Colonel .uendell reports that the re- ; Central Point Items. Ben Charmair, a merchant of Davis- moral of tha sunken rocks ofl; Fort! Presiding Elder Jones of the M. E. ville. Cal., fell from a train while pass­ an clmrch is in town attending the qn ,rter E ditor V alley R ecord : ing from the day coach to the smoker Point, iir Son Francisco harbor, i is ----- undertaking act worth the expense ■ that ]y conference, which lias been adj mrned Miss Cora Brown is v'siting at Central tnd was killed. The accident occurred The People's Paper. would bo incurred. for some time on a.-count of Mr. Jones’ Point. I between Sacramento and Davisville. : illneaa while in Klamath. Geo. Morine has moved into the old Pur- R. C. Watkins, clerk of the Mansion I Representative Bryan of Nebraska ASHLAND.Or....Thursday. Dec. 13. 1894 has introduced in the house a joint reao- ■ W. H. Schmerker, the Central Point den bouse. house at Stockton, was found to be a Mrs. Minnie Duvall is visiting at Talent defaulter to the extent of $700. He lution providing an amendment to the miller, left on Monday evening's train and Ashland. j constitution making the president ineli ­ for Baker county »nd other places in CARLISLE’S FINANCIAL SCHEME. gambled. eastern Oregon in quest of a location for gible to a second term. Miss Heart, of Medtord, has been visiting 1 I / Arrangement« for the reception and Nearly $500,000 iu bogus American a flour mill. Mr. 8. is a No. 1 miller as friends on Butte creek. Explanation by th« Secretary Before entertainment of the American Pomo- I I school bonds have been floated in Eng­ well Iteing a nice studious young man, The dramatic club’s entertainment has th« Rome llaukiug Committee. togical society, which meets at Sacra­ and the good wishes of this community been indefinitely postponed. land anl Ireland recently. Tho forgery Secretary of the Treaaury Carlisle ap­ mento Jan. 16, 17 and 18, have been i go with him. Thomas Nicb”ls, one of our leading farm­ I peared before the house committee on made by the citizens of the capital city. is taid to have been done by a par tner The M. E. parsonage is abrut readv ers mid stock men. was doing business in in au American banking house. banking and currency to explain the Eagle Point Friday. The grand jury of Yuba county has This congress will probably pars a lav; for its ( ('cup nits. provisions of his currency scheme which indicted Wiliiam Klein, a prominent The direcio“« have engaged a lady teach­ Hors» r»cin.’ and concert® are all the was indorsed by the president in hie citizen of Marysville, for tho cri t e of to more effectively protect the public er, Mi-s Wh te, of Med ord, who will open .talk at this time, list as th.»n -h Has made a aaoMtage to congress. Controller Eckels embezzlement. He is charged with hav­ forests. school the first of January. Representative Springer thinks tho one had sacks of money t' • se hard times. also addressed the committee on the ing appropriated to his own use $3,000 James Pen. on David Cincade ’ s farm, O, give us a rest on cone ■ ts! came near having his neck broken by his plan. He agreed with Carlisle as to of an estate of which he had been ap­ house w® pass a bill embodying the and her The «orrespondent from this place to plow team running away. Million scheme of Secretary (¿Riisle ou finan­ method, but differed with him some­ pointed executor. a county paper is in er nr in regard to cial matters. Friday, during a driving rain storm, two what as to detail. the t<>wn board legiala ing hogs nut of Two precinct officers of election at Secretary Carlisle took up each sec­ Samuel C. Seeley, the defaulting book­ the town limits. They onlv extended wag 'ns locked in the bridge at Eagle Point Company of San Francisco have been held for trial People Laugh! tion of his recommendations: First, to keeper of the Shoe and Leather bank of the limits east of the railroad two streets, and were detained for some time. on charges of falsifying returns. t. o Rader, one of our hustlers, went to repeal all laws requiring or authorizing New York, has been arrested at Chi- two streets north en i two-treets wes Ashland -rday on a business trip and to Justice G>ok of San Francisco decides i eago. Seeley was betrayed by a friend There is no hog or im nee • n he sontl. look after yest Jolly Players a deposit of United States bonds as se- tits stock in »re-ts ttiere. that the Pullman company is responsi ­ mirity for circulation; second, to permit he met at the racetrack to whom he side nf the • ilroad. Ihe extension was J i n Watkins, who has been -pending a good move. national banks to issue notes to an ble for the safety of the property’ of pas­ confided his identity. the summer ou Big Buitecreek, has moved sengers riding in their coaches. A gen ­ amount not exceeding 75 per cent of ins on io the Ravm nd place. The ship Yarrowdale went ashore Probate Court. their paid up and unimpaired capital, tleman's overcoat was stolen while he just after leaving the Suez canal in the Tim first snow of the season was on the Estate o! J. C. urkee. order for sale but to require each bank, before receiv­ was traveling in a sleeper, and he sued Red Sea. While the vessel lay help­ of personal property. ground about one inch deep Iasi Thursday In the D-.ightlut Aimicai Uoundy ing the notes, to deposit a guaranty tho company’ for the cost of the gar­ lessly on tlie rocks about 3u0 Arab Estateoi tlanKrl Amy: application <>i morning. At the Obeucbain place it was fund consisting of United States legal ment. Judgment was given the plaintiff. I pirates looted the »hip from stem to administrator for order to sell eertaii six inches deep. ••• Bev. R. Ennis preached here Sunday af­ Melvin Hatch, the youngest member stern. The crew were driven from the real property, continued until Monday. tender notes, including treasury note» iti ternoon. Bev. Mr. Kennedy preaches here DvC. 10t*i. of 1890, to the amount of 80 per cent of the party accused of wrecking the j vessel and compelled to take to life- next bunday mor ing and evening, and at Estate of Ada M. Holmes report of Muuttd school hou-e al 2 p. in. upon the circulating notes applied for. trestle near Sacramento during the rail­ I boats without oars or supplies. During Prices 50c.; Reserved Seats, 75c. Seats now on sale at the Opera House Groceny This percentage of deposits upon the road strike, and who has been on trial the looting of the ship the pirates got to sale of real estate filed and sale con­ Frank and Wm. Brown and Wilbert Ash- firmed. _____ for the murder of Engineer Clark, has circulating notes outstanding to be fighting among themselves and a num­ ——■' « ■ Il I p le have pul a new floor in the postoffice “A Turkish Bath.” maintained at all times, and whenever been acquitted. The jury was out only ber were killed. building. A knife in the bauds of William a bank retiree its circulation, in whole 15 minutes and the verdict was reached Austria has suspended all diplomatic If you want to be healthy, wealthy and dr wn slipped, entering the thick part of General Autonio Ezeta, the exiled the leg, cutting a ae>p gash. Dr, Officer relations with Turkey. This action is a or in part, its guaranty fund to be re­ on the second ballot. vice president of Salvauor, will return wiut he stands without a to Sacramento. troni the performance will prove uvio as a eta ■» gentleman and jolly There was a demand for money aggre­ zona and president of the council in the tion commissioners of San Francisco to extraci A band of masked citizens burned the tonic that will start a flow of n< w blood good fe.low. His pre.-ence will be greatly gating $40,000,000. The treasury did last territorial legislature, died at Pres­ recanvass the vote for governor and re­ through your veins and send y-u home it depot at El Dora, la. This was done to missed in our social circles. D ick , its beet to meet the stringency, but by cott recently. ject the ballots c ist in a number of pre­ a happier frame of mind toward an your forced the railroad company to give neighbors. the time the notes were ready to dis­ Piles! Piies! 1 ich . hk Piles! An ordinance has been introduced in I cincts. The writ was denied. It has better accommodations. “A Turkish Bath” is not a deep tragedy tribute the demand had gone by aud the board of supervisors of Santa Clara been decided, however, to contest the nor S ymptoms —Moisture; intense itching and was it written by William .*lia e-pean A London dispatch says that Fenian- many of the packages of notes were re­ county raising tha liquor license from election of Mr. Bmkl to the governor­ with a view to harrow up the soul of a riva tinging; ni.istai night; worse by scrutcb- L«m has sprung to life again and that ng. if allowed to continue minors form, turned unopened. monarch. It was ceated for the-ole pur $30 a quarter to $125. The Sunday feat­ ship. prominent English officials are guarded Inch often heed and Ulcerate, becoming pose of creating healthv. innocent tun and Representative Hall of Missouri sug­ ure is embodied in the ordinance. The Brooklyn tabernacle lot was sold laughter tor old as well a- young, and i« .e.y sore, nwayns ’ s O intment slops ibe by detectives. gested that there was a prevailing opin­ lulling and bieeding. liens m •■er.itb n, a id The guardian of Tully P. J. Lang has the ether day by the sheriff under fore­ thi-it has always succeeded It is a fa <■ Lost Creek, a suburb of Shenandoah, Al ion that it was unsafe to place the power brought suit at Sacramento against the closure of mortgage. There w as only comedy, pure and simple, who-een han u in st ca.-es removes the uiuors. of the currency in the hands of corpora­ state of California for damages result­ one bid—$10,000 above the mortgage ing, irresistabie humor makes you mugh lruggi-is, or b.> lor 50 cents, Dr. Pa., is sinking out of sight. The place wayne & son, Philadelphia. is undermined by abandoned tunnels. perhaps immoderately so. and creates such tions and banks. ing from the collapse of the grand stand held by Russell Sage. Sage’s mortgage a healthy per.-pira'ion a- to mak- the liti» Naval cadets W. R. White of Ari­ •it will work automatically," said at Agricultural park Sept 12, 1891. In the c< v.:i.y jail at Kansas City, zona and Davis Boyle of Alabama are amounts to about $60,000, and the pur­ I of the comedy ”A Turkish Bath” most an Carlisle. “This will not expand the cur­ propnate to the occa-iou. The plavis di­ Charles Howard, a school teacher chaser gets the property for $7o,00u, or vided into three parts—a dip, a sweat and ; with the prisoners in the surrounding temporarily sojourning on the prison rency unless the pub.ic needs it. Their cells for witue.-ses and Justice Krueger ship Santo at Annapolis, Md. White $17,000 less than it cost the tabernacle plunge Every one of its three acts spark­ interest will be to expand and contract near Milton, Or., while punishing a congregation. le- with catchy music, songs and dances for officiât in.',* clergyman, pretty Minnie was sent down for language “unbecom­ pupil, was attacked by five grown boys. as the common interests demand it. and with just enough skeleton of a plot on Brown, age.l 16, was n.arried to Will­ ing an officer.” Boyle is undergoing A Herald t. ity WM much more desirable than a bnbb'es through her bewitchin iover’s inm ccuce, although he is likely of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. The open­ rigid system by winch a certain amount informant against the Roscoe train rob­ ing of the year 1895 will be signalized bv the personality till von are irresistably drawt to go to the stale prison lor his offense. young lady home. The annual meeting of the American of currency was the understanding. At bers, has passed through startling ex­ appearance of a fresh Almanac of the Bit­ towards her and -till further captivated b> Ferdinand de Lesseps is dead. The Federation of Labor is being held at one time the stringency was so great periences during the past week. In fact, ters, in which the uses, derivation and ac­ the Charm of her singing. Among th« great civil engineer 10 was born at Ver­ Denver. tion of this world-famous medicine will he songs that have made her fatuous is tlir that the banks drew out $13,OJU.OOO un­ the officers having the matter in hand lucidly «et forth. Everybody should read ever-popular “Won't You C<>np* Out t< sailles Nov. 19, li?o5, and consequently claim that two attempts have been der the pressure, and if it had not been The African M. E. church has asked it. The calendar and astronomical calcula­ Play.” No one who has ever heard het was over 89 years old,. His lame is that for the Canadian banks which sent cur­ made on the life of Etzler. Some un­ tions to be fou:'.d in this brochure are al­ sing it can ever forget the combination of of the present genet ation and was ob­ that John Burns, the English lubor cunning and innocence in her pose, crook­ leader, U6e his influence at the Denver rency into this couulry serious results known persons got Etzler drunk, put ways astonishingly accurate, and the ata- ed tingerand captivating wink when sh< tained mostly through association with tiatica. illustrations, humor and other read him to bed and turned on the gas. Oc ­ convention to secure equal rights for might have ensued. sings the refrain inviting a't intig ntr\ the building of the Suez canal, which ing matter rich in interest and full of profit Carlisle said tnat the ultimate liabil­ cupants of an adjoining room smelled The Hostetter Company, of Pittsburg. Pa., friend in the gallery to * come out ami was complet’ d in 1869. During the ex colored men, by having stricken out the to Dinner. word “white” in the constitutions of ity was on the government by the Balti­ the escaping gas and discovered Etzler’s publish it themselves They employ more' play.” Miss Marie Heath has had the good for pedition of 1882 M. de Lesseps violently labor organizations. than sixty hands in the mechanical work, more plan and ou the banks by his plan. plight in time to save him. --------------- ¡or and more than eleven months in tlie year tune to be surrounded with comedian oppo-ed the policy of Great Britain in Representative Johnson asked if the BRAND THE CLAIM AS FALSE. are In his report on Hawaii Admiral consumed in its preparation it can whose individual excellence is marked and Egypt. He was awarded t lie Paris So­ ultimate liability of the government The Public, too, are after be obtained, without cost, of all druggists whose finished work collectively tends t ciété de Geographic prize of 10,060 Walker of the United States navy would not inspire more confidence in World's Fair Officials Expose a Pre­ and country dealers, and is printed in emphasize and bring out in bolder reliei francs in 1870; received the Cross of the favors the annexation ef the islands by English; German. French, Welsh. Nor­ her own charming personality. the currency. The secretary said it un­ tender to an Award. Legion of Honor in 1869; the Italian this country. The admiral’s reasons are wegian, Swedish; Holland, Bohemian and doubtedly would, but that his plan Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real astate cross of tlie Order of St. Maurice the both political aud commercial. Chi< atio, Ill. Dec. 12.—One of the odd Spanish. dealer in l>es Moines, Iowa, narrowly e- would insure ample protection and results The caucus of Democratic senators de­ of tlie World's Fair is the claim one of the severest attacepsia should read the fol­ them in tiie festivities. Their record in the past is sufficient guarantee that all who has not given up its projected trip to exceedingly benefieiat By means of co­ >f his legs and 671 pounds with the train robberies in Texas this was the lowing letter front Mrs, 11. M. Peek, wife of a* tend will be well pleased- Judge Peck, a Justice at Tracy, Cal., and a writer tho Pacific Coast, although it did fail to operative stores necessities could be pur- Ituscles of his back. The capacity of boldest. The train was stopped by a Music will be furnished by the celebrated •• Ashland Band, which is already noted for • • •• ' make connections during the recent con- j 1 chased at great reductions from former lis lungs is 390 cubic inches and the danger sigual on a trestle and three men connected with the Associated Press: “ Ey a deep sense of gratitude for the great I ibeir playing ••• greosional recess. It has decided to ask I i prices. The alliance mill at Gilroy paid itrength of the same is 46. With his rushed from the bushes. The engineer An excellent supper will be furnished at benefit I have received from the use of Hood's the senate to reauthorize the investiga- j i a profit of 85 per cent in a year and a hands he gripped 130 pounds and and fireman were forced to take picks Sarsaparilla. I have been fed to write the follow­ the Hotel Ashland. Hon to be made immediately after the J lialf, and by the establishment of freight dropped 36 times on a parallel bar. and burst in the door of the express car. ing statement for the benefit of sufferers who The floor managers will consist of Ash may l»e similarly afllicted. For 15 years lhave land Hose Company No. 1. adjournment in March next, when they teams the railroad had been forced to tfash is 23 years old, 5 feet, 9 inches The train was delayed only five minutes been a great sufferer from dyqtepsla aud think they can find time to look into the i reduce transportation rates. There are tall, weighs 175 pounds and has a gen- by the robbery. Heart Trouble. relative merits of San Pedro and Santa 34 county allittnces in the state. The irally strong muscular appearance. He Almost everything I ate would distress me. I It is rumored that toe San Francisco j as increased his strength 873 pounds in Monica to decide the proper place for following officers were elected: Presi­ Call will he sold to a compai y in which tried different treatments and medicines, but w tho location of the deep-sea water har­ dent, J. V. Webster. San Luis Obispo; he last year. to realize relief. Two years ago a friend Mr. Sutro, the mayor elect <> San F ito - failed prevailed upon mo to try Hood's Harsaparilla. bor which is to serve the commercial vice president, R. F. Grigsby, Napa; P ark O besity P ills will reduce your ' The Wirth Photo Co. have leased the cisco, and Mr. Webster, the late candi- The first bottle 1 noticed helped nte, so 1 con­ purposes of Los Angeles. secretary, J. 9. Barbee, Los Angeles; i’v ler gallery and are prepared to favor tfae date for the G •vernorsbip, will figure tinued taking it. It did me so much good that weight PERMANENTLY from 12 to 151 friends spoke of tlie Improvement. 1 have pounds a month. NO ¡STARVING sickness ; The full text of > he new treaty be­ secretary of insurance, Will S. Fawcett, ublic with the finest kind of pictures. , prominen'lv. Ti e editorial mmage- my received such great benefit from it that or injury; NO PUBLICITY. They build1 tween the United States and Japan has Whittier; lecturer, Burdette C. Cornell, ment it is said, will be given to Arthur up the health and beautify the complexion, The Lexow cuiumiltee has resumed Gladly Recommend It. been the main subject of comment in Stockton; assistant lecturer, Mrs. 8. E. McEwen. leaving NO WKINKLES or flabbiness. .ts work of probing th® innermost worli ­ diplomatic and official circles. It was Abbott, Los Angeles; state business The be4 cabiept plioto- at F. L. Camp’s I now have an excellent aiqictite and nothing f STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breath­ I studio will be ci.piiuued until Lee. 20tb for eat ever distresses me. it also keeps up my ing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT •canned with great interest, as it gave agent, J. M. Moore, San Francisco; co­ ngs of the New York police force. Hood’s^Cures but a scientific and positive relief, adopted There is a revolt in the W. C. T, U. $2 per dozen. the first exact details of the instrument operative organizer, A. R. Ellis, Hollis­ onlv after vear« of experience. All orders I --------- by which the United States formally ter; executive committee, E. M. War­ Mrs. Arnold, head of the Chicago coun­ i N. I. Svindsetli uf the Fishermen’s supplied direct from our office. Price $2,00 recognizes Japan as a first-ciass power dell, Los Angeles; J. B. Johnson, San cil, says: “We can only fight the saloons I union of Astoria, Or., is attending the flesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood’s pi package or three packages for $5.00 by i Karsaparilla loo much. ” M rs . II. M. Paca, ipail postpaid. Testimonials and particular's by giving the men something they like meeting of the American Federation of in the sisterhood of nations. The treaty Jose; J. L. Gilbert, Fresno. I (seuleii)2Cts. better, and it is to that end we shall I Labor at Denver on a reform move­ Tracy, California. Get lIOOLt'B. •hows how fully the United States has work. When the churches are as at-; ment. “The chief reason that has Hood’s Pilis are hand made, and perfect All Correspondence Strictly Confidential. accorded Japan the recognition she has PAKK REMEDY CO.. Boston, Mass. in proportion and appearance. 25c. a box. tractive as the saloon, men will attend brought me to Denver is to prevent the tow as an enlightened, modern nation. the churches. At all events, a substi-1 All previous treaties have been based on wholesale fraud of labeling salmon all tute for the saloon must be provided be- I over the Pacific Coast ‘Columbia river the theory that the relics of oriental When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, 250 ACRES. F. W. SETTLF.MIER. fore any real good can be accom-1 fish,' barbarism still remained with Japan. When she was a Child, she crixl for Castoria. ‘ ” he said. “The Columbia river 4,000,000 TREES. J. II. 8ETTLEMIKB. plislted. ” . 4 salmon is thè best, and as the cannerà The provisions of the treaty that it must When 61ie became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Four hundred cloaktnakere in Pbila-! all along the coast label their goods the be ratified within six months makes U When she had Children, she gave them Castoria ESTABLISHED 1863 delphia have struck against a reduction same it hurts the Columbia river fisher­ incumbent for the senate to act on it at of wages. the present session or the treaty will men. We intend to adopt a label which fail. There is every probability, how- i Rev. Conrad Henney, one of Chicago's will be a guarantee both to dealers in •ver, that the senate will act promptly. most prominent divines, has eloped salmon aud to the consumers. ” W. L. Sayre of Tulare has been sent Minister Kurino has forwarded a copy with Mrs. George W. Brandt, the wife A recount has been ordered by the of the treaty to his government, where to prison from Visalia for six years for of the manager of the Price Baking Utah commission of the returns from it will be considered and ratified by the committing perjury in the Howard Powder company. San Pete county for delegates to the con­ JLSE ï LAJSI 2D, murder trial. REGON. PCivy council of Japan. stitutional convention. Should the re­ The Panama Railroad company has Blue vitro! — 16 lbs. for a dollar at R. 8. sult be changed, the control of the con­ We carry the largest and most Complete fteport fTom Japan show that the beon permanently enjoined at New Barclay & Son'«, Talent OF. ■ * • vention will be given to the Democrats. Reopened, Refurnished and Completely Renovated. qukr.4o’a subjects are so intoxicated York from establishing a steamship lina In Webster county, Ky., John Clay- iJhjn^ has decided to send a special Assortment of Decidious trees on the Coast. ♦1th their victories that they are be- between Central American points in ton shot and killed Jesse Driver. Driver, ambassador to Tokio to negotiate a - - -_=^====:- =>sr lJnder ew M nagement. =--.—-zzs- coning most obnoxious. It is tlie opin­ competition with tho Pacific Mail com­ who loved Clayton’s 14-year-old daugh­ treaty of peace. This is a result of the ion of many well-posted seafaring men pany. FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. ter, had been forbidden to come on tho i efforts of United States Ministers Denby that one of the greater powers or the C. A. Hantes, a Boston man who has Clayton farm, but ho persisted in his and Dunn. Unit«! States will have to give Japan a been seeking his brother, who had fallen attentions to the girl and planned to H ow ' h Thia ? sound thrashing before she will be con­ heir to $150,000, has found him near elope. As Driver approached the houae We offer One Hundred Dollars tor any tented to remain in her place. The Jap- Chicknesha, I. T. During the last ten in his buggy he was wet by Clayton, of Catarrh that cannot be cured by anese assert they are the English of tho years he had served as dishwasher, bar­ shotgun in hand. What passed between case Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Pacific and talk of taking Australia ■ keeper and cattleman. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo. O. them X6 not know», but Driver’s dead fram Great Britain. The Japanese are L»ody was found in the road after the We the undersigned have known F. J. I. W. Church, of Staunton Post G. A. R. ! Confident they are the greatest people says: ’T have tried nearly every cough, meeting took place. Clayton is at largo, Cbet.ey for tlie last lo years, and believe I him perfectly honorable In all business on earth and will probably attempt to remedy but have found nothing to compare j tion of n fatuciKl- rencb physician, will quickly cure yon o( a!l ner­ Tlie three hundredth anniversary of I transactions and financially able to carry vous 6r dtst a-es of the generative organs, such i.s Lost Malibood. ifemoustrate their superiority. with Parks’Cough Syrup. There is noils-' Insonnila. I’atnsln the Euctc, Seminal Emissions, Nervous PebUity, the birth of Gustavus Adolphus, Swed ­ out any obligation made by their firm. ing on earth like it for bronchitis. I have Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele a..d Parks’ Cough syrup cures Coughs, Colds sufferer! ever -ince my discharge from the en’s g eatefft king, who died on the bat­ W est A T ruax , Wholesale Druggists, To­ Constipation. It stops ail lossea by dav or night. Prevents quick- n.'ssof discharge, winch if not checked leads to Spenuntorrhaja and •nd Consunii tion. Mrs. Catherine Black, army and Parks’C.ugh Syrup is the only tlefield at Luetzen Nov. 6, 1633, was ledo, Ohio, We warrant all of our trees to be as represented, and BEFORE iunAFTrR all tho horrors of Impotency. < I'f*l ItKVE cleanse# the liver, th« of Lb Rov. N. Y.. says: “I took on« bot­ remedy that has ever helped me.” Bold bv otrvna ahd i urs kidneys «nd the urinary organs oi nil impurities. W aldihg . K iknan * M arvin , Wholesale celebrated at Stockholm the other day tle ef Park«’Cough 8_v rup. It acted like E. A. .'berwin. CUPIDENE strengthens nr.d restores small we k organs. free from pests. Send for special prices on large lots. Drueglsts. Toledo, Ohio. with pomp and enthusiasm. The reason suflerers »re not cn.-ed by Doctnrs is because ninety per cent ere troubled wtth Ujagic. stopped tnv cough and I am per­ ¿EIOKD. WEDNESDAY NIGHT, r December 19 MABIE HEATH ATM THEY FOLLOW SUIT, VIUFEl, NORRIS * DRAKE To clo-thç them »HOLIDÄYS Christinas Night. WIRTH PHOTO CO Dyspepsia W HARDWARE FAT PEOPLE STOVES and RANGES, ^Supplies KINNEY & PROVOST, ASHLAND THE WOODBURN NURSERIES We are also headquarters for Oro a mental trees, Evergreens, Climb ing Plants, Roses, Etc. fectly Well now.*1 Bold by E. A. Sherwin. Gold nan« — CO cents, at K. 8. Barclay A Son’s, Talent. Or. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, before buying a piano or organ don’t acting ,___ „ directly upon . the blood and mucous . f«il to see and bear the Kimball. (!. F. I surtaces of the system.. Price 75c. per bot- Hliepli»<< will show them to you and give tie. BUd by all Druggists. Fria* i tffNh Testiiupuial» Catalogue free. J. H. SETTLEMIER & SON, ASHLAND OREGON HOTEL J. H. McBRIDE, Prop. MANHOOD RESTOIIEDSSS Prost nt It ta. CUITPENE !s tho only known remedy to cure whlioul un oDyratton. Jwu lestlnoni* ais. A written guarantee given and money re'ur.ied if s’x boxes does not etfoct a permauvut««:» $1.00 a box, six for {100, by mail. Send for * rhi : circular and te^tintonia’s. J^rtdreKa y» A vol. JHDDIWW CO- F»..^ r*r,y/. •.,» t J