A Engel Bzss. VALLEY VALLEY RECORD. RECORD. VALLEY RECORD -------- THE FIXEST-------- zpil a _ jznsr and nr alisto y zprcinsTTinsTG. NO MONOPOLY PB ICES jCfll"Give us your order for Letter­ heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu- • rs. Etc. VOL. VII. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, ASHLAND, .QREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. OREGON, THURSDAY NO. 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year............................................... $2 50 Six months ...................................... 1 Bn Three months....................................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. i Circuit Court Pi ocecdiugs. PRESSED BRICKS. Death of Mrs. Montgomery. Officers present—Hon. H. K. Hanns I Mrs. W. A. Montgomery, aged 51 years, died at her home in eastern part of town 8. H. March is engaged in mining near circuit judge; H. L. Benson district at­ early Bunday morning, of a stomach dis­ Gold Hill. torney; S. Patterson sheriff: N. A. ease. She w’as a highly esteemed lady and Jacobs clerk Joe Thomas of Jacksonville is off on an came her with her husband from California J. B. R. Hutchins, Peter Barckh:ilt»r nearly two years ago to improve her health eastern trip. inr $133 67, etc. C- CALDWELL, ready to launch his river mining enter­ J. W. Hockersmith vs. M. F. Hanlev; “I am not a candidate for senator and and assist them to hurl the greedy plu­ There will be a Chri-tmas tree celebration Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour­ prise. This is a new feature entirely in at the Griffin creek school house. suit, fry dam ig"R. Continued. I have not announced myself as such. i tocrats from power. “Wait awhile lon­ . mining in thia state and Mr. N. with the Stat« va. F. T wnsend ; larceny. Plea I shall not be a candidate, nnless the ists. XVhen in Ashland don t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE Photos: $2.00 only, at half price at ' assistance of Mr. Banks, a Michigan cap Camps’ studio until further notice. of guilty. Sentenced to one year in Hie legislature should wish rr.e to lie. Oret ger, ” they sxid. •’ Wp ca^get^nr rights, DENTIST. ail wo demand, in the democrat ’ party. * \ italist who is visiting friends on the coast ppnitentiarv. gon’s legislature is perfectly competent Chare Combination Dental Plates made and R. Beers Loos is headed this way from Wo are reform Democrats, and it’s the experimenting at the same time, will to select a senator. I have not conversed State vs. J. C. C n rnm ; indictment for with G> Id ind Aluminum Roofs. California with a theatrical troupe. larceny of cattle. Verdict, of “not guilty” with a single member of the legislature i best policy to stick to the old party. ’’ Gob. F ings inserted in Porcelain Teeth commence their pumping apparatus next Mrs. Jus. Nail, of Bly, nee Lizzie Wight, week and bring to the surface an enter ­ relumed by jurv. in my interest, not even the members Well, a majority did stick and suc­ o peri c; appearance. from my own county. If there should be ceeded in placing tho old Mugwump on Gold crown and Contour work a specialty. prise which may prove of great value in died at Klamath Falls of blood-poisoning Probaie Court. Office over the Bank. A daughter was born to the wife of Roht. a failure to select a member from among tho throne, but has any civilized section the future. Mr. Newell figures that the Estate of Barbara Ulrich, Order »he candidates mentioned and a compro­ over paid dearer for an egregious blun­ Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 river answers as a sluice box for the wash Swinden near Gold Hill Thanksgividg day. a. m. and 4 to 5 p. iu. from the surrounding foothills and that A. L. Gall of Sams vallev has been pav­ made fixing Tuesday, Jan. 8 1S95 as I mise candidate should be needed, I then der than tho southern states uro now might enti r tl.e field.” it has caught the gold for years past, ing his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Myer, a visit. ■ lav of final settlement. Estate of W. I. Slaughter, Semi-an- I which is now embedde»! In the crevices Oregon < onld not at this time spare doing? Weil, no wonder the dove3 did BROWER M. D. A 10-pound son blessed the home of Mr. nnal account of administrator approved. Mr. He tnann from the house. The cot succeed in saving their lives when, of the bedrock. He has received a four and Mrs. Dan Walker, Jr., on the 1st inst. Estate of T. D Barclay. Gertrude ; hourse power bailer and will run his state will in time have the chairmanship through fear of a kite, they flew into the PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. On Nov. 30 a son was born to the wife of Barclay appointed administratrix and A. of the river and harbor committee in the drove of hawks and naked for protection. euction pump by steam. The scow is O regon . aliout 14x26 feet long and will furnish Ge<>. Howard, assistant postmaster at Med­ Alford, Jas. Helms and E K. Anderson house, a position that is worth more to No wonder tho toiling millions of our A sblamd , ford. appraisers. ample room for a cook and bunk cabin Oregon than anything else. For the country have not succeeded in getting Mrs. Dr. Ozias came out from Roseburg of W. J. Fiippen. Jan. 8 1895, next two terms at least he is sure of the financial relief when with our ballots Office—At Residence intersection of Me­ and the necesaarv sluice boxre for wash­ last week to visit her mother, Mrs. H. H. sjt Estate n fell, 2. eczema, itch, a l eruptions on the face, 50c. Druggists or by mail. FLY BROtj., 66 Warren St., N.Y, will probably save $500) a year under the house. Number of days on which .01 or more prerent hands, nose. owers are possessed liy no other million families, through unjust class vaavai arm I Remarks: the old fee system although there isn ’ t so pADI rlpQ i temp, for November has twice been higher much in the’offi -e of sheriff and clerk as pedition and, we are g:ad to say, was very remedy. Ask your druggist for S waynz ’ s laws, of their homes, Lut ’twere bettei successful. ■ r»IBL«vllw an limbs on the tree, both men escaped un­ two of our most successful teachers, have tle browed man, with curly black hair, primary? As reform Democrats we are (Between tsh and 7th Sts.) i injured. returned home from Sam's Valiev, where mustache and side whiskers. He is certainly noither gaining in numbers Co »nd l,»rn how wonderfully you Representative-elect S. M. Nealon ha< they have been teaching. The former in somewhat stilted iu manner and has nor influence. But what besides a few are made and how to avoid ricknes» Jackson Go, Oregon « ust finished painting his new residence on McClendon Distriot. the latter at Chapar­ ‘-n«J disease. Mu-sum enlarged with offices for a few of our leaders can we been composing for 85 years. > tiiou-auda of new object a Aduna- lis Sams valley farm. Mr. Nealon is al­ ral and each gave the best of satisfaction. ever expect from the Democratic party »ion 23 cm . ways noted for doing the right thing at the James I’ue while plowing on David Frivate Office—*anie Hulldiug if even wo could control it for the next REAL right time. His farm and family have Cincaids ESTATE AENT, A first-elass parlor piano, of reputabl* IO31 nitilket Street— Lnscases ol men: farm a few days ago. met with an quarter of a century? Whence, when or needed that new home for some time and stricture, loea of manhood, diaeaaes of the •'■in accident. His horses became frightened manufacture, brand new; took first prj»< NOTARY PUBLIC and bad Mr. Nealon built it after going to the and kidney« q'.ii< k!y cured without »he use of racr- ran uwav. dragging the driver and th- world’s fair. For sale or will trade on a how could the much needed relief come? legislature in place of before his friends and •mry- 'IréatmeuS personal!) or by letter. Senti From 6uch a source relief never will COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS plow with them. Mr Pue was injured, deal for town lots; or hay, potatoes nr that Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, out of the great would have had a big joke on him. tor >.c.k. J but, as yet, we have not learned how seri ­ come — nobody expects it to come — but ho28. A good bargain, well worth in ­ Long established and reliable practitioner». number of similar preparations manufac­ AS LISTED a NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up, The Annie Consolidated Mining Com­ ously. vestigation. Inquire at or write R ecord in its stead will come ruin, desolation tured throughout the world, was the only pany, in the Bohemia district, passed into for Sale or Rent. Arthur Smith, who lias been residing in office, Ashland, Oregon. and death. — P. I. Rawl in Cotton Plant. medicine of the kind admitted at the the hands of a receiver, P. 8. Younger, Lake county for several years, is visiting at Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. World’s Fair, Chicago? And why was It who has qualified in the sum of $10,U00 »<> his fathsr’s, J. W. Snath's. His many HQ A that, in spite of the united efforts of the hold the mine intact. Owing to the fact of f»¡ends and relatives are well pleased to QUARTZ AND; PLACER MINES manufacturers of other preparations, the indebtedness which they were unable to welcome hint in their inid-t once more. J. meet from the free gold taken out, the own­ W. Smith was delighted with a very fine As Silver and Real Estate are both at a very low ebb now is the time for home decision of the World’s Fair Directors was ers are arranging to enlarge the plant suit seekers to get bargains, as I will take silver in exchange. Call on or address me for nob reversed? able for ttie grade of ores; al-o to pay off rifle, which was presented him by bis son. further particulars. The meeting of the Mound Literary So­ all laborers about January 20th, and start BECAUSE ciety. Nov. 24, was greatly enjoyed by all tip in full operation. prerent. The recitations, dialogues and According to R ule 15— »Article« ® Scott’s Emulsion has been_ endorsed by physicians of the (Northern Pacific R. B. C., Lessees.) W. E. Guthrie, of Cheyene, Wvo , has song.« were exceptionally good, but the — F O H----- that are in any way dangerous or o purchased the cattle of A. P. Weiler and principal feature of the evening was the o whole world. There is no secret about its ingredients. offensive, also patent medicines, others in Powder valley,and will feed about debate "Resolved that City Life is Prefer- nostrums, and empirical prepara­ o b 500 head at the Jonathan Parker place; l-.e • able to Country Life.’- witli Nellie Roberts o Physicians prescribe tions, whose ingredients are con­ o will also feed 500 head at Durkee. These leader on the negative side and Alfred Fish LATEST TIME CARD PEST 13 ’ÏSTR Tyonx-B« cattle will be shipped to the Omaha market on the affirmative. It was decide lb.- the cealed, will not be admitted to the 8 ÎÎ3T7T o’J-i’.ltiesaî & r nearpasard, a/tdpHÿ aliout- March 1. E. M. Gib'on has Exposition,” and, therefore— judges. Will Gregory. Janies Owens and o *;'tAÊl£.3iân7 t*VQ bc~ í’.*»y he? Lrttrii». TT gw purchased about 1600 bead in Wallowa, ■ Charley Adams, in favor of the negative. jtlbcted by ì’.ciit. Cl i-’1.’ TXlfcs L ’ Became Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Is not a o Two Through Trains Daily. Grand Romle and Powder valleys, and will o “ Ax O ld M aid , ” £ BT AT.E^SGFNiauLT/xA Jy;* patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not oi feed the coming winter. In Powder valley a secret preparation. o about 500 head will be fed at Wesley because they know what great nourishing end curative prop ­ Specimen Cases. jI Parker’s, near North Powder. 'l RAINING, Fresco Puintfng, Calsomin- Became its proprietors had nothing to o 12.05 p m Lv Minneapolis.Ar 4.00 P ni 8. II. Clifford. New C »■‘‘sei, Wis., was o I erties it contains. They know it is what it L represented X ing. Church lteeorating,.Paper Hang­ 1.45 p in Lv...St. Paul...Ar 3.40 P n> conceal when questioned as to the for­ o Every person in the employ of W. L troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, ing and Carriage Painting, go to o Lv....Duluth.. .Ar to bo ; namely, a perfect emulsion of tho best Norway God­ mula from which it Is compounded. hi- Stomach was disordered, his Liver was Douglass, who runs the great shoo fac ­ o Lv...Ashland...Ar affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell tories at Brockton. Massachusetts has Because It is all that it is claimed to be o liver Oil with the hypophosphites of limo and soda. Successor to Uictoi n the 12th of November. Newspaper standing. Used three bottles of Electric 7 15 p ni Lv... Ashland... Ar 8 15 P m L. LARSEN &, CO. people all over the union know Mr Bitters and seven bpxes of Bucklen’s Arni­ O 10 05 a nt Ar...Chicago ...Lv 5 00 P in entire world. The only genuine Scott’s Emulsion is put in salmon- o T ZELA. 1ST SFE YL. Douglass to be one of the most liberal ca Salve, ttinl bis leg is sound and well. i o Speaker, Catawba. O . had five large colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutos ! i advertisers in America, and are not John Tickets sold a-d baggage checked through o Fever s.>res oil his leg; doctors said he wa» PasKcnjjer Coaches to Every Train. JOB YT^IJSTTIJSTG- surprised at Lis philanthropic course o Send for pamphlet on Scutl's Emulsion. I RLE. to all points in the United States and Can­ incurable. One buttle Electric Bitters and towards his employees. ada. 3Jt^.FreigLt moved about town at rates one lsrx Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him o Scott & Downs, N. Y. AU Druggists. 50 cents end SI, Admitted for Exhibition • o PRIVES TO SUIT YOU Close connection made in Chicago with Parks’ Tea clears tne complexion. Mrs entirely, bold by Ashland Drug Co. LO ER TH AN ANY ONE ELSE. o all trains go ng East and South. N. Meyette. of Le Roy, N. Y., says: “I AT THE WORLD’S FAIR o A few choice Poland China pigs for _ _ i Fire wood of all kinds delivered For full information sod I v to vour near .have tried Parks* Tea and find it the best Çhan^ed |4ands ! Baking HOTEL Rounder Manifold Disorders OREGON ABSOLUTELY PURE Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day Professional Cards ASJ1L/IND MILLS J SELDOM EQUALED,NEVER EXCELLED A JACOBS & VIRGIN, Prop s MERCHANT TAILOR Opposite HOTEL OREGON FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF _______ Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To HOWELL & CONWAY, i BÖOT .na SHOEMAKERS, Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS AMMUNITION. CUTLERY N MRS. E. IL CHRISTIAN DRESSMAKING H. S. EVANS,ASHLAND OR PAINTING, PAPERING. n ETC GOLD HILL Why Was It H A For Twenty Years LINES. ■1 ' ßI í à & & l B R E AS It Scott’s Emulsion PAINTING H. J. HICKS. C L. LARSEN & CO IWXfiER&FREWHT L Ayer’sAXSarsaparilla 'V •j .suie at ipflUff B.G. JB. V, NiH CknrllagW JMiilti wt WW tboir UKBbJy. |wb»rs In • X *, V . • 9» prh». Kt tha Reoord Office