G sk-kne»» worthy safeguard. It fortifies the system • «win».'de<« ril»ed propertv and by virtue of EITSTE HLA.HSTD or injury ; NO Pf’BLf' ITY- They build trifling purcht'*‘< nt the steres with aua n.«t di*ca*e. promotes appetite and a division uf th, state, A number of i We the under»ivned have known F. J. ease and builds up wholesome flesh and nut execution I have duly levied upon OF strength -------------- after wasting diseases, A ... . .T... as . fevers r up the hea Hi and bemitifv »he complexion, ♦ h pi , and the p»od money received iu sleep and hasten« convalescence after de­ the principal Imriness men of Lot An- Che> ey for Ibe !a»t lo year«, and b-lteve ------------ id propertv. to-wic. The W. Uof the N I pneumonia, grip »nd other debiliutinx On Emigrant Creek, •paving NO WRINKLES nr flanbin®»«», ____ xcbi’.ng? is n barke-i and drawn out iu ' bility and flesh wasting diseases. E ’♦ «nt the N E. M of the N. E, ; goles, upon being asked their opinion of him perfecHv honorable In all hu-ine»» fectiona STOI T ABDov FN'nn«i difficult breath, I transaction» and financially »bl-- to carry «.f s.cthn Fifteen (15) in T«>wn»hip vid .'till. Thus Hie capital is kept ' Jso St Here, of 4» the achtme heartily iitdorsed tue pro­ ! out any obligation made l.jr their firtn. 4’^ mile« from AMi'and. On thi« land ing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT I uirty revm (37)>*>uih. of Kangs Four (4) rfwAow, Co., fa , A flrat-cl vs parin’* pi ano, of reputaM ject, btSuvhx that the trade which are two fine ««»da «piingx. 30 acre- tii.dei uiiirg crer at a lively rite, oxstostiy But a M-ienHm- and po-iiive relief, adopted A'e-t uf the Wiliam« its Meridian contain­ WnaT A Tacax. Wbolesala DrunLita, To. say»: ” I took a sever« manufacture, brand new; took flr»t prite woull cotue to Los Angles from the j !»>*>. Old«. cold which settled on my U k A hoj , at a slight cl detectiou. ing 120 ac»e-. together with the tenement». cultivation an i fen« »*, price 15 •l«»ila»,!< pet onlv after year« of experience. All orders acre. Call and see F>ank Williams ove« up, lied «lirect from our ««ffi<-e. Price lungs and chest, and I - ere litameuts an«l appurtenances tiiere- A di’.gout • sweater” Q'u citar frutn wnrM’a fair. For aalerr will trad* on i couanes a! Sttomo Kent. ILlars ami WAtPtyo. K'X.atr A Mat.vis. Wholes, e suflered intensely with unto belonging. In arc«»rd»nee with tbe aecond hand »tore, next dour lo post office oer pack'ige <«r tliree packages for $5.00 by it. I tried several of ?.;o tv a uay c**».*>•. TLuo arc tho den’for t<»wn lo»a; or hav, pntatoea op Kmgs * :'n.t.ty the expondituro I Druzgi»ta. Toledo, Ohio. Ashland. •oai1 n -tp iid Testimonials and particular« .•ruvision* of raid decree, I will on hoga. A good bargain, well worth fn- t physicians her« Hall’« Catarrh Cur. I» takrn nt nelly, our b— lu • iudi'.Tt i j -.> that Cincinnati haa been v. atigatinn. Inqnire a' or write K xvv JL n.v ior tho ucxitrncuon of the < -e «le«i) 2ct«. they gave up all •Saturday, February 2d, 1835. I>I m « m »I ui inn of O* part ii », i ship acting direct!, up n the b "o• -V" em. P ir. ?6c. p bot­ and thought I would it 2 o’« I«»« a p. m nt the front door of tbs Notice is hereby given Ilia* th»* und* r I rilih RHUT ($.. BntM. I sm , j j uuulj m^piciuu.—CinciuuauTinwi- «-apta’S 8«»a>oev U 8 A . San Pieito. ! tle. Hold by all Druggi-ta. Ta tamo a a have to ole. I would ■ m t IL u e in Jack«onvi le. Oregon. »ell si/Tied, doing t>uaio»-M un«l*-r tl.e fir«, Star. cough and spit bluod Before buying a pian » or OTjg don’t rai,»sv: •‘Shil"V- «'atsrrh Remwtv is ftw. »’ i uhiic auction to tb<* bhbest bidder for name of Hrvrner & Ixwnii«. have thi- Henry Wnterso'i said st the Chicago far hours, and I was pal« ------- - i. « » fad so -ee and hear lha Kimbill. F. tbetir-l trsdicine I bare ever found that a»h sit the ruhL titl«-and intere«t of ths and weak. I was greatly i< VMiiti**» in Jrt» e, 1892: "Nominati K»rl', C to ver Root will purity vnur Mhepii«r< will »how l><- m to you and girf w. q '<4 do weinr rood " PnceSUc. For The be»t cabinet i he o- a F L. Camp's discouraged when I be* dove natueel Defendants in and to lbs •lav dissolved partnership, E F L*«nmo ’ pv*luid «»id ae mar I» throMgh a is retiring and Wilk H?v«*i>w cnr-to'iiin B ‘>d. c'air vnuv complexion. ’Sanata .ashy Aaidand r>iu< . ••mpanv. - ndio will I« coailnur.1 na.,. •buve dthtf il j bsut clear a. U m HrVRMRB, " S." PATTEH-QN.^ the business. «2 per dono. • h»i I -jfc . (Os aud II, Sold bj A»h.aa4 *..rr»* eft* mpte s' fors el bog oonlPg E. F. L oomis . Sheriff .J Jicr-Ln Fourny, Oregon. ...... ! MM $><•.« C miH n y« •».U'4 Lav« I avu m*4e, ^HOLIDAYS™ Catarrh in the Head HOOD’S Sarsaparilla CURES WIRTH PHOTO CO. ASHLAND ORTHERN PACIFIC HOTEL. J. H. McBRIDE, Prop. R N S Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars THE WOODBURN NURSERIES. We are also headquarters for Orna mental trees, Evergreens, Climb­ ing Plants, Roses, Etc. THROUGH TICKETS M«O«D KtMaStS W. L. D ouglas B KAME & GILKEY A BARGAIN ! 80 AC KES FAT PEOPLE