Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1894)
«•«U M«a. wtrt VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD -------- TUB FINEST-------- PLA.IN AND PRI IST TI IST O’. I MONOPOLY PlilCES, NO flEP“ iivo ub your order for Letter heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu- ars. Etc SSctx. 60c island $1.00 por Bottle; Clue cent a dose. ____ ____ __ ___ ___ _____ promptly cura Tnis OaiiiT C ough where all otbera foil. Couffmi, Croup. Sere Throat, Hoarssncss, Whooping Cough and Asthma. Fur Cor.tuxnption It hna no rival? has cured thousands, and will cumi YOU ir taken in time. Bold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lame Baek or Chest, use SHILOH 3 BELLADONNA PLASTKRXoc. I LOH’S CATARRH REMEDY. I VOL. VII kuhli's Kich Mine, Jacksonville Or., Oct. 27.—A much I richer prospect has been developed this i week in the quartz lodge owned by Wat- ! son, Kubli A Knight, on Galls creek, 13 ■ i miles north of Jacksonville. The tunnel is now run in 110 feet, and is 145 foot below the surface of tho mountain. The quartz taken this week from that depth, it is roughly estimated, will reach $2000 to the ton. Judging from the crude method of mortar prospect, this is, un- I questionably, the richest strike ever I made in the county. Hundreds of men are prospecting in this county, and fine i prospects are being reported from all di rections. A number of reputed capital ists are now in Jacksonville looking for investments in mining properties, and some sales have been made this week, but are not yet on record. The early rain promises a prosperous mining and farming season that indicates continued prosperity for this favored section. Ek III nil« Abbott. ,-h ? Th la remedy la guaran Gust Ekland, of the railroad forces at teed to cure you. Frice»60ct3. Injector free. Diinsniuir, was married Sunday at noon Sold by Ashland Drug Company. at the home of the bride, the residence of John W. Abbott, on Wagner creek, to Miss Emma Abbott, a sweet and amiable young lady, Rev. E. E. Thompson tying the nuptial knot. After the wedding dinner the bridal party came to Ashland JŸ c- CAÎJDWELL, and on Monday left for their new home in Dunsmuir, with the best wishes of MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE many friends. DENTIST. The S. 1’. Wants a Coal Mine. Chase Combination Dental Plates made Mr. Reynolds, an expert sent out to with G< Id and Aluminum Roofs. Gold F ilings inserted in Porcelain Teeth find a coal mine for the 8. P. R. R. Co., visited Douglas county and thorougly ex o perfi cc appearance. Gold Crown and Contour work a specialty. amined the country along the coast Office over the Bunk. range. In French Settlement, on J. M . Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 Wrght’s place, be found a fine quality of a. id . and 1 to5p, m. coal which he seems to think is worth looking after as he has bonded ths place D. BKOWEIt M. 1). for a period of two months, during which time the property will be thoroughly prospected. They will bring up a bor PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, ing machine and sink a shaft to ascer O regon . tain the extent of the vein. The price A shland , Mr. Wright is to receive, if everything kz ... v «—v.«.. *8 satisfactory, is $10,000. It may mean Office Ganiards Opera «.»»»». House. Residence Mechanic and Laurel Street* a branch railroad and lot of work and -------------------------------------------------- ------- | business for this county.—[Roseburg Review. ___ J Li. WOOD. ~ ’ TYt/M'TAT wrrur’K’nw I Friday George,ex-superintendent of the DENIAL bUKtxEON. | Mt. Shnsta division, but of late conduct- A shland : : : OnatiON 'nit a sarv-rnil! east of Mott, in Squaw i vailev, left his mill recently, owing his ALL .MANNER of metal and rubber bands hundreds of dollars and their plates made in the latest approved [ families in almost destitute circumstau- ntethods. 'ces. It was believed ho had left the (»old and porcelam crowns and bridge try ( t f ( ( g Francigc0 work a specialty. All work warranted to i , J’.. , give perfect satisfaction. Low prices. and collecting up all the money he Office in Odd Fellows’bnilding, up stairs. I could get, he made an assignment, liabilities $51,000; assets $0000. The • mill and lands belong to his father-in- I Professional Cards ASHLAND, l’BINHEI) BIUCKS Central Point now hue a tire alarm bell. James Dyer was viaiting Big Butte relatayee last week. The M. E. church at Central Point is to have a new parsonage. Reuben Rhodes has bought C. E. Nin- inger’a Talent place for $3000. Chris, and Al. Beale, ot Big Butte, went to Klamath county last week. Jack Wright, ex-foreman ot tho Ash land mine, has gone to Sacramento. E. J. Storv, of Eagle Point, in a fortnight to visit home in England. Joe Hockersmitb last week shipped seven car loada of beef to San Francisco. A. Z. Hiunmersley and family of Lake countv have moved to Gold Hill for the winter. T. H. B. Taylor, the sage and poet of Woodville, has returned from a trip to New York. Mrs. W. E. Jacobs returned Sunday from her visit with her mother at Puy allup, Wash. Grandma Dyer lias returned to Riddle, from a visit with relatives at Modford and Grants Pass. Miss Ora Adkins, of Medford, attend ed the Oregon Baptist conyention ut Portland last week. H. L. Walters and wife of Portland, and Miss Bertha Walters of Eugene, re turned home Monday. R. E. Drum, the postmaster and farmer at Table Rock, leaves soon for Arizona for Ins health. R. II. Whitehead, the Medford capi talist, is in Umatilla county raking off the interest on his mortgages. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. VALLEY RECORD. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. NOVEMBER 1 NO. 25. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One year.............................. ...................... $2 50 Six months ....................... .. 1 to Three months .................. ................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. County Sunday School Convention. Medford, Or., 26—The Jackson countv Sunday School convention has been in session in this city for the paBt two davs. and has been largely attended, every Sunday school in the county be ing represented. The sessions yester day and today were well attended and much interest was mrnifested in the work. At today’s meeting, several pa pers were read, among them bring “Our Relation to the State and Nation,” by by the Rev. W, B. Moore, of Jackson ville. and “Next Sunday’s Lesson,” bv J R. E»ford, of Melfor.l. “Normal Work,” was the subject presented bv Mr. G F. Billings, of Ashland, and was illustrated in a very clear manner. Among the prominent visitors were the Rev. S. S. Caldwell, Presbyterian Sun day school inissonary, and F. T. Down ing, of the American School Union, who spoke highly of tho interest show n bv the people of Jackson county in this work. Tho new officers elected are: President, Rev. F. G. Strange, of Ash land; vice president, Mrs. E. P. Childs, Mrs. A. A. Kellogg and Mrs. Chas. F »s ter; secretary, Mrs. W. J. Plymale; treasurer, Mrs. G. IL Haskins. Next meeting place, Central Point, Oct. land 2, 1895. A vote of thanks was extended the citizens of Medford. The report of the secretary for the past year showed a total of 33 Sunday schools, w ith a mem bership of 2200 in Jackson county. HOTEL 'T5HE official reports ' show that no baking powder received an award over the Royal at the Chi cago World’s Fair. The Famous Hostelry of Southern Orison Under the Management of The judge of awards on baking powder writes that the claim by another company to have received the highest award is false; that no such award was given to it. The Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest baking powder made, and has received the highest award at the Great International Expositions and World’s Fairs wher ever exhibited in competition with others. It makes the finest, lightest, sweet est, most wholesGirc bread, cake and pastry. More economical than any other leavening agent. :o.‘ — :o: From Eagle Point to Lakeview, :o: — Thinking some of our kind friends would like to know about our I rip, I thought your valuable paper a good me ilium of distribution, I therefore send you Fresh Eastern Oysters, T the following: On Monday, Oct. 7th, about 10:15 tt. m.t Sauce, Price 50 Cents. we dimed into our hack and bid good-bye to the friends gathered at our gate and drove away. We took dinner with Brother L. E. Land, whose wife had prepared ex ccedingly line, repast to which we did justice. After about 2p. m. we proceeded Milt. Reynolds’s eight-year-old boy, on our journey bringing up at lte, . Ira Ed., had his right arm broken while Wakefield’s a little after 5 p. m. who told scudling on the Merlin school play I us to alight, unhitch and unharness our mule< and be entertained for the night. ground. Tuesday morning at 8:05 we were again The O. P. is now being operated at a seated and holding the strings of our profit, the receipts for the month of Sep- mules facing toward Ashland, where we temper being $4,10 more than the dis a*tended to some business and pushed on to Mr. Homes, where we were nicely en bursements. tertained and given some fine ap|4es ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-VOFT.G ’f|ffk Rev, N. S. Buckner last week moved which quenched our thirst many times his wile and family by private convey while on the road in the dust, and few of ance to Roseburg, where he is pastor of which we have left. A little after 2 p. m. we started after buying a bushel of oats of the M. E. church. Mr. Foster passing Mr. Shepherd's, with whom we had an acquaintace and after a Peter Applegate, of Central Point, has SHF. PUZZLES THE DOCTORS. Iron In I’ha/niacy. been appointed a deputy U. 8, mineral few minutes chat we jogged on to Mr, The pharmacopæia has long recom surveyor bv Arnold, the new surveyor Tylers, at the foot of the mountain, where A "¡Remarkable Serie» of Transitions of Con, they were butchering, not a chicken but a mended iron wire as j material for iron general of Oregon. dition» In a Missouri Girl. beef, leaving somewhat weary wo proce*^. A Btrango case that is attracting the preparations. Musical v/;re, being stc 1, ed to ask permition lo camp for the night Chapman Galt run eight tons of ore , from Geo. Schumpf’a Willow Spring’« | and being answered in tho ttffiru>'ttive8we attention of and puzzling the local doc and then foro pure, is al so often applied ledge through the Luckey Burt mill alit and Rot «upper and W-Jllt to bed. tor.» of Kansas City is that of Lillian and yields sufficient ly pure pitpara- Mornin..'. bright and «dear , wu Marte.l our tions. More lately there havo been rec- HIC3-H & STORY. which went $8 per ton. climb getting dinm- at Nay|„r'rt wc Miller, a girl of 11 years, who has un Fort Klamath zVllottcd. brought up atl*iKers for the "night, at dergone a most remarkable change with onnneiu'.e I for tho purpose soft st sol Hufler$ Beekman on their Jackson Jesse Kirk, the Indian preacher, is creek drilling.; being cheaper, purer ai/d ledge realised $108 from 8-lbs. of whichace y,e fared very nicely. Cold in the past year. About a year ago Lil one of the luckiest Indians on the reser ¿¿Z concentrates run through the Selby Co.’s anu frosty this a. m. we continued our lian was a slight girl, of extreme nerv not so difficult to disolve as wire), vation in the selection of his lands by smelters in San Francisco. jburney, taking dinner at Spencer Creek. ous disposition. Sho had a fainting fit which, by the various proctivi s of forg Clodding along we reached almost Klam- allotment. Ho secured the site of old ing, hammering, rolling r.ud final draw ath Falls stopping with Mrs. Lewis over . t that time which tho attending phy Horses are cheap in Malheur county. I Fore Klamath, one of the most pirtur- ing, become denser and harder. | esque spots in Oregon, and under more Willia n Jones and John Lackey bought night ami in the morning one of the for sician attributed to nervousness. From Tho more i 'ipnro an iron the quid things met us -our bill. But we that timo on the fainting spells grew i favorable conditions it might become about 1,100 head from A. Sutton last' midable had the lucre and shelled out and proceed it will di? solve, but the same pioce I one of the most famous summer resorts week lor $2,000, less than $2 pey bead. ed to town, when, in the good hands of Mr. frequent until finally they took tho iron or s:;evl will more raj.idly dissolve on the coast. Within an hour’s drive Loretus Van Horn ami children and Fountain, we found our old, respected form of convulsions, and with this the less it has undergone tho mechan of his domain can bo found the finest friend Prof. Parrot, who is an artist and change camo ono that was wonderful to ' fishing on this slope, deer hunting and Miss Purna Mooniaw left Monday for spoke words of encouragement ami n degree. ical treatments in qv.e tion. Thu.-, if i wild fowl shooting. Fort Klamath is a Glendale, Arizona, where Mrs. John cheered us on our way. We hud scarcely Tho child, when out of tho convul the immense amount of mechanical la Van Horn was reported dying with fever. got out of town when we looked ahead and | sportsman’s paradise. The bqidings, in- bor be considered to which an iron or ! eluding tho hospital, officers’ quarters Mra. Alice Sargent, wife of Lieut. II. saw a team headed toward us. Of course sions, complained of much pain and i »¿ool bar is subjected in rodneing its no one we knew, A girl in black hat, noted as a child of her ago would natura and barracks are not included in his II. Sargent of Ft. Bowie, Arizona, is clothes and wore glasses; a young man in diameter to that wire, i‘ i ; argmd l a/.t I allotment, as they have already been pavi )g Southern Oregon relatives a the seat with her. Hush I Bee if thev know ly. During tho convulsions and imme ' given to the tribe, and the lumber is be- vist. the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. L. us. How are you. Gladias, and Charley ? diately al ter she appeared to become an poft steel drillings, shavings and turn ! ing gradually carted away for the im Alfcrd of Medford. When the spry old lady in behind jumped other pen'oij. Sho took on tho appear ings deserve prei’erenco. In ;; word, the turnings and drillings of axh-s ami steel out. grasping our hands warmly proved SHAVING * * provement of their ranches. The Secre- Mrs. O. Coolidge was at Wagner creek to be Mrs. Thomas. A kind word and we ance of a very old woman m speech and boiler plate, which can bo obtained at AND i tary’s order, allowing tho allotment of Monday, attending the 31st wedding i./inner. I lie. would converse as an old pass on to Baxter Grigsby ’ s where we • * HAIRDRESSING the Fort Klamath site to the Indices, is ar iversary of Mr. i4id Mrs. J. E. Fuss partook of an elegant dinner and had one woman and give advice to those around o.ny steel works of imic.hino shop, are | a sore disappointment to the National ami the u7lh birthday of Mrs. Foss’s of those indomitable fellows, an insurance lmr. Sho claimed to bo 99 years old and ranked among the purest brands < f iron, PARLORS. Gnard officers of the state, who wanted nuther, Mrs. Wilkerson. agent, in the person of Mr. Presier to liven .Id not. know those of the family who in tho clu niii-al sense of the word. it set aside for annual encampment us up ami help plough some of the Aeoording tu exports it may bu con Opposite Piaza. , grounds Petitions for the pardon of Nobby- dust out of our throats. Pressing on we y. ero with her. This peculiar condition sidered a practical rule that any brand Martin and Frank Youmans, who have came to Dairy where we met Mr. Donnell, lasts for an hour or so, and then sho re Local Agents Albany Steam Laundry. of steel capable, of making good iixlo or Poor Digestion served about a year in the penitentiary, whose magpie laughed and talked for us. turns to her normal condition. Those i Leads to nervousness, fretfulness, peevish will be presented to Gov. Pennoyer this Night finds us at Mrs, Nve Drews, All is changes have become frequent until boiler plate will also yield pure prépara J ohn C onway I ness, chronic Dyspepsia and a great misery. week by relatives of the parties. bustle and stir, school exhibition. Oh! M. H. H owell . tions on di. solving.—Medical Journal. and we are introduced to Miss Waters and now sho about equally divides her time l i Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy. It between the two conditions. tones the stomach, creates an appetite, and Mr. Breese. Going to the place of exhibit Spccimeu Cases. Beginning today J. A. Louden, the gives a relish to food. It makes pure blood contractor, will supply Watkins post-' we were tucked in behind, and lo! the Another st ran go feature of the case S. 11. Cliflord, New ('asset. Wis., was and gives healthy action to all the organs office with mail twice a week, to leave ‘ violin in a blanket to keep it warm is placed is tho fact that while sho is in her nor troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, in our hands for safe keeping and after the of the body. Take Hood's for Hood’s Herling on Mondays and Fridays ami exhibition is over, we find we have actual mal condition sho eats very little and his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was Sarsaparilla'Cures. leaves Watkins on Tuesdays and Satur- ly carried the violin for a dance. Poor dog apparently has no appetite. When she affected to nn alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in tlesli Hood's Pills become the favorite days. ..I Tray. The morning finds us away for Blv takes on tho secondary condition, she and strength. Three bottles of Electric cathartic with every oue who tries them, 25c and first we meet about 500 beef cattle for Bishop Morris and Rev. T. N. Wilson I Gazelle, and then came three little “in- eats heartily, and during tho last three Bitters cured him. Idst ol’ Bettors Edward Shepherd. Harrisburg. Ill., had conducted Episcopal services in Ash juns” arriving at “Dick Brown’s ' (Indian) months has grown to the stature and T1IE Old) STAND, OPPOSITE MYER'S si running sore on his leg of eight years Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland land Sunday. Rev. Mr. Wilson in tor dinner ami at night fetched up at Mr. development of a womr.u. While she is standing. Used three bottle* of Electric ’ P. O., Oct. 29, 1804: HARDWARE STORE. forms us that the arrangements have Wells', where we were royally entertained. in tho condition of an old woman she Bitters and seven boxes of Buck leu’s Arni- , Bridwell, Mrs. M. H. Bernard, Mr. A. F. been made for the completion of their A slight innovation occurred here. Mr. pays sho is without pain and is perfectly < a Salve, and his leg is sound and xvel!. I Boid, Mr. Jno, (2) Dyer, Mr. J. H. Wells thought we had better put our hack BOOTS <3c SHOES now church building in Ashland soon. John Speaker, Catawba, <)., had five large | Hareklns, Gaorge Hubbs, Frank in J aid by it self, as his Jack mules had an well. She says she knows of no out Fever sores on his leg; doctors said he was Wm. Knox while roturnii.g to his j ' averson to preachers’ things and be, Mr. who is named Lillian Miller, but insists incurable. Manzy, ____ ,,,___ Mr. O’Donnell, Mr. F. -------- TUAT FIT YOU------- One bottle Electric Bitters and Templeton, Mr. Hosea home on Applegate, from Grants Pass ( W., did not care to replace them for fun. that she is very old. Sho uses language •one box Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him j | Sunday morning we start for our last drive Wednesday evening of last week, was Persons calling for same will please say •entirety. ¿Old by AAhlhnd Drug Co. MADETO ORDER and recites poetry far beyond the abili “advertised.” W. H B rvxk , P. M. held-up at a point near where his broth- j naming through the ‘ Devils Garden,” a .-ELY’S CiRAM BALM -Clear, o« »’»gœL AT LOWEST LIVING KATES. er Fred was beld-up a few weeks before, I ' fitting place to pass on Sunday. We broke ty of a little girl. When a man wants to sell a piece o' SPfebsatfes, jxiiuya Pain and. Inflamiui Xion, . Elocution Class. 1 a buggy spring there, but reached our des Drs. C. D. and Park McDonald, her lithe üores, Restores Toute and Smeli azu. Litres^ by two masked highway-men who rob- , tination in safety taking lunch at Mr. Prof. O. H. Roberts, the California bed him of $24. attending physicians, are well known, property to the, government, it is worth Howard s, R ichard F vsh , EW WORK A SPECIALTY. Re elocutionist, has organized a class in 4300.000. But when tho government _______________ Lakeview, Ore and they have had in consultation with pairing neatly done. Half-Soling, i Ashland and is meeting with good suc Mr. Hukell, of Talent and Joe Kelley, • them Dr. J. Drunimol J jiies, who makes wants to sell it back to him again it is men’s75 cents, ladies 50 cents. cess in imparting the art to his pupils. the section foreman have bought the ■ It appears that the ousting of Mrs. a study of nervous and mental diseases. not worth more than $20,000. Tdere is no finer study than the art of building and site and will buy the tools ! : County Superintendent Mav, in Tilla Tho parents aro anxious that tho scien •Gives Kellef at er»; • for Cold it - - JBo/ttxsi - talking and acting properly and the of the Geo. F. Merriman blacksmith ' mook county, was accomplished by an Aprty intn ¡he. Ni xf'-i'it. -- ft iê (pti'' tiff si L tific world may investigate tho case«— One sad ofTcct of tho war in the cast ---- rj,tr or by in- 1. ELY BROS., üJ V/àrrea Any Hour—Hot and Cold Water on Tap I training given by Prof. Roberts will shop at Medford. George expects to be action in the state circuit court, which I never be forgotten, ot. Louis Globe-Democrat. appointed warden of the Oregon peni eventuated in a decision that she could would be that for a long time we could I tentiary’ in January. not hold the office under the constitu not get any more Japanese bamboo fur IT I Mrs. W. IT. Atkinson, Mrs. Blakeman Tho American Beauty owes her prestige Portland is to have a fair, it having tional provision that officials must be more to a clear complexion than to any niture or China f illo. and W. B, Mosher leave next week to electors. Since that the county court been decided to move tho Tacoma ex other attribute. A cup of Paiks’ Tea will visit their old home in Wisconsin. Mr. Moore, the postmaster at Brad.'haw, hibits over and place them in the big ex- declare«! the office vacant, and fins ap- enable anyone to possess this. It clears I pointed Lester Smith to the vacancy, 1IAS MOVED HEI! the skin and removes pimples and that sal Va., after reading nn advertiser mt •>! position. Many of these exhibits were 1 i'bamberlain ’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea first shown at the world’s fair, and have j | The decision is said to have been ren low. muddy look. Parks’ Tea is used by Remedy, concluded to try a bottle of it. helped to make a show ar the California . dered by Judge Burnett. There seems thousands of ladies for the complexion. He eaye: ”1 u»ed it in t ro cases of & lie be no disposition to contest the mat- Without Iwing a catbartie it cures consti midwinter fair, as well as the interstate | ’ to and three for diarrhoea with perfect satis ter farther. The Union county case, pation. Sold by E. A. Sherwin. faction. I have handled and used a great fair at Tacoma. however, Contestant Carter informs the deal of patent medicine but never tried any lion DlrlcinHon’8 Exclusive Privilege. Winnifred Lillian, the 4-months old i I Joseph Aurora, will be carried up to the that gave as good resnlts f>' this.-’ “ About the only man who goen on th- sale by Ashland Drug Company. '______ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Walter, | I supreme court. floor of the li< uwwho hasno right t!: f n died last Thursday at Portland and was I A man’s conduct is an unspoken aor- Next Door North of Opera LISTED A NUMBER OF SMAI-L AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up, In ancient rolled book:: the title I buried in the Ashland cemetery Sunday | i mon. in Don Di-k*n on. The mnn from Mi. hi -«ale or Rent. written in rod on a pice ■ of vellum afternoon, the funeral taking place from gau han never been in ccngr .'S and ha. Throe house.*? ami lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business Hands. House Block, Tho gulden age is not behind but bo- the resilience of the grand parents, the ! no right to mingle with mcmUrs <■: pasted on the patside of the volume J. H. Russell home, Rev. F. G. Strauge j I fore us. Tho process of bookmaking has from QUAKTZ AND PLACER MINES tho floor daring tlio Kessiou. But the conducting tho religious services. A happy fireside is better than n big doarkcopcm pay no attention when he time immemorial been so cheap in China Where she will be pleased A. Silver nn<l Kenl E’tHto nrc b<ith nt n very low ebb now is the tin ■■ for home hank account. walk« in, and it may be that, they re that a book of 25 or 80 pages is rarely seeker* io K>*t ! »r>.’iuns, io> I »ill take silver in exchange. Call on or addiess me for Ed. E. Keeley, editor of tho Dramatic to see her old friends and Of all combats, tho sorest is to con Star, of Seattle and manager of the Star gard him aa n personal representative of sold for more than a cent. luriber pnriienliirs. patrons. theartre circuit on the sound, was stop quer ourselves. Mr. Clevelimd. No one on the (ibo: Several books of tho second and third ping at Hotel Oregon several davs last The hor.oGt man never stops to in makes a formal objection to his pr< s- centuries have leaden leaves. Ono such, | week, accompanied by bis wife and little onco, so he stays. If ary cangressnmu in tho British museum, has six leaden quire if honesty pays. girl, Edna Keeley, who gave a matinee lx. jLr. Ji vy iJXY vs, anj GOvernnienf Lan(j Locator DR. JORDAN & CO.’S Sick and Nervous Though thou hast never so many coun should object, tho doorkeepers v.i.nld leaves, with hinges and a clasp. to a large audience in the opera bouse have to do their duty and refuse him , selors, yet do not forsako the counsel of Many early boohs bad no titlo pages, Saturday afternoon. She is a very GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY WIMER OI^EG-OISr. ■.(i in i t ran < •« •. — Boston Advcrtiser. clever dancer, a sweet little girl and the ihy own soul. but in tho center of the first page ap- lUftl Market St., San Francisco best child actress on the stage. A first-class p trior piano for sale cheap. AVING gnineda cornptc knew ledge of the lay of the land in this country by nc- pvaA il a short paragraph • tting forth (Between 6th and 7th Sts.) 3 A man who puts off his enjoyment tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking informa lhe tue character and contents of tho work. Go and learn how wonderfully j on too long will find it mialaid by the timo Inquire at this office. The famous comedian Ezra Kendall, best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. are made and how to avoid aickneM You may be easily and qulckiy cv red comes to the opera house next Friday he goes to get it and dif»civw. Mu-euni enlarged with by taking * thousands of new objects. Admit- night and will present his laughing Modesty is to merit what shading is sion 25 eta. comedy. “A Pair oi Kids.” Mr. Ken to a figure in a picture. It makes it Private Office—same Ilulirting dall has a company of twelve first-class stand out m strong relief. 1051 Jlurkct Street Diseases of men*. | actors and actressess, and his play is ac- Stricture, lob* » I manhood, diseases of the «kin The wealth of a ninn is the number of and kidneys <jui< kly cured without the use ot mcr- I knowledged to be one of the funniest •jury. Treatment personally or by letter. Semi 7T | ever seen. He has played it for ten years i things which he loves and blesses, which Cur book. 10 ft , in the East and is now making his fl I st i ho i > love d and blessed by. Practical Blacksmiths, !•< TME WORLD, Long established and reliable practitioners. "I have been a victim of terri o o ! Western trip and is en route to Cali* Ilnxv-arfn /'n; : l unnurp.L^.Kl, actu-.’iy No true work siuoe tho world began Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, (renerai Debility and ble headache.'*, and have never o CUtlammpr two b* •» of nay ' * r.or brar. I. Nc# xparlenceJ Horneshoers. effected fornia. was ever wasted; no true life sinco the LgheuU Í«T O m . á 1 ¿ fviind anything to relieve them o all forms of Emaciation are speedily cured by FORRALE BY ti' ALEP.SGENEPILLY.fyr so quicklv a» Aver’s Pills. Since o Oscar LnfTtus and wife came in from world began has over fnlletL o I la-gan taking this medicine, the Ashland Sunday. Mrs. Lafftua is con- It is not so much the being exempt attacks have become less and o siderably improved in health. Thev from faults aii the having ovtrcoiae • less frequent, until, at present, o will return to Ashland in a week or so. them that is an advant.ige tn us. o months have passed since I o »5. CORDOVAN, and mav return to Lake for the winter. have had one.”—C. F. N e ' vjias , • F PINO.a E VW SUED CALF. Taubcneck s Expert mi ions. Dr. E. Von H »««locker cime over from o Dug Spur, Va. *4‘J.yF!NECALt;&KMiilMai Ashland with Oscar Lofftus. He is if. i Chairman Tauhenevk, of U c Populist o Consumptives always fln<l great relief bv f »J.sPFOUCE.3 S oles . poor health and thought a trip to Lake Congressional C «mnai/n (" ‘‘Having used Ayer’s Pillswith o consumption is often cured. l>o other nouri»:. county would prove beneficial. He will upects the populists tn <1 great success for dyspepsia, from o <2V’S™SS"»t TJTfr ? Q probably’ be here several weeks.—(Lake 11 ?ure in the approachin g which I suffered for years, I re o o strength so quickly and effectively. He Said to a newspaper e*»t solved never to be without them o view Examiner. ♦2?1.7A B oys S ciocl S fces . in my household. They are in o recently that they have RJ'J uamlidatcs I Weak Babiec and Thin i •LADIES- Major D. G. Waldron, who brought for Congress in th»* fi-Id. Which, he deed effective." — Mrs. S allik o i’S2--B2ESTO0NC0L4. o out the famous Allegbanian Vocalist* said, was a greater 1 nn than I Mouuts. 125 Willow St., Phila o ore made strong and robust by and Swiss Beli Ringers, and was their either of the old polios had SEND FOR CATALOGUE o delphia, 1’a. nomi-1 o forms of foi>d seem t > 1 i thorn t: I V.’-L-DOU'kLAS, manager for sixte*»o years, presented the nated. They Lav eta!»’ tit kets in everv "I alwavs use Ayer’s Pills, and o DROGKTOH. MASS. Swedish Ladies’ Quartette at the opera State where State* ch- tin- s .ire tn b? The only genuine Sc< it’s Th think thein excellent.”—Mrs. G. o You cun save iti«t>r,_t>x)r«r>-b“’1!>« "■ *•• htnue Saturday exening. Thev gave a held, except in Rhode I*la rd and South I o P. W atrous , Jackson, Fla. ___ colorsj wrapper. Ilefu-o cheap o lto<«v«r.we t Ac l .rtr- "Y .viafaetor«r, ot o( very pleasant entertainment, being fin? Carolina, the Tillman n» v.-m t in the 1 -t n’anufactnrers o a id guarantee ... . > . -• a in tn the th- world, uotl.l, and xuxrantce singers Major Waldron is a very suc democratic parlv in th? latter State mak- ! ’ e/i Scan'i 5« ndJar fa\ o aupin< the iM vainebr .-tupin-i '■ » naire “■*' ' »-id price on cessful manager and anv attraction that ing ti.r nomination of a |'nptt?i»t ticket ' o the bottom, whirl •\ pTt. ct* v. u against high Ali Druptt?ie*3. o I Scott /L Bowne, M. Y tie presents for public favor, can be in • t ’ . c - ia . •* ptoats. Our shoes prices fttid the mi« rk ra stvle, easy fitting: *ad there unntvea^arv. o i iuKDW' ■■ variably relied on. It is reported that equal custom ' • We have them sold every- o Received Highest Awards EK THAN ANY ONE El*h. For Sale by A-bland I r « ’ weartnff aualitte •(-c< for the value given than he has secured the l»ells of the old Swis.- o where al lower pri ike : o »V AT TMI WORLD'! FAIR o of all kind, delivered any IV ' r tute If your Bell Ringer troupe and will organize a ».«».fi.9.AZWJUMÄSAA£S.8W company that leaves San Francisco this The R ecoup gives advertisers most value for their money. I where b> town at lb* loffc.t ..ic*. •Mon. Special SSfmxicl Opposite HOTEL FOB MOST COMPLETE Li ? Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To HOWELL & 10ÄWAY, BOOT Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOV j SS & RANGES, SHOEMAKERS,1 AMMUNITION I N DRESSMAKING PARLORS N HEADACHE? A yers P ills D VOTING H Coughs arsd Colds, JOHNSON & MILLER. W. L. D ouglas S3 SHOE no S^:^ rr Ayer’s Pills ARNOLD & CORDELL. jsr s & ui .