A Engel Bzss. VALLEY VALLEY RECORD. RECORD. VALLEY RECORD -------- THE FIXEST-------- zpil a _ jznsr and nr alisto y zprcinsTTinsTG. NO MONOPOLY PB ICES jCfll"Give us your order for Letter heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu- • rs. Etc. VOL. VII. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, ASHLAND, .QREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. OREGON, THURSDAY NO. 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year............................................... $2 50 Six months ...................................... 1 Bn Three months....................................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. i Circuit Court Pi ocecdiugs. PRESSED BRICKS. Death of Mrs. Montgomery. Officers present—Hon. H. K. Hanns I Mrs. W. A. Montgomery, aged 51 years, died at her home in eastern part of town 8. H. March is engaged in mining near circuit judge; H. L. Benson district at early Bunday morning, of a stomach dis Gold Hill. torney; S. Patterson sheriff: N. A. ease. She w’as a highly esteemed lady and Jacobs clerk Joe Thomas of Jacksonville is off on an came her with her husband from California J. B. R. Hutchins, Peter Barckh:ilt»r nearly two years ago to improve her health eastern trip. in<i J. W. Marksberrv, Were excused I She leaves a bushand and four grown chil- A C. Bagley of bams valley has gone on from jurv dutv. 'dren. The funeral took place Monday af a visit to Texas, Are oceaJ-mned by an impure and im O & C R. R. Co. vs. Geo. Engle; ternoon. the interment being in Ashland poverished condition of the blood. Slight Elder Jas. Hummer returned Saturday injunction. Continued. , cemetery. impurities, if not corrected, develop into to Cottage Grove. serious maladies, such as Jolm W. Geary vs. Josephine Geary; A Gold Hill Man's Yarn. Israel Harris of Rogue river is one of the diverse. Dismissed. SCROFULA, The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now From the Eugene Guard.] U. 8. grand jurors. Jacob Neiitirimnier vs. Joshua and ECZEMA, Some escaped lunatic out in Jackson Under the Management of Wm. Larky is building himself a new Emma Neathammer; to set aside deed. RHEUMATISM D snissed. county is telling the silly story that a residence at Gold Hill. an other troublesome diseases. To cure Fred Otten vs A. Koester at al.; to NOT A SENATORIAL CANDIDATE. coffin filled with guns was shipped to the these is required a safe and reliable rem A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs SENSE Foil THE SOl’IH. foreclose mortgage. Decree granted. Catholic church at Eugene, and the au Frank Crump at Sterling. edy free from iny harmful ingredients. an , purely vegetable. Such ‘‘¿■wEfc'S B««‘kman & R-ames vs Jotin A. Han thorities seize»! the coffin and confiscated Many years ago wo read that “the Mver & Gregory's for infants and child lev et ni ; order for sheriff to make deed So Says Gir.gresHnian Hermann—Yet It i e m o v e s all imnuritiesiaWflJ^ the guns. The aforesaid crank and lun rens Way of the transgressor is hard.” Now from the blood and thorough-“-“- shoes, from 50-c. up. Binger Would Allow Hie Legislature S R. Coule vs P. Donegan et al.; to atic bet a bat with Seal, the commercial ly cleanses the system. Thousands of it seems that things have changed, and to Force Him. A son was born to the wile of W. E. Coul foreclose mortgage. Decree granted. cases of the worst forms of blood dis traveler, that such was the case. Seal eases have been S. C. Mimmick vs Ed Hendricks et al.; In the Washington correspondence of instead of being hard the way of the will wear a new hat if the party is finan at, Jacksonville, Nov. 30th. Cured by S. S. S. rhe Oregonian of Dee. 7th, speaking of transgressor is much easier than he who cially responsible. He certainly is not Reuben Dawe arrived last week from confirmation. Sheriff’s sale confirmed. Send for our Treatise mailed free to any address Beekman & Reames vs. Haskell Amy the free silver coinage influence being tries to stay in the middle of tho road— responsible mentally. His residence is Ukiah, Cal., to visit his girl. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. j at Gold Hill, but wo should net be sur waged acainet Dolph’s re-election, we Mrs. Clias. Young moved to Gold Hill et al.; same as above. Alfred B Ragan vs Unity J. Ragan; clip: Coupled with these statements is at least it looks like the way of some prised to hear of his name being regis- Saturday to join her husband. Decree granted. one that. Representative Hermann is a who are in high places, doing all that j tered at a humane institution conducted Dan Griffiths and Thos. Morcoin returned divorce. :o: • F. P. Lane & Co. vs. Lewis G. Ross; lormidable riyal candidate. In the first lies in their power to fasten the iron by the state, at Salem, for the care of last week from eastern Oregon. to recover money. Judgment for $100 place Hermann is not a candidate. claw of tyranny on the neck of oppress j imbecils and demented persons. Miss Laura Carter of Evans creek is visit and costa. Neither he nor any other man would , Novel River Mining on Rogue River. ing her brother at Oakland, Cal. L. L. Jewell vs. Malinda Hirer and proltably refuse a senatorship, but he is ed hr.isauity, is soft. In 1892 our leaders said it was “to:: For a first-class shave and hair cut, go to W. A. Jones; tn recover money. Judg not oat alter the office. To your corres Major C. Newell who is buihling his ----------- :o:----------- scon" to join our brothers of the west I scow below the power house, is almost High <fc btorey’s, Opposite plaza. pondent lie said to-day: ment fi>r $133 67, etc. C- CALDWELL, ready to launch his river mining enter J. W. Hockersmith vs. M. F. Hanlev; “I am not a candidate for senator and and assist them to hurl the greedy plu There will be a Chri-tmas tree celebration Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour prise. This is a new feature entirely in at the Griffin creek school house. suit, fry dam ig"R. Continued. I have not announced myself as such. i tocrats from power. “Wait awhile lon . mining in thia state and Mr. N. with the Stat« va. F. T wnsend ; larceny. Plea I shall not be a candidate, nnless the ists. XVhen in Ashland don t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE Photos: $2.00 only, at half price at ' assistance of Mr. Banks, a Michigan cap Camps’ studio until further notice. of guilty. Sentenced to one year in Hie legislature should wish rr.e to lie. Oret ger, ” they sxid. •’ Wp ca^get^nr rights, DENTIST. ail wo demand, in the democrat ’ party. * \ italist who is visiting friends on the coast ppnitentiarv. gon’s legislature is perfectly competent Chare Combination Dental Plates made and R. Beers Loos is headed this way from Wo are reform Democrats, and it’s the experimenting at the same time, will to select a senator. I have not conversed State vs. J. C. C n rnm ; indictment for with G> Id ind Aluminum Roofs. California with a theatrical troupe. larceny of cattle. Verdict, of “not guilty” with a single member of the legislature i best policy to stick to the old party. ’’ Gob. F ings inserted in Porcelain Teeth commence their pumping apparatus next Mrs. Jus. Nail, of Bly, nee Lizzie Wight, week and bring to the surface an enter relumed by jurv. in my interest, not even the members Well, a majority did stick and suc o peri c; appearance. from my own county. If there should be ceeded in placing tho old Mugwump on Gold crown and Contour work a specialty. prise which may prove of great value in died at Klamath Falls of blood-poisoning Probaie Court. Office over the Bank. A daughter was born to the wife of Roht. a failure to select a member from among tho throne, but has any civilized section the future. Mr. Newell figures that the Estate of Barbara Ulrich, Order »he candidates mentioned and a compro over paid dearer for an egregious blun Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 river answers as a sluice box for the wash Swinden near Gold Hill Thanksgividg day. a. m. and 4 to 5 p. iu. from the surrounding foothills and that A. L. Gall of Sams vallev has been pav made fixing Tuesday, Jan. 8 1S95 as I mise candidate should be needed, I then der than tho southern states uro now might enti r tl.e field.” it has caught the gold for years past, ing his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Myer, a visit. ■ lav of final settlement. Estate of W. I. Slaughter, Semi-an- I which is now embedde»! In the crevices Oregon < onld not at this time spare doing? Weil, no wonder the dove3 did BROWER M. D. A 10-pound son blessed the home of Mr. nnal account of administrator approved. Mr. He tnann from the house. The cot succeed in saving their lives when, of the bedrock. He has received a four and Mrs. Dan Walker, Jr., on the 1st inst. Estate of T. D Barclay. Gertrude ; hourse power bailer and will run his state will in time have the chairmanship through fear of a kite, they flew into the PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. On Nov. 30 a son was born to the wife of Barclay appointed administratrix and A. of the river and harbor committee in the drove of hawks and naked for protection. euction pump by steam. The scow is O regon . aliout 14x26 feet long and will furnish Ge<>. Howard, assistant postmaster at Med Alford, Jas. Helms and E K. Anderson house, a position that is worth more to No wonder tho toiling millions of our A sblamd , ford. appraisers. ample room for a cook and bunk cabin Oregon than anything else. For the country have not succeeded in getting Mrs. Dr. Ozias came out from Roseburg of W. J. Fiippen. Jan. 8 1895, next two terms at least he is sure of the financial relief when with our ballots Office—At Residence intersection of Me and the necesaarv sluice boxre for wash last week to visit her mother, Mrs. H. H. sjt Estate <s tim® for hearing final settlement. chairmanship, and those two let ms will wo “turned tho rascals out" and put in ing out the gravel brought out of the Hill. chanic, Laurel and Main Streets. Estate of J. C. Durkee. Inventory of lie invaluable to Oregon. It Mr. Her river bottom. They will make their way H. Cobb is visiting E. Pleasant and appraisement filed and orders made set mann were elected, Oregon would lose a worse set. No wonder the shackles oi down to the mouth of Jump-off Joe, but J L. WOOD. family east of Central Point. He is from ting apart property for use of widow and her place on commerce in the senate and industrial slavery are tightening, and will not work up stream at present.— Taylor. Neb. for sale of personal property. rivers and harbors in the house, a loss idlo, huBgry men, women and chil Grants Pass Observer. DENTAL SUKGEON. Miss Jo Nunan, the Jacksonville belle, that would be more serious than any dren begin to walk the streets and high Ju<iKr Bronaugh anti his Critic, returned Saturday from a visit with Ash Rewards for Government Robberies. thing that con'd happen to the state. ways. We aro not surprised that the O regon A shlamb , Judge E C. Bronaugh, the great jurist of land friends. In view of the great number of postoffice Probably Mr. Hermann realizes this. starving hosts begin to trample on the LL MANNER of metal and rnbber Portland, was in court at Jacksonville this burglaries nnd highway mail robberies, th“ Wm. Griffin and sons of Wilderville were grass and threaten tho destruction of plates made in the latest approved session. Judge Bronaugh is a very intel visiting at the old settlement on Griffin postmaster-general has issued off'ers of re Bitcklen h Arnica Salre. our modern Sodom. method«. lectual an<i re’peend Christian citizen who creek last week. ward as follows: One thousand dollars for Gold and porcelain crowns and bridge interprets the calamities befalling the peo T he B est S alve in the world for Cuts, In the name of starving humanity, the conviction of any person in any Unitid Wm. Marlow is convalescing front a se states court of the charge of robbing the Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Balt Rheum, Feyer how much longer will we halt between work a specialty. All work warranted to ple of late as in line with the destruction give perfect satisfaction. Low prices. of the earth and the second coming of vere attack of lung fiver at his home in mail.» wlii'e being conveyed to a mail car Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, two opinions, lingering, hungering on Office in Odd Fellows’ bnilding, tip stairs. Christ within the next seven years. He Lake creek precinct. attached to a railway train; $500 for the Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Dositively has contributed a number of very able and conviction of any person in any United cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar- the di.ck of Cleveland Democracy, fear Ad. Helms has bought the "Dutch clear articles on that theme to current liter Henry1' Wynnes placer mines on Jump-ofT- States court on the charge of robbing the i tutced to give pertect sati-faction or money ing to launch out and tnko passage on mails while being conveved over any post refunded. l’Fice 25 cents per box. HIGH & STORY ature. and belongs to that sect in Portland. Joe tho People’s lifeboat when it is so neat from the executor for $800. FOR BALE BY AeMartd Drug Co. Judge Bronaugh is also very wealthy in route other than a railway; $250 for the at hand? What timorous mortals we Mrs. Lieut. H. H. Sargent, who has been conviction of any person in anv United this world’s goods. At one of their meet aro when we see beyond a shadow of a ings a poor devil in the denomination visiting her sister, Mrs. M. L. Alford, left: States court on the charge of attempting to roasted the judge's unchristian-like attitude last week for Fort Logan, Col. OUR MONEYED ARISTOCRACY. rob the mails being conveyed over any doubt that the old, abandoned derelict in holding so much property while count post route; $150 for the arrest and con Miss Maggie Manning of Klamath Falls less millions were starving. The judge was is learning typewriting and stenography of viction of any person in any United Stales It» Laviuli ExtraV3gnnco Opens the Eyes of must of its own rottenness soon settle j out of sight forever! taken back, but said he would look up the court on the charge of breaking into a port Visiting Titled Foreigner». Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, scriptures and give a scriptural reply at Miss Lemberger at Jacksonville. office and stealing; and $200 reward where Without- making much fu-:s about, it Alabama and Texas already have the Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert have returned to the amount stolen exceeds $500. next meeting, which he did by fishing out of the scripture the passage, "Occupy, until the Blackwell Hills district, after along res a largo number of foreigners of rank idence in the Willamette, to remain. Must Have Seen the Jaxonvill Article and title uro visiting American friends lifeboats in their People's organization. I come,” They are rapidly getting clear of the Mrs. Emma Neathammer of Plea=ant Boston Journal.] at their ernnmer residences and other P<»or Digestion creek precinct, has returned from a three There is much nonsence talked about wise “locking round” at this country whirlpool the old hulk will make as she goes down. How much better off polit Leads to nervousness, fretfulness. peevish- months sojourn in California, much im ‘•the pitfalls of a great citv,” the mantraps ne«s chronic Dyspepsia and great misery. proved in health. laid for country youth. There are ample and it t institutions. Passing by some ically is South Carolina than they are! Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the remedy It for the young to indulge In of these strangers’ criticisms on the Tho future will show the wisdom of Mrs. Cha«. Chandler, after a visit of some opportunities tones the stomach, creates an appetite, months low vices in villages and small towns, ves, present state c.f affairs, it is amusing to with relatives and friends at her even when prohibition their timely actions. and gives a relish to foop. It makes pure rules Nor is there blood and gives healthy action to all the old home in Indian Territory, relumed in the city a harder character than the nolo tho surprise tho modo of living The old byword, “Stick to tho old hero creates in intelligent minds accus ship,” never did mean that wo should organs of the body. Take Hood's for home to Ashland last week. country tough. Hood's Sarsaparilla C ubes . tomed to much simpler forms of wealth stay aboard until she 6unk and go down Medford has a district school indebted SHAVING The New Version of an Ohl Pica, ness of $S500 bearing 11 percent interest, at home. Hood's Pill« become the favorite cathar and a meeting was called Saturday to fund Sisson Mascot.] with her. Even rats havo more sense Count Nymp-che, a German friend than that. It only meant that we should tic with evry one who tries them. 25c. the indebtedness into 8 per cent bonds. Oh mother, please mother, come home of Prince Hatzfeldt, who married the * * HAIRDRESSING Karl’s Clover Root, the great Blood puri wi ll me now. the afternoon’s slipping by daughter cf C. P. Huntington, expresses stay aboard while she floated or until List or Letters PARLORS. fier gives freshness and clearness to the fast* you said you were coming right h-mie tho lifeboats came in reach. The Popu Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland Complexion the livelies t astonishment at such nu es lists of this state, who comprise near and cures Constipation, 25cts.. from the polls a» soon as votir ballot wds Opposite Plaza. P.O., Dec. 10. 1891: 50 cts. and $1. Sold by Ashland Drug Co. cast. Poor father came in for his dinner tablishment us tho Huntingtons occupy ly “three-thirds” ot tho true reform Hamers ley. Mrs Cecil W J noon, and not a mouthful could he find, for other than royalty. He says there Local Agents Albany Steam Laundry. Andrews, J. H. Houston, one ot the leading busi at Harris, Mr D L element who are not seeking office, have Bailey, A A arm and me words wurui that inmuesaiii he said as be tie slammed simuliteli , _ _ ______ ness men of Klamath Falls arrived in Ash the the I,eg<*rton. M E Davis, Mr H H front door left a strone-omell of «sul- Iri 1,0 luMiry magi.ificenc-e to compare about come to tho conclusion to let the 1 Gilbert, . . ... ir. -a. - --- — 2 _ ___ ___________ 4,. land Friday to visit friends and relatives. phur behind. Robert Moore, Mr M M fwiili Knit in privuto J mhwk in wire pullrrs sail xai liadcr the old colors Jons C onway . | Horner, Mr M. H. H owell . He is one of the witnesses in the Howe Worth, Miss Marie F C (2) America anywhere from the Atlantic to When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K, Dalton, tho Pacific, an 1 his opinion is echoed l y to their hearts’ content, but if we ate Persons calling for same will please say case. I again pledged to support with our bal of Lu-av, Russell countv. Kansas, called at "advertised.” W. H B busk . P. M. Klamath county will appeal the 33)4 per cent, cases decided against the county, to the laboratory of Chamberlain it Co., Des foreigners of other nationality as well lots national “Democracy” I reckon November Weather Summary. the supreme court. The Howe bondsmen .Moines, to show them his six year old hov, as by otr eo called English cousins. wo can stay out of tho primary, hoist wnose life had been saved by Chamberlain’s A well known lady, who has made the People's bauncr nnd pull for the Following is a summary of weather ob will also appeal from the decision against Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a them, servations at Ashland during month of very severe attack of croup. Mr. Dalton is Berlin her Itomo for many years, re Nov. as reported by F. H. Carter, local ob Jackson county is third of the counties in certain that it saved his boy's life and is turned to her native land last spring to shore of financial relief ourselves. The west has for many years held out server tor the Oregon State Weather Service: Oregon with 1134 names to the 8. F. Ex entliuriS'tic in his praise st the Remedy. find such an Aladdinlike change that the olive branch and begged our co-op THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE MYER’S Elevation above sea level, 1940 ft. aminer's petition for the government to For sale by Ashland Drug Company. she says it has almost made her silly. eration. There is such a thing as pro Mean temperature. 46.3. forclose on the Pacific railroads. Coos, an HARDWARE STORE. Departure from normal, plus 2.9. "No cue in Germany, at least, dreams crastination, which eviry one cf ns other populist county, is second with 1148 Dig Sticky items. Maximum temperature, 69, on 24th. names. Multnomah is first with 1428. of the extent of this moneyed aristoc knows by bitter experience is tho. thief E. G. Roberts spent last Friday night temperature. 24, on 22th. BOOTS & SHOES Minimum racy. ” She paused. “I hato that phrase of timii . Ramember the foolish virgins Talisman lodge, K. of P.,of Medford, will with his friend, Janies Owens. Mean of maximum temperature, 59.0. give a grand ball Christmas eve; niusia by I Mound school is progressing finely under and yriSidr»«'.»* ft! But it surprises me Mean of minimum temperature, S3 5. -------- THAT MT YOU-------- slept away their day of grace. Might it Number of times max. temp. 90 or above 0. the Jacksonville orchestra and a big supper f the good management of Prof. Barnard. to eco luxury where I left mere comfort not be possible that the great west, witli at Hotel Medford. A special train will run of times min. temp. 32 or below, 10. MABETO ORDER Number Miss Myrtle Hart, of Medford, spent last only 20 years ago. The emperor is not her greater resources, will after awhile Number of times min. temp. 40 or below,28. from Jacksonville. Tickets, with supper ween enjoying a pleasant visit at F houred half so well as some of my ac for two, $2. J. A. Whitman. I. M. Muller AT LOWEST LIVING RATES. tiro of waiting? Had it not been for and Chas. Danion are the managing com Morgan’s. Total precipitation, .47 inches. quaintances in their summer places. ” feathering somebody's nest South Caroli mittee. Departure from normal, — 1.41. Calvin Owens and wife spent a few days The frugal Geruiau appears to be most EW WORK a SPECIALTY. Re Greatest -ELY’3 CREAM BALM-Cleanses the Nasal precipitation in 24 consecutive Parks’ Sure Cure is a positive specific in last week visiting at Mrs. Owen’s father’s. touched by American progress in the na today might, like Alabama, have pairing neatly done Half-Soling, Passa^ej, zuiay« Pain and Inflammation, Heals hours, an t date .40 on 27th. all diseases »if the Liver and Kidnevs. By J. \V. Gregory’s parsed through the fiery ordeal and been the Sores, Restores Taste and Smell, and Cures ruin’s 75 cents, ladies 50cents. weird art of living up to a big income. fighting side by side in the ranks with removing the uric acid in the blood it cures Mr. and Mrs. F. Morgan and daughter —Boston Heu.lil, rheumatism. 8. B. Bashford, of Carthage. Prevailing direction o' wind, NW. her brethren under the People's banner, 8. Dak., says: "I believe Parks’ Sure Cure Bertha were »be guests of G. C. Robert's in the meantime, hewev*. r, steering clear excels all other medicines for Rheumatism faniilv last Sundav. Num' er of clear days, 18. “How to Cure All Sltin Diseases.” Number of part y clo idy days, 7. and Urinary disorders.” Sold by E. A. of the “grass” and avoiding, if possi James Bigham, who has been living near Simply apply “S wayxk ’ s O intment .” N o hie, being shot down liko dogs—“mad ot cioudy days. 5. Sherwin. Central Point for some time, has retnrneii Gives Relief nt once foe Gold iu Head. ! Number Numtier of days on which .01 or more of to his old home near the Lone Oak school internal ’medicine required. Cures tetters, dogs.” Ah, those aro wonderful times HAS MOVED HER Apply into the Sottrile.------ It it Quietly A bear bed. Grant ’ s Pass Courier- “ Josephine county i preci pi m tii >n fell, 2. eczema, itch, a l eruptions on the face, 50c. Druggists or by mail. FLY BROtj., 66 Warren St., N.Y, will probably save $500) a year under the house. Number of days on which .01 or more prerent hands, nose. <fcc., leaving the skin clear, in tho evolution of governments and so salary system. It is not likelv that J. W. Snii ’ h, one of our prosperous farm white and healthy. Its great healing and ciety! We find it great virtue to rob a of precipitation fell, 2. will beany general <le*ire to return to ers, has just returned from a hunting ex curative ~ ‘ In the last 13 years the mean 1 »here ]>owers are possessed liy no other million families, through unjust class vaavai arm I Remarks: the old fee system although there isn ’ t so pADI rlpQ i temp, for November has twice been higher much in the’offi -e of sheriff and clerk as pedition and, we are g:ad to say, was very remedy. Ask your druggist for S waynz ’ s laws, of their homes, Lut ’twere bettei successful. ■ r»IBL«vllw an<i ihe rainfall has twice been less. O intment . there used to be.” for a millstone to be hanged about a Charlie Neustroin is making suspiciously Dr. and Ans. V v . T. Bull of New man’s neck and be cast into the midst Next Door North of Opera , A. F. George of the defunct mill near frequent visits to Lake creek. If we are not Mott, was placed u.ider arrest at Bisson on inisiaken, Charlie will have a housekeeper York are receiving congratulations upon of tho sea thou for him to “tread cn House Block, a warrant sworn out bv R. II. Elsey, . . one of there days. tue birth of a son. Mrs. Bull was for tlia grass. ” Does it occur to our wise charging him with disposing of 116 000 feet Misses Zuda and Lydia Owens nnd their merly the wife of James G. Blaine, Jr. acres that wo will over get graduated IPÆI AST TS, LE5 A l IJST TLE 1RS’ TOOLS of lumber and four lumber wagons, in vi-i- Where she will be pleased lation of the law after having gone into in brother John Owens hsve moved to Jack WALL PAPER. GLASS. ETC. Lord Randolph Churchill is iu luck. income tax, abolition of national banks, solvency. He was formerly superintendent sonville where they will keep house and The very eccentric Miss Raine has left free coinage of silver and increase in to see her old friends and attend the excellent public school of that of the Mt. Shasta division. B uilding P apers , n rapping P avers AND Twists. ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. city. him her mansion nnd extensive estate the Circulation to §50 per capita, sub- patrons. Sam Smead, of Roseburg, while driving Charles Schnel'bocher, who has been in in Oxfordshire as a token of admira treasuries and government ownership of to Coos county last Thursday with Mr. Cranston of Portland, was overtaken by a California for several months, returned to tion for his commanding political gen telegraph? and railroads without using storm, which blew a large tree over. Sinead Rogue River valley about two weeks ago ius. other means besides passing resolutions BR. JORDAN & CO.’S saw the tree falling, stopped and backed and was gladly welcomed home by his in the sub and county Alliances? Can I Sir Arthur Sullivan at 51 is por the team. The tree fell across both horses’ many friends. a GEEAT SOSECa Of AKATOMY wo always depend on controlling in the heads, killing them instantly. There being Misses Zuda Owens and Lula Roberts, trayed as a short nocked, thickset, bee 1UÓ1 Market St., San FrancUco n<> limbs on the tree, both men escaped un two of our most successful teachers, have tle browed man, with curly black hair, primary? As reform Democrats we are (Between tsh and 7th Sts.) i injured. returned home from Sam's Valiev, where mustache and side whiskers. He is certainly noither gaining in numbers Co »nd l,»rn how wonderfully you Representative-elect S. M. Nealon ha< they have been teaching. The former in somewhat stilted iu manner and has nor influence. But what besides a few are made and how to avoid ricknes» Jackson Go, Oregon « ust finished painting his new residence on McClendon Distriot. the latter at Chapar ‘-n«J disease. Mu-sum enlarged with offices for a few of our leaders can we been composing for 85 years. > tiiou-auda of new object a Aduna- lis Sams valley farm. Mr. Nealon is al ral and each gave the best of satisfaction. ever expect from the Democratic party »ion 23 cm . ways noted for doing the right thing at the James I’ue while plowing on David Frivate Office—*anie Hulldiug if even wo could control it for the next REAL right time. His farm and family have Cincaids ESTATE AENT, A first-elass parlor piano, of reputabl* IO31 nitilket Street— Lnscases ol men: farm a few days ago. met with an quarter of a century? Whence, when or needed that new home for some time and stricture, loea of manhood, diaeaaes of the •'■in accident. His horses became frightened manufacture, brand new; took first prj»< NOTARY PUBLIC and bad Mr. Nealon built it after going to the and kidney« q'.ii< k!y cured without »he use of racr- ran uwav. dragging the driver and th- world’s fair. For sale or will trade on a how could the much needed relief come? legislature in place of before his friends and •mry- 'IréatmeuS personal!) or by letter. Senti From 6uch a source relief never will COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS plow with them. Mr Pue was injured, deal for town lots; or hay, potatoes nr that Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, out of the great would have had a big joke on him. tor >.c.k. J but, as yet, we have not learned how seri come — nobody expects it to come — but ho28. A good bargain, well worth in Long established and reliable practitioner». number of similar preparations manufac AS LISTED a NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up, The Annie Consolidated Mining Com ously. vestigation. Inquire at or write R ecord in its stead will come ruin, desolation tured throughout the world, was the only pany, in the Bohemia district, passed into for Sale or Rent. Arthur Smith, who lias been residing in office, Ashland, Oregon. and death. — P. I. Rawl in Cotton Plant. medicine of the kind admitted at the the hands of a receiver, P. 8. Younger, Lake county for several years, is visiting at Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. World’s Fair, Chicago? And why was It who has qualified in the sum of $10,U00 »<> his fathsr’s, J. W. Snath's. His many HQ A that, in spite of the united efforts of the hold the mine intact. Owing to the fact of f»¡ends and relatives are well pleased to QUARTZ AND; PLACER MINES manufacturers of other preparations, the indebtedness which they were unable to welcome hint in their inid-t once more. J. meet from the free gold taken out, the own W. Smith was delighted with a very fine As Silver and Real Estate are both at a very low ebb now is the time for home decision of the World’s Fair Directors was ers are arranging to enlarge the plant suit seekers to get bargains, as I will take silver in exchange. Call on or address me for nob reversed? able for ttie grade of ores; al-o to pay off rifle, which was presented him by bis son. further particulars. The meeting of the Mound Literary So all laborers about January 20th, and start BECAUSE ciety. Nov. 24, was greatly enjoyed by all tip in full operation. prerent. The recitations, dialogues and According to R ule 15— »Article« ® Scott’s Emulsion has been_ endorsed by physicians of the (Northern Pacific R. B. C., Lessees.) W. E. Guthrie, of Cheyene, Wvo , has song.« were exceptionally good, but the — F O H----- that are in any way dangerous or o purchased the cattle of A. P. Weiler and principal feature of the evening was the o whole world. There is no secret about its ingredients. offensive, also patent medicines, others in Powder valley,and will feed about debate "Resolved that City Life is Prefer- nostrums, and empirical prepara o b 500 head at the Jonathan Parker place; l-.e • able to Country Life.’- witli Nellie Roberts o Physicians prescribe tions, whose ingredients are con o will also feed 500 head at Durkee. These leader on the negative side and Alfred Fish LATEST TIME CARD PEST 13 ’ÏSTR Tyonx-B« cattle will be shipped to the Omaha market on the affirmative. It was decide lb.- the cealed, will not be admitted to the 8 ÎÎ3T7T o’J-i’.ltiesaî & r nearpasard, a/tdpHÿ aliout- March 1. E. M. Gib'on has Exposition,” and, therefore— judges. Will Gregory. Janies Owens and o *;'tAÊl£.3iân7 t*VQ bc~ í’.*»y he? Lrttrii». TT gw purchased about 1600 bead in Wallowa, ■ Charley Adams, in favor of the negative. jtlbcted by ì’.ciit. Cl i-’1.’ TXlfcs L ’ Became Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Is not a o Two Through Trains Daily. Grand Romle and Powder valleys, and will o “ Ax O ld M aid , ” £ BT AT.E^SGFNiauLT/xA Jy;* patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not oi feed the coming winter. In Powder valley a secret preparation. o about 500 head will be fed at Wesley because they know what great nourishing end curative prop Specimen Cases. jI Parker’s, near North Powder. 'l RAINING, Fresco Puintfng, Calsomin- Became its proprietors had nothing to o 12.05 p m Lv Minneapolis.Ar 4.00 P ni 8. II. Clifford. New C »■‘‘sei, Wis., was o I erties it contains. They know it is what it L represented X ing. Church lteeorating,.Paper Hang 1.45 p in Lv...St. Paul...Ar 3.40 P n> conceal when questioned as to the for o Every person in the employ of W. L troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, ing and Carriage Painting, go to o Lv....Duluth.. .Ar to bo ; namely, a perfect emulsion of tho best Norway God mula from which it Is compounded. hi- Stomach was disordered, his Liver was Douglass, who runs the great shoo fac o Lv...Ashland...Ar affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell tories at Brockton. Massachusetts has Because It is all that it is claimed to be o liver Oil with the hypophosphites of limo and soda. Successor to Uictoi <C McLrhlc 7.15 a ni Ar... Chicago. ...Lv 10.40 P ni and be was terribly reduced in flesh —a Compound Concentrated Extract of o been provided with a ticket entitling away, nnd strength. Three bottles of Electric t o Tor Oonglis, Colds, Boro Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lung«, Conmap- —CITY- them to free medical attendance at the Bitters cured him. Sarsaparilla, and in every sense, worthy 6 25 p in Lv. Minneapolis. Ar 8 40 ni the indorsement of this most important o hands of the company’s physician in case o EAVE ORDERS at Van Sant's store Edward Shepherd. Hairisburg. III., had tion, Scrofula, Anæmia, Weak Babies, Thin Ohildrea. Bickels, Mar 8 00 ni -7 15 p ui Lv ..St, PaulAr... ‘committee, called together for passing o of sickness. The plan went into effect a running sore on his leg of eight years and louk.at work for inspection, •z - 4 05 p m Lv. ...Duluth.. . Ar 11 10 • m o asmus, Loss of Flesh, General Debility, and all conditions of Wasting. upon the manufactured products of tho o >n the 12th of November. Newspaper standing. Used three bottles of Electric 7 15 p ni Lv... Ashland... Ar 8 15 P m L. LARSEN &, CO. people all over the union know Mr Bitters and seven bpxes of Bucklen’s Arni O 10 05 a nt Ar...Chicago ...Lv 5 00 P in entire world. The only genuine Scott’s Emulsion is put in salmon- o T ZELA. 1ST SFE YL. Douglass to be one of the most liberal ca Salve, ttinl bis leg is sound and well. i o Speaker, Catawba. O . had five large colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutos ! i advertisers in America, and are not John Tickets sold a-d baggage checked through o Fever s.>res oil his leg; doctors said he wa» PasKcnjjer Coaches to Every Train. JOB YT^IJSTTIJSTG- surprised at Lis philanthropic course o Send for pamphlet on Scutl's Emulsion. I RLE. to all points in the United States and Can incurable. One buttle Electric Bitters and towards his employees. ada. 3Jt^.FreigLt moved about town at rates one lsrx Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him o Scott & Downs, N. Y. AU Druggists. 50 cents end SI, Admitted for Exhibition • o PRIVES TO SUIT YOU Close connection made in Chicago with Parks’ Tea clears tne complexion. Mrs entirely, bold by Ashland Drug Co. LO ER TH AN ANY ONE ELSE. o all trains go ng East and South. N. Meyette. of Le Roy, N. Y., says: “I AT THE WORLD’S FAIR o A few choice Poland China pigs for _ _ i Fire wood of all kinds delivered For full information sod I v to vour near .have tried Parks* Tea and find it the best Çhan^ed |4ands ! Baking HOTEL Rounder Manifold Disorders OREGON ABSOLUTELY PURE Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day Professional Cards ASJ1L/IND MILLS J SELDOM EQUALED,NEVER EXCELLED A JACOBS & VIRGIN, Prop s MERCHANT TAILOR Opposite HOTEL OREGON FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF _______ Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To HOWELL & CONWAY, i BÖOT .na SHOEMAKERS, Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS AMMUNITION. CUTLERY N MRS. E. IL CHRISTIAN DRESSMAKING H. S. EVANS,ASHLAND OR PAINTING, PAPERING. n ETC GOLD HILL Why Was It H A For Twenty Years LINES. ■1 ' ßI í à & & l B R E AS It Scott’s Emulsion PAINTING H. J. HICKS. C L. LARSEN & CO IWXfiER&FREWHT L Ayer’sAXSarsaparilla 'V •j .suie at ipflUff B.G. JB. V, NiH CknrllagW JMiilti wt WW tboir UKBbJy. |wb»rs In • X *, V . • 9» prh». Kt tha Reoord Office